PAQ2 TWO This advertisenieui is not published or displaye! by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Rrifib Columbia The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA, Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince . Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEX, Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Saturday. June 20, 1925. Session Prolonged i By Opposition. i . The session of parliament was prolonged very considerably ij hip iippiisiuoii. .Mciiincrs oi me tionservauve party and some of the Progressives criticized very severely measures tir items of supply, including such matters as the vote for the Prince Riiperl elevator. It wa expected tjiat the House would have ad journed about .May 24 but instead of that it will be nearer June 2'i . However, it is the privilege of the opposition to criticize and they are lit be commended fur doing it, up to a certain point. We do hot think, though, that ueh matlers as the Prince Rupert elevator were worthy of their censure. Colonel McMullln ' Doing Good Work. Colonel MeMullin, head of tlfe Provincial Police Force and formerly or this city h not often heard from but just now. he seems to be delivering Hie goods! He has secured the (Conviction or hyo or the worst criminals on the continent 'and has brought to trial men thought to be connected with the Nanaimo Bank robbery. He has ferreted out the abduclors or Wong,' the Chinaman, connected with the Janet Smith case, and has made arrests. One important thing has eluded him so rar and that is the murderer or Janet Smith.. Until lie has cleaned up that slur oii the good name of the province his work, will not be complete, It is to be hoped that quick action will follow. There is "very general impression ahroad that some prominent person is being shielded and that make it all the more desirable that the "culprit 1) )roughtojysfic.., L It would never ..In .for thfr im-pression-to' go abrflad that' fnoney" foifld buy immunity in this province. Liberal Government Forty-three Years. Nova Scotia has had a Liberal government for in years njid now an effort is being made lo dislrtdsre if. Onnniii Prince Rupert Branch OF mmda F. E. Robertson, Manager 144 ham!; V. M. Anderson, a jrov- einnfent expert on horticulture; mil myself. We left Mill Hay at the nroiitlunf the rher in an I n lian pas- boat called "The Nightingale" and .started up what was really n creal river owing lo the spring floods. The current was very strong hut Hie sturdy little 10 horse power en-gine made slow hut steady head journey. At last we reached the (Iwinilia t'anyon and those who go up or down this in a boat dtirinc the spring Hood will-not soon forget the exjTience. The assent was thrilling apd even dangerous and only such a splendid man at the wheel as the native, James .Sinythe, would make it possible to make it. Hul we did make it, a testimony 'to the boat and its skipper and his story son Lean-der. The old village of Crwiniha with the exception of one house has been moci Lo higher ground dates are nominated in even- constituency ami in Hie conge-1edM'" tl,,! otl,er sl,le nf the river districts there are three cornered fights "labor having rep re sen- . TweIvo 'mile al,ovc tl,e ca iatrte trying to secure recognition. Klectioil day is on June 25 and tire outcome will be eagerly iatclied by everyone. It is commonly reported that if Nova Scotia gives the. Liberals a good majority, a Dominion election is likely to follow, but there has been no intimation from the government side of the House that an election will be held Hijs'year. The contrary has seemed more probable. Mining News Is , Increasingly Important. Mining development js going on. in this part of the country and this pajrer is making an effort Insecure news of the mines'. It is realized thai much of the prosperity of the northern part of B.C. including Prince Rupert, is due to the mining development of the- district and Dial the future is fulL of hope in that direction. Recently a mining man of known ability remarked that billions of dollars' worth of ore would be obtained from the mountains aroirnd Portland Canal. Developments each day seem to prove that he is righL Stewart bids fair to become a very pros-peroiii mining camp and Smithers also will benefit largely from ihe. activjlia? iri Hudson, .Bay Mountain and ilie Babine range. Alice Arm' i J again bfiiig. heard from and Hazelton afid Usk. are spoken hfj The po'ibityle,s..tfre Hmitles?, .Because- of that ,i will be wise for people oi" this' district to keep In close tb1i;Ii with all mining operations and enctmrage them as much as possible. . Reefs of Debt 'pHE man or woman who plunges into thoughtless spending, making no provision for the future, faces - financial shipwreck on the relentless reefs of debt Men in debt no longer control their time or their careers. Others control them. To remain in.debt is to have to do without, in bitterness of spirit. The habit of saving part of every dollar you earn will help to keep you clear of debt, and will enable you to enjoy comfort and contentment in the days that are to come. Our Budict Book will lutttst a tavinti plan t fit your inevmt, Atk cur Manager for a cupf. canyon is what remains of Aivansh. Just a few houses and one family and these .will, both houses and family, probably soon be moved to (iit-Lak-dauiiks. arrived about 8 p.m. at this place and wpre met at the landing by a large number' of the people, among whom was the Rev. Oliver Thorne, about whom and Mrs. Thome lenie say I do not think there could be found anywhere two people who could do heller work than these devoted people are doing. Not a Complaint Here was a Hilisiion content and happy and without a com plaint so far as the religious side of life was concerned, and. why should they be -otherwise, with such leadership and with church and church army hall such a few while towns or even k-ilie h'a'vAi The. service on Sun. lay would be a surprise and revelation to people from Kngrfand and Kastem Canada. A beautiful church lit by electricity, well furnished, a fine stained glass window in ,tho chancel aiyl a good choir. ur-plieed lay reader taking part in the seivire and everything done in the nyisl reverent manner. The next two days were taken up In attending a "Sports Day" with, foolball and tug-of-war matches and races and a concert in the Churclf Army Hall, when Ihe village band and several sing- -in pi-milieu a reany good enH terlainmerit, after which taslerul refreshments were served. When I saw all Ihls'I fell I must tell the iTlil. friend of the great McCiillagh (if.Alyansh and niake (heir hear! .glad to know that (he work he had iitiili 1 1 r i un At Geenvllle left (ilt-lak-ifamlks ?3E DAILV I7EWS m Archdedcon Rix Writes of Visit to Naas River Villages and of Trip up the Turbulent River A few days ago mention was made in this paper that Arch-i ileaeon Htx4 administrator of the diocese, had visited the Naasl Hiver. The Aivhileaoon had a wonderfully interesliiiK time and j he tells about it in an article wliioti lie has written nmiseii as follows: . . , ' ' lihe 'first 4 wo weeks of June I spent along1 the Naas Miver an! a decription of that work in ay be. intewtirtg'lo theWeaders oi the Daily-. News. , . The part- consisted of the. In- - ilian Asent, V. K. l.ollison; the Oreenville as it is now culled. We Indian eonstalde, K. O. Xewii-! I"il up in the, at present, varaui way ag.ilrit it. -Inlcreslintr Kay and ila Itoliinsmi lols were pointed out. "The in the naliva language Devil's Walking Slici mission house, inil all being old campaigners, there was no difficulty about lack of beds and scarcity of cooking utensils and cutlery. Thj- next day the naliws of lliis village had prepared foi a church service at 11 a.m. iu tin' Church Army Hall, a most com fortable huibliiiK. This service1 was a most eiirourapin;; one. It was conducted by r-annjel Me mos. I I only Inure' look the sermon which was in- bare pinnacle upside down. Then' lerpreled by V. Collison, tin as we passed-a peculiar round Indian Agent, shaped rock in mid-streani, the! After the service we retired to native boatman informed nie ill the new town hall,, a hiiildiiiji was saiij by the nalives to he ninely feet long and about 10 "the Heart of Hie Naas." j JO reel wide- with a gallery all Deserted Village ; around it. Ill-re a sumptuous Twelve miles from Mil! Itav! '-"T', prmtdwl and we pased the deserted villace oflMM'c,K, silvered by the lead- (Titiks, whme only one house aii'd!1 " . three totem poles 'remain. Op-I Hreeille at 3.10 i.osile II, U ,l,.eile,l villiice U (" ' ""O raiuniy UOvn uirient inscription made by some l(ibi many decades ago. It Is still fresh and clear after being beaten by wind and rain and storm for perhaps hundreds of itho river with the swift current and reached Kincolith in the evening. As we neared the village the outstanding tiling there was Hie really magnificent years, bearing lesllmonv to thelv". " " . - lurahility of the old mineral '" " " wiuun, one paihts used by these people, We soon pase( Lakkalzap but left our visit there ufilil the return woutler grew that Hie native with their own hands tinder t'ae guidance of one of the greatest missionaries, Archdeacon Odli-son, had built it. Surely a fiae monument to the glory of Uod and to the memory of that greil-ly loved missionary whom they still call their father. The services here were also mol inspiritioual. The clergyman now in charge, Hw. ,. 1. Wright' read' the 'services and a quite young native interpreted for me in the nforniirg, hut in t ie evening I spoke in English with out interpretation for nearly all i ne natives can umicrsiano our language. This church t also lit by electricity. In the after noon I visited the Church Army where an eutljjisiastic meeting was being held. New Mission House I would greatly have liked to havH seen the old mission house which the lale Archdeacon had mini, a large ramming ma -e which sometinYejj held under its roof as many as sixteen, or sev enteen regular inmates, many of whom we youiur Indians, w'iu) were, being trained in civilization and Christian ways. But It had served its purpose ami unfit for use so the Indians hud consented to tear it down a ;d build a modern dwelling if the diocese would supply the material for Hie new building. This had been agreed to and when I visited there, a fine, new building stonj dn, the ( place, u(f ; the old. Muclj .wWlv' 'has gilll 14 be done hii tjip i Interior' but enough h.s beenliipie; to: all&tflMr. Wright lo lake up liis abode In a part of it and during the summer, when the natives are mostly away at the canneries, he intends to lo much of Ihe work himself as lu-i deed he has done a great deal of what has already been done, A very pleasant link with. Hie past Is found (lere in the person f Mrs. McDonald, a daughter of Ihe lale Archdeacon who is HER HEADACHES WERE SO BAD SHE COULDN'T DO ANYTHING Onre l he 1m, d ((ar( to ch tnd pi In )0U may ret imured tliat ihe raus cumei from the tuiimcli, llvfr or bowrla, and llif nue mut bv removed before per inani nt relief miy le luil. TlM-re U no teller remedy for. bead-. cbe of every dcicrlfjHon tliau ' n.agpificcnlly wa still making BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS prnrcs and Ihe. sacrifices bo V " u the of the hetdailie lia.l'tin.ln iaue ha f., t i I made ,,o.. were far from In being m . wy ,ha, ,,,. rt,lne(,y wl do. aaiDJ .Many of (ho old names of Mm. Win. Ilelpardr Lower Ktewlarke. tiiennntives are utill prominent In A- w,'"':- tuffered for lour time thet wopk of Ihe church there.. (:iuj rie Morvctv Jonathan M Mer- er- cerrjArhur Mercer, Michael Hriphl. and many other We wiiii my neaa, it would ache and lie until It made me tick I roll Id do no rj Vl, M f 1 riu tint tint UU auyiliiiur. but after takin four bjiiea of H. II. 11. 1 feel that 1 cannot recommend It too hltrlily lo all tligne aufferlns rrom liradacbea of any kind." II. n, II.. tm been on Hie market for the nn'piM 10 yeara and la rei'nmitnii iv ti n. I i .1 ! ri ..... . .. t I aim liav. I, . ...i.i , ar Will, the Kwifl. current we werelf .'"T. . f,,r -1.el,el: put ..p only I ' n,1 P ,rt ' ''In bilge M,.,. .1....... ... r..i. ..... iuv ' M""rn Co. uunii iu ji,n-iui-.a j) oriont " " ' 111 ,, , f FREE! PEDila I.IBT J it: Z-Uil let prite Tt 11 (kwvT Cow ami 1100 Cakli 2ti " . ,$ai.iMi .... sp,ep Srtl " .. li.00 .... 25.00 4 III " 12.50 .... 20.00 .Mil .. 10.IMI 15.00 etii M e.oii .... io.o) :tli toil .... h.oo 8lh " .. 4.0'l .... S.IKI. Bill " . . SOU .... 4.00 tOlh " 1.00 . ... 2.IK) the wife of Dr. McDonald, Ihe iiieilioal man for that village ami liHtrict. It was my fm'ut privilege to be entei-luineil In thnir must iHupitalile hnnie ami niailc no welromif that nv' ulay there will ever be u pleasant memory. Constable (Jpotkh Newnham ami Mrn. N'cwnhuin alun llvo here ami mid ereally In the plcamiro. nf vlNiUirH. I left tho Na on Mmlay, more mire than I hail over been thai "Jesus '.hrl was f It Ihe Maine yenlenlay, trnjay uijf.l forever." More mire than ever I was I hat all the ninnuy npenl, the lives sacrificed, and the prayers made, in mlnNionary effort wiih not in vain. Late Archbishop's Attitude I can now alun underslnml the InleiiMe inlerest that the lain ivrciimmjop j ti Vernel look In diocnue, This young pure bred renL,. , Jersey cow will be awarded'hj harm nnrl II... j .. f if fun! 8 C 6 ' Cst8 mUlinOto try! ill She railed a member of the Cerao fcM. Dunran. Taneenr.p ford. tr.ta back te riyln, Fci. th. ran5.1r. f lir.i.", p.trl 'I III. trJ. ' E tera ??rV,1 la 't"W Ira ""''" add'tlon. . number Uav. iu.ltrUd fir ft i ' ! liu ! Jr r . v and irtti ronvmr nit Illark kid n,..v. .1. .L. C0W AND 10 CASH PRIZES Extra Charts Sent Free Send Self. Addressed Envelope vi ran ana i p.unaa or butter-tut lo her credit. r -nu . huu(ji or itiiicrfat lit u. . iu . in 6uld be proud tv uwn (!: beautiful animal SOLVE THIS PROBLEM WIN "BOSSY" AND ?100 1:.. P tit u fartir How many e Th i pounds uinrtfi of nf milk milk j M win uossy give HOW TO ENTER "'"" " "" - Ml iidJr, HKM a M.' W M l ,u M M.U pm am t. 401ut U MJ. liik M.a mUA-. Urn UHflliM ar f 1. If ra n4 M lna mm tttetm M mm M m,w mt kUaki alia lZ,Z.",m Lf-"W h .1- .f "ri.?2nL .Tiriiir " rt m- .it ai U luut h4h4 Um mm 1 M ne- irTJSrr.TTSr' " ' '""' 4"t ,U H .. IV .4114 . ...r, rt.i ; .1,1 Ma it nrait4 nj a alrulM la u i.m. thmWra U I. la. A4llkul aarala ttiru mi a viala4 at r,rm aa4 lltaa aTla at lUr atU la a..lk4 U aU aka ml l MU lMn lf4 aaih 17 tkimT GENERAL RULES Mr nml Mr a t If Ir'nv Rvvnn ., Limned. Toronto,; which lay alonif (ho banks of Ihn lllver, Mail.; li darfl. 5iN.ll.; T. "ivcr. n. Arinstro.iK and Mrs. A AiimiiiU AaeaiiU r rn... . '2i rroDiem! r jk k at t a e w A arj i .-;a'H " . a .1 (ihf r, . it t Il&d Ua Uu I t thai flgur.- i: mat eawr fit un t lh.- , :. Ilk. -:ra- r ttliik)t i, ; Antniiia . " Auranin, June o. l.etlila AlHi'lUa r .1; flr ... n If -j ! n. n I iriar ii. , MX KM ,tm . i.m Wotttrilia f4'. il X1' Ml i. (kerf , .Jt iHM t fear A- i. ,;i I akpelui i a r U aiiaa, i t. ourlf i. n k r. la a a. : .. but) a4 153.00 EXTRA FOB PI10AIPTNESSI II aaa aiaa r"' ' mmummu al aiTf.t 11 l a aaii aaaaar mmt au mm M.I arua. i i(l III I 1 Hm aikna ta itn-a" tmm at HtrcU. t lair aWI W ''MI lava. 7 Tfa eaakH atMM J,lf 4. 1I . klatlaal vkkl ara alMa4 al ir aaar af Mai iato a.U m aaaiataa, ana tk. m . riira a air ar a lata. ataraallaa IU aa lara li4 vti rail. a. aa ! al Mill aaatitlaau mat aal lala.Mt.aa aaaat fmrm f aa Haa ratanai na r.afe I la . ! n H l f f tin I kia anaa. aaa Ikata Ika aaatK aia ce aart la aaaeact nail aaa la. trm to ala tl i aark rvlu rvlu ua. u. I se Al aiaar aHaaa IN a fiaioaf m fklr are I- .. f t la tia Ukxa ar artaa I an inM far tax aar. v4 rati Tlut I a. M tan a.l raM II aa tka kaat wMlaa, tki Iwit mkm arlwi fm A aaaK la r.a.ry.1 ;ar . aaa Hum H4 W m "i aaa4 taraa anna k tk anlar al aa lUaa. la al Biaar aal.aa al tka aUI trla, TkttA-V m. Ika ka aahittaa awM U avvaa fr f ' lk-l aaa, Tka Mil kaat Ika mmvmmt, III sSs Ika Iklr kaat tka tk.r. rkj. A,V A y y . , All aalallaat Baal at aal la aa tk. (Oy , klaak karaairh, m ariatiaa V acaawfll .e ky a eaak aalavrlf. J fm Maa alll ka aanatra. Ma kala- A . Vaa aiar ka akaaata klkr H f 9 ' ' M ac-r raa'Miraa. & w ,' . V -fm l aaa mtt)r ar la. Gy f . ' i akarUr aaaaalalaa vlU Ym. ' , turn aaa Nt alM . ? ' ' iiiiaai. la tki. t'jff . aawat. " . ' ' f . v.eV aw. ..vyv ' . a . J l Af ' j"ttj y y ' ?v A ' ' Vv A y ' ' HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert 1. M. J'eternon, Underfill, North Dakota; Mr. and Mm. II. A. Dun-lop, Allen Slewarl. II. C. Alexan. dcr. H. llinliin, V. .1. Decker, (i, M. Abernelhy, K. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. .J. (j. Millichiiinp. ' Kerr, Iluby Dolan and V. J. tluinpliell, Vancouver; II. Hrynild. fen, Delia CiNila; .Mr. ami Mr. (J. T. Cabrera, Itev. .1. and Alfred Adam,, Maielt; K. U. Noble, Lom AiiRclen; C. D. Km-mons, I'ni'lland, Oregon; Mr, r?. A. WilhlcM ami children, Super-, lor, Win.; .1. Mac.loiiahl, Hockley Hay; N'lck tfackax, Trlnce (icorffc: 'I'. A. Hamlieon, lluyfjiort; (5. A. Taylor and H. WllllamH, l'ori KxhIukIoii; J. llvhHon, l.n'k-porl; Andrew Halker, and . Ilaiiipton, city. Central I.HURhren, Surr I and .John Ma " ! nery. llUII.MllWL CANADIANSERVICE ,TO FLVMOUTH . .u.oeoOL ts v.:,: ii Am July . aaoM NfW VO"?rBf00l. " ind k i r '(ariiiatna . . j'"'' ., , e. . iTo .ar..nia . . . iLn SOUTH"' J, (I Aaultanla "..'.t. c ... i Nj.eineaeM .', li. en" Maiiirlanla ''J'l.v 6 . . " N0 " TO tONOONOIBNV California. .ium- i (.initiiiia .-. i ..,( Allianla TO d lllir . A,.r -., a. u ratea, Fiill "ir.or,""J!, nartiuvt I.. ,viucour, B.C. II. It! I' I'll ,