IILLIj niv out are gathered lo witness and Huslck got a the slurl. GRANBY MILL inglon yarder Iwo speed engine, loader and a high rigging enable 11 Is for the yarder engines Unit lhuJMarmion is going lo Ihe Islands, Houming ground are, already being itreiini'i'il. """" it;'!- LONDON, March 1 2. International disarmament bill not the rutting down of service o us lr raider the country defenseless, is the policy of the Labor government a sel forth yesterday in (lie House of Commons by a member of the govern ii i cut. William l.enoh, under secretary for air, in introducing" the air estimate into the lloue of Commons said the demand fur increased niirujrialioii meant not an increase in armament but a decreuse in Die aggregate of the three service. anny. THE PAS RACE navy and air. He declared that 'the Labor party never urged dis. armament fur Oreal llrilaiil Irrespective of what oilier coun tries might do, because that was nut a practical proposition. j , "Inlernalfuual Disarmament is Ihe fiuih ,1'nueirs deelaraion. A Conscr. great recep-.valloii motion, however, calling lion. He had set the pace from rP "Ade.niale protection against Logging Camos al Alice Arm Belnq Prepared Engines Coming from Queen Charlottes On lid way'lo Ihe tjueen Clia'r-lotle Islands to supervise the moving of yarder engines lo Alice Arm, Han Claiinghau', I'1 lug superintendent for Ihe (iran. by Co., arrived in Ihe city yesterday. The Coaslvie Steamship V Marge t'.o.'s steamer Miniiiion .Capl. Hunter, will bring the engine across the straits and up to Alice Arm. I'reparallons for Ihe resunip lion of production at the (Iran-hy .Co.'n .mill at l.arcom Island are now well under way and Ihe mill is already culling lumber for Ihe camps. There mt lo he Iwo camps al Alice Arm one on Hie holly Vardeu track about three miles up from Ihe Arm mid the other on Ihe Kilsault Itiver flats back rrom Abbots-ford Co.'h camn. lallacks by the-stroigesl air force with striking ilitance of the llritlsh shores' vvis defeateel by a vote of 2(V to t'j5. SnON THj OPFNlVOLCANIC ACTIVITY AHinVimllVrl fLlUllOULrt MtJSCOW. March 12. Kxtra. ordinary volcanic activity has been lu progress on Ihe Kamchat ka peninsula for two months. Ihe with warm rains, birth shocks have occurred almost daily. BODIES RECOVERED OASTI.KtlATK. March II. Al 7.2(1 lasl night ltd bodies had' been recovered from the mini ami 20 of them remained uni denlified. POPE APPEALS TO BRITISH Asks premier Ramsay Maodonald to Interoede on Behalf of Cathollo Clergy In Ruesla Six engines will he operated I.O.MXt.V, March 12. 1'opo in Ihe two camps and each 'camp pins, according to the Dally Mail, will be cnulpped with a Wash- ked Premier llamsay Macdon- abl to intercede wnn ine poviei government in behalf of the Catholic clergy imprisoned In llus-sin. It Is learned In governniQii-tu (iiiarlrrs thai M,r, 'Macdonabl is anxious to act on the Papal niuieal hut feels Ihe mailer one H Is estimated that between or such delicacy that he cannot 100 and 125 men will be em- with propriety al this Juncture l'luyi'd In the Oranby Co.'s log- Interpose such a reuuest into the peraUons ut Alice Ann ufia'. h. with Moscow our watchword," declared the Teem of Sli Huskies Made 200 n.tPrj "hut it l not our pur-a 4 Miles In 23 Hours, Finishing ,,)(M. , ,eiBrr the rdunlry de-' Today Ifciisclcs. Disarmament is do- I)Alin PVT)! ARER ;.iralde l.ut ho country ,L ever had UMiyiU KIYifl T,Al Ull UVAAil I Hi TJi QR1V1AN oaMC SECOND i n.. ii.- f.,, jlher away It enu to set." I. Till'. PAS. March 12. Shrl Mr .ttC, u.;iioned that thej llulck piloted hl team of sit imverument wan experimenting) liukW to .victory in the annual .oj, mel . aircraft, tie nn. - leadlng Un field of leu Icmn Pming oven fen years. The letting of Ihe to Ihe local dry dock fur repairs to 11.(1. M.M. steamer Canadian Scot- Kill ha boon confirmed liy ieadrnarler.H at Montreal. A wire to this elTecl wa received at the duck this morning from J. II. I'ilUbury. inabager. who I 'in Vancouver. AT CONSULATE two hundred mile dog derby thai nooncfd Ihat it has been agreed Greek Premier Expressed Re-finlshcd herjc this nioriiinjr al () ,b,ir civil aviation lu the' fleet of Government for.Out- I0.5J. At the clo-c Huslck was Ptirn of a million pound, ex. . rags In Athens that Marted from The l'a al So far as home defense was ATlltfNS. March 12. A bon'ib 1 1 .00 yelerday inornliiv. The roneerneil, by March, JJ5, eight- eiplodeil early today al the en-o'fflelat limo was 23 hours t eeti air siiuailrons would be ready truticc io the ltritih legation, minute, IV second, a new re. oui v )IP 5 ,roxtod within the causing material damage but In. cord for thcc race. t ju-xt fje year. The government Jurfntr im one. lireek official Stepping close on ltuick'itj,ai decided not lo interfere with" believe It was staged to an effort heels wan Tom Crelghton's leant llaldwhi government's pro. to dicred(l Ihe government, ilrlven by Kill Orayson. Allan uru,u ,t f there was an Inter-1 The jireiniep ejprcssetf the 're. MelKiuald was in third place ami national move for the reduction grel of the OreeV government to the olio drivers were strung 4,r armaments I hey would be freclhe f!rillh minister for the out- Ihe three leading drivrr(i0 accept it. tape, local men. Viscount Curxou urged the , crowd of I .Sim persons MI,(. t to rest, content with SPARRING OVER INVESTIGATION Former Accountant Charges Looseness but Admits he Reduced Hold Back to Company MATTER OF BOOKKEEPING VICTORIA, March 12. - The examination of I'.. .1. ltoilcr, formerly railway eouslrueliou accouiilaul for the Coverniuent weaincr nas also ncen unusuai, .....i .1.,, ....i,,,.!,..,! Wiii., rP 11. now nn. 1 ipnoons aiiernauiiK prviiioinl P:irlv. ri.jilon.il Hie proceedings before (laltilier yesterday. Mr. .lustici llOssilei' re iterated the allegations in re gard 1 Ihe looseness of keeping accounts between the (iovern- ineut and the. Northeri) Con strucliou Company in connection with Ihe P.tS.K. A teller was exhibited, written; in December. 1018. by Hossller to Premier Oliver. reciting the conditions objected to aiid asking for an auditor. The Premier promised an Iiinuliy Into the system of accounting but Hossller claimed no Improvement had develop- Counsel for Ihe construclion company put in a leller showing that the chioT engineer in IIHH held back 75,(0u from current account charges against (be (toyi'i'liiuenl until the Hems to which Hossller objected had been adjusted. f fovcrumcnl .counsel adduced ihe fact Dial Hossller had been responsible, for reducing tills drawback lo $25,0110. Hossller explained that he Ihouuhl Proelor, llu chicken glnoer of the railway, had no in lehllon of pulling this into effect and wanted In bind the chief rn-r:ncei 'o M10 1c-scr uuiuunU - BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbOT Wm I -aiaLtflB lludso'a.Maximf rioted inventor of the famous Muxini machine gun and 'Jiigli explosives -is si till very active -at Ihe age of 71: It i said that he is working on a number of new invention that will revolutionize warfare. Indian Moslems Condemn the Action of the Turks in Regard to Caliphate: Hussein no Chavxe lir'.I.IJI, March 12. Moslem opinion here sweepiiigly con demns the action of Muslaplia Ivcnial 111 abolishing Hie Culiphule mid dispossessing the Imperial family al Constantinople. It is fell that the Turks have not only dealt a severe Mow ut Islam but belittled Ihe Indian Moslems. The. action is denounced as n grave insult. King Jlus-eiu's accession to Ihe Caliphate is thought not likely to be accepted in India. The Kgyptinu plan of holding a oiiference of leading Moslems all over the world to elect u Caliph is generally favored here. OBJECTION TO GEORGE GIBB EXPRESS RATE; PASSED AWAY McGeer Says Low Rato In East Scottish Has to be Mado up In This Province OTTAWA, March 12. Low ex-i irs laivs 111 t.n-iu v. .ii 1 1. make il pecessary tor the operating roiii'panies lo apply high rates in British Colunnlda, is the contention, of O. McOeer, . re presenting Uritish Columlbia shiipers in Ihe hearing of an application for' increased rate before the Hoard of Hallway Commissioners today. SEATTLE MAYOR Qets Good fMajorlty In Election wnicn took ria.ee. Tesieraay SMVTTI.H, Marcli isV-Dr. lil.- win Drown was re-eleeled m,ayor at the municiul election here yesterday over Alfred II. I.und. lug, former prosecuting attorney, by if majority of 1,812. The vote for Drown wu 10,75" and for J.umlihg 35,1)17. .Mayor Drown Is Ihe third mail OLD CpUNTRY-FOOTBALL 1 Watchmaker Had Busi ness Here at One Time-Widow and Son The death occurrfd in Auyox on Monday of. (teorge (!ibb, formerly engaged in the watchmaking business in Prince Hu-perl. Deceased passed away af ter an illness of fivo weeks in (libh, survive. Anyox. and son, William PIIII.ADKI.P1IIA. ju Ihe lilslory of Sealtle to -lie, Fire ileslroyed the elected for a second term They; reside at ELEVATOR DESTROYED AT PHILADELPHIA March 12. - Philadelphia; MAK lti 1924 Wkni Vm Want A The Latest In Restaurant. TAXI 99 Up BOSTON GRILL w a hurry Third Avenue. Phone Dest of Food flood Service, Beet Cara and Best Servtot PRINCE RUpERT private Boies for Parly Use. In the City. Rates Reasonable A "Take Her to The Boston." Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL.. XIV,, NO. CI PIU.NCK IlUPKHT, 11.(1, AVEDNEHDAY, MAHCII 12, 11)24. VoUrdty't Circulation 1B6S SirMt Salt PRJCE FIVE CENT8. coud afford, to." Bring 300,000 iiin an vir arc i.ffiii..l Ii, fiiiniiff. ' vi. i.i;... h.ui i-i.iin locaiion, men lurning uue Wis sstrset ist. uiai niuiv necessary. SUi llfiirv Iti fiirlnrsl lii nmli.'t railway and because by supporting "il you may reduce your taxes, me .nyox uospoa. ne lunerai. ,on(, luU f u ,s a mU a it is understood, wdl Jake place an( a ,, aogelher 1 have no at Ihat place under Masonic doiW of lll(J ruture auspices. . I . . The late Mr. Oihb was about nil years of age and was a native 'of Scotland. For many years he followed his trade in Kdinburgh, coming lo Prince Huperf nhqu? I Iwo years ago. lie had a stand NO LIQUOR FOR PICNIC OR HUNTING PARTIES measure was defealcd by an over. whelming majority. J. A. Helanger, one o? Prince 1 POUCY OF LABOR GOVERNMENT DEPOSITION OF CALIPH AT CONSTANTINOPLE STIRS INDIAN MOHAMMEDANS Labor Government in Britain Will Keep up Defense Force and is Sustained by Commons RUSSICK WON t ' f it f MONTREAL CONFIRMS SCOTTISH CONTRACT Sir Henry Thornton Urges Immigration: Says will Ask $20,000,000 Less in Budget . , MO.TltKALx .March 1 2. Immigration as the solution of it greal many of Canada' problems and the key to future prosperity of thi Uominioii was stressed by Sir Henry ThoriiUmV president and chairman of the Canadian National Railways, in addressing more Ujan a liiousaitd members of the Montreal Can adiau Club here 'Monday. .Sir Henry did not consider that this problem was o difficult us il appeared on the surface. , "Immrgranou," he said, "can be divided broadly into .,!.. claises. The first are those who have sufficient capital lu brinff themselves to Canada and eslab- - r, - lish theiiiselves here, and the see- f)T)TTf T T) All Uf A V ond those who would willingly ""WLJU KKIII f. llfUtimi KAILlff AT Urn- If ll.ev had the eaoital. We jwill never bring out immigration to full tide until that point of view is understood and arrange SURVEY MADE ment art; male to finance those who ate adaptable to conditions Reconnaissance here and who wuud cume tf they! Route Longer able lo Would MaJta Than Was at First Intended OTTAWA, March 12, The re- bring three hundred thousand l"J P1 .Murray inn, uanauiap' settlers to Canada the rest will National hngineer, indicate that take care of themselves. lmnVgra- 1,1C rou,,! ,a l'eacc mver by Hrule lion will feed upon lteir. Hut let w' -omewhal circuitous an me impress the Importance of ce- lunger than was, al first pro-garding Immigration from a ?i- Posed- uhlle '!0 Una' is. quit iiancial .oint of view- U -eau- be Uk-KiWiUU'in miIe iUr lH.ml fields. It, made a success in other ways. w" "tralghl north from Drule- and the- number we can bring in .leoends noon how many we can IO J"""'"" "J .'". moriton-fSrande prairie line old. west Canada ha many problenw there .auwu one nuniireii nu.es. are none incapable of solution if 1 L bftu'r radc "" api.roached in the right manner ,,e ,lM,lP "l ,,r"1 I'rpiwwi and with proper thought. A 'r '" , cf -P-broad understanding and the 1rr lo the nrilish Udumbia subjection 8f all sectional pride ,,,,M P'-oposcd by the Prirtco and difficulties lo the broader We IJoar,,'r lra,Jf- principles mf national 'life was', 1 al ,!rfM:"la . t I''ea- unit utrii-ui hjii 111 ifiiawu 111 ft- !injr Idc coiislnictioij of the. rpnl - ence that Ihe budgettf the Can- VrtAeU aKainst 11 m h"u DrltisU adiau .aional Hallways, lo be presented ' to parliament this ColuiKbia points. lion dollars less than that of lasl year. Success of System SH'akliig of the success of the National system during the past year, the president paid tribute lo the fidelity, efficiency, and1 courtesy of lill employees. The This good will of the travelling .and hipping public had to be se cured by service and by courtesy. "We do not ask your patronage,' he said, "we do not ask our sniiiiort. except that which the SETTLEMENT WITH CANADA' Country to Get Between Eight ,and Ten Million Dol lars War Liabilities a i LONTMIN, March 12. The. Canadian Press learns that - an adjustment of account between service justifies. We do not ask banana ami .reauiriiaiu nas Been aI ' ,l'ffar'' ,u w-ar liabilities.-freialil yortr transportation or your lieeause it is the i.eonle's The Dominion will receive Cana-, diau bonds and cash totalling between eight amt ten milliotij It our service merits, give us uouars, me payments 10 oc ence- (V 1 Ik 1 I ll-M Sltl tit!! f your support, mu 1101 oinerwise. "- -m h ask you to help make the Can-j adiau National Hailways legitimately and in fairness a success. IMINE TIE-UP IS DISSOLVED Ottawa Judge Breaks Injunction Against Premier Eitenslon Gold Mining Co. CDMONTO.W March 12. -Pic- OTTAWA. March i2.Jiilieii hei-e Tor a .short time but left n'nio and hunting parlies will be Kelly has dissolved Ihe injunction' ....... l I.. I.. I.. I... II. ..... 1 n.- nn I I l! year ago last 11111. lor -.nyox,"suiuivij uij uuwi mi- i"-.iiog 011 jio.hho suures 01 siock where lislied. he has since -been estab-pl'" of I lie revised liquor con valued at $1,870,000 of the Pre, A widow trot mil which was discussed ny mier extension Oold Mining Co. Ihe comniiUef of the whole li 'of Drilisli Columbia. The In, the Legislature. junction had been granted on Iho W. (i. Johnston of Medicine allegation of John. A. MacDonalJ Hal moved ,au amendment sug-of Los Angeles thai American gesling that special beer licenses .interests were attempting to Con-be granted for picnic and hunt- trot the mine, ing parties,' tint tho vroposcil , . , , , , HOCKEY, . . Ottawa, 2; Montreal;. I. and Heading railvvay elevator and Hupcrt s old timers who hashcen .1. Slade Stevens, federal In. oamugeo uie uuiidiugs nuu siores. employed ui Auyox lor somo iime.come lax collector, salted last Tin. Intt will nmrilml lo m.. n tml rollinip.l In llm aIIv Kt II. a ..lul.C ll. IS- J.. , f-, .. - miiJtu ito'taTS tariii a vcitcrdav I Falls or dejiartmcnlal bus(rtcs.