!l Figured French Bleach." T a 1 ouiards Oi t "0 shades, patterns . .....ii.i r.... in . in - Dresses, anil Ii washes lifauli fully. Hv i: n-ed at per yard $1.50 j. r r i l esior nngiana Store Phone 753. . - n DCnlirTIAM on Spring oats anil Hats 'Demers" House of Quality hlifinw i mm AT- 1 ILT 1 a. ?k. Now obtainable In Prince Rupert. Supra Canada's J-'av-on'e Furniture 1'olish. At all good stores in Ii'vge hollies. . 1 1 r 1 1 n n v- 1 1 bji mi 'fl! . II. A IICII..LA "i lit: illinium fe w i hh he Iloosler Label. DRY iiimi i 9i iiiiii and Cedar $6.60 Per Load ' ut to any length. TT 1 m i IV H I THHSIPI 139 Second Avenue r-none 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Blue Fox Pups J dtlU.ry July 20th 10 30lh, 192B, ONLY) Later (Ullvtry, 25 pr ctnt hlflhtr. .. "hi llii'in ytmiiR. COST t.KSS, if liiiiulleil, iluirlle mil limed ' .' -"Hi St'iul Tor now limiklet li'II; ut! 100' INCREASE GUARANTEED 2. 3 or 4 yr. old Brtdr, with without 100 ptr cant Ineraaaa, our guarantee backed by ample at-ii and 23 yra. of bualneaa Intefl-rl' In thle etale. lt?repriic.'s i iirnhhpd yon Hi"i(Utri-i.u ami freslilpiila. Six "ani,: Meinlior lit Seattle. Clwin- r i:iiiiiiiniTe. CLEARY DROS. FOX FARMS . t:niilr lllitir,, 8KATTLE, U.S.A. ot iho Worlil'e l.argpsl fox Karma) St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert' Leading Restaurant. A Bakery UnsurpaMd Third Avenue. halibut .alibut I both .oil, Doings of the Mosquito Fleet which is the chief source of Prince Rupert's prosperity landings dropped a few points Purchases New Launch . s ... i in - Hours ami against Ihe tide. id inimilei W. llidley, of Kilkalla, has hi- over a WIT 1 1 ,11, ! iBgaPjfS j The waterfront business has struct ion fur Hie I.owe been slightly intorererrd with liy Hie Mclnria Day holiday inler-,vening on Monday last when IIih Fish Kxrhange did not operate-and I he other business houses were closed. However, Ihc holiday lias had Utile effect upon the volume ,,f work carried out dur- ling the remainder of the week and a small thing like a holiday does not retard the fishermen or cannery. Engine Trials Cap I. C (i. Minns, who tins recently completed Ihc installation of a new Universal engine, )n hi hoat, took her out on a -trial run on Wednesday evening. Thei revolutions a minute, and gives the boat a fine turn of speed. box of contract with the nautical'SunnysiiJe cannery this season. j - Welilon McAfee of the Georgetown mill has taken over I bo pul out for distant points loaded 'management of the local ollice with joyous rates of women and I for the Hag Hay Lumber Co. in children, .'the absence of ltaluli I.e Pine. With Hie local canneries gel-'ing into the season's stride, there is considerable activity among the large packing and work boats of the Meet and several of the larger utility boats in port have been overhauled and are in readiness to engage in this class of work. A flotilla, of native boats has been in port (his week from the Naas civor district and Kitkatla on their wny to Ihe canneries. who, accompanied by Mrs. . I.e. Pine, is faking a prolonged holiday in southern- cilies including Los Angeles. Don't Like Bread If you should ever chance to be inviled lo join Messrs. Woods, Parr and Grimblc, of Cold Storage fame, on a fishing expedition never by any chance take along such a useless food as bread or you may see unexpected trouble. vThe three aforemen tioned piscatorial wonders look lit. into llieir ln:iils In mi mi lm MlHiert warn lias rerenny , Wnuilwurtl. lake over II. n lioli. purchased the .13 foot launch ;,,ays , Ull ,rm an,, ,, ar. Honanza Irom Anyox inieresisrjval ,a Uujr (.anp lisr-iviriMl, and is disposing or bis former;,,,,,,.,,.,.,,,. ,,,,, , ,,,. j(,y launch Kva. The llonaiua has (, ).,,,,, llhmu a beam of t fool, is powered; breail. tt is sni.i llial. Hillv Willi .1 KI-12 h.. l'ulmer engine wjUl iin,,,,in0!j8 ji,, F,.0( amiiiung a spei hiuuhw !,r(lk(. jnto Mmg wmx t,c ,js. miles per hour and has sleeping !covery w)lt ,,,,,,1 T, ,,arly ,,r, accommodation Tor t persons. innr jn ,((, leviathan II. on Sal-Al present the launch is on lb?jU.,,av nini.jnp anj j,0'jllfj unahle McLean ways f(r a general over-!(o fjmJ an onfinc iying around haul and painting. The first ,nns(, ,,.ci(i0, to rey lu,on I rial or the boat was given over j m, man pnWPr aTlir wjlj(,h the holiday week end when Mr.workP(, w jn ,,,. At ,c and Mrs. Ward and son took niomicjusion of (h( fir!,f nijIo it run out to Spiller lliver to nn-;Nvas ,.r,,ss.,ry i0 ,0V(. to and joy Ihe I rout rishinK ul thiit ron(ir first aid lo Billy's hands point. The return trip was niailc wlie, i)0(.mo n.0 OP ios. new 12 h.p. Fairbanks-Morse gas! nn pn( nlph UnUx,,r ,, engine inslalled in Ins uoai ami; will proceed to the salmon trolling grounds immediately. New Boat Launched f'.ass Kdwards' new Tool halibut boat has been completed in Vancouver anil was launched on May 20. Mrs, K. .Newell, of I u ,tIordoa Street, -Vancoiiver, u,. i, wit. for the hoal, tdllcialed LAND ACT. Notlca of IntantloTir Apply to Laaaa IKi'W'Hnir lstrlct of tn ' Ihe LiUKl ... L. m.,.r 'mil ".'"'. "!. . ''".A"'' (.on mHirinr ' fPV,,m. the iimiilli ''"winlp lliirlior. lnlaiMll tl.e.M-o ' two (i rhuliH. more or loss. "f watir nrfe on" hiimlri'il ami mr i.i...- iin'iwf iiniiihwfm on.- V. ...iM n Hlxiy 1 10) rhiilns, more or m tn iiolut of I iiiMli-iTiinu aim run t'lTnii.K llilriy nvo (3St arreit, more o ' iKi. niwK Mil t .1 -lin l.lMITl'.D. baud My . lB- INume of Applicant. marked with the beastly paddle. Dr. I'arr snved the day by smearing the injured member with siinie bacon fat. The ship had . . . - ...i.i : : . . Ihe course when Hilly again distinguished himself' by dropping his fishing rod and (ackle over the side. However, a few niinules of fancy iliving soon restored Iho missing nrlicle. IJelween Sun day morning and Monday after al the humming rcn-mmj """iimie tiling got. badly neaien up christened Ibe new craft "Knnna j Iini) onjy ,lUif of it wa!i finally u The Knnna K.. which i raled as one or Ibe mma-lest boats on the coast, look the waler splendidly. Battle Anniversary l.esl we forget. Tomorrow, May .'II, is the ninth anniversary !.r 'n.n' Hullle of Jullanil when ing and swinging berths have been inslalled which gives sleeping room for four full-sized persons. When, tho berths are closed up Ihe cabin gives nice comfortable room for observation purposes Jhrough four large windows. In addition two per sons enn sleep in the fore part of the boat. The interior look very inviting and' with plenty of power Doug should be able lo enlerlain royally during the amateur fishing season. The Canadian schooners Atll, Pair of Jacks and Ingred II. have been tip on the Ward wnys during the week for paliiling and general overhaul. The Misses Weatherlmad, Mc Kay, Itolhwell and Mercer, mem THE DAILY 1TEW1 week end over at Meflakatla. Thn ......... tAff " (.t.ilnl tiifvl.l nl.AnJTl lflll, JI'll. UK ill'lilj II lp II ! ailllll l l. I 1. Tlfn.l r 1. III!" 1 it li III" II .Illy 1(1111, l-..lU. UUHIV returning to port on Monday night. I Capt. "Handsome" Jim Morrison has fished for the last lime on the high spots ami the famous schooner Caygeon now has Capt. Oscar Young at the. gad-Cits. -Ilio has joined the staff of tlie Cieo. llushby towing fleet and is master of the tugboat Tide Hip for the lime being. We understand that Mr. Bushby will Inlet I'01"""' "Handsome" Jim to pose tor ine summer' lounsis at siai ed intervals In the interests o( the port. The Latest Engine The latest and one of the finest marine engines lo arrive in Prince Huperl, and for that mal- i ii... itn...i..:r... : -. ii. n a emr me lllm .in. ,.n,..,.,.r .,.ll"' " """"", - h.p. Denmark, deisel engine, manufactured by the Ilein Sonos their colleagues very much. On Skipper Minns is expecting bi('n"",Jt"y 10 in-talle,! in the. Tnnerlm om.w. 'tun Ann ..r nr . "" "",'""! iMiiiiiun i tilings irom me new new Havmoller trolling boat which is ls being built in the Mo- r"c" """1, was marketed on IhVlricks at the Yacht Club regatta' , , ish Kxchange When prices for!,,,, June S. It is expected I the 'j""" ft'"1 tMs TT ( . letsel 4 lass ami American and Canadian 'betting will be around ,!V,n fu 1 eye e c While the weather man did not serve up n particularly brilliant brand of weather for tho money on tho Minns' craft for the Yacht Club cup. Joe Spencer has recently had his power boat remodelled on the holiday, it might have beeniCow llay creek ways and willi . . - 1 II.. m - !... I. ! worse. In spile of several inter-(ake millenl. showers, the fraternity and lueir families were astir early in the day and many of the schooner in port one of the most reliable crude oil engines on the market today. A feature of Ihe'enginn is that it so well counter-balanced that it does nol necessarily need lo bo bolted in a boat at all. The makers guarantee, that it can bo run at full speed on Ihe si and unfastened and that it will not! niovo a fraction of an inch. The vibration is therefore nil. Tin? engine is now at the McLean yards and is causing a great deal of inlerest among local fishing boat owners. Henry Carlson of Kitkatla is in port with his power boat Kathleen and is having considerable repair work, done on her at the McLean yards. The hull is being entirely reeaulked while .re-planking and leck remodel ling will also he carried out. The engine will also be rebored. Changing Engines The power boat Wake, Capt Clarke, is being, powered with a Fairbanks i cylinder gas engint' recently purchased from Dr. Sugar of Port Simpson. Dr. Sagar has taken Ihe engine from the mission boat Northern Cross. Canon Hiishbrook, vylio is pulling in a new Standard medium duly engine. Capt. Claude Kelchum has recently overhauled the engine in his power boat Wigwam. Tugboat' Busy . The tugboat M.T.3., Capt. II. Oreen, .flagship of. the Hushliy lowing fleet, arrived in port onj Tuesday evening from (leorge-l lown having in low. a scow lo.nl I of fish boxes for thp Pacific aodj lloolh Fisheries. The tug has sincel . leH for Stewart with a cargo of pack horses and on her return south will bring a boom noon one of tin? ristiermen inn yM,.kilv:wiH case ?n5hing and ',n, ;.?.,Krl1' ,,al,,fl l.8 not l0Iwill lake over a cVnlracI with nanu raugm. a nan u n (10 p0,. Kdward cannery. in Hie igtii inr ine nsn mo poor recovered. The parly returned home on Monday night safe but, empty A Comfortable Boat Doug. Shirk's power launch Sunbeam II. has been recently transformed into a very useful looking and- comfortable, cruiser. Ihe (ierman high seas fleet was; nservnlinn cabin, formerly . . i.. I... Ilin 111' I ll T1I1VV . ... . . put lo mine . ." covered with canvas curiums. under rnininand of Admiral "'-!!,;, 1(,1(n ,.isod in with boarn- llcoe. inn Miller is having a Irolling boat hnill nl Ibe Cow Hay creek ways. The Sugft yards have three pursc-seine sk skills unuer c.mi- northern mill. The schooner Lyskil, Capt. Pete Jensen, has been taken up on the dry" dock ponloons l) have her slulTing bos and stent bearing fixed. Upon the termin ation of Ihi repair work the. Mrs. A; Clapperlon left on thi? easlhound train this morning for Cedarvale to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Hold. Wiggins in an etTort. lo gel rid of a had allack of rheumatism. Out of Commission II is announced (hat W. O. WeHord, of boat building fame, Is confined tn his home suffer- HEART TROUBLE SHORTNESS OF BREATH mm. Opo. E. nowm.m, Mnrrlsbiirir, out writes: "I am writing yon a few Hum to lot you know of my experience with MUbiirn's Heart and Serve rill. Two years alto 1 lieeame very poorly Willi my lieitrl awl nerve ami wlienever I took tlie least little bit of exereHe my lieart would start to Jump ami flutter. I could not walk im-stiilr without Having- to sit tlown anil rest before I was half-way up, on account of my breath berominir so short, I uiiuimeiireil taklna; MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS and In no time I felt i great improve infill, and ran now heartily recommend tliem lo all those who are troubled with any affection of the heart," H & M 1.IIU arn far aula al all ilrlir bera of the local teaching staff, ,n(1'g(,nerR Morr.. ,,t ,, oniy by The spent a very enjoyablo holidciyT Miiburn Co, Limited, Toronto, out Service that makes friends Mickey Calls In PI Mickey Sullivan, secretary of war for Poreher Island, called into porl this week on the bridge of the good ship Amy S. Mickey is looking fine and says lie. feels as skookum as a mouse in 'i gallon of cream. Mickey is an-ticipatng putting his hoal into commission in tho season's fish ery patrol. Arrivals Arrivals this' week were: Amer ican Arrow, aiki, uiucoin. ingle, Polaris, Wizard, Consti tution, Kanatak, Spray, Western, Caslern Point, Kodiak, Atlantic, ilacier, Caslor, Omaney, Atlas, Mildred II., Iloald (Amimdsen Onah and .Sumner. Canadian: Lysekil, Dolphin, Hose Spit, D.S.T., Cape Spear, M. M. Chris topher, Volunteer, Scrub, Molina, Inirred II.. Johanna. W. T X. & S.A., J'isher and Nuba. Fine Tugboat In The luuhoat. I.a Heine, owned by the Vancouver lowing and MarKO- Co., arrived in porl on Thursday morning with Rrave.1 for tlie elevator. This tugboat is one of the smartest looking craft on the roast and is of tho latest type. She is powered with a 220 h.p. Polar full deisel en-pine of the 2 cycle type nnd is direclly connected, having no clutch. The engine has four working cylinders and two BARRIES' " PAGE FTTR Value that keeps friends COe Turnish 7iomes V BlSSCLL I 1 JWTTTJT I Furniture Sale the Sale you have been waiting for starts Monday, June 1 st at 8.30 a.m. We must reduce our stock by $10,000 to make room for our fall shipments Former Prices Forgotten Bargains in Every Department Many lines bought especially for this sale We are determined to furnish your home with the best furniture made and yet save you money now is the right time to buy that new piece of furniture you have been wanting of logs from Work Canal for tbe'jnp -vs.-i 1 1 a severe chill. Harry Day, the genial timekeeper at th" Canadian Fish & Cold Storage plant, recently underwent a serious operation at the (ienerai Hospital. It is gratifying lo know from Harry's watnrfronf friends that he is progression very satisfactorily. Remember the store BARRIES' HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 123 One door east of Daily News Office ilCANADIANj pAciric eaiuT Third Ave Coast Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE GEORGE sail rrmn Prince Unpen for VANCOUVER, victoria, SEATTLE ami intermediate poim each . SUNDAY and THURSDAY, 10 P..M. For ANYOX Wadneiday 10 P.m. For STEWART Saturday 10 P.M. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY aie.pt Sunday 1 1 .30 aJIl. for l'rince Ueorire, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, ah points Eastrrn Canada, Unltld suites. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlekat Office, S28 Third At, Prlnc Rupart. Phone 260. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS MARY. For Ketchikan, Wrangall, Juneau and Skaaway May 8th, 1Sth, 2Slh, June 8th For Vancour. Victoria and Seattle May let, 12th, 22nd, June 2nd, 13th. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butadala, Swanaon Bay, Eatt Bella Bella, Ocean Fella, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver eery .Saturday 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamahlp Llnea. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailing's trom Prime Rupert, 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alert Bay, Tueeeay, P.M. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART. Sunday, S P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa RUer Ceneerlee, Friday A.M. I2S 2nd Avenue. 4. Bernaley, AgeaU Prlae Unpen, BwO. manoeuvring cylinders, the two latter being operaled by air. Th' npej-atlng cost of the 220 h.p. engine is 72c per hour covering fuel and lubricating oil. Her towing winch and lighting plant is operated by electricity which Is supplied by a iC h.p, Vickers-Petter engine. Thn tugboat, which iOO feel long by 20 foot beam, left on Iter relitrn south yesterday morning. Advertise in tho. Dally News.