j i rAQE SIX TFIE DAILY NEWS Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES COR-RECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practical knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable in every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist 1 ROTORSHIPIS NOT BEAUTIFUL One Who Saw Her Trial Tells About his Experiences The English papers are devoting- a good deal of space to the rolorship that was tried out in Europe recently. The London 'I'iines special correspondent says: The ltuckau presents an extraordinary and somewhat un- beautiful appearance, lleforc her conversion into a rotor-boat :slie was a Ihree-masled .schooner of (1(10 Ions. She now carries two revolving lowers or cylinder of thin sheet-iron each about 0ft. high, 8fl. in diameter,, and capped witli a kind of flange or nielal lid. She looks something like a steamship with two gro tesquely enlarged towering funnels so wide apart that one is well forward, the oilier well aft. The hull is painted green, the two lowers are painted grey. Apparently it has been slated that Ihey are grooved or rough ened, but this is an error, for they are just as smooth as the WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. "Wanderer of the Wasteland'' Adapted from Zane Cirey's famous, best-seller story. The thrilling adventure of on outcast who became a hermit of the desert. A remarkable new departure iu niolion-pictures was inaugurated in this photo-play, every scene being filmed in its natural colors by the Technicolor process, showing a wonderful contrast to the ordinary black and white photography. Stirring incidents include a fight with a rattlesnake, an avalanche in the (irund liaiiynn, the herb's 00 fool leap inlo Hie sand which completely buries him and a first-class fislic ballle. A delightful romance runs all Ihe way through mingled with comedy. Strong cast. Jack Holt, Billie Dove, Noah Beery, James Mason, George Irving, Kathlyn Williams and others. COMEDY HAL ROACH'S RASCALS IN "YOUNG SHER- LOCKS." TOPICS OF THE DAY. 50c and 25c Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD, Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock j Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to hnndle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F January CLEARANCE SALE Ladies' Special Ladies' Flaunclelle Nightgowns,- round neck and long sleeves,, lteg. l.(i.-,. Sale rice $1.25 Ladies' Figured Crepe Nightgowns, in pink and mauve, round neck and short sleeves . teg. .:i.5:. Sale $2.25 Ladies' Monarch Art Silk Hosiery during the sale to sell fur .'75c Ladies' (ircen and llrown Woollen Heather Penman's Hosiery. Meg. L25 and t.:!r. Sale Price ... 85c Ladies' Woollen. Crepe Skirts, lteg. tf(l.lM). Sale Price $3.75 Ladies' Hloiises, F.uglish broadcloth, in while and natural color. Prices Si:i.."iO, .$..((), anil ..'(. Hale Prices $2.75, $3.85 nnd $5.25 Ladies' Sweaters. Monarch latest creation iu the lalest shades; the variety is too big to classify but we (ilTcr '-'" per cent discount on all our slock or Sweaters, Ladies' (iood (Quality Voile Hloiises, trimmed with Val. and Filet Laces. Values from fco.rit) to 0.7"). Sale Pric $4.25 JABOUR BROTHERS LTD! Corner Third and Seventh. Phone 645 coal of paint on llio sheet-iron and the small rivets have left tliein. At a distance, and especially in today's mitt, it is the great lowers that first come into sight Tlin 1 1 1 1 1 1 inpYiTwrnpiimw liv Trip comuarison. comparison. The absence of fttnvas sail or of any propeller (save a small auxiliary screw that only works in emergency), and nothing but the silently revolving lowers, make her an uncanny object as she "glides through t Im water. Run by Four Men She passed us towards two o'clock iu the afternoon. She vas jailing in a free wind blowing al seven or eight miles an hour. Her own speed was five or six knots. She was very steady in the water, 'and had no perceptible list. Just as she was growing faint in mist the aft lower slowed down. She began to turn, and then Ihe aft lower I began lo rkwolw again while the forward lower slowed down. Tb.en she headed lowanls 'us,' and soon sailed by at the same, even pace, both towers ilescrib- ing about 120 revolutions to the' minute. It would have been interesting' Ui see how e!o.e she could sail; to the wind, but the experiment j was not atlcnrpled. She was be-! iag run by four men, a eonsid-:ible reduction of Hie number who must have been needed to! run Ihe original schooner. A -mall diesel engine works the owers, ami then there is I lie! small auxiliary engine; thus lliei mount (if space left for cargo is far greater than on a steamship. Towers Large The towers are large but relatively fragile (the iron sheeting is not more than two millimetres thick1. Would, they re- iiil the nattering of a hurricane; and Ihe smashing impetus of heavy seas? The inventor ap- parenlly has good reason lo think lhal they would, but this is one. and perhaps Ihe most important, of the things thai wall a conclusive trial. 'APTAIN WINGATE UND CREW OF FIVE DRIFT HELPLESSLY ON LUMBER BARGE. (continued from page one) ashes and coal. Cable Parted The fight back across lr Straits with lug and barge safe was all but won and Ihe shelter ..ml safely iu llio lee of Triple Nland was but one mile distant! nfler Capl. Pearson had skillfully lavigaled the reefs ami shoals, iii I ho face of a furious gale and, driving rain when Ihe tow liuel from lug lo barge caiighl but-' loin and snapped, Ihe llergainon' oing adrift. i Understanding thai the largi' salvage lug .N'ilinal" was al Prince lluperl and his own boal I iu a serious plight, Cant. Pear-1 son made the decision lo come in here witli all speed possible and semi the Xilitial lo I lie rcs- ue. Arriving here al 10 o'clock.! e found that there, was nut a 'oat in Ihe jx.irt Unit cnuhl yen-: lure into Hie slorin and live itself. Then radio messages were seal iu all directions fur help 'luil misfhl be in neighboring waters. Had I known that there wasj no boal here lhal could be sent oul. I would never have come in myself but would have slaycd by lb e llergainon iu spile of the danger we ourselves would have been in." declared (laid. Pearson. In Hie meantime, lite Massed Is mooned al Ihe dry dock here and her crew are si ill working In pump her oul. It .would be suicidale for them to venture oul again, il was deemed by the crew, allliougli Capt. Pearson was still willing Ibis morning lo make anolher clash for Hie llerg ainon. Drifting Toward Island When the Masselt lett Ihe vicinity of the accident, Ihe llergainon was drifting towards Dunlins island bill Capt. Pears6n was of Hie opinion thai she may have missed hilling il. There was mil even one of Ihe CanadianUsli Ctt Storage Co.'s trawlers in a position Ibis morning lo go lo Ihe rescue, Capl. Pearson slated. Capl. Wfngale is well known in Prince lluperl. Formerly hi was niasler of the G.O.M.M. Can adian Winner and al least onci1 j brought lhal vessel here. About a year ago, he left Ihe lUt.M.M, to- go inlo business for himself The mimes of the. oilier members of Ihe llergainon h crew were not available oil the Masselt They were signed on al Vaueuu 'ver. SQUAM HATS lu Olive, Green, or Hlack, absolutely waterproof. Stiff brim, all sizes. Price F01 Particular People'' $1.25 a food ir- ..- Jitru.-a " SET", Service Let It Rain! GRAPE NUTS 1Bc Pkg. Limit (i to each customer. POLICE COMMISSION Alexander McKenzie. who a term as alderman of this city during Hie year IU2'J. an nounces (bat be will be a candidal!' for police ciiinniissioiier (ills year. His decision is iu response lo Ihe reipiesl of a number of citizens. DANCE-LAST NIGHT Home forty couples allended in enjoyable dance staged iu II 1 0 Klks' Home lust night by the Happy Thought Dancing Club. Music was furnished Jiy Art Kassnn's orchestra ami Mube I'ortin was niasler of ceremonies. The affair was in progress from D o'clock until 1 .30 and refreshments were served at Advert! ii thu Dally News ohi nr. a r it Our Oiled Clothing WILL KEEP YOU DRY QCYCf) IkJ BRASD Jr Guaranteed Waterproof SLICKER PANTS AND COAT Most essential for Ihe man working outside. They are made lo slnnd hard wear and roomy. Pauls have bib ami boll) are fully lined. .-! Price per garment $300 JL, Brown Label Regular NOc lb. j Special, 70c lb. 4 Blue Label Regular Hoc Hi. rr-' Sp8dal. 75c lb. 200 LB. BROKEN SHELLED WALNUTS Special per lb 35c 100 lb. Icing Sugar in bulk, V V& His. for 25c SHREDDED WHEAT Hi Packages for 25c COWAN'S INSTANT COCOA Villi, lins, reg. JJ.'ic. Special 20c Tin Friday, January 0. 1925. Oil SO'WESTER HATS Has soil pliable brim, making very romftfrlahle lo wear, lit Hlm K or Olive (ireeii. All sizes. Price $100 There are Garments here for Every Purpose at Popular Prices BOYS' OLIVE SLICKERS You won't need lo worry about the young folks gelling wet if Ihey are eipiipped with one of these coals. All sizes. Prices $4-50 and$5- MEN'S FULL LENGTH SLICKERS lu Olive or Hlack. Well made ami strongly pul liigelher. Fastens close up lo neck willi snap fastener. Cor duroy facing on cojlar. Absolutely ( guaranteed. Prices p.OOandp.50 III m CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS FROM 0 A.M. TILL 12 NOON ONLY FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY. & vx N-can1 FELS NAPTHA SOAP II) liars to Carton, Special 75c each I. mill :i to each customer tyc arc headquarters HEINZ 57 VARIETIES HEINZ PORK AND BEANS Plain or In Tomato Sauce Small size, :i lins for .Medium size, II tins for 5C0 Tins Sliced or Halved Peaches, 1's, Talis, at 20c per Tin. .l.imil 10 Tins to eucji CiHomer. Universal Trading Co. 35c 50c Satisfaction IN THE FIELD FOR f January Home Furnishing Sale 3rd Avenue. U1IN1INU KUUM SUITE SPECIALS S Piece Solid Oak lliuiug Room Suite $120.00 S Pieces S'oliil Oak Hilling Room Suile $132.50 U Piece 'j'wu-loiie Oak "William" and "Mary" design. Sale Price .. $218.50 This is u very allraclive suile in Ihe lalesl oak two-lone finish. ! Piece Two-lone Waluul finish hining Room Suile. Special $200.00 1) Piece lliuiug Room Suile, Fumed finish. Special $130.00 SPECIAL. U Piece Solid Walnut Dining Room Suile. Reg. .Htl0.no. Salt price ... $300.00 This suite carries a guarantee from Ihe niaiiufaclurers.' Fumed Oak lluffel. Hale Price $45.00 (iolilen Oak Hiirfet . Sale ric;(! . . $48.00 I' nmed Oak Oblong Table. Sale Price $36.50 SPECIAL. , H ' icce Dining R0,n Huile, Wnluiit fin- lsh' hpcrial eflS.KO GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher Phone 20