1 .1 Simond. DRY 1-rnniar.v i , i n?5. THE DAILT NEWS PAf.E jhjr ilnwn glaring at each other not having been formally introduced on the trip. ' 1 1UJ II VV IIIIIB T i Second Avenue. BUY BOTTLES. DSAY'S IP, Phont (S. Wreboulns, and "uiin, iem or wr erv re. SaniJ and flravtl ' fwny Bliu nil Bn i V LW Doing, of the Moiqulto Fleet whlrh S. n.- lJSJirVj .,,rr aWfcSM Chief .,..,.- O.I ' o , V " - ' - - in i it .n mam i 1 1 1 ese i i if f f iri i Y YOUR .1 IMnofe at the iu CTfl D F in u ifi i w w sonable Prices. rimnnu ' eases oc . r .11. inn lieef per III. 15c Hi 20c iV 25c l :i ' .1 liU' III. &C ai ii T bone Sti'iil.-.. ,, ..... 30c M,.;ji in r in. . . v .. i... .... II. c ;. per III. 35c omv Store Fifth Ave. East. m a i ax unca to AIIU They're Off in Hie harbor during TJi las) two season re-opens after u close period of three Inonllis, the ! 11121-105 close season will be a llliini- of Hie past.. Already Hie ji'Xodus of liiials nflinlli (lanadjanl More Rowboats and Aniericun fisliiny: fleets linn II is truly said thai comin(f iciiliiimtnceil In llie liorlliern fi.li-ecnls ras! Ilieir shadows liefore lintr hunt. , All is hustle iinirand the Prince ltuperl llonlhoiise filial le along the waterfront and : inleresls are making nreiiarii- for the high spots.- Ihe harbor look on its old familiar style and be seen idiugging away fur their reiniineral ive limiting grounds in Ihe northern Pacific. Ilnw-evcr, there is' an obstacle ii the path for a general clearing of :iin;i!s and lhal is Hie slmrlage ii'. Iicj.Ii herring bail. Ilnals vvliich have already left port are jlaking a chance nn securing fresh bail jn Ihe niirlh and a number nf the schooners tire i headed fill' v'elchik an in the linjie of picking up bail although there 'is nothing definiie about it. Others hava gone to Caiilain's iCnvi- and -lap Inlet, Hie b:use of Hie .N. M. A H. -'ish Cnnipany and llradbury A Vcf, in the hoin; thai Hie herring will show up soon. Bait Situation There is a dilference of opin-1 Mon in Ihe ranks nf Hie naulicals a lo Ihe cause fur IJiiij Tale rUn of herring Ibis season. Soniq ' i-li in i il is due In Hie cnnliiined jcobl weiiihe?, which keeps the jhiM'ring svijii)iiiK a' a greav deplb and Ihereforr not visible (iroin the surface. Others Halm jibe slaughter of whale olT the norihern coasl U res)f,nsilie for 'tin nin-appeanuice of herring in local waters. II Is thought jibe ilepli-liou of Hie whales has jbad Ihe etTecl of perniilliug tha Hu lling lo spawn and swim in ilbe open ocean whei'fis formerly 1 1 lie whales drove the herring 'into Hie harbor and inhds where jihey roll an easy prey lo the 'teis. 1 1 is a fact, however, that 'ew wliales have lieen sighlcd iimiVLi 1 vuit v T 1 m IV hfletnvhalH oni I niincra Cushions is With our Kapok or Spring Cushion Forms. "" ins arc round, square, oMony or linlslrr. 11,1 lock or Civloiiiifs and TapixlKes tn" 'will' 'Oiiielhiii!,' lhal will lileipl with yrnir fiirnMi- INI Hi. .iim..... . ii n l nes nome rurmsnings viiuo ana i si street. Phone 123 RAW FURS want lo he paid highest posslhle (IAS 1 1 prices " NN- I'l US. rnrwunl (hem In R. S. nnniMcoiM a. camq i rn -..ma unice; ia-u sianaaru uan uiuy., . Vancouver, B.C. 1 " Mre It K II 111,1.. (.1 ci "..,,,,iwir " 'iiiift,. iii-iii i.iHinv 111. 1 11 inui"ni Man. Iiicorpnriilcil 1020. 1 1 r u I J . I 111 . . . - v Jl I 1 .1 r I Ulf nntlMU 1AI . . I . n VAIl TOWING Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Nlcjht Plionos Red 618 Gr. 601 539 i ! . i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i r ni new rnwiinai s are being built al Swansun's sjmps and already twelve frames liavi1 several of lie linnie buals ciuild been prepared by l!n)i I'linma mid W. (!. W'alfnrd. Fishermen Return Praclically the las) nf Hie local fisherinen, who usually spend a winter vacation with their old folks back cast, have returned lo Ihe fold in readiness to re-engage in Ihe halibut fishing. Pele .Muse and Karlc Haines, members of the crew of the schooner Itingleader, relumed lo Ihe city from Nova Scotia nn Tuenday inoning's Irain, afler having visiled Iheir homes. Speaking of his rip IVte said thai while away be visited in lnlon and Hhicago' where business condi- llons looked very prnsjierous es-pecitilly from a building sland-pninl. In iaslerii Canada the liusjness people were very op- liinisHe as to the .I25 trade outlook and thin;' were picking up remarkably well. Not Introduced The following" yarn is the lalosl on Ihe wa(erfmuT and is a joke on Ihe Knglislimen for a Change. 'J'lje slory goe thai six fisherman, two Irishmen, two Scotsmen and two Knglislimen, were shipwrecked but managed lo make the safely of a nearby island. A small boat passing in the vicinity of Ihe island noticed i fire ami upon arrival in port notified the coastguard service. culler .was immediately des patched lo' investigate. I'pnn Hie captain of the cutter reaching the island he found two Scots- men singing Scolch songs. Ihe two Irishmen were having a lil-ile "friendly" discussion with Hieir fists, while the two l-.ng-lisbiuen were valkina up and GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. r.nUERNIWENT LIOUOR ACT. .i i;pj a.m. .Monday ninniing years. The herring fishers amll next, when I In lialilml fishing 1 The government - v; 1 1? Ii I lion lender ftewingtnn.v (apl. Harry Oriuislon, loft for lln-iricii Island lighthouse on Wednesday, ,1111 a periodical duly trip. I . n. i.nve, eieeirieian, is now !nllirial ri'jiair station fur .be famous Ai wa I er-Ken I Ignition I systems for Prince ltiiierl and district. A larjre stock carried fur marine engines or cars. Has the Habit scouts iit-e on the joh in sjijic nf! Tih power final Aileen, .iwni'd all opinions iUH anliclpale llie'and skiiipered lij- Wall Shaw, herring will turn - 1 1 slmrlly .inspenl an e.xciling lime this week laige ipianlilies. w.l( i,ri,k(, Iwav f...,.., ...... nionring al Cow Hay on Tuesday; morning and driricd over In Klg-Jiy Island on a sand ar. At Jow tide she keeled over and fi I I with water. The launch Oh Itahy, skiiiiiered liy J.aurie l.amlilv. ,,v,r' 'lis '"'" lo geljliniis fur u Imuiper louHsl ainl'vy'nl oyer al hizli lida on Wi-d- ' ae snnn us jiossii.ie. noiiiiay season nlls y,.,,,.. Vil Ii ; nesday morning ami lowed )ier ,,1 i ! no i iiurs.jiiy, ine nay on wuiciimiis iniliiv or inisini-H jM view. iC.anadian final cleared generally back In port. The waler did some damage In Hie engine bill the gadgils are being fixed up again. This is (he second lime lhal Aileen has adrayed from home. A New Songster l.ance' Pnlleiloir. Ihe man of many pails and wio sometimes wins Hie loss from Andy 11 e-Dnjiald for Ihe foremaiisliip of Ihe Booth Fisheries, has bios-coined forth In the roln of a singer. Aecojiliiig lo reports of his first well mount efforts (be future looks brighter f(" .Inljn McCormick and oilier ar- lisls of Victor record, reptile. Lance's first infliction Inok.place al Mil' Klk's smoker held receiilly and a. number of Ihe listeners have not go( over Ihe experience! yet. II seems lhal Ihe lively pro gram of boxing, etc. was going (on well for l.ance, wio suggested to the chairman of Hnv (M'vening lhal Hie audience be permitted lo lislen lii film warble. The chairman "unsuspectingly alluwed the voluiiPM'r cn-lerlainer Hie use nf the stage and then the fun started. Of cfnirse Ihe use of niu?te to a good singer is absolutely unnecessary and In the mechanical college, where l.ance evidently learned bis singing, they did no! even allow Ihe musicians playing Ihe Anvil lburus to use' anvil effects. However, l.ance mounted the platform, ami after warning Ihe pianist not In interfere, com menced upon something which I Moulded like "When you and 1 : are hung, .Maggie." Luckily for the gathering there were a number of husky boys present who quietly but forcibly persuaded i iimii. I,. ii. .1 ,,ir it.., i.i n i r. Him .i.i.i by himself. The- launch Oh llaby returned notice of application for beerJ from Poll. Simpson nn Wediies- MITICF. iKTihy rivni tliiit on Ihe 'III 1I.1V of Mairli ni'Vl I lu unitoriiltiiPil nui'inli In npply In llie l.iqiiui' Cnnlrnl liimnl for .1 llri'iisn hi ri'KMM't In inviiilsi'S lii'lnir purl nf tlu linlMliisr kiinwn in Curl 1 li iiii-iil llnli'l. uln.ili'il at I'm I : Uiiiiii t s, oiiitii i:iiiirlntle l-lanls. I'm-vllii'i' nr llrltKh Ciihllnlihl. llinn tin' 1.1 in (It-siTllx'it in l.nt viii (7. Hlork rnrly-cii (. siiliillvlsliiti or Lot si'vcn liiimlml .mil rmty-iilv i'IAi, 'Jui'cn M1.1 rli it li UMiIiI. It.C.., (i Kliuwti ni.i .1 ri'imirif-t map or plan iliiiicitp.l In iIk.1ikI lloiflMpy orrii- .11 ilin-:ily of i'rliii'i' liiil'i'i'l nnil niiiiili.Trcl lli'ti. for th -ale nf lii'fr liy thi! itlats ur liy Urn nnn IhiIIIi- Tnr riiiiMiiiitliiil nil till' pri'lnli. PMI'P at I'i'Iiiip lliii'it, It.C, tlilA Atll itav or rriiiiur.v, ios. FIlAMi llli.KS. uwner ami Manimcr Pint nii-iiii-iil lluirl, AppiD'ain, day uigbl after having ' taken schonl inspector II. (5. I'raser on deparlmenlal duties to lhal poll and (ieorgelown. Passed Schooners Members nf Ihe crew of Ihe sleanier' tlardena repo'rled hav ing pafssed a flotilla' of American halibul schooners, oil Sunday lasl in (irenville Channel bound for Ihe liorlliern fishing banks from Sejtllle.. The boats looked spic ami span afler (heir winter overhaul in the smith. nurry up you irappers. 1 wani "Ul"" "r license """j&,uuu minn sKins ana an me Mirn i: is iii'iTiiy mvi'ii tii.it nn i tic other pelts you can bring In. Illh ilay nr Marrli mxt I tip iiinlrrxlmnl, u,. . , m...i iiiiimiiI- 10 anpi.v tn iin i.iipim- rmiicui Highest prices onerea. .must luuiril Tiir 11 fiiTimi' In reiipei'l In picniin'ii have tha lno fors iurs. W wv. Qoldbloom uuiuuiuuio, i.;ii. i.r iiik Iniiiaiiiir kiinuii n!navo llnval llnli'l, fltnalNI at Iln- i'iiiiiit nr SIMIi Slii'i't and Tlilril Avenue. In tlx-i:ny nr I'lini'p Hii'ii. i'i'ii Iim'ii nr lli'ltlh i:nliiinlila, upim 1 1 it laniU ili'si-rlli-'il a l.nls I'li'vcn ill) ami twelve (l. in liliiik llilily Iwn (3i, Si-rtinii oiin (I), l i.i i.liy v o nr I'lllire i nit i nil) linpnl'l, nil i ii ari'iii'iliilK i ii ii i ii i p in i'i reirii-ieieii li'lrlvli'l'i'il map nmp nr nr Ulan plan ili-lmsl iii-puniii'ii ti'il III in llif I. nn.l tioitls't rv orrire at llie cily nri.1.,.. .hiek'tiavliitr a new slein' fil-Pilnip llie'" h u.lMilg a in sum in llupi'il ami iiiiinliei'Pil 93. Tnr tain ur hi'i-r liv I Im alats ur liv Ihe npeii.lnd iv rnmill nf liillinir a rock juillli' rm enii'iiniplluii nil I lie premise. . , n t'r . nTi:n at fiime Unpen, ii.o., nils nun' while coming up the coasl front iliiv nr Kelii'iiar.v, i.i. iAVKS POSTOI.lt The Iron Pots Gondricourt By reading advertisements we keep abreast of modern progress postpone Ihe singing until Ihe ; muanoo is muu ,u . i uu. in..,. wvhlf .lr.llllst lhe P!,;e al.e 1 lrif o In Japanese restaurants iii.ipii.v minimi to riirnisb ww: !" sjiiiii. snriiic win when n In ue i iiuni old "o pii I behind n-11 1 il 'l , ... ... I (HTly trhhiil 1" mi mi or brrnre tin Hie nit island isi.nin ami iiini iii finish ii no the inn. iiiiisci'l"1' i private Tamilies. . (,, ,v r iairli, a.Ii. vt:,, ami all luinlcs Inili-lili'il to the mime ar rr The Canadian sclionner Itingleader, Hapl. Snlluws, is nn Ihe McLean, ways Tor scraping and painting and will he in readiness In depart Tor Hie fishing banks within a few days. (luiii'ii in piiy inn iiuuiiini or tiicir in iblili'ilni-ss In iiih riiiiliwltli. MlltMAV A. WATT, ; orrirliit Ailiiiliilstrjilur, I'l'lni'o ltiiirrl. It.:. 1 1'illfil I III' 1 1 111 liny nf I'i'lii'iiarv. 191.' of JUST after daybreak a traveler along the narrow byways of a small French village cqn see the housewife beginning her day. Through the open doorway her fireplace glows like a forge. A heavy iron pot, which she has filled with water from the town pump, is lifted and swung upon the crane. At the other end of the village, perhaps, runs the little stream where she washes her family's clothes upon the rocks. Throughout the village life of much of Europe, such pictures are multiplied by thousands. Quaint, to be sure, but what grinding and incessant toil these primitive household arrangements mean! In contrast to this, even the remote districts of Canada boast comfort unknown to the rural life of other countries. Conveniences are found that could not be duplicated in any save the wealthiest city homes of foreign nations. Adequate heating systems, the farm lighting plant, the washing machine, the vacuum cleaner, the telephone and numberless labor-saving devices have lifted modern life in Canada to unprecedented levels of comfort and ease. To a large measure this has been due to advertising. Advertising has familiarized all of us with new inventions. Advertising has made possible the wide distribution of new products. By increasing sales, advertising has reduced the price of modern household utilities to the reach of the modest purse. ... p.,... (I,..,,...,.,,,,.,,., tm,, l',.t....cii ih..uuil. mill all liill.. Second Ave. Hit Rock Dm American schooner JTli a tiie'can, (.apt. , , . ,, p.. M Ilognaii, t Is nn I no l.e.nee ami Manner nr Unyal ll'ilel, iL'Pi1'!' GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. notice of application for beer LICENSE. NOTIf.F. K lieicliy Rlvin Hut nn the llh ilnv or M .i i i Ii next II"' umlei'slinieil 1 1 1 1 .'i i' I In apply U. !' I Piiiur nunirnl lll iini for it lli'i'tisn In enieel pi preinlM' lii'lnir pari uf I lie iHHMItuf kimun ii leiitiat lli'li'l, uliualei) al the ruiuer of First ami Sevenlli Slieels, In the lllly nr Pllnee lliipeii, Pl'iivluee or Hi'lllsh Ci.liilll-iila. upuii the. laniN ileserlheil as I nn elpven ill) ami twelve (19). thirteen i I3i anil riHiileen ill1, In lilnek ten! 1(1 . ,ei'lliiii one (), City nr cilnee lliiM'ii, aiTiirillnK- tn a reRlslereil imn or I 'kin ilepietlleil III I lie l.aml ileitlxlry Of-riee nt the r.lly or Prliu'e llupert ami ItuiMliereii uy:i. inr ine snie nr ueer ny j the la or liy Ihe npen holIU' tnr mil-I iniiiiplliiii nn. the pi'i iulses. ! iTi:ii at Pllnee Impel t, II. C. thll nth day or Ivliniary, 9t, 1 ' PF.TFn nt.ArK, I Owner ami Manager or Cenlial lintel, I ApplU'jnt. Seallle. 'Ihe Pelican is on her way lo Ihe norihern fishing hanks. The damage is not very serious mill il is expecled (!a) will o tut his way rejoicing early in Hie week. Flat Fishing A number of Japanese have been making Ihe both impIs meet by fishing from dories in Ihe harbor for flounders and olher varieties of Hal. fish dur ing Iln: close season. The .laps seem to bave. an uncanny way of fishing and on Ihursday morn lug Iwn of Ihese men in a dory got sn many fish in Iwn hours they had lo com In Ihe fish dock and unload. Afler keeping suf ficient for domestic needs the tale. Tki' vnriii iimi liv iiriler ur U s lloniir F. Melt. ooxir. lu'aile, the I nth ilay or Ohruary, A.H. I9, I was apiuiiiiei Ailinhilslialur nr llie oslale ur Itinry .Mel-amler lle.Minlils, lU'iraseil, anil all piniie-Imvlnir rlalins atalnsl Ihe saht estate lire hiiehy reipilreil tu rurnlsli same, iptn-pelly veririeil lo mi) nn or pcrnre the Illh ilav or March, AH. nit., ami all paiiles liiitelileil In the estate are reipilreil lo pay the iimuiint nr their In-ilrlili'ilness n me fnrlliMHIl. orririai Ailminlslratnr. IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, 111 Ihe Uglier or the Ailjiiltilstrall'l Art; m In Ihe Matter or l)ie F.s,n nr Morris Aiiloii I'eti'i'irii, llrri'gsrd. Intestate. TAKi: .NiiTIck that by order or His Honor I' Mi ll. Vniinir, miute Hie I nth day or ivhruary, A.Ii, 9S. I w apimlnted Administrator or the estate ot Morrla GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. I I notice of appmcation for beer i ; license. NOTICE U lierehy aivrn tl.al on the Three carloads t..u.uis ni of limn lumber i nr-: i1Ul ,,,. r V.T , ,eriilitiM-il I'ived fl'0ll (ieorgOloWII today 111 I ' liiteuil" In apply In the l.lipu Cnntmlj llnanl Tnr a lleene 111 resn'o u premises i r ii. . i.... t ! ! i'i.i.i llnrr low of the lug ; M.I.J,, l.apl. IV-, ,., ,,.,r, r tttui.intir kiinuii am gietitien, ..in Ci'non 101 fur shiiiiuenl nipm nt east t.isi om over i Mmx lintel, . sltuatisl nn First A I'liue. in , he n )f 1r)i nufwru ,.riiyUv.p or the (lanadiati National railways. ! iiritisu r.oiiuuiiia. upon the lamiH tie ,' . . . . , i,,,,,i.,. i4.. 'riheil at l.oti! tliirleen (13) ami rmirleeu A seowload of box lumlier also no, in libVk Iwn (i). seeilmi one n l .iriiveil n-i.'w..l fi'oni lintil tut llie "'""" ieurtrelnwil mill rl,v "r I'rlit' Huperl. aerunlliir lu a reitlslereil map nr plan ilemslteil In the nil Monday for local fish bouse l.aml tiemstry nrriee at llie cily of prlnec IliiPI'lt ami miinliei'eil 93. pir Ihe sale of requireu s. i ,eer liy Ihe l.iss or liy the open liullle ruri DANGER OF LOSING SIGHT OF ONE EVE RESULT OF SNOWBALL KKTCIIIKAX, Teh. Ii. W. .1. Wright may lose Hie sigbl or one of his eyes as a result of : snowball I brown by a hoy a few days ago. He is in Ihe liOstiilal here and Ihe doctors have .recommended lhal he be biirrieil south lo gel spetual IrealmeiiL IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In Ihe Matter nr Ihe Ailiulnislnitliin Art. h'1 . .. In the Mailer nr Ihe Estate nr Henry .Mii.MitKler lli'.vnnlils. Iieeeaseil. Inles. rillisiiiiiitin nil nil' r '1 1 I T . PATI O nt Prlnee lliipeii, 'IJ.C, thl dlh ilav nr I'elu'iiar.v, 195. MUX IIUTKI. OtMPASY. MMITF.n, Per: T. E. WIIIIniiH, MaHaiffr. Applicant GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENCE. I MiTICK Is hereby given that on" Ihe !7lh itay or Marrli ncM, llm uiulerslKiietj iiiiimiiI- in apply in ine i.i(iinr i.ouiroi Hoard rnr a llrenee In respect or primlses he;n pari nr llie Imllilinir kiinwn as The' llayspnt't lintel, Mtuateil In the town of ll.tvspiil l, II.C, Iipnll Ihe lilllil ilesrrilieil as l.nls rirty-lliree (!V3i ami nrty-roiir (.11), In liliH'k eleven (in. ncrnnllint in a reitlsiei'eiil map ileimslteil In llie Lain) lleil.lry- 'Itriee. al the City or Prince lliipeii, tin; Ihe sale or beer lV the itlass iir by itio'npii hnttln for enps'iihiOlun on Ihe premlseiiv nATEIi al U.tvspnrt, n.C lliln 9I1 day uf ('(.'liriiary, 1 0 R. (Mlis.i m, a, nurtis, Owner and Manairer it HavsNMl. Hotel. , in llm riiv nr Applicant GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER - LICENSE. NoTICfi Is lierehv irlveii that, on Hie 7 to day of Mjnji u' M the uuilrrsimvii Intemls tn apply in the IJiiunr Cnolrul Kisird rnr a license In respect In prennsei hclnir li irl nf the hulhllinr ktmw'n as ennce niitiert innet. muiaten at ine cue lull iii -ii'i'iiiim ivi'iiiu, iiiei . inn .iii-r-i. rime llupert, jtiiviiici' of ...I. . ..... I.Hl.ll. .f. .1.1.. llld l.l.k.lj III! riime llupi'il. ,i.i.., mm i i.ii ' iii, i. in. iii'iin nt.. Llin- - Paleil I lie Illh day nf )i lirnary, tufa.1 scllnil as l.nls thirteen (H and rmirteen "r '" '.'ii ii. ,i i, I,, t i-k eleven til), Sectlnn One 'l, In the cily ur Prince iiuperi, crjiri. llif tu a ri'Ulslrrci) inan or plan qewllei lij the l and Herlstry orrice al the i:ilr nt I'lliii'B tluprrt and numbereil (l?:l. rnr Ihe FBle Iir Deer pv the rial or py me open liiil lie rnr ronsiiiiipilnii mi Ihe prrnilse. iTEn at Prince llupert, H.C., thin tilti day or rrnniarv, t3. i,iHV'rv.irr,rnT, inTF.r: i:ullVNY, LIMITED, Per- II. Il iincliester. MmiNirer. Appllrint. Bargains ! Silk, Wool and Evening Dresses "Demers" Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue, Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgercon Block, PRINCE RUPERT, P. O. Offlcb Hours, t te I. Phone . Open Evenings Only ft Special Appointments).