On Its Odd ft. Remington Portable permanent baseboard of this madiine makes it THE wonderfully convenient to use anywhere and under all conditions, at home or afield. You can operate it equally well before your cozy fireplace or on your lap while seated on a log in the woods. The Remington Portable is the most complete portable tif-utrter with Standard four-barile keyboard exactly like t!.. tug machines. ugnt.uuraDieari'i compart; in in -jje only four inches high. rtice, complete u ith case, $77.50 McRae Bros. Lid. US PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. FOR SALE Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd- &22 Beef, Wine and Iron 8 i reliable blood builder and itrcngth restorer. Most evcry-kdy needs a Spring tonic. We epeciaPv recommend this one in cues of anemia, colds or rundown condition. A reliable tonic, which gives the Wem renewed vitality, is one of the surest means of warding off coughs, colds and throat troubles OR MRS LTD I andlrcCjf imwfl Th Rexall Store. Phones 82 and 200. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST Helgcrson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Orriru Hours- (t in (i. X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings it LIIYWHIT CORN SYRUP the '"tlllmi. it furnlelir. 'tnl iMir5liic tlir body "ml Cltllilrni likp il! ANADA STARCH CO., LIMITED. MONTREAL Mrs. J. A. Wear will uol io- ei-ivc tomorrow, nor uuin until rait. Itcv. .1. Ilcnliiiaii of Anyox i a pasM-iitfer hound oulh for Vancouver on the Cardena today. Coiiiliiiialioit Service. Transfer or 'i.a.vi. I'lioue 303 for traiihfer and HI) for Taxi. We will do the icmI. Jirown k Casey. if Ami-mis up to May I lolnlliiiK l i,55'.l.l i were paused for payment hy Hie city council lus-t it iff 1st . Several payroll were Hurry lleywood, formerly manager of the Terminus mine, it u imsxener truing houl.li on the Cardena today from Stewart lo Vancouver. The .Methodist l.adiex" Aid have eharge oT I In- inispalluiieouft flail at the Itidley Hi llazaar on Thursday. Kindly m-ih! all donation lo Mrs. V. t. Cornish. Havo you read Albert & Mc Caffery's ad. Do it now. A new shipment of 700 tons of Nanal- mo-Welllngton coal Jusi arrived. Price Cut to $15.00 per ton. If Donations of home ooliiiig for the Ridley Home Itazaar will- lie reeeived al the Melrojiole Hall from III o'rdoek on -Thursday iimriiin. Mi-h. J. (i. Slc-en, coii-ryior. 107 A special meeliii; of the eily council will he lii-ld on Thursday afleriuiiin this week to take steps iii-eessary lo the Icjral eonstilu-lion of the recently apiioiiiled parks hoard. Special sale of Ladies' 'Hand-haus and purses. Patents, liro-i-ailes and all lealliar. 'Slippy -lyles. A friMid opportunity to w a smart hap at low eost at 'he I'lmersul Trad in? Co. tlnpl. II. S. llitlim, hamMIhiiI mitriiie Miiociii1nileJiL, for the l'..(i..M.M., arrived fmin , Yancou- v.-r on I lie Canadian W'iiuiw yes-tenlny. He is here ill nuiiiieotiou with the dot-kin? of Hint vessel. A i-eiiurl from 'the housing I'liinmilli-e reciiMiinciidilif.' thai Allieil Crags he permitted to leae lor aiiolher year the house liuill liv hill) under the Soldiers' Housing Act was adopted hy )he city council last niht. Yeslerday aflernooH Hie fire deparlnienl had two rails lo ex-liiiKUisli hrush fires. Out- was on Third Ave. near Hie IMoiM-erj Laundry juid Ihe oilier on Ninth Avenue near Lolhiniere Street. No damage was dtiin- in .eillier case. A reporl rwun .1. V. Kxley. eily hall janitor, on Ihe use of oil rof heal in? Ihe hall covering Die month of April was iresented lo the council last night. Coal per day. Ihe reporl said; would have cost Kfi.til) w'hereas oil was ousting .'I.Ci, the saving thus being per day. A letter from' Ihe seorelary of Ihe I'liiou of Canadian Municipalities notifying Hie eity thai' Thonias Trolier luiil applied lo the federal minister of ouhlie works for permission 1o huihl n wharf al Prince llupcrl and su-gesling thai, if Ihe city has any object inn, these should he ililr mediately Iraiisinil led lo Oltava was received at last nighl s council meet in? and filed. ( N NOUN CEMENTS I Itidley Home Sale. Thursdiiy. .May 7. Melropole Hall. Moo-f Pie-nie dune !IS. USB 2 ShoePohsh For your shoes It saves 'the leather and -Improves your personal appearance THE DAILY NEWS PAOK TRREF j Local and Personal H ere an d.TK ere The mineral, fih and land re-ourcri MILLBANK" U.C. Undertakers. of British Columbia will I'hone 41. 'It Carries again be extensively advertised at You'll like our jouII Consum Wembley this year at a cost of $18,-000 Its fable ers Cual Co. I'hone 7. tfi or $19,000, according to a state-raent by Premier Oliver. V f ft (rom all other laxative and relief for Defective Elimination Constipation Biliousness The action of Nature's Remedy (K? Tablets) is more natural and thorough. The effects will be a revela tion you vili feel to good. v11 vflfe Make the test You will appreciate this difference. Ummd For Over Thirty Yaare Chips off The Old Block tR JUNIORS Little fftt I The nmi rfl la one-third dotet, I caady-coatod. Por children end tdulie, I SOLD BY YOU DrtUCSIST arj OKMES LIMITED A. Maguire .of Alice Arm arrived in the city on the Cardena this morning and will spend a week visiting ill the city. (ieurtM' Hill is moving his shoo store lo the preiiiiM-n on Third Avenue iu which W. W. Wright was lo have started a paint shop. T. J. Shenloit, inspeclor of mines, returned on the Cardena this niornyis frou; a trip to Maple Hay on ik-partnienlal husi-ness. Liiion sleamer Cardena, Capt. A. K. Dickson, arriud al 10.31) Ihis moriiiiic from Slewart. Any ox ami Alice Arm and will sail at Hiiti afternoon for Vancouver ami wayports. The C..VIL oily lii-ket ollice announces thill week-end round trip summer e.xeursiun fares -to Terraee will po on sale at llu- end of I his week. The full round i trip fan- is )?t.75. Ann! .1. M. Morrison of Alice arrived iu the pity,,. on Ihe Cardena this iiinming after havingj spi-nl a week at .Slewart. lie will sail for Alice Arm on the 1'rinoe ieur?e tomorrow evening. Wauled. HaniUmen for First North H.C. Itegiuient. A Tew jn-slriiineiils are availahle and will lm a Hot led lo first comers, lle-ffiiuiern specially needed. Apply Armory, Tuesday and Friday, 8 p.m. 108 COAL, 111.51). "The l.esl." Iiouhle serecned Ladysuiilh-Wel-liiiglim liiiiiu. Peerless Kg?, 1 1.00. Peerless stove. .l'.riO. No soot, clinker. Utile ash and no slack. Prince Hupert Coal Co. Phone If). Frank Dihh is Inking 'over Ihe house on (iraliam Avenue. W'esl- iew, which was liuill hy C. L. Youngmnii under the Heller Housing Act. Authorization nene!nry lo Ihe Iransfer was .irivtMi liy the eily council last iiigfhl. The Hulkley Valley Fall Fair prizt' lis! has heen issued for Ihe seventh annual ex 1 1 Hi lliiui to he held at Sinilhers Se"jd ember 3. and 4. It is a very coinprehen-,sive list and covers the ground well. The'dircc.lnrs -are all wi-11 known men and wlunen. Ae reporl from Hie finance eoiiiiuillee reeiiiniiieiiiling thai lax sale lot 3!. hloclc 28, section K And lot. i'-i, block st-t-Hon 7. he advertised for sale.wu's adopt ed hy fhe eily counell.'hisl night. Application for Ihe purchase of lliese lots has been made. A reporl from Ihe city solicitor recommending thai the eily conlribule to Ihe support of a man named Daucy, who is desti-lule and unable lo work, was re ceived by the eily council last night and referred lo the finance commit lee. Dauey, iwho is subject o fils, has been declared incurable by Dr. 1'. Cade, medical heallh nlllcer.' A request from the (lyro Club thai il be allowed j$lhy use. of 350 hebl by the cttib lo Ihe eredil of Ihe city in (-(inneclion wilh playground work, was sub-milled lo Ihe eily council hy Aid. Perry last nighl and referred lo Ihe finance committee. The s-uiu In tiuesllon in a balance from work on McClymoul' l'ark lust yea'r and il is propositi lo uso'it this year in connection willj the devoU'i'iiieiii ui Wesivicw l'urk. The Universal Film Company is perfecting; its plans for filming: the Calgary Stampede this summer as part of a forthcoming: production in which Hoot Gibson will star. This will involve an expenditure of about $100,000. Canadian exports to France in 1924 were valued at 482,826,000 francs as against imports from that country of 333,264,000 francs. There has been a marked increase in trade of late years which is attributed partly to the Treaty of Commerce and the propaganda work of the Canadian Pacific Exhibition train. S. Frank Mussard of the South African Irrigation Association, Johannesburg, who has just completed an independent investigation of the agricultural conditions throughout Canada has stated that he is "per-fectly satisfied with the possibilities Canada has to offer the right type of settler." "Mountie" the lead dog of the famous Chateau Frqntenac husky team realized $14200 during tht Humane Society tag-day at Toronto recently. He collected on behalf of this organization throughout the city and the tag that was sold was decorated with his pertait. Broadcasting of copyright songs in the United States is declared subject to copyright fees or royalties just as much as publication by other methods of performance. This decision which has considerable bearing on the Canadian Copyright Bill now under discussion in Ottawa was reached as a result of a recent test case in the United States. Approximately five millions dollars will be spent in maintaining and constructing new highways within the Province of Quebec during the present year. At present there are 2,586 miles of highway in the province stretching into all parts of Quebec and linking up with main roads in the U.S. and the sister provinces to the East and West- According to a report prepared by the Merchants Exchange of Vancouver, forty-two regular steamship lines are now operating out of that harbor, the gross tonnage for last year being 14,473,518 which is over a million tons in excess of the 1923 figures, The Canadian Pacific Railway is now erecting a new pier there .which will be one of the finest and largest on the continent. The Campbell River Company of White Rock has purchased the entire holdings of the James Logging Company of Vancouver which include 35,000 acres of timber lands, containing over two billion feet of logs, a saw mill with a capacity of more than 50,000 feet of lumber a day, three large tugs and a complete logging outfit. A sum of more than five millions dollars is said to be involved. Arrangements have been completed to ship 200 books by Canadian authors to be exhibited at Wembley this year. A special grant has been made by the Provincial Government of Quebec to provide artistic bindings for thse books many of which will be by French-Canadian authors. That this is to be done is largely due to the initiative of the Arts, Science and Letters Society of Quebec City in co-operation with the provincial government. Advertise in the Dailv New Scalloped Potatoes Mil We had n very fine recipe for scalloped potatoes, bill il seems lo have lieeu mislaid from our files. An entiuiry coinj for it, and we can not . accoiumodale this lady with a lesled recipe. If anyone who sees this has a copy we would be most grateful lo have it. Pacific Milk Co. Limited Head Office, Vancouver Factories at Ladner and A ' mani tt&j:ui rmrra MOHAIR CHESTERFIELD and 2 CHAIRS l'lani rich blue ni'oluiir hack ami arms wilh figtiml 'mohair uuil tapestry spring cushions. $250.00 Suite Easy Payments BARRIES HOME FURNISHINGS 3rd Avenue and 1 st Street. Phone 1 23 SALMON TR0LLER8 Hefon- outfitting it will pay you to inspect our line of Trolling (iear. We have u new line of Salmon Hooks, Swivells, Cuttyhunk and Gear of all kinds. In our slock you will find everything you inpiire Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware of all kinds, Hull and Copper Paints, Galley Stoves and Utensils. If it's for the boat we huve il. Hoals are lost every year hy fire have you got your Pyrene Fire Extinguisher yet? Vc sell them. Call uud see us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Post Office) IcanadianT PACinc Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS MARY. For Ketchikan, Wrengell, Juneau and Skagway May 8th, 18th, 29th, June Sth For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle May 1st, 1ZthK 22nd, Juna 2nd, 13th. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanaon Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean rll, Namu, Alart Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver every Saturday 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD General Agent. Corner of 4th 6treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailing from I'riute Unpen, 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alert Bay, Tueeday, 6 P.M. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, 8 P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naae River Cannerlee, Friday A.M. t 123 2nd Avenue. J. Barnaley, Agent. Prince Rupert. B.O. noEnaUUJumKoi tfBfiBTnrMifflnr 'Mr sir TO. SIGHT" GRANT'S let nucuutU 1 JV (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINrST HIGHLAND MALT RottlrJ and ftreiitd William Crant Soni Limtlad. dcnldick aad 8aJm.Qnhtl DtatilUiMe, Dull. tw-fc-C!ow. Scotland. A This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Goverumeut of British Columbia.