ing Two by Prince Rupert People SMITHKUS, Mar. tt.-Tlie first teachers' con viMilidii fur litis pari of Mrilish Columbia was IihIi in Sm 1 1 h is on Frjday ami Saturday of lust week. Tin' meetings were, held in Sniithers High School ami, con sider. iik Uii- difficulties of travel rtl this lime of tlic year, was very wi'll attended Jiy teachers fi'imi all pari of the tlistricl Among- those present were Mrs J. '. Wheeler anil .Miss I), (i Thomson of llio Telkwa School; Miss Florence Mclh'arniid ami A. It. MaeNeill from Hums Lake ; Miss l-.dith M. Cnrhouhl, Fmscr Lake; Miss Margaret M. (iillelt, Woudmcre; Miss M. Jaciiiot, ISvelyn; Miss . M. Ilihhanl, Woodcock; Miss I). Cavalier, liilwanga; Miss L. Saunders, Pallinjr; Miss (i. Keith, Decker hake; Miss C. Cruickshank, Rose like; Miss F. McLean, Round Lake; Miss K. Ward, Tchesinkiil Lake; Miss Margaret Limlsay, Jorow; Miss Lane, Quick; Miss Mn'rjnrie Roberts, Driftwood; R. It. Wallace, Lispiox; D. Cochrane, Foreslilale; J. K. Nixon, 'Fopley; J. C. Loonier mid C. K. Hfitchh!, Francois Lake; J. S. yilsnn, Houston; ami Miss M. Uiinna, Miss M. Fawectt, Miss X.j latterly. F. Kendall ami V.j Ch-oeketl of Sniithers staff. The convention was calleil for the purpose of discussing the various nrohlems L-niifrnntins- touchers in tlie rural districts! imhI In organize an institute to deal with any iiuestinns that might arise in the future. Various papers warn read as fallows: J. Wilson, "Course of Studies: Means. Not the End";. II. Cochrane, "Fifth OraiU His lory"; V. Crooked, "School Fairs"; P. S. Hiinney (District Forester., "Forest. I'roteclion lai Hanson, "Forest Protection nfid (he Lum'bcr Industry." The teachers decided lo form ah organization to he called "The SKccna and Omineca Teachers' Inslilutc," and elected V. Croijkell as (heir first prcsi-diuil .vyUU F. Rondall,, and I). Cochrane, secretary, treasurer. As the meeting was such ft decided success, it was proposed to hold at least conventions a year; Ihe nexl one to lake place in the fall, prefer-ahly in Ocloher. Dance in Evening On Friday night a dance was held in the Town Hall and in addition to the teachers was largely attended hy townsfolk. A most enjoyalile time was spent hy all ami when the "Home Wall," was calleil ahoul. 3 a.m. Ihe visitors had hecome ao-rpiainted with a large nuniher of citizens. During the course of the evening, J. S. Wilson on he.-hair of the visiting teachers, tendered the citizens of Smithers a most hearty vote of thanks for the hospitality and kindnesses shown them during their slay in town. , Basketball Qame The men teachers challenged First of Series of Affairs to Held ly Elks' Lodge Was Decided Success be' The first of a series nf weekly Cinderella Dance being held by Ihe Flks' Lodge took placo Saturday night, it was a decided cmg was in progress from y to 12 o'clock, music heing fur nished liy an orchestra consist ing of Miss Jllancho Curtain, Ale. Mitchell and Kenny Hood. 11. H. Skinner was master of ceremonies ; Lance l'nttertou Iiresided at the door ami I. Murray Fuller, exalted ruler of the lodge, also assisted in the making of arrangements. DR. FERRIER IS AFTER SHARKS Strikes Rinht from Shoulder Men who Keep Alive Indian Aqitation INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION at Ilr. Thompson Ferrier a very powerful address in lln .Methodist Chumh ycslerday morning on hehalf of the In dians of Canada. The' speaker traced the Indian Treaties and siowcd ttiai uic Indian titles to lands had hecn i-ecognicd in all Canadian provinces except Ilril- ish Columbia. Here Hie province holds lis own lands ami except on Vancouver island, ami some few oilier sections had not paidj for the Indian lilies. vIYwi.y money had however heen a curse rather than a hjcssiug in most Iwolcases so the H.C. Indians had mil really sulTered much. The present land rights agitation yas kept alive Hie speaker said hy certain nalives who think they own Ilia laud ami cilias ami industries which the. while man has established. II is also aggravated hy some unscrupulous while men who profit hy Ihe continued agitation. These jueu collected funds even in Winnipeg wholesale houses for Ihe settlement of the Land ipicstion of the poor downtrodden II. C. Yei those, while. fdiaifk do not want 'the' (tuesttiui set tled. Industrial Education SpeakiiiR of Industrial Kdtiea non .ur. rerrier sain tins was not originally promised hy treaty hut was of many times more value lliau the Irealy money. An iBWII Notice the Van Esi flexible rubber massage cap on the bottle. You rub the bottle over your head and the rubber nipples feed the hair growing medicine into the scalp. One minute a day in your own home with Van Ess .Liquid Scalp Massage means an abundance of new hair and the gloss and luster th::t come wit i perfect heir uc'''. Aikutttoitttite 90-Ja trtztmtntpUa. Wt Slit it tmtttr iyn.i.i.y-boui o .rj.'J.'ti., ORMES LIMITED, Prince Rupert, B.C. success ami there, wen; alioul Hit collides in atlemlanci;. Daiu yel a ft5 per capita treuly tay-iiiunI loHintr liutKll-eds u? dollars pel' ca nitii h.v ahseiice from fishing. On Hie other 'hand an industrial ediiialion filled an Indian lo lake IiiJT olaee on a with the while niae in any pari of the world, 'l'his wa an e.xlr;. supplied hy Hie chuivhos and the lioveriimeiil at a huge oust. It was wo:-ll Hie cost ami shoulii mil he lost 'slgitl of hy the natives. Mr. Terrier also paid a glowing trihule to the sterling lirislian character of some uitivcs who had gol the christ- an vision liile man ami ki'pl - vices. COMMITTEES Who Will Have Charge or Annual Event lien F. Self, prBsilfent of the Fair Hoard, has named his standing committees for Ihe vear as rot lows: Finane.H--Fr;iml Dilih (chair man;. Pan i .laiiour, Waller Vance. Sports und Attractions . . Aianiiouam. .(iiajrrian; , .N'aller Vhhoe, AhLrAV iM.lfrowili mil llio secretaries of the base ball and football leagues. Iluibllngs und Oroiinds Aid. .1. F. Perry (ehairiiianj Fred c.-nlden ami Frank Hilr. . iiands and Anisic Dap. .labour 'chairman , Wni. S. Sherman Jr., and titiarles Italagno. Prize Hook ami Prizes Suh- eonuiiillces und the hoard of di rectors. Inhibits Alfred Plaul (irhnir-,, Pasl I're.Hidenl .toe (ireer, ami Wni. S. Shernian .Ir. Advertising and Puhlicjly Fi'tl Sc;iilde.n (f liairniaii i , S. D Jlaedonahl, -lohn .Hulver. II n o t h Wm. Shcrniair ohaiiMnan i , Alfrml .Hlanl.i The president, viee-presiileuL honorary secretary and m;in- auing directors are members of all coiiiniillees and each commit tee will have jpower lo add In II number as may seom fit. Suh- I'onimillecs will suhmif llieir re- ine town m n game oi nasKeinan imuan iriiic would waste a inonlh commendations as to and on Saturday afternoon the from sturgeon fishing lo go ami of ihe prize book as game was played in Ihe hall. Although they lost the match by i a score of t'i lo 2i, the camel proved (pille on nrilerlainment and wms very fast at lim,es. The, local hoys hnd Ihe edge on the visitors when it came lo shooting. Those playing for the teachers i:. Nixon, It. H. Wallace, C. K. nitchie, F. llan.lall, A. It. MaeNeil ,and J. 0. Loonier. The Smllherfl players were (i. Iloherls, A. Mulch, P. Hos-kins. .1. firahom, V- Williams and J. A. Carthew. CINDERELLA DANCE ON SATURDAY 'NIGHT K,.r7 Glt- VACUUMIZED TINS UilU 111 X (150 Qiuau6 the. Acurne 'I925 v Int l Feature Service. Inc li Crrl BnUin right fwrvrd clear of lln FOR THE FAIR president Self Appoints Those revision soon a OGDENS LIVERPOOL possible, so that the hook may be issued early in the seasou. SEND SIGNALS BY DAYLIGHT Short Waves Effective In Trans-Atlantic Message Picked up in England SOFTIl MAN'CIILSTKIt, Conn., March 7. In hroad daylight al lit (i. m., Fas tern Standard time, Alien radio waves generally :each oul willi only a small icrcutago of their normal strength on account of the dead-ning effect of the sun's rays, lohn L. Iteinarlz, inventor and i'adin amaleur of this placo, succeeded in. sending siwnal.s roiii his code transmitter across lie Atlantic ocean, lie used a Aravelength of twenty-one tno-er.i. further proving his theory hat tjie very short waves can V as effeclixe in daylight as the onger waves are al night. This feat is the eulminalion f many nipnlhs ,nf ug during which llciuartz has een co-operating willi the nnvy leparlniont and amateur mem-ier of the American lladio Hei 'ay League. His success in being 'icaril acrns sllieMlantic in day- 'ighl was couUrmed following ecrtipl of a raiHfrriini from a lijlish operator. His signal-were picked up yilh great reliability hy F. A. -Mayer, radio imaleur of W.ickford, Fssm. Kngland. Al Ihe lime, of course. Mm1' signals were in broad ijay-Ughl all of the way. . t- - Sporfr Chat f - V The arrival of Hie first touch ( spring weal her last week pill in end to. Hie interior pocKe.v season ami sticks and pucks are cv iiejng slowed away mil il uox! .vinler. I he Smitliers team wan .ill ready lo entrain for another soiries or games at Prince (leorge when wnrd-WMs received llhil lliV irink in IIm Upper 1'iaser inelro- polls hail given away before Ihe waiiin wealher of several days lo such an extent thai it would be impossible lo play. Prince (leorge was hilled o play at .Snillhei'w a Ihe einl ,nf Jiisl , wwlj Ipll Old Sol also) pu the,-Jjbist tli Ijiyse piaiis. . ' . Hockey receipis from profeit- doual games al the Kdmonlon irenn slumpid by pearly 10,000 lurinu Ihe iiasl seusun compared with the takings of a years ago which in turn was ten Ihousaml less than l'.)2:i. The paid admissions amounted lo li,-Ml as L'ompared with 5 4,077 a year ago ami 5,2nH in lhn'l'J22-S3 season, dross ' rei'cilds totalled Iji 1,2.17 for the pasl season while in Ihe previous year the amount was $50,220 ami Ihe year hnfore, C,:i,0r0. The hel alleml(Ml game of llio pasl sfliison al Kdmonlon wa on,, New Year' Dijy wilh Calgary when lo paid idmissmns totalled "1,227, 'I he hesl allendei) hockey game ever played in ICdmouInu was on March 10, IU2.'I, .wlien 5ir2 iieo-plc paid lo see. F.dnionlon play lleglna in a play-olT. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prlnco Rupert .1. A. Henlhnm. N. Murchlo, T. 1. Hlepheus. A. D. Halllle, II. yers, F. J. Hurley, W. II. IJnsl-ment ami i. W. spiers, Vancouver; H. Cloul ler, City; T Shacklelon, Fsk; Mm.' I iiiugriam and Mrs, M. nes, Porl EsHiuglou; Wareham. Toronlo. Central M. J. Mackay, Swunsou .1. Cun- 0. Lel-W. T Hay Wanted For S For Rent . Hi' Mullil.ty. ;llr PAGE FOUR CONVENTION BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus j R'"l I r"r , , I EJ vHAort 1 MOTHER A.rsO t I LL CitSC MOO Pin Doi . OF TEACHERS 5v colly: rrs hice MM NOW-WHATt - jfS Jii-LJ. WRONG QUARRELED HOW tr -iou tcuu. me what ,;L,AK! AN' QUIET AT HOME! m THATNOit)Ei. BO'O-O Daughter today - tYRAMOE: too ., TO MEL i i ill av i i .1 w w it ti i I nTf BECAotc a. i -vF the T-utr v.nri r? ill I i i r-vscv-c-ki- I i ; I I yvv iaa v mrzz AT SMITHERS FAMILY It) ymoi-E. Organizations Formed With V. Crockett, President, and D. Cochrane, Secretary MUCH ENTERTAINMENT Interesting Papers Road Includ . : A iiUJ 11,11 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. i Lost 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c MALE HELP WANTED Itl'.I.IAHLK Men Kverywhcre to bamlle free sample and al-iiianac house In house ilislri-buling at good pay. No selling. Outdoor work. K.vperienre unnecessary. Write Today for conlracl enclosing slamps. Hurry. Slaudaril Cinnpaiiy. 2G2I Corllaud Street, Chicago. Illinois. FOR SALE KOIl SALIC. Singer Sewing Machine, nearly new, $55.00. Walker's Music Store. 57 FOR SALK. Singer Sewing machine. $25-.00. Apply P. I.e Claire, Seal Cove. 01 AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALF. An and ion sale will he held al house next lo Mussallein's slore on Fifllt Avi'iiue, Kasl, on Wednesday, March 1 1 al 2.30 p.m. consisting of dining table. .Morris chair, -armchair, sofa table, h?nler, hed, dressinv lable, knreaux, carpels, books, crockery, gasoline lamps, etc Philpolt, Evil t Co., Ltd. Auctioneers. 5H BOARD HOAIU). The Second Avenue. LOST Inlander, 830 Phone 137.'. LOST. On Third Avenue, home spun shopping hag. Phone 771 FOUND l-'OUND.- Hunch of keys on slept ring on Fourth Ave. WohI. Owner can have same by idmi- KOUND. Hunch of kejw on ring, including one C.N. II. switch key. Apply Daily News olliee. FOUND. Pair 'or child's brown woollen mills. Apply Dailv Ncwh olllcn. l-OUND. lair child's fur Irim-med kid mitts. Apply Daily News nlTiuo. POUND Opal hroorli, Applj Da II jr. News, ollico. FOUND. P.i ml ollico key, App. Daily Newrt nflitiB. 3USINESS OPPORTUNITY WANTED. A partner lo take an aclive interest in a long established business. Kxcidlenl prospects for making money. For full particulars wrile llo 234 Daily News, liiiice Rupert, H.C. COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW Process Columbia Records no scratching. I'iiiet reproductions of latest Fox Trots, Songs and Instrumental music by world famed artists Call in ami bear I Item. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, third A von ul'. H. Oorden, Al llloom, II. I.e. Or- vllle ami W. Wiltshire, Vancouver; Hugh Hoswill. Smilliers; F. Hallagher, City; A. Wasdcn and .1. V. Tham. C.N.ll. r , PRINCE RUPERT TinPR ' 4 f' Monday, March 0 Hitfli 1:10 a.m. Ih.o fl. 13:05 p.m. jii.7 Low 7:00 a.m. n. " H):3l il in. 3,2 " Tuesday, March 10 ilteh i til a.m. ui.2 rt, I3:tl p.m. 20.2 Low 7:i3 a.m. 5.5 " 20:00 p.m. .1.0 " ROOFING 'KI.ICKOHD" Coaling. The host coaling for shnigle, iron or paper roofs. It preserves the roof ami slops the leaks. Also good for brick, concrete or stone walls. Cheapest and hesl. Hsliiuales given. P.O. Uox 1 1 i. Phone lit. MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Ob Hnby" al your ser vice day or night. Comfort Hnfely- Courtesy. If H'h a water I rip call Laurie l.ainhly. Phones lllack 315 or 131. RADIOI RADIO! vllE you inliyesled in Itailio ( nr parts? I can save ,ynui money. 2 tnhfi sflls cumitlntu with aerial, phones and batteries, insl ailed. 55, Phone Red 707. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call lieorgo, Paul or Oust' Prompt Service and Uumfnrt Day or Nic' t Stand: HOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Mooker Llork, Across from mnr llotot FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl-ure Slorp. We Hoy. Sell and Hx change New and Secondhand floods. OtO. PAPAUUHULIS, U31) Third Av. Phono I0 FURNITURE Wi: handle the I'AWCETT gliaraiilwcd copper Iwnrimr Hlecl Itallges mid all grades of high grade furniture we cx-chungc. PRINCE RUPERT EXCHANGE, v Auctioneers 33 TIMBER SALE X G028. Hcatfil Tiii1-r-. wilt Iw iwwIvmI by Itm liBIlr of Mmtft, al VKI.irl. iiul itlrr. man nmin iii Um iml ilay nr Aurll. Inp Uh iHiit'liUM' it l.trriim X lu 'lit I.3ii,immi rwl or Ur. ItmhMtk, HiImimi mil spnirr on an m iMlutlrd mi Um iiurilr Klmrr r .XyNth Inh i. imiiiic i. rxl Unit OHtrtrt. Two U) yr will li kllnwMl rir re-omiviI or tiniln r. ffirlli'T iwrllnilars nf tin' Ciller Flint-lAr, Vlrliicin, B i:.. nr nuirtri Konter, 'rmiy HiiM-rt, B.i:. TIMDER SALE X 6928. SmImI TriuhTR will ftf rarplwd liy tlw MlnlDter or I.iihIh. it vii'lorln. lint lilcr tlMii nmin on Hi"' litli iliy nt Marrti, 108. for Urn uurmufl nr l.lrriwn X cH. lo nit i;Si,oun rrat or Culur, llruiliirk. il5ai mil spiun' on an urim niniami on Uw mil-Ill stoHi-R or .Nnyiumh lnlit, Iuiik' V, roam !.ud Ptitrlrt. Two ) 4ir will Im Itlnwml ror it- maval or lliiiliri-. Further purtlrulnrii or tho Chler Fori-n-tcr. Vlrlorw, H.'.., ir ninlrlri Kurmlrr, CHlni- RiiMrl, H.C. TIMBER SALE X 0811. Tlwn- will" In- orroiwrt ror xnlo At t'nli-lli- Miction, it noun mi tlm Kill il.iy M Mrrli, limr, In Um orrii'K or thf liPl-ell ItHiiKfr. lUx.pllnn. Il.i:., I hi- Llrmrr X0HII, In rut nii,niiu llnnil rm't or Colon unit Iti.inin llpmlnrk mui Jirknlni- Tlm mi Lot, I r. 7 U ami ikIJiiIiiIiik iariil lljiilint no nn ot iinon, i wtiuimr uiul lUIUiri. Thri CI) ynurii will ! allTTwrtl ror N-movnl or tliiiui'i'. "t'rivlliil any wnc utiiUilo in micnil tlm midliHl In M4t' innv ' lulilnlt It WaImI Irmti'i- to br uponiiil al Hi" Imur or ane-linn ami iritiiU'il a one Mil." t'urtlirr 1'itrlliiilni-H or llii i;hir Pol-nil-Inr. VlrtorlH, II. C, or lilntrlrt Inrpnior. I'llljlCC llllMTl. ll.C. TIMBER SALE X6103. Snalnrt 'I'fntliTs will lio i-oi-ivpiI liy tlw lilKtrln I'lirKsti-r li. .1 l.ilci IIi.iii iioim ni IImi Kllli ilnv "f M ii'di. I bus, rnr lln ll-i'lilii of lln XiiliCI. I.nt I5TU, pi -ii'im- .ii j, i..ii mil l, iiiicrii ntiur- inlir 1-i.iinl- ni-tiiii. I., rtl t SBl',770 . w.Htrii M -1 oi pi-uri., iMinr, am ipin-lui-k Hnwloifn. iln (I) year will h IIowim Tor ri-lnoval ir imilior Kiirlhi-i- imrtli-iil.-uw or tin- Chli-r Turpi !;Vnc8,''nupear..''B,,:,.''l' mi VormtM' For the East-Mondays. V l ,f.- );V unlays, do1-- m , P From tho East Mondays, , h Fridays, din- ,i , To VuMCouvar Tuesdays-- Mall clo-es' Balurdays Fridays, C.P.R. Mai.-i, m From Vancouver Sunday Wedneailay-Thitrsday-v C.P.Il. Maivi, i ArticVt and nd,&c "i Sal. i4 at 4-ts pi 'I .i. Ave iltli Ave & Hay-J Uk- Circle . II 8th Ave. A Cotton s; - 1 5lh Avn. A Mdh 'h Si. " Pro. Gov. Ilhlt;-: ; ' Prov. Gov. Wliacr G.T.P. Wharf j . ..- . O...I OI .! trd Ave A flP' t ..t und DISTRICT. TAKK NOTICK tin " nail nr Vaiirniii I- ana l'iier Maimi ' !' . PI M To Anyox, Alice Aim, Stctn and Premier Wednesda - 1-t' PI Sunday 1 From Anyox, Alice Arm, Stml and Premier ntesdayu . PI Fridays To Port Simpson and Naik Riit Points Sumlav - m- r. I i ... rrom rori ainiusoii ana River Points Tllisd:i - To Alaska Points- March '', r v:' From Alaska Points Murchlo. .'" fo Queen Charlotte Island Pairs March . I u From Queen CharjoHt JW Points March 3. t ,i jf. EOX COLLEUTIOr i'ir n .1 . A'lln Av, - 1 . 'I 1st Ave. .v. KiKlilh H ' ill h avi- A Fulton Sf ?!3 I-1 mti Avn Tlnimi so:. Bl I I lli Avo .t- Rlierlir o-e 9 Ave tthlAvc.&ConniaSf 2W Jlh Ave, A Hay- ' v.- it lit ill I.H li .: ..'I ma live, iv iio .jj 3rd Ave. & Fu! an SI HEOAROINQ BrSTRICT OF W- laiuH. in i:oa.t l" ,r ' I'mvlnre or llrlti-" water lot on tin lr, inure parll1 mw: . ,, , iti i.iiiiiiiipiii-inir al ' l i,l,i Huh oil tin , lnii iiiHianl 1 "" :a rrolll tlHi miillll' i- illicit nwirii'i. " l:iili'ir.K., a fllnimi'' IMS. Ill till' H" . . ,, I.nt I loll; tllWIC' II lln- -until liniiiiilai ' a illslanri' r :'" inrui'i- or anl i"1 Die lilirli tli ' - ii, ii. rt itmr romnnriiceiiient, ''"!,: !"' or Iim.. . ,h it his ri :,i' II" i and ACT Hi''' '. , ''jt !l .. .Ml. f" Nolle, of IrtUntionw --- .n rt In Skrona 'J ' Hfi-ohliinr JM- , hoiiUi nr "H1,,,,1 " . TAKK MlTliIK llil1 " , v or iiiirimiiy. IiiihkH to pi'" , I (hllili the rnlloW'IU Coiiiinrlirlinr j 1 .., . ftniy ni'i ,,.'. i-w l.piir planion , .n..,iin ' r lulanil. Till- '.. (llrrcil.v wiiiiii - inlnir llin nmin' "f .-niis . J, Ml" . ' la.n.niT 100 W.J' uaied Januir- tm" 4