"AOP. SLX A COMPLETE NEW STOCK NOVELTY EARRINGS, BEADS, BRACELETS And the Latest Pins lor Spring and Summer Wear at attractive price. , SAVE YOUR EYES . Our Optician lias liad over 23 years', p-xpericner (cstiiif? eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Drawn thread Voiles SoiiK'lliing new for Summer Frocks or Dainty Underwear very fine Swiss Voile in shade of W'liitc, 1'lesli. Hose. Mais, llelio. Full M't inches wide, l'cr Yard ' $1 .00 3rd Avenue, I West of England Store Phone 753. For That New SPRING SUIT Go to M. T. LEE F.xpcrienecd in Ladies' and (ifiillcincn's tailoring. Puces reasonable and a hist slock of Knglish, Scollisli and Irish Tweeds and Woollen Goods available to selecl from. Quality and fil guaranteed. Mail orders given prompt attention. ALSO DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING P.O. Box 977. Phone 663 337 Third Avenus Prince Rupert - - B.C. A Modern en tal Service At a Moderate Fee Dr. H. L. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 TRAIN 50,000 BOYS IN U.S. Military Training Camps to Open 16,000 Larger Than Enrolment of Last Year NF.W YOIIK, April -'8. With Hie 1 1123 Citizens' Military Training l-ampi still III rce inuullis away, more than 23 per cent of I lie estimated. ipinla attendance of 5(1,0(10 young men between Hie ages of I! aiiil 31 already lias lieen enrolled, according Co announcement by the war depart- , meat. This is double the enrollment at this, time last year, and this summer's ijuota will be J 10.(1(10 more than thai of l'J2S. Forty-two camps stretching 'across the continent from Fort iMcKinley, Me., to the l'residio J of San Francisco, will be opened ' this summer for the basic course and the three advance) courses in which citizenship and physical (raining will be intermingled in tin schedules with' drill and instruction in the infantry, cavalry, field and coast artillery , engineers and signal corps branches of the 'military. I'ati of the camps run during the month of July and others during August, while I'laltsburg. X.Y., will have two camps in I IN PROBATE IN THE COMMISSIONERS COURT, TERRITORY Or ALASKA; DIVISION NUMBER ONE. HYDER PRECINCT III 11m Mailer or tin- Kslate ut l.ia hi. haws, liereased, Number lii ITnliati'. Noltir to llelrs. By virtue ut an nnler t n -l(rtifl air made ut rerun! In tin' almw cull!'!.; riiurt un Urn lulli day i.f April, IHii, mi Hit is hereby riven tn 'Tell- Iiavls, U'e allrmtl husband ut tlx- alum- named de eeavsl and tn all oilier irrson rUlmiu an Inli-re-l In tin- alxne named rnUlr that ttiey and earh nf them an- hereby re quired In In- and aear In tlie aiMirr enlltli'd riiurt at lljder, laska, and sub hilt ialirai'tury nnir i.f heirship i Uliii; sixty day from the date or the Tirol HJbllralliili liereiif. And If yon fall so to appear and TIN siiih salUTai lory iroor, a ili-rrre or tlil-nmrt will he entered furfi-Jllnif your in trresl therein. Hate or llrst I'ubliratlon, April i. IViU. liaH' or taH I'tilillralkiii, June i7 IVi:.. OIlKN r. Illl.l.. Aduiinistrator. SHERIFF'S SALE OF MINERAL CLAIMS IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. i William K. Maloney versus Anlhonv Mctiulrc. Hy virtue ot a warrant or F.neriilloi Issued III Hie alnive arllon. and direr led 1 lite. I have iti'Ucd the rollovklnir ininer Irlalins, siluale near Allie Arm. adjaivn to Ok- Kitsaiill litter and the oriti For' (r the Klt-aull Iilver: "Waverly r.np. j ronl-ilii)r or "Waverly" nd "k'lliv" "War tianre Gniup, ronsl-tlnir or "a l)anee," "lletsev." '-Grouse Mo. i. Whistler," "Padrer" and "Bute." All or which l mil offer for sale, h-I'nhlle Aurtlon. for rash, on Tnesdav. Ih ririh day or May. 1S5. at 2.30 In the ariernoon. a I my orrire, Governmeui Buildlnt-. I'rlnre lluiert. The "War rianre" will 1m- i.rrereil ror sale SMhJert In two niorljaires. appnii linallnir 7.ron.oO. JOHN SllllllEY. Slicrirr or tlw County or I'rlnce llupeei I'rlm-e import. n.C prll . 9?5 DLRRKenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 THE RINK Will Be Open For SKATING Saturday, April 18. Afternoons - - 2 to 4 Kvoninpa - - - 8 to' 10 flood music hoili sessions. Competent instructors to teach bcBinueri. Phone Black 449. MOST OLD FOLKS REQUIRE A HEART AND NERVE TONIC AHir middle P litlle sliknrSM- Mil ailments mviii lianlri to shake off II'"' rfirninly as lit; In-art irtliui becnim-ii weak acil iniivrlalii anil llic limes art- lii'l as straJy as IIh rrc in tlw juunrcr day. .Now (s iiih time wlK'ii all airwl ix-opli' were: warn wisli tu maintain, lliilr lii-allli and ljrir ami main thi-ir rnt'riry uiiiiniwirrd oliuiild use MOURNS HEART AND NERVE PILLS Mr. M. o'l iiiinui-. Wliili-stmir. out wrlti-M "1 luif lii'iii Inniblrd, twist of iii life. Willi sli'iilniss of lirealh. lpl tailull ut I ho hear i. and falnlliiir fH'lls. I Mas adilseil. Ii.v a frleiid, to try Mil buni'K II. k V 1111. whlrh I did. and at i hrr rnuml ii'liiT, and I lime niiir had n really bad nll mum. I am SO JMM ( atrp and I anav keep Hum In tin (muse, ami feel that Willi their Iwlp will xe many years yt't. I always re-iiiiiiiik-ikI tlHiii In anyone wliii1 Is fiilfrr-Inr rrian heart trouble." For sale at all drurirlsts and dealer. succession. The O.M.T.r.. eaiiilidate is under no indications except to spend 30 days of his time at me of the canips located near lis home; the frou'rnmenl meets iho expense of carfare to and com the ramp, clolliiuc. equipment, meals. 'Jieddim lodcinc and entertainment. The president's son or the millionaire's leir who sleeps by the side of the farmer's boy, marches be-ide him in the ranks and eats next him at the mess hall in this annual democratic leveller, pays 'he same amount for his ."50 Jays' vacation and training, exactly nolhiiic PRICE OF RAW FURS. Kdiiioulon prices of raw furs is MiMired at the weekly sale The lots of furs offered for tle were disposed of as follows: ' mink, I weasel, $8.50; G inar-en, II weasels, Hi beaver, 0 aK HiO: 8 wolf, 7I.10; 20 ktnk, I cat, 5; 101 rals. 88; n skunk, :i8..o; - silver foxes. '1 10.00; I red fox, I eross fnx. 17 rats, 111 wolf. IU 1. 10; 115 als. . 1 1 5.00; y rats. 2l.0o; mil I liadtf. rs. 5 rals. i2.00. ivr-rliw' in lie I j h i I v New KAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, R.6 B C. 1906, CHAPTER 115. THOMAS TIlOTIKII. or the Uly of rlnii- llii ri. In Hie I'miiuee ut llilll-li oiiilnliia. m ill in tilths VJTICb thai lh la- iimler soelli.n i.f IIm- said Art lie nilted wllU On- Minister or I'lihlle Works il nilawa, and In the orrire or the lils-irlrt llegl-lmr or Hie I and lleirlstry IHs-'rlrt or I'rineo lliiierl. at I'rlnre IIUH'it. Il.i:.. i desrriplMni or the sile and plans r a wlurf ami pier prnsiel to be Imlll ii the Prlnee liuierl Harbor. I'rlnre lluiiert. II. i: . on all those porlmns or Aalorrnnit block li. plan Vii. secll.ni t. 'rlnre iiiiert. Provlnre or British Oiliim-na, or Hie amurtriiaut foreslKire itd IH" waler lol In rrnnt (hereof, ennlalnlinc In II an area or t fV-tnuiti aires, more or AMI T.UK oTH K thai arier (he e-lira In. n or one moiiih rrom the dale or he rirst piihliralioii or this Vi.tiee TIh.iih-Trotler will under weiUm 7 or the said V"t apply in (he Minister or I'lihlle Works at his orrire In Hie City or Ollawa. "or approval or the said site aiud plans anil ror leave I" roiistrurt the said wharf and pier. Iialeil at I'rlnre l;iiierl. B.C.. this Vth lay or April, to:.. TlloMS TltOTIKB. fly Williams. Malison . Gonzales, lilt Sollrltors. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. ill thr Mailer of the "Companies' Art. tv:t"; and In the Mailer of an Anplirallon hv the llorher do Boule Copper Company Hi be nestored tn the lle-ltor under See I Ion U.n or the said Art. TAkl. MITICK that an appliratlon will he made to the I'rpsldlnir Jiida-e in Chambers nl the Court House. I'rlnre Import. li.C. on Tuesday the S8II1 day or April, v.u. at me hour or iu.30 n'rloiK In the rorenooii or imi soon there arter as the motion may he heard on be hiiir or the above inetiiluned Comiany Tor an oruer inai me sain company no restored tn the register or Joint Stork Com panies. AMI TAKE NOTICE that In support nl said appliratlon will lie -end the I'etition of the Company Issuer herein and the urridnvlt or Lewis V. f'alumre sworn on (he SOUi flay or Ma Mi, A.D. i1)U. and men iiorem. llATK.Ii at I'rlmc Iiiim-.-i, B.C.. this SUlh nay 01 ni a rrn, A .11. jvvt. XV. O. I III.TO.V Solicitor for the Petitioner SPECIAL - SALE Until the End of this Month Cash Bargains in Every Department BEDROOM, DINING ROOM AND LIVING ROOM FURNITURE At Cash Discounts of 25 per cent CROCKERY, DRAPERIES AND CARPETS at Special Prlcos , - ,10 per cent off all our Community Silverware Walnut Bedroom Suite - $204.50 i Watch our Window for Bargains. GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher Phone 20 THE DAILI NEWS Tuesday, r, CHANGES TAKE PLACE LOCAL RETAIL STORES B.C. Butchors & Grocers and Prince Rupert Fish Market Join Taking Ovsr Moerch's Store Announcement is made today of the nmalrTnmation of tire 11. C Hoteliers amj (Jroeers Ltd., and the l'riuce llilpert Fish Market. The rcorjritii'hetl conwrn will take over the jirocery tiusiuesis r F. W. .Mocrseh. I'll- store now eonducled by the I'riuee Hupett i tsli Markift will be earriisl on as will (lie jgmpery .-lore now run y Mr. Moerwli. The store on lliird Avenue now operated by the U.V.. Hutcliers it Croceis Fuller and Alkins will be n May 1. 'Fills will leaxe I vvo stores, the '.ity Market ;iinl die Fis4i Market under one manayi'iin-nt known as the M.l'.. llutflnis and (irocers Ltd. PREPARE TO CLIMB MOUNT LOGAN, B.C. Party Leaving Seattle Sunday to Establish a Base Camp Foot of Mountain SF.ATTIX, April -8. In pre paration for tin' criiob of Mount l.oiran by the Canadian Aldne (Huh this year a parly of repre sentatives of the club and of. the Dnminiou rmernmMiJ consist ing or eleen persons is assem bled here. They will leave Sun day on the strainer Alaska for (Virdova and then take the train up the Cupper Miver lo I lie end of steel. From that point they are to pack about too miles Ihroiirth the wilderniys to eslnblish a base camp at one of tin' northern glaciers of Mount I.opan. BURNS LAKE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL MARRIED Wedding Took Place Here Dur ' ing Easttr Holidays of A. R. MacNeill and Miss M. Macintosh . The weddina look place ilnnii the j;asit;r holnlays of A. It. MacNeill. principal of the Hums Lake public schoof) and Miss M. Milclnlosh of Vmirouver. The bride reliimelf lo Vancouver where she wt1t reside unlil sfiV is jiiini'il by the groom in Hie sum- mer holidays. ; The weddins was performed on Faslcr Monday hv Itev. J.'r. II. H..(irant. RAINMAKER HATFIELD OPERATES IN TEXAS KF.HHVII.Li:, Texas. April -'8. Charles llalfielil. Calilurina 'rainmaker." who mice did his stuff in Albi'i'lu, has rcjilinl lo a lehvram from the Kerrvillu Chauiber of Commerce, reijuest- iiif.- terms tin raiiimakin that he would nmee to try to produce rain In Kerr courtly for a radius or 75, miles for J5 i, 000 for one inch of rain afxl $8,000 for two inches, all over two inches to be jrratis. The chamber of commerce has wired Hatfield to come at unci'. BEST NEEDLEWOMAN IN WORLD LIVES ON A FARM IN BRITAIN IIOIISIIAM. Sussex. F.iik.. April iH. - .Mrs. Mary Tvndall. of New- house Farm, Itudgwick. near here, has been Judged the world's best needle uflinan. Ill .:ill f lilitrirnlfmlol iioi.illn work contest tit Ihe Ituyal School of Art Nceillework, at South Kensington, a cushion cover in monochrome done Jiy Mrs. Tyn-dall, was declared to be the best piece of 'embroidery suhinilted, and she was awarded Ihe gold championship medal as the world's best needlewoman. OZONE'S RIVAL Teacher Now .children, why do we love In p,, ,, M. 1,,'uulirul parks? WJial do we find there always fresher and inner than il Is in the city? Small pupil (with cheerful proiiiplilessj -Please, miss, Mrs. (teoiitc Kerr of Borden Slrccl is vJsItliikf 1 at lla.ellon with Jier son, Arjhur. Advertise in I be. Dally News LOCAL NEWS NOTES Thomas McMcckln returned on the Cardcua this moruins after makiu a trip (o Stewart on hus- iness. . . Accounts up (o April i. lolal- linj; ?i,28i were jiassed for pay-, men! by the city council last night. Mrs, Harper of Stewart is a passenger ruin's south on Hie, (.anli'iiii today bound for Van r'nuver: Girls! Have you oicked your scarecrow for the Hrvodown Dance on Friday? Don't let him drss too well or he will be fined. Marjraret Wassail, rtiareil with vasrauey, was dismissed in! the city police court this morn-! inc. there beini; iiisulllcienl (ren rye Clothier, resident ihiii-iris engineer, relumed on Hie I'anleua Ibis morning from a trip lo Stewart on deparimctilal business. 1. V. Coojier, who arrived in Ihe rily on Sunday from Swim-son Hay. left mi last nighis trsiln for (liscoiiie where In will join his father who is building a logging railway. Union steamer (.iidciia. ('.apt. V. K. Hiekson, returned ut 10.15 this inorning from Stewart. Any. ox and Alice Arm and will ail at 5 o'clock this evening for Van I'ouxer and wayporls. In ion freighter Chilliwark Capl. .1. I.- Mcl'hee, was in port from O lo 12 last night unloading lumber Tor Ihe llig Hay Lumber Co. utnl Albi-rl Mr CitlTery. The vessel sailed from here for the Naas Hiver, having on board eanto't-y supplies. Advertise in the tiatlv .News NOTICE. IN TIIK MIT1HI or an atH'llralloii tm the Issue id a fresh rerliriralr or llll fur Lnls nlnrleen Hi, anil twenty t Bhirk Ourli iwo (3., sertl'MI fle II i ll or Crime lliix-rl. Map 5 Sjllsfarlorv proof or Ihe de-triirtlon id Ihe Orlttlenle of Ulle eovi-rlii tin aleive lands liavlnir be.ii rurtiihed tu till-rrire II Is my iHleiilhrfi lo Issue, artei Ihe anplralhMi tit thirty 'Hi' Uj from the rir-t psibtlraltoii ln-reir. iluplliaH- rllflrale of Title itrterinr Ihe -aid land-III IIm- naiiHs or I'KTKIt M. CASslll an ' nilMi (Ussinv. whlrh irtiriraie of title Is idled IIh- 1 3 III Aurust. IBU. and HiimlK-ro.1 itlll. II. I . MICI.IOK. Ilrirlstrar of Tides Uod lle)rl-lr ofrire. I'rllier lliitn'rt. n C. Mierh fih tars "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT." Princt Rupsrt Elactoral DIstrlcL Kacktnzls Elactoral District. AnTIi I: Is lierehv Rltrii thai 1 shall chi Monday. I lie I Sill day or May. IVV il the hour or tu o'elork In Iho roretiism. il tlie lU.iirl Ibnise. I'rlnre liuirrt. leild -iilliK of IIm- Court or llevlsloii ror Hi j purpose or ri'tislnr the lists or voler- fu- Wie sain I'.ieriorai iisiriri. aini ..i, ,f i . awl determliilmr any and all objections I Hie reltnlliHi or anv name on the !' Ilst. or In the reirllrtlon as a voter or any applicant Tor re rl sirs lion; and foi the oilier irtirpiises set forth lu the 'Tro vlnrlal Herllons Art " Oalisl al I'rlnre ltiiiert, II. C, Oil- r.lli day of April. IWs:.. nllMAN A. WITT. Ileirl-trar or Voters ror Ihe I'rliirr ltiiH-rl and Miekentle I. lei pirn' lnlrlrl. IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA I III tlie mailer ui log Aijiiiiiiisir.ieui . , I anil III the Mailer or the lle of I dy lllek-Tnvrner Hyde. Iieeeased, Inleslale. TAkK MiTICK that by order or hl-llonor I'. Mi ll. Younir made Ihe H.lli day of April, A.O. t5. I was apiiolnled Ad' mlnlslrator of tli eslate or Cdwv links Tavener Hyde. lii-evsed, and all iiarlles having rlalms airalnst the sad estaie an hereby ri-nutred to f n nil - Il same, pro perly teriried to me on or before the trail nay or May, .o. ivza. anu in jisrues Indebted to tlie estate are required ! Iiay the amount or their llideblcdneas to me riiilliwllh. MHIMAN A. WATT, orrirliil Administrator. I'rlnre lu)iert, II. C Paled ihe Iftlh day or prll. IPfS A Nice Date Pie Hi I J A j VAr0llTr mm Take aboul a third of a pound oT dates slouei cook Tor I'll minutes in double boiler with 1 cup Pacific Milk mid i cup wnler. Strain ofr surplus liquid and force dale mixture through a sicc. Add 2 ejjws, aboul me iiiarler teaspoon of sail .-11111 a bit of tin t ' HICK. Make like vjiu would a cus-lard pie. 'I'hfs recipe is uiwu by Mrs. C. J. K. 0r First Avenue West. II is lovely. Pacific Milk Co. Limited Head Office, Vancouver Factor'es al Ladner and -, ' ' . i . I i .i 4 - . CUT WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 HOOT GIBSON" 6 in Hit and Run" A nuking piMiil 'iiioi'ih di. him llrcrzj lliioi ,i ii Im-li Ir.i.'i,!- un i, S, league si-oill lici-iiice nf In liil'ni. Sr. (ramblers-- his escape ami return in tin as well. Heal lie nilvculure mid cm-i'IIi K ('tis I. Hoot Gibson, Cyril Fling, DcWitt Jennings, Mike Don-tin, Marian Harlan and others. "THE TELEPHONE GIRL" SERIES No. 4 AIBE3TA IcanadianJ PACinc VAUGHN In "SHERLOCK'S HOKE" INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 35c and 10c LOOK! LOOK! The "ART CLOTHING" man is here Come in and get your measure Fit guaranteed Phone Green 85 STEVE KING Third Avenue Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rup.rt rnmbcts mini. Tor Mlchltan, Wrngll, Juntau and kkga Apr II . 4 17, For Vntour, VlcUrla and Saau.o- April 10. II. S.B. PRIr-XUS BEATRICE. rt M, Tor Bul.dalt, Swanion Ba, Eati Ball Bella, Oc-aa rai l, Nm, Campball Rler, and Vancounar rj taturdaf 11 am M Inl.at. Agency for all Sla.m.hip L(n... , full Corirnr or 4lh Slroal and 3rd Anemia, Print fluptrt. " UNION STEAMbHtP COMPANY OFB.CLri' Siiilinirs rnuii I'rlnre H'aT. fi or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, 8anon Bay, and Alrt Bl. " '' ,gia or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bar, and lanion Bar, ,lu ' for ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, unda, I P.. . For ANVOX, PORT SIMPSON and Nat Rlr Cannarlai, ''' ',,, I i I2S 2nd Atanu. t. Bar.itla. Aaanl. Our" Nemolastik" Reducing Girdle is mudr Irtni) jmi'e (jnni i nlilicr 1" ' "' covered mi Inilli sides s illi iitrnii Mi' 11 GUARANTEED I No I In rii (ir Icnr. S Tn licJn niiiko llic riKiirc 'rjiini 1 1 li(rllt'f in weight. ONE OF ITS VIRTUES ' II can lie washed with purr ' NEMOLASTIK BRASSIERES NEMOLASTIK GIRDLES We stand behind every pair we sell Jab Phone 645. our Bros $7.00 $12.50 .Ltd. l 7lh St; 3rdA