it . R PAfJi? "TCVflt The Perfect Mend DAILY EDITION II SALADA' HB3C Teas from nearly thirty different gardens are blended to give SALADA its distinctive flavor. It is truly a revelation. Try it. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Pulilislied' Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily New?. Limited, Third Avcnuf. II. P..PULLEN, Managing Editor, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Citv Delivery, bv mail or currier, per month $1.00 Rv mail b all parts of Hie British Empire and the United . Slates, in advance, per year . .. ffl.flO Tnall olher eotlntries, in advance, per year $7. no All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before i p.m. on 'day preceding publication. All advertising received subject " to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Wednesday, April 22. 1925. Box Factory Will Add To Industries. The ho fat lory to be operated here in connection with the Prince Rupert n) ill Will he a valuable addition to the' local iudtis-Iries in that it will enable the operators to dispose of the low' grade spruce lo advantage. In this part' of the world the -lov( grade spruce is always a drug on the market. The dilfinces are so great that it doesviiol' pay lo haul it IjO the prairies and it is not in great demand there. By manufacturing box shook lite lumber can be marketed to advantage. Little Knowledge Is Dangerous Thing. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, .lust now the natives of Africa are acquiring a Utile knowledge and the result is that they are in a condition where any agitator can easily pur-1 sitade litem that they are ill-used. There are nmtiv millions of them in the eountry and Ihey are learning to keep in touch 'th each other by using modem methods of communication. The result is that they are finding HieTitselves! of greater importance than'; formerly and it). the .cmtrsejjf deyebipjttijnttare .likely to be irouwiespnie. it is a pnase mat lias 10 te passed through. Government Can- Hardly Compete In Business. It would be hanHy fair to private inferesls for the Provincial (overnmeit lo slep in and compete willi then! now thai Ihey are established, the government at teloria intintales thai it will not do o in ronnevtimr with the establishing of a jnilk distributing business at Prince Rupert. 1 We should all like U see a big jnilk depot' established here. We clir nol'itse" enough fresh milk, nothing like our proper proportion according lo popularion. The establishment of a depot here-would increase the Mipply and would do more business Ihnii' is done today. What milk was not used for private cou-sumpliotr could be made into buller, ice cream and similar products. It would 1e heller to imporl oua supply from the interior valleys than get it from Vancouver; We want to help the farmers and the farmers might help us by increasing the supply.' The difficulty is in establishing the business. It is. is to be hoped thai Ihe minister or agriculture will be able lo solve Ihe, problem and. give relief both to the farms and the people of Prince Mo- perl and Rial without iujiirijig those who are '.already doing busi- iii-ss iii rrinctt unpen. Clean Up Week ' . End On Saturday. ' .- ' A good many people are forgetting Ihal-lhis is "clean up week" as well as "save the forest.week," and.ljia't those wlio'ilo . not aceeplj Lite polite Invitnl'iin to tidy their premises are likely lo have a imrr,'. persuasive lone used next 'week. i n tue a. m u-miMig iip .vitcaiitftlo is. ,oiie that wdl ectmmem itself to everyone. Unly- be peal and clean. CleanliMn ness-is necessary lo menial 'health. If we are careless with our meant lots wc shall be careless with our business and everything else and cannot fxpert to succeed. x FAMED LONDON MY Gift The Gin you will tk for again the standard of purity for over 160 yean. $3.25 tee Bottle. The Gin for you is "H.tiU." This- advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. r ARE NOT KEEN FOR RAILWAY Newspaper Thinks Neither Railway Heads at Present Anxious for Task f.-, . ... of yuiie evmcnity neitiirr istr Henry Tlioritton nor President Ibtatty of Hie is anxious to build a new railway millet fur Peace Hiver products savs tli Kdnioiilyn .Hulletiii. After eon- sniermg aim eonsultiiiig all winter it i ... nicy nae nniiniii,' lo propose. and there is no promise Dial Ihey will have anything to propose in lime for Parliament to si a ft con struction- this summer. The sup- position wiis ihal J ho railway chiefs wmild hand mil a ready-made solution of Ibis problem, with minimum delay, and carry- in? the aulhorily of a idau de. vked by experts. Tin. Provitteinl government found Ihe silualion loo dillicull for it and asked 01- lawa lo help work out a relict plan. By mutual consent the whole question Was handed over lo I ln railwaymen, with a recpiesl. thai llicv say what had heller be done aboul il. Not Philanthropic Perhaps from the railway standpoint there is no solution lo which the head of cither system is willing to. -tie himself up. Sir Ib-iriy Thornton has jusl an nounced that the National lost fifty odd millions lasl year. His disinclination lo father anv eheme for building a line, un less one wilh a guaranteed tiros' peel of paying it way from Hi larl. can be understood. Tin? U.P.H. is not a philanthropic organization formed to provide railway aeeommodalion without regard lo financial consequence!' thai another railway into thf Peace Hiver district from any point would he a money-maker from the start can hardly be sup posed. And Ihe tratlic it secured in early years at least would be taken away from the existing road, which is not payin? interest on its e.'st. From the view point of the railway executive. vli6 has lo an.swiT for the kind of a financial report he brings in at the end of the year, a hesitancy about conimitling himself lo a construction proji-et is not surprising. Slrautrer thing have happened than Dial (lie problem which Hie politicians handed to Ihe rail waymen should be handed back. with nothing more binding than iioiuconiniillal suggestions as to how Ihe dllliculty might be gnr around. After all it was no! railway operators' who projecled Ihe C.P.K.. and the lines which were finally linked up lo form 'lie C.P.M. system. These undertakings originated wilh the public and with men who were rail way promoter rntlicr than opcr- nling executives. Oil Hi,' basis of immediately available tratlic neither project was one lo coin-ineml itself o men concerned in seeing lliat llm earnings each year are more than the expenditures. Bisks involved TJie' building of pioneer railways involves rjsk, and con-fitb.nce in fulure development., a n d b aci i n g ; by t h e ptj I d i t( j i t, one uvyWoj' ' a ,: rvW-ew ' rail way outlet for Peace Hiver would have In depend upon future rather than present Irallic for justification of Ihe cost. If one is lo be buill il may be that Hie provincial or Dominion government will have to say when and where, and assume responsibility for Ihe clilferencc belween operating costs and revenues. The railway chiefs do not seem at all willing lo lake nn the risk. i The Man in the Moon ! .VYS:- .MO.N'DAY Ihe papers reporled thai u man named! Nikoll' was chief bomber at Snna and yesterday il was Yankoir. itolh names were appropriate for such a job. IS somebody pulling (lowper's leg over the Janet Sinilh case or is Hie Chinese boy really a cap-live on I he grill? OVKH in Alberta one of their cliler sports is a calf Teedingr compel il ton. Here feeding the chicken: seems rather popular. SOMK day I inland lo write a hook about how lo farm the muskeg and make it pay. No. f' ';'-i ' lemma, I do not. know anything about il. That is Why I shall vvrile the book. VK hale lo hear any outsider knocking Ihe cily, but all jlo our shares hi home. W'HHN I think aboul days Hia4' are passing. Of plank road- and musket! galore, I really feel sad : And sometimes am mad . I'lial I've nothing lefl here tc gloat o'er. VK shall now hear of Ihe crops coming along fine on Ihe prairies and the bumper crop thai is in store and we shall al once our prijsperjs. bn a jewiearb't Jie itiwi.;handker i.'owna ( uar er secjipn I feel just now a millionaire Or owner of a mine. I'll sell five thousand bushels Or prelly nearly I hat, And Nl get two dollars apiece for them Yon may be sure of thai. Yes. I'm a bloated capitalist My fortune is nearly made Hut every year I feel Ibis way Till I see my fortune fade. Ten Years Ago f In Ptinr.e Rupert J "-- K April 22, 19T5. Prince nuperl jteople" are responding in a hearty manner In the cry for "patriotism and pro-duclion." Kvett domeslic. gardens refleel I lie answer lo Die appeal, '''specially its Tar as Ihe schools are concerned is a good showing being made says A. II. Tom'linsoti, provincial horliwilluralisl. The Prince Huper Cadet Corps gave' n concert in the K. of P. IKII last night. Hev. Canon Ci. ,A. It ix presiileil and among those, taking part in Ihe program were Cirpt. Hob KHehie, Corporal Willie- Cunuiilngs, W. Vangluin Davies, Miss Violet Morltmer, Mike Sy rollick, .Mr. LancaHter and Use Lifebuoy every day Manjr people never realize the importance of keeping healthy until they arc really sick. You should always do everything possible to guard against infection and consequent ill-health. It doesn't pay people, who have to earn their own living, to be sick. One way to guard against possible infection is by keeping your skin absolutely clean -by washing frequently and thoroughly with a ooJ soap. agrees with your skin For years Lifebuoy has been recognized as one of the purest and mildest toilet soaps on the market. Its gentle antiseptic lather imparts a purifying quality, which is precisely what I-'. -. Kirknal rick, liem-ge J.i'ci. was in i-liarge and short addresses were delivered by Ib . I VV" V U'HinKI mii. I II II V..l..., ... . , i ifeiii in,., ... ... ..i r,'i. The schooner lihief Zinassa. Capl. Parsons, hn returned In purl. The vessel picked up three Austrian who were adrift fur fourteen days in (Jueen ('harlot le Sound after Die boat in wlnrii 1hcy were proceeding from Senl-tle to Ketchikan .broke down. CROSS-WORD PUZZLES ARE INEVERY JOURNAL . Every journal is running crossword puzzles these days. They are to be noticed in .lonrnals as far apart as Ihe C.X.ll. Magazine and Ihe War Cry! They have ttiil ye) aitpeared in the Hoard of Trade booklet, .lull doubtless in the njexl .i(Uyins',Uirre will b Sonic of Ihe question you see are dilllctlll and I lien some of litem are-very easy, such as a five-letter word denoting "The slalT of life." You guess itn-medialely it is. bread I Hut remember at your grocers to sav "Electric Hread" and then you gel the best t5 your skin needs to keep the pores from clogging. Get several cakes of Lifebuoy Soap to-day It 'will delight you. Lifebuoy -gives you a feeling of complete cleanliness! The clean HEALTH odour vanishes quickly, but the antiseptic protection remains. Lever Brother Limited, Toronto. LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP More than Soap,-a Health Habit I Building Va.terials LUMBER - I'liiu'iisioii. Hhiplap and Km Lath. Mouldings. Onk. Fir and Cop-. 'v tV Veneers, Sli mid Doors. Cement, Lime, Plaster, Brick, Firebrick, Fireclay, Kene Cement, Plaster of Paris, Sand and Gravel, Asbssttfi 'TO-ducts, Wood Pipe, Vltriried Pipe, Agricultural Tile.jBpiW-Ing Papers, Asphalt and Rubber and Asbestos Rooftag lVurn lite Famous.' NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phpnes 116 and 504 I -Si "The Hoo? l or the mouth f ! this famous cleaner i for Ihe small firs! n.'a: 1. 50. and have iln u: : ver the next fi fieri! r us clean a rug for y n in ! .tfn" lf -' I. 5 Kaien Hardware Co. LINOLEUM RUG POPULAR PRICES are sanitary and long wearing 9x6 - $9.75 9x9 - $14.00 9x 7 - $12.00 9x 10' - $16t50 9x 12 - $19.00 Barriers Home Furnishings Third Avenue and 1st Street Phone 123 as-? 1 Wk a: A J IT I 1-3 ft IMlI' .K mm-