Phone April , L. Blain Contractor centforJ- Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods IV . 1 iff P.O. Box 179. Fixture. ;inil Planing. Uriainiiig. '" 11. v il Mouldings Blue . - 2C8 loin Thumb mbrellas 11. 1 1 i nalltnenewsnaaes from $5.50 $lf.50 liemers "House of Quality." r.u. boi ui. rnono e.i anadian laundrv and 1 VII A M mm m. 11 I IIJ'J IKirk.' Mir only power i ' d pre.ssiiiB in the city. ?cr-'i -vi, nianshlp un-'I plmno all 1 1 ar. 5'5 6th Ave. W. Phone 8 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage . Phona (. " ase, Warehousmi, and "-"inminK, Teiim or , Motor SorvU-e. 'U&l. Snriil oni N Bpeclalii. In' and '""mure Moving. How to Play Football i Simple rule for avoiding being offside doubt- li f ful goals . ': ' PX -A'Amly" Ducal, Manager of Kiilhain. C (llfprinlcil frinii "r.rcniiirk llcmlil") v ''orf-';j'-l,!" Hits favori.lf shout of Toulliatl siu'clalncs. ('a" al.7"-vs ' '"-giininil will. standing next V '" ,vl x.ivv.'ini win. follow Ihi lawwkcep iKllllllfl m i II. j. I. ..II ..-I . feur iiiv nun wiien 11 in viiitr iivvii mini I...... l" 111)5 llll-SIUI WIHMI III' KICKI'll. f, aw The more fael I hat you arej.ju, ( j, , SiaiHIIIIK III ail Oil -SHIP II04IIIOII ill,., Hum doe not varraiil (In slopping of I the fame. You are doiiii' no I harm lo anybody. Should you, however, hamper an opponent or iiidvaiwe . Inward the hall niusl he penalised. j You need never fear heinjr 'olf-sidc from a comer kick. The same appli to a foal kick or a throw-in. J Can yiui he flven off-side in 'your own half? This is a siih-,jecl of immense' controversy. Oc-,casion do'jirj-e when a man I Justly fiven olT-side llioiitrli he lake (lie ball in his own half. You m;iy he .-landing in an offside !osilion in 70111- opponents' half: si long a you don't Interfere, 'Ihe referee cannot say a run back into your own half you were off-side if you were in DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 60o Pr SacK I HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone S80. Night or Day. WE 3UY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Hetgerton Blook, PRIKOE RUPERT, S. 0. Offlcw Hours, te 8. Phone 689. Open Cvenlnga Only Fer Special Appolntmente. ..... ...... your line. heel.. Thf You ami can still .) -IH'Cll IH'Vl'l ou 1 j....Mhl.v he ly-f-sidc if your-eppoiinils have tie V.J",'."VVJI ,nni '" P''ssion, you need (.. be beliin ehiml 1 Ihe liajl wlu-n il is kicked. Wberc yu are vou Igkc ,kc 11 pass doejit mailer. of I : . . . Q,,,c the finl UljIKS Im r..,all ' iu see im- five lorwyru forwards point? goingi - : i 1 jdown II,,. fiyM- a) of wliomjusllr,,,,,, ,(f , ,, w I... ..ecessAi-y dislancc behlndih,,, kii.M , jf Ihe iniiri willi lh hall. 1. .. V. he , he 4.fT-,.(. me in most stance fop Throwlng n ,ofc. vjolu.i, ' inimedialejyaf- nil(. ,,,, f .. . ,. i.'ikuiv Mil" II J- II UISJ. I j("J jm- .jiu.w iune iitrwanj Im re ceive Ihe 1 el urn, and al 1 place liinij.Hr .in. mi till Illl-hillC otX.Mv I WHS if your! ix thai jvliiliii? to lliiinv. ing in. Spectators are not able once to see a .player feel as In- In row .,,1,1 r., .11. ..nil,. r.. . . :. po-ilinn. This 1,,-ings us Vackii,,.,,,,. .,, ,f,i, ,.,,. In lli.i ...,.). 1... 11 1. 1 1 . 1 I " --. vi in iiioai.iivnuii your fci'l' iiimI. Iw 011 you urn! kiyp .lM' your own Ihmrl.-lin.. ., . no,,, who has Iho hall . ,tlll,. V( (a ; slloll(i Ihe' .Mil- ,hav hecti liiuchintr Iho you c,n , lasl, ah,.,,.! an.l lake Jl,,mi.f am, ,,,,, vuu raw, prov,,h, yu weiv hi-hinn lil.ii,,, ytm Ul,nV( ,.,, ,,.1V(, Jok(.n lo is III Miami l llllll 1 1 lien raise. he on lhfttg Deliberate .hreache of the law Very few of these occur, hai- y,,uipily are Usually .done with the player's hands. He holds in? hall in holh, hut at the inot iinpiirlnnl moiiienl. jis he actual. Hy throw he lises only one. You need a ,1 ....r 1: man lo pul a player up for I his. II is so easy for him (o say thai he was using both hands. Since he look care In glV this appearance to the throw, il is hard1 to conlrndicl him. Such tricks as Ihi. fortunately, become less frci'uenl every season. ,' TJBE. DAIWHI5W3 PAiK FTVK modern referee inay award a penally afc'aiusl you. You, can Jump al lhe HUj Ji'ul if an op-ponenl has i(i.4eion of t al Hie inoiiH'iil yiMi j 11 11 1 j , ni referee may ileeiile Dial il was the man you jumped at, not lli'ehall. Jumping al opponents like eharjrinj: lliein in fhe hiiek inusl he ileliherafe he To re it ean he penalised. The player who merely jumps fo reaeh Ihe liall is (iiile (lilfeienl from Ihe one who jump with IJie uilerilion of hurling an oppoj'i'nl. i lleferee (end -njore ami more to heeome slrieler in de- finiliori nf "a falivfliarK." ?inee eneji man ha lifS. own niiiriton on this suhjeel and il j Ihe pe-feree's' deeision you jnusl follow ainl 110I mine, If is no use my giving example of what I i-nn-fider fair and unfair rhari'es. Fvery ijnio a hall louche an ojijionenl il i not necessarily a ease uf handling. W hen you h-y lo pel util of Ihe way of a hall Dial i kickiu) stjruivlit ;tl you, and fail, you slinuld un he. penalised. Iteferi'e oflen incur Ihe wralh of crowds hy inor-iia accidental hroaiiic' of Ihe "" j handling law. 7 eied a tab'ii iiili! Ihe hall is .actually kicked. , You inusl nor move over (he penally line a T il . t ; .1 . ... , , . . soon a me wnisue mows sole of your hools on .... ., .... . , mc 1 ir inni 11. Sport Chat t It tvi in lint 1 im 1 1 t-kt -j it 1 1 I 11 1 il 1 ... Wait ) -a Organization for suunilcr spoils is well under way al Any-1.1 x. The annual meeling nf fhe Tennis CI11I1 ha been held and games have already slarled. The ""."-.Hiiwual meejhig of the soccmsls ton are msirui ien ny 1 aw ........ .... f(ir i.. nl0 lip IIIIIMi llli" trilll im 1 tviii 111 ..1 t.. n ,.,,! I I... nimni.1,1 win fori.... , . .. . . "V. - I iiir. noes inn iinNin 11:11 jiiu 11 , i.,,... 11 iii i. U.e hall, howevcr-ven if yoili,,,,.,,, inusl control .,. vnurself yourself l.i In deliver . ' ....... Ihe ball from behind with a sort of double handed bowling action. BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral-Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1925. Produced Minerals ns follows! Placer Gold, $70,-tOS,30:i; Silver. 0:i.5:v.r5: Loud. &S,WIJ 5 'pir, I.odn Hoi. I, $li:i,- !jil71),()ll,r'lS; Zinc, $27,- 7n(ii Miscellaneous Minerals, M0H,2M; Coal and Cok, S5,1MI,i Kt; HiiiIiIuir JJ"Bft- "'rk, (JeuK-iit, cc. $;01Ur),a:iiJ making llt,ral roeliirlitui lo ll.e end ol how an Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 deduction for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 1,10 Mining Laws of' this Province are niuro Jihornl mid Hie f'es luwe.r limn those, of ny ollic,. l'rvii,c in U,fi I),i,,iiiiion, or any colony in Mm HnliMi.Knij'iro, ""I'M lucnlimiH are granled (( discoverers fur nominal fees. 1,lu,c Titles nro oldni id by .levcloping such properties, llio security of which is ''"'"ild l,y ,Jnwn npnnls. , '""iimlio,, toKcUi'erv willi Mining llnports nrd M"l,s. "'"V ,(! luined graljs ,by li? ; THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, 'British Columbia. ha al-su taken place ami interest taken inilicales that soccer i going lo have a big year pos-silily the biggest Ju Aiiyo.x. Itase-ball in Ihe smeller town, like 11 also is in 1'rince linger!, seems al Ibis lime lo he an uuceiiain I 1 ijuaulity. Only jne complete. jnslnienls or evim .iuiport sunn !si Inns ii Hip Itall i- nliovo your . i . . . . ! ' 'lieau as y.iu uirow n, no reicjeej r0(lpn, oxronl-nambridge )' oi.jecl. lll0a, ,.ar(. j,, ;,iglaiiil cost Jl( ! Goals that are Doubtful Itwo L niversily club .about I.V t'nless Ihe hull is completely Mill which is .jusl about doubli uer Ihe 1:0a line no goal is the ore-war outlay. . racing scored. The referee needs to be shell could be built for .IlT 11 i ruble to i't'l up in lime lo have prior to 1911, now il cost i.Vl a clear view of a ball in Ihi Oars also, now cost aboul $1(1 doubtful position. II isn't enough whereas they were $5 before the lo say that the ball was more war. The aclual Implement of Ihan half way over. If any pari Ihe race Xorm only a small pr.o-slill overlaps Ihe goal line no portion of tbe total expenditure. goal is scored. Many referee The clubs have lo pay 4hcir own 1 s j finding a complete lack of agree- (ravelling, lodging, food and u,)llia iihiiii in nesses iiccouiil.i n ier necessary expenses n ' I 1 II, it i vi :i iirooinl decision run lo about 7,500 tnc . .1 . f 1.. i.ajI j.. ...I...i.l.r.. ...l Ovri-kn.l Tliiir.i .1 1 101 Hie neieiiee 111 inru hhiiihi i"ri- hum w.. ...... Klvifl argue" lone. 'no revenue to offset this sum asj Krnj(, prnfi, 0,, jier of lleferees when, Hie liall is the tioal race is an enurei tin nk(. Valley, has arrived ; round I he goal should not lie loo show. I prompt with llie whille. I once saw a clear case 01 oeun.-rau-, uMt m.n a i hNN handling on the Jiart of a hack. The hall went through tbe goal, I hill because the re fern had blown j iii whistle. Ihe defence claimed that a penally kick, no I a.i,'oal, va Ibe correct decision, j The al (acker gol IJieir penally ;kiek and lost Iheir goal. ! Penalties for-Jumping-' You can jump al a chance, lull if you Jump at an opponent Ihe COURTS BUILDING 1 -11 Aid. John McKechnle .Gets Con tract For Work to Rear of Armory 112 by 50 Feet Work on llie const ruction of Iwo tenuis rmirls for lie JJnrth II.C. Itiigiinenl Incaled lo Ihe rear of Ihe armory stalled this morning, Aid. John MeKrchiuc having Ibe conlracl. The Iwo courts, which, will be of boa id surface, will have n total .measurement of 112 by :0u feel 0 STEWART William Jiann, who re.lurned last week from Ihe south, will ?peml Ihe summer .prbspccling the ,Vy group which i Incaled on the sleep nimnlViin side almost directly l'.ast ,of islewart. Already considerable surface .development work has been done, on the properly. f'i The Daisy group in ,lhe upper Salmon Hiver valley lis JieJng in corpnraled liy 8. . llenson un tier llie mime of the Salmon ' Hiver Mining On. The water lower of llie S.lew-atl public ulililies plant on .T.ol- uftoTalu-Qiktli CATARfiN , el the BLADDER S.'t. Sucouuil BKicIi Cipmile w unnrimc 3 PnmnofrottnttrfisUt here. BETTER THAN RICHES T Tnder the dome of the Board of Trade in Manchester, England, is this inscription: "A good name is rather to be chosen than riches." The thought is considerably more than mere sentiment. It is good business. A good name is recognized as the biggest t individual asset a business can have. It is the very keystone of modern industry. Business today is done on such a broad scale every merchant and every manufacturer has such a long list of customers that it would not do to have a reputation for "slipping something over" Advertising has standardized almost every article you can buy. You don't have lo bargain and dicker and haggle to fcnou) that you are getting as good as you give. That's why it pays to read the advertisements and to buy advertised goods. A product's advertising is the best guarantee of its faithful performance and lasting usefulness or of definite value. The advertiser Would not dare risfy his good name by advertising an unworthy product. If you value satisfaction if you want to get your full money's worth every time READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS and buy advertised merchandise. , Take advaitage of the advertisements and get real value street, which was des- . ilroyeH by fire last year, is being eh for ...... ... ... ... ,,., , il l'lllllll JIJ. .UI.l A. M. llinkley of Jvansas City has arrived lo visit villi hi brother, V. V. Ilinkley, iinnii-ralion inspeclor aMIydur. Mr. Perkins nnd Miss Anna Ivrland have arrived al llyder friini Seal lie lo tiike over the. Hotel llyder. '-'-ir -A'"i ft -V" CORNER CLUB HASBANQUET Enjoyable Affair Took Place Last, Might In St. Regis Cafe .. ... ''I... V.. ...Hi. lliifiulil'a P.ilPMliP III' I nun p. i "'H' ' ......... II Club penl an enjoyable evening lu Ihe 81. Ilegi Care last al a bamiuet which was fulloweil by a very inleresting program. J'lie evening opened by singing the Corner Club Hymn, "Brighten Hie Corner." and llie program wa as follows: - v (irace P. II. I.iiuey. Contest "Floral Love Story"; winner.s, .lack Steven and Mis . .lone. , ' . Violin solo Mr. Iloniielt. ; -f Pianoforte solo Miss Ithoda Lamb. ' Solo Mis K. Jones..;.- : Chairman's reinnrks;- Mr. jloward. 1 1 'Pianoforte solo Mi Alella Mc Kin ley. . Address "Urigblen the Co. ner where you are," lley. 1. (i l urner. Violin nolnW. Murray. Heading "Mmggie and Jiggs Hl.Jlhc fioldeii rilile'," P.TI. Un-zey. Violin duet Mesr9. Ucnnctt RAW FURS If yon want to be paid highest possible HASH prices for, your HAW lTjHS, forward them to R. S, ROBINSON A SONS, LTO. Branch Receiving Office: 1225-6 Standard Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. Head Office: It.S.H. Hldg., tl-51 Louise SI., Winnipeg, Man. Kst. ISS3. Incorporated 1020 Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarine Prince Rupert." TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Block 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. and Murray. Solo Miss K. Jones. Sketch From "As You Like II," Mr. ami Mr. J. It Urady. A'iolin sOlo Ml". JJennctt. Miss M. A. Way was accom panist fur the evening. Tlie president, Mr. Howard, occupied the chair. "SLIM" FOSTER JOINS U.S. FLYING CORPS Word was received here on tbe nuiil yesterday from J. A. Kiik- nalrick Dial on Ihe way home! from Siiutliern California h' nwl "Slim" hosier, a former eni-idojee f Hulger and 4'.aiuerini and n -'boarder'' at the Inlander, lu Sim Francisco. Mr. Foster is flaking bis v'aniinal ions' for the U.S. Flying Corps. He has passed! one Muyn'ssfully and Is awaiting the result uf the oilier from Washington. Night Phones 687 539 Blaok 735 Gr. 601 TIRES Prices are again reduced. IL no longer pays you (o repair old tires. BUY A NEW ONE. We have litem in 30x3 Vj sizes from (8.00 to $15.00. S. E. PARKER Ltd. Ford Dealers St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Uneurpaae4 Third Avenue.