jrdav June 20, 1925. These are 4 Short & Mason arometers Mii'Jc ' Kngland. Kvery instrument guaranteed per- i)pi(iiL: ii ii liunia ...1.1 ..I : .. f . i i ii' !"-- .. i-um m, in --.astern oanaua. Ask v le for catalogue. Jndicalc (he altitude and foretell t we ilher. ? No. 2200 5" Diameter-Brass Case-Good Grade Movement ! Price $11.00. Nc. 2021 Watch Aneroid. Heads to X.ooo Feet Altitude. $20.00 No. 2S01 Cable Aneroid. Sj-rews to wall of vour boat. $11.00 FOR SALE Halibut G ear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C ORMES LIMITED r ii. dk N'"v for Uic f'.lul.lri-ii MAN IN THE v MOON LOLLIPOPS V l";pr. It ijih-claa Cundy i pw f'irm. . ,. ... 10o A II- al Jlantain jn VACUUM BOTTLES v lioi. Kill this lot very ip. - tic mI eacli 55c RINEX A guaranteed n-lief in ejues of Head Cold., Hay Petew, etc. Your money hark if nol satisfied with results. Per bottle . $1.00 FREE ENLARGEMENT Hring your films and negatives in for us to develop and print. Save he coupons in the iMiveloprs and et a free fiilarpeinenl. ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store 3rd Ave. and 6th St. Phono S2 and ,200 WHEN TEACHER "Kept you in" R. member when v..:i wire little pirl and how you t when teacher kept you in "alter school", on a bright, pi tug uftcriioun? And isn't it the same when washing keeps you in the I'w-e iiuw that spring Is here? Our Family Washing Service will do your washing liuronghly and iron all your flat wiyk, with complete sal- faction. . Let our representative explain to you this Do Luxe I itidry Hervii e for people who are only salaried with the CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8 TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 D30 Gr. G01 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 D30 Gr. 601 Black 735 i Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. A real 50c Taxi Service. Urown Taxi, pjione B0. If You'll like our :oall Consum ers Coal Co. Phone 7. tf La Parisienne Ucauty Shop. Fourth St.. Phone 301. (f Save . your soles. 50c. service. Arthur's Taxi. Phone 018. tf t Scandinavian dance in Mel- ropole Hall lonrghl al 8 p.m. iientleiiicii 5c. Ladies free. Xo refreshments. Halibut gear from boat "Hippo for sale. Only used one trip. One third discount for immediate sale. J. C. (iavisran. Hev. J. O. Gillait of Massett arrived in the city on the Princn John last night. He will return lo the Islands tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas William" returned oil the Prince (leorge Hiis moiiiinsf after a trip tj Jasper Park and Vancouver. - "Say, Doctor, I feel punk. I ran't walk. What shall I take?" ' Take a Taxi. Phone 078.' Arthur's 50c service. Up to date i-ars. t.l Valhalla picnic to Digby Island tomorrow. Boats leave Prince Hupert Poalliouo : to. a.m. (ieutlemen $1.00. Ladies and -liildrcu free. ColTee only Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Cabrera and child arrived on the Prince John yeslerday afternoon from Massed. Mr. Cabrera expects to proceed lo the Omhieea country on Monday, Union steamer Venture, Capt. J. D. MoPhee, arrived from the ioutlt at 0 o'clock last evening and, after making her calls in the Naas Hiver, was back here a'ain at noon today southbound B. -C. Alexander of Vancouver, wlio Irdsiieen teaching ju thopub- lie sctiooi ai .uassuii, arriven ii. Hie oily on J he Prince John yes terday afternoon and wil proceed south by C.P.It. boat this after noon. .Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilding are sailing luniuht' on the Prince John for Skilegale where Ibev will spen. I a vacation. Mr. Wild ing is oh the slalf of the CLX.H sencral superintendent's olllce lien. Amoug recent visitors to the library was .Miss Scbellinberg ot Jlavenport, Iowa, who was on her waybill attend the American Library issociation meeting at Seattle: was much interest. ed in the work of the library here. B. Brynildsen, pioneer-resident of Bella Coola, is a visitor hi (Iim city jpgistorcd at the Prince Hu pert Hotel. He arrived by train yesterday afternoon after bavin? attended the Norse Centennial in Minneapolis and will jiroceed south on the next steamer. Murray Fuller, exalter ruler of the local F.Iks, has received an invitation from L. 11 Kubley, heail of the Ketchikan F.Iks, in vitiug the local Elks to tins bis celebration there on July I. The Moose here have also receive 1 invitations from tin Ketchikan Moose and the Holary Club of the city from the Ketchikan Polar ians. . Jack Mncdonald, who is in charge df the plant of the Mas sell Timber Co. al. Buckley Bay, which is now clmVd down, arriv ed in the city on the Prince John yeslerday afternoon accompanied by Mrs. Macdonald. They will return to the Islands tonight. t he M asset I Timber Co. is dis- THE DAILY MEWS PAOB THRU Commodore Cafe TOMORROWS MENU Soups Cream Cantaloupe Consomme Mikado Fish Salmon Florentine Entrees Fillett Mignon, Melua thicken Fricossee, Hice and (larden Peas Hum Omelette Vegetables Parsley J'otatoe, Jlisole Potaloe, Mashed Drown, -A- parajAis 'lips in Putter, Spinach Saute, New Carrots in Cream. Cold Meats Glaced Roasts Prime llibs. Sweet Gherkin Roast Turkey, Savory Dressing Sweets Poston Cream Pie. Apple l'ie Deep Plum Pip, Ice Cream Tea and Coffee ValliallaPicnic June 21. Suits sponged and pressed, "of Phoue:?8. Wood, the tailor. 1 i'J Fishing boat "Hippo" "nol yet sold. Make ineim offer. J. C (avigan. Father Godfrey arrived on the Prince George this morning from Ocean Falls and is leaving lo night for Buckley Bay. H. S-. Hooper was fined $25 in the city police court this morn ing for intoxication. - Hich mid poor "can ride now 0c. for a taxi to go anywhere ffrown Taxi. Phone 80. tl Frank Hicks, of Port Clements arrived in the cH.y-pn Hie Princo 4ohn yeslerday 'afternoon. lie expects to return Jo the Island tonight. Tickets now on 'sale al Orme' Drug Store for. Californl University (ileo Club Concert ai the estbolmc on Monday an TOesday. . ni Blair Fleming of Vancouver, who has been visiting the city and district for the past few days, is returning s.outh on the Princess Auce this afternoon. P. W. Anderson, road superintendent, returned on the Prince John ye'sterday afternoon from a trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands on departmental business. Vacation time. Call on Sam Wood, the tailor, Sixth Street, and select your suit' and travelling bag at "able to buy" price. Ladies Club Bags, guaranteed all leather at if 10.00. lilt Tea, sale of home cooking and fancy Work by the Woniens' Aid Society of St. Pau)'s Lutheran Church at (be homo of Mrs. Straclian. Third Avenue East on Tuesday afternoon, 'June 23. 110 - , Sam Ltigan, a lbggert from Kelly's ramp Al Logan Inlet, was brought lo the city on the Princo John yesterday afternoon for hospital Irealnienl. His fool' was badly crushed' iir a logging acci dent. After an absence of six iiioiiIIh in the course ofwbicli they visit Church Notices Baptist Church To-morrow's services will in terest you. The miruing address will be frbm the words that prov- ;d such a splendid, support' to Missionary Paton in his life among the cannibals. In addition there will be numerous items by 1 lie children. Iu Ifie evening we will present "Love's Triumph." You will ap preciate this because it cumcs) very close lo your own experience in life. We suggest you lay iside other things and attend these services. Be on time. 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Presbyterian Church Sunday School at1 10 o'clock. Morning worship at 11. Subjee1 "The Story that Stirred Asia." Evening service at 7.30. Sub ject "What He touched Hp adorned." Preacher, Hev. K. W. Mackaj Lutheran Church St. Paul's English Lutheran Church, Metropole Hall, Third Avenue. Hev. P. E. Baisler, B.D., pastor. Sunday school' at 11 o'clock. Sermon topic, "Have you passed from death into life?" Preacher, Hev. P. E. Baislcr. Hev Mr. (Joos, of Slrathcona, Alberta. will assist in the service. Sun day school 12 noon. There will be ho evening service. Salvation Army Activities that will interest all Saturday night at 8.15. Testi mony meeting. Sonday al 11 a.m. Seekers for Holiness and special gifts. 2.30 p.m. Sandlray class, juiiior classes and Bible class. A personal interest in every child. 7.30 p.m. "A straight iiueslion answered." Plenty of singing. Seekers pointed t. Jesus. Meetings every Wednesday and Thursday at 8.15. For lhe young people, Tuesday Scouts, .Friday, C. Cadets and Guards. The Army of the Help ing Hand. The United Church Morning service al II o'clock Topic: "Moses, My Servant" Sunday School at 2 p.m. Sunday school picnic next Saturday afternoon. Evening service a 7.30. Topic: "Moses, My servant is dead?" Tourists are heartily welcomed at the United Church services. Follow Fulton Sire! to Sixth Avenue, church out lilock west. Sam Goblbloom. of Montreal, brother of William Goldbloom of this city, arrived from the south on the Prince George Ibis morning. Mrs-. Ernest Blue of Hyde, who has been an a holiday trip East, is a passenger going Ihrough on the d'rince George today bound north. Harry Howson, who is associ-ale.d with A. B. Triles in the-de-wlopiiieiit of interior milling properties, arrived in Hie city front Vancouver on the Prince George Ibis morning. Frances Millerd, bead of Hu Somerville Cannery Co., came a far north as Safety Cove oh the Prince Tieorge this trip. He disembarked tnere for a trip to Hivers Inlet district. His daugh ter, Miss Muriel Miljerd, who has been attending school in. the east, came through lo Prince Huperl and will spend the summer here. CP. 11. steamer princess Beatrice, Capt. T. ClilTe, arrived from the south at I o'clock this afternoon and will sail on her return south us .soon as she has completed unloading local cargo. Among iliose booked lo sail for ed in Seallle and Washington,! Vancouver on the vessel, are G D.C., Mrs. W. S. Fisher audi Abernelhy, II. Shaw, W. Decker daughter, Miss Loufe Fisher, re- and E. Sinilb who arrived hen turned home on yeslerday afler-'yesterday on the Prince John noon's train. Ifroin the (Jueen Charlotte ls- C.N. It. steamer l'.nuev (Teorgc, apt. Harry .N'edden, arm ing from the south on time ,af 10:30 Ibis morning, had a large1 number of tourists passengers who mailt jposingof its logs and store sJoekfO!ineetiou with the easlbound at Buckley Bay. , passenger train. An extra sleep- BABY'S OWN SOAP WW EnJcytJ If ftn witra-iuiu V CenaJiaru. er was placed on the train lo handle (hem. C. D. Emmons, who is In mining and limber develop- I men L oji the Queen' Charlotte inlands, , reached the city on the ! Prince' John veslerday afternoon, i He. i.j of! liis way to Portland, ,Orcgon hi home. Accompanying hfm are Allen Stewart of Vancouver and" E. B, Noble of Los Angeles, They wilt sail for the south on the princess Alien UuY afternoon. lands. ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Pic-nic June 28. G.W.V.A. picnic July 10. fv .11 v wirn a SiMONDS SAW Stays sharp longer. IMONO CANADA tAW CO. LTD. MONTMAl VANCOUVIR (T. JOHN, N.l. TO.DNTg i eishman i m lit t b Any successful man will tell you that apparel played a mifthty Important part in his achievement. And when he says it, look him oyer. You'll note his clothing Is all that it should be his suit is correct, his shirt harmonizes with the rest of his wardrobe, his collar and his tie seem made for him. Then It dawns on you that this man has taken the same care in BRYANT & 217 Sixth St. SALMU Oothes Your Pride in Appearance selecting his wardrobe as he did in selecting his business associ-ates. He is a well-dressed man. Wearers of Leishman Clothes are men who look like this. They are designed for men who take Pride In their Appearance and who want QUALITY CLOTHES rather than clothes made to sell at a "Price." Leishman Clothes are Made to Measure or Readv for Service. GREER, LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. N TROLLERS Before outfitting it will pay yon lo inspect our line uf Trolling Gear. We have a new line of Salmon Hooks, Swivells, Cuttyhunk and Gear of all kinds. In our slock you will find everything you Tequire-f Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware of all kinds, Hull and Copper Paints, Galley Stoves and Utensils. . - Jf it's for the boat we have iL ' Boats are lost every year by fire have you got your Pyrene Fire Extinguisher yet? We sell them. Call and see us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Post Office) MILL PRICES ON LUMBER We are agents for the Prince HupVrt Spruce .Mills Ltd. and are in a position to give mill prices on all grades of lumber. CEDAR TIMBERS AND SHIPLAP. CEDAR BOAT LUMBER. SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK FINISH. SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK FLOORING, Etc. You'll save money by getting our prices. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 564. COAST STEAMSHIP and Train Service , S.S. "Prince George" will sull from Prince Rupert for Stewart Satnnluy, June 20, at K) p.m.; for Vancouver, Victoria and seallle, hiiiuiay, June si, at 1U p.m. Hee news item "in this issue for steamer service after that dale. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY tictpt 8und 11.30 sin. tut I'rlm-e Georyn, EDMONTON, WINMPfcQ, til puinl LailNii Cinaila, Unllid States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket 6 fflct, 628 Third A, Prlnc Rupart. Phona ISO. (Canadian Vacific Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Far KETCHIKAN. WRANCEU, JUNUU, SIACWAY Far VANCOUVER, VICTORIA nJ SEATTLE - - June IS. 10. 26, 29. July 3. C Jant 13, 20. 24, Mr. 1.4 S.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butadala, Swanaon Bay, Eaat Balls Billa, Ocaan Falls. Namu, Altrt Bay, Campball Rlar, and Vancoutar aary Saturday 11 a.m. Aotney tor all 8taamahlp Llnaa. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD Oanaral Agent, Ccrnar of 4lh Straat and 3rd Avanua, Prlnca Rupart, B.C. MaHHBaaMMMVHMBBBBMHMBlBBaaaBIBBBaBBaBaBBBMM UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Saiilnri from Prince Rupert, 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon' Bay, and Alert Bay, Tuaaday, B P.M. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday,' 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa River Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. US 2nd Avenue. 4. Barneley, Aeenl. Prince Rupert, a.O.