pace nvo The Quality of ALAM" No Need For Being Uneasy. According In flm nl,l.,.o, ; w...i i ... . . ----r- v. .(...,, ,inii-t. r H r , '. I ... i .1 rr fin i. uic .vioiriiiug irosi says Counti-j over the niaUer. Rssa is most appreciated in the rich, delicious flavor. Try it today. The Daily News PMNCK RUPERT - RRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. II. V. PULLI5N, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, Ity mail or -carrier, per moulh Ry mail to all parts nf the Rrilish Empire and the IJnileil Slates, in advance, per year To all other countries, in advance, per year ,, $1.00 Iransient Display Advertising. ,.. ..$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page. $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion , 2."e per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line Contract Rates on Application, Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION 98 88 4- I'riday, .January 9, l'.)2.'. Talk About 1 Separation. t'ndonhtedly there is some trnlh in what the Lnudoir Morning Post says mi regard to the talk in this country ahout separation from Ihe Empire. Anyone who travels about the country is hound to hear it, if lie keep hi ears open. The Native Sons are the most outspoken. Many of the hoys horn in this rouutry object to the idea of subservience and particularly to the attitude of sunie Old Country people- tow.ard thus; who live here. There is a very considerable group in the- big cities that openly urges in general conversation the advantages to be gained from joining the United Stales while others would have Canada independent. Just what 'influence, these groups will have on the future ,...!:... .f ti.n ........I. : .1 ..1 11 . ... . in- uniHirj i inn ricai. .u presem is not very ill flnential or apparenily not. However, it Ls vigorous and uiiles Ihe reiteration of, British nations becomes, verv clearlv defined. will slenilily increase. ' M a Mrgumeni in Vancouver Regarding Separation. t Tim eiTilor of lliis paper had an argument on the subject in Vancouver recently. The argument of Ihe other man summarized was something like (his; "You live in Prince Rupert?. Then you know something about the handicap Canada suffers. You know that Canadian fishermen have to pay two cents a pound on halibut Ihey catch for the -privilege Of being subjects or King ficorge. You know that on almost everything you buy you are taxed Tor the sani privilege. You know that ir you go niith to the States you are under no stigma, but if you remain at home and mention' that it would be good business to join the States you are immediately branded as disloyal. You know that it you have' children they will probably become Americans before ihey die. Why not let Ihem have the privilege without migrating south?" There were other arguments but these were the chief and nil-) are given nere jiisi inr me purpose of letting people kn now a roiiMiieranie group 01 ritizens are talking. The ipioled said thai nearly every man he mel held a somewhat ilar opinion. ow men sim- Feellng Not Very Widespread. While-Uiis feeling exists anuulg the younger element of native born Canadians, we do not think it is widespread It will be remembered that only a few years ago the Liberal parly in Canada un defeated lfecaiise -people feared .that the ''policy" of reciprocity would; ead,do union .wilh the United Slates s i matter or fad the-opposite. 'has been rue. The policy (if handi-caping the-Caiiadian has le, lo the feeling, such as, it is, (Owar.l ............ ...... Vk,uiv amalgamation wiin tlic unjnii U .vtht -Olllll, II is useless In m r pert we have had somewhat eyes to. conditions. In Prince Ru-similar vsenlinii'iilw mm..i .... 1 f,.....u. , ...1 . .. . 1 ; .""- .v,. r. c. im.i nurying our heads 'in the sand or saying pool, pooh!" does t change them. What we have lo do is face the fad and seek for a remedy. nine uneasiness exists in Ihe i..m.,..' PREPARING WAY FOR HEBRIDEANS Commander Jones Visits Islands and Tells of Conditions he Found There SETTLERS WERE HAPPY Even London Plumber Was Meeting With Success In Establishing New Home "Wnile (he llrhl'idcaus are a peculiar peoplo ami a little given lo dispondency and are easily discouraged, (he life here, would le very similar In their home life .Mini I tin mil see why they should mil make good on this coast." said' Commander Jones, chairman of (lie fishery hoard nf Scotland, in addressing the llo-lary Club yesterday. While it seemed a simple 'matter to advise people, Commander Jones, said he felt the responsibility in reward lo what message. he look hack lo Ihe llcbrideans. i Many of Iheni were married pen. I pie wilh .children ami it was. a serious maiier 10 mem in come to a new cnunlry. In the llebri- les there were hut two indus tries, fishintr and farming, ami the people had mil made good it either. Many nf Ihem hai We do not see wily this should be. irAPMnHPF IS riUCW anyone is uneasy i should l.. r... lo ROYAL CAKES Standard of quality for over 50 years' IIP!I n........ .....I.!...-. 1 different '(in ing the herring from the north of Sent land In (he east coast of T'''r: .T.'P.' .'"'viiiff. "'t.ada as at, associat,. uatio . We TO MISS E M. F.ARlJ iiiiiic wiiii i inrnii Vint.... in. ! i . - -- ". .inn iiiiueii males money s spent freelv1 here. It is diiub hil if i,.,i.i .i i. i.. . .. . ! tin vt, .ii..... i ..;..i , : " ' " were part or the Stales. The ones ion is or more iiimnrt n.U'o In lMi...,l.i ll..... i ii.-,.. .... lit.lll.lnr.. r.... I. ..ii. .. . .. . . " ' I-.-....,,., i, .1 ,., lo-ro su er mill to n. i:iiiaia;Mlilkf;attiilf.lll iuess with jsurprlse Party for Her on Eve of lf 11... r I ... : . j be allivMl id 1 1 1 i u l i... i .". is K. ...J,..:;,.. i V '." '-"""J1 t'Mimi treatment both in '"' "miauug imperial policies. Also Canada iii'us ZveS Hicies ,'!"','r,llly VVh"" f,,rm,l,n f'scal an. ( HI I xmmj Her Departure for Van- U! couver Ihe home or Mrs. .loe .lack. 't'Slork block, was slormed las! 1' night hv a nai-lv of friiwuU mul laken wilhoul oiiposilion, the occasion being a surprise party on Miss M. Karl on the eve of her departure for Vancouver. Ihe evening: whs delightfully spent in danclnar am) games audj delectable refreshments were served. At I hV conclusion Mis' i-.arl was presented wilh a suitable gift as a token of Ihe regard In which she had been held. Mis. Karl sailed on Ihe I'rlnce Huperl Ibis morning for the south on a prolonged business trip and will probably reside in Vancouver permanently. I been nu the verge of starvation.! The crops had failed and the peal on which they depended for fueli bail not dried oul. The result! was 1 hey nail neither food nor' fuel. Many lived under Ihe most j srpialid eondilinns hut their! greatest handicap was their temperament, Ihe tendency lo de-j spondency and discouragement. 1 Condition of Settlers Commander Jones said he hadi been trying to sum up condi- lions here. The resources or the sea were uiexiiauslilile lint he was not so impressed wilh lliei islands for farming purposes. However, he found all Ihe settlers!. erage n..... i. 1 n 1 1 1 iin-11- ".'iv ...un.i.v, .011... contented., The only tenderfoot! he had found was a man from! Loudon who had formerly been a plumber, lie had built himself a comfortable but rough house and. was-r ha'ring a liltle landlniu seh nroiin'ilili: where he had a par-den, lie li n.l worked as tallyman in Die canneries and now had a boat with an engine and was intending lo fish for himseir next season. The nllier were nld timers, lie was surprised at Ihe variety of-food Ihey se-.ured. They had abundance of duck, fish, clams, crabs, venison and other food. They had undoubtedly 1 roughed il but had emerged successfully and were making a good living. I'he happiest man he found was one wilh eleven children. This man was determined In make Ihe best of everything and was eipially delermiued not lo leave. Migratory Life n.rt .i:rr;n..ii . 11..1 1- ?8fl; ;P(jklV, Jrtnuarv 9. 10' THE DATLV 'TTTv5? I fiunrW- since 1859 yA- j I : on consistent high cjualjty" pS f Itonlh school lolal 377 tendance percent age, '.M.SH. High school total, l.'ll; actu ally attending. 120. t-mm ii i ii ! i i i i; 'i iiiii Eorden Street II was reported hy iliss S. A. .Mills, principal of llorden Street School, thai Tom Savon, Ihe 17- year old Hulgariau youth, was proving a hindrance, to ifn' progress of an elementary' class in which he was enrolled. Through education in the Did Country, he was Jll advanced in all suh- in i I ; III I in II I hill il i II 1 1 ill in mi in ii In III mi i. ;m:m : 'in mm nil mi mi i i n linn iflimiii n mt'i i In -4 .........r:.-iiniiiiiiiiiiM e i tuition. On motion of Trustees Rochester ami Casey, H was decided thai , . , , . . mv ' " . 1 . 1 111 .lu.'Miiin in- r.'iiuri- 1 Knglaiid, 1 working on he fishmpl J ; .. ,. .. . . eil In inil.i ;.l I it.iihi n.n m ioats and then reluming home for a rouplc'of months. The work was seasonal, . uij. ll was here, and he thought Ihey might adapt themselves' to ' the conditions on jhis .emsL yv . The speaker said he hail 'in terviewed cannerymen and those engaged in. the halibut fisheries and he was assured by Ihem Unit any man who was willing to work hard could make good, lie puhlic 'sclj Out until ha had b'arn- . ii. .in. n n I'll .. . . .. ... tin u I . and encouragement eventually do well. . .sympathy Ihey .should no room for Ihem in he next. division lower. Money raised at a recent school concert, Miss Mills .reported, was being (leveled to Ihe purchase of supplo-nientary readers. Ink-rases, which had not been built according lo specifi- Treat Colds Externally For sore throat, bronchitte or deep chest colds, rub Vicks VapoRub briskly over throat and clicst and cover with warm flannel. Vicks acts in two ways both direct r ubtorbttl like a liniment and inhabit as a vapor.. A quick relief for the cold troubles of all the family, on ii iiii:iiiii;,rinmi:.i: iii:w:nn,rn,ii:;in n. i ' ' ' ' " ' n:n . m n : ' i mi i i n t I RanH " ' ' 1 1 1 - - - ' n .". T i m ;ir ni m in in m n " r it in ni v'"1h nimuii'uuiuuniuiiuj iJuiiiiinoiiimuiiiiimiwiiuioiiinioiiiiiioiiiitiMiiiiiiiiiijiii. al. al tendance., per rentage'. il- 1 iik nil..... i. ..11 111 mr !, ,,,,, I,',,,,..,!, .., .i,i..i. i. llehrideans he had If, deal with .. . ;. ' ''''' " " " nin-w anil ill wmc 11 nj nine , ., .. , penp icnple. Ihey lived a Ireiiuircd s special ,..,.... nation, had lieen repaired and were now very satisfactory. February Beginners Miss Mills and l. II. Ilarlness. principal of Month School, were iUeslionei as to Ihe number of beginners that were expected in February. Miss Mill staled thai six were conic mplaliug enleringf llonleii Street School and Mr. I Ilarlness reported twelve for AfYeildnncc figures for IhejUoollr School. II was fell thaK moulh of Decemlier for the vari-i ',,u,d be hanilled in the ds were submitted o!!iesenl classes without fngaamg the school hoard, last night hyn,'w leachers the respective principals as fol- Hiph School lows: - i Principal llrady reported H llorden street school lolal, lM,ys and Hi girls in attendance at the Jlfi'h School. Three new pupils had been admitted al the first of I his lerin ami 10 had I eft al Ihe Christmas holidays. Mr. llrady rcporled the school premises in good condilion. The nialter of purchasing blinds, for the High School was left i rt Ihe liiands of lhi. secretary. ' " S. K. Parker, ehairinan of the , board, impiired aboul physical idrill work in the High School. Mr. llrady slated that il was in- lendeil to rcsume-thi whVn more iravorahle weather came xin the jpring. Signalling and first aid jelasses were jjlso In he insliliil- d. Mr. llrady pointed out that such Instruction us (his was nut -sjde (he regular eu.riiculuui and was given gratuitously by I he teachers. ,11 wan given hy ollicers of Ihe militia deparlmeiil In 'Southern school. ed more of the Kifglish language;) V KC UfCII IfNOWM Miss Mills also reported on Ihei "rtJ "ELL IllUlll October exams, in Ihe various divisions (if Ihe IWdcii SI reel, Sclioollf'1.SaMsf!u;lory ' progress was being made in all grades hut Ihe Knlrance Class work was suuiM'ing tlu-ough the fact that the class contained several students who had been promoted feared that Ihe llehrideans would , ' V r....i i........i..t i.i ...oi. j ii... '"f Pood progress. I here was' IN THE PROVINCE Arthur Maxwell Wade, Who Died Recetnly In Vancouver, was Naval Officer In Crimean War Arthur Maxwell Wade, age.) 87, former llrllishhaval olllcCr dur-ing-Jhe Crimean War and resilient or Ibis province Tor hair a century, died recently in Vancouver. He was Ihe rather of M. U. Wade, formerly of Ibis idly and now nf Ocean Tails. The lale Mr. Wade was widely known ami respected throughout llrillsh Columbia. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert 11 i J i! N j The charm of Ihe rip through. Ihe Hncky Mountains on Ihe (iraud Trunk Pacific Hallway between Prince Huperl and Kd-iiioiilon ' Is already becoming widely known although the railway has only been in operation for a few months. Kaslern travellers speak very highly of Ihe (rip. The .hospital board, al. Its regularly ninnlhly' meet ing last night, ilecVled To give a complimentary dance lo the nurses who are shorily o gradual from iho training school, p-"3 i'his advertisement is not published or displayed by Ihe Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of Rr tnh Coin in lua. SCHOOL REPORTS SATISFACTORY; Attendance of Pupils Keeps Hl;h Principals Slate Before Buying CHILDREN SHOES SEE THIS NEW STOCK of Misses Patent Leather Oveislraps. Itluchcr Cul. Chrome Soles, for .Misses, ami Hliieher Cut tlhihlrc n's Hfioe-N These are wonderful values ami you will be pic eo when you see them. ENTIRE STOCK OF CHILDREN'S FLANNEL DRESSES TO CLEAR AT COST Ladies' Shoes in all fizes al Lowest Prices Inspection Cordially invited. Oul of lown Order given prompt attention, Mrs. Grahlman Second Avenue. Rupert Fish" Fresh Frozen .All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties In season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Hadble "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotlans. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockeyo, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. . Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. This Weeks Specials - pi For Children. Hurlbut and Chum Welted Shoes 15 per cent Discount. Classic and Packard Shoes for tlliildren, 2 1 pair for Ihe ice of one, plus 75c. Family Shoe Store Phono 357