"ACF. SIX Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practlca knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance, WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silvcrwaro, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Prico and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist NOTICE to Consumers Tin! Mtissalloin (iruccry (..'o. Lid. lias niloiilol a new system for ca-s" customers. This applies lo Cash Only. Kvrry purchase will be accompanied by a ticket. Tor every $23 worth of lickets a discount of 5c on t lie dollar will be allowed", which means a direct SAVING OF $1.25 Our Price is Night. (Jlvc us a trial. Mussallem Grocery Co. Fifth Ave. East Phone 84 and 18. A Modern Den tal Service At a Moderate Fee Dr. H. L. Alexander Smith Block 3rd Avenue. Phone 575 Phono 645 I.O.D.E. HELD ANNUAL MEET Mrs. A. T. Parkin Again Elcctod Rogont of Municipal Chapter on Saturday REPORTS ' RECEIVED A 'year of ivreal palriolir work was shown in liny annual reports of l)ie Municipal and Primary jUhapters of the I.O.D.K. submit ted at the mei'liiis held in the Itoslon Hall, afurlny artenuxiu. Mrs. A. T, l'aikin. rugunt, pre-srilifljf. Elec-lion of I Itefollowiiiii idlicers for the year was con firmed at the meeting-. : lion Jleirenl Mrs. T. II. Du Vernet. 1st Vice - Mrs. J. C. McLennan. 2nd Vice Mrs. S. P. Mc-Mordic. Urgent Mrs. A. T. Parkin. I si Vice Mrs. S. Ilalclicr. 2nd Vice Mrs. O. A. Hogers. Sec. Miss S. Joliusou. Treas. - Mrs. H. L. Landry. Lducatioiial Sec r-Miss .oni Hi vet I. Kclioes Mrs. G. F. Kemp. . Orani.in Sec. Mrs. -John Manson. Standard Hearer Mrs. W. Hume. The annual report of Mrs. ,V S. 1'islier was read by Mrs. ). .Mel). II mi In and showed the work of Ihe chapter. They hai' donated a -picture of Kin;,' (irorfre lo the Japanese Mission on re quest of Miss Lennox and ar- keeping up I heir ward at Ihe IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA III I lie Matter of l lie Aihiiinltlraltoii Act and III the .Ma Iter of the KMalr of Charlrr l.avcr, IieceaH'il, lntetali'. TAkK MiTICK Uial by Order uf 111 Honor r. Melt. Yoiiiit, miili- Ihe 1 v tit ila r February, l5, I was appoiiilfil Ad iniiilnlralur or tin; rslati! uf the laic i rl-H l.aver. iln-raH-d, and all pirllr-liavinir -laini4 airalii! the Mid estate an hereby required In Furnish same, if lierly verified In- nw. tin or berme l-day of Mareh, 1 95. auil all parlies In debted Id 'Ihe said estate are minimi I: ay Urn auiutilil of llirlr IndelnediM'ss I' me ruiiliwlth. MlllMAX A. WATT. orridal Adiiilnlitlrator. i I'rlnre lliutrl. Il.t laleil this 81st day nr February, 1S: IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill Ihe Matter id the Administration Ac': ami III Ihe Matter of the F.slale or Jean Lalier i f'eeeased. Intestate. TAKK MtTKJK thai by order or II' Honor I'. Mrll. Vmiiijr. niailc the Kill dai or February. A.D. I9K.V I was aiiinlr ' Admiiilstralor or Ihe estate nr Ihe lil'e lean Inner, dereased. and all artle hav 'tir elaims ar.iinsl the said eslale are hereby n-'inlrWI to nimlsh same to he rii.erl.v veririeil. on r berore the it-' day or M.irrh. ma."., anil all rlies le debted to the said estate are required I nay the amount or their Indebtedness t me fi rlliwllli ,Oll V.V.v A WATT. Official AilmOiislnitor. I'rlnre riiiperl. II.'' Hated till- ?ts dav nf Fenriir'v. IflJ" for Ladies JUST ARRIVED COATS They are in CHARMOREL, VELRAYE, CUT VELOUR, VELOUR, ZYBELIIME, VELOUR (PRINCE OF WALES) COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER JABOUR BROS., LTD. 3rd Ave. and 7th St. GEO. D. TiTE The -Quality Home Furnisher ONLY THE MOTHER KNOWS ABOUT TKII COUGHS AND COLDS OF THE CHILDREN It is hard to keep them rrviu takiug-eold; llie will run out or doors, not l-H-rly elad. or bate on loo uiueli elollilnV; lay too hard and jet over-healed, ami Cuul orr Uki suddenly; rel their reel wet! kirk orr the Im'cI i lolhs ul nlirlil, and tlo a doicn Ihlngs the iimtlicr can't prevent. The prompt use or DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP will cheek the cmttrli or cold lie-fore any vrl'ius Umv liouble ran possibly develop'. Mr. r:eere:i K. kimcli. II.liw.vo. 2. Kredorlctoii. X.r. . wilt?: "My little boy, aire nine years, hail a dreadful cold which !eri 'him with a bad eouirh. I tried Dr. Wood's iNorway Pine Syrup, and arter uslnir three bottles he was completely relieved. 1 would advise all mothers to use this . remedy tur their children as It Is in exrellrnl medicine." For sale at all druggist and dealers. hosjiilal and donating a library in the. llprden Street school alo i picture of "King tScorge. Mrs. (i. Ilorie iiresenled Ihe heasurer's report. Miss Don-tlilson read llicv rpiiurt of II ill 00 diajiler. The iirineioal work undertaken I his year was (lie children'.' ward al Hie Hospital. A very jjreal deal of credit is .lue the Past Het'enl Miss Mac-Jonald whose untiring offorts lo lielliT the iiilerests of the I. O. I). K. are ever active. .Mrs. J. A. Teng, see. Adair larss Chapter, read her rrpnr!. Iiis Chapter, liad conliiiued 'Is work in caring for Ihe soldier's plot al 1'airview cenielery, seven new sldiies being creeled. Their reward for the entrance class pupil ranking first in Canadian tiiUry was won by Miss Dorolliv "atinore, a gold inounled foun- .aiibpen. A ward was furnished mil fully equipped in tin.' hospi-al, a doiia,lion was also senl l(,i he Itidley Home, Ihey also held a mosl successful bazaar. All Ibis work had been accomplished tinder Hie splendid leadership of Mrs. Hatcher. In the course of the merlin:-; Mrs. 11. C l-'rascr. sting, accompanied by Mrs. 11. 1'. l'onder. Hev. II. It. 'I rant gave a stirring address on "Patriotism in the Home." Mrs. McMordie moved a vole if thanks to Dr. tiraul and Mrs. r'rasrr, Ihe vole was seconded iiy Mrs. (tilhuly and carried. Mrs. I'arkin speaking of the year's work of Hie order said: "I am of Hie opinion Dial every report jireseiiled today showed a year of activity and inleresh Wonderful progress in all Ih'i i branches of the I.O.I .L. work NOTICE. I.N TIIE MATTKII OF AN AI'CI ICATION Tor Ihe lesue of a trch OrllfiiHte or title for Lots thirty (30) and thirty-one (31., II link wvmi (7 1. Section five (M, i:uy or i'rnn unpen, .Map e?3. gallnrartory prool ir the loss and c!c-itriiction or the Cerlirieate) or title cover-inir the above land havlnir been produced to inn It Is my Intention lo Issue, artrr the cioiminn or one month rrom Ihe first publication liereor. a rresh Cerlirirale or title In the name or Kdward II. Pierce, for the said land, winch Certificate or I title l dated the 3(1 111 June 1013. and li numbered 3083 I. II. K. MACLF.on. iicgHtrtr or Tltlea. Lnd Renlstrv Orrice, rrince HupiTt, li.'.. Jaouart .li'th. I9 IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill the Mailer or the Administration Act; and In the Vhtlter or the l.t.ilc or II. J. Hen-niilt. Ieceaed. Intestate. TAKK MTli:K thai by Order or Ilia Honor I'. Mi ll. Vounir, made the f'lh day or Klhruiiry. IllJS, I wa aiolnted Ad-hilidmrator or the eitate or the lute II. 1. Iieiinett. deceived, and all partie bav-Init claims avaliist the nald entale are hereby required to rtiihlh name In me, lroierly veririeil. on or berore Ihe Sift d;u or Miiili. ivr. anil all parllen Indebted tn the said estate are reiiulred to ihe amount or their IndrhledncM lo me rorlhwltli. MIIIMN A. WATT, orrirlal AduiiuUtriilor. Ii.nril ttiit- 2 1 at day or February. WIS. JUST ARRIVED! Spring Stock of Crepes, Ginghams and Galateas in very attractive patterns Also new stock of SEAGRASS CHAIRS, ROCKERS, TABLES Phone 20 BMtr TIIE 'DAILY TOWS Monday ' 'i;i,, has been shown by Hie different chapters. The; order sustained t great loss lliron-'h ihi death of our pasl Muiiic'ipal llegenl. Mrs. 1'' U. H.iwsoii, and our Vice-llegetil Mrs. Youiiginan. bill they bad left a mark beliind, a great ex-; ample for us all to carry on. (here I lie members si nod in silenco). M,s members of the Daughters of Hie Kiunire it i our sacred prixilege lo assist in every wny possible in Hie slrcngHieniiig of Hie lies Ilia' bind our Kjupirc tojtelher. 1 wish lo tlaiik;ji;ll the ollicers for I heir excellenr assistance in Ihe past jtrar, iTTso the building ooin-niitlee. Tlii buibliuu will pro iiably be fiuislied in about six weeks ami I hope we will derive great benefit from it. We want to li'V anil ii'.ciiuliiri' the slduii- did spirit of cheerful service Hint we had during the war." Mrs. Parkin here presenlod to Mrs. D. McD, Hunter a bouquet and. a handsome gold fountain pen in appreciation of ber noble work in Ihe order also a bouquet and handbag to Miss Mary Car ter for her faithful and good work during Hie yea:-. Tea was served and Mrs. McMordie presided at lb,' lea table. SALMON EGGS FROM ATLANTIC Consignment of Over a Million Arrive on Coast for Vancouver Island VAXCnUVKH, Mar. 'J. -A ear load of fish egs arrived here from the Atlantic coast to slock some of the riwrs of Vancouver Island; Tjiey am of the Atlantic salmon and are to be hatched in t lie Dominion They were, consigned lo Major I. A. Motherwell, chief fisheries inspector, and Ihe fry will be distributed in the waters ahoul Vancouver Island and the main land, r Some 1,10(1,11(1(1 cgfrs, contain ed in seven urge oases, comprised the tdiipiiicnl, bclievud to be the largest ever made,. Hitch case tis lined wilh trays of the roc, covered with cheesecloth, (if lh and beneath layers of chipped ice and snow In keep them in a healthy foiidilitm during the trip. Tlie -eggs w ere jiackuil in moss. The eggs were obtained at .South Ksk, N.I I., and Hliippe.i from .Newcastle, Ihe nearest railway -station. Leaving Xew Hriuiswick on February 28. Many smaller shipments of eggs in the past have proven most successful. PRINCE GEORGE Judge lloway of Xnw Westminster is being invileil by Hie city euuiie.il lo officiate at the proceedings which will Hike place here in May al, the unveiling of .llu tablet to oummcmoralu the arrival of Sir Alexander Macken zie on his trip of exploration over one hunilrdsd years ago. The hospital hoard is asking Ihe' Vily council' to increase its graiil lo the hospital for iuditsenl pal if ii l rrom 1,000 to a00'l per annum. The city council has refused has relumed tiiem lo tbe liuard willi a view lo having them sub-niilled to tin' ratepayers. A. l. Ainlerson lias relumed from an extended I rip lo NEW HAZELTON F. A. (ioddiird lias resifrneil as a policeinan in coiincclioii with the llabiiie Indian agency. Kleven ears of lies were oul of heri! last week. ANSWER TO PUZZLE ihotsIuimBbnie IobpIaIwBirI an - Hi rriMiri lih MM of eight bedrooms, three silting moms and a kitchenette. The most of the money has already been raised anil it is expected the balance will be voted by parliament during the present session. T. J. Davidson of Kispiox has secured a lease on Horace Du Vornel's farm at Shaudilla near Kitwanga and will move there) with his family next month. A son was born at the Hazrl-tou llosiiilal on March II to Mr. nut Mrs. II. C, Hankin. FEMALE MAKES LOVE THEN EATS HUSBAND Oddities of Courtship Explained by Professor Julian Huxloy of Oxford LOXDOX. Mar. U.Luve-inak-uig is niiislly a matter of color and sound, according lo I'rores-sor Julian Huxley, famous Oxford biologist, speaking al the Itnyal Institution. Describing devices used by males lo attract females, Professor Huxley lold how the male spider vibrates the web in such a manner thai the female call dilTi'i'MiH.'ite between thca lover and the prey. Scorpions, lie sab), cotirl bv dancing, bul' after mating I be female eals her husband, (irass-hoppers court by chirping. Some butterflies have "hcenl" glands on lhrtr wing with n spriiying apparatus by which Ihe females are aHracleu:' The ,iirgtis pheasant lias sucii !'n wonderful display of head feathers that the bird ha to peer through a spread' lo see female is watching. SYNOPSIS OF LARD AMENDMENTS I'ad'ly Creanh has lofl for Hit), company. t.arinoo w nei e lie lias a ptaeen claim, lie plans on iiiukins a trip lo the Old tjountry luwanls the end of the year. I It Is expected that tlie man-iijreiiie.nl o Ihe. ' Jlzelluu lli)s-pilal will be ublei'tu proceed Ibis year with the' erection of a nurie' lioup' which will cmsiKl PRE-EMPTIONS VHcnnt unreserved, aurveyeil L'rown UkoJh may bo ire-einpled by llritiali aiibjects over is yeiiri of bk, und by nllenn on declHring intention Itn-oine Hiitlsh HUbjecta, cottdl-ilonal ut.Mi renlilenre, occupation, nil hiiiuovcinvnt for agricultural iurioneK. Full infonuattnn concerning reuu-.riltr.ns regarding iiro-emptlonR is kIvrii in lUilletin No. 1, Lund Serlca, "How to Pre-empt Lund," copies of viliicli cun bs-obialneil free of charna ly addi'TOMinR the Department of Uinda. Victoria, H.CM or to any Government Agent. Hecordfl will bn grHiued covering only land guituble for ocrlculturnl purpoHes. and which is not tlmbcr-lund. I.e., carrying over 8,000 board feet tier xcre weal of the Coaat Hanne n iid S.OOO feel per acre eaat of that Kanco AjipllculionK for pre-emptions are lo ! ndilreil lo the Land Com-mlmioiKT of the Land lleconllne 1)1-viaion. In which the land applied for in aituuted, und itre made on printed forms, copiea of which can be obtained' from the Land Coinrnlmioner. l're-emptlonii must be occupied for five yenra and ItnproveinentR rnada lo value of S10 tier acre, including lo sanction Ihe extraordinary es-i cleariiut and cultlvatlnic at leant five ... before a Crown Grant be ,. , iii 1 1 acrea, cm tunnies of tlie fdiool board ami rvCoivi. II. (iardincr oMIie Vancouver firm of tiardiner it Itaxler, limber cruisers, passed through tlie cily last week en run If with a pally lo Summit Lake. For more detailed Information see ' the Ilulletin "How to I're-empt Land." PURCHASE Application)! are rncelved for imr-ohnse of vacant and unreserved Crown lamia, not being tlmberland, for agricultural purpoaea; minimum price for first-class (arable) land Is (5 per acre, and second-class (crazing) lnnd J2.D0 tier acre. Further Information regarding purchase or lease of Crown lands Is given In Ilulletin No, 10, Ljuid Series, "l'urchase nnd Lease of Crown Lands," Mill, factory, or Industrial sites on timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may bo purchased or leased, the conditions including payment of stumpage. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 acres, may be led sei at homesltes, conditional upon a dwelling being erected in the first year, title being obtainable after residence and lm-Vrovement conditions are fulfilled and land has been surveyed, LEA3E8 For grazing and Industrial purposes .area nj. not exceeding (40 acres may be leased by one person or a CRAZING Under the Grazing Act the Province is divided Into grazing districts and the range administered under a Grazing Commissioner. Annual grazing permits are lasutd based on numbers ranged, priority being given to establiahed owners. Htock-ownera may form ru nidations for range management. Free, or partly free, permits are available for settlers, calipers and travellers, up to ten bead. 9 iB!. - Everything Tastes Better Buy a 15c tin of OXO Cubes and just see wk wonderful richness and flavor these handy Beef C 1 give to stews, hash, meat-pies and savory dishes will want no other reason for becoming an habiy OXO-user. But if you do The Great Economy of OXO Cubes will convince you that they are necessary to your household as bread, milk and cheese. They enable you to use "left-overs" from yesterday, and make them into tempting and dainty dishes, ' Thai's Why OXO Cubes arc Great! Tins of 4 Cubes -15c. 10 " - 30c Tommy Tomkltvi Paint Book free Thousands of chiMron thrcnghoat thi hiitiah Lmpire are bcirtr a-red ml Instructed by this boo',' hii foWo Cuba wrappers an" ert --- far boyorKirl. OXO Limi' 1. Street, MontreaL 3ES The Great BeeJ Economy WESTHOLMa THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 9 p.m. CONSTANCE TALMADGE In ner nigni m homaiiic CoilMM' ii.n k again -i'fiiiliHK I ' j (I I liow l uilliv Invi' i. I leTt'.-. I ; 1 1 . M'HUCI llOW. (iOIIM (Mill C't' how -i vvlmi llir liglil were low. It' llir Iml--many a moon. II gut all New York y i (illaluig, sparkling, luiiiol-lii-gooilin'-- luiigli till your sjifo achf uml you'll -li l'.ii(UL' iiinl walcli Ilan thijiiil tlo lii- -I-' linw funny il is to he in love, lin-i-i i ltonulil Uolinaii. .lean Herslioll, Siiiiir? '.ii ! Saxe, Kniilv l-Mzrnv ami oilier-. COMEDY: "THE VVALKOUT." INTERNATIONAL f(W 35c and 10c WINTER Steamship Service 8.S. PRINCE RUPERT ail frulli I'ricnn Hiimm-i FOR VNC0UVtll, VICT SEATTLE, imvniii'iliaiit inllil taili inil,i v.'" a.u: ' ' - ll 11- For STEWART ami ANVOX J' THE 8.8. "PRINCE JOHN" ! PRINCE RUPERT torlBit1"11! VANCOUVER,. Via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDB. PA6SENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE HUimi , 19 inunl uirniiccmv htmhimv -. mi .. n, f,n I'l .- i. WINNIPEQ, all iiuiiil.-. .ul'l Cmi.Kl.i. liniieil Male AGENCY" ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcktt orilct, 628 Third ., Prlnca Rupert. (CANADIAN Vacific fhrtl Canadian Pacific Railwaj B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince iM PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Junoau and Skagway jj Marcn "i .i For Vancouver, Victoria and Soattlo March 10, S.S. PRINCESS BEATtilv.t ft For Butcdale,. Swan8on4nay, East Bella Bella, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and v every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines Mill iiifuriiialion fi'iim- W. C. ORCHARD, General A9cn'DCft, UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OFB.C Bajiinirs ritiin rriuio iufi' tumI"' il 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alsrt BH, 1 . or nanuuuvLH, victuria, Alan Bay, ana wnvn for ANT0X, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. ,. ror nnrux, port UIMPSON and Naaa Rlr canmn.-i , ,,!,(- 3 znd Aanu. t, Bar.ntlty, Aganl.