ay Mm li 1- IMP ui.:' urn APPLICATION LICEN8E L Liutnab. ENT I m. . 1025. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FTTH ..,. liquor act. Innnnnrninpir m C1T.O FOR BEER 1 lJDl ljlU 1 1 111 i,iw .,m., "!!l!,.ia!S5i arch II ',, cnnipnl .i.i l'l" i . i ii ' i'iip ,l t prrniiseai . Kit the city f . Prince . i.. . ii .hi. in . .. Iir .' . it, iiuil I.OK Ilium. '"".'J' ii,.i llw-n Lots -, 'linn one ( i ), nc'iiriliiiir l hi: i III Dl'll'iviiru in ''."..T t ii-Iii.i. !l" I .' . .1... J..I . nuiniV i , ' iUa ........ the s.3' -ii .1 ill 111' IPII-lllln. . iri!i'-"t, II.' '. till CHI in-, a n cari.ey. own " ,la,"""lT,lB, i.;iiip -- lime. Appllrnnt. i iniinR ACT. mr.il I ----- ...i iaitiAN FOR BEER (,-.! r Hint "III Hi" ' " .I...!!!....! - i,., . w iiinn-i fiF " ) i i ' i I" premise i - h ...iiiiK known a ... , in ill! 1'iii'iwr "t ';.,h r - v in iImi :iiy of . II... Hull I'l .llllll. i"ii i . , -i--- ;ti iiii it n ." Ill l i rlrsi ' ,, liM in thlrlrerrl II link li'U nr Prince -H'N'il man or 1 ' ' .....1..... ( j' nri liiirl niirt "f iM'pr li.V i i, - .iho -ai' MIIS ANN M. ridSS. Ktr.sr ::. anil L' -' r sew rmpti-w llnicl. .prlnt FOR BEER I 'ii that nn lln imcl,rHarni,l i.ic '.Iqiini " nn I nil i W'i in pri'iniiHw ' ...:nt kimwii .it tin iiiniiT nf Avniiic. In tlir K v li nvliiro r IIm laml- iWcrlli-anrl iwi'lvr (It, Sci'tllill OIK tli: t ai I'lirilmr. Wj ::j ni'pf -iiti'd in tiif ( tin i.ilv nT .iiiIk ml Pi:i. for tlw c ;r In Ihr fifx-n :il tin prcml.c". II. i till!- llllll I'DSTOIX. 1 and Manner f llnyal HnlM. Applicant. APP11CATI0N FOR BEER l -n tut on tdrl 1 t" HW tlti(lT!ltTnid - " an: sianairrr, nplirant ENT I intiriD m ry- H"T,N FOR BEER (!' ... ...... ... .. II !i till UUkMlMW..! APPIiellt -lyuun ACT. APUCtCNATI!0!,' BEER llttrflll... lh ,e,t ,!! "n the lull I.. I'T nn.lerslA I " 'ne in i-...,. .T !'r cgntrol " Hie In o . .' 1 ' Preinlsei s '"ii ..,..: '! at p.irt si.r.,iV minim, it,,. '. PVP ' Si I IHIKM . -'iilmiv L. ..'""''k forty- e' IV tl . ' ii Hir, i,ff;,''" 'I'-linsllPd In mul Ri" City of II"' i i. .I."!tt:.fr tilt FflAXK lurid ,uri Clement iimpi. Applicant, erops INDIA TODAY; i Country Has Plenty of Money and Trade Balance Is Favorable j WAGES HAVE INCREASED , r i! men linuli Tnr rim- . ,Ja lai Jukpn .r pil(.,. s ;,u j. 1 ,"'":.. .i,.Ll,.,l.i .. ,1.,. -Ii I....:.. :. .. ft Ti ' . . .. I I II I Ik ill ? ni t A niiiui.niu.iiu I I ... n Owe - tnd MnnaKHr . (Ireal Hrilaili : Ihat India Iijih ..r nnn iiniri. . snnlinint WENT Livuun mui. APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE. 1 ik: 'II " ". .'. Mil i IL it U" uniHirsiiriieii I in i : c 1 1 . r cnnirni i- t" i In premise i- ti iiiir known n II : .HimI al H i . i hi' ' t nf I'rliuM-R ,-di Oihimhla, ;H d Hi il ' !. "'I- ai t t w . in morn I Good Crops Responsible to Large txieni cor uonditlon or Country illy canniftan preum M-:V YOHK, Mairli i. Tlii'; complete reporl of I nulc mill fi-j nancf in Inilia recently issued liy! tin1 Ilrllish government, showed mii iiiurli prosperity in dial Hrilish Dominion Ihnl Hie Hrilish public j I.hoI f was surprised, say the .London correspondent of tho W'nll HI reel Journal, in a summary nf the report published here. According lo Mm rniTCspon-denl Hie reporl showed that In- more money ai ine present lime Ihaii ie kirow how lo xpeml and that in the main Hie counlry is more proiperou; ntul onlenled than at nny other lime in her history. llitri Hpoln in l)ie ffovernment report n noleil hy the eorreH-piindetil were as follows: Exports Over Billion For Hie pant three years India 1 '.'-" t,,,u I,,., I f,, In 1... i. ....... ,.r r n ,.inir ii, a rrKl-,"" " nvi- "i ; I"n ,!'"' !f''VVinrr"i'. ,ni','- ,'a" ,"',,, n' 10""'- r: I- ih( diM-n lioitio (1(1(1,00(1 of spending power since 1 rm I he wile fif hi 1 ' rrcniHi". .. -I, II , .. .thin thin M)i Mill I.iihI vi'.'ii' Iiit eviinrls were l.fi(io,(iOO.(iiili and her import j 18(10,00(1,000. ' India has had four pood mon soons. She has had four years of favorable wealher and pood Never before has she had such larpe crops and Ii it'll prices. The hotim jn lea has made, nvijiiy new fortunes in India. There ure lea shares now seil!fc' in (ialcullu at eihl times tlieir pnr value. Wmpe.. are up HO per cent while, the of livinp has risen only C7 per cent. An nv-crnjre workinRinan rii Ilomhay- is now receiviiur iCi.35 a week. Hp pays $2.10 u week for food, am iH eeul tor clolhin? and 28 renls for rent. India is now prndnrinsr nearly 10.000,000 bales of jij-lc n year.i Her hiirpi-fl crop is cotlon. Her crop in lt)21 was over 5.000.000 GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. ' .i't tti!'!'!"ii! nrol'i He'll ' MOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER ' " " ' r, fl MlTlitr: I h n'ti invrii thai n tlw 4111 " . mi ix rt." I (lay nf April iict ll- iiiiiii"-liiwl inleiul n IK II..: :,-H,.t. I.... , II Itf'filHf 111 I'I'HIMTl It. Itri'lUIM'fl IM'IUK I " .... a, .... i i I il n.,.1 1-lmiu.nU ai irrtinr to a I Mil IIM UllltMlllfl MM .: iti'P Hecl In Him llnlrl. ulluaU'd al "i " , n nf iTIrMf ' i:itirli.ltr IntaiuK a ri'Xislered limp llpifldlrv lirrlpn ii fori tili-nieiil. giireii I I mri uf Ill'lIISh Dir. .iIa nt , Crililiiilila. Iirxm lire laml dewrfln-o 1ft" Ih iprn lmttlr (V lllock forty fmir (Hi. ni- 'ii: - i iIivoiuii nr I't "ivi'ii limKlrrtl aim forty - i nr thi. ni. ait ntt., iiiiii'ii clmi liillr Iltiirt. II. C, v' thv I iiiiTrn A KIMWn on H n-Kllfren limy i (IcpiiHlloil III the Laml lleiii'lry orrirr at I lie' rilv "or I'linci' luipci-l mid iiiimlieri'ir Iii7. fin- tlw alr "r lii'cr "i.v tlw rlan hy thi' iijirn liiiftl for rontiiinplliHi oil. lire iirrnilaca. . ., , ,' IIATKH at Priori' Iliipril. II. r., till ilt ilnv nr March. in?r, II. I.. TIMII.I'Y. (iwiirr, Applirnnl. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. ' . , ' iii'fiiuicp ndticl ui arrLiiiH I iuii rwi, - imi Ill' Kllciun a " i -i n t i v i.-,.nui.p uiH..i i.i.l. ." ""I" ' I'rnvllirp of . iiiiri ' iiirn.. i r ,'""i'n HiifHTt! tali' "i i.r t In,., 1..' . )n ,,, ii'iiiiiirri'd I'flnr niltu.i. l r II' 'ti iiniptlon on Hi, thlA nili UK ami A. riSIIF.li, Msiiaurr and l-nS rl of Savoy llnlrl. Applicant ENT I inn.. - wiVUUrt AliT. LT'0N FOR BEER hprnliK hi. .. . "iiri, wlis,"11: ' V'l ll II... 1 -.IHIMMI ii liior iiihiiiil '." Ill rptlli.nl ..f n. i. .. .' Il till- 1,1,11.1,... -';.l'l'-IOM.!. iii ii "iicrin nircnl. ' .'. iim.ii it... i . . 1 . ami j. ill, ,,1, iu , . ii.'' or i-ii... i... " : I. ... - .- iiniH-ri mi. I UK. th '"i'vliice of s :ii .1... . .. : :."." r i r-iirinn... .on. "if"?'! ii. Pi-ilk niT r"P""l-.r aim M,11t(.r, LICENSE. . NOTICE l Iwrr'jy irivrn that tin the 5lh (lav or MantiMii't thi! unrter-lk-nri Intrnd to npply lo IIm I.Kpior Control Hiirii ;iir a lirrnsr in iukpwi i pri'iMiw lirliiir iKirl.ir tliiv liulhliim ktmw'r ai Prlnrr lliiprrl Hotel, ailiinlnl al the curlier of Si'rrnirt Avenue and lxtli Slreel. In the ;ilv or Prince Hupert, Provlnco or llrllmh Colinnlila. .jpoli Uie lanrti (le srrllii'd an Lot thirteen (I3i and ronrleen (Ml, In llVick eleven (IL. Section "'I1' I), in tin City or I'rlnce llupert. nccoid-.nir lo a ii'itlKlered limp or plan deponll'-il ilnv nr I'eiirunrv. lUXfi. PIIINCK lUIPHIIT HOTEL COMPANY, LIMITEII. Per: II 11. noclienter. Mainorcr, GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENCE. rjOTICE l hereliy (riven thnt nn the 7tli day or .March .next, the iindcrslirnci ' in tiuj hi uiim i" ,,.,. i ii..,.rt. iiiicimi m io n..iv u i" tim im"'" i.iiinor Control Hoard for a licence in Tespeci of premise m l..ld nr.i. Ilioim ever ihe calls for UlUk lira Hecipe UmmM j. tfsitttnxtf - useBordm'iSl.aiarlea Milk. llw.ui:iirov, tvtn jroui Lett i-cipri became it i to rich and cieamy. Economical because twice aa lich ai ordinary milk. Four uei. Write (or St. Chailea Recipe Book. The Borden Co. Limited rliiM-n nre now 500 blinks ami oulside. bruncl. banks In India a re- ''!"' faprros qarly had markal prowil. ill the last' few ,",,'n ' riirliniale eiioupn in jfci i;aros o aoiius- ..onrs In Ihe renlcr or her hankinp """ Mn- w""" M'avcely less -ysfeimhere 1s Ihe Imperial v''" k,,,,wn ,,u ll,eir liushamls Hank of India; and palhered "a'ional alTairs share places around il" are 18 "exchanpe Pliiiers ami fatpilies or hanks." The lolal hankinp capi-HlJ"millc cog.s and Hie olli-tal is now Siioo.noo.ono. ,ei'd s,!l- 0 In Tart, n new indiislfial era ?enate Met bepan in India in i!21 when n H" f?ixly-ois1itli (n- Ceplral Department or Industries Pi'"ss dfed by constitutional was rrealmi'. Prior Jo 1921, the liniilalion ul noon, Ihe Senale lo pnncress or industrialism ii In- "", sixly-iiinih Conpress came dla was jield ha,ck hy Hip Hrilish ''" hhz, called in special ses-poveninient. Today, lliis ce- '" l consider executive ap-slrainl ins heeru eiilirely remov- poinliiienls, and incidentally, lo ed and 'India Is allowed lo even iiiaupurale Ihe Vice-President. A lew lurlfrs ,apainsl Hrilish special session or Ihe Senale is ?(U',(S . renlly not necessary o iiiiiu- Inilia is slil) fireal Urilain's 'Purale Ihe Vi(;e-Presiden; he .best cuslomer." In 1'.I2I- she rould lake Ihe oalh -of ollice he-bouphl more poods rron nrealjrore a justice or Ihe peace ir he llrilain lhail nniinda. Australia chose, and Ihim meet wilh the mui Snnlli r!icii combined. Senale when il assembles in Advcrtlw .n the Daily News LAND ACT. Lanrf in the Land lieiriMry orrirc ai lite J. ij "i , coiiiiiinnrlnir.it Coliiinnnrlnir.il a poU pnt planted Planted at t the the Prince lttt rt nin niniihered for J ' 1 ' uthwest -corner of Lot '4803, Salvns aie or ncer ny me kki -i s:nil : thenco KoutlivpsleH, approxl- linttle for consumption on the pi-c ni'('!. -i ..,.,,.,, (,0 Vaiil; thence 'northerly . np- liAll'.n ai rrince unpen, n.i... mm "'" pru.xhnalcly Him yards; llience nortliwest- 'Airent for IIHUftL" LAP.8S0N. NOTICE. IN THE MATTI-H OF AN APPLICATION COOLDQE INAUGURATION ' TO-DAY WAS VERY SIMPLE-HUGE CROWDS ATTENDED. (continued from )nffe onc; millee called al the While llousn lo escort lC I'residenl lo lie (Kapijnl. 'J'jiiK va? on aflor j eleven o'clock I'ennsylvunin Avenifi;, desjiile Hie reslrjelert Iiropiam .wjiieh eul down Hie show, was iiiirkeil as the I'resj- iilenl, escorliyl Iff a I mop of , cavalry nm giiitrded Jy secret .service HM'Jl,,;jassei alonp. Al 1 1 fir (lupilol hr wVyiJ al once lo I Hie I'resiiienl's iipii luljoininv I lie senate cliiiinli'T iiml busied i himself disposiup fif acls of jtionpress which eillier hecinn- laws by his sipnnlure, or which under Hie - coiislijplion fro), porkcl veloes" IT he choose mil , lo s ifii lieiii. I Compared -with Harding j The prelude lo Hie inatipural procession, for (hi; presiilenl's jour-ney lo IheOapllol is always Hie first pari of the urinal ceremony, was ipille dllTerenl lo thai of four years a pi?, for I'residenl Coolidpe had no otijpoinp president lo accompany him. Four years ago, Warren (iamaliel Hai'ilinp, a picture nf robust bale-. 1 he crop is worth an a- health so soon '"lo -U away, ernpe ..r xKjO.OOO.ooo a yar. , r.. with lh pathetic figure or'; Irrigated Lands 'Wood row Wilson and wilh de- Iiulia now lias ;i0.o00,00(l acres precalory peshiresio iiie crowd, or irripaled land watered by 07,- slilled cheers iulended for him, 000 miles of canals. Hhe has out or coiisideriiliiin ror Hie al-. Ihree iuimeiisft irriftalion pro- reaiy dyinp man wiio rode in Hiuj jcilts now beiiiip carried forward, earriape beside 'liiin.. I.illle did pnl tit made ariil.OflO Ions nf a"' one dnaii tfhal before si eel last year in Ihe Tata Works, anolher iuauiMiiatiou had rolled oyvned and nianaped by native arotiid. Ilardjiip would have prc-Indians. Kiirinp 'the year Ihe ceded WiUon lo Ihe preal be-'iounlry proiluceil jilS.'i.ooo.OOO or yond. inipcrals niid .'lOli.OOO.Onil gal-i Wlille lresideil f'.oolidpe was Ions or oil. nl vyork in llu I'residenl's room there are now :tr)2,000 workers al Ihe Capiljil Vice-l'resiilenl ni (In- cotlon iil'Ms f Ipiljti. ;!" Hawes and Ills parly ar-Tbe-'e are 113,00(1 'more operal- rivej and look tlieir .places in the inp IJie cotlon-piiis ami presses. Vice-l'j-i'sidenl's room where TJiere are tH7,0(Hi workers in they were preeled .by Senator Hie jule mills, 15:j,0(i(l nn Hit Cuininins of Iowa, who since railroads. 3(i,0(0 in the prinlinj? Mr. CoqHdpc .liecaine President offices and 215,000 in (lie Iron has nresided over the Senate. and steel plants. (There Mr. Hawes and his parly Fairly Good Roads iawailed the bepnninp or , Ihe India has s'tii.OOO ' miles of, Vie-l're.si.'eulial Jnaupural wre- rairly pood roads and W.OfjO W nt senaii- ciianilier, infles or railroad. Ilrr railroad wl,i,,h limW -V r,'.w ,,,inu-w.....ie , .t:,0.000.on0 last anptiralion or Presi- . . ,denl Coolidfc'e in the open air regular KSS01' i",xl wiuler, hul it "is Ihe custom. The .diploinalic corps, all in-viled to Ihe ceremonies, ax Notloe of tnt.ntlon, toAppl to Purehaa.1 1,1 .i h, marble room nuU'erfnc.':-':, JiVi'SS?" an",! & I M1MI'I in il.eir UorkiHlUS mil nivef. . . .1 Then came lie juslices oT Hit' Take wouce mat nnnoir i.ar5on, oi,,, , , ' . . . . ... . , 4443 Cailelon PL, 'lluriMb.v. (icrupatlnn Supreme' (.olirt, headed by (.bier Lniorer, Intends to apply .Mr pcriiilwioii . I ,,,.,. Tofl in llii'ir k, in, I, re In piirrhii-4) the rouoyviiiK descrined lands.-r ; ' ' IlliICk SI IK rolil'S Of I lie lieilCII llllll Mipiicam i - ..,, . ,. -- ' T 1'linillO Mil I I iiii nn .til li., i.ikinp chairs placed ror lliom al. Ihe riphl oT Hie incoinins Vice- eily appniMiimiciy son yards: ihenee JL'resideul. Afler Ihe member aoinueriy r" y-niis. iut'ioii oi nrniiiiiuin. , , . . roinirrisinir nil that jinrilon of Snlviis island, -of Ihe House oT Itepresenlaliyes west or 1.01 4Ri.i mid rumaiiiiiir .i,,!,,,..,,! H,-,,,,,,!, II,,, m,,,,, ,1,.,,,. -i r ror Ilie imit? in u in'mi i.itiii inn m nppiy , ttrir Tor Unn thirty M) nml thlrty-nnc The HiLfsiiorl Hotel, niuiiteil III the low" nr ihn .ii, ,i i ii c ilium liu- hind descl'llied I ;ia ! lino 1 1 1 1 -i..i (31). Illock selm (7). Section five (5). Cliy or I'rlnce lurpnrt. Map tits. illracloi-y proof nt the losa and ile- and look places resefved ror Ilieip op Ihe west side of Ihe ehnniher, while the senators palhered al lieir reserved places on Ihe easl. Sjirinklcd ainnni; Ihein .were dislinguished nlllcrri' or Ihe army and navy, a few- runner nieinhers of Conpress mrnctimi ir inn 'laTimram or li le cover- , . ,. , .i. Inir ' the Hhove . land ImvliiK lieeli prnrtiiced "d lasl, persons Who Have, pull rr.Jl In 'lll.u-k plnvnn (II). accoi'OIOK in . ..." i. i ..... I. .i..i i.. Ij... .riA.. .A ... i , ' ......... ... I I III Illf 11 l in.l ini,.-ii.,ii i.. i.--i,n, nii.k mr, ii v i-iin, ,-j llt.i IlillllUtf 111 llllll IIII ( CIIOS K'll in IOC '"" .,.,il,,n i.r ,l. mimlh fl'nm llu TlHl M'"'!'"" - .(:,lv . .r... J'r.V.T.' piihiication -hereof, !! fresh ceriirirate of press ami Ihererore are enlilled llupert, lor Ihe sale of lirer hy the Klass or hy the open Imttle for consiinipllon on the prcinlsea. . , llATLIi nt llavuporl, ll.C, till Hill Iy nf I'eliriiary. IdSr.. (MIIS.) M. A. PtiPl'l. llwper and Maninrer .' of llaysport Hotel, v ' Applicant GOVERNMENT LIQUOp ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LIOEN8E. title nr ine name or r.iiwarn n.-cierce, for the mild land, wlilih Certificate nr title Is dali'd the 30th June 1913. and Is ininiliereii . a i. ! ii. r. MACi.ron. Hcxlslrar of Titles. Land fleirlstr.V Office, prince llupert, ll.C. laonarv 10th. mfli LAND ACT. In Skeenn Land mstrlct of rrlnce Unpcrt ;HiicorilUir Hlsrlct. TAKE ' NOTICE thin Oeorae t.lttle. of miiTirif 1. i..i... nn iiiiii nn or Terrace, n.i ., h'tuiuii uiiinerionii, aim nrii.e il .', loih ii.iu nr aiirel net thClC. L. M. Illftiwy, nr Terence, ll.C, occil- Control Hoard for a I n--e hi respect nr, per ilJl I'" ' ,"?.1,V I,,!1' , "f Strih't mSss. m ' in. en Tlm 'loitfl islat.fls I end nrlslan. sliuale.l near mouth nr -Kit-n t,ne SR' eoSsiM pe-. , Hand ,N,, roiiiinencepient. IM,,,. . t dpf iinir i itti tv t...,i MI13 M, ,(. ,L. ill IUINN, llili I Owner, Applicant.' CLAIHE L. M, (HOOKY. lo place on such occasions. 7QQ Ppesept When all Ihe parly was assembled Ihe senale chamber, a rnnfparatively snuill room v)iiclr ordinarily seals t( senators and allachees, contained more llian "I'll persons on I ho floor, y 1 1 1 ninny f Ihem necessarily When all was ready In Ihe chamber, I'residenl Coolidpe, escorleif by ihe nnmmlllee on arranpen)j'.nls, was shown into Ihe chamber 'through Hn main door, and lo n seal nn the floor AppiiciDtit Hie right hand side of the - Z ' Were the "Good Old Days" DON'T LET.. YOUR BOWELS GET CONSTIPATED Hi A free motion or the liowels every dav should lie the rule of every nnr who iisplrc to ierrect liealli, for once the luiui'ls heroine rniistlnaled And clouted lip, all the other oriraiu iif the liiidy mJ coine deranneil. , Kp Your Bowala Ragular by Uilng LAXA-LIYER PILLS They will clear away all the erfele and poisonous niatlcr which lias rullerled In the sjsli'in, Klve yon .a free, easy ami natural motion of the bowels every day. Mart 1 1 1 MtitKlsli liver woikluif. ami trlve tone and vitality to llir whole Intestinal tract, Mllliiirn'n LisirJ.lyrr rilJ..ire tnjr ?ale nt all dnifrirlsts nml ilcnlcrs; put up only hy The T. Mllhurn Cu. Limited, Toronto, Out. Really Good? you hear an old-timer sigh for the days of T his forefathers, smile quietly to yourself and think of this. The ancients got along without automobiles, soap, stoves, tpoth-brushes,window-glass, breakfast foods, telephones without practically all of the things we consider the bare essentials of life. There never has been a time when life bettered itself so rapidly and so consistently as now. New conveniences and new comforts are continually being thought out and brought out for your benefit. In order to reap the advantages that are yours to-day,' you must read the advertisements. They bring you news of all that the world of invention and discovery is doing to make your work easier, your home life more pleasant, your clothing and food problems less difficult. They keep you informed of all that is new in the markets and stores. They tell you not only about the goods, the styles, the varieties and prices, but also where and when these things are to be had. The advertisements are messages from the business world to you. Heed them. Don?t overlook the advantages that are yours Read the advertisements cenlre aisle, and facing Hie rostrum, on which Vice-Presi dent elect Dawes was iiiuneiliale-ly escorted lo a scat. The Senale chaplain offered an appropriate prayer and smaor Uinuniiis, as president of the Senale, ralleu Die assemblage t' order. A silence sell led over Jin; company as Seualor immmins ami me Vice-President elecl raced, curb olhec; bolh raised Ihefr right hands, Seiialor Cummins read the Vice-President's milli, Mr. Dawes reiiealcil Ihe words as I hey were spoken, and as the result or lis lirief ce,ieiioi; the counlry bad a vice-president ior Ihe Hrst lime in l! inoiilhs. The ceremony oulside loo, was iniple and brier. I'residenl Cnolidgc, standing hare-headed wilh his right hand upraised, raced Ihe Chief .luslice, Who read Ihe oalh of ollice prescribed by the Conslilulion; I'residenl Cool- idpe repealed Hie words slowly as Ihe Chief .luslice pronounced Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P'. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONE8 43 and 3SF I hent, ami then stooped and kiss-j ed Ihe Hilile in the liiinil of.Ir. 'IJrjMi lie turned ii tjio vil,l?tnili anllfeironr''6fv. ap plause and thecjiinp' died ?uvay. bipan Ihe delivery or Iiis inau-pural address. Ampliryinp 1c.vice.s al Ihe top of I he PrcjJdenl's slain) made his words clearly and dislinoUy audible.lo Jhe edge of. the crowd, HtijJ'v niicophones; placed pern re )iiii e.ari.(J his" voice Ihrouph-out Ihltecmnlry mid lp some dis tant parts or Ihe world by radio. At the conclusion or the President's address, the Marine band si nick up a lively air; Ihe president look his place at the head of Ihe inaugural procession which was wailing in formation jn Uo streets and avenues i pjmyiTjfing at the Cardiol, and led Ihe way hack In the 'hile House by way of Pennsylvania Avenue- - Advertise in the Daily News St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpaid Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. Cartage, Warehousing, and )itribuling. Team or Motor Service." Coal Sand and Gravel VUit 8peolaHze In Piano and Furniture Rovlnij. I