PAfTfc TWO i The Finer the Tea Rich Prospects in Babine Range 5 the richer the flavor. ALAM SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 5, H530 is the finest, therefore is always more delicious than ordinary tea. Try it. : The Daily News PI1INGK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published' Every Afternoon, except Sunday, Hie Prince jtjrt Daily Aevs, Limited, I hird Avenue, R PULLKN, .Managing Editor. . i4 Gily Delivery, by mail or carrier, per mouth .......... Hy mail lo all parts of Hie Brilisli Empire and Hie Uniled Slates, in advance, per year '.i. To all other countries, in advance, per year , Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. IMlLY KDITlOft 98 86 .$1.00 7. no Wednesday, Keb. 18, 192.1. Government Mi Against Swindlers. Sonic Ontario farmers who have been duped, by foreign oil -lock peddlers are now howling lo the government for aid to help get their money back. It is to lie hoped thai the government will let Ihem slew in their own fat. Any people who send money Jo speculate in gc't-rich-ipiiek schemes in the United Slales deserve lo be stung. They cannot be protected against their own folly. It Is difficult to impress upon people that when they get more (ban eight per ceul for Iheir money they are taking risks and even that high ra(e nf. interest is not by any means gill edged, (iovernnienl bonds run from four and a half to five per cent and every one per cent above thai rate means just o much more risk. Whe.n any jiersoij conies along .and intimates that you may double your money or even iiiaTTeiwenly per cent, you know thai you are. likely, Inclose the wjio'le. investment. You are lakiTfg grave chances;' - .much oi me loreigu siock soiii in i;anaua is not. worm, a cent a share. Veopte who .would buv that kind of stork deserve lo be slung. V ' - r Always jAre Lambs Ready To Be Fleeced.,;ilvay plenty, of '-lambs fjeceed. New crop- are raised at regular intervals anil Ine same dial are shorn ojice can usually lie shorn again at recipient jitjervals. The only way to keep litem' safe is 10' put llieiu in llie: fold and liwk incni up. iney seem Horn to he victims.; Even in Prince Hupert there nre ninny people who put their money into one fake scheme after another and thev never learn the lessiin. They have the gambling spirit and want lo get rieli overnight. The result is. disastrous- All that is needed is it clever stock seller and a romantic proposition far enough away lo give it (he proper atmosphere. Straightening Out Many Difficulties. One hy one Prince Rupert's difficulties are being straightened out. The latest is the setlle'nieiit of Hie site for1 Ihe Hums' abattoir., -TlJ projerl was delayed, it was claimed, by the delay of the railway company in giving ils decision, Now.thc rom-' pauy annoiiiifes that it has done its part. The site is' granted mid the' trackage, will, bo built ami everything possible will be done to aid the project. It' doubtless will be one of the new de-vclnpmelits of the present season. Western Earnings Better Than;ThejEast. The western .section of the Canadian -National' llailwavs comes ilose to paying its way something which. cannot be said or the far eastern, section, liken a- proper outlet from- the Peace Hker district and doubtless Ibe lines would nlf-oiire begin lo pay. With only a little over a million dollars to'the bail hi ine year, it is o he Supposed that the present seasoiijwill ee J from from Sin jmilliers ilhers suiiicieni improvement to wipe nut that small dofieiU ; Prince Rupert Should v Soon Do.Her Share. Priitce Rupert should soon do her share in the recuperation "i uic i.uiw.ij, wiieai OCglllS ID come I'll lllir I own :t rinir Dm Northward from Smithers Includes Cronin's Famous Babine Bonanza (Third of Series of Articles on .Mining in Bulkley Valley, hased on Sniilhers Hoard 'of Trade Itepnrt For a iiuniher of years mining men have heeii prnspeeling in Hie Haliint: Range lo the norlli of Smithers. , Kit.' in fime to lime good veins of ore have heeii discovered thai-look as if they! would develop into rich mines and the result is that 'todayherr ( are some splendid, prospects there in various stages' of development. In H:M a unrulier of locations were made and during the! summer a nonunion gcoiogicai survey pariy imifer lr. iieorgc llnusou worked in the vicinity ami the rejNirl he made js awaited Willi much interest hy the residents of the dHrieU amW mining men everywhere who knowf . something About dial part oflheLf jnn per Ion, all values. In country. The best known pro- j j2 1 an Kdiiinnlnn syndicate iad perly in the llahines is (hat t,e properly under option and j located by James C.roniu, the jaged miner and prospector. Bablne-Bonanza .lames Cronin's ' well-known Itahiuc-Honuna mine was idle. tion lo have heen made for Mis souri interests in Nuveinlu lying llabine bake slope of; the nioun-lains, reaelieil by roail from I Telkwa, .thirty miles away. It il owned by .lames Ornnin of rpok-l ine ami otliers. Extensive am! I consistent development, carried. .skeena and out to II, c Orient and the Tniled Kingdom, and lum- creek a drift limne Iter, pob-ijioa ties are carried hack to Ibe prairies and oilier driven on this, Ihut easlerly tmtiere should be an Improvement, l-'isli ship- side Mug more menls are likely lo o be be even even larger larger than than ever ever IliU Ibis vene venr .-nd mi.i,.- Ii.,..,,n. i n.: m. for Cooking-use KLB M A M AYS keep a tin of Kliin Brund Powdertsl Whole-Milk hniidy. You will find it not only invaluable when the nu.k-inait forgets to call; when an unexpected Juet nrrivea, hut al.o for nil rooking purpowea whero rich, fnll-crcnm milk will improve your Jwmdiwork. Kliin romw In handy titfht tin and is economical to uxe, beoatme you only hate to ua napoonful or two a the needarineH. Ordtr a tin Jrom your roctr today, CAN A I) I AN MII.K PHODUCTS LIMITKU Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Sold hy Iluperl Tahle Supply Co. sllver tC.H o. lead 10 !er cent, icopper 5.5 .er cent. At forty 'feet lower elevation a cross-cut lllllliel Is heing driven. Develop. inenl was continued in I ill' I. In 1 1 he nasi, disjuiles hehveen nw n-,erA did much In delay, Ihe open. insr up- of. .his very promising prospeel. Harvey Group Only twelve miles from and one mile from Ihe Drift. .wood Crock wagon road is the , Harvey group of five claims, .owned hy C. (i. Harvey, V. .1. jl.nrkwnrthy and D. A. Mcllae. Two main showings have heen (developed hy shafts (55 and fin, ! feel in deiilli. In In. II. ..... i i i'-aii. ,ssay.s ire sain lo an averne of 5n to ifftn per Inn nrrnss hree to four fee) of ore. Some years ago a twenty, five Ion shipment, hand-sorled, was made and bruujjht returns commenced a cros-i;iil liinuel ,n strike the vein at tTiii feel in depth. Internal iillictl)les led lo the breaking up of 1lie sytidicale and, coming to Hie nil of llieii'i throughout I.i2t. In Itclnher. aiijfinatires, the 'opt ion was dropped! in-ipei-lioii ' of the properly was made- by I.. K, Drurnniond, inU-ing engineer . A further Inspec with the work uncompleted. Sinco then the owners have lieen eon-lipuiug the work in a small way, At the en, I of I'.i.M, with Mr. was Harvey in charge, the tunnel had cut sliiii'l hy the illness niiiHreaclieil 2 10 reel ami was Hearing subsequent death of the engineerllhe point where the vein is likely! (i. W. MrHaskell. tin le eiienipilered. I lie work is I'll i is a silveivlead-xirie mine-continuing. on Hie northeastern or, 7 on during-Hie past fifteen years' . iiy Mr. Cronin has moved a larceiOver Four Hundred People Pre body of liijh grade ore.. Trans porlalion dilliciNlies are very considerable. It is irobabIe. that a concentrator will be put in to handle (lie ore al or near Ibe mine, and this should stimulate development of near-by proper- lies as well. , Debenture I'he owners of the Debenture 1 1 a I a In tie work done in Ilia summer of 11)25 by a party un- br Henry Itrcl.ins of lla.cllon. This Is a silver-lead property on the north-eastern slot t life llabine llangc. I was' purchased several years ago by Uiicago interests. Although it large body of high grade ore has .been shown nil, the properly fs a long way from the railway and Iranspbrlaliou dillicullies are formidable. Victoria I'alrick .1. Iliggins and part ners have a six claim giouiiucar Hie Hrnnin mow called the' Vic toria.. A contact hh. .body carrying high value.- in silver, lea'd and zinc has been opened un by i (5 foot shaft alid a main tun nel. This latter runs for over 10(1 feet as a cross-cut and then for another I On feel as a drift oil the vein. Further work was added last season. This properly bears every mark oT being a likely mine, and should a con centrator . established al the llahinc-Honanza the Iransiiorla- lion of ore will not be a dillicnll problem. Silver King Con I i lining from Ibe Victoria over the summit, of the llabine range iind down ;lo Driftwood Creek, Iliggins anil partiiers liaVe also the Silver King group. Thi is reached by llnv'road. and trail '. lim i l)riflwof?d Creek, a dlslnuce of twenty miles. Of dill'erenl showings on the ( RAILWAY BALL WAS EXCELLENT sent at Big Event Last Night One of Hie largest crowds Hint ever gnthered in Hie auditorium for a dance was there last 'night al Hie annual ball of the l!aiui. iliau .National .Hallway employees. It vrus n .success from tlie vert' i. .v. .nacpnerson, ami J, II. l'Hs- be EnJoyed bury, hut there were alo present' lion T D. I'allullo of mh.tsler T Slnfilin(. ,. rMlU , lands, l.y. Arnelt .of .Vancouver, way forward lo, a '.successful year while Ihe orchestra plat form was the observation car wilh its rear lights and oilier necessary acconrpaulmenls, 'the moonlight effeel was produced also hy a railway headlight. xt.t.c- . .7. - . "'..'-I. I lir-K-uj lll.ll 1111 .shaded just sufficient Hot to be 'lay "f Mirrh next the uml(-rlrtie1 ..; , . , inirini ill in nil- l.ll lllir r iiTUIDI , lazllllg, a great illiprovemeil Hoanl for a IIi-piim In ri'snci i in iiri.niUpn on on llii mi iiasiim Niisliiri" lluliU imhis uriiMt olien usu.l liseil l,r'"r earl nf Hip bullitinar lnmn . 7! fw .j,,ro, UMi iiuaicd at for llijs purpose. 'Italrrt Avniiif, in Un City or I'rlm-i-i . ',.. aiipirl. J'nivlnrr or llrlilsli Colijinlilii. ., , , ,, , ,, .MllCll of the credit' for the- Uixm Ihe land ilprrlhiit n nine-1 Miei-e'ss of Hie evening Was due der whose siiperinlenllenci . . yup per was served and the whnpj laims Ihe most imoorlanl would ! work "f ""1 evening carried out. appear lo be a uuartz vein ills-! following were Ihe .members of eovered in i canyon of Driftwood (.reek. On either side of Ihe 1 has been Ihe coiirmiltees: Hall decoration mid orchestra? Messrs. rolsorn; (chairman'', i i.... i .n .. .. . on Ihe eastl ""j. '"oojmeu, uerry, uei-loo i- fcrnian. Teiig and llorrobin. ' i i .ilverhsinir. in-oirr.-iiiis im.i ln . . . P I . . . ..ll.j 'II 111. Ill I II S fill- 1 1 IIS llt'l-M ' ' K.iu i.iisiaMimving signs of improving. Kvery prospect is found assaying across eig,leen;viln,io,"': Messrs, llea-ley ehalr : i.T.'K.V UM" f''1-, '"lay, and the success of inches i. widlh: (Job! .22 o,M tin! inf uic Miccrss ill e ICrilllliatS, who ds in charge of pari of operations in eonneclioii with elevator construction here; Mrs. Frank Lillle of Terrace and a number of others not usually seen al dances in Prince Itupert. The railway Idea was well carried out in dial al Hie Carl her end of the hall was lo be seen Canadian .Valiomtl Kngine with ils headlight showing Ihe DONT LET YOUR BOWELS GET CONSTIPATED Dissolves completely Makes a rich "soap-sudsy" solution, soaks dirt out no more hard rubbing. 111 a Rinses out thoroughly leaves clothes white no bits of soap left sticking to garments to turn yellow under the iron. 111 Rittso is the only soap you need on washday it is perfect for soaking for boiling for washing-machines. hnrt Bros. LimiuJ, Tannic man), Korresl, Parry. Iloberl and Smith and Misses Kemp and! ilteid. I Ilefi-rslim "its: Messrs. Simo- son 'chairman , and llogers and beginning and when the home Wt Johnston, Kemp. Taylor, wall, was played hctw three n "'ess, (iraham, Harvey and four o'clock t.l'icre.were more Mac.lonald, dancers on Iheir feel' Hian attend' " many of the ordinary, Pvc,..s. SUNSHINE HOUR CLUB tdayed ... ncwe. .hi.s in OF SALVATION ARMY dance tunes amj NV,ul.f '0be.v ,as , ,ii.i.. kepi everything moMiu with proper deconiin.. The offi cial patrons were F. O. Dawson Ntw Society Wilt Hold Weekly Social Meetings when Pro- npam and (lamfft will has been formed in coiincctioii with Hie local Salvation Army. The object of Hie Club is to hold weekly ge-togeher funelinns a! which there will be songs, recila-liniis and games. livery week two dilTerenl persons will lake charge. 'I'he first of the meet ings look place last night ami' there was a sood allifiduuee with Mrs. Ilea presiding. Miss R. Mum ford is secretary of Ibe cluh. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION LICENSE. 4 tvAn el... 1. 1 MJIMIt I U UI Oil Mil nnrilllf .lav M.nol.t l- -ilm ml. .,f .v.rv lu. !. . .T.Kl'...?' ''r.,.'"'!'.?J"'"''I. B.C a-tplrl- In Hrrerl heiillh, ftir inee Hie' nnri. )h- w mnitliaiel and rlnaaeil np. all Die other oraana nf llu- Ixxty lie-eoine ileranoed. Ktap your Bowalt Rafular by Ualng LAXA-LIVER PILLS , discovered (, , y,H, , (rt,y ,nd v Millies i lieinif in stiver, n copper ami . miluril inhU.hi .if iiw M,vipt every day, showl'""'1 'Oiargihii liver worklur. anj it On lone and vitality lo . Inlft.llMHI irael, Millinrn'a l.nxa-l.lver PIIU ire .rnr'. Mia at nil drnifl-. and deal.riV'pnl lip only Iiy The T. Mlllinril Co.. I.lnilled, Toronto, Ont. FOR BEER lien un ana iwcpiiy (Jii). In lIKxk lrniy.lin' (tS). Si'i-llrm On f), Clly ut I'rlnpp Vtinrr nniwrl. nnrrl, ai-i-firilinr immllnr im In' a rpl mi. In Hie iiifriilK work nf. Ilip K-rpd ' ' - mnn iimi. . or plan piMii hi-mviirtl I(mk.m1 In 111 Hie nil- IJin. l.anil ,. l.'i - i , '1 inlie .and Jp(-n?s (;oirt)inllees nil- " ' .' J .? I iw-Kisiry w'KiHiry orrirr- imirn at ui in tlm f-ltv of nj rrinre rrlnrf im im-tiwr tiAAl- by Irv UU- llii. !- l... or li,. Iiy .1. Uic ......... him-ii hoiile pert ami niiiiilipri-d Un, Tor lhi ali or tor on I ho prctnlva. I'ur.M ui I ri mi. ninil'll, ll.i... XMe tin day or lehniaiy. iojs. MIIS. AN M, riOSS. Manaifi-ri-M and Li-mrr-or w KiMprrm llnirl, - nplli-antj GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION LICENSE, FOR BEER XOTIC.K la liereliy irlven Ihil .n the Till ihiy ir March uoi the un.ini..i....i Mlenils lo apply li. the l.liiuor Control Hoard f.r a lleeiise In n-inri in nreinlm-a lielna pni-l of Hi. Iiiillilinir kiu.un n. leniial Hotel, uliuaieil at llio i-ornnr or . I'lrnl and Seventh Street, hi the i:iv nn J'rlnie lniiert, l-mvlnce of HrllMi Cnfiini-! i ma. ii m hi me dem-rllH-it a lot eleven () and Iwelve (. ihlrl.en U) and roiirleen (Mi, In IHncK t,.n i (HO. Sertloti on. (t ritr or rrlm-i-imiwrl. aei-i-dinf In a reaMeml linn- or 1 1 'In u df-ininlteil In hn l.aiul lietlfirv Or fire at live City of frlnre Imiieil and i tiuiiilii-red 01. for Ihe nale or hi-er lu ll ie viaaa or Iiy Hie open hollle rnr enn. thl fill I Owner ami Manauer or On till I Hotel. oonmi!. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. ! NOTICE OF APfl 1CATION LICENSE. FOR BEER nu'WP riy,h''rti'y rlv'n " Hi. ."' ' ' " 'lf Mni'rh ni-l the imdei-laiiid neiMi. in m . .,,M(,r t'jmlrol lliiiird rnr a iri-n.. in i-... .,.! ... ..'.. !' " Tliey W near ,y alt .lie etfeie ' kn'x' iWel. "f,,,,, 'TtZl V'-en,!!. ? leiiui 'r V nrp "P''". "rovlneo or i !J..'i ''. "pott III" Inii.N do. ei-ii'd a Lot f Tilrli-.ri in. mi .,...... ' In Kl-k two (-,, sei-tlon One (. City or l-rlnre Mnpeit. ai-rnrillnir In a realMeri-d map or plun di-imiiid In Un- r.... ; iJ- 1 """"" o. ror tin. nai. r lieer Iiy .i the ala or Iiy Ihe open Imtn. " t, "r I'liinntlnn i,n II,,. nrenil.. IHTITt al I'rlnr. Ilnpert, il.C . thla ' Clh lay or rein-miry, s. ' ;A "mnY. llMITF.n. I'ff: i t. Wlillatiis, Manner. AppllciDt. R-47 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock i Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Patter! makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped In handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F GET IT AT! HIGH CLASS FAMED -GROCERS PHONE 586 BULK COCOA 2 His. fur 25c new sine- LONDON mi ii iJH I The Cin you will aak for again r-the atindard of purity for over 160 yean. $3.25 Per Bottle. The Gin for you Is "H. & U," This advertisement is not pnhlitdicd or displayed ly Liquor Control Ilunnl or Iiy the Oovcrnmeiit of Culiinjbia.