.iM -.Murrn i. THR DAILY "NEWS. PATH FTTH To mak? a LOCAL LADIES LUNCH COUNTER CARS ON NATIONAL 00 BEAT VISITORS cup of coqoa uso Flrel Oame for Northern B.C. Girl.1 Basketball Championship Wk,r7 Runert Won by Prince THE COCOA OF WANUFACTURED by tho most scientific, up-to-cLto moJian'uxl proc-c-i (no chemical;,), it is uLxlutcl pure end lei a most dolicwm. flavor end aroma. Ma Jo In Canada By Walter Ma & Co. Limited VUl II DcJiim, Mm, sj llenlm), Ctnmi, '' soos m or citoic tzani tixr rru FiveRoses FLOOR When Muylng Flour ak your fi nicer for "FIVE ROSES," Hi" World' Hi! - John L Crslie Agent. Sterling furnace COAL DallttraS In lull, At $10.00 per ton. vt,v ua-rlur furnace It tin a rpH hot flr ami fi'ljr ttrr rfjll vail, rtilikrr. k nil rtirl, m i.f IV larr.! ir ilanl in ltw ril arc t It WIU) till ITT I Mllfriir STERLING STOVE COAL, (K inaml hi .' At $12.50 per ton. r nli 1tul riir the I'hiih.ii LaDYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TEL K W A COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. ln Otflttt Hoi I Central. Hon 11 Dr. . S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerton Hock, PRINCE RUPERT, . 0. Orrioa Hour. t . Phone CSt. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments, The Pastime Cigar Store Opp. Empress Hotel. Toliacco, Cigars, Clga'reltc, Canities am Soft Drinks. Wo hoya u pleiisnnt back f".m, Como In ami muko yuurself nt homo. W. M. Whiting, Prop. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pur Presh Milk and Oraam Dellverad Dally. "'K'ct frVm llio farm to Jli luiino. Phont Black ai. P.O. Box SMS. Probably because (.y wore I strange In Hi li.cul rionr. the iviilliiif Jadie' bakphall loaui ifioiii Anyox wa defcatd l.y I lie 'Prilled Rupert Maple Leaf ag gregation lal night by a scoip of 17 In I, in lhi fiil game nf Hu" Northern M.O. cliampiimhip, The Anyox girl lnrled out well and, nl the end of the first quarter, I ! score wax .1 all. Tin' local Indie Marled from llii'ii on, however, ami -cured fourteen during lli remaining period wlill I he vUilor oblnin-'l loily iii muro point. The Anyox Icaiu will play wild the Maple Leaf again Ihi evening and llii'y are coiifideril Ihey will fjmukc a heller showing. dt. .It. Skinner referred lal nlnlil's match and Ihe team lined up a follow: Prince ltiiirt Mi A. Stephen Ml.. Louis I'i.liiT !,l ; .Ml Mynr Harvey, 7: Mis I?. Ijowi-, 6; Mi MurgarJ fira-ffaiiif:; t; Mi. l.aura Frizrell. Tidal I. - Anyox It. Champion; Ml 11. ' Mnirutl ; Mi.. S. Cal-ilerone . .1; Mi. S. irnn l I; Mi II. Oiltlenuie Mi. Vindlruni. Tidal. 1. Intermediate Exhibition Tin rrfond Kuiiif tn Hit pven- lnir' firojrrnm wa an eihilnlion malrli between Hie lnlrmedlale i;oli und Idyli School. Tlu.wn a well eonleled nffiiir and I lie 1 fin It Srlimd mainlained the lead lill ery near the rlo.o when Hip Cull nlaireil a rally and wound up ie1or hy :ik to V. Ml I did I referee! and Ihe line-upx were: II lull S-hool- Hon, Mallie.on. Alex. Mitchell. Ili.lo liurvioh, (iordoit liuluer and Arthur Phil- lil. tdl -M. Utiduieli, liotiitla l-'rliill, (ieorKe. IHyllie llalph Smith. J. Kelly and J. int. Kiilliwiiiir the iramen I tier' wa it dance wlurli la.lcl until 1.30. I'lie W'e.lholuie furnished the nitilr nni there win a vhh al-lenduiiee. Tie Anyox viilor. all of whoiii loik pari in Ihe pame a t mglil. are rliapei'itneil on their Hip dy Mr. CIi:iiiiiiih. j Sport Chat j n With the rfortranlralion of rily liaeiull, fool hall and larro.e a!o4iatiou for Hie coiniiiK ea-mui. Hie niirliiui of I'rinre llu-perl allllialioii with reroniied nlualeiirliodie of llrililt Coluui-hia will till iloulil aitain l liroarlied. There are iiryuinent NOTIOK. NOTICE l hrrrliv turn Hut trliiWt will wt rrrirn up ifi ihmii ihi inr iinrriiui nay ir .varrn. ivr. ai inf iMinr unlrlin-d. in th i:ily of I'rlmn luiri, I'mrlnm vl irillh Cikailil. fur IIm pur-Hum- of Ihf biiildlnr Mtuatnl ui Lnl tl ami r. Pnk "IV Oily t I'rinre liuvcrt, H.i . aiHl kiHn I Kllor' t'lantnpr Mill. HI-trlhrr llh hatrvrr niairrlal ilwrr niy I mi Uw lyrigl. Carh irnilrr iniint lie arrnmpanlHt ii.t a rhrqur for Ui anmiint nf the trnilrr, Ihp rhriii or ll" mnurro'THl riikTr will n rfliirncd inimrdlalrl Hie bulMUK I rtltpiiM'it f. I luwr mi riiiiiiiiHui. in iii. .am ii nrrry that III liull.linr l rrninvril rrmn li pirni-nt li Iwrorii Jiinr sniit. left, the tolt In lx I'll In a oarr and iul.Vy ninilitlim, all ilflirl to be rrmovml ami all rtravillnna in l mini in. ' Th hlhi"l nr any iMKlcr not nr-arlly ,arrll. nnnimnt Anent. rnnre liumrl. u.C. JUST ARRIVED. Splendid Selection of House Dresses Stylish In lesignt .Delightful in Pattern. Moilernto In Price, BENT'S EPSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL In any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phon M. counUr cars which will LUNCII care for the needs of passengers in the colonist, fljst class and tourist cars of the main line trains, if they desire to patronize them, are to be operated br the Canadian National Railways for the convenienca of the travelling public, and particularly of immigrant! arriving in Canada. As an experiment, lunch counter cars have been placed In service be-tween Winnipeg and Toronto. While these trains carry dining- cars ana while the Canadian .Na-tional Railways also have lunch counters and restaurants st all divisional points, it is considered that the lunch counter car will be a great benefit to women travelling with children and to others who may be physically unfit or unable c leave the train at ststions because of severe weather, or for lhr reasons. for aiul again! Ilioimli iiuej managing committee 'oii.itiiir player and fan are quite en-'of Mr. Kwarl, Ml-. . Mdlniilli, lliuialic in their upporl ofMeer. Co.ilo. Harper. Fool, Midi a inoe. I'trhap the priii-Sniilli and Sgt. Taylor ha been ripal factor in favor of it would he Dial Prince Rupert talent n recognized could compote with other cilie of the proinee fur ri-coiiiiijiMl champion. hip lioimr. ItejrWerod player Would enjoy certain advaiilane Mich n Hie o.. Utility of lieing eleelid if their ijualily 'warranted for provincial or Doiiiinioiu all Mur organization. Mich a Hie Canadian football team I hut i goin? to Aiulralui Ihi. year. On Hie other hand, talent I often rather rvaree here and, for Ihu ImieTil of Hie juihlift at large a well n for Hie good nf Hie sport, il i. oiiieiiine. convenient to line up player that nt one. time or other niiylil have Iipcii profp- ioiial and Ihti would he debarred from .Iriolly amaleur com- iany. I here might also ! litllcully if it were deired li lage Inler-lowii game wilii other point in the'di.lrid not mi alllliifleil. If nmaleur aflllia-lion I lo he iiiauguraled hero il would eem that it hould he a dilriel move and other point unli -a Prince eorge. Aityus. etc, should he iiliilltnucoiily lined tip in a like manner. Willi the. (treat War Veteran -till nmiiilaining n long lead In Dm City Milliard League Com- petition for Ihe Ilulgor A fct.u - enui rup, inieieM in me eriej ha been flagging somewhat of inte. ii sinnuu io revivisi mi i.. i t it. week iigain, noweyer, mr uie tuni aim ureal Mir veteran are due to meet on I'ridu uiglil. If tin tirollo am mil siireeful in oveiToiuiux a greai tieai oij Ihe lead again! them a nm - ner-iip. Ihe Veteran will havn a pretty mi re cincli-on tlie sll - erwsre for Ihi eaon. Shoiihl Hie tobacconists, however, suc - reed ill pulling Ihe soldier down la any great oxteni uk race would again auine a more ln-;p.,A.,lilridge 0.P'f 13?t' IH2 Icresllng upecl and the Milliard' sieidieus (V.. .. (1 IIUU 182 Hull, tliinl place team, migtil aU J(r Wpt , 8 U5(, 81 .Niave a chance nl the season's Ui Halui:tio ( K. 8 181 honor. Ihe St. Andrew;. "l n. Wnvigh (V ... 0 1088 181 Klk' team are ..elivduled In o ii si,0ckhy meet lmiight. Tlie tournainent j 11101 expected l make "snuoli iliirerence lo Ihe complexion of r Ihe league standing. - The Prince, (Jeorge Parenl-Tenchers' Association ha es-lahlislieil a gymnasium in that town and clnses urn being stnrled (his week in Ihe different .i line or gymnastics, a sloiv liasSi Warrior (W I J.170 been loaned for, the purpose and j. judge iC .. tVToiS available nppitralus'has been liujj. Audrews (S.A. ', 8;-l310 slalled. The Hoy Scouts hnvnA, A. Hasson K.) ,' 8 J 303 loaned their equipment and will.w. lhtlngivo (K.) .. AJ8I6 make use of the gymnasium for their mooting, A glib' nhysleal culliire class is also lo meet I here und aif effort is being made to form afternoon classes for youngci' children who rnnnnl it-lend in the evening. Several capable Instructors have, ottered their services, and no fee Is charged for Ihe gymnasium, A The lunch eounter has been fitted up at one end of a steel colonist car, where the best grade of tea and coffee freshly made will be served. Light meals comprising cereals, sandwiches, pies, preserved frujts and other canned goods will be available at Canadian National standard lunch counter prices. A competent and courteous attendant will be In charge of each lunch counter and service may be secured at any time durirg J.he day. The suggestion of the lunch counter cars was. made by Mr. Walter Pratt, General Manager of Dining, Sleeping and. Parlor Cars and of Hotels, who has been anxious to provide this facility to further improve travelling conditions and add to the comforts of passengers on the Canadian National. Railways. appointed. ' . The Ketchikan ('.tironirlo uf Momlii)- ay: 'ArenrdiiiK to word reeeii'd hem fnuii I'rinee Rupert fan last wei-li, Ihey will he uunlde to arrange a ba.kelhall game with Hie lyral player nl Prince Ruiierf heeatltfC .Ihey do i:ol feel they could ifvi'"'up to Ihe Kiiarnnlee uked und olTercd bv IIm local acialion for n return game hern. Aceonling lo the Rupert papers Ihey' have liei'A more nr le. actively lu- lerelil in the gaiiiJ' iiown Ihere all -ea-iMi, and Hie only reason loeal fans account foi'lhelr refusal I a pofhto inahilily to gel many penplo to ulleuil :t game. ha been Ihe de.lre for .ome year lo match wilh Hie U.C, player., and Ihi year it i entirely pos.ihle for Kelrhikah to guarantee a Mltjieienl amoiiul. the. Mime which Ihey nked of Rupert. With no i-hance for Rupert game il is nol defjnilely known when Ketchikan will play anollicr out-of-town quintet. ' BILLIARDRAGES The following averages have Lpoii m:i.lf to il:ile liv tdnvers ill ,.rinc0 ivtri city Milliard , .. rllmi,Ptili.m for the Mul. vfr amer0l, Cup: (James, Pis, Av. CoU McMonlie CV. illlll 200 , i..u,.n , v v 8 1570 Itt7 ij jpijt., i,p 7 1382 IUT i in t 7K li7 l(s Hlythe (Ci. 2 '3'J3 to Hutohinsoiv vt, , 0 I7C0 lua , Morgan f(l,) .. T 1370 run j." . 8 1335 t2 'j, t))on (o. .... 8 (508 180 j jliv y. ... .'. 7 1313 188 lj Walsh (. ... 5 010- 188 y Mitchell, K.' 8 llUl 187 Mellmovle ;il .P . P IGGl 185 (S.l' 8 U30 (80 'smith (M.P.) .. 2' 355 178 Thompson M.P. (001 177 R. Howe (S.t: 9 (588 I7f. M. M. McLacblnn 8 llflt 175 D. Hrtiwil (fi. ... 7 7 1208 173 M. Andrews (S.A. 5 850 172 J. Howe (S.F.. ... ,3ftrt 171 Fenelon (V.' . . 070 170 170 IC'J 103 103 103 Men Seir (H.P.i . . 051 . A. Hroderlck (K.) . 3 188 fi. P. Tinker (rUL 9 1(57 S. I). Macdonald (S.A 8 1278 J. Hrown (S.A. .. 7 llio It. Davie (S.A.1 .. a 150 D. Hnirour iS.F.. .. 2 28 S. J. Kvans P.P. 2 270 T.SIlversldcs (S.E. 1 136 ak 103 -103 102 100 100 153 UI 13S 13G J. McLean (S.A.i . 133 1 33 i 0. Halsdon (M.P.. . 93 !)3 K. Klks; H.V. Milliard Par-! lors; V. War Veteran; fi. j Orollo; S.K. Sons of l'ngland;j P.A. St. Andrew's, I FIRST SHOOT AT ! NEW RIFLE RANGE! Good Turnout of North B.C. Regiment Members at Market Place Last Night The first shool in the North U.C. Regiment 's new initial lire rifle range at Market place took place last evening. Out of the: possible 25 points ,the. followintr scores were imnlej ( Major .1. W. Nicholls ll.Q.M.S. M. M. I.anih Pte. A. rti . .. l.ieul. J. Marnslcy Pie. W. Wool Inn t.npl. R. W. thuneroii t III 21! 20 IS 18 ll 13! Pte. I.. Warner ihindsniasler A. Meale Lieut. II. Floyd ,.... pte. J. Cahlwallader 13 Pie. M. Smith 12 Pie. D. A. Robertson 1 1 Pie. S. Wriggleswoiih 10 Pie. K. Smith 10 In the Letter Box INCOME TAX CHANGE Kdilor Daily News: As mentioned lo you a few days ago, a ruling come Into elTect with Ihe (tluig uf returns for IU23 I his April which is of particular interest In Ihe. mer-ehnnl. Heretofore all Provincial taxes have been disallowed as deductions in arriving ut income for luxation under Ihtf Dominion Act. lUglnniug, however, with the returns due In be, filed by April 30, 1021, a merchant may now' claim as tin expense (he part of I1J Y7HY wasfe time in useless "shopping around" when the advertisements lay before you the choicest wares of every progressive merchant in town? WHY use needless effort in an endless store-to-store quest when the advertisements enable you to make your choice of the finest merchandise? WHY pay more than you ought when you can stretch your dollar to the elastic limit by taking advantage of the bargains and good buys that are daily advertised in this paper? .WHY risk dissatisfaction by buying unknown, unbranded goods when you can assure yourself complete satisfaction by buying an advertised product, backed by the integrity of a man who spends real money to establish his name and to build up public good-wdl? Read the Advertisements. Buy Advertised Wares, It is a safe and sound policy Waste Time Shopping. Around Bargains h Potato Pots Blue Meg. $2.r0, for $1.40. Gray Hep. S2.00, for $1.10 See our Window. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Phon 3. " P.O. Box 1648. If You Are BOAT-BUILDING Wo have Hardwood, Fie ami Cedar Boat .Lumber. If you are tlrsd ut Knlsomine ami Papery Iry Fir Veneer Panelling. Ii" ytiu are thinking of lniiUUng a house, wo have any lumber you require, also Sash, loors, Olass. SHOCKLEY'S flaning Mills Cow Bay. ll'lhe Provincial tax which applies mo iiprsonal nronerly. For ex ample: Tux on personal property. I $50,000.00, al V4 per Oenl 4250, In this case, as he lia been as, esed on personal properly, ho may xdaim Ihe $250 ns a business expense in arriving al net taxable incoino updejr the Dominion Act. Suppose, however. Hint he had been assessed on his profits, which we will aumo lo be. greater: Pax on profits $500 Ho may claim the amount which would have been Ihe tax had he been tuscsscit on personal po ierty, mvniely 50,O00 ul Vd yvc cppl -4250, the remainder bing disallowed. f 'Trusting thai Ibis is clear you. Yours very truly, ' J. SI.AIU STHYF.XS Above does not refer to In-dividual not iu business,; Phona 383. GeQ.Papadopulis New and Secondhand Furniture Store We buy, sell and exchange nil kinds of new and second-IhioiI goods. Also we, loan money on any article. . respoclahlQ place to In which to transact your private business. 834 Third Avenue. Phona S4C P.O. Box 8 a