lN S 1995 25 TAXI and BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing Service floor for hire. Suitable for Anywhere at Anytime. dances, banquets and wedding Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. I.h. ''V, parties. and 6th 8L PRINCE RUPERT For ratis, apply to Doslon WATT VIPECK, Prop. Grill, Third Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phona 457, VOL. XV., NO. ISC. IMtlNUK HI PEHT H.U.. Tl KSDAY, Jl.'KK 23, 1W23. Yeaterday't Circulation 1683 8tr.t hl 646. PRICE FIVE GENT'S. ALGARSSON SOCKEYE SALMON FISHING STARTS OFF WELL SKEENA RIVER THIS WEEK Algarsson Expedition Leaves for North on Little Steamer Iceland Former Vancouver man two months owing to lack of funds LINEHPOOL, June 23. - -Smiling at the i 1 1-TorLt i u e which hit- dogged litem for the lasl two months, (irellier Algarsson, the Vancouver explorer with commander Worsley uml llieir little buml of Volunteers., who make iij. the erew u( llie sleamer Iceland, Muled down lite Mersey lo llie oen sea yesterday, beginning the attempt lo go ritrlher tiorlh than any other polar expedition (his year. Algarsson abandoned the idea of flying lo the Norlh Pole uml will confine his activities lo a geographical stuvey and to making preparations for a polar flight next year. The expedition was delayed hero for two mouths owing lo lack of fund!). MORRIS IS TO ! BE EXTRADITED VVMI Have to Stand Trial for Implication In 'Murder of Oapt. Glllls YlthJIllA, June 23. An order lliul Charles Morris he ex-ItadHed lo llrilish Columbia for trial on a t-liartie of being iin-phcaied in lite murders or dpi. J Oillls and bis son on (be lleryl 0,, lias been upheld by the Unit -fil Stair federal court of appeal, according lo word received hem .veslerdav. This mtasbes the .Morris appeal and will tiieauj thai he loo must stand Iriul for lus life a a result of Hie hijacking murders for participation in which Owen F. Maker and Sowash last week were sentenced lo hang. MURDER SUSPECT IS APPREHENDED "Sonny" White, Quarter 3recd, Arrestod for Killing of North Vancouver Storokcoper VANCOUVER. June 23 Chas. Henry While, known as "Sonny" While, wiis arrested this morn ing and charged with murdering Frank Rosso. North Vancouver Italian storekeeper, who was kill ed Monday morning niter a desperate struggle in bis dure with sumo person wielding an axe. The suspect i a tpturler breed In dian and hu was arrested by the Norlh Vancouver chief of police on warrant. EXCESS RATES BEING REMOVED PrlncQ ..Rupert to be put on Equality With Othor Ports In Insurance VANCOUVER, June 23. The excess insurance rales on vessels calling al northern H.O. porls is likely to bo removed. The Im perial Hliipping- committee lias reported in favor of removing llio excess on ports, as far north its Prince Rupert. The fad 'thai norlbern waters are well, chart ed utid -ligliled ami llial Prince Rupert harbor is easy of access is largely responsible for Ibe proponed change. held up in Liverpool GOVERNOR TO MEET CITIZENS INFORMALLY A Mayor .New Ion informed meinbers of the city council lul night that Ibe Oovcrnor Ocncral's parly would be here on Saturday afternoon next from I lo C o'clock. While it bail been re-ipiesled Hint there be no public reception,- it bad been indicated thai His Excellency would be pleased to meet any of the citizens informally between 1 and. 5. STEAMER NORWOOD PAYS FIRST VISIT Paclfio American Fisheries Steamer Was Here Last Night En Route to Port Edward Making her first call at this unit, the Pacific-American Fish- cries steamer Norwood was here overnight bound for Port Edward wilb a cargo of supplies and equipment for the Skeena River Packing Co.'s cannery there. 1 lie Norwood arrived from Melling-ll a in at 7.30 last night and sailed at 2 o'clock Ibis morning for Port Edward. From there she will continue to southwestern Alaska. Vlie Norwood, which is a vessel of ten hundred Ions net and Carries a crew of 2!., is in command of Cnpl. Fletcher. H. T. Cross of the local customs .office went out to Port F '-vard witli Ibe vessel. FORMER SUPERINTENDENT IS VISITING THE CITY A. Kilpatrick Completing Course of Instruction to Train and Engine Men Here A. Kilpalrick, rule instructor for the Canadian National llail- wiiv. who has been here for a week holding classes' anil in structing the train and engine men in transportation rules, Is bout finishing, tils work here and will ho leaving for Hu i.'iii Mils week. He is accom panied on the trip by Mrs. Kil palrick. Mr. Kilpalrick was formerly superintendent hero and al Smlther.s. 'He now . makes his headquarters at Winnipeg and covers The whole western region, living In hi own car. EXPEDITION Impressive military funeral of the late Mai. Ocn. Sir Edward Morrison, comm.mder or the .Canadian gun corps during the war. Parliamentary leaders and notables or all walk of life attended. The honorary pallbearers were nil generals of the permanent force ' TALKED BACK SO GETS JAIL TERM - It Did Not Pay Mrs. Lucler of Windsor to be Flippant With Judge WINDSOR, Out., June 23. Mrs. Chloe I.ucier, aged 35, talked and laughed herself into an extra jail lerm in Judge (iunys' court yesterday following her conviction on a charge of keeping liquor on sale. She was Hiied 500 and costs or three x months and Ibirly days in jail: The woman laughed and remarked: "That's good" and then stuck out her tongue. Vlsti't thirty days sufficient?" asked The judge. "Why, no,, make it six months if you wish," flippantly replied the woman. '.'Well. I'll make il two months,'' the court retorted. Mrs. I.ucier is Hie first woman lo go to jail under the new Liquor Act. FISH ARRIVALS Fares This Morning Tolallod 219,000 Pounds, Mostly American Landings Halibut sales al Hie Fish Ex change -this morning were as follows: American (Iibla. 13.000 lbs., at 11. Oe and 5c j jtiiinier. H.OOii lbs., nlMo.lC and 5c, and Ford, ti,50u lbs., al 11. id 4i it 1 1 5c. In Hie Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Foremost. 37.000 lbs., at 10. lo and 5c, and Valorous, 12,0011 lbs., at 11.1c and 5e, lo the Pacific Fisheries. Sumner, 31,000 lbs., al lll.2c and 5c. and Reliance, ,000 lbs., al 1 l.le ami 5c, to the Royal Fisli'Oo. Royal. 20,000 lbs., al lli.Uc and 5c. and Liluya, 10,000 lbs., at I0.5e ami 5c. lo the Hooth Fisheries Canadian Co Canadian Selma, 10.000 lbs., al lO.Oo and Ge to the. Allin Fisheries. Fisher, Pr")00 lbs.," nt II. tc and flu, and Swing, 3,000 lbs., al 10.11c ami 0c, lo the Royal Fish Co. ,Mah, 5,000 ll's nt II lev inn ' fto.ftn the Canadian Fish.-, Cold Stciriige Co. Advertise In the Daily News Australian Trade Treaty is Opposed iby Conservatives and also by Progressive Leader OTTAWA. June 23. The Australian trade Irealy met with ipposition in the Mouse of Commons yesterday. The Conservatives allocked ij, charging the advantage under the treaty luv with Australia. They also charged that under ils provisions foi reduced duties on imported Australian meats and for placing Australian eggs and cheese on the free list, a blow would be struck at mixed farming in Canada. Hubert Forke, leader of the .Progressive., said he thought the treuty a mixture of good mid evil and he intended lo vole . , ngainst it. MEI.1IOURNE, June 23. Pre- ' jniicr Hruce announced yesterday CAPETOWN COMING DURING SUMMER ON HUNTING TRIP The Publicity Hureau of Vancouver slates thai II. M.S. Capetown will bo in Pacific waters between July 27 and September 5. and will call aT Prince Rupert . They want particulars :l as lo hunting and fishing facilities in this district as the ofticcrs , and men on the ship wish lo enjoy .some of the facilities in that Hue here. ' STOCK MARKET Hid. Asked llranby J i. cool llazellon .... .02 Vj l)unw'ell ...... 3.25 4.50 Premier- - 2.21 Riifus x' tt .20 reiniiniis ... -iKp ' 35 .55 I.. & 1 -S(5 .215 Vi Italy Alaska .27 Hayview ... .01) .10 Indian .05 Vi .0(5 Silvercrest . .11) Free Fight in French Chamber of Deputies During Debate on Moroccan Question Follows Blow PAHIS, June 23. Today's ties considering, Hie Moroccuu fight when Hie while-haired nishod to the rostrum, slugged squarely in the face us the latter was attacking the .'French government. The socialists Premier Pun! eye. have decided' SAILS jlhal amendments to the trade Irealy with Canada hail been submitted lo him last week and he had thereupon advised Pre- mier King that if Canada finally approved them he would submit lliein In the Commonwealth Par- Ilainent. HAREMS ARE NOT POPULAR Turkish Women Havo Tastes Similar to Occidentals: Cost too Great NEW YORK, Juno 23 Turk isli harems are virtually, ex unci, not because or moral or religious reaslms but because they are too expensive to main-lain, accorin'ng lo W. W. Peep, treasurer of the Constantinople. Red Cross branch, who relumed here yesterday. Polygamy lias become econom ically unpopular, he said, because Turkish women have ac quired the same tastes exhibited Iby her Occidental sisters. session of the chuinber of depu question broke up in n free-for-all Colonel Picot of the right bloc llie communist deputy Doriol to wlliulrnw support from FOR ARCTIC Fish Running Opening of Season for Skeena River Sockeyes Satisfactory reports as to the sockeye run on the Skeena Hiver ure made. Prospects arc good for u medium pack winch will probably exceed the low cycle year til four years ugo. The average per boat is ten, while some of the bonis have caught as high as OIJ since the season opened on Sunday nighl and some have gone us low as two. 1 About X00 gill net boats started fishing Sunday night about :SU0 fur springs und ."00 fur sockeyes. Hy the end of this week Hie number, il is expected, will be well up to 1,1(00. there will not be much sem- ug until the pink run starts aler. Spring salmon fishing is still eontinuiug with llie best run ex pected about the end of the month. The spring salmon 'sea-won will continue until July 15. The airplane patrol has not yet been started and the planes will probably not he in full oper ation until seining commences. In the meantime. Flight Lieuten ant Earl MacLeod and his officers are getting all their .ar- rauuemeuls ready at the base on tlijiby Islands . and al llw wireles.s Hepol at Seal Cove. MINISTER BECOMES PRIVY COUNCILLOR ol LONDON. June 23. Hon. U. P. (iraham. minister of railways, and Sir William Mulock, chief justice of the .supreme court of Ontario, have been appointed members of Ibe Imperial Privy Council. . MEDICAL CONVENTION IS HELD AT REG1NA Doctors From all Over Canada Meeting at Saskatchewan Capital Today REGINA, June 23 The annual convention of llie Canadian Medical Association is being held here this week al which a number of technical papers are being read by prominent members of the profession. Today the visitors are guests of llie men's and women's combined Canadian Clubs at luncheon and Thursday they will be entertained., at a ' garden party at Ooveriiinent Rouse and the annual dinner of the association will be held, The convention will close with a public meeting Thursday nighl, which will be addressed by Or. .ow of Regina. Dr. J. O. Filz- gerabl of Torontou and Hon. Dr. J. M. thricli. PRINCE OF WALES DANCED IN BIRTHDAY Power Plant Failed so Lighted Candles and Matches Used JOHANNESHIRO. June 23. the Prince of Wales ushered in his 3lsl birthday in the small hours this morning, dancing to lighted candles and matches held by other guests. The party was given by the Empire Service league and tiie emergency form or lighting was necessitated by the failure of llie. ower.plant. Advertle In the Dully -News Well at MARTIAL LAW AT SHANGHAI All Banks Aro Closed at Hong Kong and Surrounded by Armed Guards GOVERNMENT BLAMED PEKIN, June ''43. The fpreign diplomatic corps sent a note lo then ;Cliiuese. jjoAeriunent. dclih-ing to accept responsibility for delays in seltteineivl, o( the Shanghai si l ike troubles and charging the Chinese government with giving an inaccurate version the repent series Of incidents al Shanghai. HABEAS CORPUS NOT ALLOWED, Judge and Counsel Think Ba!l Should be Given Wong Foon Sing x VANCOUVER, June '23. The" ippeal in the habeas, corpus? pro-s' ceedings in the case; of Wong Foon Sing was refused by Chief: Justice Hunter and an applica-" lion for bail suggested by His Lordship today. Deputy Attorney Ceueral Carter replied ''Candidly I think it, is a case , for bail." The Chief-Justice and counsel agreed that the bail application should come up tomorrow. SMOKES PIPE AT TILLER Commander Maude 'Sighted by Steamer Sailing .Before Stiff Wlnd SAN FRANCISCO, June 23.-The yawl "Half MoOn," which left Victoria on March 31 with Commander Eustace ' Maude, R.X.H. for England viiilhe Panama Canal was sighted last Fri day by t hi- steamship Mahukona sailing before a slilr wind and with the lone mariner I'ontentcd- ly smoking his pipe at the liller. Coinniender Maude reported to Hie steamer that lie was "shipshape'' and needed fio assistance. RAILWAY BILL PASSED HOUSE OF COMMONS OTTAWA, June 23. - Tho Senate yesterday afternoon gave the fliinl reading to the Ooveriiinent bill referring lo Hie Hoard of Railway Commissioners Hu question Of revision' of llie .freight rates (Ij'rouuu.U Canada.