1 page rotra uSr. pacta rnrsg, Vii,ln,4.,v HARD TIMES ON U.S. RUM ROW Intensive Campaign Against : Liquor Runners Makes Dividends Impossible LONDON, April 22. Things are. gelling so lough along ruin row I hat a hard-working hoot legger-cannot now make a living. Even worse than thai. Ihe king of them all, Sir llrnderirk Ilarl well romidaius of the Joss of pract really a -whole cargo, seized by it ho relentless revenue cullers who show utterly no regard for Hip .'many investors in England. Sir Kroderick- has organized seven oorioralions In handle as many shipments of Honor lo runirrow oir the coast of I In' United Slates. Today his olliee in 'London received a telegram from Hip lender saying Hint hi visit "discloses an appalling situation. Over 30,(100 cases were seized hy revenue cullers ami the balance has been transferred lo thrpp schooners. At present I his balance is safe but cannot hp reached. A few thousand cases were unloaih'd, hut I ho funds dprivod no more than paid Tor Hip chartering of Hip vpsspIs. No funds will bp avtiil-ablo for Hip stockholders unless the three .schooners land safely. At present il is impossible to land Hip liquor owing lo Ihe in-1 tensive campaign waged by Hip United Stales nllicials. Am returning as soon . as possible. Communicate lo inquirers my deeppst regrets." Eight hundred persons are re-jiorled lo have supplied I lie funds for Hip venture, in answer lo Ilarl wpII's advertisement, promising a net profit of 120 per CPU I. NEW 1CE-BREMUNG VESSEL TO BE BUILT Coast Guard to Replace Bear Will Cost Close to Million Dollars WASHINGTON, April 22- new ice-breaking coast guard yessel lo be named "The Hear lo take the place of the coast guard of Ihe same name now used in northern waters is lo be built al a cost of close lo a mil lion dollars. 'So far it is in the blue print stage but II is possible the vessel may be built this year. The aim will be lo have il ready by Ihe time the present Hear is retired. 't he' newHcaV is i "In'be equip- jicd with airplanes for the pur- pose of scouting ahead for clear water and to rush aid inland in those in nped. KETCHIKAN TO HAVE FISHERMEN'S REFUGE FOR MOSQUITO FLEET KETCHIKAN, April 22. Plans are a foil ( Tor providing a place of refuge here for fishermen. Saxnian Harbor and Ketchikan Creek are : alternative projects The sche'me is to provide a harbor of refuge fur- the' fishing fleet similar to that provided last year for Wrangell. The work wilt be done by Ihe federal government and which will be undertaken will be decided upon after a thorough ex amination of the sites and con sideralinn of the needs 'of tho Tisherpien. The appro(riation must have Ihe approval of Con press. .., .( t LUXURY DEALERS CLOSE LONDON, April 22. llecause the obi aristocracy can no longer ntTord to purchase hand made lace, and Ihe inacliine-uiade pro duct satisfies the new rich,, ; famous Jace-making concern oh llond Htreel has closed its doors 'Ihe firm was established I lie I Kin century, ami al one time .sold lace culT rulTles In Loudon dandies BIBLES IN CHINA SHANfJHAI, Apri) 2?. Slightly less I luin 0,500,000 IJihles were distribuled throughout Chifia in ll2i, llie. I'eporl of the American Hible Society shows. The total is nearly 2,000,000 niore than Hie preceding year. The American society cooperates in China will) Ihe Urilisji and Foreign Hible Krviinlu nml 1 1 1 1. N'flliimnl llilllp Society of Scotland. I BRINGING UP FATHER his lPlurn last week from a trip lo Victoria announced thai a new school would be erected in .New Ilazelloiij for ue by Ihe Tall term Aliening. (i. (). (Jack (irahaiu) , who died at (Jourleliay last week, wan well known in this district.. At one time, he was in parlncrshir in tbtt mercantile business with W.'J.' l.arkworHiy. I.asl Thursday afl.prnoo:i some fifty children of New Hazellon were enlerlained a' a parly by the Community League. The. Hazellon . Indians., have taken up wTlh Indian Agent FA. Ilde, the, mailer 'of their having a village council. Mrs. Mathpjson, superintendent of the Hiucliou training school for nurses, attended 1Ii'e -.ftradu- ile Nurses' Association conven tion in Vancouver last week. Arthur Kerr has arrived from I'rinee Hupert to lake a fiosition in Falconer'w garage at Haei- Inn. Ilev. T. H. I'roefor leH last week for Vancouver and Victoria He expects to be away about, six weeks. YANDERHOOF .Mrs. (Irace E. Thayer, lale of Chilco, was married recently at Vanarsdol to Charles F. Minzim- berg of Ilanall. Last Wednesday aflernnnn al Ihe home of Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Maunders,' Chilco, Hie wedding look place of Miss E. Lnpcr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. IL l.fiper, and Harvey Edward Mc Clelland, Knii of Mr. and Mrs. Harper McClelland. Miss Mae S Inlinsiiu was bridesmaid aiid W. Ouy Leeds, 'groomsman. Hev eorge .1. tircy- jierjnrineii- me ceremony. I lie couple will rer Side at Ellisby. The wedding took place In the Presbyterian Manse last Friday afternoon, Rev. E. 11. Arrol olll- AURANIA ASCANIA ALAUNIA A 111 m SIS Mr. and Mrs. John Dye, and Ivlilh ItBse Haddock, daughter of Albert Haddock. The bride and groom both arrived from Knglaud rectnlly ami have taken up their resilience in Ihe Mapas district. STEWART Ore is being sacked at Ihe In dian Mine. A shipment of 100 Ions will he made before the snow breaks. Ilerl Smithy assislaut manage! of the Premier mine, and a crew of expert samplers ami engineers ire taking samples on Hie Dun well mine. Shipments of high grade ore from the Terminus mine will start on May in. It. It. W. Me- Dougall is now manager of the properly, -succeeding 11, A. Hey wood. Thomas Powers, wharf super intendent for Ihe Premier, has gom oulh for 'treatment. L. E. It. Stevens, mining engineer from the Cobalt country, has been appointed assistant manager of Hie Daly-Alaska mine, . .A Pfihtrael i. been e lo Ouf Ericksnn for 1100 feel of tunnel ing on the Porter-Idaho mine. II s proposed lo establish a branch of the Sons of Canada here. An organization meeting will lie ealled .shortly. ALICE ARM A group nf local men have of fered the direclors of the La, Hose mine lo drive the proposed ialing, of Arthur Dye, son of tunnel on the mine, taking pay- Ihw Cunaideis These palatial liners, another Cunard achievement, have been added to the famous Cunard Canadian fleet which brings the pleasures of "travel de luxe" within the reach of alL Like the Ausonia and Antonia, they are -"Cabin Ships," carrying only Cabin and Third Class passengers. Among the advanced conveniences offered are delightful private suites, beautiful bedrooms and an unusually large number of two-berth staterooms. Their public room embrace Venetian Palace Smoking room, one of the moit unique and charming of the kind afloat, a Long Gallery in fatcinating deiign ot oak panelling, a delightful Winter Gir-den, beautifully panelled rn figured fiddle-back aycamore, a Peter Pan Nursery lor the children, Gymnaiium located on the boat deck, Loungea, Writing rooma. Library, magnificent Drawing room, perfected ayeieme of heating and ventilation under the control of paiiengere. and every other modern equipment conducive to comfortable and pleaaent ocean travel Add to the above featuret, the enjoyment and educational Jntereat of the' St. Lawrence Kivcr trip and it la eaty to appreciate that a voyage via the Cunard Canadian Koute i' a perfect pleaaure cruite. Attc your local ateamihlp agent for book. Jcti, and for Information about the Bb Lawrence Route, or apply toi THE CUNARD STEAM SHIP CO., LIMITED 622 HASTINGS STRKET.W., VANCOUVER CUNARD CANADIAN SERVICE 5V iiieul half in cash and half iu slock. D. A. Mr Heath and II. A. McDonald, limber scalers for Ihe Pacific Mills Co. of Ocean Falls, are sneudiiig a couple of weeks here on business. SINGLE WIVES IS STORY OF MARRIAGE Wife Is Neglected by Her Husband and Seeks Solace In Company of Another "lirululily can be fought, but I here mi weapon against in-lifferenre and cohlneasl" This quotation from "Single Wives," the First National Pro Miction here tonight, strikes the .eynole of the picture. With Nirinue (iriffflh and Milton Sills in the featured -roles il presents i phase of modern marviage that goes under Ihe veneer of latter- lay domestic relations. Sills in the role of Perry .lor-lan loes his wife with every oiiuee of his being. Hut, having emitted and married her, he rests on his lam-eU, giving his business the hullj of his alleutioi. iinl accepting his charming wife n a mnller-of-facl way. , And so into the neglecled life if tills wlf comes nnolber nan. lie offers her the love her 'iK'irl craves. Life becomes n perplexing, liicoiu'prehen si b I e laiiKle lo her. And when I hi -.anil of fale i(ilervenes iu (lie 'onn of an .aceidenl In Perry the lillle wife sees the light and re discovers the love (hat flames anew in her husband's heart. COLONY TO BE OIL BASE IHE IIAOU E, April 22. The midget estiniales of Ihe Dutch o.ony or uuracao for 11)25 are iccoinpaiiied with an ollicial memorial of projects designed to make Villcmlad an imporliiul world port. It Is proposed lo erect a. mammoth oil refinery on the Caribbean island .and lo mak the port one of Ihe largest fuel il bases in Die world. MEN AT NEEDLEWORK LONDON. April -22. The ex hibits of two men were adjudged Ihe best in a sphere of work peculiarly belonging In women it Ihe annual'- Hoyul Amateur Art.exhtb'ljiiii. ji.ribr6iilered pahel'by V. Ilowrmg anf a vvool rug, Ihe work of .Major Daven port, were regarded better than my of the exhibits worked by oflieir. GIVE CHILDREN TREAT LONDON, April 22. Twenty thousand school childien are Jo be laken In theatres lo see Shakespearean .'.plays during tin year. The cost, $0,000, will be borne by the London County Council. J - Sport Chat 8 Waseda l'uivcrsily of Japan has accepted an invitation III play the University of Washing Ion baseball team in eallle this Spring, am Wa'sliingloli will play return games in Japan in Die fall of 1020. Prior lo Ihe visit of the Japanese team to Ihe Unite. Slates, the Lnivcrsily of Chicago nine will play il in Japan. Tli Chicago diamond stars are I play several urbit iomil garni while in Japan. Washington ball teams have mnde three Iritis I l iii'Hi ;i, ,!,,, I .nil . r 9 .,..lal,, .finuinai ... games on the last. lour. The I'nr Kaslern Olympic games to he held at Mauibi, Phil lipine Islands, during May will be Wanted For Sale" For.Rent DAILY' NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than 50c FOR SALE Ilerl lis for four persons. New and in first class condition. A bargain for quick sale. Apply Hox 212- Daily News OHlce. 'Oil SALE. Five brooding hens; best breed Ithodc Island Med. Apply Pox 245 Daily News of fice, or phone Hlack 3."t8. tf OASIIOAT for ftle. New, JMJ feel long. 5-7 horse power engine. Apply Caretaker, Yacht Club. If nished cottage. Hr,n Siiminil Ave. I'hone Hlaefc 293. DO TJHMSIIKD Houekee?iiiiTg Suite for rent. 410 Sixth Avenue, East. Phone Hlue 278. tf l() HKNT. Suite, bath ami range. Tinker. Tel. B7. five rooms, Apply (!. P. tf KOH HKNT. Clapp apartment V oaten haver llroa. tf PAHTMKNT for rent in Menkef Hlock. Phone Ited 007. t)5 BOARD IIOAHD. Tb- Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. IIOAHD AND HOVU, or board only. Phone lied 707. LOST .OST. Lady's gold bracelet watch. Finder please return lo Daily News ollire. KNITTED QOODS SWKATKHS and all kinds of knileed goods made lo ord'T. Phone Itjack 305. tf COLUMBIA RECORDS NKV Process Columbia Heeorda no scratching. Flnent re productions of latest Fox Trots, Songs and Instrumental music hy world famed artists Call in and hear them. PntNCE RUPERT MUSIC; STORE, Third Avenue NORTHERN TRANSFER Call for Haggage and Express Northern Transfer. Day Phono Hed 213. Night plmne (Ireen 307 W. H. MONTGOMERY, JR. Ihe mosl important since the games were inslittited. In aildi- liou lo .Lilian, China and Ihe Philippines, which have hereto-1 fore been Ihe only comieling coiinlries, the Diileh East Indies ami India are lo be entered this year. II is also considered, likely Hint Java sportsmen will also come forward with the necessary funds Iu finance a team as Ihey have evidenced tiieir desire lo lake oart and their interest in the games by asking Ihal Ihe 11)27 meet be held iu Halavia. The Japanese teams to the games this year will number more than 100 ami will Include all Ihe bcsl. athletic talent of thul country. ' HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert VV. E. Walker, Naas Itiver; J. Spiers, J. A. Motherwell, J. A Morris, y. Nelson and .J. Peder-son, Vancouver; Mrs. H. A Heaven and Mrs. F. C. Morrow, Anyox; w. F. HiniiH and p. It Hiiins, Halmoral; Ous Watson ami F. Ilardsen, Seattle. Contral II. Drown, city; I). D. nolslon, Ketchikan. BOATS AND LAUNCHES By George MCM2 OH SALT:. -Completely equipped l HICKS OK KASTIIOI'K l-t'ACl.K pleasure boat. 30 x I), I5h.p. Marine l-aigines - TO RENT 'OH HKNT. Three rotmied fur t-H.P. without clutch $185.00 t-H.P. I cylinder Ml) 200.00 f.-H.P. I cylinder HD 150.00 8-11. P. I cylinder HD 700.00 8-11. P. 2 cylinder Ml) 150.00 10-11. P. cylinder LD 175.00 All the nbovn except the first include the Famous Joes He-verse Hear, ami full electrical anil proneller equipment. The bent thai money ran by. Kasthope Urns., 1747 Oeorgi.i St. V. Vancouver, H.C. Always at your nervke. SHEDDON TAXI 134 Anywhere al Anytime. Five pa-engcr Dodge Sedan Comfort and Courtesy. Hates: 50c for t or 2 passenger, 25e for each addllioiidl passenger. PHONE 134 MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Oh Haby" dt yonr r Vice day or nighl. O',orl Sarety- Courtesy. It fl'8 a water trip call Laurie Iimbly. Phoucri 570 or 131, ' TAXI 502 THE DKPKNDAHLK TAXI. Daj and Night service. Comfort and Courlesy is my motto. PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Stand: Hicliinond Hooms. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Ousi Prompt Service mid Coinlor: Day or Nl t . Stnnd: 10SS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Lloek, Acres? from Fin it '(rue FURNITURE WE handle the FAWCETT guaranteed copper hearing Steel Hangc anil all grades of high grade furniture wo ex change. PRINCE RUPERT EXCHANGE, Auctioneers FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ure Store. W'c Uuy. Sell and y. change New and Secondhand Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Vhone Ate MONUMENTS P. LeClalre Sub. P.O. No. I. Prince Hupert, Jt.C. Agent for Granite, Marblo and Stone Monuments and' Headstones. WOMEN'S EXCHANGE IF ynu.hnve any plain sewing or fancy work you -wish lo 'dispose of, we will well il for you. Articles in Ibis department not .limited lo one dollar. , 'The Dollar Store, Hed 3? I. 4 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4- V Wednesday, April 22 High 0:10 a.m. 20.8 ft. . 13:21 p.m. 10.7 " Low 7:IU u.tii. 2.8 " 19:28 H.IU.' W " Thursday, April 23 High 1 :2i a.m. 11:02 p.m. Low 7:r)8 n.m. . 20:04 p.m. 21.1 ft. 10.0 ft. S..1 " 1.8 " Friday, April 24 . i High ..... 1:58 a.m. 21. 1 (t. U:it p.m. .10.2 " Low ...... 8::i.'l a.m. 2.3 " 20:30 p.m. 5.0 " For the East Monday- j urdays. i From th Eial Mondav Friday-. ! ; To Vancouver Tuesdays Mini -i, 8aturd;i Fridays. C.P.H. ; From Vancourar Sundays Wedne-il;i -Thursitiiy-C.P.K. A j ' ' nine FW i jj ftf couut: iVrll.tx f oh: wilu tim" I S Lll HI HY HEA.O'. ') WELL.? . ' iom,, FrToTiAlir 1 TTOOTH 7 THROUGH WITH TVAACT V ISldiJ .-r . ' UQ m MUV SSrF ' ' ' PATIENT? I" CANT WAo1 Y -v jriNc- "" Biitain ritht rrtrrvrd. it If--1 3 HAZETON J)r. II. 0. Wrjncli, JI.I..A., on .,nicl bit .i Found, it MAIL SCHEDULE To Anyox, A'lce Arm. Sun' and Premier Weducs l , - '.l Sunda " J From Anyox. flli 3 Irn S'. n and Premier Tuesdays O Fridnvs i To Port Simpson nd Hint Points Thursd i From Port Slmpseri W lai River Points Ski III . 1. 1 - To Alaka Polntsf April ii From Alaska A 1 1 r 1 1 i To Queen Charlotte Island Pi Vt.nl I From Queen Chiflofti Points April in "1 - COX COUEtflO. ru.idin a i e a ..il, we a ! H. . e .v 1 8t I lib Ave. & A ". I I lit Ave. A l i-OIIVfr, H ' lake ami "' walcr mil ' ' !l'-l' Hh Ave, A Uayi Ave. oth Ave. & nay? w Circle 8th Ave. A " v 5th Ave. iV M l h Pro. Oov. If i t Prov. v W afi (l.T.P. Whari 4 Points 2nd Ave. A : t St . :trd Ave. 4 -,n rd Ave A fit' fi' tr . so m S 3.l WATER NOTICE- DIVERSION N0 , Mj liirt)l,',l,',u ' llarlMHir al"'"' (Uvrrlcl ' almiil '" 1 luoatli al r 1 iw HMXl tr land Ui'Mi'L1"' , 1 1 " lilllllliT 41 Tlila n" V " ' , , me turd im tlllH llOtl"'' '"' v IhfrMK .ami ' l rileil i" , , crirdfr, l'i' , to lli apl'1";"' mKI WaK-i i ; imllcr t , liiilldinM. v '; , ilnya all" i" iintliK l 1 V" i tie firH ri'i" . Pk,!':, ir,n ri.i f. ' ill v tt IN PR0BTttf in the tupnewi,, 111 llio MH" ml , ii . i In the MaJ" i . ..- noil. I""1'1, "., . I TAki: mr of April. ', ' , ' inli.lairaler , ,-, ai,r. tl'''"'1s'-,i i i rcmilri'ii l" r i tc "tin? w'f anwuiit or th'11 wltli. 01' Dated the StU 1) of Pr" Si l -rt . 11 Ifl i .j i 1 Pi tH'