a. D VkMlUMY 4 Alio ItlBP 09 1925. I nil II I 111" fri HE FOREST Ml WE CROP IT AND CONSERVE OUR FOREST CAPITAL STABILIZE INDUSTRY INCREASE REVENUES REDUCE TAXES ' ENSURE FUTURE PROSPERITY op HALL WE MINE IT AND DEPLETE .OUR FOREST CAPITAL UNDERMINE INDUSTRY DECREASE REVENUES INCREASE TAXES MENACE FUTURE PROSPERITY lational Interest and National Security DEMAND Treatment of Our Forest Resources as a Crop THE OBSTACLE - t.i..i - THE CAUSE - or fire is . CARELESSNESS THE CURE otnZt" Aroused Public Opinion We must all play our part HON. CHARLES STEWART Minister of the Interior ''Rupert Fis Fresh Frozen A!l varieties. Frt.h Fish- All varieties In sc?on. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." ' 'V Finnan Haddio "Thistle Brand'UNova Scolians. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skccna Sockoye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod,'Groy Cod Slioll Fish -Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prlr Rupert. B.C. Coast Steamship and Train. Service Effective April 22nd 11. PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE GEORGE -all from itiwt llirl f'-r fftflCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE mill Hilnrliiwliatu nillil ciii'ii -FRIDAY and MONDAY 8-00 A.M. V" ANVOX ' STEWART Wednatday 10 P.M. .. Saturday 10 P.M. TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUrtHT IPA88ENOER IONOAY,WCBNE8DAY. SA1UROAV, D.ntl in. h r Itiwt Untrue, EUMONTON. wit,Nip0i , polnll, ij,H,.ri, (iniadn, U III till Stale. AOENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Tlfkn oifltt, (28 Third Aa- frinea Bupart. ffiSI? fl Phone 260. Canadian Pacific Railway R. C. Coast Services J Sail irivic from P-inrf Rlinrt -a w. - -. .--- j- trr, ... , PRINCESS MARY. f Wintin ' Wrinfll. Juneau and tkagway-April 0, 17, 27. f -v n.iona ana beaux npru to, 'or Ri.i.rfri- . E-8- PRIrCCSC BEATRICE. I Cjm-h ,' Jw,n,on Eatt Bella Bella, Oe an Palla, Namu, Alart Bay, ., ' ' Vancoutr every Saturday n a m. -ncy tor jilL Steamahlp Llnea. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD Oanoral Agnnt. turner of 4th Straot and 3rd Aenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMbHlP COMPANY OF B.C., LTU. 'r vaiurn Sallinica frum Prince llutmrt, 'ot u2.UytR' V'0T0RIA. Swanaon Bay, and Alert Bay, Tueiday, B P.m. I -i iv.iumih, nien uay, aria bwanaon nay, oiuru., iv pw F' ANrrri UCS "TEWART, Sunday, 8 P.M. K3 2nd i. ' ?RT "WSON and Nam Ri.ar Car.narlee. frlday A.M. Portland Gano! OpporlUDity r,n " '"-l Treasury Jssue ()r the 1'oi'ter-hluho Mining i (, ' - now ori'eml the public hI :-r per share. This ''in'1 m"! i '""'r s,,il'l,'i'g in i no lit'Mili's Hie lM-iMiiicr in Hie Paul , , ""' "'''i'H. Ore 8lii.itil last, vear moro lliau I ""I'liient work. For full mformalioii aVply E Li 11 r I ttrl P1..I.1...I Ulrf Stockbrokers. Victoria. j Local and Personal o 1 li.il. Undertakers, l'lioriu 41. I'oi' Siiiing 'Suin-iMiia." dualling, use I You'll like our joall era Loal Co. J'lioiie 7. J'or Tackseo fonu seven-ale." ltob Arthur. What you fop another May Day. OoiiBUIII If I 81X- If Mrs. Adam Mackie will not n--fivc tomorrow nor again until all. have Gyro been waiting Hoedovn on - tf "Sumetliiug to emw about." Supri'inu" furniture polish. (JlooMtep laltol). V''- llnilliPiHiur will noi ro-i'ii! tomorrow Thursday nor again until J-all. I'oniorrow IIi (; lime H place IIokIdii' in I lie great p.m. sharp. Hall. I.adysmUh - Wellington, lay? The 'Mm best, also "I'eeiless," "moke- lt!." l'l-ineeHupi'il Coal Co. tf t wo new earn at your service, lay and night. Moderate charges IMione lied 401. C. V. Symes. If Casey Transfer has removed In the Joe Itrowti Taxi stand. IMione .'toa for prouipl and efll- eient service. tf W. C. Arneli rHurned to tlie city on Hie I'lince (iearge litis morning after having spent ten lays in Vancouver. I.. V. l'atiiiopi', after a brief nusniess iriti 10 Vancouver, re- liirneil to lht ctly on the l'riiice (ieorge this morning. ! Passengers sailing last itiirlil on ttifl UarHbna for the south in- chiilwl Mr. J. A. Jacobs," V. J. itartley and (i. (iillies. A sramtral .nmnliug of the tlif- fppmrt Gltapterpi of ttte I.O.D.I will he licli) in fDtf l.O.n.F.'huilil- iiir Hi l'huri1a ni-'hi a I H o'eloik. Mr. 4nd Mrs. I.; 41. Keimey anil child of Tenrace reached the city mi (he I'cinee (ieortte Ibis niorn- ing ami will iiroceeil iiy this af ternoon' I rain to Hie interior. The doll donated by Mrs. .1. C. litivixaii for tlie Calliolic sprinn sale was Won by Mrs. .J. II. Meagher with ticket -5 and nol by Mrs. Hubert Ward as pce-vinusly aiinoiiiiced. Get your Hoedown tickets from any Gyro. 75c. each. Regular dance profjram interspersed with novelty stunts. Cider, hot-dogs, doughnuts, milk, apples, popcorn and a durned flood time for everybody. 95 T. II. Johnson, manager of tlie Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. addressed the (iyro Cluli al ils luncheon this uNci'tinon. Miss Nada Johnstone favored the club willi vocal solo, her accompanist being Miss Itlanclie Curtiu. It. Moncrieir, Vancouver oun-Iraelor, is a visitor iti the oily-loday, having arrived on 1he l'riiice tleorge Ibis morning. His' firm lias submitted title lowest liMider for the construction of a permanent building here lor Max lleilbroner liul the contract is not yet closed. Mr. .MoucrielT is also interested in Hie elevator construction here as his firm is building an elevator in the south. v 9 v - ANNOUNCEMENTS 'I'ennis Club Jlall, Friday, April Kid. Illdley May 7. Home .Sale, Thursday, tf Before the Ball A warm bath with a liberal lather of Itnhy'ii Own Soap, leaves one refreshed, ready for the dance, ntul with the clinging nronta of the Rosen of Prance which inspire its fragrance. You cannot get a purer or more delicately jierfiinied soap at any price yet llaby'g Own sellt in individual cartons, 10c. a cake. "Beit for you and Baly tut' THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THRE1 Quiet! Remington Quiet-1 2 (Made in Canada) Quiet - Uxmisc typcbiirs of carbon steel strike against an exclusive quiet anvil. Quiet -because of enclosed felt-lined sides, exclusive escapement bracket, and exclusive laminated rubber cylinder. . Quiet - fatxt more than quiet: it is speedy, durable, eav to operate, t with type that's a pleasure to read. McRAE BROS. rincc llupcrl Hoprosenlativcs. Mail thin Cwpsn hrfort yyii'arfW Iff Hrininaton Tnwrtler C'Ampitnj of' C-nniifln, Limited I'tlnrf Itupert llrulerm Mrltse Hrn. I'Imkc mrn( me fill partleulara of the worM'a moat popular tj-pe-writer. Remington Onlft 12, ami ronr Kaay l'ajriucnt Clan of I'ur-rhuce. Ad(lre - ,1. 1'ield HI rang, maiiagcr ol Siiiinysiile Caiiiiepy. ami Mrs SI rang returned rrom Vancotive on the l'riiice (jeoi-gi- Ibis morn tug. Mr. II. J. ltrailbnry, aflt gpcmlliig (lie wlnler m ancnti cr and Victoria,.jt'e.liirned hi lit city on the 1'rinttiv (ieorge till morning:. Soutliboond from Alaska to Vancouver, C.I'dl. sleainer I'rin ces' Mary, .CJtpl. jC. C. Saint ey, was in !rl ftftii'rjj JO to it n' chick lus evenifig.- Mrs. John Myhill-Jones ami family, who have been . speudiu scvefll uionllis in California, re turned lo the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning. ' J. J. Carroll, C.ti.MiiM. local superintendent, returned to I ho city tin the l'rineo (Icorge this morning after having spent sev eral weeks in I lie south. Mrs. .1. A. Jacobs, stenograph er in tlie Indian geni s omce, sailed Inst night on Hie Cardena for Victoria on her annual vacantia trip. She will be away about u fortnight. Provincial .Police Constable H. P. Ponder nnd Sergeant Jelison. H.C.M.P., who weitl south last week wllh prisoners returned In Hie city on the lirtnee (teorge this moriiing. - At 10 o'cliick lasl night the fire deparlinenl h'ad a Villi l.o the rpHhlenre of li A. Mo Piter-son, Pacific Place, where there was a baM phitniiey fife. No damage was done. Fdward l.ipscll. head oT tlie firm of liinsell & tluiiiiinghain, arrived lliis inirjtliig on the l'riiice George to pi'iy mie of liis lierioilieal visils of "Inspection lo I he local business. Tea and fish-ponil shower a! j the liimie of Mrs. John Hanson,! F.nglish Hill on Thursday after-j noon, April 2 a, fyp the Hidley Hvme Ita.aar, uutlei'tlbe auspices j of Hie Lutheran Church J.adies i Motorshiji Fairbanks,... Capl. Maedouald, was in .port, ,'his moriiing iliscliargiiig. .1(1 Ions of palladium rmircut rales from tlie Salt Chuck Mine, Alaska, , for transhi)inieiil Fast over tins Canadian National Hallways. TJie American halibut schooner Constitution, which was pulled olT the rocks south oT Dighy Island yeslerday aflertioou by C. (V. S. Malaspiua, sailed under her own power fur Ketchikan where an examination of the damage will be made. Advertise In the Daily News. C. G. Lahrif, C.N.Il. purchas-f? siyeiit, arrived from Vancou-r on the J'riticc (eiirKc this i ii mi 1 1 1 1 lie 19 making me round triii In Anyox and south uuin. Mrs. Malhei.soii, lady superin- Icndent of the llazdlou Hospital, arrived from'' Vancouver on the I'lince (icorge tbia iiiorning ami will prociTil to 1 he interior by train. .She lias been allendiiig a nurses' convention in (he oulli. J. I., lilaiu, contractor, lias taken over K. II. .Slicokley's slock of doubh; dressed lumber, sash and doors. Also the agency for J. I'yfe Smith l.ld. hardwoods For haiidsawing ailil planinir, joiibiug and repairing, phone lJlue 208. tf J. H. l'illsbury, inanager of the try dock, returned to tbu city front Vancouver on the Prince iTeorge this morning. He was iccompaiiieil by his son, Hichurd, wlio has been atlcuding the' Uni versily of H.C. at Vancouver. J. V. Whitehead, engineer for Iiri William construction con- e-u dial is piauuing lo imi lor the work of building Hie elevator upcrstructuro here, sailed last niglil on tlie Princess .Mary ior ancouver accomiiaiiied by Mrs Whitehead. fieorge O, Shaw of McCtil- lieon's drug store staff returned this morning on Hie l'riiice ;eorge from Vancouver wberfi lie lias spent the past Tew months completing his Pharma col ical studies. His molhr, Mrs. Waller Shaw, accompanied Miim home. Major inspector iileiiiled J. A. Motherwell, cbie of fisheries, who making a trip to Oueen Cliarlolle Malaspiua. has Islands on changed plans and will proceed on day morning lo niicouver had the the bis F rite - inainiug here in the meantime. Hie Malaspiua left for Hie Queen Cliarlolle Islands Ibis morning. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DKiltV ISLAM). - Partly cloudy, fiiliu; barometer, -Vr.80 tenipenilure, 11; sea smooth; p.m. spoke Aleamer. l'riiice Char les left 'Hiiii-ston 'Harbor liotim Tor Lagoon ' Hay: 8 p.m. spoke Ills' Ca'ie Scott with tow in Purl- land Inlet bound for Prince llti- iierl: 12:15 a.iu. sitoke steamer Oueen left Ketchikan south-bound. IiKAM TUFF POINT. Cloudy, calm; barometer. 2V.80: lemper-alure, 3'J: sea smootli. ItLLL.HAlt HOR Cloudy haronieJer 211.70; tenie i8; liglil swell; 0:15 p.m. barge Jtingamoii olT Seal hound for Draney Inlet: : p. in. spoke steamer corse olf Idol Point hound. . calm: ralure spoki Hocks t.50 Prince norlli- Noon IHOHY ISLA.M Cloudy, calm: barometer, 2!.88; leinperaltire. HI; sea smooth; 7 a.m. steamer Catherine 1. left Ketchikan south bound. DI'IAI) TKFi: 1'OIXT. Cloudy. calm; barometer, 2U.K0; lemper- a I me, 17; sea smooth; 10.15 a.tn. in strainer l'riiice Cliarles uorlli- hound. HL'LL HAHHOlt. Cloudy, light nortliwesl 1 wind; bartniieler, 21).-08; ieniiierature, 55; light swell; 10-30 a.m. spoke steamer Cardena left Namu soulhhouiid; II a.tn. spoke steamer Princess Mary oh hory Island Adverlisc in tlie Haily N"v 9 WtKUK "after every meal ' Parents'- encourage the children to cart for their teilhf Give them Wrlgley'u. , It removes food particles from tlie teeth. Strengthens the ftuws. Combats acid mouth. Refreshing and beneficial! SEALTD TIGHT KEPT RIGHT i Guaranteed Purity As supplied by the grocer to the homes and hospitals of British Columbia, in health or sickness, dependable Carnation Milk guarantees absolute sweetness and purity immaculate cleanliness. Particularly for babies and young children, as well as for adults, Carnation is highly nutritive, of uniform quality always. For Carnation Milk is just pure, fresh milk, evaporated to double richness, kept safe by sterilization. Order several tall (16 oz. cans or a case of 48 cans from your grocer. Seni lot copy ot MsrT Bl ike's Cook BookAilres CARNATION MILK PRODUCTS COMPANY, Limited, 134 Abbott St Vancouver, B. C Carnation Milk "From Couteufi Cowl" A Canadian Product Tha Label la Rail and White- The Pioneer Druggists 3rd Avenue and Sixth Street Phone 200 and 82 STEVE KING Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Whale Bone Brushes A Whale Hone Hrush used in brushing the hair will imparl lone and vigor and stimulate tlie growth of new hair. A splendid head oT strong vigorous hair will follow ils consistent use. We have a shipment of Whale Hone Brushes' imported diced rrom Ihe manufaclnrers in liiiglaud, which are of particularly good quality und low to price ranging From $1.25 Up. They have nice backs and the Whale Hone will slant! up well 'under use. Come in and make your choice today. ORMES LIMITED The Rexall Store Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Enginoers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped lo handle al. kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F LOOK! LOOK? The "ART CLOTHING" man is here Come in and get your measure Fit guaranteed Phone Green 85 Third Avenue Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarine Prince Rupert." TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Night Phones i 687 539 Black 735 Gr. 601 T iA n 3