Day $3.50 to 530.05 I. v he lo ! i- ii. - phone$ 423 to e. Jr. G01 B,Ck 73R IS TENNISl We m r a complete'. j .s litmus, jTlu'I IH'W 1(J2 ttll;- -"v Hark J $2.00 II $1.00 . 50c . 65o 1 1 in a I All i Iknr.e'. I-''. (j $14 50 : ,1 ii nil Olll orders. Kaien Hardware Co. imona ilk .Mi s n , .-. y lieaiitiful Hi ile-1'.liines v ilny wear. $2.25 estorhnsriand Store Phone 753. L.BIain Contractor hit iiti i irr... a Hardwoods "'I -Office Fixtures. - and Planing. Hi'onintw. ' ..7 g. ,,: f d Mouldings P.O. Box 179. LINDSAY'S Ir hfrninJ vi lrl. . . . Phone (ft. , warehousing, and Motor 'Sorvlee. oa! Sand and nii.i "Urnltur Movlnn. i ATHLETIC CLUB HOLDS SMOKER Smlthers Boy 8how Class In Boxing Bouts and Canadian Girls In Training Drill SMlTIIKItS, May 5. 11... third auttial snooker (if tin- Sinilher Alhlello'ciiih was held in ihe Town Hull on Thursday night iiml llii law crowd that turned out .was treated to a lengthy and, varied program of boxing bouts' ami concert numbers. The affair ohmi willi an overture liy the (iray Orchestra which for thi occasion hail been increased li nix piece ami their selection were well chosen ami J made a decided hit wilh I ho audience-which heartily applauded ' every number. ', . Pele Olseu made an excellent rli.airnuin having a fund of ready wft which he used when introducing the boxer. In Iheir .selection of (hose lo lake juirt in I be ImjiiIs the AHi-lelic Cluh departed, from the 141 1 1 (H- IIHI I II I I M I 111 I" .eia' 114 of'the yoiuiaer boy around I tea ami twelve years ohl, some , of whom put up an exceptionally K'""I exhibition, showing- clever ! fuolwork ami a desire to wailo ' nulit -in ami fight. J Nine Bouts I There were nine houls yi I he can I ami a battle royal. The 'young hoys were on in the first four, Keunelh Warner vs. Uar-jiuiin Ktiittson coming tip first, jfolhiweil by llarohl ' Merg vs. ji iaiiKiin Miinri who pin- iii a real cr:ip mixing! prelly wel. Then came Carl Itaby s. Fdward Smith: these hoys were a little I older than the others ami gave a good exhibition of footwork ami clever defense. The., next wiyi'. Tony .Miller vs. Joe Walson, followed by a halite royal in which fix of Ihe hoys mentioned 'were h'indfiddeil ami turned 'loose iii Ihe rinp. This made a lilt wilh the crowd as the hoy iml all'lheir slrenslh inlo the ' swinirs'Hml when they connected soinehody ii( the mat. The jhoys enjoyed 'it. however, just a i muci as did the nmlieucr. Men's Class The first of the me In come ion were Vic Williams ami J. i Wilkinson at 1.15 Ihs.. followed hy Sid llohinson and Jim Miller at 110 His. Then A. Mutch ami W. Ileynitinl at 155 Ihs.; Jirs liraham and It. "Dixon at 135 hs. and l-n Mnhy and John McKen zie at catch weights. The cluh i did iiol lrinr in any outside I talent (his lime, nsiriff local Im ionly and nllliouh some of the old fatorites did nol lake part, j t ho enlerlainiMenl was much en-i joyed. I Concert Numbers ( Anions Ihe concert number luivru between the bouts was a isolo by Mrs. S. I'. Bennett; banjo selections by Mr. Ilichardson; jrYtillMi daiicintr Jiy Miss Mary McKeitiie concertina selections jhy Mr. Itloinslroiu ami a baek-' ward drill by the :.n.l".T. ?irs. The evening proved a pood financial success for the club which was in need of funds lo cany' on the summer sports. CRCDITORS' MCCTINa . . . ..... ,.t W T Mime mHihI fur Tuesday. !!', .!,..' .,..m 111,-k ! Ii Ii III.. 11 (ll'IH wxyi iml inMim for tin ixyim-nl 'f icixiiml. Tli iTCiiiuirs mij- ."i""'" ... .ki.H ii, HiaIi. rruiinm In II. V. o. I'P- i,.. t nw Hir Mr l.umlier "ir.. I'rtiire itupiTi, H.c.. tin r liefore Murty Hie &W ur of May. m. w F yutK Sollrllor. i0n Coast Steamship and Train Service VicouJlPtl,T or MtNCt OCOII0C Mil from rrlnre liupert ft'r , UND V.I?,,V0T0"'. SCATTLC lll Ilileriliei1lle I"'ll Hl fe"0x V" THU"M.10 P.. tytJntidiy 10 n P.M. P.M. " tewart ; ; " $, b'l p-1,,n0i trains leave? princi rurert "to, in tHiiutt EM?rn ciiil, linitirt 8U. C" Tlt,,i oifl,.?5.NCY LL OCCAM STEAMSHIP LINES, k wITICC, S21 . .. TKla -. - M I m ...... ni, rnnif, n,iiii Telegraphic Addreitf "Bll(hmttiln D.Im Dnnnrl.ll EDMONTON, Phon 260. TUGBOATS Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phones 687 139 Black 735 Or. 601 vou run in lo meet each oilier your knees a painful nerve centre may meet unless you get your shoulder well ahead lo pro led them. Peoii'e who get hurt on Ihe fool ball field are nearly always those who adopt half measures If you go rigid slraighl iiitn your man, block the hall wilh both feel, and break Ihe weight of hi rush wilh our shoulder, you get complele control of the ball without pain. That is my experience, any way. Sideways Tackling Many tiick'es are not of the front lo front lype.. Frequently you have to run afler oiir man and cnlch up with him, tackling as you draw level. Here you want to avoid heavy charges. Many ioolliallers seem lo ronfuse tackling wilh. charging. The truth is thai if you can get Hie hall without charging get it. Too much charging: only lire you. My own way of tackling is this: If I cannot pet complete control at once by pulling my whole foot In Hie way of the bal', 1 like lo run along beside the other man for a moment until I pel a chance of doing this. These chances come without fail. When a man Is dribbling a ball down he is always farther away fro;n il al some times than he is at olliers. That is lo say, there are instances when he loses control over Ihe ball. All you need do is choose one of these instants, give your man a slight ntidge In knock him off his ha'anee for a .second, and plant your foot in front of the ball. A nudge is just as good as a heavy charge if you choose a, moment when your opponent has temporarily lost fonlrol. . ' lie can see you' are' going to charge, and prepares for 11. A nudge lakes him unawares. A Dangerous Feat There is a dangerous form of tackling much favored by professionals. You drop on one knee as a man dribbles Ihe. ball to wards, you, and shoot Ihe other fool flat oul to block il. This is specially good on wet ground as , tin Mliimery surface he'ps the 'lenglh and speed of your own slide down and forward, and prevents ymir opponent swervin iiwav in lime. The I rouble wilh Ibis way of tackling Is that it leaves you open for u knock. Your leg is slrotched oul far in advance of your body, and may get hurl if your man rhooses to rush on. What more probably happens Is that you trip your opponent. Then Ihe referee has something lo say. r.xperlly done, this Is n fine tackle. It pushes the hall behind your opponent, and before he can check his run and turn, you nre up and away. You need lo be In first class physical trim lo drop down, kick the ball, ami recover a'lhost In one movement. The form of lackle f would recommend to anfalcur I that lit which you block Ihe ball with your feet and use your shoulder to your opponent. Fault of Nervous Players Many players cither through All THE DAILY rTEWg pt.TK rtrw. How to Play Football Tackling is discussed Rules set out for Forwards and Backs v (Hy "Andy" Ducal, .Manager of. Fiillifim Cliili.j (lleprlnieil from "OreniMfc lierald"J Tackling is a subjeel 1 approach wilh care, liecaue (here iire so many ways of tackling. What is poixl for a 0 toric bvk is nol good. for ii 111 stone forward. Oiuvliint, tlumgh. J can. giv" you at lince never rely on tackling a man foilli if you'ru heal liim in a run for il inslcad. !- You waul to gel your fool firmly against Hie: hall xvliea. you tackle. You need to grip il almost. 11 is ijo good pulling it awi from Ihe oilier man with Hie lip of, your loe. A good tackle leaves ymi with a complele mastery over the hall. If Ihe man you are out to tackle is froing sirai'til al you, I find the most useful way to pel hold of the ball is to run towards il a'mosl although the oilier ukwi wasn't there, fiel both your feel, lo the ball. Completely tdock the direction in which he was drih-blin il. Naturally, he resents Ibis ami will Iry lo run you off il. Turn sideways lo meet his chesl wilh your shoulder. This pulls his forward rush up wilh a Jerk. Use Your Shou'der fio completely in you must gel your shoulder well in advance of your feel as I hey block the ball, otherwise your ' backward balance will make il easy for your opponent lo push you off. Another thins is thai, as nervousness or through a rnis-lakeu idea thai this is Ihe riphl Ihiiifr lo lo Iry lo hook Ihe ball away from -under the other man's feet. Thfs is bad, because you have not beaten your man. you have merely filched the ba'l ami left 1 your opponent enm- fdelely balanced, ready lo knock you off it apain.a.1 once. Of course, a very speedy for ward might the ball oul and ?ct aW'tiy wilh il, but most others find it necestary in beat the opponent as Well him. The (treat thins lo remeiiriKT is thai your opponent lieals himself if only you can block the bull firmjy. That is lo say.' when he is dribbling and you block the ball, you throw his run all mil ofi ear. )ni only need to siamli slill for an instant, and he wil' run himself off the ball. This Is Ihe moment when a well-judged nudffe enables you lo beat liim couiplelely. When you run afler a man, ion r'enerally find it necessary to nude him first and block the La'l afterwards. When you meet him face to face, you block Ihej ball first mid bailor your .shoubler-forward net. j SOCCER SEASON OPENED WELL First Game Between War Veterans and Sons of England Draw GOOD CROWD PRESENT Excitement Was Half When Goals Scored In First Were The first gun in the 1923 soccer season was fired lal night al Ihe Acropolis 1 1 i I grounds when the (ireal War veterans ami the Sous of Hnglaml clashed Fardnhar proved a . lively and useful tefl wing combination, for Ihe Sons, Ihe hitler being within an ace of scoring on several occasions. The Sons, forced a good dea1 of Ihe play and Johnson tried several shols at (hiwlhorn, in goal for Ihe Yets, but was unsuccessful. ()n several, occasions Ihe Sons' forwards looked dart-gerous but Ihe Vels' custodian proved eoual (o his (ask ami ninde some good saves. F.rskine, af inside left for Ihe Vels, IHed Frizzell on occasions from close in posjtlons bill failed lo do the trick. ? A eombiiieil dash , by Ihe Sons resulted In Johnson healing fhiwfhonr wilh ft bard drive. From Ihe centre kick' Ihe Vels got away ami good combination play enabled Norwood In put the 'ealher past Frizzell wilh a dandy long dUtanco shot. At half time NO MORE FOOLING did Abraham Lincoln show his shrewdness NOWHERE of judgment to better effect than in that famous utterance which ended, "You can't fool all the people all the time." In the past, there were a few misguided advertisers who thought they could sell their wares better by misrepresentation. But those advertisers have long since gone out of .business or mended their ways. Hard experience taught that Lincoln was right. Untruthful advertising doesn't pay. Other advertisers proved that the only way to . advertise successfully, make regular customers and build up public good-will was to tell the absolute truth about their goods. So, you can be sure that every consistently advertised product is good. The advertising test has 'proved it. The very fact that it is advertised is your best warranty of satisfaction and true quality. Theconcern that tells you frankly what it is doing is a good concern with which to do business. 'That is why it pays to read the advertisements, to patronize advertisers, and to buy advertized merchandise. in the first round of the Sluurt " " Shield series before a big crowd the score stood 1 I. of football enthusiasts and under Second Half ideal vvealher condilions, Ihe play in the, second half was of jrame resullinjr in a I 1 draw, j a lislless nature, as migJit well It goals were scored in the . he expected in Ihe first game of first half, .1. Johnson registering "ihe. season. From Ihe kick-off (he goal for Ihe Sons with Xor- ,1ho Vets prcs.seiL There were wood equalizing for the Vets a few moments later. !eo. Itussell referecil the gahie and A. I'dap- perlon and F. Ilemniomls as linesmen. The teams took the field follows: Veterans Ciawlhyrn, goal; (lochran ami Mack, full backs; (ieo. Mitchell, A. Hoy and 1. Itairnur: half backs; Hussell, Harloti, Norwood, F.rskinc ami Donaldson, flu-wards.- Sons of F.ngland Doug. Friz-xe, goal: II. "llowe and Dick I.ambe, full hacks; llodgkiusou, Hales and Tinker, hnlT backs; 1. Cameron, II. Hanson. J. Johnson, Dickens and Fanpihar, forwards. The Game All Ihe excitement occurred In the first half. Hie Vets kicked uphill and from Ihe whistle proved aggressive. Norwood, for Ihe Wis looked dangerous owe robbeil hlm. Dickens inoinenls of exciting play. Krs-kine, for Ihe Yets, missed several colilen onporliinities in front of acted iFriz.rll. Corner kicks taken by ;iiolh sides were unproductive. asil.isl'ess efforts by both learns 'did not result in -.anything tangi ble and at the final whistle tho score remained aff me i niai h. Summing Up Players seemed neiv zealous ami did nol at all times play Jjheir positions. The score was characteristic of the play ami Itolh teams seemed pretty evenly matched, although iu fairness lo "(lie Sons it must he- admitted they had the heller of the play, speaking genern'ly. The game was clean and good sportsmanship prevailed throughout. The shooting by both forward Jinr-s lefL a hd lo be desired although Ihe combination work improved but j considerably as Ihe play pro-iindr gressed. The Vels' full back defence was not sound and did no( give their cusindian the support thai was coming lo him. --- Sport Chat j The Hazellon Hadniinlon; and Tennis Club opened il new lentils court on "The Heuch" last .Saturday. The hadmlrU'iii season at Hazellon closed a week ago when a tournament was played, between I wo teams captained by Mrs. W. W. Anderson ami Mrs. S, ,f. Winsby.' ,The former side won ' 1 1 iiialclin. to :'' " eight. The Hazellon Indians . have done considerable 'work Mils 'scar-son on Iheir new athletic, grounds situated on tho main It's mighty good business road near the top of Ihe big hill. It is a fine level piece of ground ami leains, scrapers and rollers have bien used lo good effect in gelling jl in shape. As Ihe white people have contributed towards Ihe expenses, Ihe Indians have made it a public athletic ground. There; is a good deal of baseball latent available al llnzellon this year ami the. intention is to put a good learn in the field for district honors. The annual meeting of ho" Hazellon Alh-leltc Assoc.ialloir look jdace last, week and oflicers were elected as follows: President, H. S. Sargeni; vice-president, (J. W. Dawson; sW-relary treasurer, S. .1. Wins-by; executive committee Allan Henson, P. A. Archibald, Cooper II. Wrineh and Dr. II. u. Large IN PROBATE IN THE COMMISSIONERS COURT, TERR ITORV OF ALASKA DIVISION NUMBER ONE. HVOER PRECINCT 111 I lie Mailer or ihe F.stalr of l.ealh.1 Pavls. ieicM'd. Siinilii'r in Crulintr. Nutirp In Heirs. Hy virtue i.r nn order (fufy xlRiti-tt ami made of record III IIih a lime eiilllli'il iimrl on Hie lilh (liv or AdNI. 1925. no tlee Is hereby Riven In tTeil) Pavls, Hi alleged liulmnj or the itiovr lunii-il lie ei-iiseil anil In all other persons rUiinlim mi Inleresi In Ihe. above named eiate Unit iliev ami earn of them are lirrtby re (inlred lo lie anil appear In llm 1 above enllllt'i foiirl at II viler. Alalia, niul sun mil nalisfartory proof of lieirnblp within iiiiv nays rroni me date 111 in nrsi nnlilirallon hereof. And If you Tall so to apear and rile snrti satisfactory proof, a decree or Ihls cmirl will lie entered rorfelllnx your In leresl llierein. Hate of nrrt Publication, April i7, lt3. Hale or l.a't- Publication, June S3 an. OIIKM r. Illl.l.. AiliTilnUlrator. N O T I O E. IN THE M.VTTKI1 of an application rnr Hie Issue, of a fresh certificate of title for Lot nineteen (IB) and twenty 11 lock Ihlrly two (Z'i). Sertlon rive (6 or Prince liunerl. Man til. Satisfactory nior of Hie destruction of Ihe Certificate or title, roverinir the above lands rutvlui- lieen furnished to thl orflCH It Is my Intention to Issue, after the expiration of thirty (30) days rroni tli rirst publication hereof, a ilupllrate t-llflrie of Title rnrerlnir Ihe M bonis Ih the names of M. CASslPY and KlIVNK OASSlhY, which Cerllflcate or title Is dated the IJtli Auriint, 1913, and mniilieied sti8 I. if. r. Mvri.F.on, nerptrar of Titles. Land registry Ofrice, Prince nupcrt, B.C. March S7tH. im. Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners Operating the only power cleaning . ami pressing equipment in the, city, fceri vice and workmanship unsurpassed. A phone call will bring our car. 615 6th Ave. W. Phone 8 MARINE MOTOR Less Slarlcr .. .. $250.00 With Starlep .. .. S300.00 ftoverHinenl Taxes ami Freight Flrai S. E. .PARKER, LTD. Ford Dealers Prince Rupert, B.C. St Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading RestauranL A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avcnu.