January CLEA Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFOnD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optomo-trlst. Qualified by experience and practica knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will bo found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, w a t c h o s, clocks, silverware, cut glass, ivory, genuine j leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." I Inspection Invited I Max Heilbroner j Diamond Specialist Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 AMBASSADOR AND FAMILY!!::--; Sons of Sir Esme Howard Travel Second Class and Put . on No Side FATHER IS HUMAN Meets People as Men and Forget he is a Great Official KANlfc . SALE SUGAR 1c A LB. SUGAR 1c A LB. ATTENTION LADIES! With every $5.00 Cash Purchase during our January Clearance Sale you are entitled to 5 Lbs. of Sugar at 1c a Lb. The limit is 5 Lbs. to every customer. Act promptly and secure 5 Lbs. of Sugar at 5c. Remember that the Sugar offer is over and above the sale Bargain Prices THE FOLLOWING IS BUT A FEW ITEMS OF OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE SPECIAL PRICES. LOOK THEM OVER. Ladies' Rubbers, medium lieel only, for 50c i.T Pairs of Ladies' Shoes for $2.00 25 Pairs of Ladies' .Slippers, Pumps and Oxfords, nssorled sizes, for $3.50 7 Discount on nil Ladies' and .Children's Shoes and lloijse Slippers. Men's lliibbers. IU .$1.85. Sale Price $1.50 .Men's Overalls, lief. .$2.75. Sale Price $1.85 Men's I'lannelelle Working Sliirls. Meg. Sale $1.85 Hoys' Monarch Sweaters. Sizes up lo .'10. Sale Price $1.50 Monarch Wool, floss and dove, 1 oz. balls, four for $1.C0 Monarch Wool, down, 2 oz. balls, II balls for $1.00 I u T;i ii Is All Wool Ulack Cashmere Penman's Hosiery. 1 pairs for $1.00 Children's Heavy llib Cotton Stockings, all sizes. It pairs for $1.00 balls oT Croehcl Collou, all shades, for $1.00 5 yards of (irey Collou, I'.ii inches wide, for $1.00 'i yards or While I'lannelelle for $1.00 Kverylhiiig in our sure is reduced, genuine bargains in every department in the slore. JABOUR BROTHERS LTD. Corner Third and Seventh. r2 Phone 645 1H SPECIAL - JANUARY - SALE v SPECIAL SILK AND WOOL RIBBED HOSE ill 5 ilirrerenl shades. $1.25 Pair. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. ROOMS TO RENT IN WALLACE BLOCK. Towing Towing IT WILL PAY YOU to CONSULT US FIRST Rupert Marine Products Ltd. TheyJ Nl'.W YOIIK, Jan. 22. (Hy uiadian l'rcss. Wilien two of Ilic schoolboy sons of !ir KsnM.il Howard, Itrilish ambassador (o llio L'nih'd Slates, sailed recently for Kngland to resume their studies al r.ambridge, the passengers on (lie Paris .were given a further demonstration of the democracy of the llrilish ambus. j sailor and Ins family. I he two boys, Hubert, 17, and Francis, l'J, occupied a second class cabin. Ship news reporters repaired in amazement to the second class quarters lo interview lUp lads who were found unpacking their belongings. The reporters expressed their surprise. 'Surprised," laughed Hubert, rk & ainn 1 1 Night Phones Red 618 Gr. 601 533 UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C. ' LTD. Sailing's from Prince Rupert. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanton Bay, and Alart Bay, Tuaiday, 6PM for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Alart Bay, and twanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 k m. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, 8 P.M. For ANVOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlvar Cinntrlti, Friday A M tS2J 2nd Aanu. I. Barnalay, Ao.nt. prnc, RUp,rtl B Oi "really there's iiolhins to bo1 surprised at. These are the only' accommodations wo can afford. less expensive and works hardship than if we travelled in the fust class, lou see, my lather has fixe sons ami we are traclling most of the time, so. I here have lo bo economies, lie-sides, we like lo travel this way; il is more quiet -and we school-j boys are better where it is quiet." ' Human Person Sir Ksnie did not see his sons' off, it being explained that he j hail taken two of his younger sous to their school al I.ake-I hurst, j The reporter in-writing of llio jlnlorview, look occasion lo pay , a tribuio lo fcir J.sine, wno, lie said, was most human and did not know the meaning of t lie words "put on." "Sir Ksme," ho said, "does not play according lo the rules Mr. lloyle would have decreed for Ibe social world." After describing the interview with Sir Ksmc's sons the writer continued: "Sir Ksme would have said the same tiling hail be been at the French Line pier yesterday. 1 know because be was just thai tinman when lie arrived here iboard I he Olympic for his new post about a year ago. lie wanted lo meel personally all the re- porters, told one of I hem Unit be resembled somewhat Mis eldest "ii. and before we could fire lie heavy ipicslions about poli tics, economics, etc., he was apologizing because his cabin was loo small lo aeeonimodAlc nil the news gatherers, "They adjourned lo Ibe writing room of Hie ship, alul he 'Hissed out a box of cigars, said ' e wnsn'l sure just what their papers would want from him, but lie would try lo help (hem; 'hull remember,' he smiled, 'a diplo-' maT has the right lo hold hack1 i lillle bit of news now and then !nm you gentlemen. "'And I -want youlo meet my sons when they come over; they couldn't gel out of school al this iine. and their mother has been Torced lo remain Ihere witli lliem. Then I intend lo bring "tern over here where they can eel an idea of your public rlmols: I've heard a lot of nice tilings ahiiul theiii.' Talked Familiarly "lie talked along in that tnan-'ii'r until Ibe reporters thought 'hey were dialling witli one of 'lie men al I tin office, and the next moment he might ask them for a match or lell Ibem aboul tin parly he was on the night oreviolis. "I've often wondered if Ibis ' limair man ami bis family aren't rorced lo smile inwardly al some "' their neighbors in Ibe diplo-italic circles in Washington, where I hey live more according !o lloyle, not Howard." MANSONEXPLAINSAND- ! CHILLiWACK MAYOR IS ' SENT HOME SATISFIED, YICTOIIIA. Jan. 22 Mayor C. V. liarhcr of Chilliwack, came In Victoria lo protest lo Allornoy- "iii'ral Mansnu against his bill or liipior law enforcement and left well satisfied with Mr. Man-foil's altitude on the lhiuor ques tion. "We have reached a very satisfactory agreement and I am well pleased with Hie Attorney-(leneral's altitude," Mr. liarhcr lold newspaper men when he left , Mr. Manson's office. "II is Inn illial the deductions from Chilli., wack's liipior profits for lawen-roiceiuenl costs were high but apparently Ihere is no remedy for Ibis and we must bear it. The nir.il ii. i.. i. ......... ...... I liciilarly high. However, I am I well satisfied with Mr. Manson's! I'Mdaiialions and I believe we' shall have co-operaliou and har- . j iiiony in Hie future." ' I i miliar APniiNn far tea; PREDICTED BEFORE LONG! 'I'lie Iremendous increase in Hie popularily of lea as a beverage bas been such Hint Hie producing coiiulries have been unable o salisry Hie dcTiiiind, 'Ibe price of lea lias been sleadily iiicreasinjr fur a number of years. Since, iiowevej", you can make from 250 lo 300 cups of leu In Hie pound. een at Ibe urice of l,oo, lie cost per cup is only oiic-lliiril of ii cent. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. HltillY ISLAND. Snowing wi-sl wlftl'f baroiiM'ler, .SSI.-- January ClearanceSa atie you paid us a visit yet? 85c STRONG COTTON SOX Ileg 25c. In Hrown and Klack. 3 Pairs for 85c SOX TOWELS 27 iS, Iteg. n'.OO pair. II avy While Hath Towels. Pair HANSON'S PURE WOOL SOX Meg. 50c. 2 Pairs for 85c $1.45 EACH DAY OUR SALES RECEIPTS GET BETTER AND BETTER. WHY? BECAUSE THIS IS A GENUINE RE-DUCTION SALE AND THE VALUES ARE GREAT. IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY PAID A VISIT, DO IT N0VVI IF YOU HAVE, COME AGAIN! Men's Strong Flannelette Shirts lleg. S2.75. In Hrown, Khaki, Dark and Light (Irey. Strongly finished in material -which will give Hie maximum of wear. Six.es n lo ma. $1.85 Men's Pure Wool Pullovers Peg. $.. l."). These have Hi'' shawl c n and ore well made. Willi roulrusljng .i in dark and light sh.vlcs. $3.95 SPECIALS FROM OUR DRYG00DS DEPARTMENT SHIRTING Oxford Shirting in smart clean patterns, 27" wide. Ileg. Kir per yard. 3 yards for KITCHEN CLOTHS Kxeelient quality. 20'' x 21 Ileg. 50c each. 3 for $1.10 wmEssaesmmsKsimmiK Braces and Belts MEN'S WORK BRACES Ileg. 75c. Strung ves. 45c MEN'S LEATHER BELTS Ileg. St. 00 v; ,:' 65c CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FROM 9 A.M. TO 12 NOON ONLY. OCUVIlS I ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, m -JtOMlHOl'UllOU). 6 4 Service ROBIN HOOD, or FIVE ROSES FLOUR 49 lb. Sacks - $2.75 All Flour orders will he delivered f recorders nken from U (ofl2 noon only 100 Tins ROYAL D. SLICED PINEAPPLE, 2's. Special, per tin 20c We 'recommend Ibis -line as AJ IOCO LIQUID POLISH Quart Tins Special 60c Why pay Sl.IJ." per tin for highly advertised lilies? L 3aiM noon' HAMSTERLY FARM STRAWBERRY JAM 1 lb. Pails 65c 1,000 Lbs. TERRACE TURNIPS Kxlni special 10 lbs. for 25c Your lasl chance Ibis season at a pn e which is loss lliiiu wlioleoe. SUGAR CRISP CORNFLAKES 4 for - 35c Limit 12 In each customer POST'S BRAND FLAKES 15c straight Universal Trading Co. BR.AM n,ctn lor i hmw W A KXATlVf FOOD KIABV TO tT CAMcm wtijn (tKN a lit Isl Satisfaction leuiiieral tire. sea siuootli 12:10 ii.in, spoke steaniei' I'rinci. Iltiperl ulT (ireen Island uoilli-liuuml. I) HA 1 1 TIlKK I'OINT. Clear. calm; baroineler, 5U.IM; leinper- a I u re. i; sea smooth. HULL H.UtllOll. llaininj:. liybt norlliwesl wind; baroiueler, 2W.ll; leinpornlure, 32; nioder-ale svb'll; (1,30 p.m. spoko sleauier (irilTeit towing barge irltrnel, ancborVii d 1'orl Alexander; (i.:i(l p. ui. spoke sleamer Clielolisin. IcT! Alert May rlb- botiuil; W.Hl i.iii, sjioke sleulucr uardeua abeimi Adeulirooke Is land soulliboundj,' '" Noon ; IMCIIV MLA.NI),('.loudy, ligbl sotilb wind; bmoiueter.v 2W..1U; leinoerului'e M.'l: sen . smooth. Ii:.l TIUCH I'OIN'I'. Clear, ealni; baroiueler, 2W:iitl; leinper-altire, 2(1: sea .suioolli, I'IM.L IIAlUinili-llvercasl. slronif noil liwi'sT' wind; barometer, 2W:I2; leinpunjlure, a7; s.-a iiilpli; 'K.iy ii. iii, simke sM'iiiner Proier .loliu. lefl .ledway 1m in ml or, Allison Harbor: l.'.lu miiL umlil spoke steamer I'.IicIoIisiii citli'i In;; Milbank uuud USE OF WIRELESS TO ! CHEAT IN EXAMINATIONSj Studont In Franco Shocks University Faculty by Daring Plan sritASSIIOI IMl, I'niiice. .Ian. 22. I'se of wireless as u means of "cribbing" by a young medical student liorririnl the whole uiiiMM'slly jfacully here II ncenis Hint an aspiring Alsatimi in. slnllcil a wireless li'lcplionc ,cl under Hie lalde al which be was due lo 'undergo a wrillcn lest and I lint a friend coached hint from IbciiUlsble. . dvcrlWe In Hie Dally News WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, 7 and 0 p.m. "OPEN ALL NIGHT" A fnsl-slewiing farce-comedy of Paris nfler dark. Tin' ivory ii a rilllKIUK-IIIC ,, ...... ... ... ,. ..... , i.ioiiMiiir; mii: wno rammed iiliiiosl oo far. I'he roineiu of a wile who liirued rroin a lirninv man lo n brawny i""" mid K"l int a l'eek nf trouble. It's IVeuchy, Jriskv ti nl funny. Oui, On i. you said il. (jome mid get u'rnerrv ni -..8v w, ,,; i.mihii Biioiiis. niuiiiMirn grouches siir-rf--nin removed by Ibis new laugh-cure. tiome nud Kn.v ytiting'" (I rls. Do eiiveinen ni !. ...1 .. . . .. i .u bee "Ojieii All Nighl." irm!1'1 'as Adolpho Monjou, Viola Dana, Raymond o Griffith. Maori n ci.. . .. . '. J...j.t . . . iriio, uacK u an nn. .initn uouuv mid others. COMEDY THE SPAT FAMILY IN "HELP ONE ANOTHER.", FOX NEWS-GAZETTE 35c and IOC