Sealed BOULTBEE NEW in aluminum pacKeta PRESIDENT OF FARMERS' INST. r jes The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - RRITISII COLUMBIA. Bseo is always pure and fresh. So delicious ! Try it today. Publisher! Every Afternoon, except Sunday, tlic Prince Rupert Raily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, liy mail or carrier, per mould .'. $1.00 Hy mail to all parts of the Urilish Empire and Ihe. Uniled Slain, in advance, per year .$0.00 To all older ciiuhlries iii advance, per year 7.."0 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All advertising Muiubl lie ill The Raijy News Office before tun. on day prr-reiling publicaiion. All advertising received snlijcci to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITH) ?i S&JDKriihiy, January 1(5, 19:! Elections Over And Business Calls. . ' Once more t In elections pre over and Hie Daily News extends its cungnilnlaliniis Hi (he successful candidates. Those who are elecleil liaU; U big year's work ahead of them. If tliis is to be the growing lime, as we all believe it is, the interests of Ihe. cily will need Vittching all the time both by the city council and by the educational and police departments. It is no in-eenre In he elected to public office. It is an honor, bid it carries with it much work. There are always two big things to consider. One is to avoid running Inn deeply into debt and Ihe other is to avoid dropping behind as a city. We have to be progressive and yel Jiol extravagant. Doubtless this is Ihe policy that, will be followed, iis it has in Ihe past few years. VAhy Are Women Not . Considered Prominent? Apparently women are mil lriokei on as prominent citizens. When possible senators are beiiig considered, women do not seem to be in the. ru.uii.iiig.. ,tNoile. have. been, appointed so far. Possibly the reason for the negleef shhi1 fact that. 1 hey' us i'tally do not control the purse strings. Money talks very loud, especially in politics, and the person without money does nut usually get far. Women do not often ha,e much properly or cash of their own. II is the men who do Ihe business, allhough many ' rich people Irave owed Ihcir wealth hi the saving habils of their wives. Women innke .inch prominent but only a few become prominent themselves. They work, in Ihe background bill their influence in Ihe nation is just as great for all that. Two Women Mentioned For Senatorshlp. Two women are being mentioned as possibilities for he Senate just now, They are Mrs. NHlie McCltuig and All, judge Alurphy, both of Edmonton. Both are -well suited Id the position, hut the despatch which tells of lluv jilisslhility adds thai a man will probably get Ihe position. The nian in question Is not known here, but tin; women both are. The repulalioiis or Airs. AliCluiig and Airs. Alurphy have spread al) over Canada. They are prominent citizens but im prominent e'iiOugh, anpa'renily fii get Ihe senalorship. Punishment belay Is Not A Credit. It is not a credit to Canada lo say that it took eighteen months lo punish Ihe murderer who was executed yesterday. 11 was shown Ilia,! Chong Sam Bow Of Vancouver murdered 'a while man in the summer nf Uh:j and yel it was onlv veslenlay thai he expiated his crime on Ihe. gallows. That smacks too much or U.b. methods. An attempt is being made lo delay the apneal m" Dr. Honk hut the appeal court has set itself agaiiist delay, slaving that such was agaiu'sl. the interests of justice. Dogs A Nuisance ' , , . (!i i in I l : i i i I li:i liin iiii.Ia I. IK.. ' I i.;i. 'v.,..J. it. l.v.j r in mi , ii,, ,u- iiiiit lucre ure, loo nlany stray dogs in the cily and thai they are a nuisance. There seenrs to be justification for the complaint. Too many dogs are riluuiiig hi large around Ihe streets and some are lining it contrary Id law. It is particularly noticeable that there' are more dogs, to Ihe sipiare yard here than in anv other cilv on the coast. There are in Ihe city many dog lovers and they would be the last in the world lo wish the ddgs to become a nuisance. If they are, dog lovers, they are caring for their dogs and keeping them at home. To allow them lo roam al will all (he time is to have them become wild and nnriilv besides being a general iiiiMinec. Possibly a hint or this kind will prevent the complaints going farther and resulting in any drastic action being taken which would be obnoxious to owners of canines. Strength Hi M MHBBBSIIB for the Weak AN EXCELLENT PRESCRIPTION Hot Milk -U.K. cup. HotWtter-lUlf t cup. OXO-One letipoonlul or an OXO Cube. Squeeze of Lemon. T)i!f rcf iption vlioutJ b Icktn one or Iwic day nd alwayl uit btfor floinf :ut. Il givrt tvkrpilh anj tra nouritimnj o lh lrttm. nd ii Idatl guard ( aintt inlaction. 0X0 Cubes are concentrated beei. Oxd creates strength, vigor, vitality. It relieves tiredness and Is both a food and tonic Oxo Cubes used in cooking convert common place dishes into tasty fare. In tine ot 4 15c " " " 10-30c. The Great Beef Economy I- C. II. ItoulllK'i' Is me new pre I Following Election of Officer? and other Business, party Danced all nlnht at Skldetiate BREAKFAST WALTZ 8 A.M. sidenl of Ihe ha si Coast (iraliam Island Farmers' liisHlulc, his eleclinn taking dace al Ihe annual meeting held at nommunlly Hall, Sklilegale, recently. About iO members were iivi'senl from all tin the coast and the election followed a hlir bamiuel. Presi dent SchalTer was in Ihe chair and the' event pr'tivd successful in every way. The complete list of Otlieers follow: President 0. II. Boullhee. Vice-president, II. I-'. Huberts. Sec.-Treas., 0. I). I'. Turner. Directors; E. Uicliardson, Mrs. E. itichardson, Win. Andrews. vThe annual report .showed lhal financially the condition of Ihe institute was sound, there being a balance on Ihe right side. After il discussion of various mailers of business which lasted two" liodrs, Ihe hall was cleared and dancing coininenceil, and coiilinued llirouglioul Ihe nighl, 'he breakfast waltz being played at 8 a.m. Eric Hlchardson, pianist, had charge of the orchestra. Mrs. X. Sclia rer and Mrs. O. D. Pitt Turner had general charge of everything ami al Ihe close were accorded a nearly vole or (hanks. ! The Man in the Moon i 1 YS: fillll.DllEN are not whal Used to he and neither are cuts. January 16, 1915. Tiillt'isl tr:illii llu'iiii'i-li Ihey par- ;pPrUKINji, iji a general way, 1 should -say lhal Avhen people talk uf ii "prominent citizen" Ihey refer lo one who has accumulated enough of Ihe needful to 'make liim independent of criticism. BLESSED are the rich for Ihey shiill accumiilale. COl'NfilLS "may . coihe and clmncils may go, hul Ihey go o'n talking for ever. IMAVAIIE of Ihe alderman who is always rising and saying "Mr. Mayor." IF you break an esz il soon goes ilil lo pieces, j'l's llie same Willi a ten nnl. AT l.'isl II has fiinin' V Irmw- parcul umbrella lias hi'eu iuvenl-elrt Very sooii. if Ihe Ihinz proves a success, we shall lie able Iii carry a brolly up Ihe street without knocking the hals olf all our friends ami we shall esraim tin- danger of having oiir eyes proildedVoul liy member ijf llie fairer.- sex.,. Here's .Mr Ihe 'transparent'. THE argument day. . . . endeil, yester Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert luirl will he very heavy this y ; i : i : i . i ... . i Ibis ear ii is ;riiucieo. iiiinureus or rc-...i;...... i ..i i. i .-i i niiiiiin hum: iiiri'iiiiy oeen booked on Ihe Alaska boats and me nr. inn iruiiK I'aciric line promises to handle many sight seers. .oi lining aide to go to Ivlil'min nn ii mi ii i ii I ..f II... ....... .... iilviiiiiii ii, mm- Mill. many travellers wi'l be coming 1 1 1 i u ii- n i' Local relail merchants are offering .lap Oranges ul ,10c per box. There was a meet big of local business men in llio Continental Trust Co.'s otllce yesterday lo prepare a petition for submission lo II. S. Clement, M.p. with a view lo securing, cerlain ad-vanlagns which will slrenglhf.n Ihe cily as a fishing eenlre. Those .Inking an active pari In the proceedings included Ocorgc L. Chiylnn, J. .1. Hohln, (. ,. McNicholl, (I. V. Nickerson. .1. U. Scott, A. T. Itroderick and Mr I'oole. p0 un try 3 . ' - Good Counsel ? :fjJi ' Jm 1 Editor Daily News. Seeing some arguments some Old Cnunlry, papers in re gard lo Canada Wfiuliug separa tion, I must here siiy there, is nit force in lie world so strong as the national .-pi lit. 11 has a firmer and deeper, grin on men's tuiiids than anything else. ,lus as love was Ihe first, principle of family life ami failh was the first principle of religion, so i the. national spirit essential ti the stale. A national spirit is n force and is just as gom) lo Hi stale as il is lo good If our people in Canada wen liihued, as they ought lo he. will Ihe hue national spirit, with ; I riie feeling of loyally and o' working fur their fellow "ineii and if we are a oeoole deserving of !iuy trust or any ponrideiise at all, surely the day in .not far dislanl when we will be I rusled 'with Ihe management of our own af fairs in Canada. 'The present position, lo my mind, is anything hut satisfactory. 'Th'e result will In" thai the a trail's of Canada will drift more and more into Ho llands of professional politicians. the men who Jive hy stirring. up hail feeling and strife ami agila Hon and draw most of Ihei power and most of 'Ihcir vole trout (lie people.. We are not Canadians al heart or have Ihe welfare of iliej. nl lieurl lull liv hIicup This Lassie Has Her Colds "Rubbed Away" The mother of this attractive little tjirl, Mrs. E. U. Kmmans. of 215 Seventh Aye., N. E.. I'ortace La Prairie. Man., la one I of the many Canadian mothers who are emnusiastic about the vaporizing salve, Vkks VapoKub, for treating chitdrcn'i colds. Mrs. Kmmans writes; ''My little cat had croup at night pretty badly and V icks did her a lot of Rood. I have also used it with very satisfactory results for head and chest colds." Vicks is just "rubbed on" for sore throat, tonsilitis. bronchitis, croun or presenting the old T.ounlry. There has been so much or Unit In llrilish Columbia latterly. V( must all Join logether in unci Eanailian spirit ami the building; up of our good Canadian town; h ml our' national spirit as Can- liliaus. HOtlEUT HA.VXA, D.S.E. t'nioit vill use Airplanes guard british coast ; against smugglers! I rsl Attempt Ever Made io Pa-j troi Whole Shoreline is to be Attempted LOXDOX. .Ian. I Ii. Hundreds if utiles of lonely stretche alotig he coastline of l-aiglaud and M'olland will shortly come under the eagle eye of Ihe revenue ih'-darlinent focused from Ihe skies ill an airplane. A fleet of ina-liines hits been lidded lo llif. I'Vistiug eipiipinetrt In protect the northern . mid enslern Scot-ilsh coasis, long suspected of being Ihe fay')iri(e( slopping off lllaces ' of ' iiijcrnalional smugglers. Patrolling ,1 fii- long coast Hue 1'siirroumliug liiigiaml, when al-KrliO'il eery secliiiii Is wtlbin a ,,y,,JlYp'!'l''""'r'r,cS during -dutiable goods, has al ways been a ' problem for tlir Jirillsh governhiehl except for the h'w intervals Vhen the Lib. era! free Trade party occupied Downing Slreet. In Vlcloriati lays oiily in lite populous sec-lions was any perinaueut endeavor made lo guard the roast Hue against smugglers. Ilexrnue ships often made circuits of the islam), or busied themselves In some locality suspected of harboring defaulters against Her Majesty's rightful duties, but ilaily patrolling nT some 3,!nn ildles was not ei;n allempled. A Melpiiq hand Scene: Suburban residence, 2 a.m. She (snllo vocr fleol'gle, tear, it's a burglar! . lie Sh-b-h, don't move; rniiy-be he Can gel thill window mi: it's the one we haxen'l been abl lo open since Ihe painters leH. Life. ' "I'lurence," (he called, He slopped Ihe eiir and looked il round, "I am tu'l acciislomeil lo call iny chauffeUrM by Ibelr firsl deep chert colds. When so applied, h a tne. Clarence. Whal Is jnui' Vicks has a double direct action: (uUr- Hurnamc?" Halls medicated vapors are inlialed while, j,..n., at the same lime, vtmlhj, it Is ah- .., ," m",lnm' ,. borlxd tlirough and .timulates the skltu Drive on, Olurence," is WINTER 7-23 This advertisement is not published or displayed by Ihe Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. force of circlinislance the day isj i not far dislanl when Ihere must' 1 In the Letter iin- D Box A PIPE DREAM I lie some ico)ul jnn of (ioveru- 'H'uii-nl. .Then Would he the op porlunily for Canadians lo see the i franchise was so reslricled lhal I ; tli pi'iiple w ho gol in powi'r re-I i'' lii'iiscnli'il llii. citnill t'V il ii. I I Up jpeople Iii Ihe rim ii try. not re-i STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Mil from I'rlnre niiprrl FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, iiitenn iium uiinit ruli f riilay O.ou i.m. For STEWART Unci ANVOX . . WVitiiciulay H."S pjo S.S. PRCE JOHN f"r VnnnHivrr QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, January IT. 31: Fi-liruary H. i. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUTERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, r,.(0 p 111. fur I rln-r CiP.irr EDMONTON. WINNIPEG, all Hilnu Kl 'rn ctnaila, I'nlloil AOENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tick at Of flea, S2S Third A, Prlnca Rupart. Phona 2C0 CANADIAN PACIFIC. RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Ruefl PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway - January 12. 26; February 0, 23 For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-January 2, 16, 30 1 February 13, 27 8.V PRINCE88 BEATRICE. For 'itedate, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oc Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van eouver, every Saturday 11 a.m. Ageicy for all 8teamehlp Line Ki ill informhtinn from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Corner cf 4tH 8'reet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupart, .fi UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. . ,Slllnr. frem Prinre nuprl. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SMtrisn ; tnd Al.rt , tud, B P.W. Far VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Altrt B.y, and Swlnton tar, Stlurdty, 10 A " For ANVOX, AlicE A ft HI, STEWART, Sunday, I r.M, V?X' P0RT IM,,0N, CinntrlM, Friday A W. 23 2nd Aranu. 4. B.rnil.,, Ant. frlnc. Ropart, 0. A famous Bourbon Wht&ky noted for its antique 0 maturity its for its fcurity arid siriodthhes". Bourbon in fact and qualitybackcd ftOtRAL COVERNMEI.T SUPERVISION "Awakens 01d,Memori " jr lOLDCROWl lalqimp Control oanl or by the 'Oovcrnmoul of Urilish Columbia,