Saturday July i. 1925. G447 Prince Rupert Branch Fiity-Five Years Ago SINCE 1369 tliis Bank has been identified inseparably with the development and progress of the Dominion. A Can'flfHnn instifritf inn tror ians, it serves every phase of our business and private life at home, and has played no small part in the steady expansion of Canadian trade in foreign markets. From a small beginning it has crown through sound business principles to a place among the largest and strongest banks of the world. You will find this Bark a ympatlietic factor In your business tad private banting. The Ropal Bank of Jglda ft's all here In Ihe New No. 1A Ser'es II POCKET KODAK F. E. Robertson, Manager '.44 Li'ii Kodak. Analigmut f.7.7. A Shutter, Hit IiiopihIic (hat rtiojis Hie seconds into fruitions wilti arnirary, lrum 1-10 lo 1-100. A Stup and Speed Control that at f lie same lime tell, you how instantly. l-'ui us at i m t- linger tips instantly. Pi-tiirc. S'jxi Vi . Price 2.M. The Diomulic Shutter that means urcuraey. Anastignial f.7.7 Ltms That means sharpness, ami depth ul torus. This is the most complete, convenient and capable camera lliul $20.1)1) ever bought. FOR SALE Haiibut Uear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. DON'T Throw Money Away! W hen eiinli tiiplatiug Incise or boat building get our tit til prices .mi vonr lumber requirements. IT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY W e ate agents fur the Priije llupert Spruce Mills and t an quote Jon attractive ju ices on their products: . Cedar Timbers and Shlplap. Cedar Boat Lumber. Spruce and Hemlock Finish. Spruce and Hemlock Flooring. Spruce Shlplap. ! Spruce Dimension. ' ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 110 and 564. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. C01 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 4 Local and Personal l Waists at Half Price. Wallaces B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. (iossard Cornets at Sale Prices. Wallace's. 155 A real 50c Taxi Service. Brown Taxi. Phone. 80. Watch Tile's windows for clearing- out specials. Ladies' Biking Pants Shirts, Wallace's Sale. You'll like our joall era Coal Co. Phone 7. La Parisienne Beauty Fourth St.. Phone 301. 30-inch Spun Silk, Wallace's Sale. 1.25 ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Picnic, July 12. I n.w ,v,.. picnic .tuiy v. USE tf the 157 and 155 Consum- tf Shop, tf Two cars at your service. Sheddon Taxi. Phone 134. If A. M. Kipp, the catmcrymait from Essiutflon, is in the city. Tile's July Sale for furniture, crockery, carpels and draperies. 157 Boys! Look out for the field day lliursday. (James and sports. All Dresses, Coats , Raincoats and Suits greatly reduced. Wal lace s. Thursday is hoys' day n)poiis Hill. It is the Club field day. 155 at The Union S.S. Venture arriv ed front Ihe south this morning at an early hour. Hich arid poor cart ride noy 50c' for a taxi lo go anywhere Brown Taxi. Phone 80. tl .1. II. Pillsliury, superintendent of Ihe drydock, leaves today for Vancouver on Hie Prince Huitert. The Prince John from Van couver and O. U. 1. points is not expected before sometime this evening. Chas. Hill was fined $25 or thirty days in the police court I his morning on a charge of being drunk and disorderly. Carpenters are busy making ihe necessary repairs from tin1 damage done recently to t Ii On I nil Jloll Tn addition lo the fire loss there was considerable damage lo many of the bedroom by wal it. i. u. Mcwari and ianuiv are sailing on Ihe Prince Huperi lo night for; Vancouver. The family will spend the summer at. their camp at Boundary Bay, while Mr. Stewart, after a cjouple of week's slop will telurji to the ",J- i C. Arnelt who has aj contract bete for dredging in cinneetion with the elevator work', arrived from Ihe south on Ihe Princess lloyal las' niht. The dredge has been moved to Ihe inoiflh of Pillshury cove to obtain n coar ser gravel for the completion of the work, which will probably he within the next week or ten days. All Hals- One-Third off. Wal laces Sale. 155 The Sons of Canada have de cided to give the proceeds of the Dominion Day sports amounting in all to about i?250 lo the Oke Jackson endowment fund. Jack son lost his fingers during a holiday celebration from fire works and is thus disabllllaled and unable lo engage In many occupations which would other wise he open to hint. yard. 155 Shocfblish For your shoes It saves the leather and - Improves your personal appearance THE DAILY rTEWi PAG THRU Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. ' Breakfast, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Refreshments Our Specially Is Home Made Ic'e Creani and , Confectionery. Wholesale or Ilclail. You will he pleased with our service. Lei us please you. KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 For big hargains in home fur nishings, Tile's July Sale. 157 Sheddon's Taxi the 50c. taxi. Phone 134. Anywhere. Anytime. Taxi, 50c. Phono 078. original tf Arthur' tf Wallace's Summer Sale Thurs day, Friday add Saturday. 155 J. A. Smith has reservation made fpr a trip south tonight. Niagara Maid Silk Undies, 25 pet- cent less at Wallace's Sale. 155 lpr the hfg saving of dollars, Tile's July Sale of home furnish ings. 157 P. Black, J,r., who went soulli a few days ago will lake a course al the University summer school. Contestants, in (lie L'xhihilion ticket selling -, campaign should register al once al the lair BoardOffice. , 150 F. 0. Dawson is leaving today for the south on the Prince Huperi, He expects lo he away about a week. " ' W. J. Exley, Who was knoeket down by recently is still confined lo Hie house, biA is ini-nrovinir sleiiililv. ' .f Latest advices . fioni up river points is to the effect that Ihe fire which has been giving some concern near Smithers is now under control. roJaleim fresh outbreaks" have befjr reported, A party of fifteen (jyros front various clubs on the prairies will arrive in Ihe cily on Wednesday by the C.N.R., and will proceed. south on the boat to attend the Iifternalional Convention to he held in Vancouver. 'The finals of Ihe Prince Rupert 'Tennis club will lake place on .Monday evening, wlien the following will play: McMasler and Hastie will meet Balfour Mrs. !'. Henning in lite ladies singles, and Miss Curtain and K. W. Marenlelle will play Miss Milchell add McMasler in lite mixed doubles. Capt. MeCroskie, who suffered from being run inlp by an auto a few days ago, is still in bed, and from the nature uf his in juries, if seems nrobable lhal lie will not be able to be around for 1wo or three weeks. At first it was feared that the Captain had sonic ribs broken, but later ex- aminaliou has sIiowmI that this is nol the case. He however, sore and is scarcely able as yet lo move in bed. ' The fourth annual personally conducted lour of the C, N. R. from Ihe' prairies will reach the city by sjieclal train oh July ti. The party, which will number well over two hundred, wijl he in charge of S. M. (ireen, who is special passenger represen'lalhc of the C.N. II. from Regitia. Sev eral slops will be mado by the parly en ro.ule, including Ml. Hobson, Buckley (late, Kilwanga land Sunnyside cannery. At the latter place opportunity will be given to observe the cannery InJ I full operation, and Held Strang, Jwho has been host to these parties for Ihe last three years has again offered to assist In' every 'way possible with their entertainment. From here the parly i will proceed for the south on the Prince George. Ribbons toe. yard at Wallace's Kale. 155 Pure Silk Hose, J1.25. lace's Sale. Latest reduced prices on home furnishings at Tile's July Sale.. ! 157 Sale of Work and Cooking by the Ouards in the Salvation Army Hall, Friday afternoon, at 2.30. H. B. Rochester, who has been spending a few days at 'Terrace is expected back in the city by the afternoon train. miss imroiny jiiiis left on yesterday's train for. tier home in Alberta, accompanied by her nephew, Donald Norton. Miss Nora Rivet, of the staff of the Borden Street school, is leaving for Vancouver today. She will spend the holidays with relatives there. D. Lidslone received Hie sad news yesterday thai his brolher ir. Victoria had passed away. While he has nol been enjoying the best of health recently, the last 'advices received a few days asio were to Ihe effect that his condition was nol critical, and consequent ly the news comes wil'li a distinct shock. Mr. Lid- stone had made preparations to go lo Keticliikau for the base ball series when the wire was received. He and his brother. T. Lidslone, are leaving for the soulli tonight on the Prince Hu peri. j Church Notices Baptist Church Sunday school at 10 a. in Morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject: "Tlu" Secret of Gladness. " Evening worship at 7.30. Subject: "The Conqueror's Feast." A most cordial invita tion lo all, especially lo strang ers in our city and lo the work men on the elevator. Presbyterian Church Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Subject: "Behind, yet beyond prison oars. l.vening service at 7.30. Subject f "A master ot by-products." Preacher, Rev. h . Mackay. ssunuay school Is discontinued for July and Aug ust. The United Church. The Church of Service. Pastor, Rev. (ieo. CI. Hackell; Deaconess Miss Isabel Haddock. Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, topic: one liope, one plea for pardon." Sunday evening at 7.30. topic. "The Kingdom of (iod Solution." T. J. Slienlon is the speaker al bolli services, lie is a clear-cut forceful Evangelical preacher. Come and hear him. Salvation Army. Why not send the children to t lie Army Sunday School II will he an hour well spent. We have classes for every age every Sun-day at 2.30. 11. a.m., Holiness 7.30, Salvation meeting. Subject "The Sinners' rriend." Scouts ';inil I.:i m'liii in llu iiu'tii' ilmilihw nml "uuinIw Tnesibiv timl 1Viil:iv Miss Caroline Mitchell will meet'al 7.30. Meeting Wednesday and Thursday at 8.15. You will feel al home in the Army. Come and enjoy lite testimonies. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Take notice that any person erecting a new building or dojng repairs lo any existing building, or having any plumbing installed wittiout first procuring a permit from the office of Hie City Engineer will be prosecuted. By order of 157 THE CITY COUNCIL SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leave Swansea's Float on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday Afternoons every half hour fromd p.m. until 0.30 p.m. and on other week days at 2, 3 and 0.15 p. in. The last boat home each day will leave Salt Lakes float sharp at 7 p.m. Sunday and Holiday picnic parties specially arranged for. Launches, rowboats and canoes for sale and hire. PRINCE RUPERT BOATHOUSE EdJ?.-Ho!d;ntfS.wC Fist-Easy-Cuttin SfMOND! SAWS SWMSS CANADA siwcatm MONTREAL TORONTO VtNCOVVtN St, John, N.s. Tei shman Clothes Are You Well Dressed Or Just Clothed jfJ There'i more In good clothes than just good materials. There's style, becomingness, comfort, good form, appropriateness to purpose and occupation. We look upon each customer as having a distinct individuality, not as a type of standardized proportions. That's why men who go out of our store are men who always look well-dressed. We handle the clothes of the leading clothing manufacturer In Canada LEISHM AN CLOTHES. They are clothes that turn out a well-dressed man not merely a man with a suit of clothes covering his back. "QUALITY" is to be seen in every line of them in their style, fabrics, appropriateness and unusually long wear. Made to Measure or Ready for Service. I 4 If BRYANT & GREER, LTD. 217 Sixth St. Prince Rupert, B.C. , Kindlewood Fruit WE PAY EXPRESS Why pay a big price for berries front the soulli when you can get berries KINDLEWOOD BRAND from, the growers at Terrace. We have decided to ship direct lo the consumer and therefore save the middleman's profit. You gel the advantage in price as well as in gelling your fruit straight from the farm to your home. Strawberries $3.25 Elk. Currants 2.S0 Red Currants 2.75 White " 2.75 Raspberries - 3.25 Black Berries 3.25 Sour Cherries 3.50 Summer, Fall and Winter Apples 2.50 All prices include delivery lo your nearest station. WE PAY EXPRESS We are not new al growing berries. We have been shipping for years, and most of you know thXS famous KINDLEWOOD FRUIT so you are taking no chances when ordering from us. If you want to save money on fruit this year send your order in early, as all orders will be filled in rotation. Bout shipments excepted. Club with your neighbor and get berries fresh every day. All our berries are guaranteed to be of highest quality and picked fresh every day. 'ihe only way we can do this at this price is STRICTLY CASH WITH ORDER. Make cheques and money orders payable al par to 11. A. SWAIN, Terrace. 3rd Avenue. SALMON Use Dominion Linoleum for all your floors BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Phone 123 TROLLERS Before outfitting il will pay you tu inspect our line of Trolling Gear. We have a new line oT Salmon Hooks, Swivells, Cuttyhunk and Gear uf all kinds. In our stock you will find everything you require Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware of all kinds", Hull and Copper Paints, Galley Stoves and Utensils. If it's for the boat we have it. Boats are lost every year by fire -have you got your Pyrene Fire Extinguisher yet? We sell Iht'tn. Call and see us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Post Office)