3 PAGE FOOT Tirr nviT.Y rnrwa T'!"i;.v Mti IS EDMONTON ON BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM anus 7. ItsN'T IT TOO rsr VfELLVVHM HEUUO -lTH HiatPftfTT WESTERN ROUTE THACT IT 13 RMNiNt? THE. r-VACTTeR MOThuV CO vEUU TM3 n,2s THEY CAv'T Ot OOT m I V WTH TOO? OVEL TWO RmsS1 i r n Journal Discusses it Without ALL THE. OvRCAvlNS f THERE SQ rOCKirs' Reference to Prince Rupert . S 'I 1 1 euRO A OEtfo TO I ' I MORE SHIPMENTS OOT WD In the course of hi evidence before Ihe railway committal", Sir Henry Thornton stated that the revenue on Rrnln In the head of tho lakes had declined by $3, 213.0011, lmt flint this wan offset In pari ly an increase nf, III 7,000 on thai mm shipments through Vancouver, says Hie Kd- loon&oii Jourmll. . it must of course lie kept in mind Hint lie wa speaking of the, twelve months endinpr on January 1, not of the present crop year during which Ibe li'jpnien'ls by way of Vancouver have been somewhat less than in Hint of t;':i-2i. The lalesti iiiiialP available is that hy Hie end of August about i.r), 01111,0(10 bushels will havo lieen routed jiy Ilial poll and Ihe canal as compared willi itpproximalely .,)0,000.000 in Hie previous year. This is due for Ihe most pari In the fact that (here was a much .smaller crop in Alberta. The C.N.It. president expressed his failh in Ihe western route more cniphalically lhan he has ever done before. All wheal erown west of a certain point he declared .should go hy way of Ihe Pacific. This led Sir Henry lraylon, who, as former chairman of (he railway rnni,mission, speaks with much auHiorily in the mailer, lo slain his belief lhal all traffic nriginnling west or Maple Creek which is fnrly-fivc miles east of Ihe Alherla border, should go in that direction. Dalrymple . When Vice-presideni Dalrymple of Hie C.N. II. came before Ihe cnmmillee he added n valuable bit of testimony in favor of Ihe development of Ihe western millet, lie thought there would be fewer emply cars hauled from Vancouver .east than from Foil William west, especially if I lie, ll.C. lumber business should ex pand. A Saskatchewan member inlerjecled thai he was ipiile convinced lhal Ihe Pacific port was Ihr; nalural one for "all ihe Alherla erop and about a quar ter nf .Saskatchewan's," If (his nropnrlinn of the Saskatchewan crop were snipped west, more territory than lhal east of Hie line of Maple Creek will have In be laken in. Willi a good crop this season and with the. large Expansion thai .has been, made jn Ihe fa-cililieWfor Miipplhg ft west, Ihe Pacific-Panama route should have by all odds Ihe best year in its history. Willi (he growth of Ihe traffic over il. incoming as well as outgoing, the lime ciinnbt be fnr distant when more elpiitahle railway rales will increase ils advantages In IJiis province. Thnusli not, as much has been said or written about it in recent inVinlhs as previously, this is pot because Ihe people of A Uteri a are less mindful than they were of what il means lo Ibein. TAXATION PENALTIES ' REDUCED BY COUNCIL 1925 Rate Bylaw was Considered i by City Council Last Night l Only One Five Per ' Cent Penalty The l'.2.r tax rale bylaw pol ling me levy for the year at in mills (!0 general, II schools nnd lit special) was put through ils firiif readings at last night's mecling of Ihe cily council. the only change made to the original bylaw was In conned ion with Ihe penally clauses. II was decided lo impose only, one penally of five per cent. This will -be applied in event of failure In Py taxes by August . It. re places the first penally clause, which sel a ten per cent penally hn August t, and an additional pennlly of five per eenl on Nov ember I. The change was jnad ntr moHnn of AM. Stephens anil AM. AleMordio. II was opposed; by AM, Casey on the ground that ijinight have a delerimenlal elTeci oft collection of taxes. Those voting in favor nf the change, were AM, Stephens, Aid. jllcMnrdie, AM. Rmilh and Aid. j'eriy. Those voting ngninsl were Ah), flakey, A)d. McKechnie. and AM. i-nnsen. Aid. Ilrown did not vole arid the mayor declared Ihe amendment' carried. trv DISTRICT ENGINEER MAKING TRIP INTO GOLD FIELD COUNTRY Will Explore Trail Route Gold Field Country Into On his way lo Ihe C.assiar on depart menial duties, J. A. Slephen, assistant district engineer in Allin constituency for the provincial department .of public works, arrived in the cily mi Ihe Cardena this morning. He will sail for I Ik north on the Princess' Mary on Friday ami, judging from the. amount of baggage and cmiipmcnl he lias with him, is making preparation for an extended trip. One of the duties thai Mr. Stephen fias assigned lo him. this year is the intfslitgalhin f possibilities nf a trail or road between Telegraph Creek and Slewarl which! Slewarl people claim would be the most convenient means of entry lo the Cassiar gold fields. Or. Whnlcn and II. Ilobill of Viiynx arrived with Mr. Stephen and will make Ihe trip mirth with him. SHOULD GO EASY ON LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS City Council Receives Letter from R. Balrd, Inspector of Municipalities n a leller in Ihe city council last nighl, II. Haird, inspector of municipalities, urged thai, Prince Hiipej l local - improvement debenture flotations be kept as low as possible. Mr. Haird pointed out that Die city's, bonded in debtedness was alreadv cousider- ihlc and the increase in popula tion hail not bceji as great as might have' been expected. II was advisable In keep local improve ment work down as much as possible for the city always had lo pay a considerable portion and vacant lots also had to b con sidered. The letter, which was in connection with a recent consolidation local improvement is sue which was found to be in order, was received and filed. The council finally adopted the onsolidalion bylaw referred to. Advertise In Uip pnllv New Ship is Yours CANADIAN SERVICES one: - rl Cunt Room ngku fcurvrd DOES EVERY MEAL CAUSE YOU DISTRESS? IF IT DOES YOU SHOULD TAKE BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Mr. M. P. Kldrlil Denver Harbor, wrllP:-"! vsi tronLled Willi my -tiiiiarli for some time, .and evrrytliinr I ate oeemetl in distress hie. I tried nmny dirrerenl imrtlrlneii, hut wIllM.ut any result. Finally I advlM-d to try M.lt.lt.. and afler liavliiK Uiken M-veral Ixilllea I ua cuinxilt'tPly relievwj of my tioutjr. I ran nnw cat anjlhlnic I wl.h, thanks lo It.B.B." Rurdorlc IlintHt (niters pnu the utomarh Into wrfprt shape liy pninitlnr jirnjier ilireUnn; and during- Hie iat 46 yearn i it In lien on the market hai mad a ... ,,iiiiiiuii, r-i-yiiu w liuilf, lur rrlieir ail (loinai'h troiiblex. I'M up cziy li? Tim T. Limited, Toronto, tint Millnirn Co. TAXI INTERESTS ARE JOINING FORCES TO IMPROVE SERVICE The progress of the cily h again reflected in the amalgamation of three business Interests, viz.: Jim Sturgeon, Hert Dodd and C. V. Syrnes, known as ihe Prince Huperl Transfer A Taxi Company. with head office on Third Avenue in I lie store formerly occupied by Harry Alkins. This company will in future handle all Ihe dry kilned firewood from Ihe Prince lluperl Spruce Mills Ltd., Seal Snve, mid in addition will furnish an up-to-date transfer and laxi seivice consist ing of two motor trucks and two Ford Sedan cars. Jim Sturgeon will be responsible for Ihe transfer end of the business, Hert Oodd will look after the firewood and Inmlier sales, while ('.. V. Symes will be in charge of Ihe taxi branch as heretofore. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU BUSIER THAN USUAL Yesterday was Ihe best day the local employment bureau hud this season. Orders came in for thirty section mdi ami twenty to A-ork in the dry dork as well as a good many casual .demand you cross to Europe via the Anchor-Donaldson WHEN or Cunard Canadian Route, you make the trip under really ideal conditions. The steamers are all one-cabin class boats. From the moment you step on board, the entire ship is yours. All the luxurious equipment is at your disposal. You have the freedom of the palatial jounces, magnificent drawing rooms, delightful salons, library, writing rooms, wide promenade decks and the attention of courteous, well-trained stewards. The children's room increases the pleasure for travellers with children. The luxuries, conveniences, and the pleasant home-like atmosphere that' have made the Anchor-Donaldson Service and Cunard Canadian Service so justly fameus, are yours to enjay for' the voyage and in addition you experience the interest and educational value of the scenically beautiful trip down the historic St. Lawrence to the. sea. For literature and detailed Information apply to your locat steamship agent, or write to THE CUNARD STEAM SHIP CO., LIMITED (,22 HASTINGS STKtKT, W VANCOUVIR ANCHORDONAIDSON CUNARD fur men fur odd Jobs. Camiers are beginning lo take a few men. Some of the men who had been slaying around hopinig for mills or logging outfits to open up have moved a Way hut there are always it few men moving in. SHOWER HELD Articles are Presented for Child ren's Stall at Forthcoming Ridley Home Bazaar shower for the children's stall at the forthcoming llidley Home bazaar, which tall will be in cbarge of the ladies of St. Peter's Church, was held yester day afternoon at the home of . Hills, ill Fourth Avenue I. Tea was erved and a large number of at tractive artic les were received. Mrs. ioo,.l. Mrs. Whatman, sr., and Mrs. K. i'. Phillips were in charge. NEW HAZELTON With Ihe transfer of telegraphic business from Ihe old Yukon line nnrlh of here to F.d- niouloii for. ."wireless transmission, odd number cabins are be ing closed down. Four of the operators S;cTHy Ogilvie, Have Hcperdcn, I'eftiiy (ireen and II. I ..inner ar now on Ihejr way mil. Hospital. I My, May '., will be fittingly celebrulcdihcre. Hi.y, T. .1. Marh is coming from Ternice am) will, -laku, the Sunday church service us well as deliver Hie graduation address on Tuesday. There will b. a reception in the hospital and tbu program of the day will include a baby show, ball game and demonstration by (he C.O.I.T. Contributing to the program at lie graduation exer cises in Ihe evening will be Mrs. i. W. Dungale, Mrs. A. K. Falconer, Mrs. II. A. Harris, Mrs. II. fl. Large, .Mm. A: I. Chappcll, Mrs. Hubert I'omlinson, Mrs. M. 1.. Mackay, Miss Smith, Arthur Kerr, A, A. Coiun and Or. II. O. J.arge. The graduates from the .lazellon Hospital (raining school Ibis year Hi" -Miss Hickman and Mis Ford. Itev. W. M. Lees and family of Siuilhers; Ilev. Y. II. SanMim and family of Kisplox, Mrs, .1. II, inung if Terrace ami itV C. Pound of HucJI.'jii will'Jeavn (hi week ,,fuv icloi-ja' t 4tj (itui ho Methodist Cliureh poniereiieW Tbey will go by way of Prince lluperl on Thursday. .lames Smith, formerly of the Yukon Telegraph line, relumed lo town last week after spending a year in the Obi Country. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Ilalph J. Tnllen, Washington O.C.; Arthur Martin. .1. II. John son, II. S. Illllon and A. C Knight, Vancouver; A. Smith, Vanderlioof; Mrs. James Adams ami It. (lihson, Port l'ssinglon ; W. 11. I.aruier ami l. Oreen. lla7.elton; Mr. and Mrs. David flu 1 1 on, en Lamijifer, P. Yung, Coumaberg, .1. Hissdiop ami It. Iltjml.'i, Holland; Forbes I) Kydd, Olasgnw; (J. W, Smilh, 'A-iiioulon; Mr. and Mrs. .1. Oilison (ieorgelown ; .1. Kerr, Victoria II. llramley, Nanaimo. , Central Mrs. Winkler, Prince Oenrge F. f 'itcif an. T. Henderson am Hob Miller. C.N. 11.; Dan McDnn- aid and ('. Campbell. IMmnnlnn. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES High Low . Tu9dy, May 6. 1 1 '.'AO a.m. 2.1:J9 p.m. fij.15 a.m. 17:30 p.m. l.o fl 19.7 " n.9 " 0.3 " Wanted For Sale For. Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement tiken for lest than 50c WANTKB SI'AI.F.D lembtrs will be received by the Olllcer Commanding. M.C.P. Police, Prince lluperl, H.C, for the purchase of Ihe launch "Adanac," (length 10 feel). I'jivelope.s lo Jie mark ed "tende'r." Highest or any lender not necessarily acccpl-ed. Tenders wilt be opened May 9, lit SB, at noon. WANTKO. Cash bargain, good cooking range with hot water fittings Phone lllack 413. (107 COOK Wanted, man or woman. Apply personally at Hotel Centra). OK WANTF.D. House or garden work. Phone lied UH. Ill FOR SALE Street 108 OH SAI.F. at Terrace, ll.fi. Ten acres of land right in town opposite the school and right up lo Ihe railway track. A good location for a cold storage or a wbolesale house as Terraco Is Die natural filling out place for l.akelse Lake. Don't overlook Ibis lot. Price $700.00. A. fi. Little, Prince lluperl. II.C. 108 FOIl SALF,. Sped boat 10 feel long by 7 fool beam. 0 h.p. I.nwe-Vlclor engine, speed 1 1 knots. Hull .'I ply diagonal. Price 25iu. Apply P.O. Dot li'.'.M, Prince lluperl II.C. 107 SACniFKJK SAIJ Secure our pamphlet on our Sacrifice Sale for I wo weeks. Furniture of every description must be sold lo make room for our new stock. Prince lluperl p.xchnngc. FOH SALK. Attractive modern furnished five room bungalow. Large basement; good piano. Kverylhing ready to step into. .1,000.0il. Apply lit Kighth Avenue Fast. FOIl SAI.F. Hole! with restaur ant anil pool hall in connection. Cheap rent and good lease. Apply or write A. K. Henderson, Hum Lake, H.O, FOIt SAI.F.. Pleasure. boal"Hcbo" C. L. l eindel. : :Cnbl. : Storage JlliwiU22l'. If FOIl SALF., Large modern houe. Phone lllack 515. TO RENT HOUHK lo Hent. Three apart ments. Corner Huron and Tenth. Phone (178. 100 FOIl hf.nt:- six rooms. - Furnished bouse, Phone ll'.O. FOIl HUNT. Clapp apartment W'est en haver Urns. If BOARD HOARD and lloom, or board only i:i Fifth Avenue Fast. Phono Red 707. HOARD. The: .Second Avenue. LOST Inlander, :jg Phono 137. LOST. Wednesday afternoon purse containing Posf Oflici key, bus Mckels mol coins Finder return lo Inlander. Re ward, FURNITURE HOSPITAL And fleneral Ilepair Shop, He pairs of all kinds promptly attended to. Window druperics made to order. Carpet laying Funiilure, crating. TOM BALLINQER Phone 81. Rear Sherman's Market, Fulton - -tai BOATS AND LAUNCHES PIUCKS OF HASTJIOPF 4-CYCLli He Marine Kngines --i-H.P. without clutch $185.00 l-H.P. I cylinder MD 200.00 C-II.P. I cylinder 111) 450.00 8-11. P. I cylinder IID 750.00 -8-11. P. 2 cylinder MD 150.00 t (5-11. P. I cylinder LI) 175.00 All' the above except the first include Hie Fatuous Joes lte-versc Ocar, and full elec.lrical ami propeller equipment. The best thai money can buy. v Fast hope Hros., 1747 Oeorgla St. V. Vancouver. Il.fi. Always at your service, SHEDDON TAXI 134 Anywhere at Anytime. Five pas senger Dodge Sedan Com fori and Courtesy. Hates: Site for I or 2 passengers, 25c for each additional passenger. PHONE 134 MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Oh Haby" at your ser vice day or night. Comfort SafetyCourtesy. If It's a water trip call Laurie Lambly. Phoii. s 570 or 131. TAXI 592 THK DEPF.NDA'HLR TAXI. Daj and Night service. Comforl and Courtesy is niy mollo. PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Stand: Richmond Rooms. TAXI Tail 67 Phon (Call George, Paul or (lust Prompt Service and Comfort Day or NIU Stand: 10SS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Acresn iroin Emnr to Hole, BEDDING OUT PLANTS. Plants lhal grow and repay you for your labor. .Mc(.arlli) s bedding out plants are speci ally acclimatised and can be relied upon lo produce Hie goods, Slore Phone - Red 18.1 Oree.nhousr Phone lllack 108 McCARTHY'8. COLUMBIA RECORDS NFAV process Columbia Records no scralching, Finest re productions of latest Fox Trots, Songs and Instrumental music by world famed artistn. Call In am) bear them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furul ure Store. We Buy, Sell and Ex change New and jtocondhann floods. GEO. PAHADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave, Phona CAMERON TRAN8FER Plmne 177 Bannape, Furniture Moving. If nu want anything sent for, jir delivered, phone us, P.O. Ilox (i'JD, KEITH'S CAFE. When In Stewart visit Keith's Cafe ill King IMward Hotel now re-modelled. ; Up-to-date Dining Room and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH - Manager. WOMEN'S EXCHANGE IF you have any plain pewinff or ancy work you wish In dispose of, wo wilt seH It for you. Articles In lid denartrnenl n'ol limited lo one (dollar. The : Dollar Stpro, Red 324. Article, Lost anj FIREWOOD. fiOlllf.H !,;.:, Dry block w o.l,.,,,, Fresh si-.- w .I'll'".. HtSM Hi A. ISAM suN j, NORTHERN TpIljsFElj Call for ItiiRsagi I vl " ' r imj I fin. I 1'J v,.-ki . i W. H. MONTGOMERY, ft KNITTED GOODS SWFATI'ns knileed t Phone It: i From the East :1 I . u MAIL SCHEDULE For the East- At.. .... . If., urday. . : si m .Mondays, - : ti r l'riday. rtui a H'' ro Vancouver Tuesdays- Mad closes at t: ' ' Saturdays Thursdayt Sunduys C.P.II. M;i ' si I ;rom Vnwusiv- sunaays Weilnesdays Fridays Saturday C.P.ll. M v ' . To Anyox, Alice VV'n,lll,i!l. From Anyox, Alice" Arm- Puesdays Tbursilay - s To 8tewart and Prsmi?!"- P 1 Saturdays , KlIllll.IVS From Stewart and Premltf- Tuesdiiyt To Port Simpson ana Points Thursdays From Port Simpson River Points Saturdays To Ataka Polntsr May 8, IH ami " From Alaska Point- .1 Y - ' A,.aan ThflP OtU May 9. From Queen Points May 7 and ' n. t. I'. 1,1 rit :" ,:t!i I Chartoi" BOX COLLECTION nnliiiii k Attm Af l.t A. l" etii av. t t",! , Sill AV- Th """ " ' lh ii SlK-rtn. I till AVP. ' ' ' sin k iu ' A ' ' ' ' I fttll k IM.v lh AVr. r....n " MM AV. j-ru. . l"'1-. a pro. ilU. Wi'rf o.T.r, wiwf IX- ,, it Vi Uv itr.v i. ird AVC ' i ..vt - ii -. i (IL, IN TNI "'Joi.uiHIBI- KW VII1UIM E ,".:! ,, t,rf rllini llll' in!) ""j Air m lie i .i.n in 1 fifth ilny ' ,N,y. "r.r' Lr"".7nV lliirr-.., u "tiM. ... - . . - . , ,nr rrinffimiP',;iB.c-April . offl off""