4P im AnRiiN Ijndiey'o'r The ih-Velopiueul of II,. 4 LEFT FOR HOMEk n ... j n..i - ti .... uKmm This Morning After Eventful Week 1 vt;nl YKIt , ,. H. After t week ju which' S Jy as liiinuiled Willi q livjji .'li vvi'tciiiiie and iniieh m:: ii-lini'i ami afloat, Hie -it nf the .lalanese 'I ' . ui 1 11 111 i,i-M'il mil nf Inn Iiul- till 1 1 1 ri 1 i 1 1 u ... ... 1 ... 1 1 . .ti. 11 1 1 1 11 " ai..ii ial Ilyakul.ike xeni 11 .1". ..1 1.. 11... ii,..-- ' ami penile of I'aiinil.u lii'lll fur the vvelcoine. LARGER AND FINER EXHIBIT at Wembley Along with Other Dominions ' 1 "A V Vvb. 1 1. C.u.iuh ' " ' any oil at nnhlry un " it 11 11 11 o 111111 rmit'ft '"nn than 1 hat which won (ii'iil u iiln "") n I'j'i n nil M hi ni 1 :i 1.. vi' 11 11. .1.1. 11 111 1 hi i , . r 1 ...... 1 ...... 1 : 1 .. .. - " "I I 111 II IU Iii II 111 r."! IM- ,11 I t ...... .1 ;.. 1 ....I '"'J 'I'MMMIHIU Ullll IMHUM iii i lllilll-ll I I. Vl'ill' III 'i'tcciiiei naain. ... unnn iiiJi ii iii' i'ii iiiii CARS GRAIN IN WEEK OUT OF 1810 LOADED INM I'IK.. ,., 11 iiiiiM,,,. 11 f " lM,'il from August I to 1 1'lirunry 1 1 . t- ..... "I 'I. I I X K.-ll.w ..I I.. I. ...I 1 ' wi (,111111 ll.lij M-i;n '"vi'leil llV till, I ..,. 1 1 1. 11 Vil, llUllll) lt;nwi,v- ,,l V,:, ,','S.I "f Were delivered ilil'r. "i4 tile iin-1 L- i'i... 1..1..I on Hie r,..ii. ilnrlnu I lie "'K w..n. IHI11 cars eunlainiiig "ui.uiiij IHlSlii'l. ''flllll "i klnriiuH ul ,., .1 1 ,1 1 i v 'l'-'viiii,.M on M, system yP, at """"-y i.oinm ' 1. linn 1...1 ' - 1 1 1 m ! r 1 lllllllllllls lo 1 iiiro. "Whatever happens, we II,- ca'iuiol he merely onlooker. We hall have lo be participants." Passion for Expansion The passion for national ex pansion, which was iinplanleil in ecry Virile race nan i-.iucu .us in Ihe iiasl, declared Ihe general. If war look place in Ihe I'acific in Ihe near future, il would he because of a desire for expansion 011 I Ins pari of one of the fc'real powers. liencral Mellricn spoke of Ihe stroiiily fortified bases main-liiineij by Hie United Slab's on the I'ieihe al Ihe I'anaiiia .one iiml siiiil the nronoseil naval manoeuvres of Ihe t'nitcil Stales fleel olf Honolulu lo lake place (Ids year were regarded by Ihe .lapaiieM With suspicion. Then came Ihe .statement which slarlled his healers, (.an- add, he said, had ii naval base al Fsfpiiiuall, which he described as Vnither obsolescent," with :i:it 11 and a few ,,'iius only. while no allemiil was made lo defend Prince lluperl. lie con- Irn.ii-il lliis with Ihe action of Australia, which, with n mandate over several Islands, has six naval bases. No Justice Without Might Owlnif lo Canada's situation. liencral Mcllrien said, Ihe .de partment oT defence had great rcspnlislbililie.s III keeping UU i.i.vxii'ni vi'mr'aml eiiuimiiuir ami IriliuiiiH rorces Tor Ihe dercnce id Canada and lo enable, it lo. lake ils place in the I'.inpiie. .Iulice without inishl was 1111-uvailiug and he urged Canailiiuis to use I heir best endeavors lo make Hie Finpire stronger and hind ils parlM logelher more closely. "It is better lo live and work for your county in peace than lo die for il In war," lie coiirmucu. BULGARIA'S MINISTER STATES ASSASSINATED SOFIA, Feb. 1 1. Professor Nlcliola MilelV, recently appointed Bulgarian minister to Ihe United assassinated here Slates, was last nitfhl. OTTAWA, lei., li. Frril Stuck Iwliiy, afler ;i Conference willi O. li. Mr-Ori'i'c, nut a resolution mi I lie oilier paper of. (lie House oT Commons III;: III,; .'in iiupiii-y l)i' undertaken lo ascertain Ihe amount of monies received iiy Hie Dominion (iiiliTlilii'-nl from Hie Provinces iiml llieic contributions lo each wild a view lo finding uul if B.C. is gelling iin equitable shaiif of federal revenue. TUG FEARFUL AND I V DREDGE EXPECTED " HERE IN DAY OR SO Already Some Preliminary Work Is Being Done at the Elevator Site Here II is evpecleil that Ihe tu fearful and dredge No. 10, be. longing lo W. I'.. Arnell, will arrive here by Sunday or .Monday lo sIhi-I work .011 Hie elevator site. .Mr. Arnell is (nnlerslood to be coming north willi Hie eiuipinent, Operations will start a day or so after Ihe lug and dredgo arrive. Already a track crane is busy doing some preliminary clearing up work at the elevator site. JACKMILLER IS SENTENCED Former Local Man Gets Two Years and $15,000 Fine for Liquor Consplraoy (Special to Dally News) LOf? ANGELES, Feb. 14. Jack Miller, Vancouver liquor dealer, was sentenced to two years In Leavenworth Penitentiary and fined $15,000 on four counts In connection with a liquor smuqqllnq conspiracy. Alexander Curtis, president of the Curtis Packing Co., of Longbcach, was sentenced to two years and fined $7,500. FUNERAL HELD JODAY OF MAGNUS SIGURDSON DR. GRANT OFFICIATING The funeral of the late Sigurdson. who was drowned near Smith Island on Wednesday, look place Hits afternoon from Ihe house on Fifth Avenue, llev. II. II. (Irani. ol)lclaliug. l'all bearers were Thomas Hoiiller, .too I'lillipson, . T. Il .louasun Win. (ii'inson, .J 1 1 o. Fyolfs'oti and H. I1'.. I'',yolfson. F'loral olferings were sent by It. II. Keel'haber, Mr. and Mrs. Moersch, Mr. and Mrs. Boulter, Fredie llouller. Mr. hid Mrs. It. Long, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Stephens, Miss Sara l'hillipson, Mr. and Mrs. Took, Miss Sharp and Hyde Transfer. t TAXI BOSTON GRILL ! 25 and Large Upstair Dining Halt, Ambulance with newly laid dancing MM'" floor for hire, Suitable for Service dances, banquet and wed Anvwhere at Anytime ling parties. Stind Royal Hotel, 3rd Av. PRINCE RUPERT For ralss, apply to Boston and em si. flrill. Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. vol. xv no an. "'tin . I'HINCE HIPI-IIT U.U., SAilHUAY, FEB I it AH Y 14, 1083. William T. liosgnive, resident of Ihe Irish Free Stale, pu-es for Ins bust, which is being exenileil by (ieorgc F. Wains, the American sculptor, in his Auleuil studio Coroner's Jury Disagrees in Investigating Death of Little , . . Norma Munro:Drivei Charged After deliberating for one hour" and IfJ minutes, Ihe coroner' jury at the impiesl into Ihe death of jillle Norma luiiro, who was killed 011 Thursday afternoon wlwn dvnocked down by ari.Niiln-mobile driven by (J. V. Symes, returned lo Ihe courtroom at 1 o'clock Ibis afternoon reporting that it had failed lo come to an agreement, llisngreemeill of a coroner's jury is a rare occurrence in Ihe history oT British Columbia law courts, but il is provided Tor by slalule by having Ihe empiiry adjourned until the next eniiri of assize and the jury retained until thai lime. C. V. .Symes, Ihe. driver of Ihe cur, is mil on jjTi.uoo. bail 011 a charge of iii:iiikliiiiLrliler. - The impiest opened Ibis inorii-j iug at in o'clocli in the city niiliee court before Coroner Nor man Wall. The jury comprised! John Dybhavii 'foreman , Led! Wnugh. W. 1). Vance. 0. 1'., John Mnuson. She saw Hie little girl apparently standing 'in the road and the car approaching fairly near. The driver attempted twice lo turn ainl clear the voungsler and, in doing so, Ihe right wheels or Ihe car went up on the sidewalk. She did not actually see Ihe child struck. Later she saw the child lying on Ihe -Heel. The car came to a slop about till feet further on. The ar was travelling al a reasonable rale of speed, willicss opiiieil. It was travelling on the right hand side of Ihe street. Saw Car Coming Annie Smith, aged tL saw the car approaching as Ihe tilth air I was crossing Hie street. Sin lliouulil Unit Ihe car would run into Hie child and she lurned her back. The driver tried lo slow 1111 and Hie car ran 011 lo the sidewalk. She did not hear tin horn of Ihe car looted. The lillb girl was lying on Ihe road in front of Ihe Monro house. The ear slopped near Ihe Spencer house. I : 1 1 1 1 1 Cilgar heard a boy , r It r..ll I screaming lor ins lamer wnum she saw come out and pick up Ihe little girl. She saw Ihe man get out of his car -which was slopped near Ihe Spencer house iiml come back. She did not see Hie little girl struck and she did not hear Ihe horn tooled, Heard Scream Mrs, l. U. Mcllac, who was coining along Young Slreet near the lliiplist (.liurch, heard a .renting 'ami grinding noise. She saw a car go by 011 d-'irili Avenue continued on page three) BUYS ISLAND Tinker, John II. .Mitchell, and H. S. Alllslone. City Solicitor K. F. iMorosby Taken Over by Wealthy .limes and W. O. Fulton appeared j Callfornlan Who Will Lay as counsel, the laller lor &yines. Ihe first witness was Mrs. It Out YMLrd.r't Circulation 1621 Strut SIm 4M. YICTOIHA, Feb. 1 1. -Moresby Island, one of the largest Of the minor groups of islands in the Oulf of (icorjda. about twenty miles from Victoria has been old lo Louis llraduury, a weanhy mining operaior nnu land owner of California. The occupants of Ihe island are now moving- otf In lurii 11 over lo Bradbury and his associates. It I be developed as a pleasun resorl. An artificial lake will be onslrucled, a golf course laid out ami a club hotel creeled. Fnion steamer Venture-; Capl . Johnstone, was in port nl noon soul minium irom .uyux md the Nans lliver lo Vanrouver . MINING PROSPECTS1, . OF BULKLEY VALLEY The. Sinitliers Board of Trade has recently prepared a survey of Iho mining prospects of the llulkley Valley. The work has been in charge id L. S. Mcllill, last year's secrelary and this year's president, and Is very comprehensive. 11 covers each properly in detail and Will prove of great interest to miners and others. The report will he published in this paper in serial form, continued for several days until completed. nam-ial policy ul.vin will be shown to have been I J 1 1 Ti 1 1 ! 1 1 ll t'l I . Another factor believed lo be cuiilritiiiling lo the .situation is Hie political uuresl due lo the growing conflict between .gov ernment partisans and I'alholics, wliirh chlininaleil in the recent Marseilles riot IN1ERESTNG FISH BOAT CASE HEARD IN COUNTY COURT If Member of Crew Shares Pro fits Should he also share Losses Is Question Involved A lesl ease lo decide ilily of a member of a 1 .-m 1119 1 boat crew for portion of loss 6n a I rip was heard by .MuJge Voun in the County Courl yesterday iflefiioon and judgment was re- scrvcii . 1 lie case was nun 01 ivigau vs. Sheppard in which W. Taylor appeared for the lainlitf and K. F. Jones for the efendaiil. In 11)23 the fishing boat I ml-1 ihiu, Hie crew of which ilefend- inl was a member, ended a voy- al a loss. One of Ihe crew hail been drowned ami another id gone insane. The plainlilT claimed he had entered into an igree ut willi Capl. Byrne hereby Ihe captain and crew- were lo sliaie ill losses on irips iiuv. Defendant claimed that was no aware of any such irrangeinenl. II was proven, lowever. Hint defendant hud hared ill nrevious profits utnl Ihe uueslion arose as lo-whether this eonsilulcd partnership. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English League Division I. Arsrual n, lluihlcrsfiehl i. As4ou Villa 1, Birmingham 0. Burnley 1. Tollenhain 1. Bury I. Wesl Ham 2. ' , Canlifr I, Notts County 1. Leeds I.. 11, Wesl Ilrinvvich 1. Liverpool t. Newcastle I'. I. Manchester City I, Blackburn : Nolls Foresl 2. Sheffield U. Preston I, Bolton 0. Sunderland 1, Fverton 1. Scottish League Division I. Mrdrieonians 0, Aberdeen' 0. Celllc 2, St. Johnstone 1. 3. Dundee 2, Hamilton A. 0. Fnlkirk-Hangers not played. Ililierniaus-Third Lanark not played. Morion 2. Hearts (I. I'artick Thistle '2. .Kilmarnock I, Oueen's Park I, Cowdenbeath I Unllh Hovers I. Motherwell 0. St. Mirren I, Ayr United 0. SCOTLAND BEAT WALES KDINIIl'KOII. Feb. 1 1.- hi ah international soccer match play ed here today Scotland defeated Wales three goals lo one. PRICE FIVE CEJTCS GLECT OF RUPERT DEFENSES MENTION ROP IN PRICE Or FRENCH MONEY DUE TO LACK OF FAITH IN COUNTRY Is 11 f f 1 enuunalt llhznlPtP ana frmro Rupert Neglected is Comment of Army Chief of Staff in Address Miivi f ivinr t nan nnrrficrc I no i nnniimn 1 r Canada with that of Australia and Urges Action IMPORTANCE OF PACIFIC OCEAN )esire of Expansion of Some Great Power may Cause War and Canadians Could Not be Onlookers Special lo Daily News . MUVI'llKAI., Fub. 1 1. Thai llu defenses of Ksipiimall hit ... ..r .....I . ..llitnti.l Ikil. I.mtii ni'iilit lit ilitlllllil I'l'IIU mi-.'wi v :i - 1 1 1 riiiiniii'iii iii .liiiiiif i irnri in .1 . 11. .111 u ir 1. if iirtiit'inciil 11I i ofi'iiri ui uvtwt iiiiu nv al Ihi- uinnn;ii ..T..1.1 1. ikf Hut' iiiiiiiriiil nrili'p nf llii' I l:ini?hlir lit Killtiirt iii - ' Mcllhrii began by pointing nut Ihe importance ' of Paeilic problems In students Wmhl tirade tirade nosiljom. of Canada, Alls anil .New Zealand, inll' of affairs in I lie Pacific lor x 1 1 a 1 importance 10 mm- r.n.- STORK ASKS HRW PROVINCES STAND TOWARD DOMINION Exodus of Capital and Political Unrest Cause Price of Franc to Drop PAHIS, FuL. 14 The continued exodus of capital from this ouiilry ascribed lo decreasing confidence in Frunce 011 the gove i inenl's financial policy is given in banking circles for the harp fluny in exchange, which sent Hie dollar to 111 finnrs 25 ciiliincs today. Capital exportation is said to Im going oil largely through I lie pun-hasc nf foreign securities on the Bourse. It is estimated thai four billion francs have been exported s;iice Christinas. Premier lleriol is confident thai when the government's fi- is understood, III'" ATTACK MADE ON GOVERNMENT Spirited Debate on Address In Commons Yesterday: Senate Adjourns OTTAWA, Feb. 14. The debate on the address in reply to the speech from the throne, which came near dying a natural death Thursday evening,. was re-vived wberiV. jinus of Pjnv lnons resuthriJ Friday and bo-came slrenuo.us a tjie day wore-on.'- ' T'lie debate was carried on by Ihe li- l('"ni,ervlive members, who Join. riti.i..ied in a spirited attack on the , in ui mijii-iii. The .Senate adopted the motion for Ihe address In the evening and adjourned until March 10. DISTRESS NOT UNUSUAL ERIN Minister of Agriculture Accuse) Newspaper Correspondents of Exploiting DUBLIN, Feb. It. Patrick Ilogun, minister of agriculture, told daily press correspondents that they had been exploiting lh distress in western It-eland for I heir ow n purposes and said there was no abnormal distress Ibis year. There is always distress in these districts. There vvas no failure of Ihe po'.alo crop exeepl in limited areas. PILLSBURY TRYING FOR BOAT CONTRACT So Says Special Despatch From Ottawa Published In Van- -couver Sun A special despatch from Otta wa lo the Vancouver Min says: To persuade Hie government, Ihrnugh the Canadian National Hallways. In build .a ship at Prince Iin pert, is tlie mission here of J. Pillsbury, superintendent of the Prince llupert dry dock. MISS TOLMIE FALLS FROM WINDOW AND DIES YICTOIHA, Feb. It. - Miss (i'eralillne Tolmie, niece of the bile Licul.-Oovernur T. W. Patterson, is dead as a result of falling from a window of Mm home lit Uplands. She had not been well for some lime, She was born in Kincardine, Onl, ami was Ihe daughter ot the lain John Tolmie, member, of Parliament for Bruce constituency. Adverll?e In the Dally News.