PAGE TWO A Richness of Flavor recommends SALADA II H602 to every discriminating tea drinker, Its freshness and purity are a constant delig'ht. Try it. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Dailv News. Limited. Third Avenue H. P. PULLKN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, Ity mail or carrier, per month $1.00 Ry mail lo all pari of 1 lie British Empire and ,llie United Slafe, in advance, per year $0.0(1 To all other countries, in advance, per year ........... $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. 1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page. ......... .$2.80 per inch Readers, per insertion ;.2."c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion toe per agate line Contract Rotes on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITIOBf Tuesday, April 28, ID 2.1. Should Not Fail To Hear Lecturer. Prom thue who have heard Charles fi. I). Roberts, the well 'known poet, novelist, nature student and historian it would seem that the lecture he is to give here Wednesday evening i something to look forward to with interest. It is mil nften opportunity is off ('red to meet a famous author but here it is and lhoe who do jud lake advantage of it will probably regret it later. . 1 Mr. Roberts is a Canadian, a ,member of a family of writers, arid the most 'famous or Hieni all. Many Prince Rupert boys will have read bis stories uf animajs, which tie studied in their native haunts in New Brunswick. His ''Heart of the Ancient Wood" is aii entrancing tale nf a girl and a bear in which the girl learns f lit ways of the wild things' and becomes on good terms with a big bear. The stories while to some extent imag inative, are true to life and excite the sympathies of the reader for the animal as against fjie hunter, lie sees the poetic side of animal alid bird life. The day following the leclure Mr. Huberts will be the hou . . . . . 1 ..i I I. I .1 .1 ! I I .1 iin-ti (,'iicm ai h iiiikucou guru py me i.auaoiau cjuns oi ine city at, which he is -expected lo deliver ,.a short address, To ap precialc the address it will be .necessary to ..hear the lecture. FJight Of Zanni , ' . Across Pacific. While the glamor uf the transpacific flights has .been taken away by the success of the Americans in gelling across successfully, yet tho length of time they took doing it ami Hie difficul ties they met indicate thai there is yet much to Jearu about long instance Hying, wjiicb the night of .amii may help in elucidate. Until an airman can laud on the opposite side of' t lie ocean in a few days after leaving the opposite side, .flying cauuot be con- suiereu a success-, u uyuig iokcs longer man travelling in i seanisiip, why Jly? Zamit will be leaving Jajian soon and is expected to" make a slop at this, port, if he gels this far. We shall Jook .for the Argentine' with almo.-t as miicji expectancy as we looked for the arrival .of the American planes wbicli passed north or the MMiaren jilaiie which failed to arrive. ' i -There Is Nothing To Do; Let Us Go And Fish. The 'trout fishing season has opened and from now ou at week ends and holidas lb"se who are attracted by the lure of the streams will be away fishing. Nothing ever tires the-.". fishing enthusiast. He rise early, makes long boat Iri'p's and tramps: for mile, through the nuiske'g in order to Whip the streafi nr dapgle the bait iulh li'oj of, bringing home fa few .sm'all sjieckiediih. rAimAmi-' . The poets have p.rlnre.r VgTer'nW idjes away his time on the bank of a stream. As ,a matter ofl lad lie must be a person of superabundant energy or iie docs not bring home a very big basket. There are a number of people in the city who are new to Ih&'plnlfi? and who have not had the opportunities f,,r ujuving the sport that offers. Tor the benefit of these and others who have not yet taken advantage of the inducements here, it might be wort li while saying that there is no place m the continent fiom which so many fine fishing resorts v.m be rvarhed, .They are not 'nsy of approach else the fish would no Jie there, but lliey are available lo the person w Hi a reasonable amount of energy and determination and a modicum of skill. "Exhausted Nerves and Palpitating Heart" Mr. L Whiting, 202 Kinx St. WeL Brodcrille, OnL, writes: "I took very jick with, my nervei nd stomach, and leemed to be all nm down. At times tny heart would flutter And palpitate so and 1 would take such .weak spells in the pit of say stomach that I sometimes thought I would never get LeUer. I tried several -doctors, but it seemed nothing fhty gave me .helped. 1 had almost givn up hop when a friend advised the use oi Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. I tried it, and can say it, certainly has done wonders lor tut. I did not stop until 1 had taken twenty-five boxes." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 0 ru, a Ixn of Ml iIUm, ntananwn, IUJ A Co., lad., Toronto : -Tic. -'R ski ril . - mm , - -i- T i ... SPIDER GROUP AGAIN BONDED ARRANGEMENTS FOR VISITOF AUTHOR Canadian Club Executive Decldss That ach Member May Take Quest to Luncheon At a meeting of the executive of the Canadian Club at the. Court House lasl night. Prei- lenl V. S. Fisher in the chair. final arrangements were made for the Canadian l '.lull luncheon to Charles (i. I). Itolorls. Ilie fa mous poet and novelist who is to lecture in the Booth School to morrow night and incidentally will be a guest of the club Tlnirs day al luncheon in (he BusUin Hall. II was decided tjiat iacli nwin her of (he chili in good standin COMMUNICATION ON , WATERFRONT ROAD Letter From C.N.R. Superintendent Says It is up to Government to Build It In reply lo a letter sent Hie railway company regarding Hip possibility of having a -oad built to ciiniieri Hip fi.T.B. and sovernmenl whiirves. the cty council last iiicht, received xa coniniunication from I. A. Mc- lOli.l.llll (" Y 11 Vaiison Wiiy overhead;: by the government bad created jibe necessity for such a road as j asked for. the building of si, eh i Properly Formerly Worked by llniinlA-.. Ci.nillf.iil. ic Taken ! Over by Joe Green. After bondinir the Snider ami Vebli rroiiMs of mineral claims al Slewarl, Joe tireen of llydej, Alaska. vas a oasMMijrer groin jouIIi-on Mlie , Prince Huperl lliis morning to hiake "arranpnmcnl.s for the working of the proper-lies. The Sjdder troop, which m one of the beak known properties in the. Slewarl district, was bonded hv Mr. Green for folal iirice f "0,ofl0, a .oibslah- lial cash payment beinp made. iiiis properly, situated in the Upper Salmon Valley, was locat ed hy Charles Larson and il-I huii llnmillon and was bonded in I "20 by the Aljrunican Syndi cate who later relinquished' it on iccount, ft is said, of the hifrh rate of exchange on Belgian money. The W'ebb group, which 'i owned by W. It. Tooth, Kenny McLend, Pal Mrllrjile and Jack llowse, consists itf six claims ,hich may .ultimately be -of some alue in connection with the de-t'lopnienl of Ilie' Spider. should Ite entitled to bring oile, guest ; atoj iiepilt(rs of ,t,ho Women's Canailian Club had al-reaily boen invited by Hie president nod (he action nndorsed. Musical arrangements were left in the bauds of the president. Mr. Ki sher mentioned that the main object of the visit of- Mr. Itoberts was Hie lecture to lie de 1 livered Wednesday iening in Ilie Booth School auditorium and he hoped nxenihers of Ilie emit wouiti aueini ii. .Mr. iirauy who had charge of that ctcnl hail kindly co-operatei in making the luncheon on Thursday possible. The address on that of. casjoii would be piile different froin.H!e leclure. Mejnlmrs of Hie cluh'.illd out Avant Hie luncheon In overshadow the oilier event or lo iulerfere with Hie atleinlai ce at it. road should be looked after by I Hie governmenl. lion. T. I). Pal-J Mnllo. on a recent visit to Hie jelly, told the council that the road asked for would pasn over railway properly and. I here fore, the railway should he approached Willi a view lo having it built. INTERESTING EVENT WOODCOCK SATURDAY Birthday Party Celebrated Schoolhouse with About Sixty People Present at WOODCDflK. April 28. On Saturday evening people from alj jljie countryside numbering in ;ill j about KiNty gathered al Hie schoolhouse here In celebrate' 'tho birthday or Mrs. John llar- euk. Music wa provided by the rqnal BAD BLOOD IS THE CAUSE OF PIMPLES AND BOILS Wliat Jim nml when tin I)l'"l If mil nf urilof I a Hmul tiinli to I"!" "' Imllil up Ilie MMem anil pnl thi, l'l,MKl into niMr "sliaH I'nr IhU 'rinsp niiTf l iK'lliliiK I" BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS! i Mr. I.. A. nolbPrt, Allan. Sk., wriu: . i'Fi.r .'f-vpral year I was irmihliMl llli hull and iiiin.le. I tried many irrainirnu .Inn rmiM act no rnlt. I IIh-ii tiMik .Hnrdnrk JUimmI Rillera ami iM-rniiii' fm nf'iny Ii. II 1 Ilie only iiii'ilirliift I cvpr tk that lli1 mi any inmd." li.H.n. ha been nil the market for tin- pat vears; tint up nnly n.V The T. Millmrn Co.. l.lm.led. Toronto. Out. Kihvan; ;a Bursiik wa many guts casiou. A orchestra and Mrs. : the recipient uf In honor of the oc-niiinher of amusing onlesls took place -a ml prize were distributed lo Hie winners. I Ten Years Ago J in f since Rupert J April .28, 1915. The concert jjiven lust night in the We.sttudnin 'J'Jieatre hy Karl irey"ji Hegimeo! proved i. great Miecess, 4111011 ii. A. It: ilelivcred a idimug address and among those cmijrjbuling to the lirogrum were Ktleen I'almore. .f. liradv. the. Welsh uuarteMe C. li. Jones, J. .. Kvans, MHh Davies and A. 1). Harris, Miss Lillian King, Mrs. II. II. I. Item, mell, Miss Muriel Pal more. i. S. . . . . . I-ilzuiaurice, u. aiiglian. Ser geant Whitley, W. Oram. Mi: Shaw, Miss LIsje Naumaii, C. A. i. Armslrong and Ilie West- holme orchestra' under the direction of lieorgeWcrncr. 'J'he llayview Hotel no First Avenue, conducted "by .Mrs. Km-nions was suUed-by fin- this niurtjng. I fie room room originated in of Mrs. Jlnhiuslnu who lost a pumber- of valuable Attorney (ienentl and Mrs. W. .1. Bowser arrived from the sou Ii on Hie Prince Mupert tills uioro-ing. They are making Hie round trip lo Anyox for the benefit of Mrs. Bowser's health. TERRACE NOTES Mrs. Ilalhvell was Hie gilesl if Mrs. CSibbs, Prince Itpperl, last week. Mrs. .lack Haven and Mrs. Charles Huve.ii of the Lakcle Hatchery, we;e visitors to I'riuee Hupert last yvefk. . Harry Ocelman ioulh lasl Monday. left for the Ins. Lloyd 'of Usk is in Lfor a few days. Mrs. Ianhauer of Ooppe,r City i.vhich Hie View was give,, tlifil.1"1 W"Y iilh ll. ....iiiaI II. I 1 I. . I iii.iiiiiii ii iiir !'iiiia,ii in UH' Mr. and Mrs. Bedore returned lo (iiscouibe Saturday aighl. .l,r. Bedore visited Ueiiui while here. ... jr-'-'V-'x "Jf.i ' Mrsf .,inullcrf of Hskj spenl a J'ewolav's bi 'l'eJrrace,ieliiHiini iiome .rialjirUijy nfghu .-:2.',iV I), i). MilnrnV&'rn Iwn fi'ira few dayn relurning to "smither Saturday night. Mrs. s. fj. i. L. i4. town j, (iiggey made n trip 4o Itniieit bi's1' week, going down Friday and relurning Sal-urday. . Mrs. fjeo. Powers and son returned from JIazclJon Friday morning. Mr. Oooper if pedarya'le jiass-ed Jhrough 'J'errace Satnrday, The Oddbdhny's and Jtrlnkahs uttended ervic(. jn a body Sunday n the Anglican ('hurch. Itev. like Ney jjj STRAW HAT A very pleasant evening wa spent al Hie home of Mrs. .1. II, MclnlyVe on l-'riday, when slio entertained n number of friend at bridse, the occasion being an anniversary of her birlhday. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Sawle, New llarellou: .lames I". Nicol and Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Cnrzon. Van-' corner; (Icorge Keefe, uiilhers;; (leorge S. Iless, HulTiilo. Wyom.j ing: Wymond Walkem. Lady- smith; A. M. -Kijsji. Port Fusing-J Ion: H. Modiida. . . i TENDERS FOR GRAIN ELEVATOR AT PRINCE AUPERT, B.C. . , Notlc la-Oontrsctort SFt.i:ii TF.MU'IH rui- IIm i-nnilroilli.ii rf i r.iiriirrf(l ewnrftf rralit "li'vainr MiM'.rlriirinic. Willi lliiiiici il.'k ralliMic. mill wnrcti'MiH'. VIII I iifvliiil Hi iu. onurlii. until Noon of Monday, May 1Slh, 1S2S. Ifinlor IkiiiI1 he m In in pii(iii( M-altMl imiI'Iiik inmkril "Ti'liilrr br e.rain l lrl.r" anil KlitrcKxi-il In Mr V. C. T. o'jlara. Ji-iil.v MlnlDU'r. ID-part inrnl nf Trili and I'.ciiiIim'Iit. Ottawa, A limip Mini for Hit nrk it dnmnvl. An a-Tind liink rln'iir rnr Firty Tlioiioaiid Jiidlara i asu.iiini.ini mnito ay alili tii 11 if Minuter nf Trade ami i mil-liicrri', lniil ai'i'niiiiiiy larli trmli-r. whii'li mini ulll lii rurffUpd If III.' p.irly tciHlerlnir i1crlliic in 1'iilrr lulu a runtrai't Tor the wink 141 .t he lrnn itlati'd In hi l. ii.ti r. Tin' rtw uf iinu. fill l. ii 1oriT will lw ri'inii. Tin- cliiin uf llii. uifriil fidi.riT will Im rel.ilni'il a wmriiy fur tl din- mirilniHiit nf tin. ivinlrart In In flitriid lulu, i.r rln(iip may In- r-..irpil Willi eiiilvalriil par value nf IiuiiiI of thr IiihiiIiiI.iTi i.r ' Mind. Plana, wririatln. and aU licrpMary infui Miatliin ri'xaidiiiK Hi1' pnMiKi'd. win k may Ik i.litaln.d rnmi C. I), tinwr k Omipany, i.i.niilllnir KiiiIii.ti. imildlna. I'ort Arthur, .onurlu. InpoMl i.r oni llnndrrrt li.illara aituiMMh l r iiiriil for plaiift and "pcriricallnnn. dHult tu Ih ri'lnrni'd on iilurn nf plan ami Hriflratln In mndltliin. Tin- Ii.wp ir nny IfiidiT will nut iiiTParlly Im- aii'n'tiMl. Hy inMi-r. v :. T. ciimia, , , , lirpilljr Vlnlclcr. Itrparlmrnt nf Trart. and i;i.uiiiic,rre. Ottawa. April vih. 1 1) in. LAND ACT p rrlnrf. nnpert l.nnd Mtrin; fiintrlit TAkr MiTH'K thai I. Mpi-iii n nri.nv nf VanriHiVIT. Il.i:.. (ii'rntiaUnll aalmnn iltri.knr. Iiilt-nd" to aiply fur iHt inUmtun i Ipiiri'iuirr tin- fnllnwliiir iLxiiimmI land: Ci.ninii'iii'lnir al a i...i iiliimH it. niu anil III nf I li.. aimthrakl nirni-r nf l.i.l ATtit illlli" f.iirk, lianirr 4, t:.iiit lil-trki' lliicc ihiiIIi 3 haln; tlnniv wil (11 rlialii"; ilii'hfi' Ki.nili in iIimik in,. I.. ... i-anrrly illri'rll'.n to pnlnt of ruin i il-M niiniiiiii an a'Tra, inure or M Flllt.L M.n Itltl A V. .... . ,f'1wL" K,r"V tiiiriiuiii, Afnt 1 Dated April 3rd, itss. Make$ your hdtl look like new 7 Vv JSSSBk - Sold only at TJia $GWoM Store .1. II. Young preached. Tnere Aas .-periui music. Messrs. -Kggleshaw and Null j returned Jiom a sliorl trip down ; the line Saturday. ; Mrs. T. .1. Marsh who was the cueM of Mrs, A. Y. Wilson of Ileum last week has returned home. Mrs. Mci'ook of Vriiwe Ituperl came up to lleino last week. SMITHERS 11. YV. Sharpc of llazellon, an' olliival of the Forestry branch paid a huiucs visit lo Smilher. I ho latter part of the. week. 11. M. Mathews returned liome on Thursday greatly benefited by: a trip to Vancouver where he had' ' gone lo receive special I real uient from an oeiilisl. i l To women everjvhere Sprin,hri,. all the many problems emb, ,.M the word Jiat.T' Kt i,. u. .'. n i1 is the natur. question, "Sh ,t "j last season's straw which onlv nr,'. ' cIifTcrjent color and new trnnn' na suit me exactly, or shall 1 f M . .' i . with a new straw which , ' well on me at all?" Vbyinot let Elkay's Straw fl:lt Dve settle the question? With thU pensive dve you can make !ast rajj., strar look new and different qMt, ly and easily you will wbnder wV-CT didn't try it long ago. ' The results will delight you nrWr 13 will save considerable tow ,r.! jv ,i Spring apjareU IS 'jj F.lkay's Straw Hat Dye !s pfrr-and waterproof, dries quickly t. f. ing, lustrous color and aetu.i!'. r life to the strav. Directions ,r. ; , with each bottle. Select your favorite coW fr, t-.. following: Dull Black, Liberty y; Burnt Straw. Old Rose. -t tural, Gloss Black. Navy B . f Cerise. Sape Grrtn. Cat : " Yellow, Cadet Blue, Bifiwii, L c Orrries Ltd. THE REXALL STORE Phone j .82 and 200 jj I MATTRESS J5J SHOWER Jf IT NEVER RAINS BUT IT POURS That is why we offer you Simmon-' mattress upholstered with I'reoeh mil i d.' with an attractive design of art In king it . end price. $11.40 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Phone 123 T Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert J : DRYDOCK flit SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmith, Pafn makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING;,! Our plant is equipped Jo handle al. k;mW MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 SALMON TROLLERS Uefore i.iiirilliiiff it will ny yon to "v Ho0U, Trolling Hear. W e have a new line ol Salmon Swlvells, Cuttyhunk and Gear or all kinds. t . Jn our stock you will find everything 1 Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware oi am) Copper Paints, Galley Stoves and l ien- Jf it's for the boat we Jinve it. Hoals are lost every year Jiy riro L 'vc Pyrene Fire Extinguisher yet? We sell the- (jidl nml f-ec uk. rrn STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 6econd Ave. 'Near Post Office LOGGERS, CLUB to liuijdiiig next door to I'rizzell Jlub hcr hti"i' from the Huiprcw Jl"ul We carry a full lino of , . nlfS CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS CANDID SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION proprtlof James Zarelll