MS I. Smith Block Phone 575 ,DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 60c Per Sack I HydeTransfer 133 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Spring Stock of Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Halgerson Bloor, PrilrVCE RUPERT, B. O. OfflCd Hours, U 8. Phone 030. Opon Evenlnga Only Far Special Appointment. The B.C. Mining Gazette Tin-ouch our eonueellon with tilt- liuhlrsher of this ll t'i-ihil(-inliiliilf i u emit. i ran nrfer. lo a Uiulleil number oul.v. THREE MONTHS FREE SUBSCRIPTION without obligation on your pari, call or Write GRANT MAHOOD COMPANY LTD. Member- Vaneouver Slmk Kxrhamre Rogers Building, Vancouver, B.C. JUST ARRIVED! Crepes. Ginghams and Galateas in very attractive patterns , Also new stock of SEAGRASS CHAIRS, ROCKERS, TABLES 3rd Avenue. GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher Phone 20 THE DAILY JTEW3 -AOE SIX .- " la1 Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, expert-' enced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practlca knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods,, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist NOTICE to Consumers Tin' Mtis.sallem (Iroccry j .. . ........ 1 (.1). J. Ml. IlitS .IHIIU-g il IM'W system for cash ci!oiners. This applies to1 Hash Only. Kvcry puirhasi; ..will lie ae-companied liy a lickel. For every .$15 worth of lickcls n discount oT 5c on llio dollar will lie allowed, which means a direct SAVING OF $1.25 Our Price is Hishl. Hive us a trial. Mussallem Grocery Co. Fifth Ave. East Phone 84 and 18. Mothers ! Wo have jrnoil ipiulily NAVY SERGE BLOOMERS, 10 to 10 years At- per Pair $4.25 NAVY BLUE SERGE SKIRTS, PLAITED Camisole Top, in to 11 years, at $4.25 t ..Sinarl 11 G to i 1 years emers P.O. Box 327. A Modern Phone 27 Dental Service At a Modcrato Fee Dr. H. L. Alexander DENUNCIATION OF PERSON WHO POISONS Ketchikan Editor Lets the Vials of His Wrath Overflow (Ketchikan Chronicle) lit, Ketchikan there is appar ently 'cuie '"Individual so 'loath some that liti cannot be, classified' by words. That is the scoundrel who last week poison ed the dogs, pels nine in nuni her, all owned by little boys and srirls who loved I hem as only children can love theso animals No doubt .the individual vho iinrnef rnleil the deed is n nar row sraviged' 1i6 tnouttl look willi horror on a game ol marbles -played for keeps. He couldn't . be anything: broader jrausred for if he was he would have too much consideration not only for the children but for the Of course he heard, but forgot, I lie tale made in Ketchikan liy the late beloved Warren (J. Harding, president of the United Stales. And yet his words, ringing- forlh from the platform at liie corner (if Main and Dock streets are bard to forget, when he said: "I love a dog." It was ja simple sentence, yet it por-1 1 rayed character, loyally and love. A man who would poison a boy'.s dog has a soul so sour, a mind so slrrivHed, a heart .sr, IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUVBIA III Hie MillliT or llii' Aclminl.-lralluii Aland 111 the .M.'ltliT r.r the Kstate r Willi: miniTon Sim, Hcreiscd, InleHiilf. TAK'K MITICK Unit by order fit II'-lloimr F. Melt. Yfimiir. Hindi- the Still rt.r or February. A.I). 11145, I was aptiiiiiiti-! AilinliilMintnr or the eslaln or Wllllm tuiiirrnii slut. (liT('ncd, and all pailli havlliir cl.'ilin arulnM llii- Milil t'slate "( lif.-ri'by rciili'i'd In rin'iilsli same, pn -htI.v erlried In hip, on or iK-rore tip ;ih day or Marrh, IVjli. nml a!' parti)' Indrlilcd tu the estate are reipiire'1 In tiay the amount or their liideutediics-tn me forthwith. XOIIMAN A. WATT. Orrielnl Aduiliiistralnr. I'rlnee Hupert. II. r.. Iinled the 9'ilh day or February. llii"' Canadian Laundrv and Dry Cleaners Operating the only power cleaning ami pressing equipment in t lie city. Service and workmanship ''unsurpassed. A phone call will bring our car. 515 Sth Ave. W. i Phono 8 THE COUGH OR COLD THAT SETTLES ON THE LUNGS IS HARD TO GET RID OF These are the kind that are tfaiiirrou; I he kind that weaken the limy, the kliwl thai allow the (term or eonsiiiiiplluii in Ret a.ruolbold In the fjslem. Mr. John K. I.iilorr.-Ofdden. Lake, Out., writes: "l-ast year 1 had a i-old, and a elwgli willed seemed'tn slick on my chest, i tried dl rrerent preparations, but they did not seem In help me any. I was advised, by a rrlcnd, to try DR. WOOD'S .NORWAY PINE SYRUP and when I hid taken a rew doses I began to reel that It was doing me Rood, so 1 kept at II and Inside or a week I iwas relieved or my ironble." Hr. WVkmIV lias been on the market for the past 35 years; yon don't experi ment when you buy it; put up only by The T. Mllbiiru Co, Limited, Toronto; nt. impure that he should live on a desert Island, having for his only companions those proverbial roul birds -of I'alagonia. IN A WAY "Is.lhe motor ear an nssel to the i;hurch?" imiujrcs a religious paper. Well, Of course, il brain;,' i; trodit deal of business to the pIiii rcliya rd. ON MATRIMONY'S SEA "The idea .of her marrying lial old derelict! What could have been her object?". ''The salvage, I guess." IN PROBATE IN 'THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA III the Mailer or the Administration Acti and In the Mattel- or the F.slale or Charles l.aver, oeeensed, InlesUle. i T.UK .NoTICF. that by Order it 111 llniioi- F. Mi ll. Yolihjr, made the I iflli d.iy r February, IUi.'.. I was appointed Ad ministrator or the estate or the lale i:harles l.aver, dereased, mill u II parlies having el.iuiis against ttie said estate are hereby required to ruruish same, pro-lierly verified in me. on or before fll day or .Mai-eli, I Dir., and all parlies Indebted In tlie said eKlale are reuuired lo pay tlie amount or their liideblediiess lo4 me rortiiwiin. MirtMA.N A WATT, orririal AtltiiliilMialor. I'rlnee Unperl, HX. haled tlll 31st day of February. Hlj:.. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill the Mattel or tlie AdiniulMraUuu Art; and In th Matter or the F.slale or Jean Laurr. Hei-eiised, Inleslate. Tki: MiTICI. that li.v order or III. Honor 1. Mi-H. Ymiiiir, made the Kill dav or February. A ll. IS.",. I was apoiuled Administrator or the estate or the late Jfciu I.hui-i, ileeeased, mid all parties having ilaims uiralnsl the said eslate are hereby required to rurnlsh same to ine, !roierly verified, en or before the lt ilay or'.Man-li. tuts, and all parlies Indebted to the Kitltl estate are required In pay the amount or their Indebtedness In uie forthwith. VIII l A, WATT, orririal Adnilnlsliator. Prinee Itupert, II. C. Imied llii- j I -I ilay nf February. 1 8 -..".. ROY CLOTHIER HAS MINE IN BOUNDARY Former Stewart Man and Associates Acquire Property at Beaverdell II. L. Clothier and associates of Victoria linc obtained control of the. Iteenge mine at Heaverdell in the lloundary country and int-meiliatc. mini tist? operalions will be undertaken according, to announcement in the south by Mr. Mr. (Jlolhier who is well known in the Stewart district. The ltevenge adjoins the Sally and J loll mines, two rich and steady producers for a number of years. It is a silver-lead pro position. GUNNING FOR DOGS AT ATLANTIC CITY ATLANTIC CITY. N.J.. Mar. i. lviu Klierliai'ill. (0-year-ohl deaf hermit, went giilining for dogs recently with a .38 calibre pistol in his bell. I lo met Miss Lucy Weeks, standing in front of her home wilh a collie dog. I'.beihardt shot the dog. After being' forcibly disarmed and arrested by a policeman, Kbeihardl lold a cily magistrate thai "everybody was selling their dogs on him and lie had been bit- leu fixe limes in a week." SOME NEW BOOKS IN THE PUBLIC LIBRARY Hooks added to the public library during Ihe mouths of January and February include: "What is Modernism?" by Leigh I on I 'arks. "Tlie Friendship of- Ood, A. M. Itoydeit. "Progressive F.iluoation," i. A. Mirick. !' by "llWer History of Fducatiuh," by II. M. Heatly. "What Are You doing lo He-?" by llallum lluwksworlb. EDUCATION AND RELIGION CONNECTION WITH CRIME .Lack of Character Building One Cause of tvien Being In Jail, Prisoners Agree LOS A.XOKLIiS, I'eb. 1 3. bur-cys iiiiioiip prisoners in the Los Angeles county jail indicate that I lien; is souielhin',' wrniij? witli present educational and religious melhods, in Ihe opinion of Hay-mond I. 'lurney, dim'"!"!' of the Los Angeles Crime Commission, lie expressed this view at. a re cent meeting of Ihe Southern California Academy of Criminology. Seven per cent of the inmate of the county jail, Mr. 'lurney 'said, were college graduates, as against per cent in ordinary life; l .'i per cpul fif Ihe prisoners had college training: 15 j per cent were-high schmd grad uates, Compared wilh il") per cent uulside the walls. All the prisoners agreed, ad ded Mr. Turney, that there had been a lack of moral training and a defect oT character building training in Ihe schools, and thai Ihe .same thing was true of the religions, a majority of which were represented. Mr. 'In nicy declared thai most of Ihe prisoners concurred in the belief thai habitual crimin al .should nol be allowed to bring children inlo Ihe world. All believed ii punishment, hoi continued, but favored Institutions where prisoners could be employed in producing some commodity. FAIR ENOUGH Salesman ' a I motor shmvi---'Ibis is Ihe lype of car thai pays fur 'itself, sir. l'ruspeclivc buyer- Well, as soon as il has done Ihat you can I have il delivered at my garage. SECRETS OF SAFEKEEPING Mrs. A. Is II I rue Ibal the niuiil I discharged is now work ing for you? Mrs. II. .. .Yes, hut don I look so worried, my dear; I don't believe a word'. die says. THE SHORTAGE OF HOUSES Magislrale dl bits been proved I hut you burgled Ibis particular house twice "In one week. Culprit Acs. The shortage of house- i -jomelljint: crui'l'.' WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. IHlillY HjLANI. Cloudy, light soulh wind; barometer, -".(.il?; lemperaUire, 38; sea smooth. .nFAIi . 'nii:!; POIJIT.- naming,- wilnu baroincleiv -0.8L; temperature, 12;. eca suioolli. HULL .IIAIIHOII Passing showers, light- southwest wind; baromeler, ,."J.77; lemperature, 38; heavy .swell; 1.03 a.m. spoke steamer Prince ltupcrl abeam Pointers Island northbound. Noon DICIIY ISLAM). llitinfng. light southeast wind; barometer, 2D.78; , leiuperal.ur'e, 38; ' sea smooth; 8:10 a.m. spoke steam er prince .luiui passing oui oiilhbound. DKAIi THKK POINT. Cloudy, light soiilheasl.' wind; baromeler. .'0.7',': temperature, Hi;' sea smooth . HULL IIAIIHOII. Passing showers, livhl Miulhwesl. wind: baromeler, L"J.77; leinperaluri? S3; heavy swell; 8 a.m. spoke lug Cape Scott stormbound at Margaret Hay; 1 1 a.m. spoke steamer Cardena al Hella liclla southbound. Advertise in the Daily News. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill the Mailer or Ihe Administration Art; and In the Mailer or the F.Mate of It, I. hen nett. Iieemsed. Intestate. TAkK MlTIL'K that by Order lr Ills Hoik. i' F. McH. Vouuir. made Ihe ISill day or February. I5i. I apuoltited Ad mlnlstrator of the etlate ('f the lale II. J. Ileiuiett. det-easiMl. and all parlies hav ii v elaims ayaltist the all estale an hereby reuuired In rurnlsh same lo me proM-rly veriried. on or berore Ihe Jlsl day or Man-h. tu5. and all parlies In-debled lo the ald eslate are reipilred P pay Ihe amount or llielr Indebtedness p me forthwith. .OMMA A. VTT. orrieial Administrator loiteil this ?ll dav nf Fetimary. IB r. IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In the Matter or the Administration Art; and In the Mallei- of Ihe F.slale or Y. YYlkl-inoto. Ieeeaed. Intestate. TUF .MtTICK Ibal by order of Ills Honor f. Mri. i oiiujr, jiiade me irtu nay of leiiruary. ma.,, i was aeeoiuieii Ail iiitulsirator or the estate nf ihe lair Y. Wakluioln. dereaeil. and -till parlies havlnir elaiins airainsl the said etlr are hereby reninriil lo furnish same, pro terl verlf'eil to me, on or Iwrore VI si lay or Mareh. IU?j. and all parlies In debied to ihe said estate are reuuired t pav Die amount of their Indebtedness lo me rnrtliwilli. MlltM A. AVAtT. orrielnl Ailmlnislrilor, Prltire Itupert. Il.f. naieu tut', srisi iiav or February. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS VncMnL unreaerved, aurveyei L'rown lands .may b pre-emptetl by Critlxh sulijects over in yearn of hki. urn by iiliens on 'dethlrlnit intention tu beeomi Hritlah aubjecta, conditional uion reildence, occupation, .nc! Itnproviment for agricultural ourpoKes. Full Information -concerning reu-tlnns regarding pre-emption la Riven in liulk-lln No. 1, Land Heriea. "How tu Pre-empt Land," coplea of vihlch can be obtained free of charx ly addreaalnir the Department of Lands. Victoria, U.C., or to an Oov-arnment Agent. Itecords will be granted covrllK only land miitalile for agricultural liurposex. ami which la not timber-lurid. I.e., carrying over 8,0)0 board feet tier acre went of the Const Itauga and .1.000 feet per acre eaat of that Kange. I Application! for pre-emption are to be uddrcuHod lo the Land Com-miHtiloner of the I .and ltecordlng 11-vision, In which the land applied for ib ultuatcd. and are made n printed forms, copies of which can be obtained from the Land CMinmUaloner. I're-etnptlona muat be occupied for five years and Improvements mailt to value of 110 per acre, Including clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Grant cm b received. For more detailed .Information sea the IJulletln "How Lo l'ra-empt Land." PURCHASE Applications are terelved for pur-I'huee of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland. for agricultural purposes; minimum price for first-class (arable) land I Jj per acre, and second-class (grating) land $2.50 per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or Uai ' of Crowi. lands Is given In Bulletin No. 10. Iind Merles, "Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites on timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the conditions Including payment of tumpage. HOMESITE LEASES UnsurVeyed dress, not exceeding 20 acres, may he leaned as liomesltes, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title bslng obtainable after residence and Improvement conditions ire fulfilled and land has been surveyed. CEASES For grazing and Industrial pur-1 poses area not txcssdlnc 140 acres may be leased by on person or a company. GRAZING Under the Uraxlng Act the Proy-Ince is divided Into grazing districts and the ranee administered under a Grazing Commissioner. Annual grazing permits are Issued; baaed en numbers ranged, priority being given to established owners. StocW-owners may form aiecla.tlons for range management. Free, or partly free, permits are available for settlers, calipers and travellers, up to lea head. Week-end Specials BOY Two Pants Spring. Suits Woollier style panK in scr in .ili'i T dark grey, well tailored. Sizes :!( to 4 $11.75 nEADY-TO-WEAFi ANNOUNCEMENT Spring Coals, Suits and Latest Ensemblj Suits in latett shades and styles, newly arrived for your inspection. CASH AND CARRY GROCERY SPECIALS For Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9 am. till 1 Noon only CrcameryBulter, hi bulk, .t Limit 0 ll. lit em h rii-l.ii i Golden Dates, in bulk, li-e-li l k, ' Ii- js (j.iniit ii llis. Pure Orange Mnniial.ide., Miikin' Hi ' 53, ( Lnnil :t i 1 1 1 lo each en-;,- . Combination Special - Canned Vegetables (.urn. Pea. I onu v special, 6 tins for Van Camp's Pork and Deans, nn -1.1 s 2i Clark's Tomato Catsup. Sicei it 20c UNIVERSaTtRADING Cfl, WESTHOLME THEATBt Tonight nd Tomorrow Night, 7 and 9 p.m. "CYTHEREA" ( (ii)ii!i'-.- ol Love.. . mmlei anil love of "iinnglimr. A i ;if h in- , in Hie lites and love ol tnen an! -a-tleliglltftil ilioto-tla lo wlncli lie. iiiln If trul eolors 111I1I riisriiinlioii. (iyllieie . r ' While Ilnee, fuiiu of Hie lair, live- m c Ailain (ill loilay all men liuve ervel hei 1 fi lt;?s. C llierea, Venus, Ajiluoililc. w .. iiiimIi'I'ii omen who wimi, win. love, m Alma lliilicii. like tyllierea. Iieauliinl r' love. Irene Hicii like VeiniJi, eohl v.: ' womaiiliootl. lionslaiii'i' Hemiell lik' , H raseiuatnig. Love Ihat turn-. In InHerm - v Lewis Stone, Norman Kerry, Charles Wellesley, I don Hurst, Alma Rubens, Irene Rich, Constance BsnnA Peaches Jackson and others. COMEDY "APRIL FOOL." TOPICS OF THE t Phono G45. Admission 35c and 10c Spring is Here LADIES OF PniNCE RUPERT on are mviled to -ee c Spring and Summer HATS We have jusl received a large lmH Jiicviiiliiig shades and styles. See our v .ncov Wo have also rereiVi'd a large lnite uml House lre.xe.s, Ihe luiees of wluHi Iiui'i'liaser. JABOUR BROS., LTD. ... .' I ' . . i Ml 7th St. and 3r""l LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED to Iniililing next door lo l-'rizzell Hiiu'h'" "ur from the Kmpress llok' We carry a full Imc w ..rn!fi rir.ARQ THRArrn? PR HITS. CA SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION l0 t. us l'i u din us Xsureni UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OFB.C saiiuiRt rroiu entice iwvmi, tui,'',.J of VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swamon Bay, and Alsrl Blf, 1 Fop ANVOX, ALICE ARM, KTEWART, 6unHy, 8 P.W. pi For ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON and Nl RImp Cnntni ': lti nr" sfcinj Ftftiiufi sj, Drnvir