1 4 J'AGE TOUR BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM; J? ftT . . WEUL a utiT i cot : i-j . . Kill rC TWA.T PHEVll 5feB -MlfSip 'T TO One. or the . Wo. have a complete 1 Cker Ti II! lino of Tennis Goods, KITTEN- ) and it is all new 1925 stock. Sykes or Hussey Rack- j ets, $3.50 to $30.03 I'resses .... ., $1.25 Covers .. .. .. $2.00 i Rubber tirips ... 25c ; Gut Reviver .. .. 65c I' Sun Visors S1.00 Reach Halls .. .. 50o oiaiciiKers u&c III Improved fiirmal All III Steel Racket, 13, ''I 13 M oz. priced lj at .. . . . . $14.50 Postage paid on all out of (own orders. Kaien Hardware Co. t J. L Blain Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Raml-sawing- and Mailing. Jobbing and Repairing. Glasf and Glazing. Sasli, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phono - - - Blue 268 French Ratines In Plain Colors ' For serviceable Wash Dresses' Ladies' apd Children's WVar, 30 inches wide. Per yard 75c West of England Store Phone 753. Third Ave. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant A Bakery lnsurpaed Third Avenue. See The Latest Models Kconomy, Simplicily, and Convenience. Lowest in post. Kasy Payments If desired Ask for Demonstration S. E. PARKER LTD. Phone 93 trim 1 SONS OF CANADA WON EASY GAME; - ' i Gyro Club In Poor Form at Baseball Last Night and Lost by Score ofillne to One F.ffective pitching by Alex Roy and good support by his team males lugethcr with consistent) hilling, won last night's Senior League baseball tame for the Sons of Canada over I he Gyro Club by a score of 9 to 1. The Canucks were in pood form but I he Gyros were just the. opposite and the game for them was a distinct washout. It lasted only five innings. Foley, who opened in the box Tor the (Jyro Club, was freely hit and be was taken mil in Ihe third inning and replaced by Teddy Tile. The Can ucks made eleven hits, including home runs by Vic .Menzies and Dave Halfour and a flock of two baggers. The Gyros are r red Red wjlh only one hit. Alex. Hoy fanned eleven men while the Gyro burlers, according to the box score, had no strikeouts. TIk box score:- , Sons of Canada ah r h po a o, Frquhar, 3b . I 1 3 0 1 0 V. MilrhelL'ir 3 0 1 10 0 Uairour, c 3 lJ -7, 0 0 ,.( " j.ltalcbroid.cf ''i l 2 ;l-0 "6 A. Mitchell, If 3 0 1 2 0 0 V. Menzies, lb 3 2 2 4 0 0 II. Menzies, 2b 3 1 2 0 1 1 Sherman, ss. 2 2 1.0 1 2 A- "9.y. I . . .3 11 0 0 0 Lambie. cf .. 1 0 0 0 0 (l 29 9 11 15? 3 3 Gyro Club ab r h po a e G. Hill, 3h .. 3 0 0 1 0 2 S: H.-Jnnes.lh, 2 0 0 4 0 0 T. Tile, If .. 3 0 0 0 1 0 S. Moran, ss . 2 0 0 2 4 1 H. Frizzell, cf 2 .1 110 0 II. Astoria, c 2 0 0 5 0 0 F. llenniiig,2b 2 0 0 1 1 0 Tullock, rf . 1 0 0 0 0 0 Foley, p j.., 0 0 0, 1 1 0 D. Stork, rf . 2 0 0 '0 0 0 19'. 1 1 15 7 3 SI l ike-outs Hy Itoy, 7. Home runs V. Menzies and I). Dalfour. Two baggers Farquhar, llatchford, V. Menzies, Alex, Mitchell, lloward jFrizzell, . Umpires!',. Iaporliati'dUess Gray. " Score by innings- -A 2 3 4 5 Sons of Canada ., 12 4 1 t& Gyro Club 0 1 0 0 01 Leagup standing lo dale V. L. Pet. Sons of Canada.. 2 0 1000 Sawmill 2 1 007 , Gyro Cluh .... 0 3 000 RAINS DELAY GAMES . TENNIS TOURNAMENT Good Exhibition Last Night at Acropolis Courts When Car-mlchacl Beat Marlntette There was a nice exhibition of pood tennis at Ihe 'acnikoIIs courts last evening when Car-!michael ulnvnil M:iriniin n in llm jmen's singles in connection with the tournament now going on. A J number of spectators wen 'walching the play which ended in victory for Carmichael. The bad weather has, delayed the tournament considerably and players ure being urged lo lake every possible opportunity to gel their games played. Fnl-j i lowing are some of the results; 'so far: i Carmichael beat Marin Idle 4-G, 0-0, 9-7. ' Hl'ick lieal Patmore 0-4, 0-2. ) Wfles beat McMordie (5-4, 6-2. 1 Miss Irwin beat Miss Lon and , i7 1 f 1 V JS R'"" rihu rturvni " yTT ' ' e 1- a-s ' i . , I . 6 So -4 j i Miss- Ilileluns 0 3, 0 8. 0 ?. McMasler anil HasMe peat Mr-.Mordie and Fisher (i-l, , C-.'. PIANO RECITAL BY 'I PUPILS OF MISS WAY Large Number Present Yesterday to Hear Excellent Work of Young Students - Yesleril.lv .'lftrrnwin in ... II. n - 'J I. in. United Church, the pupils of Miss W ay gave a recital which proved exlrenvely enjoyalile and showed excellent work being done bv Hit young musicians. A large num ber were present including par ents and' friends of the children. The program, was as follows: alse: Charles Stuart. Hluebells of Scotland: .Kalh-ertne McMeekin. 1 Valse; Sheila Stuart. ; Minuet in major: Jean Rilchie. Minuet in G; Itealrjce Herncr.. Invention in Three Voices, No. 1 1: Claire YYilliams. Intrata and Allegro: John Ilraily. HondoViiratgcais, Op. I2,,o. 3: George Minns. Oil The Ice. Op. 139. No. .2: Maxine Heilbroner and Marjory Hlance. Ice Palace March: Connie Morgan. L' Avalanche, Op. 45, No. ,2: Julia Wallers. . First Violets and Itacli Prelude: Gwendolyn Urady. - A Ciirious Story,, Op. 138, No 9: Archibald Thompson. Sonatina, Op. 20: William Fuller; Irene Mitchell and' Muriel Mance. Minuet in G major: Edith Ker-gin. Gondellied, Op. 50: Ilronson Hunt. Adagio Cantabile from Sonatina Pathelhjiiii: Knid Williams. v.The-Millu'.Mllyv Lawrejico. 'Siialiiia';fii.JVif.f, Ljliln. Valse, Op. 04: Audry Parkin. Gypsy Hondo: Victoria Kre-kevsky. Valse, Op. CG: Swan a Olafson. Uarcarole, from Tales of Hoffman: Rosemary Winslow. Chimes: May Ness. Dreams of Love: May Clarke. Minuet in O: Mary Wallers. Valse: Jean Grieve. Serenade Hadine (two piano)? Mny Ness and Swana Olafson. Concert Polka 'two pianos i : Mary Walters, Rosemary Wins-low. Jean Grieve, May Ness. Advprli'c in Ihe Dallv News, IKwmraxxxuauuuuuuunraxxjtH1 i I ! prince tikoxzz fL)ott TORONTO In Centre of Shopping nd Businoss District 250 ROOMS tM with Private Bitht BUROPLAN PLAN I. WINMITT IHOMMON.MtN'g, DIR. PRETTY WEDDING AT QUEEN CHARLOTTES Miss Rose Rudge Becomes Bride of C. Bruce at Sandsplt, Rev. J. Glllett Officiating HKiDI'GATH. June 20. A very pretty wedding look place at .n.lspit, (Jueen Charlotte Is lands, 'ri-i'enlly when Miss Rose Uudf' 'became the jriiK; if , Us ore, hull, of Ihis district, Rev it J. Gillett, Anglican mission ary. officiating. The ceremony !"ok place in the public school, all Ihe old lime residents of the east coast being present for Ihe auspicious occasion. The prelly bridesmaids were Misses Margaret and May Rudge while Ihe groomsman was An gus McCullougli. Afler the ceremony a banuet was served at Ihe hride's home under Hip direction of Mrs. Waller Rulirc. mother of lli bride. and Mrs. N. Schafer. mother of the groom and there was much merriment and nfany toasts. At Ihe school later in the eveninga dance was held which was kept up unlil the early hours of the morning. Among the guests were Mr. ami Mrs. J: Gillett of Mas,-sett. Captain and Mrs. G. It. Gil-latt of Sandspil, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mathers, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Pal-lanl, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hann, Mr. and Mrs. Kitson, Sir. nml Mrs. S. Woods, Mr. and Mrs. fi. Jol- Ilffe. Angus McCullotigh, Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs. I--C. steens ami family. Miss Alma S lew-art, Mr. and Mrs. fi. D. Pitt Turner, Mr. and Mrs. X. Schafer, ami many others. The bride's grandparents were very well known fn Northern U.fi. Iloth were pioneers. K. p. Rudgo jaioe from St. John. Xew Hruns- wick. and settled in Victoria. K. C. Sleveifs came from. Nova ScoTia lo Yicloria in the sixties by way of the Panama Canal mil remaining in the south a short time came north. The visitors were taken lo Sandspit from (Jueen Charlotte on (he survey boat F.lilda and from Skidegale by Rev. J. OilN'tt On the mission boat. MANY INDIANS FOR CANNERIES ARRIVE Prince John Brought Large Number of Natives From Queon Charlotte Islands ' Yesterday Of the 140 passengers who arrived in the cily from Queen Charlotte Island points on the Prince John yesterday afternoon, a large number were Indians who will be employed In Skeena River canneries. Some rye going lo Oceanic, port Kdward and the Somerville floating tannery while one large parly which arrived in charge of Alred Adams of Mas-selt is bound for Sunnyslde. Mr. Adams will remain in the cily for a few days and will proceed by gasboat lo North Island where he is operating a si ore. PRINCE JOHN IN , cN.R. Steamer Arrives With Heavy Passenger List Much Freight For Islands Afler an uneventful voyage from Vancouver via Ihe Queen Charlotte Islands C.N. H. steamer Princti John arrived in port al 4 clock yesterday aflertioOn. The vessel lefl Vancouver qjirly Sunday mornlnig so was. about 5V4"' days making (he voyage. Hhe had heavy freight cargo for Island points and'brought 140 passengers here. The vessel will sail on her return south by the same route al K li'clock lonlghl. Capt. E. Mabbs is again in com- For WantedZ Sale Z DAILY For Rent 2c per word in MfANT WTI.L purchase lols or acreage in any part of Florida direct from owner. Furnish complete, location and description of properly, together with price and lerms. Answ'or Max hs Daily News. WANTF.D. Woman help. ,App'y Inlander. if FOUND FOUND. Ladies' semi-gauntlet fawn glove. Owner can obtain same upon identifying ami paying for this advertisement al Daily News ollire. FOUND. Moosehcart pin. Apply Daily News ofllce. maud of the John. Capt. Neil McLean will lie on Hie Prince Charles when that vessel rulers service on the Vancouver -Prinea Ruperl run next week. COMPLIMENTED ON DEFENCE OF CITY G. W.NIckerson Tells of Cor respondence With Railway Head In Regard to Tourist Rates W. G. Nickerson was compli mentcd by Ihe council of Ihe board nf trade yesterday on the letter be had written in reply to attacks 'made on this cily. Mr. Nickerson told of corres pondence which had passed lie- tween himself and Ihe heads of Ihe railway in regard to excur sion rale to Prince Rupert from the Last and said he had now taken Ihe mailer up willi Fred Slork. TALK IMMIGRATION WITH THE DIRECTOR Question of Placing Land on Market is Also to be Discussed by Board of Trade The Hoard of Trade hns re ceived word that Dr. Hlark, di rector pf immigration for the Canadian National, nnd A. IS. Held of ihe land depatlmeht are to visit Prince Ruperl (he first week In July. II was decided at a mee(injf yeslerday to have a committee of the board meet the visitors and talk over thojm- migralion possibilities of Ihe district and lake up with Mr. Field Ihe possibility of placing some of Ihe land held by the company iii the market. HAD BAD SPELLS WITH HER HEART Mr. c. Martin, P.P. fin. j, Orinm. Ont.. wrlif: "I tiivft iwen troubled with my heart for a lout time ami very often had bad tpeil with it, would tako faliillnr eii. and my huMiand had to have anniftiody to may with mo all the tlniflt tin rot me evrrjlhlnr h rntild think of to ep ir they would do me any rornl, hat nnihlnir aeemed to tielp me. fin day a friend wo In to et m and id vled me to try MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS My huhand went and rot file t iL'ii hoe, and afler the flrat n was rinlnhed I felt like a dirrereni woman. cannot fenmmiend Iheni rnnui.li to all thour who luffer with an.vtliliif wrong; wllh their heart or nervea." Mllhurn'a II. & N. Pllla l.nve heen on IN" market for the f.M so yeara and ar fit up only hy The T. Mllhurn Co.. Limited. Toronto, Ont, "All druifiati handle them." NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Advertiiemsnt taken for leu than 50c FOR SALE Fl'R.MTLRK bought, sold and exchanged. ( Control agenl for Fawcetl ranges JUUj furnaces. llouehold eirecls paekel anu shipped. Auelioii salex ron dueled. Furniture for ever" home. I.H me have a vvilh you nhout'my service, talk aim leave your fum i In r trouble to nit . A. MuoKetuia, Fur niture House, Third Avenue Phone 775. tf FOR SALH. Two milos from Terrace. II.G. .ot IS in bloek 17 41, II acrea. Priee 42.50 thn lot. ltl 3 in block 1714, 8 aem Prince ftW.50 the lot. Lot l in block 1741. H acres. Price :o.u the lot. Get your ilentt and llekel Ui 't errace at Little New' Stand Prince Rupert, H.C. IfG FOR SALK Olip. ;jn acres of KWm slra,1terry land, silualeit one half mil from Terrace, H.C. For jMtrtlculars "wrile M -I. Halpin, KitulMrley. H.C I55 FOR SAI.F.. Willi every our- eh.-iHe of $20.00 or over at Ihe Prince Rupert F.xcltauge we will give one rug Fit HIV t' FOR SALK. Piano in pood cot ilition. ft00 tiash. Thompson Hardware ., LUL, Thini Ave Prince Rupert, II.G. 1 4 FOR SAL1-L Commercial Hotel. Prince Ruperl. furnished. A bargain. M. M. Stephens A- Co.. Lid. It FOR SALK. Singer .Sewing machine. 928.00. Phone Hlack SC'J. 141 TO RENT I'O HUNT. Furnished rooms. Hot and cold water. Centrally located. Reasonable rcnls. Xorfohl Rooms, Fulloti Slreei Phone Hlack 329. U I'O RI'NT Two roomed furnish ed apartment by day, week or month. Phone Red C07, 150 FOR RKNT. Furnished boiisj- - keeping suite. HO Sixth .W, Hast. Phone III tie. 278. 'tr Volt HUNT. Clapp apartment Weslenhaver Hros. If BOARD HOARD and Room, or board only. 4 43 Fifth Avenue Has I. Phone Red 707. HOARD: The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phono 137. LOST LOKT. Wednesday, cbamoiselln glove, Iriiumed wilh brown and orange colored braid. Finder please return lo News olllcu. BEAUTY PARLOR Vogue' Beauty Parlor Public Rest Room for Ladies. Mrs. Love Stephens' Hloek, Third Avo. Over McbtfTery A Gibbons Lid , PHONE 36. FURNITURE. New aitd Secondhand Furnl-ure Store. We Huy, Sell and Ex. change New and Secondhand Goods. QtO. PAPADOPULIS, a39 Third Ave. Phone J40. KEITH'S CAFE. When in Stewart visit Kfiilh's Cafe in King Kdward Hotel , now ro-niodelled. Up-lo-dalo Dining Room and Lunch Counler BOB KEITH - Manager. .Articlet UtnJ Found, 4c B?TS AND UUNCHy PRICKS oi us Marine Fi,s . J, 4-II.P. wi t-JLP. I ,,v Mij .01 0-II.P. V c 8-H.P. t .! .a.'- J 8-II. P. I' r, " Jj ig-ii.p. ,.. ij M All the alA. r iuelude tli. i , verw Gear u X and propeiiiT . best thai in Kathn.f 1, . r i. v . vaitn.v.. - i Alwavs u" Prince Rupert Boathoase, Igenli I'!,..':. S' SNEDDON TAXI 134 Anywhere a' Vi rfeng"1!' I' Comfurf Rale: 50c l,i t 15c for f i p.i . PHONE 134 TAXI Jtt 67 Phone tCaIHGeoi.. fs.t b.v ROSS BROS. POOL. F0fl; Meeker Block Aeros fi'"'i. ' FURNITURE HOSPITAL And Genera 11 a T pairs of nii ' tended M ' writer. ' picture frain r ' . Furnitun -4 TOM BALLANGER Phone HI ue '-.' 8 ' JL COLUMBIA BEC0WS NFAV Proce-s i 1 R r" no scrai' ii b product ions . Trols. Son ' " "' "Z f 1 1 la. B.,,1 I f1 Li .k.' PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STOft Tliird BEDDINO OUT PLJ1. Plants lhal g' ; "'L for your lati. bedding out i n' ; be ally accninai is' a - tlie rolir.il nnnil ' 1- V"" Roods. m nflJ3 Store Pbone - i r li -tit an . ..aft? McCAHini j- PHOTO FINISHING P. J. RYAN ' P.O. I X 1 ' Prince U - ni:.l i S.( Service jsrrvicc a 3? ' till. fiii.i;'.'" ''" ' - - - cEROJTBANSjER Phone ' ... Baggage, Furnltur. ; - . ' 1 IT If yOU want nil' .llivnec:!. ;i! !' or uc"" ' .nn P.O. IM m FinEWOOD. ami '-JsJ, He Comrorlal-lo . . i. ... ( ll T !''u Dry PIOCK w.m " , 6.u F resh ,, w; i-. Phone , Clvi. lSAAr.S()NJ : ..- IS Thursday, , 9' High .. i "' " in; p.m. .... . in Low "' O'llll "' i- ir, ' ui' June 19 Friday, . t? a n ftl High l-':" " i Low . ,x nl. '' IB.JU V