PAGE BIX Iremnant Phone 9. SALE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. Itemiiaiil of all description at Bargain Prices in SILKS, DRESS GOODS, DRAPERY GOODS, PRINTS, RIBBONS, EMBROIDERIES. .';iny useful pieces a I less Ilia 11 rot price. I'oine early ami make your selection. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. WEEK END Specials Maid or Clover Creamery Butter, m bulk. 3 lbs. for $1.40 B.C. Fresh Pullet Extras, per dozen 30c 3 dozen for 85c. New Zealand Butter, m hulk, 3 lbs. for $1.55 ARRIVING WEDNESDAY BOAT Young lloaslinir Turkeys. Untiled quantity for sale al market price. Watch I his space tomorrow for additional special. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 Think it over ond stoi:k up for your requirement of Potatoes They are going up. Here arc a few Hargains for this week only. Terrace Pol aloes, per sack S2.50 Carrots, 8 lbs. fur 25c Turnips, in lbs. for ... 25c Australian Onions, 5 lbs. for 25c Campbell's Soups, 7 tins for $1.00 ECONOMY STORE 417 Fifth Ave. East. DELICIOUS! 'Hie fine creamery flavor of pure Woodland BUTTER is disliucliw. He sure liy It. Ask Your Grocer For WOODLAND, "The Best Butter." Spring c to oats from $2000 "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Bon 327. Cor. Fulton A Third Ave. uM.KiiniMl a 11, t r ml. ....... .l.ivl.. .... FARMERS Mar e Phone Blue 428. Soli F inish ThPif-T-Service Wet Wash Three Services, one of which will exactly fill your wash day needs. Phone us for particulars. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8. LABOR FAVORS IMMIGRATION Local Trades Council Would Support Sane Community Policy It Decides The Prince llupcrt Trades and Labor Council is in favor of a sane immigration vol icy, it de cided at the semUanuual incel-l in? of that organization held in' I.p.hor Hall last night. The sec-! retary va instructed to writei Senator Turriff railing hW alien-; lion to the fact that while the local organization was opposed to luuiscriiuiumc inimigraiiou man made no nruisiou for the ner- iiiuneul care of new arrivals. it would support a anc colonization plan for placing settlers on t he ; land in communities with reason-jahlc .social and traiispurtatiou facilities and general condition ment and Id armrdtni-t; iui the condition eere crillcUni was made i Each Itnider niut be arnianlpd by an firms who did this end an effort laccenlcd rlx-qii on a riiartcrrd bank ...ri. imit- t ,, i r111B.iv n,;. w,u Iu "aie lo remeil 1 Ills. bi to it urdcr r ttie Minuter of public -Work, equal 10 to px. of the amount ofj ' jttw trndcr. War lin B.hk1 or the Iw-' minion will alM t acrrpird a xrurlir, CICU ADDIVAIC ADC or war UhkI and rhequt. If required to HO II illAlVlinLO AuL iiuie up an nna amount. 1 By order. U II. OtLMAX. !LrparlnM-nl of I'nbllr W'nrku, . Oiuwa. February 9, ltl. NOTICE. VrcretatT. nsllir of .nihil.. If l nmniH. A tim i-rerlly be accepted, Till MORE HEAVY TODAY bowed a downward tendency. American Arrival and ?ales: TIMBER SALE X 6003. ? fulfil TetMleri Hill lm rereOetl br lite liimrirt t'orriler, imi later than wm imi llw 17th (lay or March. 101. for llw ur-rhae of eme X HOlia, near Steamer Ca.mKe, win in nine or Sinwr llle l.uucl, Ik rut u,uuii fjiju, of spruee, tedir, llemliM'k ami llalnam SaMlovt. I in (li year will be allowed for removal of timber. . t'lirlner larllrular of the Chief lore.- ter, V.rliirla, nr tin M.Uirl lorrtter, IN PROBATE. IN TMC SUrRIMC COURT Of BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill the Matter of the Ailmliilntratloii Art; ami In the Mailer of the Kalale of Stefan 1'iKlufaly. l-i-eael, lulrtlate. TAkK MiTII K lhal III Order of III Honour F. Mrll. Yoiinr, made on Oh- I Hi day or March, A.I.. Ifl. I ai appointed I'iMlufali'. tereaed. anil all narllio havlnir rlalins avalnat Ihn aaul eatate are. hereby reijnireu 10 turninn me. properly verined ni nir, on or oeinre ine 7 in nay or April, a.ii. ivit, aim an paruea iiinettiea Ui the late are n-nulred to oar Ihe amount of their Itidebtednem. lo Ine rorthllh. TIHMMS w. IIMI.K, Offlrlal Admliililrator. I'rliwe Ituperl. B.Cj i.iiu-.i mi. Tin nay or i arrn. .. LAND ACT. ' Netlca of Intantlon to Apply to Laaaa Lanf. in i.i.i ijiui. iiipinri, iieeorninr ina trlrl of Skeena. and Wluale and lieintr Hay Maud, on Ihe north branch of the S arena Hlver. near Oceanic Cannery. Take ..Notice thai I, Thoriiat William Tharker. of prince Hubert, n.: oeriiatlon conorer, iuirin in apply ror permittmn lo leane the dearrllied land: rjiininenrlnir at a pot planted at the rnoat aoutherlr imiIoi on luv Ul.tu' ittun. iinr. therly and weaterly.; ihenre aoniherlv and ealerly; followlnr the atiiuottltlea nf tlie nore .me 10 point of rominenreinent, ami 'win i w i u aiTeii. ruore or iea. THOMAS W. TlltCkF.n, . . . . . AppHeanl. tialed rebruary Uth. I Of I. SKCCNA LAND DISTRICT OF QUCIN CHARLOTTK ISLANDS. Tabs Vf.llfi- .1... f .h...... .I...... ... , . ni.1 .i iiii.r iiuifrr..iiii. in Port I. emenia. Ilrill.h im.n.u ir. I'l'ij lor a ieae over the followlnir de planted al Ihe norlhWRM r rner or Lot HJfi north roal of Orahain Inland; thence ll) eieriy; i nence rive mania nor- Iherly, to low water mark, thence I Mi rhalna Datiurltf .l...- i...., ....... - i. . Ihence rive rhalna anutherty to point of eoinmenreinent, conUlnlnf forty arret, l.ociied January Uth, tttl. AitTIIUIl HOCtllTSO.N TUB DAILY NrrV8. Wednesday, March I" j after every meal Cleaases month and teeth aa aids digestion. Believes that over-catca feeling and acid moath. .Its l---t-l-n-g flavor satlstlcs the craving lor awe eta. Wrlgley's Is doable valae la the benefit and pleasure It provides. SalJ fa it Parity that would gie a reasonable hope - - jof a successful community and Jhxilh Fiherics ( in adiait to. iiiuuciii seiiiriiieiii. Canadian aV I 1 I 1 aaV i 1 - 1 - 1 m. x l -rTr.i ie - aaaaaa customs duly; il ha been ileei.l- Fagle. 80.0011 lbs., at 15.3c and e'l Ottawa lo imp.e a lax 8c. lo the Canadian Fish A Cold "i l." " all rnreign snips. Storage Co. ihut llikha iH'eii put on one side lladio. 18,000 lbs,, at 15.2 and and Hie shipping laws will be He-, and Anna J.. 1,500 nt :! '"'o bem lnlinl. 10. of and 8c. to the Al I lit Fisher ies. (ionitt. li.niio II. s ami lteliane. 0,000 lb.. a I, ll'..5c and 8c. lo the CANCILLATION OF RCSCRVt. .Ml llCt IS IIUll.UV (ilt thai tlR rrirve eilliii otrr Lot 411, Ouren char-lolle llauli Uiolrlrt. la cam riled. O. It. .NAM..N. lN-outy Minltier of Lamia. Ii.ili iH-partiiieiit, irlol ia, u 1. , sett. January, Ittl. According lo lliee reguli.tinns only. . 'BROKE JAIL WINDOW i AND LAUGHS IN "COURT Port Simpson Indian Qlrl Proves Obstreperous Character, Charged With Drunk- enness Mamie l.uwson. Indian girl of Port Simpson, proved a rather obstreperous character in the ty police court this morning when sin was called upon to enwer t u charge of drunk and ilisMnlerly conducl. Last night she ran amok in tin jail and irokr io "windows in the chief private office which adjoin the women's itiurters. When doing sworn' this moriiiug. she started laugh in u hilarious manner. Magistrate Met'.lymoiil orilered adjournment inlll tomorrow to allow a'-eoscd la assume a inure serious altitude. J M. OXeill. rliargnl with supplying lupmr to the girl, was al-" remanded until tomorrow. Shacks Burned lUertui ning of a kerosene lamp j Hie trades and I.ahor Council; IMplnti. 1,000 It., al I i-auevl Ihe gulling or two sharks i will endeavor to have the appli- ami Kc.. and Malaiiiule. t.UOiMbs.. on Fraser Street owned hy V. jcation of a local man Tor com-at 1 1.1c and 8c, In the Canadian. Ha-.o-llerl at H.I5 last night. Ipeitsation reconsidereil by the Kih Cold Storage . The shacks In tpiestiou had been jboanl. Although this man has! aisy, 3,500 llw.. nl -H i:y(- ami occupied liy certain alleged di- KALto TtMiuis aJdrt-i to tlx been able to work only two weeks He. to the lloval Fish Co orderly wrun ami It l believed public tHiiwiiir. uniiour. B.C.. will 1 rt!iiiee .November his case has not fiibsou. M.ono lb al M.5 ami lhal a icood tlal of drinking had ZSS iTieiS, ETE. XSOvZSXWi weUetl favorable considera- He. ,,, public bu.Mi.ig it kamloup.t B.C. tioil. runt lira yfecuiraiimi ran pe seen ami, . , . rurin or tenser obtained at tte ufrin-s A rcquiwt was. made to .n.. i - . 1 . . ...........a ... 1 1 . the K'aieu. T.Oiiu llr at t t.Ir ami the' walls wen Idazinu and (tie WS-iEt&lP&l Council to consider the 8c, lo the Alliu Fisher.-,. worm, oeparuueot or public work., problem of employing married loirire Buiidinr.' kimioop. B.C. ' , women 111 store ami offices in lenaera win imi w i-nnsuaerea. unioi IirrP,. ,., iMl li-.ll,..r preierence 10 single. iiaiuer marl mi fiw. r,.mi. .i,!ii .v ih. ri.nn. the Iloolh Kiheries ttatm. hreri going on. When Hie fire i TAX AMERICAN SHIPS IN NORTH Two Large American Schooners Oil AW A, Swell Aggregate Fares Of- "en son the rMH n 171 nori PnimHi which trallic fire had ohluiumi n goixl hold. Hie flame drawing ipiHe a 'crowd. The conflagration wiir 'soon in cheek after two line of hrwe otartetl to play on it. Tint damage was not ery cotly a the buildings were not worth much. . .. 7,.,,;, . 1 HcrupHiils iifjiolh shack land-Forelan Vessel, Will Have u to Pa, , Jai M,, ,, 8ffj,r ., for of In Prlvlleoe Trading W,UH J. M. O'.NeilL, In who.e Canadian territory lllace the Mane star(el. wa iu Match pi. This " at lime, having been nr. American vesesl";,'", supplying liquor to iu the liniadinn'!,""1"'- ," lHner was in the Arctic will find an artificial bar-S",'ar,i al ,i,r' u,e 'amp luru- iMand'' ""r. however I'eler ttamp. Her erected, at ller.chel The arrival of w large Amer- ican schooners wi.h hi ralche thr shape of an eighleen-yeur- '"'"" f . """.f .Vollre U hvrebT rlten Hut ln.,lr will' ......... .. ... . . . r.,.n:.,li.-.ii Mu.lui.a .1.1. .,!.- Was arrelei Willie me lire WO be m-eued ai uVofrire or the 0derin-d weue.i me total 01 iiaiioin mar--- , n.gres He was swearimr ami P"ufrrss ue was swwanug ami up to ii on the Twenty M-rond day of keted at Ihe local Fish Kxchange ,i4W' which up lii the pre.ent Hjrlh .. K .t.: ...... '..I. time ha never bee,, eufor ... apparently wa. drunk. Vag- ins ruuairu mi i.ui iu, dhck tj. rrciMl nwiaj, i ie . nun tiiii vudis 'iiau i. iim now imn i ir ite. cfe. !m .ul fuiliniu nlwi fiv- i!aM Un' far north. hit- iniai is i w tni iipjiiiiiij kMPiv - ana payaDie in aavanre. A leae tor one year could be n-uiilred. All leiwler mutt Male rental lo him. He wa wa. leUonl ,e,. , 'dians. WWI pound-:, total of Each year (lie ship, tnm Unrle ,lyra ,f.len lerrairfkrav.el ... the Arctic!' "'Mcnded ,eo.e, boats will, an uggregale of .in'-- tVTc'Tm J Pounds uf halibut. Pn-esnd relurn laden will, a wellh! ,in' on. or nw lo which prewUe are to br pnl. im ;iiwiiiimI nf the i.imrotMl iin-'Of Canadian ftlr. L' lo the pre- IH- wii or any icnuer win noi ... , , ,-. If,,,.. II,..;. !.. I. l.l..i OS. W. lll.ll.VK. Arent. rrlora liuixrt. B.C. Look Here strictly Fresh I'.ggs, 3 doz. i 95c I iJleatnery Htitler 46c Ontario Cheese 27 'jC Flour, il lb. sack .... 75c Spuds, Karly Hose, per sack ... S1.00 "A" grade While Polaloes. $2.50 liacou. Old Country cured 41c Ayrshire Itoll, per lb. .. 30c Dry Salt Hack, per lb... 25c Orange Marmuladu. i lbs, 70c Spices, any kind, per tin 10c Canned Fruits, 2's, 3 for $1.00 Whcatlets, o lb. sacks .. 35c Ulack Cod and Kippered Salmon, Fresh Halibut, 2 lbs, for 35c ply only to the uia) 33 1-3 per cen' raney was the charge In Id against for one week iM-c to allow of leaving ' SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unrtaerved. aurveyed I'pAwtt m n A m in . v K Krmnlrf hi a iiriion siiue can carry - - -- - -. passengers or carao fnilil mi1iiI and by aJltna on declaring- InunUoii lo til. Ill ill Hrlll I Witters ll.e " auojecia. rvnw. I tlAnaU lirsAn ratal ilanaw nalifial occupation. I lAffi same i h..l.l go.Nl on j 4nd lmtltor,mtai for Hie American side of Ihe line . purpoaaa. q agricultural bill the foreign ves-el can hindi ''uU Information concerning rem uona rtcarainc prRpiina li lT I"" gers and unload bee 51. Bln'N.T lnd" h"..'.' cargo al a Hritisli imrl provideii lhal afterwards the shiiiing is undertaken by .Hritisli esel. Ilriefly if i ' proposed lo make Ihe roastwit shipping laws ap ply In the Arcltc. Unload at Herschel Next season the various American ships must unload Iheir cargoes at Ihe .Mounted Police post al Herschel Island, where Ihe'clisloins duly will be assessed, following which the good will be transhipped lo t'orona-llon (iulf, ViclifVia Land, and other places In the Arctic where there are seilleinenlH, The only 'alternative . is Hint Ihe American vcelr change lo llritish registry and fly the Hril-ish flag. So far the nnjy llritish vessel reaching the western Arctic from Ihe "outside" via Ihe Itehring skulls' has been Ihe yearly, Hudson's Hay company supply ship, Ihis orgnuUaliim- with posls ilualeil all through- out the Arctic being' the greatest stiirerer in Ihe roinpelition with The American Irnders . , Eskimo Immigration 1'eoVle inleresleil in the far north are mlvlsed. Unit the immigration ri'fc'ulalinns in Ihe Arctic ure also lo be strictly en forced. ' II has been the hbil of American esels lo ldck up Ks- kiuios In Alaska, carry Ihem eastward inlo Canadian wale is and utill.i; their service for fish-fug, Imiiting mid trading willi the Canadian iiulivi'V. Tills Is conlraty U Ihe iintni- graliou laws and in futuie Ihe same iTKUhtthms will lie enforced in Ihe Arctic us in ports itiiil leirilorles ,r closer lo the centres of civilization. If you find you cannot, gel (he daily News regularly, call n ami subscribe for II and have. It do livereJ to your homo. I 'How to lr.mpl Land." coplta of ahlcb ran b obtained frao.of cbarf ' .y addrtaalnc tha Dapartmant of ijinJa. Victoria, B.C, or to any Gov-rnmenl ActnL necorda will ba grantad rovarlni mly land aultable for agricultural purpoaaa, and which la not timber-uuid. It, carrying ovar 1.000 board feet parser weat of tha Coaat Rang and t,009 fat par acre aat of that Rang a. AppUratlona for prt-emptlona ara ;o ba addraaaed to tha Iand Com-mlaalonar of tha I nd Hacordlng Dl vlaHn. In which tha land appllad for la altuated. and ara mint on prlntal forma, coplaa of which can t obtained from tha Land Commtaaiontr. Pra.emptlona muit ba occupied for Mr yeara and lmproromenta mad to valua of 110 par acra, including clearing and cultivating at laaat flva acrea, befora a Crown (Irani can ba received. For mora data Had Information a tha flullatln "How to Pre-empt Ind." PURCHASE AppUratlona ara received for pur-chaaa of vacant and unraaanred Crown landa. not balnc tlmberland. ffor agricultural purpoaaa) minimum ytvtrm 01 tirei-craaa aniDi; iana la v per acre, and aecond-claaa (grating) land 12.10 par acta. Further information regarding purchaaa or laaaa nf Crown landa la given In Mulletln No. 10, tnd Serlea, "Purchaaa and faaa of Crown Landa," Mill, factory, or Industrial altaa on . timber land, not atceedlng 40 acraa. may ca purchased or laaaad, tha conditions Including payment of atumpaga. HOMESITE LEASES L'naurveyad areaa, not aiceadlng It acrea. may ba laaaad aa homealtaa, conditional upon a dwelling bain; reeled In the drat year, title being obtainable aftar realdenc and lm provement eondltlona ara fulfilled and land haa bean aurveyad. LEASES Kor grating and Industrial purpoaaa areaa not aiceedlng 140 acraa may ba leaaad by ona paraon or a company. QRAZINQ Under tha Orating Act tha Prov. tnra la divided Into grating districts and tha ranga admlnletered under a Clratlng Commlatlonar, a Annual grating permlta art laautdabaaad on nuinbera rangtd. priority being given o established owneri. Htook-owneri nay form associations for ranga nanagemant, Fret, or partially fraa, eiTnlte art available for tattlera, ampera and travellere, up to tar lead. Phone 376 The House Phone 376 of Quality SPRING IS HERE Our New Spring Goods Have Arrived Crepe Beryl. Sports Flannel. Ratines, In Plain and Figured Patterns. Sponge Cloth. Basket Weave. French Figured Voiles In Fifteen Different Pattern. Ratine Voiles. Jazz Cloth. Colored Nainsook. Plaid Skirting. Crepes, Figured aid Plain. OUR FIRST SHIPMENT OF 8PRINQ COATS HAS BEEN RECEIVED. Your lnspei lion . tvird.ullv limled. We Slock .Sl.ntilird le.gner at(c , UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tpnight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 aajjjiajjjMBBMMaiaaiaHaaMIMMaaVaHBjijjeaajB) George Melford Presents "THE LIGHT THAT FAILED" a A pii't'.u of Ittidv.tnl Kiplmg'1 fim" Jday of that name. orv. that tlip deep ins ? ' human emotion. I'.tthn and humor life n) ami in every setting. Magnificent eeiief). r sainl In city pavenieuK Stirring Iwltlr. d o f (lie gorgeous l.i.mlon Arts Hull. HiihcitiMin (n l -nuiii-ioii. Ihe(lntter and Ihe sweet, revelry aipl - r ' beautv. llanlitig gown- ami. o-luitie. Percy Marmont, David Torrence, Jacqueline L&jrs Mabel Van Buren and huge cast. CAMEO COMEDY "HOT SPARKS." Fun From ThoPrtu Admission 35c and 10c if , 10 Days Only! 10 Days Only! JAB0UR BROS. EXTRA SPECIAL Shoe Sale Commencing Wedneiday, March 12 Ending Saturday, March 22. Three Extra Special Free Offers i Mir well-known Men's Liberty Shoes will le on sule mid will he offered nl pnees Ih.d 1 milker niuiiol iliydit ule. We will offer ihetil 'or l.r'Ss THAN COST. FREE wilh eaeh pureliase pair Men's. (Ivernlls viilue ,,r 'I pairs. Men's Cishiueri) or Worsted llose. 0 Pairs of Men's Hoi.Js assorled sizes, eti, nuigiiig f""1 $0.00 lo 0.;.0. 8peclal Sale Price $5.75. LADIES' CLASSIC SLIPPER8 Pumps or Oxford. PHKK will) each .iirehiise 1 pair or Silk lloleproof or M' nrrh Hose, or nny other iiien liniulie;of p,lftl vu,lt' 50 PAIR8 LADIES' 8LIPPERS-Pumps nutl Oxford'. v , Mirletl .sljk's ami sizes. 8pecUI Sale Price, $3.50. CHILDREN'8 8HOES I'ree with enrh pnrcli-t I Hr r w'oollvn or nishtiiero hose. iiiitiie early lis there is l.otiiul to lie n ritili nl lhee l,rn'f, Jabour Bros. Ltd. Cor. 3rd Ave. and Seventh Street.