Ly. February 18, 1925. Local and Personal w HIS MAJESTY IY ArrOINTMFNT KING GIOR&E V 1 1. (J. Undertaker. Phone 41 1AM EE03E sy There is no uncertainty about adiaN (Bib; WHISKY The age is guaranteed by the Dominion Government. Observe Us Stamp over the capsule We guarantee that these whiskies have been matured in oak casks in Rack Warehouses for the period indicated by that Stamp. Read the label on the bottle Your purchase is made from the Gov ernment Store, which is a guarantee that you get what you demand. DISTILLED AND BOTTLED BY Hiram Walker & Sons. Limited . WALKERVILLE ONTARIO Monlrnl Qu. Tli.; cilvrrtixcmrnt ;lrol itujrd or Dhtillen of Fine H'hhklf tlnce 1858 London. Eng., New Ycrl. U.S.A. is not published or displayed liy the Liguor by the Government of British Columbia. V-I ORMESLTD. Pioneer Druaalsts The Rcxall Store third Avenue Phones 82 and 200 Ask for a Tide Book for 1925. They arc Free. ! Rupert Fish" Fresh rrozen--All varieties. Fresh Fish- All varieties In season. Smoked FishOur well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan'Haddie "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotlans..... Canned, Salmon Pinks, Skccna Sockoye, etc. Salt Fish- Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish- -Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ctd. V clgcrson Block. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phono 109. ir. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST niy I'Miniiilc km vnur Denial Work CROWNS, PLATES, BRIDGEWORK I nronililiniinlly I iiiaiiiulectl. I ! nil my own wink. This ineniir PERSONAL SERVICE TO EVERYONE Busy Season Has Commenced LgI Us Do Your ay hones 423 539 lr. 601 TOWING Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phones Red 618 Gr. 601 539 i. FISHERMEN! I,(hiJv .ut your First Aid Kit ami -ee Ihnl it is coiii- il;- Urif UN! SOMIC (if I In filings ymi -lll'lllll .U on i. m or f irr hi put In M'u: IODINE ADHESIVE PLASTER BANDAGES EPSOM SALTS LYSOL BORACIC ACID DRESSING FOR BURNS, ABSORBENT COTTON, FIRST AID BOOK i t vmir Personal lil i'mi wi'i iit-M need RAZOR SHAVING SOAP RAZOR BLADES SHAVING BRUSH SOAP TOOTE PASTE coiyjB- tooth nnusn Ili.'.v vvii! r ''jfi'ljlivi fronj n mill fee vmi or rerciviiiH salisfurlioii. COLLECTION OF INDIAN CURIOS Museum Has Offer of Over Twelve Hundred Pieces For Small Sum Tin' imit'tim board has iin offer of another eollecliou if 1 1 diatt curios frniii a person I i l'llg ill Southern Hrilish. Colum- liin, This eollecliou cuiiIp'Jik oyer I '.'ill) pieces ntnl the owner ,;inls a uonftnal Kiiin in pay ment. Ttii! offer will be considered by I lie board at its next liieelina but il is hardly likely lo he accepted as Hie lioanl ha al present -'radically no fund. WATSON ARRIVES Roaches Victoria From Seattle to Faco Trial on Robbery Charge YICTOHIA. lVh. 1H. I! Walson. suspected of complicity in I lie Xaiiainio Hank robbery, airiveil in Victoria yrslcnhty In Tace trial. Watson was forinerly a police deleelive in Scallle. The Man in the Moon SKX equality i for her and she when lie works works 1 1 i 1 1 1 . I I "S easy to he superior when your friends don't amount lo niuvli. TIIKUK'S soinelbiii),' with Die C.N.Il. Iiiday. wiouk I liiink -oiue of Ibe "liiciiiliers Of .lbe s!tll .vere oul last night. , A .MAN i in his own inasler. s iisual'y house, lie Ibe m'aslcl is Ibi! pay- . TINS is landlord's mouth.' The owners of properly gi Ibe blib-'sl rent per diem during l'ebru- iry of, any nioulh of Ibe year. I.K.VT hejrins nexl weeli Jind I intend o save uiycelf . some iimney. Thai's Ihc va1 lo luln' everything lo good accouiii: ' f WHAT I' like is" to-' si-e I'asily Ibe vYller j'tf '-'a 'liuiiiiir I'oltlUll) in one paper adopts the best bruin rbiblren from aiiolbcr iiaper bill lets the ugly orphans die. It's so intensely human. Thanks Be Till: modern maid Adorns ber face. ( ( Wears dresses short And if nes the pace; And iniw and then She does a wiualc Hut lltunk Ibe Lord She does not fiipis-le. j Ten Years Ago j in Fltio Ktipnrt K February 18, 1915. Col. It. II. Thompson has arrived from Vancouver lo confer wilh the Hoard of Trade ami oilier loca ni'ihini.nlions regard-insr Ibe price of walerfronl land which il is claimed is loo hiuli. A bill has been iiilrodiiced in Ibe lijfislalure al Yicloria lo make -il easier, under present financial .stringency, for men to make 'payments due on lauds. 'The waters around (Ir'eal llrilaiii and Ireland, including Ibe whole Knglish .Channel, have been declared a war Zoiie by (mutiny an cr today and all shipping here in future. Irrespective of the flag; that may he flown, may be sunk willioiil indict. Advertises In I bo Daily Mew ANNOUNCEMENTS l'.ks' Annual Novclly tlanco. Tehruary 20. Bobbed heads may be washed It's ensy lo wash and dry the bobbed heads, A free l.illier of rtnhy'H Own Sonp inn basin of hot wntrr is a simple and inex-lienslvr -hiiniiKHniii the Ilnjtcr-l"g frn;riinve fis cf rosea in the hair is very apnrnlinr, llaliy'u Own Soap Is sold In individual cartons 10c. ItvrryV whore in-r. THE DAILY KEW3 PARR THREf llayners, UndertaKcrs, 1'lionn 35 1 You'll likii pur joall t'oHBUiu ith Coal Co. Phono 7. If You'll like my laxi! Iteason- able charges. Phone 301, day or night. C. Y. Synies. if C.N. II. sleainer Prince Itiipe; Capl. D. Donald, fritiu Vancouver and wayporfs, is due to arrive on lime al 3 o'clock lliis aflenioon. . More IhniI less ash, I uioit .1 . i. ! 1 1 I i i siraniei ijiiiinai'K mis uuioaiicil i .Kin Ion .ahitimn-Wcllinglnu' coal for Albert 'A McCallcry. Ltd 1 Phoiies 110 and 001. tf Mrs. A. Holt of Itegiuu arrived In (be city on Ibis mornings train and will proceed tonight on Ibe Prince lluperl to Anvox wbere she will visit willi friends I be funeral of I lie lain Yung W'iiiir, Chinaman', who died in Ibe htupilal at I he end of Ibe week, look place this morniii al '...'ID from !he 11.(1. I Imlfi-I :i Ui.i-m 1 . i- ilnrs u I'airview Cenu'lcry. I". II. ojf .Calvary, s:ilcs inauaf-cr for Ibe Saunders llidife Uoal Co., is in?lhefti-ily on 'Ini'si- ncss. He arrtveilffroin Ibe Kasl on Ibis iiioriiij)f,.sJ iiiiii and will sail for llieoujli l-'riday moru- Louis Mazzei, v laxi driven rharged with furiiius driving on Second Avenue! ' pleaded not Kuilly in I he-- eily pnlici- courl ibis iiiorniug' ami was remanded until tomorrow so' that wilnes- es, chief amoiif wlioin is Spec ial Constable (ieorye Crale, may xive evidenee. The I lix Cape Scoll, cfiniin:f uoi'lh wilh lu lie Used by . (j. Arnell in ronnec- (ion wilh Ibe foilhilation and ,i..iiimiiiii in worn tiiai iia fires and the earned aliotil making camp, euslniiis. A number nf port Kssinglnn people are' shopping iulowu lo- i.v. 'They arrived on Ibis morn ing's train ami will return to the Skeena Hlvcr lowu (bis after noon. Aiming Ihcin are: Jock Smith, Ibe ferry man; A. I). Ilardie and Harold Cunningham nf Cunningham's .nre; tieorge . Iavis prtiprielor of Ibe iioo.1 room; .Mrs. Leliiess aii'd' Provincial Constable Itnhcrl (iihsoii. Arraiigcmenls are bein , yr ! V . . J wharf works fur eli;valorj lyre. Was iassing; Swanson llay al (1.3(1 r.isl rvenilig:. The lujsj I'earful and ilreipje i wilh Ibe Cape Scolt, i. is uuiteVslooi). i ill I In eily police court lo prn-l ceed on Saliinlay vvilh the ebarge uf unlawfully killing againsl Claude . Synies arising mil of Ibe dealh of lillle .Nnruia Muiiro last week. Last I'riday, Synies appeared before Magislrale .lc-Clyuionl ami was remanded for eighl days, bail w'asgranlcd at 5,000. 'W. O. I'.u 1 1 on.. has been relained as eoubsel fi'ii' SrVmes. The iirosecutiou is in the haiuls of City Snliclloc K. Jones. HOTEL ARRIVALS j Prince Rupert II. II. Young, I'orl Simpson; Chii les K, Hlelsoe, II. J. Ourneyl uitd ' Ailluir J. tlurzou. Vancou-! vtr; A. D. .McDonald, Kdiiiuuloit; ' 'corge Adams, Claxlon; (ieo.j Mt'Afi-o, Ticorgelowii; H. Cilison, Poll Kssliiglou; Mrs. I'raser and fuURliler, llaysporl; P. lljork-j Mi'i'n, re rinlnsh, Alia.; Mr, and Mrs. -A. Mi (I. McLane, Winnipeg; IL II. Kill u' i,- Calgary;. Mrs, A. Hull, Iteglua, ' 1 i ' Central .Viistict, a.x.ii. rv oerve it" x j ! the nme of 4 little booklet evry Bj t!t-w ' housewife, particularly every mother, Bl IX CJSSjT " 4y should have. It contains neatly a 1 1 ''"sUpti&S- hundred letted, economical recipei I - - beidea a wealth ol authoritative lacti HI ii' about cheese. It sueculs ways to I menu ol children and grown tips , ,. . , , without sacrificing essential nourish- HI Kraft Ch;e always bears th- ment. p is indexed, illustrated in B Kralt trade mark on the tinfoil. color and free. Fill out and mail tfin.Mv inntl An tffiniT il h.lnr. I I BBTr I ........ coupon otiow. n n yor buy, even though you have j,. aecre M Al ft !ILiwmS,!wITiTot' MacLaren Cheese Co. Limited, Montreal ' yJB&SinmKmmmmSB Send me Free Recipe Book. Name Address 1 - . m . .; t RAILWAY TO GROUND HOG COUNTRY FROM STEWART IS PLANNED VANCOl VKK, Feb. IK. Tbiil an cirnrt is beinn' made In finance in New York operalioli of, a railway in the Porllatul Canal, mineral zone possibly to Hie' (iroiindliog' real fieb al ll'iei headwaters of the .aas Ilicr is imlicaled by a Idler received! by Ibe II.C. Chamber of Mines in! Vancouver. 'The Weslingbouse! .Manuracluriiig V Kleelrie Co. of New York writes lhal i-erlain in-' leresls have this object 'in view. and iiifnrmalion regarding: Hie. present activity of Ibe dislricl is1 usked. j CONSERVATIVES WILL APPEAL UNSEATING OF J. A. CATHERWOOD been received fi'om ' Vaifciiuvi'r! YA.N'COL VKK, 1'eb. IS. Ibe auxiliary srhnuner ira'yspnrllCnnservalive committee has An. , which Is slippnscil lo have foundered in .Mil ha ok Sound with all bauds on hoard on the niyhl of .laniiary 25, was hi command i ,.r '...,) Il II.. i.. . . i m i i mi i ipii, jiti mi -i -ij j laiiii'i master of one of Ibe .Nnrlb Van enuver ferries. 'The Indians of Hazcllon will 'The de cided In appeal Justice l. A. Mo-lioiiald'.s judgmeiil vnidiii' Hin cleclion of .1. A. Calberwnoil lo rcprcM'iil llcwdney in Ibe Legis- WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. ISLAM). IM.A.MI. Pill on a play on Trfday evcniiiL'.l llainiii:,', Tebruary 2d in Ibcir hall a 1 1 nlt; baromelcr. .1(1.15; (eniper- llazellnn. The cbiefleallies will "luri', J; sea smnolli. be old lime ' native ' dances and1 "P1-1' HAHIIOIL - -Ovej casl, ongs. old lime plays and sleigh' calm; haroineler 3d. 13; lempei-r hand performances; old time alnre. In; sea s -lb; (5 p.m. . . . . I... i.' I... .!,:.. i I. ..I cusliuns such as Ibe making tirispoKe ius raciiic .hoihihii aui-aui way Ibis fire vviis.l "u Island soulliliouiui; (i..iii rur future use, iulP-"1- spnke I us? Cae Scolt. abeam and oilier old tim..l. Sanson Hay. bound for Prince if ItlliH'il; i..'IU I'. in. spoke sleainer Prince lluperl nlr Poinlers llock iiorlhlinuud. iMoon DliillY ISI.AMi. Cloudy, calm; baroineler, 3U.IIK; leniper-ii I U re, 13; sea sliioofh. HULL HAHIIOIL - Overcast, light southeast wind: baroineler. .1(1.05: lenincralure, 12; sea smooth; 8.30 a.m. spoke sleainer Cardeua at Hclla Bella miiiIIi bouml. Ailver'ise in the Daily .News. TOO LAT TO CLASSIFY - POSITION WANTED ! MAN AM) Wll'lv o cook in camp or run boarding bouse for siiiumcr. Kxperieiiet'tl. P.O. llov I('i05. Prince Huiierl, H.C. id IIOOM TO HKXT in conirorlablcl home. Hreakrasl if desired. Aiply 330 Tourlb Avenue Kasl.j If I'll. USE STMONDS SAWS Their teeth are of a toughness which makes them hold their keen cutting edge under every usage. ,. SIMON DJ CANADA SAW CO. LIMITED VANOOUVRS MONTREAL ST. JOHN. N.I. I!! IcANADIANj PACiriC WINTER Steamship Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Mill fruiii rrlnie lliii-rl FOR, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, 'iiilei'inciilalu puints i-adl t'liiluy tl.UU UJll. For STEWART aint ANVOX Wiilm-ailay, 11.110 p.ui. THE S.S. "PRINCE JOHN" leaves PRINCE RUPERT fortnightly for VANCOUVER, via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, S.00 put. fur ITIme Ururge, EOMONTON. - WINNIPEG, all iiuiiit.i Lastirn Canada, Lultrd Stales. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket Office, 528 Third As, Prince Rupert. Phons 260. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway February 23. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle- February 27. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Fails, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines Full in formal ion from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings troin T'rlnce R'jpnrt. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanson Bay, and Alsrl Bay, Tuesday, B P-ra. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bsy, and Swanson Bay, Saturday, 10 KM. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, 8TEWART, Sunday, S P.M. For ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naas Rlvsr Canneries, Friday A.M. 123 2nd Asnue. l -i tasan i i i jr., mm T 4. Barnsiey, ngsni. rrincs nuptri, m.a. QKVhPV Washer and Dryer lias im Wringer, needs ntinc. Won Hold Metlal al last (Jiiclic'c Kxhibiliuii over nil Anicricaii ami Canadian Machines. Cash Price $185.00; also sold on lerins. Kaien Hardware Co. LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED lo building tcxl iloor lo Krizzell Hiilchcr J5hop, acro.s frnni llic litnpress Hotel Wo carrv a lull line oT CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelli Proprietor RAW FURS If you waul to be paid liighcsl possible CASH prices' for your HAW Kl'RS, forward llicni lo R. S. ROBINSON & SONS, LTD. Branch Receiving Office: -1225-6 Standard Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. ' Head Office: 1LS.1L Hldg... 1i-5l Louise SI., Wiuiiipcg; Man. Incorporated .020. I aft. mi i m mi hi i H rA m