I S!!-83'ii Bpure wholesome corn j ilSW I syrup, a , Standard' of Quality ,.i I fl PW ..1-rtf flS " r"' or tUiVAKUMUKU Kn.pt Hook. FISHERMEN! I vi r your Firt Aid Kit and -iy t tut i il is cuni-i'hv are soiih' ol the tiling- yon -lionlil have on ore voi i put to sou: I0PINE ADHESIVE PLASTER BANDAGES EPSOM SALTS LYSOL BORACIC ACID DRESSING FOR BURNS, ABSORBENT COTTON, FIRST AID BOOK I-. voui' Personal Kit Mm will aln ncod RAZOR SHAVING SOAP RATOR BLADES SHAVING BRUSH SOAP TOOTE PASTE COMB TOOTH BRUSH fii ii pil if rum ii- inn! In- -nre of receiving ; 1 1 1 - f i 1 1 I i i ) 1 1 . ORMES LTD. Pioneer Druggists The nexail Storo Third Avenue Phones 82 and 200 Ask for a Tide Book for 1025. They are Free. When the S 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. AW oe dimes will your Draperies Fade? OUR GUARANTEED CASEMENTS will nol fade. 1 t il-. mi, Mussel. W li i i-l f I, and Mid-Hose. 1 ' In - wide, per yard Barr $1.75 ie's Home Furnishings liWlttDlAM r r .a c ...FU.1S. 'f Vtir u ,l I,. I ,i, . . . Phone 123 tUUHl Sailings from Prince Rupert Knt'litLn mi it mi -wM.nnu, vvriinguii, ouneau ana oKagway March C, 16, 27 r ror Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle March 10, 20, 31. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE or Biitcdalo, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, r omu, Alert Bay, Campboll River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines 'Hi, .ho" in.ni-- W. C. ORCHARD, Goncral Agent of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Washer and Dryer lliis no Wringer, needs none W'oii Oolil Medal at last IJiie.lii'c Kliibilion nvijr all American and (iiiiiailinn Marliiui'S. lliisli Price SI 85.00: also s,,!d on lernis. A Kaien Hardware Co. 4i 'f Wi I iW-' I ... ii... 1 t""'! iiigni'M lussioic ti.nn jtriccs " "ANY VI ItS, to, 'word t Iit-iii In R. S. RnrtlweriM t. ernitio i Tt 'jeceivlng Office : 1225-G Standard Bank Bldg., 1 'x (o ..,.. .Vancouver, B.C. ' ' '."., ni,ig.,,i:j.5 Louise St., Winnipeg. Man. Incorporuli'd I Win - a Local and Personal 1 J U.C. Undertakers. I'honc 41. Ladies OxTonls J .110. Mi s. 'i alilinan. Hoyal I'im.lu TeiiMltiP Novell v ' i in ' , '. You'll like our .soul I Consumer Coal Co. I'lionc 7. If Methodist Chuch Ilamiucl, Thursday, March li, O.ao i.m. rMi'uiC WJiisi r'i'l'5 aiiil hanre, You'll like my taxi! charge. Phone 301, day or night. C. V. Symes. If f)('iiiiy Allen Company. Clean up March Sale. 25 per ecu I off fancy chl n,i am lea setti. 00 Women of Mooselijjarl. Legion Shanirock Tea ami Sale of lloipc Cooking, Hed Cross" llul, Tuesday. March 17. Mr. and Mr. S. S. Majrollin arrived in llm,i!il on tiis morning's I rain mnl are re(?lMlered al Hie PriniT Ituperl llolel. Denny Allen' Company. Cup anil saol-evw from 5c up. Plale.s 'roin 5r. Soup jilales from 15c. I" ueHecnl olT ilinner et. . -SO C.N.W. steamer PriiH?e ltuperl. Capl. 1). Iioualil, from Vancouver ami waypnrtf", i due lo arrive on nine al ;t o clock lliis aflcrnooih A new shipment of .'J50 Inn.-Nanaiuio-W'elliiiKloii lump coal arrived this moruiug. on the Chil-kool for Albert & McCalTery. Plione.s 110 ami 5(Ji. If Mrs. S. I)e Itucey and 1 1mm l"'othei , A. Itiehiirdson, who have been spendiiijc a forlniKbl in the i-ily, reluriied to tlutir home a. I lell, O.C.I, on the Prince John Ibis morning. Mrs. I. J. Marsli, mother of Miss I'.lainla Marh of the pub- lii- Hcbool teaching', stirtT, arrived from Ten-urn on Hie train lhi iiiofinput, aud is regiHtccod al 4tu I'riiicif Huperl Hotel. Passengers sailing lasl nfKbt for aniouver on the Cardena iiiehnjetl A. II. Stephen, bectsoti, Mr. and .Mrn. J. mer and family, .lames A. sou. It. MarDoucrall, Crowe. II. S. A! Ff W. Smilb. son of Mnry Kl- ien Smith, M.I..A. who was lu-otihl from I'iflli Cabin on the Yukon Telegraph I.Uie to Hazel-Ion' Hosmtal, recently, oonttmie.s U sli-adily improve stales Dr. II. C. Wrinch, but il will tie some time before-he is around again. Arritiifrcineuls are being niailr In hold a special cession of Ihe Supreme Court Assizes hero aboul I lie middle of August for I he purpose of hohlinjr Uir'U'iaN of Indians from the l.iard lliver who nTe e halved with wilHiciaf! murder. II will be imnossihlc In el witnesses dul from the north country in lime 'for Ihe regular assi.e.x in June. Alberl Farrow, sleainboal specjor, with Mrs. Farrow family acenmpaiiyinir him,' arrive renin ancouver on sleaiiier. Prince Ituoerl and will -the this aflernoon. Thev will return oulb Friday naming, .Mr. Far row s missmn being lo inspect I he sleamer Canadian Yoyageur which is being overhauled al the dry dock. 'They formerly resided, in Ihe cily. ' v v f 4 i ANAIOUNCEMENTS e 4- ' .IUsical I'veniiit; in Church, .March 20, to 8 p.m. if Weekly Cinderella Dance, Sal-imlay nighl. F.Iks' Home. fine. jooooooooooooooooooooooo- I For the Guest Room &.' The individual carton "2 of Haby's Own Soap is ' g 0 just what is required in 'o x the Gdest Room; X a Kvcryone enjoys this X ? very excellent and 5 "purely Canadian Soap. 6 1 "Bat tor Sou and Baby too" a 10c. at all dealers. a 6 oooo oooo ooooo o o-ooo oooo o A Sweef Breath at all times fRAVORM .After rtln or smokini Vrigleyi freshens the mouth and sweetens the breath. Nerve are soothed, throat Is refreshed and digestion aided. So easy to carry the little packet! H1IO w -after eVery meal m$ SCHOOLTEACHER BREAKS HER ARM Miss Nora Rivet Had Painful Accident-on Third Avenue at Noon Today Miss jora It i v-t or Ihe llorilcn SI reel Schpol'.lcaeliiiij; staff had Ihe mifpfjhtiie In slip and break her arm on Third Avenue in front of M.;M. Stephens' really nffice at noon today while on her way home lo luncheon. She was immediately assisted by 51. M. sicphcns and others to Ihe office of Dr. .). P. Cade in lhi Federal filock whence she went to the hnsiilal lo bavi' Ihe injured member sel. Tin1 accident will necessitate Miss It i vet bein away from her duties for a time. PRINCE JOHN WILL MAKE ANOTHER TRiP BEFOREOYERHAUL' llaviiiK been busy all uichl liiadiiHK freiuhl, CN.lt. Jfleamer Prince Joiin, Capi. 1'. Mabbs, troi away al 8 o'clilfl; Ibis tnoiuin? for Vancouver "via tlie (joci! Charlotte Ishtml's. Aiiioiik her pansenjrers werif the following: For Hockley Hay, Afi-fi. Frascr for Port ilHiiniiits, F. Hicks ami il. Huberts; for .Massed, It. I. Tilifflcy: for (.Mieen Charlollr Sify. I). Foslierf-'i; for Tlell, Mjs. llucey ami A. Itichardson ; for hockeport, J. Frcderiokson. II is expected thai' the Prince John will make one more trip tn Ihe Islands and here before be-iuK taken off for an extensive overhaul, lly thai lime, the Prince Charles will have arrived roin the Obi Country to relieve her il is anliciialed. PUGSLEY DIES AT TORONTO (continued from pag one) Inr-gi'Ueral in Ihe Ithiir (iovern Uienl. Ih I8'J2 he 'resigned li i s- seal. but four years laler re enlereil politii-s, this time in the Federal field, lie was unsuc cessful as a eanillilale for t In- House of Commons in SI. John Cily howiner. 'Three years laler he was again circled lo I In I eg- islalure. accepting Hie ollice of Mlorney-(ieneral. in tin' Tweedie ultniublraliou. On (he appoiul- menl of lion. 1.. . I. 'Tweedie to the ollice or Licit!. -i'iovcrnor of New llruiiswick i' in i' February. I POT. 5lr. Pugslcy vas chosen Prime Minister, aiposilinn which lie held until Ihe'cnd'of the session of the l.riii slut ore. Became Federal minister Mr. Pugsley's cnlry inlo llo .Federal arena look place. in HHI7 when he conlesled Ihe conslilu-ency. of SI. .lohn City and Couuly rendered vacant Jiy the death of: Dr. Stockton. Following his-clcc-lion, lie enlereil the l.aprier (5ov-crumenl asT MiujslPr of' PuIdio Works, following' Hon. Charles Itaptislyllyman, Vho reiflgiied. vf He . rei lained the poruolio .of . Pphltc Works until Ihe retirement of Ihe l.aurier (ioveriimeul following Ihe general ejection, of 1911. Capl. W. Wright, marine sup-erinlcuijcnl for Ihe' C.i.M..M., is in the -north on an, inspection trip.'Ayhjcli includes Ocean Kails. Swansoil 'llav', 'Prifice ltuperl aud other -points along,the coast. .lames Weir. 'Charged wild driving to the common danger, appeared in Ihe cily police com! ihls morning ami vvas remanded until tomorrow . Advertise In Iho Dally News An unu 1 !irou".h ilof i- e of th- I i-rany kIkh tlx I. '' were shipped is A'i r n t I vni , of a zoological c i.ittif there. " animals, -which ere valucj at ." came from the National Park Ranff, Alberta. , .-V rT 43 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES . at Alberta farmers have rcceitly been shipping a new copimodity to the market. During the past few years there has been a considerable Increase in the number of bee-keea ers and last year 160 keepers had a total production of nearly 60,000 pounds of honey, valued at approximately $15,000. The exact number of bees ) not known. Contract for aeroplane spruce hus been made between Vickers Limited, manufacturers of aeroplanes, and Frank L. Buckley, of Vancouver, B.C The spruce will be logged on the Queen Charlotte Islands and milled at the Buckley Mill at Port Clement, on Graham Island and at Burrard mill, in Vancouver. The contract calls for the delivery of two million feet during 1925. Canada leads the world in automobile exjOrts in proportion to production, domestic sales or ownership of motor vehicles or to population. Not relatively but absolutely the automobile exports of the Dominion are only exceeded by those of the United States. Sinco 1920 the motor vehicle exports of Canada have nearly doubled, the increase being from 9.8 per cent, to 17 per cer.t. of the automobile export trade of the world. A special train of forty-two car. containing nearly 900 head of stock for export to Great Britain, arrived at the Canadian Pacific Railway's East End stock yards, Montreal, recently. These, added to shipments from Packirghara, Ont., Toronto and other points in Ontario and Quebec, made up what cattlemen claimed to be the greatest concentration of Canadian cattle for export in the history of the trade. From the yards the cattle were shipped by special train to the ship's side at St. John, N.B. When the round-the-world cruise passengers aboard the Canadian Pacific steamship "Empress of France," reached Egypt recently, they were entertained by Enani Khattab, a prominent sheik holding authority over a large number of villages along the Nile. Unfortunately, the sheik succumbed to a sudden attack of heart failure. The visitors from, across the Atlantic before returning to their ship were permitted to attend the funeral, which was conducted in the desert with weird and impressive religious rites, an experience few world-travellers have known. Between 300.000 and 400,000 Canadians and Americans of Norwegian origin will gather at Jlinneapolif and St. Paul in June next to celebrate by a great national gathering the hundredth anniversary of the landing of the first organized party of Norwegian settlers on this -continent. President Coolidge, King Haakon of Norway and Lord Byng, Governor-General of' Canada, have been invited ti ettend. Meetings of some forty Noswc-'" organizations, divine service by t'.-.e Bishop of Oslo (formerly Christianiaf, field sports, musical contests nrd bistort': pageants will males up tl;e Wednesday, March 4 High ll:lt a.m. Hi. 4 fl. 22:;iJ p.m. 15.1 " Low 2:li a.m. Hbt " 10:08 p.m. 7.0 " Thursday, March 5 High Low High Low 10:1 1 a.m. 2:1 :2a p.m. 1:(ii a.m. 17:01 p.m. Friday, March 6 1 1 :0C a.m. 5:0'.i a.m. 17:10 p.m. Saturday, March ' High 0:0 i a.m. 11:50 p.m. Low 5:50 a.m. 18:20 p.m. USE 10.8 n 1(5.(1 u 1 0.1 " 0.1 " 17.0 fl, U.l " 10.11 fl. 18.t " 8.4 " i.3 " STMONDS SAWS Their teeth are ot a toughness which makes them hold their keen cutting edge under every usage. ,. SIH0NDS CANADA SAW CO. LIMITED KNGOUVI MONTREAL t.jomn. .. "I saw an Ad - in the street car "Not long' ago I sa van ad in.Uie street car, 'Soaking takes the place of rubbing'. The next 'day I sent for a package of Rinso and tried it. I was delighted with the result and now wash my children's clothes without any effort whatsoever they; soak themselves clean n the Rims suds. I just had to write and. tell ou how 'won. derful'T think Rinso is arid have told several of my friends to try it. "It is wonderful for scrubbing floors. Without a doubt the best thing I have ever used. I also cleaned my enamel sink with it and it is splendid." The foregoing letter is but one of the many received by the makers of Rinso from women who are enthusiastic about this newer, easier, better way to wash and clean the Rinso way. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. VANCOUVER, via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ii ,j m TM1 Silks Are Popular 40 Inch Crepe De Chine $1.50 40 Inch Flat Crepe $2.50 36 Inch Canton Crepe $2.00 40 inch Silk and Wool Canton Crepe $2.95 40 inch Canton Crepe $4.50 36 inch Satin Mousseline $1.25 36 inch Satin Duchesse $2.00 36 inch "Yvette" Duchesse $2.25 All Prices Per Yard WEST OF MQLMd STORE Smith Block. WINTER Steamship Service ,8.6. PRINCE RUPERT vails rrum I'rllK'n Utipert FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, liili'l'iiivillulc ulnls i'U('l) Friday tt.UU u .111. For STEWART unci ANVOX THE S.S. "PRINCE JOMN" I..... PDIfjrr . .. Wciliietiilsy, 1 1 .00 p.m. RUPERT fortnlghllt for PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT S MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, Mill p.m. for 1'rlme Ui'urgu. EDMONTON. WINNIPEG, all iuu Lusliili Camilla, Unllcil Status. ( AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cllv Tlckl Office, S28 Third At., Prlnca Rupert. Phona 260. ,-ii ... FAMED LONDON The Gin you will ask for again the standard of purity for over 160 years. $3.25 Per Bottle. The Gin for you is "H. & L7." This advertisement Is nol published or displayed by the Liquor Control Dourd or by Iho Guvumuiuut of British-Columbia 4eiI .... 1 H3iS HiHi 1 81