llM, January y PM- kioH X SIN cs;r or UUAUITT ONDS 5IH0KD) CANADA SAW CO. LIMITED MONTM.' UJOMII. N.. ft To Our Many Patrons V "akr ijlflj opportunity i iiiai kini? rou fur your he al ,H .aage during y ai ai'il hnpe w'" ''on-, . ic ill. ring fT-'.r). wish a Happy and ln,vpr iinsi New Year to A1.I. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Barg am 5eas, Bays and Rivers of Queen Charlotte Islands Abound With Fish of Marketable Varieties Tll' SCIO H(M' Islulllls variety. We waters thai c;iii It "Awakens Old Memories My G. llarrion hays .'mil rivers in ami around the Queen Char-leeni with domestic resources of fish in mile-, have all the species nf nnliiinii freuueniiiiir nor fish iiro of firslrjass thai they do not rim found elsewhere on this roast, and Ihese qnnlily. Ihe great drawback, Imwexrr, is in large enough Humilities In tnini !. erection oi many canneries Tor their curing. Spring salmon can he caught in the spring hy thousands in several hays and I mi's of our islands. The great ilillieully in regard hi Hie salmon fishing industry of these islands is the exposure a Ihe enlranee of several of Ihe rivers to the southeast wind. Which at the time of the fall fishing is the prevailing wind. ;'l'he rivers being so narrow nn legal fishing can possibly al- lowed in the rivers themselves, as an ordinary pill-net would block the enfire river and so prevent any of the fifdi from reaching llieir spawning beds. AH fish ,' therefore must be caught in I Hecate Straits or in the waters 'of the Inlets outside of the en-j I ranee nl Hie rivers, uud wilh- jiiul tin' least doubt, hy so fishing a large iiiantity of fall fish Ci.illil he obtained. i i it imperative that hatcheries -liniild In' created at the same i iiiie Dial riiinmercial fishing i. Offer THE VANCOUVER DAILY PROVINCE Celebrating the occupation of Its new home, makes this Bargain Offer The. Daily Province By mail to any address in British Columbia outside Greater Vancouver 4 Months for - $100 SUBSCRIBE NOW STEVE KING SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED YOUR, MEN FOLK WILL APPRECIATE "WOLSEY" UNDERWEAR, SOX & SLIP-OVER VESTS PRICES VERY REASONABLE Phone Green 85 UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sulliua from rrlnc import, of VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, nd Alert Biy, Tuaaday, 6 P.. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Mart Bay, and Swanion Bay, Saturday, 10 A.m. tor ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON nd Naai ROtr Cannarlaa, rrlday A.M. MJ 2nd A.nu. J. BarnaUy, Atnt. .rlnca Rupart. B.O. A famous Bourbon Whisky as noted ' for its antique maturity as for its purity and smoothness. Bourbon in fact and quality-backed BOTTLED IN BftND UNDER fCDERAl GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION Old Crow L Bourbon WImskey J This ndvertlsr.rncnt Is not published or1 displayed Liquor Cotilrol Hoard or by Urn (lovernment llrilisli Columbia. by of the allowed, otherwise wilhin a very short period our rivers will he entirely depleted of salmon. He- liable men also must he placed in charjrc of these hatcheries. and if everything he conducled on up-to-date lines, I have no dnnhl that Ihe rail fishing up and around .the inlet h or these islands will 'prove successful In all parlies interested. Careful Observation After careful ohservalion for many years of Ihe salmon that frequent lheslrenins of our islands, my opinion is that Ihe snckeyes begin to run the third or fourth week in March. ' The heavy run is generally 'from the middle of April to Ihe end of tune. The steel-heads run in August and sixain in December. The cohoes begin to run about the second week ill August and continue to run until Ihe end of September. The humphark ami dog salmon eonimence to appear about the first of Aiifiii l and conlinue until Ho1 end of Novem ber. Special legislation I think nlighl to be niaile so its to allow Ihe sockeyes lo tie caught whilst iliey are riming plentifully. . In regard lo Ihe quality of Ihe sockeye salmon Captain Wal- hran. formerly commander of Ihe Jl.li.S. (tundra, staled: "Whilst at Skidegale, Oueen Charlotte Islands, I examined the excellent salmon riers from which the eannery lalely eialillliei there was drawing at that early sIiikc, of the season i.May; some plen-4 1 i 1 fish. The fish were small lull of excellent flavor, beinn in that re pec l more like Itrilish salmon than I have yet met with on this coast. Herring Banks As regards the herring banks. Iliey have never yet 1 n prospected thoroughly, but we who reside on Ihe islands know that I hey make their appearance in April and are caught hy Ihellaidas forjiail in countless, numbers. The llaidas dry thousands of pound of their spaw n .annually for I lien-own consumption and bo trading with oilier Indians. These rish are admirably adapted for making bloaters. While I am w riling about the herring. there is something which I think should be known unil which should at once bet slopped. refer lo the wanton j"IH destruction of Ihe herring cggL, .... . ,,.1 rssi- liy me llamas, During me spawning season they take boughs of hemlock trees, and after slriugiug lines on (hem, submerge Ihe houghs in Ihe waters of the hays near their homes. After Ihe branches have been in the water I wo; or three lays thy are drawn up ahdgre.'il bunches nf herring spawn are found clinging lo them. The llaidas then take these eggs, dry Ihem, and pack them into boxes which hold about forty pounds apiece. These dried herring eggs are considered quite -i delicacy hy Ihe nalives and are shipped as far as lla.elloft on Ihe Skeena and Aiyansh nu Ihe Xaas. Near ly all Ihe stores in Hie interior as well as I hose nu the coast which ruler to Ihe Indian trade handle these dried eggs, and an immense number nf Ihem are sold annually. If Ihe herrings are of any commercial value, then Ibis des truction nf I heir spawn ought lo be immediately slopped, AI. present there are no regulalions governing the destruction of herring spawn, but it can readily he seen w hat harmful effect I his indisrriminal,e destroying of llioj spawn is bound lo have on any herring Industry wherever established. Should the (lovernmcnt decide lo protect Ihe herring spawn, il would cerlainlr aid in (he propagation of Ihe fish in Ihe bays and harbors or our Islands, but il will lake many years before Ibis can finally be accomplished, For the Sportsman I-'nr Ihe sportsman's pleasure Irnut or all description are found in our lakes and streams and nro of excellent flavor and . THE DAILY NEWS PACE FIVE Annual Clearance Sale IIG REDUCTIONS on Seasonable Lines BOYS' DEPARTMENT BOYS' CAPS Heg. l.5i Sale Price 65c The famous Wolfe Caps. All sizes. Sale Price 65c GAUNTLET GLOVES Heg. .r0 Sale Price 95c Willi fringes, wool lined. Sale Price 95c. BOYS' JERSEYS 100 Pure Wool. Heg. $.'1.25. Sale Price $1.85 SI. Margaret's Kraud with button shoulder and lo Collar, siX)s 2o (o 20. Sale Price $1.85. BOYS' COMBINATIONS Heg. Heuinans 'n. 71. All size.- BOYS' GOLF HOSE 100 per W ool. Sale Price G5c. BOYS' MACKINAW COATS Phone 359. often weigh as much as two or jthree pounds apiece, j, The next choice and marketable fish In be found in larae l.iiuanl ilies in Ihese waters is Ihe skil or black cod. The cod fisli- I think mqsl lo ,1 large ex-he carried oit, ;liy sailing vessels, and our istanus oner im mense advantages for Ihe opera-lion of such crafl oyer almost, any oilier part of Ihn'coasl. Tho length or a fishing" voyage is very uncertain, as il all depends on Ihe presence of the cod. In the eastern waters shine fishermen are .absent, lw(i orj three months lifole a ratrfh is "made, 'and. frequent changes of ground are often necessary before promising bank for operations can be delennined, consequently Ihe 'duration or Hie trip seems to me lo indicate thai the operation of steamers or motor boats in these waters for cpd fishing would be a very expensive oprra-lion. Prince Huperl at llie outside calculation being only one -" wmi TT5TR Ji Sfc' Keeps cThcUomcClcan GILLETT'S PURE FLAKE LYE is the UnUaM to hm nlUtlon. Nothing tuuiiU It for clrantng cut Inlta nJ dmlni, tinning irMj rooMni lrnll, krrplnt poort clrn, tic CO can from your rorrr. It will you murh hard labor. GILLETTS IOO PURE FLAKE LYE II 1 a $1.K5. Sale Price $1.45 . Sale Price $1.45. Hegular $ i.ijri. Sale Price 65c lleatbei shade. Sizes CVj In ,SVj. BOYS' SUITS Heg. value lo 8.r.O. Sale Price $9.95 (Jeniiine l'ox Serge, all wool, Willi extra bloomers. Sizes 2 lo :id. Sale Price $9.95. -Hegular ..S.r0. fi.W.fi. Hrand in Kancy and Plain Dei lo :t(i. Sale Price $6.45. Sale Price $6.45 fe'it. LADIES' SWEATERS 10(1',; Pure Wool. Kadi In a wide range of assorted colors and Values (i..-.0 to 1 2.00. Sale Price $2.95.' Sizes. 2i $2.95 styles. MEN'S DEPARTMENT MEN'S BUSINESS SHIRTS Hegular $.1.00. Sale Price $1.45 In Plain onl Fancy Stripe lesigus. All sizes. Sale Price $1.45. G.B. BORSALINO AND BROCK HATS $4.95 Silk lined in all . uoi- and sizes. Sale Price $4.95 hundred miles away from any of I lie cod banks, when a calch is etrecied. twelve hours sailing would easily brills' Ihe fish to their destined distributing point. The best cod banks are abou five and a half miles off Hie west coast of these islands, and a times arc to be found in large quantities in two hundred fathoms of water, and the fish average about seventeen pounds apiece. Mr. Mown I, w-io 'was an expert ill Iheso fiuil Iocs, pronounced the black cod. 'caught in these waters the finest fish .in Ihe world, far surpassing tVe eastern salnioii and mackeral. He preiticled l-hal any company that would go into this business properly would reap splendid results, ami thai such nn enterprise would prove remunerative, as the superior quality of these fish would coin, in a 1 1 1 1 a ready market wherever introduced. In addilion lo the black cod we have Hie black rock, the orange rock, the red cod, flounders, plaice, crabs and shell-fish of all descriptions. Notwithstanding Ihe matchless induce ments presented hy Ihe fishing wealth of Ihese Islands, scarcely moiV than four companies have as yet assayed lo grasp Ihe prize Ijlilor's Nole. This is the siMh or a series of articles on Ihe Oueen Clinrlolle Islands by Mr. Harrison. The next will appear in an early issue). As the resull of the turning over of a coal oil cooking stove. t tin contents of I Ifi Kighlh si reel occupied by Mrs. Uuarrell, were badly scorclied by a fire which broke mil al i o'clock New Year's jnorjilng. The fire dc iparlnienl answered the call find, upon arrival, found the fire nik ing ''headway Willi a strong liimvA lilriu'lni?. A line or Il0s was run oul and the fire extinguished, before, any Considerable damage was done. MEN'S DEPARTMENT MEN'S CAPS Heg. :j.oo. Sale Price $1.15 and $1.95 Wolfe Hrand. Newest shades. Hilk lined. All sizes. Sale Price $1.15 and $1.95. 2-PIECE UNDERWEAR 100 Pure Wool. Natural. All sizes. Hegular i.50. Sale Price Per Suit $2.85 Medium weight in While and .Sale Price $2.85. STANFIELD'S RED LABEI Hegular ,-.(). Sale Price Per Suit $3.95 Heavy weight, all wool, in two piece or combination. All sizes. Sale Price Per Suit $3.95. JUMBO KNIT SWEATERS Hegular 12.00. Sale Price $6.95 I00'; Pure Wool. Pull-over slyle with roll and shawl collar in plain or combination colors. All sizes. Sale Price $6.95. WORK GLOVES Hegular .l.r0 Iforseliide, Wool lined, all sizes. Sale Price 95c Sale Price 95c MEN'S SUITS at less tha cost $16.95' In Jiije Tweed, Serges am Worsted in a wide rang-of patterns lo choose from, in all sizes. While thev last at Per Suit $16.95. MEN'S OVERCOATS $24.95 and $33.45 Hegular values lo iMl and $!"0, in Fawns. (Sreens and (irevs. While they last, $24.95 and $33.45. MEN'S HEAVY WOOL SOCKS Heg. r.Oe. Sale Price 35c In Light Shade with White Toe and llee. Sale Price Per Pair 35c. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Heg. .2.ri0. Sale Price $1.65 All wool and double sewn throughout. Colors Hrown, Navy. Cray and Khaki. All sizes. Sale Price $1.65. AS SPACE DOES NOT PERMIT US TO LIST ALL OUR MERCHANDISE, ALL GOODS IN THE STORE ARE MARKED DOWN REGARDLESS OF COST. me Importers ALL MAIL ORDERS FILLED AT THESE PRICES P.O. Box 667. See Our Linfe of Windsor Bow Back CHAIRS And Gate-Leg Tables Any Finish You Desire Barries Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street Phone 123 Another League in a Grand March of Progress Extremely low Mortality Rate Interest Collections Larger than Ever-Business In Force over $380,000,000 will close the record of our thirty-second year in business at December 31st, 1824. The Great-West Life Assurance Company Head Office Winnipeg