To Insurance Benefici&i-tes Hiimlrnlft of til. njsrn Kin nf dollnnt urr lost mmilHlly through the uhwisr invMtn.i-nt or carclrm cpmJing t)f iiioihm m-rivd for itiiur.'tncc death olsim-i nnd matured nidowmmtfl. A Union Bank Savings Account lit iiie proper place for tt:e drjKisit of stirli monies. Ji B-iwIir i ark -.eelc invnl;..i nts, our branch tucnacxt are always williiifc to help t: tin tvith Goiuid id consrrvuUve ndvice. union bmk Prince Rupert Branch A, T. Broderick, Manager The Daily News' PJUNCR IIUPEIIT - HH1T1SH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the. IJrjnce Hilpert. Itnily News, Limited, Third Avenue II. K. I'ULLKN, Managing Editor. t, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Cij llelivc.ry, by mail or carrier, per nionlli . . . -$1.00 Hy mail In all parts of 1 lie Hrilish Empire' and Die United Stales, iti advance, per year .fil.OO In nil other countries, in advance, per year 7.rii) All advertising sliould le in The Daily News Office before p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. PAII.Y KDITION 1'iiilay. .Innuary 2, 1925. Appointment Falls. Into Good Hands. Though his appointment was somewhat unexpected because hi name had jiot been very promiiienlly nientionetl in connection with (he iis, the choice of lie provincial government in making lliin. -I A. Pauline the new Agent (ieiiernl at London would appear. In be a happy one. Mr. Pauline's 'experience as .Speaker of Ihe legisluliyc assembly and as a member or Ihe llo;iset as president of Ihe Victoria Hoard of Trade and an alderman have amply endowed him with the knowledge of provincial affairs and Ihe dignity which are reiptjsiles that the office demands. He is also known to posses the attributes of perseverance and capacity for work that are required and he'will doubtless ninke guild for the province in Loudon. Unemployment Not Serious Problem Here. There is iindoluiledly some iijieinploymenl in Prince Hii-pert this winter hul-Jht'it?'isiio rea'soi toahtlcipa'te' that it will reach ,distrcsiug proportions. ' There is plenty of necessary work to be done sucji as municipal ami provincial government road building mid it is expected that such work will absorb all those in the city who require jobs. If the necessity arises, there should be and-probably will not be any hesitation in giving employment on such projects. Prince jlupert is more fortunate in this respect than many other communities in the province. Local-Police Seem To Be Doing Duty. As far'asVau be seen on the surface, there is no reason to cnticie the police force of this city on the work it is doing. I here are always some who are ready to sav that hootleirsriiiir find vice is rifit here but there are few, if any, who are willing lo point ijeriiulely lo'specilic cases. As lung as there is no proof forthcoming s to any inefficiency, it is unfair to suggest thai there is. such. At the same time, J I is the duty of citizens to draw attention of the prtipcr antho'rilies to anything undesirable the.y may see. While rcrime is apparently rampant in the larger centres of Hie south and rohberjes and assaults are occurring daily, Prince lluperl n'erhaps from its geographic location is remarkably free fnun..siicji trouble. The local police force has. .apparently been successful in coping with such isolated cases as have niUen .and is to be congratulated in thai respect. Mayoralty Campaign '" 1' Is About To Start. . '. The niinu.d nuinicipal elecliou campaign is about to com-mt'mc.e. 'lwo candidates-for' the mayoralty have ' announced tlieniselvtyi- Mayor Nnvlou faud Aid. Collai t. The policies' of tiie two caiuliilates are fairly "veil known. Holh have cmitri-. hilji'd to the good work thai has been done by the city council dijrjiig.lhe past two years and it is admitted that good work lias been done especially in the matter of road building. Holh, candidate.- will strive in Ihe course of the campaign to take up-' on themselves the lion's share of credit for anything of value that has been done. They will also point out each other's faults which, through their close association, they have' undoubtedly been able lo ascertain. There is no need for any undesirable or personal elemciils lo be brought into the campiiigu. May the issues ne placed lairly ami squarely before, Ihe people and may Ihe best man win! Px8x 4xxn!xxxS.' ; : XX I i 1 WSS. XXXXXXXX" Hills 8r Underwood London Diy Gin The Gin you will aik for again the standard of punjy for over 160 yean. $3.25 A BOTTLE ' The Gin or you is II. SI V. 86 I! I fH This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. PRINCE; JOHN HAD VERY ROUGH TRIP Rugged Little C.N.R. Boat Arrived From Vancouver and Islands on New Year's Eve After experiencing one of Ihe roughest trips in her lung career of M'i'vice on the coast, the C.N.H. steamer Prince John, Capl. 10. Maldis, ;i iii veil from Vancouver via Ihe (Jtieen Charlotte Islands at 10.20 Wednes- jilay night. The vessel left Vancouver at S o'clock on Christmas Kve ami experienced good weather crossing Milliank Sound. Ppon . Hearing the (Jueeii Charlotte Island coasl, however, extremely had ' weather was eu-counlei'c.d anil several long slops had lo he made for shelter. The fact that the ship was light made navigation more difficult. A twelve hour slop was made at CumshrvvM owing lo 'etreuTQ darkness, and a heavy gale forced Ihe sleainer o slop over at I.ockeporl and (Jueen Charlotte City. The. weather encountered was a mixture of fog, snow, rain and wind and was one of the worst passages made up I lie coast ,according-'lo Capt. MaMis. The Prince .lohu will leave for Vancouver via the Queen Char-! lidle Islands at '.) o'clock tonight., Passengers arriving at Prince; lluperl i.icluded Mr. and Mrs. Lee and daughter.' Mrs. (Dr. i Palmer and Son, and Miss Kn-i nyu rrom Hockley Hay; It. K. ; Hurger. Mr. and Mis. Itnltan. H.i I''.. Iloliertsou and Miss Carpenter frvm Massed. HOW MUCH SHOULD WOMAN FORGIVE IN MANSHE LOVES? Whelhef or not a woman should forgive everything in the man she loves is Ihe underlying theme of the (ioldwyn pliolopbiy. "Name I lie Man!" which is lo lie shown tonight at Ihe Wesfholme Ihealre. Whether her love should triumph and her pride he submerged no matter what he lias done, Hi- whether she .should let him suller. out his, own .salvation is the' problem persenled. In Hall Cable's eharaclers from I he -Master of Man," Ihe fpies- llon is worked out. Conrad Nagcl as Victor Stowell, -Palsy itiilli Miller as I'eiinclla, and Mae Hindi as Hessie Collisler. are the principals involved. Victor, who really loves J-Vn- nella, is rauirlit in a well of rir- cumslance, and sins. Hessie, (lie victim of circumstance also, does everything in her power lo urn- led him from Ihe iriil he I and from' his jnildir. Hut when suspicion dawns upon Kennella, and she realizes thai lie-is guilty, her only comment is a sham slap across his fare. "However, when racing an in-rensed moli, he makes a com plete confession, she glories in ins lionesly. her love again triumph and she rushes to pro- led him from being stoned. ! The Man in the Moon fiiiiimn tin,, i ' . Tl I Kill-: seems U JP0 n little more Vense. m Hie bobbed 'Mocking idea Ihan Ihe hohhed hair craze. THK house wilh the electric healer made things rather dilll- cull for .Santa Clans. ninns tether. of a readier drink to- IF you think that Canada bus no flag just lake a long glance at the Christmas neckties. NOW that Ihe New Year has dawned let us take off our coals and get more sleep. NOW that we have a whisl. league anil crili league how about a pokfr or a blackjack league? A WOMAN has about as much idea in selecting a gifl necktie for a man as a buby "has about Ihe fragrance of a cigar. NOW that the Christmas tree season is about over what will the dly' reporler have lo write, about? - IT Is bad )uck to tre.adnn a banana skin any day in tlnryearv TO find out the amount of clever it thu average person has TITE DAILY T&7 ' Friday, January W. !l! . I TOE'S January Home Furnishing s Every Department in our store giving Big Value Reductions The very latest design in Diningroom and Bedroom Furniture all new stock; for guaranteed quality and rock bottom prices we have what you require Axminster and Wilton Carpet Squares offer at special iediicl'ons. Ask for our Special prices for the January Sale. Draperies for yourWindow Colored Velours, Sinjle and Double Faced, at 25 Per Cent Discount . Colored Cretonnes, Madras, Scrims, Marquisettes, Poplins, and Shadow Clot'is at reduced prices never before offered. We are determined to reduce our large slock in these lines and nur many palrons will save by our January Special Prices. Swiss Net Curtains, per pi ir, 2." per cent discount. Blinds and Curtain Rods ; I Hig Special Prices Kitchen Cabinets " J Six different designs. Handy and compact, and, keeps your kitchen ulcusds tidy ami neat. Uu llioo new lines of Cabinets, Special. Sale Prices, Kitchen Tables with Kiiiimel Tops mid finished while Knamel. Kitchen Tables with and without drawer at Sale Prices. in the lop ptorcy just run out of gas on Third Avenue. 'I UK fellow who said that woman's place js the home evi dently did not live in the day of Ihe movies. NOW dial the Klk's candle guessing comoelilinn is over why not malic a gues.s on the. inercas'e in population of our fair" city for lues? WK read that Holsheviks In 1'rance have gone lo enrth. Thn ijneH-y ts have they gone deep enough? IT would he a fine Idea for Mia local grouchers to make a resol- New Year. TERRACE NOTES .fames Turnhull of llazcllnn Is in town for, a few days. The Misses Christie of Prince Ilupert spent Ihe Christinas holidays al Ihe home of their parents here returning lo Prince lluperl on Tuesday. W. Anderson of Terrace soenl Christum in Prince Itupert. Stanley llrooks was home for Christina!;. Miss filadys Clover is unend ing Ihe Christmas holidays with utlon nut to grouch during tho'.Miss Huberts of Sinillier Chesterfield and Daveno S.uites Three-Plece Chesterfield Suites and Daveno Suites, with Hetl and Mallress complete, at Hig Special Jaiuiarv Sale Values. Kasy Chairs, Hockers. Library Tables, cil. Springs and Mattresses, all at Heiluced Prices. To clear at less than cost Ginghams, !12 inches wide, Colored and Plain at 5 Yards for $1.00. ' SPECIAL Silk 1 Yard Wide SPECIAL III the following Colors: Cold, Hose, bight Hlue. riiccu, Cream, Drown, While. Maroon, and Hark Hlue. This Silk is or fine ipialily and is our regular s'.'.uii value. To Clear at $1.00 Cash. Watch Our Windows for Special Prices Odd Lines of Flat Curtain Rods to clear at Special Prices Crockery ft Geo. D. Tite Quality Home Furnisher f, I- Kvery piece of China and Crockery in our Shire at ?. per cent Reduction. .When you have se2n our stock at marked down prices this will convince you of Third Avenue Real Values Uttered Tile's Store gives the guarantee for quality and price our Phone 20 GET IT AT! HIGH CLASS -GROCERS PHONE 586 NEW YEAR GREETINGS WITH ALL GOOD WISHES.