"AGE SIX Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practlca knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large j stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist FIFTY FISHING BOATS ARRIVED AT KETCHIKAN Fifty-nine Cleared From Thcro up to Thursday of This Week Word received from Ketchikan yesterday by tlio Princess Mary was Dial un to Thursday fifty (men llii' lii'iiil -MarM lo 'lm niil lulu Mm limy irt sMirril tint tin" vau coiiim rii.iii lint fli.in.irh. liver ur boucK nil I ho i-ausc niuMl be mimi'itl iMforc per iiiaiii'iil relief may be lia.l. risliiiis boats had arrived u 1 1 ' .iesni,ti.m num. Seattle, from the oulsido and 51) nnnnnri ni nnn niTTrnc essels liad cleared for the fish-1 DUfAUULIY DLUUU D111EIJ lug grounds. Vessels arriving since Monday were: Akulan, OIc lljirkc, master; Scandia, (). O. Ilvaltini, master; Viking, K. Lok-ken. master; lllionia,' Ole Moland, master: Kodiak, Ole Larson, master; Tordeiiskjohl, '. l'eder-son. master; lloahl Amundsen, llergej- Ldwards, master; Young America, Oswald Olson, master; Wireless. John Cht-istenseii, master: Hrisk, A. Knutsoii, inas- Thrru In no beller ivmeily for bead as II relume I lie i-iiim of the henilaclics III a way dial no nlher reineily will do. Mis. Win. Ilelpard, Lower Slewlaefce. N.S., write:- "I snrOirrt Tor a long time Willi my bend. It would aelie and arbe until II made me so sick I rould not do anythinir, but after taking- four Indlles of ll.ft.lt. I reel that 1 ennnnl leejimmeiid It too liljrlily to all I hose pufferlng from headaclies of any kind." U.U.n.. Ims been on the market Tor the last 46 yearn and Is recognized by all nho have used it to lie without an equal H4 refiieilv for Inllil:lrlte4? Ttot on nolv ler; imperial, j. u. iionman, mas-ir,v TlicT. MIIIhiiii Co., LIiiiIUmI. Toronto, ler; Wilson, Olaf Overaa. nias-int. ler; Gnluniliia, lien Jaeolisen. master; Zenith, John Iversen, master; Kanalak, .Vugnst Olsen, master: Liluyn, II. Jensen, mas ter; Polaris, O, J. Ness, master: and Atlas, John Monsen. master, all from Seattle. The Silka, Wil liam Douoeit. muster: Onah, II. WESTHOLME THEATR1 Tonight Only, Saturday Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. "Merton of the Movies" A Junius (Iruze production. ' firude A comedy, genuine novelty anil w hnlesonie lnve-appeu. (ilcuif Hunter, I lie. original "Merlon" of (lie famous stage liil4 in Hie even hel-ler screen version. The hilarious adventures of a nmvie-iniul grocery clerk who wnnled u lie a Valenlino. A clean, clever, photo-play dial every 'family In the town wilt enjoy. It's (he original- of all stories of Hollywood behind Hie scenes, niany limes imitated hut never eiiialleil. Next lo gelling into t lit movies, Hie most fun is seeing ".Merlon of Hie .Movies." Distinguished cas. GLENN HUNTER VIOLA DANA DeWitt Jennings Charles Ogle Charles Sellon Gale Henry and many others COMEDY - - "WHY MEN WORK." FOX NEWS-GAZETTE Admission 50c and 25c. 5 Days 5 Days pecials THURSDAY, FEB. 12 to TUESDAY FEB. 17. White Cotton lleg. :.0e per yard, 5 yards Utv . . . . $1.00 Grey Cotton lleg. 110c per yard, . yards for $1.00 36" Striped English Flannelette ID Pieces lo ehooso from. lleg. 'illc per yard, 1 oiils for $1.00 30" Striped Flanneletto - lleg. ItOe yard, T yards for $1.00 White Flannelette lleg. :i()e, o yards Tor $1.00 Dish Towelling -lleg. yre per yard, 0 yards for .. $1.00 Ladies' White and Black Fleece-lined Gloves lleg. ,'Oc per pair, for per pair 25c 3 dozen Children's White Flannelette Nightgowns t! lo (! years. Meg. l.:i." each, for each 85c Misses' Natural Wool and Cotton Vests and Draw'ers lleg. $1.25 each, for each 70c Infants' Black Woollen Hose lleg. ISc; each 25c Women's Black Cashmere Hose lleg. fl.l: ,for ... 00c Boys' Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose Sizes 5 to 7'j. lleg. i()c; pair .' ... 25c Boys' Heavy Cotton Ribbed Hose Sizes 8 In DVj. lleg. ," pair; !t pairs for $1.00 Willi lliese we are offering a large assortment of Iteiuifuiils which must go at half the prices. These liargain prices speak for themselves. WATCH OUR WINDOWS Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 645. 7th St. and 3rd Ave. selig, iiert. master, from Prince llu- HAYSPORT MISSING SAYSjiEATTLE PAPER Left Vancouver on January 10 and Had Not Arrived In (he issue of Thursday ie!elikan Chronicle says: Some anxiely is felt for inotorship llayspoi-l, which Vancouver, It. I'., on January ii-eonling lo reports, bound vessels of which just front the south. the the lert l, rut- Skagway with a cargo of powder for Hie lute Pass railroad. In- iinry was received in Ketchikan loday as to whether the ship had ver entered here from the south. At the customs office il is said Dial the shin niiirlil have gone nil the Juneau or Skngway' lo enler, hut it is not believed likely, as nothing had been heard ir il al Jiiueau. That has been definitely ascertained,- Inquiries are being scnl south today In see if un thing is known of why il has not arrived. , Impiiry is also being made Huong i.iie fishing fleet, manv relurned BAPTIST LADIES HOLD TEA AND SALE AND A GOODLY SUM REALIZED Under I he auspices of I he' llaplisl Ladies' Aid a successful lea was held yesterday al the lioiiie of .Mrs. Iter! .Morgan, IUI.j I bird Avenue West. In rooms tastefully Ileeoraled for the oc casion .Mrs. .Morgan received, as sisled in so doing by I he nresi- Jenl, Mrs. 1". .Atorris. Mrs. J. ; llaijiploii iMiured, assisted liv ' j Mrs. i. Ilihhar.l. .. Those serving were Mrs. jj Lindsay, nmL.Mrs. I'. l.in.ey. 'L'ln Inline cooking slalf was in I rharge of Mrs. S. Ilainhlin. Mrs. K .1. Itobiiison was cashier. During the afternoon a vocal solo was rendered by Mrs. P. .1. McMillan, accompanied by Mrs. (1. II. Klkins. A substantial sumj was realized. ! G. A. PARKS IS NEW GOVERNOR OF ALASKA WASHINGTON, IVb. IS. (i-orge Alexander Parks of Alaska was nominaleil today bv Pre sident Co.'.idge fo be (iovernor of Alaska. He will succeed. .Scot I Hmie. whose term e.xjiires in a few months. HOCKEY SCORES Haskaloon u. I'Mmoulon :i. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. HKillY ISLAND. Cloudy; calm; barometer 30.10; leiuper-alure i.'H; sea smooth; 11.15 p.m. sjiuku steamer Venliiro leaving Port Simpson bound for Hkeena fiver; 1M0 p.m. spoke sleaiiier Prince John i r t Hecate Straits bound for Mussed; 10.50 p.m. speke. Princess Ileatrice approaching Skeena river nort'i-bouiul, HULL HAItllOIl. Overcast; ' Dr. Martel's Female Pills IUv ...1.1 ,k A i... century, corractinr um, bulldinr op n4 tranzth.ninir organi. rrlivln DELAYED, no rAinruu mckstkuaiiun, Ntll. VOUSNESS. BACKACHE. DIZZINESS, etc noc!niTHit druirt. Soldsnlrln Seatrd Hint-Cover TIN BOX with our ilintturt. DrustiiU fiycrywnr, or uireri Dy mmil, lmtn p.ck.r l 00 IiKk.rk.ckn R. C. . 71 I. rtt St., IwoiU, C. Clrcilir Bilic rcqial. - THE DAILY NEWS Saturday February II w.. HER HEADACHES WERE SO BAD SHE C0ULDN7 DO ANYTHING Here's a 2 Day Special That Spells Value on Sale Monday and Tuesday Only, All Day WESTERN KING Union Made OVERALLS Smocks Coveralls in heavy 7 oz. Denim Overalls, blue and striped, sizes -34 to 44, $1.75 Smocks to match - $1.75 Khaki Combinations, sizes 36 to 44, $2.45 "Evert pdirful or wear' CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 12 NOON ONLY FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY, AND THURSDAY 30oJriNS SOLID PACK TOMATOES, SJ'Vs. lleg. L'lic straight.. .Special MALKIN'S BEST COFFEE. This, line of culTee will rciail al ?tte III. within W tlays. Extra Special at COc lb. ' LIFEBUOY SOAP WvZ ?. -. 71 1 i rv In if i il' h In mil f i t it Mi . w 1 1 : i ik . Service ncAiinii v, dverdfe In the Dally News Special , . . 3 for 25c BROWN SUGAR, n ll.s. Tor ... . . . . 25c 7 His. for 50c Limit I 'i 1 lis. to each customer. calm; haroiut'lcr ;t(i.ol; temperature .'111; sea sinonlli; 8 p.m. spoke Canadian lloer bound Niiiiainio foe Ocean I'' alls '.)'.' miles from Ocean falls; H p.ni, spoke sleamer Alameda lS7 nub's miles from Kelchikau khiiIIi-bouinl; l.lo .a.m. spoke Prince llupert abeam Sunny Island southbound. I I :A I THKK POINT. - Overcast; cali(i; . btiroiueler ii'.I.HH: leiuieralnri! ill); sea smooth Noon DIOIiY ISLAND. Part cloudy calm; barometer, 30:11; temperature, ill; sea smooth; Princess Itealriee due at 2 p.m. southbound; 1 1 .30 a.m. in Venture southbound , . HULL HAUIlOlt. Overcast: calm; barometer, 211.1)3; temper-. ft I lire 12; sea smooth. . DKAD IIIKK POINT. -. Overcast; cnlmj ' baronieler 211.11(11 temperature .'17; sea smooth. Specials Instant Postum S oz. tin. Urg. r.ie. Special 45c per tin MALKIN'S BEST SLICED PEACHES, I's, tails. Special, y jns for " " " MALKIN'S BEST PURE STRAWBERRY JAM, 1 II.. 1'nils. SpeWul " ' " ' ' AUNT DINAH MOLASSES, 'VM II'. litis '.. 20c 5 Hi. lins 'AWr' 'l" "' " TERRACE TURNIPS the ,el value in f Islnffs loday) III lbs. for VV " f.' ' ' Limit l.(Ki to each eiistorncr. The Home of "20th Century" Clothes Universal Trading Co. iHSTAHJ 3 for 50c ir a trVFKAb Satisfaction for Friday and Saturday Specials TWO SUITES OF LIVING ROOM FURNITURE AT A BARGAIN. 4 PiM?cei!!iCkCP ChcSlCrfiold Sulle i"Hud..,g 2 (;,,irs, Chesle.riebl T.-IJ 3 Pi"alh"eHpele, i",:ml' iauM,etle,'fuil' ii,d.olsc -eti, ujjg SpiHSiarf'ield .U"ly' Vnvl 'Uohnl't Heal and itack wii'l. 'lioyal' lllue '" Matfrat and clTlonnl0 Barga,n'' ,n Curtain" Materials, Scrims, Marques"'-Several Pieces of Cretonnes, Marquesettes and Scrims to clear at less than cost. 3rd Avenue. GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher