SKATTLl .Ian. 10. In a Superior Court .1 utter at : '!!!, Hns Watson In i. 1 i extradition to Oan- inllls wlto roblM'd the lii-rsi HiiriK at Nanaimo of 51..- flHI.'l Witt w.t- denied the right inlii e seven witnesses lo III: m:;.i...sIi an alilii, wjio. Ids eotin- wauld prove that Watson t.. ,; S a: lie al tin- Mine ill ilie ii:.:ilup. ' will now Ifli lo Ihe K. : i I, mil l vvilli a renewal of 1 1 dp oe' if ion for a writ of habeas li'wfjiu 'n free Walson. i for T. I. Johnson. Win Pauley and Harry Slum. be Nanahnit robbery siis-- also held for extradition isi'ldvintr for writs of habeas Jims ley which they expect to ; ( !. licit- clients mil or i.anan.i fur wo yea's if not iillinialelv fr:'i' Iiem HI JACKER IS ON THE COAST Most Desperate Man on Atlantic Comes to Pugct Sound l VI I LK. .Ian. Id.- Sitiiul-iineoi y wilh Ihe news of the H'lure in New Orleans of "Si" Snwash, winded In couiicclioii wHi Hie llerxl M. murder, comes in reiiorl Ilia) .lames TruiH. itliiis. Mnvvhray, reputed lo be Ibf must desperate hl-Jacker Unit lias lii-en known on the Mlantle oast, has transferred his ncliv-Hlff. In 1'unel Sound. HI-JACKER IS APPREHENDED Harry Myers alias Sowash Taken at Now Orleans Comp lotos List Wanted VK'TOIHA, .Ian. 1(1. - Wind was received llil arteruoon thai Harry Myers, alias Sowash, was wauled In eouneellon with Ihe murder of Capl. Olllls and hi "on on board the rum runner H'-ryl (i. a Sepleniber. He was arrested al New Orleans, hiseap-Hii'e eoinpbling. Hie appreben-i"ii if nil person implicated. Prince lllllierl wa erfroiil when rnnmletcd, will have capacity for 1 .r0.MH bushels of grain. 11 is properly termed a terminal grain elevalor. II will have both grain ! sacking ami bulk sinpniciu etiuipinenl as well as a drying bouse. The main innming. known as the work house where the actual work wilh Ihe grain is carried on, will be .0(1 reel iiigu wiili lie measurement of u! by (1(1 reel. There will be o0 circular bins '.Ml reel high and of reel diameter wilh smaller i, in- between. Mr. Clialer says that Mr. Howe will be here about February t to .:!... f t. ......... I i j. ii pay his nrsi v isu vi ni.-r-i,i...... At the same lime, it is iineiy ii- will lake up Willi I in eiiy nt" mailer of making arraiigeiiients ror power supply to Hie elevator which have not yet been rinaliv counileled. Tin. site for Ihe elevalor oil the all have minilli of Morse Creek ami l.relimiiiary ariangeiiieni.s , of course, been made. CANNOT BIND HIS WIFE'S ACTIONS IN SEPARATION PACT LOS ANOI'.LCS. Jan. 10. A linn of William S. Hail's sep- ni'iitioii aureeinent wilh his wife restraining her from resuming i. ii.. .... llm screen acung wnne eiiji'j'"" proceeds of a trust fund, is an agreement iu restraint of trade and therefore Illegal, it wit ruled today in court. PAAVO NURMI EIGHT HOUR DISTRICTS ARE OFFICIALLY WET THAT VOTED BEER VICTORIA, Jan. 10. Ity order in council the (invcruinent ollirially de flares wel thnsi' districts which voleil for peer ill Hie recent plebiscite. The liipioi- commissioner may refuse, however, lo issue a license in any district rei-'a ril less of Hie plelds-cile, if it sees fit. MAYOR NEWTON KM m imi r, Chosen Ity Penult' o) Prince Ru- nei'f "or Six'h lerm t WORLD RUNNER Canturad Honors From Other Famous Foot Raoers Today XFAV YtlltlC .Ian. Id. I'aavo Xurnit was again victorious when he outran Willie llilala ami three other starters in the :i,0(0 metre running race. Nurmi won easily lapping: all his rivals ex et'pl llilola who finished 6" yards hehiml. He sluillered thret world records in distance of 1 miles. 1.00(1 metres and t 7-8 miles. The performance is re anled as asloiimliug. y EXEMPTIONS Prlnclolo of Measure Preserved In Working Out New Law YICTOltlA. .Ian. Hi. The etehl hour day hoard of adjust meiil. orders the exemption ccrtidn member in llto .interior lumber industry, baking industry, niclal working and ship industry from the eiglil hour law. In all eases, however, overt line allovvi workers is specifically provide so Hud Ihe principle of the, eigl hour day may be observed. HOCKEY SCORES Iteglna 3, Victoria 1. 25 TAXI and t Salt Large BOSTON Upstair Dining GRILL Hall, with newly laid dancing Ambulance flour for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytlm. parties. Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. For ral4s, apply to Boston Stand PRINCE RUPERT and 6th St. Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. '"ill,... - Liu. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. 13. JAMAIIY 1025 YuUrtfty'a Circulation. 1,710. 8trt Salt, 4M. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VUI- XV.. NO. PRINCE IlUPl.MT, H.CL, FIUHAY, 10, Us LEVATOR ENGINEER IS ALREADY HERE NEWTON ELECTED YESTERDAY AND FOUR LABOR ALDERMEN ON COUNCIL Engineer Here to Supervise Elevator Says Work Should be Commenced in About Two Weeks llf.T Iti supervise con-trm linn of Hit' million dollar Icr-nun:d gram elevator actual work on whieli will (oniincine in ,,!mii two weeks' lime, V. X. Chalcr, representative of C. I). Howe l.o. of Port Arthur, consulting engineers ami designer or the plant '' erected at Prime Hupcr!, arrived in the cily this norning. He will remain here for ohoiil leu month' linie or until the elevator is in operation about November ready to bundle the l''- grain f np from the prairies to the Pacific Const. lido-viewed this rnorniiig Iy the Daily News, Mr. Whaler XTRADITION ROSS WATSON WAS GRANTED!:;-'; . irit of Habeas Corpus to DC Again Applied for by Counsel for Prisoner WITNESSES REFUSED said that all (hat was now being iiw.iiliil was I In-, opening of Hie lenders at Ottawa on Monday! ncxl by lli Department of Trade 1 4, and Commerce and the Idling of Hie coiil rai l for lite foundations and dock. He expects lo know "ucsdav who has been award- re joh. It will take about ten r ii... . . . r. . I Ifiaj.s lor llll.' MirrrfKMII niii- j tractor In i'i'1 ciinipmcnl on the 'ground and work will I hen pro-IriM'd inimi'dialidy. The idaus for Die entire structure, .Mr. Chalcr stales, are; now being completed by (1. IJ Howe and lenders will he called for the superstructure about the middle of February jThl contract will proliably ) liiwanled some lime in March. P in ' i-uarse Iiarge i that nil i he ne j is one one' i . line. work on lie Inundation and dock will pru Cecil, 'lite lime lliml for I. he fiiumlalioii was originally set a April and for Hie dock June 1 In view of Hie fact (hut Hi'' ... - 1 nnening or tenners was ueiajeu for seventeen days, however. (I now likely that Hie lime hunt r n Hie eomplelion of the work wi t be similarly extended. 1 omnia lion and dock work will bo car ried on concurrenlly by Hie sunn eontraelor. both works being included in Hie one tender. In any ease, the elevator is to lie coni-pletid ready for operation in lime to handle llic wsa crop. , Imposing Structure The elevalor, which will be Hi. imwi imnnsim; imposing slruelure on tin He fore coining lo Canada in 1 007, Mi was a ioni,arnlivriy poor l r.maii in has a farm of iN' acres ami some of Ihe Old Country lor holiday Waller dimming (ila-trow. Now he Ihe best slock in Saskatchewan. 1 i shown with his lamily reluming lo Dominion More Powerful as Partner in Empire Than Are Small Independent Countries LUXl'ON, .Ian. 1(1. That Camilla is more powerful and ii a much greater influence' iu Ihe world as a partner iu the Hrilish Knipiie than does any nation of her size that j' indepen dent, was iliuwu clearly by Highl Hon. L. h. Ainery, -eereiary ot tale for Hie colonies, in an address lo Hie Canada Club here. Mr. Ainery showed how the Dominions had gradually evolved from colonies In independent nations, equal partner iu ihe Hrilish Knipiie. Formal recognition of the process had been made al interval but Hrilain, being u conservative country, l'ad Hen lagged behind in Hint re.. ognilion. While insisting on the arrived al without her concur- ecognilioh of Canada by foreign ! rence. Her prime uiinisler pre- nations she bad often not ae- ordeil llial full recognition her self, especially in little things. Now this was all changed, lo.lay Initada was giyen oil Ihe recog nition accorded independent na tions and her representative was liown equal courtesies wilh those of other nations. Speaking furher of the .status of Canada in Ihe Knipire, Mr. mer.v mentioned her part in Ihe t reaty of Versailes. While the! power independent lesser power hungj round the outskirts of the con-i ferenee knowing little of wliali was really going on ami naving lillle influence in the decisions; sided -'over important commissions dial altered Ihe face of the world. "That is Hie power and .-talus that really matters to Canada," said the minister. "I feel sure thai whenever another world crisis conies she will be bound lo wish to lake no less a share In it decisions than she lias in the past and lo speak iu them as a great power add not merely as one of the lesser FAMOUS PUNCH ARTIST DIES AT AGE OF 71 of the llig Four. Canada, was; i.ii.mhj.v onsulled at every slep because . Fulness. ( be was a imrliier iu the Fmpirc. famous aili She knew 'everything that was ileiui. uiiig on and no decision was THE MAYOR'S THANKS To the Hlcclors of Prince Itnperl Jan. 10. Harry year of age, the I ami lecturer, 1 He joined Hie staff of Punch in 1880. '' Please pcrmil tne lo exleiid In my Hipp'Hlers in je- lerilav'.s inavorally election, my warmest thanks for the whole-hcarled support accorded inc. ' It is true I never auticipalcd such an overwhelming ruilorsnliou after the many trials and tribulations of a two-jear continuous udiiiinish alion, which usually ends iu dire wreckage, and Tor thai reason I appreciate nil Ihe more, tho apparent explicit confidence reposed iu me, by such at it unusually large majority. You may depend upon it, however, that. I shall slill strive, even more diligently than ever, lo u-e. my very best endeavors toward: n 'further fulfillment of what I deem . lo be only fair and beneficial for Ihe miiliiat ami very complex interests of his city, through your newly-be- slowed confidence. . tinder Ihe new itiul more encouraging aspeel of ful- ler council support, I shall strive to rentier you even in creased public service during Hie year 1 02." , ami iu Unit way measure up lo the fuller requirement oT my new responsibilities. Yours, with renewed ilianks for past favors, S. M. XBWTON. .!... 4. .1- 4-4- 4. Newton Re-elected by Larger Majority Than Ever; Labor Council Seville Murtineaii Newton was elected mayor of Prince Itiipert for Hie sixth term at the municipal election yesterday, lie defcaletl his opponent, Aid. Thoo. CoHart, by the lurgosl majority Ihut has ever been rolled up for a mayoralty candidate in Ihe history of the cily. The total vole was also the heaviest that has ever been recorded in the cily. Perhaps Ihe tnit.-landing feature of the election was the success of llic Labor candidnles all of whom were returned with big voles. Willi the. support of Mayor Newton which they will . t H . IV receive. receive, very likely ii His vvor-shiii continues his policies of Ihe; the Labor clement will eon-' fur ssixlh. Those eh-clrd ill ordei were: William M. Ilrown, Aid. Ceorge It. Casey. John MeKcch- nie. .Mil. S. 1'. MuMordic, Aid. II 1". I'errv. Oscar l.arsen, F.x.-Abl. M. M. Stephens and Aid. J. Arthur Smith. The first four will serve two year terms ami the last four, one year. Aid. Frank Clapp and F.j.-AMr Oeorfjf- WV Kerr vviie the defeated aldermaiiic cainlidales. The Labor candidate, .lames Coombs, was also successful iu Ihe contest for police coinmis HEADS THE POLL William M. Brown; sionership . Robert J. McOarlhv was second and F.X.-Ald. Alex. Mackenzie, third. W. O. Fulton, Kx-Mayor 11. H. Rochester and Sydney I). John-don were elected lo Ihe school board, Henry Smith being an un successful candidate. 1 tot li money bylaws and the Cow Hay plebiscite were carried with substantial majorities. The detail of the voting vvas a follows: For Mayor S. M. Newton 694 Itieo. Collart 3U8 Spoiled -: Newton majority U80 For Aldermen W. M. Srown 710 O. B. Casey 533 J. McKcchnlo 578 S. P. McMordlo 568 iR. F. Perry Orcar Larsen M. M. Stephens J. A. Smith F. K. Clapp O. W. Kerr Srudlcd For Pollco Commission J. Coombs J. McCarthy . Alex. .Mackenzie (Spoiled For School Board 549 548 538 462 j'J :tl 422 U1'8 I ill) 07 W. O. Fulton 586 H. B. Rochester 663 S. D. Johnston 6' Henry Smith Spoiled Park Avenue Bylaw For Against Required to carry Curried by Spoiled Jill 33 505 III) 153 VI 37 Power Line Extension I ml Hie council Tor The next I Against twelve mouths. Three of Hie jMeiiiired lo carry I Labor candidates headed Ib'Carried by ,. polls and the . fourth came in Spoiled ... Cow GRUESOME DG5 74 3Ht 181 .1.'.. U 19 Bay Plebiscite For - 701 Against 249 Carried - by ... 52 spoiled 05 There were 1027 ballots cast iu the mayoralty contest, IhU being a record high number. Counting oT all the ballots for 'hf vnri.njs otllce -and bylaws was completed by Heturnin? Ollk-cr Jones, Deputy Returning. Olrlcer Allistone aiid their staff just liefort! midnight. DISCOVERY Body of London Typist, In Three Sections, Found on Farm or Her Fiancee CROWltOROllHI, Susspx, Jan.; lOV A gruesome tragedy was re- vealed here today when the body of Miss F.lsie Cameron, cut in three sections, was discovered buried on the rami of her fiau- cce. Norman Thome. Miss Cameron, who vvasi London typist, disappeared early iu December when she left her home ostensibly lo visit Thome. The latter joined in the hue and cry that vvas raised and wrote a Idler to lite newspapers saying: "I'le-isc just write. nli; a lino to remove the dreadful suspense. Vou must realize, dear, the in- olerable agony your silence is causing." Thorne lias been arrested and barged wilh murder, MUSSOLINI IS Regards his position In Italy as Impregnable Admires British Methods LONDON, Jan. 10- Interviewed by a Rome correspondent or (inglish paper, Premier .Mussolini of Italy gave the imprcs-ioii thai lie regarded his position as impregnable and thai power could not be wresled from Mm without a desperate struggle. Mussolini said be had introduced the Hrilish electoral system inlo Italy because be the Hrilish system ami their methods of government. Italy was no more disturbed than any oilier country today, he SAN OUKNTIN( CaliL, Jan. 10. Jack Ferdinand and John Sears, murderers of Charles Chapman last year, were hanged at Iliu stale prison today. si rvui- 3 5tii If!