4 . ..I ., , . Ill" lilt' 11 T ill 1 mwi'lUI I F piiini in ihe Fur K.M for ATT I UP V, GOOD TARGET r.ninn n iwiuiihii.ii usuu js Opportunity to Test Bombs and Guns I'fiiniAM. F-ng.. .In". - lie l: I: Mill' .Miin.irru uas i n al sea in accordance ii i Washington Arms H- Ships which wilnesseil The I :i ttcsliip first underwent ic numbing from airplanes ml ' -lit ii i-1 1 mm In i 111 i iiircil shells iulo her III W. " MlitlllL- U-'im miiiii: llV 1 1 1 f t LT ., .. i ... ..rr.f , .- ..r.he would leave hut ..! ( ! 1 1 1 1 1 Tiic .Mn: rictll was hlitideir-.l i ;int .'i'in lo sferu before ner ii n pli age lieuenili me waves. 11 11 h III lllhh NO SOLUTION the Transportation Problem of Peace River NCOl VMIl, le euioir can Ian. never be a - The final vi, nun .ii ..r n... n iiiii.i. ...ii in iiii- i in ' ..... "' ap the huge areas in llrilish I'.l' w.i-1 I' IUII a MMIIIIUII HI Mr 1 y. is rcro:JUll.eil by iiKuwaymen Ihal Ihe llrule roule 'Mil never he looked ou as n I' aelii-al way out oT Ihe Peace llivir counli'v. l present Ihe mailer is in Ihe liiouls of Ihe railway companies ind ir they Tail lo agree oh a 1'ian. llrilish Columbia and Al- i''a giivernmeutn will get lo- 'hei' and fiiriuiilale a plan for 'iibuiisslnn In Ihe Dominion. II s generally recognized Ihal ally lilau Air opening Ihe Peace lliver inns orovide for Ihe Use of I ho 'asiesi rinilc lo the coast. CALGARY PRESBYTERIANS HOLD FIRST MEETING IN hail failed lo face I he fael and Ihe llauue Opium )ouw-nlion had hern disregarded. This meniit Ihal llrilaiii had made Iheir pledge al the llaue a erap of iiaper and Ihal ltrllain's new siKelion lo mi i!e Ihe npiillil smokiiiK was nol honest and sin cere hut merely an al tempi In I i.tfiili ill. I itrn I ii.n u II.. ..i.nlil iii.l I ' p.... " ; lei Mich a charge pj uurepndi- nlpil. 'I'Ik I'linrL.n viii fniiiiil leaed ealinrof duties was ino-livaled hy sordid financial con MOTION PICTURE THEATRE m he ship, wi.imui ...mi- . . Dig. Al.n.WiY. Alia., Jan. U2. - - A I Hew ehurrh cougiegallou cumn into being lieie wjien Calgary l'resbvi'iiin wlio refuse lo re in, ii hi. ii... .....'ii.... llll I 1 1 (T COII I l"ifll IVIin wliich euleri'd Hie United Church nl Canada, ifiet roi" worship in a motion plclure theatre. Three luindreil persons were present Ihe initial service when Ihe first pages of an imporlunt chapter in church history wore written. AdvertUa u Ihu Dally News lliiperl an hour or two after Die arrival or Ihe strainers at 10.:;ii'. The object , of I hit is lo allow eliniiiiale authorized smoking, of I tourist an importunity I . M . . . . . . . . . ... a iiciiune period of years beginningi in uie spicmini scenery now wa over idealistic ami impossible to carry out because of I he Iiuki smuggling ixk i fti I i I ir. Cecil insisted Ihal Mr. Porter I had run fined himself to charg-lhccn from here in? llial obligation iiiiinivil by .rail lo Priuee Taltapin Property Should Pay For Itself After Mill is Put in This Spring, Says Manager Shipping of eoueeulrales anil high grade ore from Hit Tallapiu mine, a silver, lead and gold properly 211 miles from Hums Lake, will slurl in .May when il is expected he properly will slarl lo pay ils own way aiinoiiiiees A. Wood, managing ilfrrclor. who is in Ihe l ily today. A fillccn-loii mill i lo he laken iulo Ihe properly hefore Ihe snow leaves Ihe grim nil (hi soring ami development work has reached such a poinl now where Ihe installation of the concentrating iduul will put Ihe properly iulo the shipping class, Development work which has been in progress ou Ihe Taltapin mine for Ihe past few moulds has unciivereil Iwo leads or low grade ore with values averaging per Ion. One or lhe.e leads is four feel wide al ;I2 rool depth and Ihe other is T ri'el wide at a drplh or Til'i reel. There Is thousands of Ions of this ore in sighl stales Mr. Wood. II will be put Ihruugh the mill. In another direction there Is . . .- i i.... i ..r 1.1..1. a Tour tool SIX IIICU li'iiii 01 nign arade ore running 1 nort ounces nf silver or :i(Ml ner Ion. This Drifting to Start A shaft liad already been sunk lo a depth or 85 feel on the pro perly and this will he continued (o 100 reel. Then drilling will ronmienrc into Ihe two leads of low grade ore lo Ihe west and Ihe high grade lead lo the easl. The taller will he encountered afler PI reel of drilling. Shipments of this ore will be made Ihruugh Hums Lake rnun which point there Is n road lo the mine . Durlnjy the six years that Mr. Wood has had charge of Ihu Tal lapin mine, about r0.oou lias been spent on the properly. II cost :jt:in,nno ror road work and opening up (he properly and, during Ihe past season, 20.on0 has been spent ou aclual mining development work including thorough diamond drilling last summer. Kighl mm are employed on Ihe property. Vancouver Company TAXI BOSTON GRILL unci mm Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing flour for hire. Suitable for Service dances,, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime. parties. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. PRINCE RUPERT For rats, apply In Boston and 6th St. Grill, Third Ave. WATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. iur VUI A I'lUXUK IIUI'KUT, H.O., Tljl HSDAY, JANLAUY 22, l'02o. v.tt.r.,i circulation. i.mi. gtratt Salt 603 PRICE FIVE CENTS. 21" li.. LEVATOR CONTRACT AWARD CONFIRMED URNS LAKE MINE TO BE SHIPPING CONCENTRATE AND HIGH GRADE BY MAY n. r IUIII VVIIIVItlttt lJ Nearly Breaking up . Result Disagreement liKN'KW, .Ian. 22. Charges uf Congressman Purler Ihal Mid Ci't'il !liiilii"t.'tl the American people when In1 nsscrled us null j ii 1 1 m per ii pi lit was used in Iho United Slates us in In- rompf ui broke up Hi" liilernnlional Opium Conference. Following! train Ifiirliiiii by corn i.crn ami peacemaking ny I lit: rrencli ilcle- . r I : . I l .... I II -v .n ...i......... ....... ...... Lord Herd, iii outlining British position, argued llial TRAINS WILL LEAVE RUPERT IN MORNING Change Will Allow Tourists to Sec Skeena River Scenery Either Way YANCOLVF.lt. Jan. 22. To fit' in willi lliv new schedule uf steamship sailings announced from Montreal, Hie Canadian' National Ilailway will make ;t' change in II outbound These will leave Prince lo lake of I lie Skeena lliver, something " that has been impossible under the time lahle of Ihe past fnw years. Lat year all Ihe tourist routines on Ihe triangular lour has lo Jasper and by lluperl, Ihcnee southbound hack lo this port. I'nder Ihe new arrangement loiiritls will take eilhcr ilireclion'i without misjing the best of I lie scenerv. HALIBUT BOAT IS SEIZED BY SHERIFF ""TV. v 1 ArrtsUd on Ad miralty Court Writ on Be- half of Shipbuilder siderations. I " 1 If the charge had hecn iii;nlc hi' The halilnit hoal Minajcl No. a private house, l.oiil IVeil said. I has lieen arre.slei) here by le- Ihe llrilih I puty .lui -lial John Shirley on a rould nol allow Ihe attack oh writ lsued out of the Admiralty the honor of repudiation lo stand i I'-ourt al Vancouver on behalf of in Ihe way of dying lo do sonic-; Vigo Krirkson. North Vancouver i thing lo olve tl pium evil. ! shipbuilder, who claims npproxi- t Cecil's" slalemenl about Ihe per inalely S,50it under a mortgage. capita ne of opium was laken The .Margaret No. 1, a new hoal inception lo by Mr. Porter wlm which has never yet fished, was i said it was a mi. take and had liroimhl here last fall from tin) been ipioled from old statistics, south hy ('.apt. (irorge Frit.. now The Taltapin Mining Co. I. Id. is iucorpornlcd at. 200.unu and ils principals are mostly Van comer men. W. C. Slcarinan hardware merchant of Ihal city is president iind oilier directors are Andrew Wallace, ship builder; Mux McSwryn,, brewery man; Frances Wright oT Smith Dayidson A Wright: Capl., I'aln and ('.apt. (iibsou of Seattle. Mr Wooil, us said berore, Is nuui aging, director. .Mr. Wood's business here I in eounecliou with the obtaining (continued ou imgc three) HOCKEY SCORES Calgury 1. Vancouver I. Saskatoon 5. Ilegiuu 2. Nevv Y rk claims lo have Ihe most intelligent child ou Ihe couliiienl in Ihe per-on of little Virginia Marguiss, twenly-lwo niunlhs old, who run rci ile every letter in the alphabet YVilhuul Ihe slightest hesitation Tender of Vancouver Firm Includes Dock 1 and Also Foundation Confirming yeslcrd.-iv's press despatch that Ihe initial con tract for Ihe grain elevulor here had heen lei lo Ihe. Northern Construction (jo. Lid. or Vancouver, Ihe following telegram was received last night hy M. P. McCarfery, 'president of Ihe Prince lluperl (loiislruclioii (Jo. Ltd., from YV. K. Williams, secrelniy uf the conipauy, who wiis in Olluwa: 'Northern Col slruclion Co. lands Ihe work at a price we until not lunch. Leaving fori home louigld." The lender oT lb" Northern Construction Co. of ?22o.uou which was accepted includes Ihe construction of the dock as well as Ihe foundation. The Vancou-j ver Province special despatch yesiiTuay in inn was as iiuiows- The initial contract for Hi" Prince lluperl grain elevator was awarded today when Ihe lender uf Ihe Northern Construction Co. of Vancouver hir Ihe rouiulalion wark and dork was accepted. The (inlracl Hgure is 225.000. Ten ders for the superstructure will be invited suou." Yesterday afternoon, the Nor thern Construction Co. at Van couver nail nol neen nnimcii ny the Department oT Trade and Commerce thai ils lender hail been aeceiiled. A despatch from Ottawa last night said that no contract had yet been definitely let. The filial decision was apparently made late yesterday. MISS MARY IZARD IN CONCERT TOUR WITH MRS. HUNTLEY GREEN Miss Mary l.ard, who has given several violin recitals in this city and is well known in Ihe musical world lo the south has been louring with Mrs. Huntley Oreen, Canada's greatest pianist, and has been given a great reception both in Canada and Ihe United Slates. Mrs. (ireeu spent a year study ing in I 'll rope ami there m,el (he j approbation of all the greatest ! musical people. Vancouver Liquor Vendor Brings Action Against Ladies Journal, Writer of Article and an Agent VANCOl Villi. Jan. 22. In a writ issued out of llui mi- nrcnin i-iniil mi liehalf ut Alexander Dickson, vendor al Ihe Pro vincial (lovcrnnienl Honor store. Hastings Street, damages are claimed from A. H. Macdouald, Kansas City, the Curtis Puldish-ing Conipauy. Philadelphia, and It. II. Hcl in couciiience of i story liioadcasl throughout Canada and the Imilrd Slates. Macdouald is the writer of an arlit le in Ihe Ladies' Home Journal Ihe Curtis Puhlishiiig Co. puldish the magazine and Hesl is the eoinp'iiiy'.s Vancouver agent. Die eoinpiuinl concerns what Mactiouald wrote annul the Ihiuor store under his charge. In what plain! Ill' alleges s a highly colored iuiaginlillve picture oT conditions Ihe writer depleted Ihe line or poverty stricken men and women purchasing liiuiir. He ialed Ihal hoy Hud girls stood Ou lip-loe o reach Ihe tup uf Ihe bar for lltHr hollies; 'The charge, Ihe vendor poiiils out, would indicate he was break ing Ihe law because he is nol. pc'rmillcd lo sell lbiuor to child ren or lo anyone under 21 years of ae. ' Canadian National Steamers to Give Weekly Service to Alaska Commencing in June this Year . MONT.HKAI., Jan. 22. II. H. Dalryniple, vice.president of Ihe Canadian National Hallways announced here today, that in oi;der to complete, ils facilities for tourists visiting the .Pacific cou.il, the system will establish this summer a weekly steamship icivice between Nuncoiiver, Prince Hupert and Alaska. "This service," said Mr. Dalryniple, "will be inaugurated ou June !22, at which lime Ihe first steamer will leave Vancouver for ils northern destination, hkagwuy. and each week throughout Ihe tourist season sailings will be made from Vancouver and 'rince lluperl, the Pacific coast, terminals of the Canadian National llailways. The oil burning steamship Prince (ieorge and Prince lluperl which have already established u reputation, us: being among Ihe best appointed vessels ou Ihe Pacific coast, will be engaged in Ibis new Alaska service. The Itinerary "lioing norlhward, the ships will reach Prince lluperl al I0.J0 on Wednesday morning follow ing the Monday of sailing from Vancouver, and lourisU will he ui veil an oiiiiiirlunily- to see1 something of Ihis new Pacific purl as the slcamcr does not continue on ils northern trip uu-JiL four o'viock that afternoon, Afler passing old und new Mel- lakulla and Hudson': made al Alaskan the Slikine lliver and many associations period when Alaska was a Itus- i. given iau possession, ine touched on Ibis (rip Juneau, Ihe capital of Alaska and modern city with good molor roads and many points of in tcrest, including lie Mendenhall (i acn r and mines which have made this country Tamous. Uu the way to Juneau from W rangell an opportunity will be given' lo see Ihe grandeur of Taku Inlet uml the faiuuus laku (rjacier. over a mile wide and ninety miles long. The ships will arrive at Skng- way al seven ociock rriuay morning remaining until seven o'clock Saturday night, thus giv OLIVER FAVORS B.C. ROUTE TO PEACE RIVER VICTOHIA, Jan. 22. Premier Oliver -stales emphatically that he favors Hie extension of thn Kiluionlou, Dunvegan and H.C. Hallway through llrilish Columbia. That railway is owned by he province of Alberta and tho P.U.F.. by (he province of Hril-islj Columbia. 'The Ideal method, according lo the Premier would be lit unite (he 'Vhnlii -system Port Simpson, an old with Ihe I'.U.K. providing an out- Kay post, calls will be let af Vancouver and Ihe oilier Ketchikan, a typical railway al Fduionlnn. The pre-town, built al Hie rouliseut Canadian National linn or Ihu mountains. from that point (he will touch ut Yv rangell, Proceeding would steamship ; prince Hupi-ft. beauli- fully situated near the mouth or ing ample opportunity lo pas senger 10 see i nis Million iowii and visit Whitehorse and Iho Al tin Lake district. Ou Hie southbound journey Ihe steamers will reach Van couver al nine ociock v eunes- lay morning, making a complete ten day. round (rip. Three Boats a Week In nddiioti In thl Alaskan trip, Ihe tri-weekly service between Vancouver and Prince lluperl will Tie maintained, also a semi-weekly service lo Anyox and Slcwarl on the 1'orllninl Canal, which service has been in erred ror some lime past. '"The establishment or Ihe Canadian National Hallways of I hi Alaska strnmlniat service will meet the demands of many tourists and will be a filling climax lo Ihe famous triangle lour, comprising Jasper National Park. Ihe Heckles, tin- Coast linage, and Ihe waler voyage through the 'Norway of Amcr iea.' " HOSPITAL TO OPEN VICTOHIA. Jan. 22. .Uler repealed postponements and dis appointments Ihe Jubilee Ilosj tal Hoard announces- that Ihe formal opening of the new build lug Is to lake place ou Wednes day, March II. oruvide the outlet to The Premier denies in lolo t lo report published in Hie Vaneuu- possessuigjver Sun and seal out on Iho with thelCunadian Press that he ha up hopes uf having (lift next port, .(. K. iuoludeit jn the nevv pro- will bc;i,sals and Ihe intimation Mhat he now ravors Ihe llrule route. NEW VESSELS 1 WORRY STATES Pandlng Resolution to Ask Britain If She Is Not Violating , Treaty WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. - A new angle to Ihe growing complexities oT the international naval situation has been round in Ihe pending Senate resolution seeking inToi'iiiation from Ureal Hrilain as to whether the construction of her two new capital ships violates the pnovision of the Arms Conference Treaty. The new vessel Rodney and Nelson have been described a combination battleships and air craft carriers. GRAIN SHIPMENTS TO VANCOUVER REDUCED VANCOrVFII, Jan. 22. -Grain shipments In Ihis purl will be only about half those or last jear in spite of (In' fact that Hie elevator accommodation has been very greatly increased. It is estimated that al I lie outside not more than thirty million bushels will be shipped Ihruugh this port during the present crop year a against fifty-three million for the previous crop year. One reason given for this is Hie uncertainly or railway rales and another the. failure oT the crop in pari of the territory from which shipment were made a year iibo. Host of handling grain at this port have' been 'lnnlcriatly reduced but Ihis has had' no effect lr bringing tho gralit this way.