PAGE TWO' rnr; daily .vewo ASTHMArn No Smoker-Hp Sprays Ho Snuff Neuritis Just Swallow a RAZ-MAH Capsule Restores normal breathing. Quickly tops all choking, gasping ant mvpus gathering's in bfpuchial tubes. Gives long nights of restful sleep. Contains no injurious or Jiabit-formirg drugs. $1.00 per box at drug stores. be:irf bp. for generous trial, lerapletons, Toronto. RAZ-MAH GUARANTEED RELIEF Fortifying Prince Rupert Harbor. Neuralgia Thouaandt of Canadians ha found that T.K C'.'a five quiikent and itrdt relief from Pain. T.K.C.'a -t directly orthe poisona that cpu t ha pain. Trey conUia no daneeruus or habit 1. -niing dn Your dnntpiat rerom-rernrf Iheui. (-toil 10c. for treurruia trial. Tsiuplctona, Toronto. 1,UU Afl Rheumatism N.uritl. SIZE LumUo TRC's FOR SALE BY OR"ES LIMITED The Daily News PIUNCE. RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA OUC Cf) Haadachaa N.ur.1,1. SIZE Pains T EM PL ETON'S RHEUMATIC CAPSUl'S Jl Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, tlio Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue,. II. P. i'ULLI-LX,' Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION , RATES: Lily Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month , $l.nn Ry mail (o nil parts nf I he British Empire and (lie Uniled Stales, in advance, per year $0.00 To all oilier countries, in advanee, per year ., $7.."0 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KD1TIOM Saturday, Feb. -I i, 1925. Distributing Point For The Bulkley. The people of (he Bulkley Valley are still discussing the possibility nf establishing a creamery or ilislrihiiliug station in Prince Ruf.erl. At present some of them are shipping -"their ereanj lo Yanderhoof but Ihey see greater possibilities in the Prince Rupert jnarkej. They are asking the co-operation of the Provincial (iovemnient, ami Ibis, jl is reasonable lo suppose. Ihey will get. pVince Rupert is bound lo be Ihe market for the Rulklev, just as Vancouver is the market for the Prase r Valley. Tlie present minister or agriculture first made a name for himself in connection with the organizing oT the milk distribution system for the fiinijers of the south. There are great possibilities iu jl, oiife we get proper transportation facilities. Wjlh a daily I ruin all the. jear round ami a daily mail everylhing is possible. Excluding Press ' From .Public Business. TJie p(jiosal of Conuuis.sioiier (4tombs . lo exclude, tin press representatives from police commission meetings bring In mind that this has 1 M'I'll tried ill .-limits) uvurc eilv- ..I time. Lity y;'.!!'i i'l.cetjugs have also' bee.n held in. private and other liuhjtc boiliesjliavitbought thalilhtfr foiitd getilong Nvitli-oul Jelling ,n p)ir.ircTuiow Nvhat'thVyve're iniing Th.-resuil has elided in 'failure: Kiiiiiiiiin Im fni,...? 'n..., . . - .r...... .... - .in n ii.wu iiifin ami stories or (heir doings from irresponsible quarlers have made il ..l.lo. Il...t It I.. I... .1 I.. 1 1 II . . I. n ui lima ji is ir.i in inisi ijie people. Ijouhlless (here are mailers jn ciuiucrlion wilh ptilice work thai ciiijiut be announced beforehand. Even lodav good slories could be told about happenings (hat have taken place, but tell-ing them vyoiild not be wise. Thiv primary work of (he police i not to secure convictions hiif ,to have Ihecily kept onlerlv and lo prevent crime. Too 'nnuy convictions is an indication lhal the iolict"!irc weak and that Ihe law' is mil respected' in the community Looking After Little ;Thlrigs..i, There-i an old saying Ilia) if,.yoti look after the pennies the pounds .yyill take care of themselves. And the saving is ,, great exleiil lriu Yet il has ils untrue side. Don't we semen NV,o wjll never get beyond Ihe handling of pennies? Thev have no vision, no capacity r..r doing big things.. Thev always "0fine ll.eniselves to looking afler (be pennies and the pounds ni which tlrey might be dealing are neglected. Thev Jack the sense .of proportion and the resull is Ihey plod along id the end or lheir.liv.js always hailing pennies. It is vM important to look after the Utile things, but the bigger lungs, cannot he: neglected, ir a person is make a -no-cess or lire. (icneial McBnen, ch,ef ,f slarr or Ihe army department or dcrence co.nmenleil yeslenlay o, Ihe derenseless position I'nnce Jlnperl a.,d (he obsolete condilion or EsMi mall i . mailer ..defense. e mighl oven jinye Kn, f rther hud e' dared lhal an enemy could destroy Ihe forts at rJsnuim t h, nn bour and could sail right into Prince Rupert a d tX ti e own ami convert it inlo a base r supplies wilhot even a g ., being ired be oullook is ,,l pl.'.asant one lo conlen.plale I voubbuol be pleasant lo have an Asialic ' commander o . ers litre, lelhng us to remain indoors whenever he Vk'a gi e, g and '- T'"K us off ,e ,i(I,walk f(,r ,, s , ; , , Ihe slrecj. e know how Asini;,. i, ...... i. 1...1 . , 1 . - ' " 1,1 " I""1"" lo defend ', 1 iu ourselves l e r-n'iT racl.lhal iii our men brave are and our women heroines vM not help mis ,,, the leasl against modern machines r Va "Eczema AH Over Arms Suffered for 12 Years" Mrs. Murray Hough, Wiarton, Ont., write.: "I had eczema for twelve yeari. Every once in a while it would break out en, .pread all over my arm,. I tried all kind, of treat- ,u . . dui wnnout uccen. Une Spring it broke out and nothing gave me relief. 1! even thr taL. t ..i I the doctor did no good. At lait I tried Dr. Chase. Ointment and it healed the eczema in a ihort time. That it over a year ago. and I have had no return of the trouble." 1 Dr. Chase's Ointment 60 cm. Un. nil ,Pr, or Ktliimnson. Kate A r I,1., Tortmlo ICE CARNIVAL AT SMITHERS i i After Skating, a Moccasin Dance at the Rink Took Place SMITllF.ltS. Feb. It. An ice carnival under the auspices of I lie Jmy senilis followed by a mocassin dance on Ihe ice look place here Wednesday evening.' The lliei'nionieler slnnd at ten below zero bill in snile of Ibis ...... J an Interesting program of races ami cniiiesis was carrieii mil ami ilanclng was kepi up until after; midnight lo Ihe strains of the Orescent Orchestra, donated for1 Hie occasioi).. A large camp fire helped In make things pleasant; while Iml coffee, baked beans! and sandwiches were served. The affair started with a two I period game of 'hockey between) the Tflkwa ti in I Sniitbers spool i teams, followed by Ihe following races fur which firizes were do nated by the business men of Ihe town. -iibs' rare I, liarnam Knul- sou: 2. Kenneth Warner. Scmils' race, under IS 1, olin Dehniit; 2, Hud Oazeley. fiirl (billies' race I, Alice alimiir; 2, Vina Ehy. G.(i.l.T. race I, Avis Wall: 2. Orlindii llarlnetl. Scouts' jumping t. Jack llowsnn;. 2, Frank llnwson. .Match race, fiirl (iuides and ,(!,I.T t, Avjs Wall? 2, Alice alimor. Men's race. onen I. Len llaahe; 2, Jim Millar. Senilis' I'nce t, Jim .Millar: 2. Jiggs (iralinm. Senilis' consolation race I. John llerg: .2. Frank llowson. Prizes fur roslunies at Ihe. irnival were awarded lo Vimv Windl as an Indian Kloolehmaii. Teddy Allan as Hiawalba. Mar garet Windl as Aunt Jemima, and .Mrs. II. li. Windl as ti i-lnu-n TEN DOLLAR BILL NEEDS AN OWNER Found on Friday Thirteenth on Floor of "Peddler" Car WlXMPEli.Feli. It. Friday Hie lliirleenlh. would have been ja good lime for logenes lo havo Vjsiieil Wuuiineg w ill his fain mis lanlerii, according lo olllcials of Ihe Canadian Xalinn;il Input freight ulliees, and soniebodv. presumably in the Oakpoin'., .AJanilolia, dislricl, will have reason to declare thai such H hoodoo dale is not necessarily unlucky. .Lying- on die floor of a wiiyfreiglil ''Peddler" from which local ennsiirmn'f nls Iim.I been unloaded all Ib'e' tween (lakhoiiil and Winnioesr. freight lnmdlers Ibis ' morning found a registered teller with indistinct address, mailed from (laklake, .Man. lo someone a' Oakpoinl ami contaiiMiig a crisp new len dollar bill. The only clue In ownership is that the person lo whom Ihe registered letter was addressed has a name beginning with "V" and thai it apparently was a payment on an order for fish:- Employees of the freight department who found the hill lurned l oyer It! the local agent where II awaits an owner. SMITHERS Mrs. ). F. Jhill. enlerlained a number (,f indies at the, lea hour Tuesday, afternoon. Mrs. Oen. Wall entertained al mah Jung TitesilajT evening Iu honor or her guest, Mrs. ,.. Muddy of turns Lake. The relurn hockey match between tli(.lluin-runners and Ihe Hftjaeker'i wiik jilnynd n( Ihe riijk Tuesday nighl, Ihe laller team coming out of fray on Hie big end or Ihe ncore. for which Ihey were afterwards treated to an oyster supper by Ihe looser at Shield's (Irille. Posters are "out announcing a children's masquerade dance to be given under Ihe auspices or the LiiilbV Auxiliary on February 27. Friend or Mrs. .1. llelhering. Ion will be pleased to hear thai she has sufricienlly recovered from her reeenl operation lo allow her In be removed from Ihe hospital In her home. rtegimibl L. ("Sale lert for Vic loriu on Thursday where he In lends lo rulril a conlract entered inlo last spring, wheji he booked a 2 MltNinMlNMl h 'r mi fnchorl ctirft ClwColate Cake a Jillina 'its and icing made from Baker's Chocolate ( , by all means the most satisfactory-, chocolate for cooking and drinking. MAOt IN CANADA BY WulterBaker&Co. Limited SUBUSHtD t7SO MonlrealCanada DorchesletMass. fS BOOKUIOfCHOICt RtCIPCSStNTfRIC one of the major roles in a wedding that is to lake place in the very near fulure. i The Womcns '.Auxiliary nf the Union Church held Iheir regular monthly meeting ,al the home of airs. j. tuoai mr i iiursuay aner- jiooii. ( Mrs. W. firani rehirned In her' home at llazellon on Tbursdav-'s train arter an extended visit wilh her daughter, Mrs. X. Kilpalrick. I Ten Years Ago j up i In Prince RuDert I vie ( K- 1- -i! February 14, 1915 The ftdhiwiiig men have pass-id physical examination by Dr. II. I-. Treinayne (or enlistment iii Prince Hupcrl's secomi oer-.ea contingent aud'will he sworn in by .Major J. H.-McMullin to- morrow night: Arthur Rrislow.i James (loff, Xeil Mackay, Perry' Lumsden, It. C.anieon. J. Hutchinson, W. E. Chapman, J. C . Cooper. Aex. line, II. Moore, W. Smith, C. (i. fiiiinness, W. Ken nedy, A. Sutherland, fi. C. Mc- Leod, II. (i. .McKi'nuon, Robert Wiggins. A. E. Foreman, 0. II. Malcolm, A. Jolly, .Ulan Robert son, 1-. K. Smith, fi, P. Cambell, T. Ilowo, M. Donald, J. Anderson. S. Itoh. The Man in the Moon ! YSi- I JAKK vvanls In know if 1 can tell him bow lo manage a wife. Never try lo delve inlii Ihe unknowable. Jake. II does not ge! you anywhere. WHILE tlie its I of mankind :ire suffering from indigestion, the jiuunalisl ds .siill'ecing; from lark of a sipiare nieal. I w;is ever thus. ' ; - : I 1 O.M'.i: knew wo you'ng peopln who were dcenly iu loye with each oilier. Then Ihey spoiled il by gelljnif married. " . - - lllUDS j if a feather gamble lo-gel her. .No, mil gambol. , THE best resl raining influence 1 know is lack of stillieicnl funds. ; A lilltl. likes a dale but hales lo have a lemon al same lime. . she Ihe In the Letter Box J THE PRICE CUTTER Editor Daily Xews. The price ciiller is worse limn a criminal. He is a fool. He not only imlls Mown hie standard or his compel Mors, but his own goods and the whole trade. Re seullles the ship in which he himself is arioal, as well as the Ford or ear iu which be rides 'and says "Two bits to (he Oold Storage or anywhere al any lime Mwenly-five cents." .Nothing is so easy as to cut prices; and nothing is so hard las lo bring llu-in back, once lliey 'have been pulled down. Who gels Ihe bencfils of price cut-ing? Xobndy. The man himself makes no net profit, and Ihe man who patronizes rinds himself gelling an inferior article. No business can prosper or keep the standard of good or if (he price is persislenllv cut. Price cutting compels the use "T cheaii materials, redaction iu service and Ihe culling of wages. If the business world were dominated by price cullers (hero would be no business al all. Lei us eo-operale. A FHIEXI) OF CO-OPKIIATIO.Y GOVERNMENT NOTICE OF LIQUOR ACT, APPLICATION LICENSE. FOR BEER .OTICK H lip-i-l).- irlvi-n lhal nil the "111 iluy of M.irch n.-xl tin- jiiul-rlilii-il MUi-ikU tn iipply tn ihe I.liiiir Cimlriil Hnnril rnr a lli-i-nse In ri-Mpect In riri-tnl-u-s liclnir purl or IIih liiillillnr kintuii at Old Kiiiprrsft lluii-l, llii4ti-il al 7n Thlnl Avpiiiii-, l. In I ho citv or Crliu-c niiM-rt, I'rnvliii-c nr llrlll-h r.ul bin, Uh. tho :tiut ilem-rllM-d at l.i. m-vi-ii-Ici-ii (I7i nnrt ( k 0 t-en 1 1 8., In llliH-k lt'nt.t v. II.!-.. . 411 . ...1.... . ......... ...... ...... .--. ii in i .ni- 'II, Gamett, H, Uy -nr rrlnrp ltii(M-rt, ai'i-iirdinir In a v M....1 .. frl'iwil map in- plan r!i-..-oi-(l In Ihe .v. .liat'kay. I.and linrlnirr orrii-i- at iho i:iiv nr ci-iiii-i- iiiipi-rt ami iiiiinlii-ri-il Vii, fur llift sail or ni-i-r ny the Halt nr liv the i.i.i-ii erison, II. I. Hill mid K. Me.P lee Mile fur i'iiiiiiiiiiillnn mi Ihe tn-eniUea I'rince Rupert s fjrsl conlingepl . day'U' V,nV"n' "A " lias already left. Il.p yiliows f(.r' ()WI11.; KV' England. Local churches at Ihe services GOVERNMENT louay oiisened Ihe, .hunilrellh:NOTicE anniversary nr peace hehveen (ileal Britain mid the I'tiilcd- .notice Males. I he subject w;lw refers . .'. !' ': OF ir old Knipri'x lintel. Appllmnl. LIQUOR ACT. APPLICATION LICENSE. FOR BEER U hrri-hv irlien Hint r.n tt. of Man-li ni-l the iniderlinieil ... - - - i J, "i-i'i." i" me i.uiiinr i.niitriiii red to by ,,. llisliop , Du. . Verne , at ""'m , rr n r- in i-i-m-i-i in preinici - the Anglican Cliurch : ItJIi'n. ' .W. 'sf,,,0.. 'XtTVL.V '(rant al Hie 1'iesbvteriait an. I ''!. 'J J'.''"""0 Ilupert, t'l-nvlm-e nr .. - " - i.iiii-ii i.i'Miiriiiin, njniii ine iliul de lev..). ... . Wriffhl al Ihe Bap- ;"' ii iiifru-.n m, .h,i rom list, ;Am.M1glIUsJ,f,vJh nltendedi sei'linii'iine";, "y 'TlTx service al the Anirl can Clin.-cb i 5'.'"? !." 'W,.?r. 'I'luu was Irving S. l.lnnell. l.'uitcd !.h': ';.,,v ..r iTint-r ii n ami Stales consul here. Illsboo l . ZxiZtLt'Z. 1 ,!r if1!!"!!' yernel. slated thai it was; ''''tT.'. at rnnre n,.en, , Slh hut tpade 1 1 niuiiieii coucei . i nil r . neighbors .... .1. . j. . I-IM cm I'll ngiu. Last night. m fal rl n0 'ool loiirmiment or t)ie SI. An-Irew's Socielv t tin!.' nlnpn Vlln - ....... ..linn llobertson beat ltoh Hoherlson afler I lie fonnee bml u nn nvi.n lames Dunn nnd the lull er ovne Bob Davie. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert F. V. Delcourl. K. II. I II. M. Mcl.end Cone. Anvox. . . , Central A. Wasden ami W. Cr.iiL' - : J. Delorilie. Vnlllniu en- W. Ilram. Mnvi.n r GOVERNMENT NOTICE OF 104 ilOVIMK ami l ljin.ri M.niaKer and ' iTi'iprleti'irn nr Favny llniel. APPLICATION LiutnsE. ApplkanH LIQUOR ACT. FOR BEER . MlTICE U herchy riven that nn in.. .Ill i iy nf Mai-i-h next the unilci-lmieil I . ... ... ,., un- i. n imr I nnirn llnni-d rnr a lli-i-nse In ri'tei In pn-inUeii 1-liiit prt nr tlio iMilhlinir knlmr, i" New KinprenK Ihlli-I. Kliualeil at m third Avenue, In the c.ltv nr l-rlni-e HiilM-rl. rinvlnee nr llrlllsli Cnhiinlila npnii Ihe land described a, in,.' n-eii (iy) and twt-nijr (ifii). In iii'irk lenl.v-lii-.e (1t), sei-llnn one i ) C I if nf Prlnre llnperl. ni-i-nrdlnu- in a ! ,. . ii'ieii map nr plan ,I,.h,.,., ,h . . ' lellry orrii-e at ihe city ,,f iiuJ,t ix-er ny Ihe la. nr by Ihe npen bnltli. i-ri ami miiiiiieii-d oJ. rnr the rale nf1 fur rnniiiiintiiiii nn n.o V i HMCIi at I'l-lnee 'this llnpeit, HO " ' fth 'n ilny nr lilimarj-. I,s, MIIS. M, ,g3 Manaifeinss alll nf .New I'.mpress lintel. - tlinl'.--inl GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT, NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENCE. -lh,!r.lfr:r,".,"'l'.'',,V lllal "II Hie ilend In apply n the l.lnimr Cm" ', i'lni1 ''nsA I".':;,"'i:,",.i',:rf"' r I'm hlnlnn. Ii.c. nt,i the land " ile '-l-ll,ed al l.i,s N. 3 ,n, m Ui I'rnt nee . ! '.iimeilnn liie" Vm "'r '''"' n n , -VMm,B liAlin lhl lih day nr lYbrnarv I0IIN Ainu-n ii pi:nkis I'mpilelnr and Manairer Al'l'llrant, t MISSING! fB a? 7IliaU-Ji i -if FLAT WORK IRONING Not much left f washday when you use out" oft .i llsh service. No tub all tht. cashing is don;. No clothesline everything come3 oack dry, And no flat-work ironing that, too, is completely cared for, The hardest and longest part of washday is missing and this family service is so low priced that it's an economy as well as a convenience. Let us call this week and take away the part of washday that you'll be most happy to miss. Canadian Laundry and " Dry Cleaners Send if Phone 8 Dentistry Having actively taken over the Dental practice of Dr, Jos. Mag u Ire it Will be my earnest endeavor to give (he people of Prince Rupert antf1' district a high class dental service ot a reasonable fee. Dr. H. L Alexander" Smith Block. Phone 575. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton'Floatlng Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers. Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped (o handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 SAVAGE and Dryer Has no Wringer, needs none. Y"S ""'j! Medal at lust Quebec Exhibition nvf " Auiericnii and Canadian Machines. fJnsli I'rice $185.00; also sold' on U,i,'n!" Kaien Hardware Co.