11 0 PAGET TWO The Quality "SALADA" is most appreciated in the rich, delicious flavor. Try it today. The Daily News PHINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Rvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. 11. F. PULLKN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City 'Delivery, hy mail or carrier, per month $!.(" By mail In all pari. or Die British Empire and Ilic Unileil . .Stales, in advance, per year fo.oo To all oilier countries, in advance, per year $"i.T0 Transient Display Advertising. .. ..$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising o;i Front Page.... $2.80 per inch Local Headers, per insertion '. 2re"pcr line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Nolices, eacli insertion I Tic per agate jine Contract Bales on Application. .'. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone r - - 86 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. - . Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Monday, Fehrnarj- 23, 1025. What A Difference Sunshine Makes! Vhai. ii difference it makes to (he world when all is bright. On a dull day we feel glum and depressed and when the sun sh,ine-we. forget the dull limes anil take joy in the fact that we are alive. - N Ho it is throughout life. Everyone can spread a little sun-shiue-and vmake J he world it pleaniiler. place in which to live. By trying to Je pleasant and unselfish we increase our own en joyment as .well as the enjoymeut jij tjjo.-e ar.'Mino us.; This s A Sermon .) J On Evergreens. This is a coimlry of evergreen's. Practically all the trees of the forest are' evergreen. : yT.hej deciituous varieties do not seem to fhriVe !jiere except it' Je the alders and a few .shrubs. As you gel-away from I he' coast the rot ton wood ami the birch and other trees are more.. common. The trees, that shed their leaves in (he aulunin are .cheery in the spring, shady in the summer and brilliant in the. autumn a lit) d'liring Hie winter, after they have shed their leaves they arc useless. On the other hand the evergreens never lo(,k very brilliant but IJj.ey are j)lm,ot always the same and in winter tiie green' .-lands out as a shelter and as an emblem of .continuity. YJial would the w.orld lie without the evergreens in life? There are the brilliant people who flit past us, cheering us a lh,ey jro Jmt not regaining. There are the frieinjs wb.o are always 'lh'e'sanri whit hear with us in our lni.iods'aiid' refuse to be cast ;down even in lime of affliction. These are the evergreens tjf life. These? are Jhe real riFndg wdio slick byus,-- Ltd us be Ihankfiil for llje evergreens. The Svorld wuiild be but an enijtly jilace NyilJiout them. Value Of Hospital s To The Cb'mrnunity.' On several occasions tins paper has mentioned the value of the hospital to the community but 11 cannot be said too often. lliose who do not often vimI the. hospital cannot quite uintpi- siaml llie winiderfiil work it is doing. Patients who come home afftir'iin, illness speak of the work of the splendid .women who rare Jty jn,em uiere ai.nl oi ine loss il would be IT that work was in any w'ay impair.ed through lack of futids. We have our in- slilnlions or .learniiip. ,uf. recreation' and amusement,, and of culture but here is the: 'biie ;os vhich we hint when all other fail lo help jus. Looking Forward To" Outdoor Life.' j.'Ii .v -. .'Her, Tnis is the time ttf year when we tiro of winter sports and amusements, anil lun.i lo Jhe outdoors. It is toil eitrly to take adyanlitge ofnuch lioaliug ()r hiking or nnv other form of ont'-iloor life but (here .'ire always preparations to be made for the change. BoTs have lo be overhauled, fishing tackle' looked up n.i-i-ium ii.us iijociro ami lacrosse sdrks restrutig. It is Ihe season oi looKiug lorwnrd lo (he pleasant davs to come and and Ihen stealing a pleasant day as j passes. "Worth $100 to Me Relieved Eczema and Piles" Mrs. Peter A. Palmer, Saltburn, Satk., writes: "Dr. Chate'i Ointmfnt hai completely relieved me of eczema and piles.1 I also used this Ointment for my baby, who broke out in eczema. A few applications were all jhat was oeceary in her case. Dr. Chase's Ointment has fpeen worth a hundred dollars to me, before using it I had spent a great deal more than that in unsuccessful treatment from doctors. We have also used Dr. Chase's other medicines, the Nerve Food having restored my health after suffering from severe nerve trouble when a girl." Dr. Chase's Ointment 60 eta. a li. all dewier or RttmatiNun. Bale-n Co.. Tiimnto t I? i: a'j. a j. j."j.k'j. a j! !ili.rii'li1riL' iiiiivnf ciiii'lilll .onlff-I WEEK-AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday "lilft Tkiikiii's." Iiili'i'ijiilioiial Xows. or Yirltie." llix t"itnipl,v OarJomi Fox Xpws-fjajjpl !,.'. Friday and Saturday j .Maiiiii- 'ri.uriiPiir prp-v srnls "Tin1 While Mnlli." ; iiiMiH'ily. 'J iyiic-s of ItiP Hay . . IDLE TONGUES TO BE " SHOWNHERE TONIGHT Picture Illustrates Evil or mie Gossip and Has Proved I. Hp Tongues" will makp mis chief here lonijilit. The picliue! of that "name will lie shown al, Ihe Vestliolmc ami if the criterion of other places is anything lo guide here it should he well allenilPil ami useful. riicre is Ihe small town med io.?, the Usual cowardice of Ihe crowd ami the bravery of Ihe few. I'oiigues wag ami eventually Ihe owil turns' on the man who is t confessed lliicf ami drives him nvay. Kvelually Ihe alleged guilty man is found lo be inno- J-enlj- jhe idle tongues cease In wiitf .ami "all the tangles of thr i.-ile are slraighlenPd out. BEAUTIFUL GLORIA SWANSON HERE AGAIN This Time She Is Carmelta, Daughter of a French Regiment The Foreign Legion! - What a glamorous thrill, what an .epitome' of uikenlni'P, what swift- winged flights of imagination those three ilauntless words fliiniil before our irampiil lives. Thiee words whose full significance seems to have been vividly plucked from the ideally sym bolic tricolor of, France itself, and id'anle.1 in the corner of a foreign land thai is for ever all the world's own monument lo courage. It is about these intrepid legionaircs, recruited from the far corners of the earth, and of whom il is said, "Ihe folds of their flag are not broad enough lo hold their elajms lo glory," dial I lie new Paramount picture, Wages of Virtue," is woven o;-, ralher. -about Carmelite, beautiful young daughter of the regiment. (lloria Swanson plays ('armc- lila. an Italian girl who becomes ihe pride' of, Ihe Legion. Il 'Wages of irtne, is a. heart- 1 annealing romance of an Algcr- a ian barrack town. Oarmelila is rescued from' death hy Luigi, strong man wilh a small, travel ling side-slniw. Hp kills a man I oxer loe for Ihe girl and joins I lie Foreign Legion lo escape p,unish)YiPnt for 1 1 i - crime. The girl, wilh absolute faith in him, follows ami opens a cafe in town. Falls In Love .n.ar.mclita niPPts and falls in ' . ! i , .' ' ... t '. one won a young .vmerirau recruit. John Itoule, a veteran of the regiment, sees that Luigi is not Imp lo Ihe girl and fells her so. Luigi is furious npr the girl's new love affair, lie and ' the American fight, and Luigi is WHITE MOTH TALE GAY PARISIAN LIFE Famous Society Drama to be Shown Here at Week End Is" AJso flomance " I he NVhlle Moth," a First Nn-t ion til picture comjns al Hie week eml, offers excejiljonnl ,creen enfrrlalnmenl and mark n slf-'nal arliioveml for lanrien 'IVnirneiir. the dlreelnr. nrid the arlisls who enact II. II Is a beautiful, fantastic, . taiiiiiKMit ri'.volvinfr nroiuul Hip jjtay nisli.t U(o of IMris ami lhoj vliiH of Miieiely in New Vrli. 1 . . . " . . . .. .. 'rl, JJajjKira l.a While MotJi. an A arr. ii The ' fir) .uui'riy.ui ri'i'i ;.vlio ltccoms "l ho ilancinp Mnsa- fion of Hip Palis slatfP. Willi a Wednesday and Thursday ',jl?jriim of nuUitrs, was tuer let-j liloria Swanson iii "Wascs :1pi- rasl. ami r.oinvay IVarlp. ro-! irealurpil wilh her as a nullum-1 , Jairc lm jiiurric her l "''.'I' A Ir.. r I. I" 1 tl..... .ril Hi. a' II1' TniiiniiiHi' hi in , . brother, goes powerful performance. ,f The While' Moth in reality is a ;lllle choir, singer who has left her home in Kansas t" study music abroad. ' Failing to real-ue .her ambi.tio.i.1, s.he is uboat 'f 'commit suicide when iniualn ,.loiitrez, known as Kl Volcano, a dancer of the' Foii.es Jloyale, ns-' cues her and induces her to become his partner. Their suJisp-, ipient success -.is beyond her. wildest 'dreams, 'ami ill lis peak tjic extraojilimuy roinam-e wilh ! Ihe two Americiin brothers de- elops. j lien Lyon gives a fine delinea-! tion as the younger brother,: whose amour receives such an;, unexpected setback. j Charles tie Uoche is convincing as EI Volcano, ami the nt tier players who . contribute materially lo the success, of the iraT duclioii are IMna Murphy, Josie Sedgwick. Kathleen Kirkham, and William Orlamoml. i . it ! The Man in the Moon . Y,S: A MAX may have down town ill night, without his wife. busineSjS but mil IT is dilliciill lo imagine anyone with ! linker face enthusing over holding his best girl's hand. VI ASCHIME Jhe prosperity of Prince Hupert very largely lo climatic comlilions," said the professor. Yes, UVthe climale! TllKltirS one lljing about life here, wp do not seem o lie pestered much wilh seed ealalogiies. WHEN a man lells you be has a gilt ed;e nroposilion Dial is sine lo return yen Ihirly per cent per aim inn on your investment ynu Ciin call him any kind iof a liar you like and si ill be within Ihe bounds of veracity. NEVKH marry for a meal lic-kel. Thai kind of a .meal does not lasle very good. : MO'niltltO.VJl.NTi is a conlin-unus adypiitur.e. 'rjie fascjjialioii of the same is llnil you neer can tell when Ihe engine is going lo slop, and you are mil dead sure when it is going lo start. I T V A 1 i en i ears go In Prince Rupert j February 23, 1915. II being claimed thai Ihe new amendments to the Municipal Acl being proposed, al Victoria would put Ibis city in au awk-i Wiird pnsiljoii as'fiir hs Jhe .Is, suance of long lerni ilejienlures is concerned, the cily council decided' last night, .on .advice of.r City irijdicliiir. Fjf j jipi-lers, to' leieVl'o'h 'W5vrii,,Wf Mnhsnn.' M.l'.l'. reiiupsling him lo look afler Prince Huperl's hesl interests on I hp mailer. ' i A ilelealion i-onsinlliisr of a, V. Morrow,-J'jiI her llujioz ami Hev. II. 11. firaul appeared Jiefore ilin .il.. II I....I I.. fal.I.e.l ,,, ,o liaek hy a ler-'.nnT L-J ,...'.. ' :nil n,,w ..who '.f """"'.rinxviini, twnMnv n.-i.i kn Armenia know, (hat the ' ",!'t,'n tr!"n 1 " Aiericn will be aeense.l pf the J. e..i,.,o ..in. ! uiJ11"' ,,,!"P1, w referre.1 lo Ihe .......... IKMIX - l' If lliey nianape fo eseape into the ile.ierl. yhere liey are ntlackerl hy a amnll hanil of arahs. Tli 0 lory lots plenty of ne'lion a;nl lienrl Inlerest. eoiiiinjiiee. Speak I us before Ihe I'rince Huperl lli,irljcillural Society last nijfht. .y II. Toinjinxoii, provin-eiiil liorliculluralWI for Ihi ili-Iricl, urifeij ihai vaeanl IoIn in llijs cily he Inrnerl into profil-ahe ranlen jialche's. TE A AND S ALE Sum of $20 Was Realized at Affair Hed by Daughters of England on jaturday The sum of aj.o vvik 'ea).eil al a )ea iiiicl sale of lionje conkjiiir Jielil on Saliirday af)erin)(.iij Ju Ihe Hed OniMs lluf hy the DaiiKh-lers of FiiKhind. Tlie cmniilei consisted of Mrs. David Wilton J lorVariety inlour Cooking Use 0Q CUBES For all sorts of dishes Soups, sauces, gravies, meat pies, curries, and savoury dishes are as nourishing and tasty when made with OXQ, as wty en meat is used. And 0X0 is quicker, handier, and more economical. For what-was-left-Qver from yesterday 0X0 Beef Cubes enabje you to provide new dishes, and io improve old ones. You need never be at a loss for a dish with 0X0 Cubes.. They are made from prime concentrated beef, and give nourishment and the rich beef-flavor to savoury dislies made from "leftovers". For saving time and trouble Make cooking easy with 0X0 Cubes. Theysave time, trouble, and money, too. OXO and Cheese Toast 1 OXO Cube Pcpfirriiiid Suit Cm ml not Jircad A IUU 1 a rr 3 uble.poAiif tif. yntrd chrc. I i ! the OXO In ft little hot wittr. fut the butter and gmttd cheee into a ttnftjj alewpitn, anf pepper ul nalt. When .!in,lYMi,aM eiuiiiKh crumha uf l.read lo form the utliiure Into crraui, berveoa hot I.uUcicd toutt. Little Tommy Tomkliis fainting Uook. Tli. children will be delighted lo have It. SenJ on receipt of four OXOCul-e wrappera. OXO 1JM1TKD, '.Sr.'I.cn'oine St., Montreal. convener . Mrs. ,locph Howe, Mr. VV. jioiid.-eH and Mr. V. II Sineeion. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. notice of application for beer License. NOTICE l honliy srtvrn Hint tm tin illi djy 'il M.ifih not t the iiiulorlKiml Inti-inH In ai'Ply In Hip l.iiiiiiir (kinirnl lioant for t ln'i'n-i In rrj'i i m pirinlr liiinir Mrt i.f the rul hf.n ar knuin m-w Miipipnn uuioi, aoiuifil II lit i niru .riiup, in hip i.itv or j'rnirr iliiprrt. Im iiii'n or ltilll.li Colo iiiio.i . iikIii the ldiil4 itri'llii'il a Jul. nlnr n-eu titii mid lur-niy In lll.uk lMily-lhrr. fi3i, Sfrtlon t)ui ,;,, -Jly nr I'linre lliipni art'iir-dlnt- In a ri'VI iirnl limp r plan (icpnsiicrt in tix l.iuid lifs-l.lry orri"i' ai the r.itv or itIuic Itu lioer by lh Rlmn nr liy llii- npi'ii lioitlr pirl ami nmnlierccl ror the mIp nr fur r(iiiuiiiilnn fill ilu picniln'n. nTi:n' nr rrinii- nupi-i-t, ii.c. mm r.th day nf rrlirnary, I0?.. MIIS. ANNA M. IUISS. Man.iiri'rrL anil 1.1'mit ,v of .New EmprrM II.iicl . ' Mipiirsni' GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTCE pF APPIICATION FOR BEER LICENSE . SOTICK la liProby irlvrn ll.nt nn' Jill il.ly or March iii-nt viw iimlfrnliriioil Inli'liita In apply lo the J.lipmr Cniurnl lliwrrt fur a IH'cn In rrnpiTt in prrnilr ii'lnr ti.irl nr thi liuiiiiinir kimvin kni.x Hi, id. alluntPil nn II rut A I'hiic In Ilin flly iif I'rlnro llupr-rt, "rnvlnrc' nf lirlllKh Ccliiiiihl.t. npnn tuf Inmli du .rJ "'' ttilrtwn (IS ami rnurtwii I ', ill lllnclt IWo HI, "piUnrt On,, (t nii.v nr Prlnri- lttiiri. ncrnrillnt in a irirlMiTi'il map nr phiii iii'iin.iti'd , I anil IterMry .irrirr ill the niv nr rrlnii llnprrt ami numliptril rr iAr it'itn nr Iwrr hyiip irla nr by Hie uprn Imino fur I'liii'iniiliilnn mi ihi iiri'inlwa. 'lUTFIi ill Prllim lluppil. fl.n.. this nth flay nf Fi'lirnai-y. IDJk. KXOX IIOTII. niiMPAXY. LIMITPn err: T. K. Wllllania, Maniiiicr nnlirnni GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOJICE OF AflTcAtTon FOR BEER LICENCI ,KhrrjV Tvrn )hnt nn n.o -..!iT.' . h day of March nrl. Ilin iiiiilpi'.lfiicil linnril fnr a IIitiht In ronpiT1! nr preinlaes licnir part nr llie iiulloinjr Jomnn' f aliMlniila llnMI, a )iiirrcr, Hlnrl "'"f""1- Ju:- ,l,,n" Uif land di"-riljii'd at linn So. 3 ami 4, lll.uk Hn. 3 Map Sn. 537, City nf pflnrp lluiwrt I.am I rlll.li f.nliirnbl. n.r Jlin ,.le nf liprr liv Hii' irta.a nr liy llm nn Imlllir for pni' " amnpilnn r,n lhr .rc.,i.,., PMIIi Ilea 7lh .liij nr February 10 r 6 Ai.mr.ri ii, pi:itki!i. rriiprli'lor and Manarcr, Appllrtnt. OXO Soup Chop an onion, turn Ip.nmallcarrot.litCe celery and ir!ev, put into 'ifjuart.of cold water, tiring In the boil.iuUioiuierfor hour. Add 3 OXO Cubea, acaaon to U.te and acne. OXO Spauhcttl Tie Boil half a cket of apagbettl tlU tender. Chop mi onloa. mix with K la. Ilaiuburjier stak.ry UU partly cupk.cd, then put with ppavriettl in tiiedmh.Maaon .to ta.te. Mia uxocnliea with little hot water, arid can uf tomatoe.. and put over meat, Mah any odd ooked p.,t.itoca, apread oo top and iake a nice brown. OXO Meat rallies ScnpacfColdMi.it. r VCuhefONO A Ettle Par.lrv 84uc and K. .. - -j Some Hour pa-Mince the weal ami m .-wiLb the MUCT.alc. i. i' with the pa at. iiifilure akHKOi i boiling' wiltr.aad .-! pan. lilt m the t ..-p.lr ia done. A ' tirn.hed over Ihe U s - The Grcal Beef Economy In tins of 4 15c In tins of 10 30c Beddio Requisites s DOWri" SILK CfiMFnrtTFdR S10.00 to $14,w WHITE and coLORPn roTTnisi rprpaos r English. made) .... . .... $4.00, $5.00 and $330 SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES, $2.50 each and 45; each respectively. Barrie's Home 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. IcanadianT PAcincy Furnishings phone 1 W Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services SailiriKS frpm Prince Rup rl PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway ' February For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle February 27. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE r ... For Butedale, Swanson Bay; East Bella Bella, Ocean M' Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vnco.u every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship LJ.nc9 Full informnlioii from- W. C. ORCHARD, Genoral Agent rCi . . fStrriAM rxt AlU Oa...s i a i n.nr. P'v vu,,,u' oirtioi ana $ra Avenuef( rrinco huh-'