I PAGE two THE DAtT.?,. HEWS . The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Dailv New., Limited, Third Avenue. ' 11. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Cily Delivery, by mail nr carrier, per month $1.00 By mail in all parts of the British Empire and the United Slate."!, in advance, per year . . 4. ... $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.-50 Transient Display Advertising. ... .$1.40 per Inch per insertion Transietit Advertising on Front Page... $2.80 per' inch Local Readers, per insertion... 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion . 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion Joe per agale line Contract Rates on Application. All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before i p.un oh day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDJTTON 98 86 Tuesday. May 5, ll)2.". Two Party System May Return. The special correspondent at Ottawa of two well known British Columbia newspaper ay "The budget vole is taken as indicating clearer than-any development since the lal election, liat Canada is going back (o the two-party system with I lie Liberal parly 'constantly gaining strength." If the Progressives break up, as seenis just noV possible, ihe Liberals will undoubtedly make gains, for the Progressive are very close to the Liberals in matters of, policy. Should the Progressives not be in the field at the next election it seems probable' (hat, many or Ihe constituencies they at present repre sent will go over to the Liberals while others will go Conserva tive. All mat would be needed would be n dozen supporters to pill the- present government back in power for another term, unless the rest of the country reverses its former vote and tin lis Conservative, which seems hardly likely just now. Prince Rupert's interest in the next election will lie in Hie completion of the work now being carried oir by the Dominion here. It is lb be hoped that there will be no election for a year and by that time the elevator should be in operation.. Compliment Churches On Their Success. '1 he. churches of the city are to be complimented on their successful nosing money for thejr respective schemes. With oui singling out either for special mention it mav be said Dial it is one or the signs of advancing civilization when people' laki! an iuterestiii tlieir churches arid are willing lo spend money on f hem. Wft.are past Ihe stage now where we can expect' Ihe people of England r Eastern Canada to finance undertakings of mai kind, rrom this time on most of the church schemes will have lo be paid for right here. . Ihe appearance of Ihe cily has been very much improved iy me cnurcli liiiildiugs and when the work now contemplated is finished the improvement will be even more marked. No one (hen will lie able lo say that one congregation is worshipping in a mission hall, another in a half finished building and a third in one thai has. been allowed (o go into decay. Other Buildings - , Might Be Renovated. Older buildings in Ihe cily would stand u little renovating. Some ol them have not a very bright appearance and all that is needed is a coal of. paint lo make lhem'Io"k wejl and the cily. look modern. Little lliiugs like lljis count so much; especially in Ihe eyes of visitors of whom we niYiy expert many this summer. butch Settlers For Queen Charlottes. The arrival of Ihe first contingent of Dutch settlers for Queen Cliarlotle Islands is an important event. More are on the way hero and will be found locations. The man w-ln is con-dueling them. Dave Ruttaii, know to many here, js living on Ihe islands and making good, lie knows the conditions and doubtless has explained them clearly to the people- who are ' ' ' ' coming. . --. '. What is needed 'tit the Islands jiist now is. sufficient' population to insure to the tllei gti'od, . tivinspiiiUaliiHi (fadliliek. Once Ibey have regular aiid 'fiWptfnt to make good. ' Residents Are Best Immigration Agents. Tluise who live in Ihe country make the best immigration ngenls. They know the conditions and can faithfully inform others nbotit them. Take the Hulkley Valley ns nu example. If Ihe farmers and others there, have? bulb in llieir district they can easily induce olhers to come among them and the larger Hie population and Die more thickly they are settled, the betler r.... i !i ... . "Now Feeling Fine and Able to do my own work" Mn. Walter Grieve, Co Hill, Ont, vrritet: "1 was in luch a ;akened, run-down condition that I could not take care of my household duties. 1 wa unable to sleep at night, and the doctor told me I was anaemic. I commenced a treatment af Dr. Chaie' Nerve Food and to-day I am feeling fine and able to do all my own work. "My little prl had ec zema, and different remedies took no effect whatever. We got a boi of Dr. Chase's Ointment and that one box relieved her." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food AO rta. a box of 60 plUa, Kdmnon, llftten & Co., jAd., Toronto MOTOR CRUISER FOR FORESTRY New Vessel Named "Lilian D" Taken Over Prom Builders This Week IS WELL CONSTRUCTED The motor cruiser for Ihe lt.ll Forest Service which has heou built by "Ihe Prince Itupcrl Dry (Dock ami Shipyard is now about completed. Afler she conies off the dry dock, where she now is for a final coal of (taint, Ihe ves sel will he taken over by Hie owners, this w'ek, The new cruiser, which ha been named "Lillian D." is (ill feet over :illl 12 feet .( inrlio wide with a dentil of nine feet. The ve-isel .displaces some thirty Ions on 1he load water line. The propelling power is a two cylin der I wo cycle 51-C0 U.p. Vickers Peller engine turning on a 12 inch 12 pitch Columbia type wheel nt a speed of 325 reolu lions ,per niinule. Suhslanlial Vi-inch sheet sjeel tanks of 70i1 gallon capacity give Ihe essel a eruisig radius oMwo thousand mile.- without replen. ishing and Ihe waler capoJ-Hy is in like ratio. m t Motor Details . 1 lie auxiliary set .-ousisl of a 2 h.p. Pelter engine driving a iieneral Kleelrir general or ami a Curtis air compressor. In addi tion to this, a belt drien genera lor on the main engine provides Ihe necessary "juice" for ordin ary purposes and the air starting bottles are normally charged from- the main engine. Storage batteries an- of Ihe Kxide type. I wo methods are provided for starling Ihe engine electric or rapid starting lamps and the cir-.iilaliiisr and bilge pumps are so arranged as to ptinip waler either from the sea or the hilge and discharge overboard" or to Hie deck. A deck pump is also pro vided as a further precaution in case or ln-eakdowh or when the main engine in slopped. This may also draw water from the sea or bilge and. like the power pumps, Is arranged for deck washing. Ihe engine may he controlled fiuier irom me engine rjioni n- iiie piioi noose ami answering telegraphs and speakin lubes are also inninlled. Healing of Ihe boat is accom plished by Jiol water, a small water Jacket healer beirtg located in the crew's (juarlers fired by a Therm" coal oil burner, and radiators throughout. Interior Appointments I'he galley is compact and full of cupboards and drawers. An ice box is used for Ihe storage of, pcri-hajde commodities on long cruises. The slove is a regular house range wilh water front filled with ".Norway" coal oil. burner. Should Ihe burners go mil of operation at any timo nrj require repair, coal grate are provided both for the range and hoi waler healer. Hot and cold waler is available at Ihe galley sink, in dtie two toilets and in (he deck Cabin for washing pur pose. . j There; - is sleeping accoinninda-! IjolV 'filial wlye .ineii, i There lire two 'berth in the deck -cabin, six in the crews' quarters and four in-nines mr marKetiug and education and social hfe they will nsed as an olllce, by Ihe forest receive. The main thing for nny community is for the individ- ranger, is equipped with pood ions io icaiii io work together and have faith in their commiinity.",romnindalioii for files, blue prints, maps, elc with desk room and drafting apparatus. Two dinghies are carried on Engine Peller A Vickers, Ward F.leclric On., local agents. I'pholslery (Jeorgft I). Tile & Co. Tnnks Hafrhfrtrd A Shenlon. HI nek (J. O. Howe. Kleclric fillings and Inslalla-I ton Parkin & Htuarl. 'mechanical sUjfcxintenilent for ' dPpartmcnCjVC lands and he stales that tliemalorials, work-nianship nd fiiflsli are all thai could be desired while Die plan of T. Ilalli.lay, naval architect of Vancouver, have, hee.u slrielly adhered " to. No Better Anywhere The launch 'i. equal to any and better than many built where a wbler range of choice in the selection of labor and material' is available and is a credit lo Prince ifupert in general and J. II. Pillsbpry, manager of the dry dock, his stair and others particularly. , ','' The crew assigned lo the "Lillian D." are Forest Manser Boh (iritlen. Capl. Mill Penney and (look .liimriv .Moir. The Man in the Moon f WS:- ll'a poet had lo pay income tax he'd never wan I lo write any poetry. IN wear: i some villajfeV Die in; rs while piiTifs to leu considered quite oil I re. - in who nnis is I IM) not Jtiijw- what outre means hut il t what some pen pie are. If you want further iuformalioit 'apply lo a cross wont fan. THIS is the lline of year when some of Ihe young people begin lo look In the .windows of I !m fu mi In re shops'. LI'ITLK Sweej sweet Whom etery 4ilay I meet YVanl- another kind, a suile Thai will male her room com plete. ' ."' i CWADIA.MSM i. being able lo hum "( Canada" "out or lime. .JOSEPH Archambaiill in Hie House of . Commons the oiler day said Free trade was a pio.is dream ahd high prtdeclioii was a fit of hunger. WOMEN ouglrl lo lie happier Jhan men because I hoy have only one pocket in which lo lose Ihings. ' I TS oh, Jo In; n woman . And wear only one pocke; Id ppt my worldly goods all I here. Then take a key and lock il. DKFOHK marriage he shov his love by buying her flowers and chocolates and afler marriage he eals her cooking. IF you wish o be a reformer. try il. out on yourself and tin n null. WE have something In be thankful for. k- The local shieks have not adopted - lwll-boo:n panls, garlerless socks, or side burns. n - WHEN some of the old timers lell how 'much heller boys were in his lime than Ibey are today. ak him why he degenerated so. 1en Yeats j Ago j in rnniia Rupert in Hie main saloon. The uphnt- l,a' B 1915 I slei-y is in khaki duck wilh wash-l Mi double; weekly steamer aide slip covers of the same' "ervice between here and Van malerial. Ample locker accom-l cnuver will be started by Ihe modalion is provided Ihronphout! sleanier Prince ..lieorpe ..rind Ihe lioal for crew's nersonal be. lonjriiiffs, stores, elc. i'he deck cabin, Which will hi Prince llupert this week and will continue till the end of the nionlh when (here will be three boa Is a week. ' ..il ,i Oil burning locomotives are beinp put in use on this division of ihe YJ.T.P. The first of this slylo of locomotive bronchi in the lioal. One is nine feel andilst nitflil's I rain.' the other twelve feel lonpr, the larger beinp equipped with a 3 H.P. "Kilo" inboard engine. Local Supply Firms Various local firms have been interested in Ihe fabrication the "Lillian I)." The schooner Horealls arrived yeslenhiy from the halilmt banks wilh JJG.noo pound Tor Ihe .Ml in Fisheries. The Kryra, an Ameri- of.can lioal. bidiight in 10.000 pounds for Ihe Cold Hlorage. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREMI COURT OP BRITISH , .. COLUMBIA In Ihe Mailer nr lh- Ailnilnlntralloil Art; mid In tlio Miitlpr or th KxlillP or John John-TAhl. MITICi:. thai iy order or Ills .......... , , ...., i-Mifcr( II m III iiih Jill uJ .'ri.p.rn: A'11, . ,Ba' - wh npimltiliMl All i " " TIIHIP ll -"Mill olll 4 , , . ... . . Anchors, elc. (J. . Mcker- l"-ad, and all tirlis Imviii- son ,(. . , ; Kniiii nie Mini estnte nre wrmiy l'ainling and decnrallng- -.las. Keys,, t Supervision of cnnslrnclion, etc., has been in Ihe hands of .1 allies 11. Ulakc,- A. M. U, I. (J., r eii to it,., on r H.r,irP t)i Ktti any or my, -A.li. ts, unit all prtln Ind-lnert iV..T. .''r "-'niirrrt in imy tn niwint or their linl litlii-KS io in- forth-with. ' NOFIMAN A. WATT. orrinai Actinliilntrntot-, ia..H .... I'rlmiH linjiert, H. C .i Dated the 8th day of April. !. Now WHY KING ALFRED BURNEDTHE CAKES Historians attach great on-porlitnce lo Itie fact Ilia! King Alfred allowed the cakes lo burn Dial the gooil-wiP' Maude had lidd him to took afler. Ilul lo hake cakes properly in King Alfreds lime was a difficult ijisk. There were no modern ovens. Ilul modern industry has improved baking melhods. Today the up-to-dalc hake oen is healed by eleclricily. Such ovens are clean ami sanitary. You can see them In operation at the Electric! Wimlnw Hakeries maRers of; Electric Ilro.ul. 100 i NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, i R.f.B.C. 1806, CHAPTER 116. I THOMAS TnoTIKlL Tif Hip Cllv of! Prlni-p HiiixtI. In I lip Pnavini-p nf HrltUh Coliiinhln. IIKUI.IIV ;VIS MiTIi : tliat hr tut nmlpf Si-rtlini 7 ir thp Nild API rip- iinlti-i i Hip MlhMlpr nf I'IiIiIIp Workrn HI oilRwa, nml In tliP urrii'i' nf IIh ll' ' Irlrt llpyUlrar nr Hip l.aml lpltrv I1 : Irlrl or ITIiipp ltiiKrl, at I'rlnrp lliiipt-t. i P.l .. a (tp.prlpilin ir Dip Op and ilw i f a wh.irr and pipr pfiipii.pd to . injill In thp Crlni-p lliiiprl llarlxir. C'lnep Kiiliprl, n.C. nn all ibusp tirllm or waiprrmnt blmk 0. plan 03. s-cilin 1. Criiipp liniwrl. ITovliipp r lirltlnh o.lnm-lila. of tlw arixirtpniirit rnrplinri- anil I hp walpr lot In rronl UiPrPor. 'imtalnliir In all an arpa or I P 9 - moth arrp.. nion- or ip: SXU TAKK .NOTICE thai artpr Hip p. plratloii or OIK- iiiuiitli froni Hip ilip tit Hip rirl inilillrallim of thin NnttPi: Thoinn. Trotipf will nnilPf prlon 7 nr Hip !! r apjily 10 Hip MlnMlPi- rr Pnlillr Work at hln.orflpp In Hip Cltv or otiawa. rnr aopNival lit Hip Bll Hp niul plnn mifl rnr Iphp to Ponlnirt Hip slrt ttharf mwl pp. IiatPrt at t'rlnpp rtupprt. (i.e.. ihii. Dili day or April. tjr. tiiomvh TIlOTirn, Iiy William. Maiixin a ii.nx.ili'. hi Holli'ltnr. you can buy iff A real whole wheat cracker not madfe of coarse, indigestible flour, but made (ft perfect whole grains of wheat cooked in steam, shredded and baked in electric ovens. If you like. Shredded Whelf . Biscuit you will like TRIJSGUIT. It is a crisp and tasty delight for any meal so nourishing, strengthening, and so easy to serve. TRISCUIT is ready-cooked, but it tuaita ucuci wiicil toasted in an oven nrul .cp.rvfri WU hot with butter. At all first-class grocers. Tlif Canadian Khrrddrd Whrat Ciimpa-y, Ltd. Kltiin r.ll., O.i.rU Tr i scu The Shredded Wheat Cracker Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineer, Machinists, Boilermakers, BlAcktmithvi"! makers, Foundirs, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant if) equipped to handle, nl! kmnV. of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3SF RAW FURS If you want to bo paid highest possible i-n '' p for your HAW I'l'ltH, rorwanl them lo R- S. ROBINSON A SONS, LTD. Branch Receiving Office !1 225-6 Standard Bankjictg, Vancouver, B.C. Kood Orrict-: ll.S.Il. HhlR., a-r.I Louise h r Man. Ksi. iRsa. (1 BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1925. Has produced Minerals ns follows: Placer fiohl, 70,nSo:i; " r.'l. or.r. Milin nn r.to nr.r. . i ,.n,i tr.a iwimi. p..i.i.r 1 70 0 Hl.fiOS ; 'A i. sii;i. ' ' i ............. ' , 'rw,,..,,,,,,,,, , J4VIIII, 'W'J.'''l JW..v., ( if(ff t)()(,7rin; MlHcollaneoiis Minerals, l,40Kf2&7; fimil ftml Coke, 2r0,onK.I , )( Stone, Brick, Cement, etc., $.'10,4 1 n,2:M; making ils Mineral Production lo "ic 102.1 show an Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 The Mining LnwH of this Province are more liberal and llrafee.4 lower llm" l""11 nny other Province in the Dominion, or uny colony in Ihe. Hrjllh Kmpife Mineral locations nrc grnnlcd lo discoverers for norn innl fees., ,( Absoltilo Tillea nrc obtained by developing such pioperlies, the security oT wl11' ( gunranlced by Crown Grants. . . hy Full Information together wilh Mining UejicrtN nnl Maps, may U obl'ii"0'1 addressing- mi'nES THE: HON. THE MINISTER OF Victoria, British Columbia.