February IL 925 lruin Moilrls $tl5.C0 up :m i jiii'l I" doublr rt-ii'ls .an or His MastersVoice Victrola more happiness to llii- whole rumily llinu any i inn ir 111 11 IJ..I.I i.it ii'iwv Iftfin: Vim will .iiii'iii for uic iiiuiM j. ij '. v.-tj .v,.... .1... in m1 I n.ivinetils. (! , r, double "idi'il rminU . Slii.on casn aim ni MKNiiii. ,0 uhL , ildiiiur 1 1 (iilK.OO 11111 Io.uu jut 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 . fl.-.no Cioli ami i?r-'.uu per minim. write for roriiplule catalogue. . $56.25 . $66.25 $142.50 i 1 - w w m. . w mil im mm - . v-v ' ' m U iMUlVIVO.CWKAt ISHERMEN! !,:::. vt yoiir Kirs I A Kil and sec thai it is coin- r II. . il 1 1.1 I....... p. i 1 1 iii :ari' mi lit1 iii lilt: iiiiiik- iiii --iiuiiiii luni uu . .... i t mi tint Iii ti:i ' IODINE ADHESIVE PLASTEI1 BANDAGES EPSOM SALTS I YSOL BORACIC ACID w r r tr t rvi liiii Hiiif iu.. uh.'vi ill nr in i i . I iiih. I I II r .1.1 I II Wt wwsaiwwa w v v . FIRST AID BOOK I- : iilir I'l'I'MMIllI Kll von Will al-o nceil RAZOR SHAVING SOAP RAZOR BLADES SHAVING BRUSH SOAP TOOTE PASTE COMB TOOTH BRUSH Iii: ill,; riiiM'iii iuuii 11 i'imi 'u v u m' nm ORMES LTD. Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store rU HYCIIUO liwiivj "u bwv Ask for a Tide Book for 1025. They are Free. WINTER Steamship Service PRINCE RUPERT aiU rrtilii i rilire Kiifi'il FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, tETUC,"Ui-iiiii'iliti in.lnH I'Uiti t rhlay v.uu a in. iewrt ami ANVOIi; . . . . Wiiliii'iliiy, 1 l.uu pin. THE i t, ' PRINCE JOHN" ! PRINCE RUPERT fortnightly for .PMSENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT "'""irni. bii Hiiui.t tMni iv-Bnaui, i iiimmi nmivs, AQtNCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINCS. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from' Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS WARY .umai I j vviuiiyoil, uimuau aiiu ur.y imj February 23. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE - -u.vuaiii), ovvanauil D"f wnob uuu avitnj umuii ana, mamu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines oriiialion I'riini- - W. C. ORCHARD. General Ancnt i ui oireci ana ra Mvcnue, irince nupcri, o.v.. MOM CTr- 1 I if ...r. .n . ...I nr. I. n I Til 1 'vril V .'AHO' I I liA1 I' A (M V I If III K.I li. I VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swamon Bmi, nd Alrl B, Tiir.(l, 5 P.l. VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Al.rl B, (nil Swanion Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. ANVo"' VCE ARMl "tWART, Sunday, 8 P.M. 2nd " 2?.'.P(,,,T SIMPSON and Na Rior Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. Aianua. jt Barnalay, Auant. r(n Kupart, a.O .S dlA 11 Wi4 HAS RF.rvinvF.n " (iiiiiiiini, ....i .i i .. , ...... ... Piiont 260. '.( iiiai iiiinr in i i'izxi'M I'.iliruer niinp, ncioss from the Hmpn'ss llnlel l .ii.n- i. lull l'i.i.i .11 GARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES 6S 2arell Drnnrlfitor ry Local and Personal j B-- 11. C. Undertakers Phono U. llayiicr, Undertakers, Phone 351 Shoe Specials Mrs. Urahl- 111(11 s. You'll like our joall Coiisum CIS Lll.il Co. Phone 7. You'll like my laxil Reason aide charges. Phone 30 1, day ur night. C. V. Synies. tfl Charlie tin' barber is now open for business at his n'W stand, next lo P. II. Fish Markel. Third Avenue. 4') It. i Ilrooks of Vermilion, Al berta, who has been visiting lm ulster Mrs. .1. i. Thurber, Fourth Avenue, left for Victoria. llev. 1, K. Haisler relumed lo Hie cily on the I'rineess ileal rice kvhieh arrixed from llic south ul 2 o'eloek this afternoon. Andreas llakkehar?, who lias been eiiRaKed in fishing here, leaves on loiiijjhl's train for Hall- fax enrmile lo Troiijhem, .Nor way, Ins home. Miliar Tel I ley, charged with creatine a disturbance, pleaded mil guilly in the police, court Ibis morning ami was allowed lo j by paying costs. More heal -less ash. Union auier diilliwark has unloaded :inn Ions .anaimo-W elliiiglou ena.1 for Albert A MctlalTcry. Ltd Phones I I ('. and 501. tf John Solher, charged wilh dis oriierly rrtuiluct on Cniuox Ave was fiiicil f2i) in Hk cily police court Ibis morning, besides hy ing assessed for damage he did lluibliiig plans prepared al moderate prices. John t'ii'ider Moss. A.K.I.U., olc. Sixteen years experience as archilccl ami si rucliiral engineer. Kill Smiiinil Avenue, P.O. Itox I '.'7. t..l'.Il. sleamer Princess Ileal rire. Cinil. Tbnimis I It I IT. arrive from I be snulh al 2 o'clock tlrN arienioon and will icluin lo "7irrcouer as soon us she li compleleil handling of freight. T!lt Indians of llaellon will pul on a play on Friday evrning. I'eliriiaiy, 2n (in" Iheir lialj al llaeilmi.' I'be'cliier re.itilei wil' lie nld lime nalie dances am' smigs, obi lime plays and leigli' of band performances; old lline ciinIiiiiis micIi as the making or fires and the way Ibis firn whs carried about for fulure use, h: making camp, and oilier old time I'usloms. tf .1. I). McCoy, an old lliiier'aml prosfieclor of Hie north, is in the cily making preparation lo par ticipate in Hie spring gold rush inlo Hie 1 lease Lake counlry. In addllion lo vvinl er Irail i.'iiip-ii ii'ii t he is endeaoring to secure iliren or, four good sleigli ilogs", and will sail for 'rangill on February from which pitiu' he wilt mush iverland lo the gold counlry. MINK PELTS WANTED We have a conlracl for 5,000 minks which must be filled, and we are enabled under the lenns of Ibis conlracl lo guarantee to trappers and customers oulv not dealers1 the high price now ruling. In olber words we will guaranlee our paying pric? against markel decline until Ibis order is filled. We will pay a premium of no to the parly who brings in Hie Ijesl slrelrlrvil mink in filling Ibis order. Wm. (ioblblooiii The Kur Man. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS C.N.ll. Mmpboos' Annual Hall, I'ebruary 17. Illks' Annual Novelty dance, ivbriiary 'o. forYou t THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE TIIREP my. mi 1 NiOai lBB( Sold in I'rmce rtupert ORMES LIMITED by ' CORONER'S JUBY DISAGREES IN INVESTIGATING DEATH OF LITTLE NORMA MUNRO: DRIVER IS CHARGED. (eonlinued from page one) iinl, almost immediately, the scream or (ioruoii .uiuiro lor iim falher. She saw Mr. Monro dart mil lo the street and pick up the Utile girl. She did nol bear the tooling of it born. The car was going about an ordinary rale when she saw it. " Sergeant McCiHnchy lold of being called to II"' scene of Hie accidciil by Symes,. lie also (old of a voluntary slalenieut llial bail been made by Synies. In givinjr bis own evidence, Sytnes staled he was traelliiiur west lowanls town. Coming over the brow of the hill on i'iflh Avenue Mas I. lie saw a group of children in lite road al a distance if aboiil I'll yards, lie blew his born and, in response, I In clnld- separated. 'Tin miUl of Ibeiii weul on lo the sidewalk on Hie Htiht bill Hie little girl wenl (lit leff where she stood about Ivvo feel from tbe left band side of Ihe slreel. When. Hie car was about Ihree feel from. her. she apparently took lhe notion lo join her comrades iit the rigid I Church Notices S You will make no i kJN 'attending the Itaplisl Ij ! Sunday morning. Tli I'hc I band Able of the slrcet, lie lidj all in his power to avert hilling Hie child, pulling on his einer-1 Sfi'iicy brakes iihll s'vverving loj . ...I.I....I.. .11.1 II ..II IIM riglll. Mfiliirinj inn 1 1 .in , .1 uaiinen. However, uiai ii. wasi impossible to avoid billing Hie llllle girl. The left head lamp knocked her down. A lillle fur-llier on. be slojiped Ihe car lo gi l.irk and pick up Hie victim bill her falher was already I here, i rollowing Hie falher inlo Ihe!.' iioue, he pboueil up Ihe police station to give notice of Hie accident. Subs(iuenlly. Ihe child was I a ken lo Ihe hospital and he 'Symes i drove Sergeant Mc-'ilincby back lo Ihe police station. Witness said lie was proceeding at h rale of H or ten miles an hour, lie did no! pull up dead afler sinking Ihe child. Hi could have pulled up on Ihe sidewalk. Had Experience Fiirlher iiiesioned, Symes saiil be bad only recently slarled driving a car in I'rince lliiperl. He bail had considerable experience driving in London, England, ami bad rcrnnimcmlalious as lo his ability. Iniesly and characler. lie had never had an accident in Loudon. His experience had been wilh geared cars and he had never driven a Ford before. He had I n driving in, I'rince lluperl alioul leu days. Dr. W. T. Kcrgln. in giving i evidence, staled dial Ihe liltlcj -ill had sustained a fracture at Ihe base of Hie skull. II was a scry serious case of brain concussion. Slie never regained consciousness. The right side of Ihe face was badly abraded, i The Tnii'lurc luighl have .been I caused by an imparl, bill u vehicle, be fell, would have lo be no-' inir al a preMy fair rale of speed. This depended, of course, on wbal pari of Ihe car Ihe cblb had been si ruck bv. A compara- livcly liubl blow might cause the lifjury in Ihe case of such a young child. FUNERAL NOTICE i'uneral service will be conducted tomorrow. Sunday afler-nooii al fl..'IO in Ihe Presbylerian Chiircli. by the llev. II. II. (Irani, D.H. for lillle Norma Muuro before inlerinenl at Fairviow ) Anion . Wells alias iltosang, Ichargeil wilh fighting, pleaded not gullly in the cily police court this morning ami judgment win 'reserved until this afternoon. .:-4 Baptist Church mistake in Church on thought lo be piesenleil is "The Maui- jfeslalions of Love." You are in daily eonl act with Ihe things with which this deals, therefore you are interested. Children's Ghat: "Tin llest in Ho llcasl." The evening service will be of vital interest to young ami obi i alike. The. address will lie on "The Limitations of Law.' You, of course, have asked yourself ueslious such as lliesc "I)o our sins always find us out'?" "Musi a man reap what h sows'''' "The soul lhat siuiielh. must il die?" You will want lo he present because these are your question and they perplex you. Arrange then to be wilh us al II in the morning and especially al 7.:;n in the evening. Slragers passing through ami visilors lo our cily always find a very real welcome. It is the church for those without a church. The Foursquare Gospel Church of the loursiiiarc dispel, Mclnlyre Hall, 71 1 Third Avenue. .!. II. Wiley, paslor. In- tei'denouiiualioual in spirit, evan gelical in message, revival services. Sunday services, II a.m silbjecl: "How lo be an Over- comer." 7.011 p.m. "The (treat Tribulation." - p.m. Sunday School. Tuesday and Friday a .... H o. III. IwcngelNllc messages. Thursday at 8 p.m. Message on Divine healing: prayers Tor lh sick. Saturday i.'M p.m. children's crviee Kvcryone .welcome o these services SalvaUon Army "Win Aiiolher campaign. Obi lime- revival services louighl al 8 o'clock. 5uuday II a.m. I'raisi iiiffliiig. into p.nu Sunday KMI'. Sunday 7..'J0 p.m. "Chooc vour song" service Subject ".lust a look." Fund-motif of junior soldiers. Tin voiiiiir people will lake par). Wednesday and Thursday al K p.m. i'uldic meetings. Monday p. in. Hoy M'oiiis. rrmay !n. in. liirl liuai'ils. I Presbyterian Church Morning worship at II o'clock. Subject: "Perfect Soeiely." Sunday School al l-'..'10. Kvcniuv service al 7. .10. Subject: "In my Fal tier's House." Preacher. Ilev II. II. (iraul, li.H. Lutheran Church SI. Paul's Lutheran' Church, Melropole Hall, Third Avenue, llev. P. I'.. Haisler, H.H., pastor. Moriiiug worship at 1 1 o'clock. Sunday School al UMIO. Evening service at 7.:i(l. Mr. Haisler will preach al both services. Methodist Church 'The Church of Service. Pas-1 lor, llev. (ieorge (i. Hacker. j Deaconess, Miss Isabel Haddock. Morning service at II o'clock. I Sermon topic: . iiooii i.ouipan-iou." Sunday school at -'.30. Kveniiig service at 7..'t0. l'cuiling- Ho arrival of Ihe Prince .lobn from the Islands, llev. Arlhnr Harner. of Toronlo will be the speaker. Hi SAILINGS TO KUltOl'li MAKK KI'SI KVATIHXS XIIW FROM ST. JOHN TO LIVERPOOL li'li sf o. Vlar. '.mi MmilittM leli. Mm'. 1 Mdiilciiliu V.ir. , Mf- :l Munllainler Miir. :i. tr, in Mniiii'linii TO CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON-ANTWERP Mar. ."i Mniliili'li Mar. II', ,fr. h'. Mcllln Apr. 8 .MIinii'iloa TO GLASGOW Mir. 7 Muiliirli Mar. 111. Apr. 9 Mcliiiruina Apr. I Mini i real FROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. Mar. SI Mniiiruyul WEST INDIES CRUISE ttli. SI, rrimi .Nvw VerW .. Moiilioyol Apply lo Atenti tverywheri or J. . FORSTER. Gn. Ajt., C.P.K. Station, Vancouver, Ttltphont stymour 2(30, tan. c.e. Ky.. Triffic Ascntt. WHEN OPPORTUNITY COMES TlOW much money have A you "put by" at the present time? EnougK to pay a doctor In case of sudden illness in, your family? Enough to make a payment on a Kome nhoiilii von he offered a bargain ? Enough to take advantage cf a eudden business opportunity ? - Ordinary opportunities, ordinary happenings, these, yet hvy many are ready for tomorrow's big chance tomorrow's cmcrj-enry? The man with a good bank balance is always ready for the unexpected. Out booUtt, TI IE MEASURE OF YOUR INCOME," win help you. Atk tha Mamcet Iv a copy. The Royal Bank ... oflpda Prince Rupert Branch - F, E. Robertson, Manager "Rupert Fish" Fresh Frozen All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties in season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddie "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotians. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockeye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ul Prlr.ia Rupert, B.C. Helgerson Block. Phone 109. Dr. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST 'I'lit slandnril of ilcnlislry I have to offer is iiiciismc.U by llicst wunls IIONKST, IIKLIAHLK, lKILSO.VAI My nielhods arc- I lie- latest, my fees arc iifoilerale, junl Hie giiiirniilce I give is L Nt'OMtlTIO.VAL . AHSOLLTK fSAT-LSl'Ain'JO.N is my only aim. GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST. GET IT AT! PHONE 586 HIGH CLASS -GROCERS SLANEY'S STRAWBERRY JAM, 4 lb. tins 75c OLD KENTUCKY THE HOME Or OLO KENtUCKr TYPE WHI3KCV ESTABLISHLO FOR OVER OO YEARS Bourbon Whiskey BOTTLED IN BOND An old fashioned whisKey made In tho old fashioned way matured in charred oak barrels and NAMED FOR THE STATE AND TRULY GREAT 26 i 1! This advertisement is nut published or displayed . by the ' i.innnp r.nnirnl llnnrd nr hv the Governmeht of British Coluuihia. i