January 22. 1BSS. einz s FREE Will WJ itofttntr rX Wm m w w m m K riiiiiiv i i . a ALL THIS WEEK ill we .'in1 makinjr spc- 11A1' in uriler In ink'cr- l il lli'lll. Sali's for IM7 Aft. 1 -"" i .mites Supply Co. r I r NZ TOMATO CATSUP Only 3 for 95c 1 r z Crwmot Z CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP 'I', s ek Only - ins for . . . . 95c ; - for 95c Rupert Table 'honest 210211212 rawberries In the Winter Time p linvp several cases of ;l! ' Si awliccries. Wa-h - 'cut size. ON SALE Thursday and Friday 2 for 25c ''' iiuinvuiK other nnds only. Heinz Tomato Catsup I ii Iml e , . . 25c FARMERS' MARKET and tC. Butchers Grocers Ltd 9hones 45-G74-Blue 42S r- i ..... m to-Holdinrf Sw$ ra$t-E$v"Cuttintf BONDS' SAWS SINOKDS CANADA iAW CO, LTD. VANnnuu.a ST, JOMH, N. (, VM NEW STEAMER ! ISLANDS' RUN Deal About Comolcte for Pur-, chase of St. Margaret Alaska Boat Is Mentioned Tin' Vancouver Prn hire has I hi! following regarding proposed coast steamship service of the i:.(i.,M.M. "If llii' suroy which is iiuw Uhulll lit III' made nf lln llrillsli sleanier- SI. Margaret, ex Chief lain, slum's her to be tin u the claims nf llie present nwip'rs in repaid In 111- ciiiiililirin nf hull, filliiiWH iiml machinery lli- (iiainl Trunk Pacific steamship service uf die Canadian (iuscrumonl Mcrehanl Marine l.imileil, will have a new liner this spring. II is i slie js accejilei) I she is ill feel Urn? on llie coast eviei:ei Dial afler survey, a muster will leave hero Ihe next forlniphl for llie Old Country In IniiiK lief nut here in I iine in s.ari the spring or early summer M'rvire . lo the Queen Charlnllo Islands. will he given a "I'rince" name, and will he operated regularly Mil iiT litis nnrl II is hnliAvoil ii I- il... inini.il.... ..r ,i.cinier hae roamed over Ihe., Man al vnrl.Mm times within! ' ll.is ti.M.M. to endeavor year ' It... I .... I I i.-.in I ...... i. 1 . lav down for roiislruclion oimi"" :. Iwm l.,-sr,. -ml fi.,1 comsI tin- "V. llolvvllhsLtmllup is for extension uf Ihe presoui norlliwahl service to lake in Al iska ports. this mailer was1'" "'" , ' , -ii YIIUSK who . . ...... . .. . . ' roiisoniioiiei. were known o ex-!. '. BOAT ARRIVALS Arrivals from Ihe south mi th C..X.II. sleanier I'rince lliiierl yesterday ilflcrnooii iueliiiled: For I'rlnre lluperl C. Park-J void, l". Wold, Mrs. S. .1. Kvans, Mr. and Mrs. .1. Mackenzie and family. .1. Morrison, V. !. Ilrown. W. Marrji, .1. Thompson. II. Peterson, IM. Winler, Mrs. llasil I'orrill and chi'l. Mrs ILawii'iice Moore and child 'lrv- imrii, .Mr. VamlerlinDf) and I'. .1. Hurley, i I'ur Stewart C. Scull, Mr. and' Mrs. Collins, Constable and Airs. (slip ami family. It. I'. Hill, Hubert, .lessen, '. II. ami 'A. CaMleit.' J ' ' For Anynx Mrs. lit. M. He I'nssel. II. McDerinoll, Wallace, II. II. .McMillan, Mrs. Mills. Miss! Murphy, Mrs. .1. Cody. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Ilosuich ami Mr. Hush. W. 11. Manual, C.X.H. audilor. tirrlvid In Ihe oily from Prince (ieorpe on lasl nis-'hl s train. CASH AND CARRY Stock-taking SALE Take Advantage of These LoW Prices: Heinz Pork and Means, rofr. 25c. Sale Price, 5 I ins for 950 Ileitis Pork and Means, Fs, reff. 15c. Sale Price, IS tins fur 850 lloin Tnmnln Soup, rcpr. fiito. Sale Price. 7 tins for $1.00 Heine. Tnmnln nnlMlp. ror. 0c. Sale Price. .1 bnlttes for $1.10 Economy Store 417 Fifth Avenuo Cast Phone 18. lhes(. things, nobody, om xceplod, had fuilb in litem. No metalliferous minerals, nf any ni jfcu last year, inn was pin over . . ' . . , uitr -r r u u.U.I this year for final decision. '-'"'; '. reporte, h much broken In be lo he loo up uf tiilur; the downfall of win vmis Ion irrcitl lo make the is.; (jlaiu(s habitable; there was no a'(t- 'iieullural mini or any omoiu or; ..lii.i ..ii f'ir.ili'iiii Islmiil mot! !.. i ...... ..ii.)oubl t w ii .1 1 i mi i nit' kii "" value, etc., One Man Had Faith i "The oui twas the aforesaid missionary, and he talked so much and so .MCWenuoM, ,. MerK.ev ft , Prince .eorS.M. Mr lomkmO eorgo llufie, Mr and Mrs John . , of , ,.lir n I ansen and ch.blre , Mr a ndj ' , M i .iir.1. r. i. i.iiiiiiiii-ii. i.. i. iiiiiiii-- rop, It. K. Canibel. Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Ilryce, Mrs. Ileckwilh, .1. II. 't it n i ii .that people thouphl he was draw ling a vory long bow or was 'I touched in Ihe upper slorey. llisi :.. ..' lonllmism injured his reputation wnoeior (U'lkwii), r. .-sucp- -,.,.. -iu as a n former ,llii)irlnl.v missionary .ltll ami ami .Mrs .Mrs. K. II. .Monro when his slories were repealed il was Ihe proper Ihinjr lo say: 'Oh, Ihal's only Harrison lalk- iliiu-' Viilmili' aIsi. ilnrctl lo have m'.fivlMliititt .fin' llm nliiiiel fur V"''vV,'ifonr of. sharing Ihe- universal ilouhl Mlnrhiutr lo Harrison's statements. So allhnuph II was .i.ij.li .1 ii I ti lil.. (a env nnr-li.ms. A. isn.ilh, I). Howell II. I. Clepp.l,, .ris(in.s j nf' Miss till.. M. M Nicholson, ':..l...lwin 11 It. I'. C. Iti-.lU'tl Ilrown I . ... tuned lo one key mr malt on in Ihirly years. iinsiren-like, warned people away from these shores. - "Harrison has had his re venue, lie lias gainou ino ro-j spool duo In a missionary wiioso voice so loutf "Weil in the wilderness, lie may have boon un-wie in bis strenuous persistency wilb which lift strove lo cause others lo phare his op-linilsm. coiicerninw his treasure islands, but ho was Wise in oilier respecls. lie, lonp njro. aennirod a jrooilly , slice of pnvornnienl land al Masselt, ami ho was ns perllnaceoiis ami Innjr sufferinp in (innpliipr on In II as he was assiduous in singing Ibo praises of his ndnpled bill rather lonely island, lo which as a while man ho bore about Ihe same resemblance as did Alenalnlor Solkirk In his lonely abode. Japanese Arrive "Alnniur came-, nf all persons, Mifne Japanese, allracloil no ilnnhl In those Islands by their physical resembliinco In Ihe is lanils ol .Nippon, and discover rich copper veins, now develop, oil Inln mines. Along come other prosper I nr and locale more claims, also copper kings In look ' ivoi the field. Alons como Mm the daily news p.vtf. Frw. Gwes Lie to Statements That He Harmed Rather Than Helped The Queen Charlotte Islands Hy I J. Harrison, Knowing what Mieso islanils art like anil the grcal future before Mieni, I have always done my iilniusl lo bring Ihc osi-liililies of Iheir dcsohipmeiil before, llie gi'ncr.ih'jndtlio, hut no mallei what I have ilunc iii Ihis respect' in (lie. have fre- inenlly lieen lohl hy ceilain now-ciimccs thai !lwiis enlirel through my influence llial Ihese islands are today Iu such n backward ciuidiliiiu, and that aiy reason for nor ailverli.sjug (hose islands ninrc (li.nl I have doife was owing lo iny desire to keei all selllcrs mil. ' Now tills I deny in Into, ami in evidence of whal I hao ilone in the past In gel parlic inlcr-esliil, eaniiiit dn heller than iiiile an I i 1 1 1 l'i a I lhal. appeared in Hie Vancouver Province, March 17, t'.niii. The wriler id il was ami is Still unknown In me, hill Ihis ail jclc viuiiirale the posit inn I have always held in within.! regard lo Ihe whnle of the Queen (!harlollc Islands us a group. It is as follows: "The first jinld excitement in Mrilish Columbia look place on Ihe Oueeii ('hailnlle' The SI. Margaret is a slpol away hack in Ihe firties. A large screw shin, wijh nil-huriiiug urea of coal deposits on (irahain fiirnaees, anil a spei-d n f 1 5 H llaiid was acipiil'i'd and dovel-kniils. She is well known in uped In a preliminary way llrilish coast service and on lh- years ago. Mr. Ilarrisnn was Mediterranean. For Ihe past en razed in mission work year or so she has lieen on a run imiinjrsl Ihe dlaidas Ihirly years mi Ihe Mediterranean out of 1Mb- n'J". Me remained as missionary rallar. I to llie Manias Wtr eight years and Bigger than John I then became ! imili in iiinr mi ur s.,.ii.in,nrafiii.'. l is i . .. . cnpnucil huil was her cruisers ami apply for lluni-sands upon Ihnii.s.'inds nf liinlier licences and leases. Along enmC lainlseekers and slake so ninny sections, half secliiuis and ipiar-ler secliiins of aricullural land on (liahani Island, that Ihe rov-ernnieul sent up a Joshua in Ihe rnrin of a provincial land surveyor lo spy i m i1 Ihe ci m n I ry ami report on il. Then comes the newspaper, the harliiiiKcr nf speculative audi imlukli'ial m;-livilies. (ho intlisll of selllcrs Islandsj 0 plnlliiifr of lownsiles. ami Ihe projection of trovcrumciil main roads ami a railway. II mailers ilnl now whether tils' (homo he Ihe richness of (ho' Ouoen Charlolle Islands or mil. The spell has beep lirokeu, and: the people are coming of Iheir own accord. Other Hildas nfo coniinff. loo, wharves, weekly mail service. in i-allloi wireless, stalio ns, .telegraph and liianufae-Uroveriimonl offices. :i nmsl rn l.t feel heam:,un" Kioegaie. ami nas mnj markalde development in a very This This sin slums:1' 1 eslahlished as a rosulnr, ,H. 'nine. Harrison' was ri(rhl.' (and II feel deep. jhor In be midway, in sl.o, he-1 1 ween the present (Juei'ii Char- lotto Islands run sleanier I'rince j.lnliii, ami ie I'rince Ituperl lin- i ue rriucc .iniiu is I n.i imliisliy. the iimisnn Hay .o. , had an early Iradius post at( (JMiinr's nolo This is (ho Massell to trade with the In- eiyhleenlh or Mr. Harrison's dians. The () u Charlolle Is-LPl.jPS nf nrlioles on Ihe Uuoon lands wore Ihe happy lumlin? C,rnlle Islands. The nino- iee! lonir, and Ihe I'rince lluperl' ".r a neneraiinu or so i,.(.n, appear in an early liners are anil feel limp. !"r vltri" "i''"- f'-oasluiR sloam-1 j,H110. The SI. Mntnii. If i,.,,,.,!.! er nave caiieo ai iimcmios nn re I ffir a lieen itifz (imo. There have!. V'otoriimoul exploralioifs 1 1 made, iirospecloiK nttd limher I) 1I1C III (111 111 1(1,1110011 YS:- al, IM.l.l'I.Mi ri'lil up In ilale is tjfi'llMijr a I1I3 head heroic inorn- inv aiier a mlil oui. a .Irainlnir: Ihe limber also was : 'iptrelles during work loo scallerod to be ir any coni- merrial . ... ! si .'i I i ul iniii ii ti. turn man who luul rainu ; "' NOW tract is change. are Tumi of mak- u res niilil try lo dis-imif h lime is lusl hy loiurjrapher in niieuiu? her rnmpni'l and pnwileriiiff her nose ill llie cuurse nf ii year, ANOTIIKIt I hiii? In work on be lo find mil what was Ihe loss nf lime Jilnl money fnni in;: hours. YKS and anolher I Ii iti$r for Ihe in is now inucii his alleulion pood advice tfiven by edilors ami preachers arnos In waste, overv year. TIIK border line between stinginess ami llnifl is very easily crossed. that Hie elevalor lei, lets jjol busy "STF.P on il more expressive kid" than fon-for a WHAT I am Wondering-. is how liipli Prince Ituperl will climb by moans of that elevalor. WliliX a girl is Asked how Ions she will wear her skirl she hardly -knows whelher lo answer "Ihree months" up "jis above Ibo ankles." is 'much 'hurry." SITTI.NO and thinking wo nro oing In gel rich when (ho ele vator Is built will iml fcH us anywhere. IF you wish lo kiss a girl all you have to do is follow ino tine of leasl resistance. WHAT I could never' under laiiil wits how some of those men got away, vvilh il. If I .vm a girl I should think aboul fifteen hundred Mines bc'nro I con sented (o the iiurchaso of Ibo license. Ten Years Ago n I 1 In Prlnre Rupert J January 22, 1915. . Xeil Muckay Is selling firs' class lulerinr iiolaloes nl Ihe Cily Market for fl.i'S l"'r hundreil pound sack. The second annual ball given by llm (I.T.P. railwaymen In the Mclnlyro Hall last nighl was a brilliant, success. The coiumit- Is your wife wiser than you? IF YOU read only the stock and sporting pages, and your wife is like other women, she is wiser thrn you. She reads the shopping news. She likes to hear you jingle money in your pockets. She likes to stretch money to the limit, so she won't have to ask for more. She likes to shop strategically. Know what she does. Comfortablv at home in a cushiony armchair, she scans advertising columns. She compares, judges and selects the goods she desires; maps her route; with least effort and minimum time, goes direct to the planned store and buys. She obtains whal she wants at the lowest price it is offered. She is certain of full satisfaction, for she knows adoerlised goods live up to their claims. She saves time and steps, and returns sufficiently alert to enjoy new advertisements and to prepare you an appetizing dinner. These advertisements are written for your benefit too. Read them. Help her help you save. Buying advertised products is a bonJ investment not a stock sp32ulatio i lees wm'o as follows: honorary chairman, W. II. Tnboy; arran''-inenls V,. II. Ftiliner. I". V. I'os-ler. .1. It. Ilone. T. McKinnnu and I. M. MrCawley; receilion eom- millee Frank C. Howell, C. A. Coney. W. I. Muxley, .1. M. Farley and W. l. Harris; floor -P. V. Croken, W. U. Tiiipons and II. I.. Morton; tlecoralinns -Archie Walt, .1. S, Ituehan, (ion Chalmers, .loo Kearns and C. I.. I.ainlis; ileclriclan,'ll. F.. McNeil. The Prince HUert f.ibcral ,s- soclallou elected nIHcers lasl night as follows: Presideul. T. D. Pallulbt; vice-presldenl. F. 0. h.jwson; secrelary. P. W. A GOOD WAY TO INCREASE BUSINESS Many advertising messages Tail lo attract allenllon because they are either unallraclivo or lire loo slorentypeil. . Ibis is the opinion nf one nf our busiest and most successful business firms Albert & Mo-Caffory, I.lil. They havo succeeded, in inlcrestlng many new cuslnn'iors in Ibo story nf the ruinous Xanaiino - Wellington coal and since Ibo coal Itself lives up lo ils reputation these customers are coming back dally for more. Ximaiino.Wolliniftnn coal Is Ibo premier fuel for the fireplace, range and furnace. Mure heal less ash no rock of clinkers. . You should try Xannimo-Wel-linglon lis soon as your present supply gels tow. Holler slill, if you order snino now you can lost il mil wilb Ibo coal you are nnw using. Xnnnltnn - Wolllnglnn stands .supreme when a comparative losl is made. To secure a supply phono, Albert A. McCaffery I.M., who arc solo ngenls here. Their phono numbers arc 110 and 501. If "Rupert Fish" Fresh Frozen All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties in season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert brands." Finnan Haddie "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotians. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockeye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. ' Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prlnne Rupert, B.C. Helgerson Block. Phone 109. Dr. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST PERSONAL SERVICE AND RELIABLE DENTISTRY go hand in hand. No mailer whal lh nature oT yoitr denial work may bo, when you come lit my office ynu get the lioiicril of such service and receive deiilistry thai is Inmost. GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST. QkVKCV Washer Oh. T ttUL and Dryer litis no Wringer, needs mine. Won fluid Mednl al lasl (Jiicbec Kxliibilioii over all American ami (lanailiau Machine, Hash Price $185.00,' also sold on lerms. Kaien Hardware Co.