id T January 16, 1923. o not delay a savings. dejosit on account of its small . Small regular deposits soon amount to a substari-.' tram. t - dollar opens a savings account at any branch of h Union Dank. ,3 SUGAR 1o A LB. union m OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch- A. T. Broderick, Manager January CLEARANC SALE SUGAR 1c A LB. ATTENTION LADIESl With every $5.00 Cash Purchase during our January Clearance Sale you are entitled to 0 Lbs. of Sugar at 1c a Lb. Tha limit Is 5 Lbs. to every customer. Act promptly and secure 5 Lbs. of Sugar at 5c. Remember that the Sugar offer is over and above the sale Bargain Prices THE FOLLOWING IS BUT A FEW ITEMS OF OUn JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE SPECIAL PRICES. LOOK THEM OVER. Itibbcrs, medium heel only, for 50c 1 - ! Ladies' Shoe (or . . . $2.00 : - nf Ladies' Simper, Pumps ami Oxford, assorted es. lor '. $3.50 I ii - 'oiiti I. ! all Ladies' and Children's Shoes and ILomm- Slippers. It -1. hers. Iteg. fl.Tt. Sale Price $1.50 overall. Hep. 2.75. Sale Price 51.85 j l l unielelle Working Shirts. Ileg. M.ilO. Sale $1.85 Monarch Sweaters. Sims up In 30. Sale Price $1.50 ir. Ii W'oiil, flos. and dove, 1 ojs. halby four for 51.00 r Ji Vool. down, oz. halls, 3 bulb fpf $1.00 " Ml Wool lllack Ciiliniere PejittUmV Hosiery, run's for $1.00 en s Heavy Itih Collon Stockings, all ffies, :! puir for $1.00 i; Cro-hi I Colloii. all shade, lor $1.00 (in Cotton. Mil inches wide, lor $1.00 .f While riainielelle lor $1.00 ilig in our store is reduced, gi inline bargains in every department n the store. JABOUR BROTHERS LTD. Corner Third and Seventh. PROCUCB Of SCOTLAND Phone 645 Candy Special BROKEN SCOTCH NUT SCOTCH HUMBUGS ASSORTED CHOCOLATES ORANGE AND LEMON SLICES 50c per lb. Call for your Calendar and Tides and Guides for 1925. ORMES LTD. THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS Third and Sixth Phones 82 and 200 Princo Rupert, B.C. z ii'i m BEST PROCURABLE fcou BOTTLtD a oUARANTXfcD JOY . ' . llO0lC.H AM0 MtVtNIC ALtNLIVfT 0Un KimM0 ww ami mmi i mi m 1 1 it t mi wurxasm The original label,- look fur il ut llic Vendors, and insist on " GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE." This odtrlisemeiit is iiol published or " displayed by tbo Ltmjor fcoiurol Hoard or by I tie (lovcrnmcnl of British Columbia. Local and Personal j B.C. Undertakers. Phono 41. llayners, Ulnieriakcrs, Phono 351 You'll like era Coal Co. our ;oull Consuni I'hune. 7. tf Mrs. Helen Wells sail fur Seattle on Mary tonight. Mary fur Vancouver. is booked to the l'rinceftit sir. ami Mrs. J. .M. liuckln.are sailing tonight on the Princes Ariiiur liailey wan a passenger lor Vancouver on Hit? steamer Prince Ituperl tills morning. Municipal Chapter I.O. O.K. Tea ami Sale of llnitie -cooking at St. Andrew's Itooms, Saturday, Jan IJ. Musical program and i Itcaiiliful pictures illustrating Van Dyke'' story "The Oilier Wise .Mum" will be shown at the .Methodist Church on Sunday night at -7.30.- Mr. and. Mrs. Frank . GIai i sailed this morninir on lite Prince llupcrt bound for Arizona where they nxpol to remain for several months. Airs, waller Niaw Hailed on the I'-inee Rupert this morning for Vancouver where she will join her son, Oeorge, who completing hia pharmaceutical studies. Postponement. Kk - Itoyftl Purple Whist Drive and Dance announced for Tuesday. January l.'i is postponed until Wednes day, .laauary 21, Everybody conn night. 50r. ' Mrs. Waller Owen was a iMtslceji at her rcdidejiee in lea the West Cud on Saturday afternoon in honor of .Mm. Paul Hffgert id Allin who is a vimllor in the eily Vancouver Province. A. J. .MlM;illl(Urli, who is li eliiii'Kc of wortk at Hie Oueen '.liailidle City sawmill Ash it'll is idaioied In reopen mailed this iiinrninK leiiiiici' Prince r.upert enuver. i shortly on Ih for Van .i. .Mc.M'ii or leikwa arrived in 'lie i'iiy from the inlevinr on (hi oini'iiiiiK s train, tie js Here on business and is rctgistered (tl the Prince Itunerl llotol. Hp report hat coal is i)ow being mined and -tupped steudijy from the TMk-wa mine. , '' . I.. II. Keuney arrived TenuiT mi this morning': .mil i icu'islei'i'd at the Hupei t. Mrs. Keuney and saibd lur steami'l' Mli: Vancouver morning. frop. i train Prince family i the We still have a considerable stock of the following lumber, etc., to clear at bargain prices before end of month. Dimension Lumber, planking, shlplap, Drop Siding, double dressed finish V joint, floorlnn, doors, windows and veneer, oak and codar boat lumber, etc. Shocklcy Planing Mills. tr ANAIOUNCE1Y1ENTS. Children s fancy Drits Hall, rebniiiiy 0. Klks' Annual l eliruary :'((. Novelty dance REMOVE YOUR FAT and BE HAPPY By the dally uso of Waynes Reducing Soap- You can ipiickly reduce to a slender figure without Drugs, Kvet cisc, Diet or Hal lis. lteduce where you wish Arms ltust Abdomen II I ps- -Thighs Legs Ankles Any-place, A Simple, lleallhrul. Method, AllSOI.UTr.f.Y IIAIlMI.KSS. Now is tho limo lo begin lleducing Weight, lei your heallli iniproe, become, younger in appearance, more cheerful, vivaciously active and efficient. SI'ltl'ltlSINO IlKStJI.TS OUICK-I.Y OIlTAI.N'AllbK. Money He-, fundnd if Not Satisfied. Wayne Laboratories Dnnt. BGS. 50c , . ' ... ' I FOR 3 CAKES 337 River St., P1 Chicago, sJ C.k r III. j Money Order. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREB A BAD COLD DEVELOPED INTO BRONCHITIS Ui-s. leu Opleji, MiiIhti Stiorv, N.S.. wrlti : 'My btby Kiel bail a viry liuil rolil will' Ii tiiineil t" Iji'iih hiiu, anil Kim ciiuid not -Ii'imi at in nil! fur the 'oUKlllliK- I K.ivc lii'i cvfi IhlhK niulil think uf to ri'lli'vi- licr, lint miihliiir iwpimciI tu iln hiT any kikiiI, ami -lip nn nut ir-1 1 1 ii k any dellci. I i- ailvin-ii, by a rrliiiJ, tu try DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP I tM bo, ami aflfM- riting lirr diw I ' giKitl rreri wi 1 kfiit on with lli I gave Ixtr tun butth's, and Imt I'oiirh uiii left tier, anil imiw rim bl a will a ran lie. I rannol praise 'Dr. WixhIV fin hi til ; It Ii nrlalnly a won derful Inedlclne." Tltls i!-)'paratliui lias Ikm h mi Hi,, mar ket Cur lln past 35 i-ni -; inaniiracturcd imly by The T. Milbiirn Co., Mini led. Torunlu. Out. OLIVER BACK FROM OTTAWA Talks on Result of Conference at Capital on Railway Matters VAXCOUVKH, Jan'. 10. Con si ruction of a railway into Peace. Itiver from some point on (he Canadian National Illy, east of Hrulo l.nke will furnish (lie solu lion to the Peace diver's long landing transportation pt'ohlem, according to Premier Olivtv, who returned U'day from Ottawa. He staled that he was somewhat disappointed with the railways attitude at Ottawa. "They pro- nised to put Hie card ou tins whole question oil I lie table hut diil not do ho," he asserted. Ill littd Imped lo fee the P. U.K. he roine a part of the system bill thai seemed impossible. Mean time there is nothing new ro-iai'iliiiK Hie disposal of the I'.li.K. PUT DEMOCRATS ON THEIR FEET Franklin forts rtoos?velt Making Ef-to Rehabilitate the Party WASHINGTON', Ian. Canadian Pre.-s, clliefs and poliliciaus are stirred up over a to I'eoi'Kailie Hie party and rehahilitalo 10. My Diimeslic generally OKivemeii! lemoeratie il in pre- partitions for the 1920 con-uressinnal campaign and tlr presidential canrpaign of l'JJ8. 1'ranklln I). Hoosevoll, who was .aiididale of the deiiioctals for ,ice-prsideiil in 1P2I1, has begun the movement and is sending ou' a coinniunication to leadiuv domocrals for the nirjMis(. o? exchanging views. This is expected lo lead up to a luilioual conference. Importance of tho 'lnovcnien! lies in several phases of il. In ilie first place, lloosevolt Is a Smith leader hut he is enlisting! Smith men, McAdoo Chiufs, and, democrats of various slriiu's. vvilli the exception that Hie most radical democrats are being lef! mil. I'm' instance, il is said deiiiocrals of Hie type oT Senator Wheeler who wenl out 'of Ho party in Hie j-ecenl campaign are not being encouraged. If Hoosevell can succeed in Ids plan, the democratic parly may get on its feel again and make a formidable showing Iwo veins lience. IV nioci'Hl.c u-aJers insist they will- then 'e-urry Coii-i gl'I'S.S. I .Moreover, I lie movement is proceeding on Hie theory that Ilie third parly iiinveiiiciil will either he dropped or will not he- oine, formidable lu it practical way, it is pro posed lo pul the finances of the democratic national ."commillc-i on a sound basis; lo energize the democratic national organization and have a year round campaign, especially in respect lo publicity, speech making ami Ilie use of I he radio; lo have III" national and stale organizations conslanl.v1 co-operalo and watch closely over the special elections as lliey come up. II is mil proposed lir oust Hemocralic National Chairman Slraver, Ihou.'di Ibis lias been siiKgesled. 1 BHD OR WORSE "l0 Oil eye Wall SI i I .' "No,'' ;m-' invest "money lu DELIVERED FREE IN PRINCE RUPERT Rich and Creamy! huni. "If the market. wroiiK I'd lose my savings, it went right I'd lose my tation." Washington Star "Cascade" quality is scaled ia for you by this crova See that you get it oa every bottle of beer you buy. BENNY LEONARD QUITSRIZE RING NKW YOltK. ..Ian. Ifi. Hcnny Leonard, liiil weight champioi, hover of the world, has ((till the prize ring. He Announced his retirement veslerday. TO THE ELECTORS Kindly accept my sincere lhanks for your vole of confidence in yesterday's election. v Hespccl fully, (ii:o. it. casi:y. Advertise in the haily News CARD OF. THANKS I wish lo electors for support tcrdny's ling me poll. thank the the splendid 1 nivcn me al yes-clcclion by pul-al the lop of the V. M. IIHOWN. CARD OF . THANKS I desire to convey my sincere lhanks lo (lie electors and to my supporters for Hie confidence shown in' me yesterday by my election lo I ho police coiiiiiiissliin. .1. COO.MHS. CARD OF THANKS 'I wish lo I hank Ilie many electors for the confidence liey showed in me by llieir voles al yesterday's election. IIOIIKHT MctlAltTIIY. .'d Senator Surg- w i 1 I , l j 1 CEE the creamy foam that comes to the top when you pour a glass of "Cascade" note the clear, sparkling, amber color. Taste the delicious flavor of fine hops and malt. You'll soon realize why "Cascade" 111.1 T T t- r is called tne uci i.i BEER! In its absolute purity and unfailing high quality, "Cascade" stands for all tht h best in beer brewinj. It's cqod, always good. You try it! Cascade is BETTER BEER and it costs no more! VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITl'.O This advertisement is not published ur displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. ! GET IT A'Sf Xy? HIGH CLASS -GROCERS PHONE 586 REFRESHMENTS FOR DANCES AND SOCIALS i ' Helgerson Block. Phone 109. Dr. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST (iel my estimate on your Dental Work CROWNS, PLATES, BRIDGEWORK l.'ni'oiidil n'li.illv (ilia run Iced. 1 do all my own work. Til's means PERSONAL SERVICE TO EVERYONE Hll I,ondmi!)rvOn 111 s The Gin you will ask for again the standard of purity for over 160 years. $3.25 A BOTTLE The Gin fcr you h II. Si U. BillllllMiilM This advertisement Is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Colurabia. i mm 86 A the