W1SCASSFIT. Maine. Juno 20. r xx in cl' liiul uiu hi'r i il nirrf. ELECTION ACT IS DISCUSSED:? Election Day Is Declared General Hair Holiday and Other Changes 00 AW A, June so.--The Oov-1 .mienl lull lo uiiiMmJ Ihe F.lec- - Act occupied Alto House or NEW SUPERINTENDENT i. -unojtM I lie hey purl or me tug siMing attir wtwn imHt wax was' reported. reported, ubout, half bill kaii ."fed Ihe rominillee - ..i'i r...i .1;.- ins on uggeleI amendments, the afternoon of fleclion day was declared u rederiil noiiuay under tie rluiise proposed by A. ainelidnieut was adfijdcd by the muuoUee on a standing vole of 6t U. 32. , The clause whicJl raises I he population quota for urban polling diviMons from S.tiOO lo 5,000 wu: adopted. The House debated al leuglli proposed changes' -Htid strong support developed for suggestions that various associations fhould be allowed lo contribute lo election funds. BOB SAGE WON BOXING BOUT Defeated Jack Roddick of Moose Jaw Floorlnn Him In Seventh VANCOUVER. Jan. 20. Dob Sage of Detroit won the unanimous decision of Ihe referee and two Judges 'over Jack lleddick of Moos,, Jaw, Canadian champion middleweight, in u len round buxlni: bout last night. Sage had the edge throughout and lloored Heddiek in Ihe seventh. LARGE SUM YOTED FOR ESQUIMALT DOCK OTTAWA. June- 20. -r- The House of Commons, voted $1, 'oo.ooo for construction of the l'stiuiiuall dry dock mid also &0,ooo Tor 'the improvement of Ixiuiinalt Harbor. OF MOUNTED POLICE IlliGINA, June 20. JSuperin- endent Durriis, ollicer commanding the Depot division 11.11. M. P here lrannfcrred to the ancou ver coinmuiid police. 'of Ihe mounted U.S. WINS AT POLO. LONDON, June 20. The Unit ed Stales army polo team defeal- ed the Urillsh Armj; today at llurliiiirhani hv eight goal? to four. WINMPKO, June 20. -There has been chipped went from Ihe prairies since August 1, lJ2t. W522 ears of graiii, an inerease oer lhev total .shipped west during the previous season uf 75 cars. This is in spile of the poor rrojis in Albert ir-uud TA)v " BOSTON GRILL 25 and -'", Large Upstair Dining Hall, ibt. Uf-y with nrwly laid dancing floor for hire.' Suitable for , service '"' It V, dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime. parties. Royal Hotel, 3rd Stand Ave. For, rates, apply to Boston and 6th 8U PRINCE RUPERT drill, Third Ave. MATT VI DECK, Prop. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL. XV;. NO, Hi Donald H. MacMilluut I np 1 1 urn iTTrimm railed fur the Arctic today willi "authorization" from (iovernor Italph tlrewslci' of Maine lo claim uny hinds he discovers in Ihe Polar- seas for the stale of .Maine. During a speech at a farewell dinner last night at the same lune Capt. D. KdiMiiukus, conitiiuudant of Portsmouth navy yard. aid "that if the United Sink's flag wa placed on unknown land. ....! H...I i... :i M. SHIPPING MORE GRAIN WEST THAN PREVIOUS SEASON FISH ARRIVALS W Xeiil of Cotnox-.Alh.erni. Neil'.. Eight Boats Marketed 77,500 Pounds at Ha lbiil Exchange this Morning Halibut arrivals marketed at the Fish Exchange this morning totalled 77,500 pounds. lour American boats landed U,000 pound- and four Canadians, 33,- were as follows: American F.ttreka, O.obl) pounds, at 13.7c and (c, to the llooth l ishenes Co. Auiundsen, 1 4,000 pounds at 13. Ic ami 6c. lo the Canadian Fish & Cold -Storage Co. Luiueni, 12,000 pounds, at (3.0c and Oc, and Nest a, 0,000 pounds, at 13.7c and 0c, lo llie Pacific Fisheries. , Canadian E. Lipsell, 8,500 jiounds,' at II.Cc and Oc, ti the Dootli Fish- . i i a dies uaiiauiau v.o. Ilingleader,- 5,000 pounds, al 13c ami 7r,.and Margaret No. I, lii.ooo oouiids, at 10.0c and 5c, in il,,. Canadian Fish &, 'Cold Storage Un Cape Swain, t.OOO pounds, al 11. 5e and Ce, to the Hoyal Fish Co. CENTENARIAN DEAD pKMIUIOKi;, Dnt.', June I'd.-Duncan McDonnell, aged 102, died here after a brief illness. VANOOl'VKH, June 20. Attorney General Maiisou staled lodav lhal sleps would He taken lo relieve II. P. McCrauey uud II. O. McDoiKiKI, Point urey ponce coiitinissioner.-, oi ineir official duties if there is legal power to do so pending the outcome of charges against them in connection with the abduction id Wong Foon Sing. Ileeve J. A. Palon or Point drey staled yesterday lhal Oscar Hohiuson, head of the Canadian detective agency, had been employed by the police commission prior to the aliduclion in an effort to Clear up me iiryicry ui Ho. Janet Smith murder, but bo disclaimed all knowledge that Hoblnson bad been , connected willi the abduction as chnrged by the provincial police. 1'IUNUK HIT'EHT, U.C., SATUUJAY, JUNK 20, 11)25. SHRINE CONVENTION Ralph .Le .Pine Had .Splendid Time at Los Angeles Mrs. Le Pine (s Visiting at Longbeach 11. Y. (i. l.e Pine, local manager of Ihe Dig Day Lumber Co., relumed on the Prince. (ieorge this morning from a trip lo California in lie course of which lie attended Ihe Imperial Shrine convention in Los Angeles. Mr. Le Pint reports having had a wonderful lime at the big proceedings. There were fully 30,000 Shriners from all parts of I lie United Stales and Canada in attendance and Ihe affair was one of much mirth and melody. While in the south, Mr. Le Pine also- meL . several former local ; acquaintances. Hesides Los An- r geles, he visited San Diego, Tia Juatiu, San Francisco, Oakland and other California eilies. Mrs. LePine is remaining in the south visiting at Longbeach . willi Mrs. LeJ'ine's. J sister, Mrs. Leopold, Wright,' formerly or J'rince liuperi. i ney will bo away about a couple of months longer. Dave Roberts, another local Shriner; who attended the Los Angele convention, will return here via the Fast next week, lie is a UA.ll. locomotive engineer 500 pounds. Arrivals and sales jamj jS 'j0 ruu oUt 0r here, having formerly been ieorge. located al Prince CHINESE ARE OUT FOR WAR Want Diplomatic Relations with Great 3ritaln Severed at Once PEKIN, June 20. Chinese delegates representing 48 colleges .today sent a deputation to the mlnistor of war and the foreign minister demanding that the Chlneso Government sever diplomatic relations with Britain ' llev. A. Coos of Slrathcona, Alia., arrived from Vancouver this morning and will preach to morrow at Si. Paul's Lutheran Church. Point Grey Police Commissioners to be Relieved of Duties until Charges Against Them Tried HERRING POUND CLOSED The herring pounds operated by Pradbury and Yelf during the spring have been finally close! "K'"k " ' ' until next' spring.'" Many Prospectors Already Returning From Dease Lako Country MACHINERY GOING IN W bile lie confident thai the Dease Lake country presents a iiinlful field for company oper-atit.u wliere Ciipilal is available for development, .V. St. Claire lirimlle, well known Victoria mining engineer, is of the opinion ibal it is not I lie country for a siampeue or prospectors seek ing lo find gohNin the raw. Mr. lirimlle, who has been starting! woriuoii properties on naskens Mountain on McDapies Creek in which A. II. Trites is interested, is reliiruina south In Vancouver on the Princess Alice litis afternoon, lie has been in 'the, north for the past si.v; weeks ami went past Dease Lake anjl down Deae Itiver some 150 mile?. Not Prospected Mr. Hrindle is of Ihe opinion that the area around (iobl Pan Creek ba bee;) lyahoroHghly prosperted in tin" past tu make il possible for there still to b left tliere any large (luantity of free gold. Though no definite onclusion can yel he reached because work so far done has been only of a superficial na ture. Mr. Drindle -says that the district is not turning out t:-be so rih as had been expected. Already prospectors are begin ning to come back from that section but the old timers are tayinc on in the hope of yet finding something in Ihe dis trict. Many of these stay until the freeze-up. The road from Telegraph Creek lo Dease Lake is now open and' tractors, trucks and automobiles' are operating over il. They are taking people and supplies in and there is a mlivcmcnt out. I'he first vehicle lo get through was a Hudson Day tractor wlo'cli made splendid lime with six tons of freight on two trailers. Tho road from Telegraph Creek lo Dense Lake is being put in ex cellent shape. Taking In Machinery The Dickensen Mining Co. Is transporting to Ions of machinery and supplies into the mouth of Dease Creek which flows into Dease Lake about two-thirds of the way down on the West side. The company is using its own tractors. The Pendleton Hold Mining Co. is also taking supplied to Me- I anies Creek wnere mey nave leases. McDames Creek is (55 miles down Detise Itiver from tfic lower end of Dease Lake, Mj. Hrindle does not think that tliere are over 175 prospectors at the present lime beyond Tele graph Creek and the rush seems to be waning. As many are coin Ing uul as are going in. At the near end of Dease Lake iuite a little settlement has sprung up. II has been named Casew and a post office and 'continued on pase six"1 SEVEN ARRESTED VMUrday't ClrcuUlien ISSt, SELLING LIQUOR IN COURT TODAY Seven wuinen were arrested this aflernoon in Ihe neighborhood of Comox Avenue on a charge of selling liquor without .a license and are coming before Magistrate McClymonl al 2.30. The arrests are the result of activities n'. liquor board detectives who have he-Mi in the city for some lime. Tliere are persistent rumors lhal further arrests will Tie made. HazeUon.4 Indian - Silvercrest Dunwell .. Premier Terminus .J,.. Li & I Daly Alaska".... llowe Sound :. Surf Inlet Terminus - Hay-view H.C. Silver CANNERIES TO RUN 0NQ.C ISLANDS Lockeport, Lagoon Bay and Mas-s:tl to Pack Salmon This Season PRINTERS STRIKE ON EDMONTON BULLETIN KDMONTON, June 20.-TFour- r"- .Strxt Sttts 66. PRICE FIVE CENTS. iTCDDiKir rieuiMf rniiirto A wv DEiwr rnDiuirn iiLiumnu ujiiiMU Luminiu ulihu 1 jimlv GOVERNOR OF MAINE AND CHINESE COLLEGE STUDENTS BOTH DARE EMPIRE Dare Given Canada by Governor of State of Maine and also by Commandant of U.S. Navy Yard GOLD PAN NOT LIKELY RICH t : New Fishing Company Cure Herring at. Queen Charlotte Islands Now Captain Pete Rorvik Heads Standard Fisheries which is being Incorporated for Summer Operation A new fishing company is being foirned here to be known as the "Standard Fisheries' to cure herring for the New York market. Incorporation papers ure now being prepared with fcupl. Pete Hurvik as president. The new company proposes lo fish for herring in the summer mouths when the' fish are fat uud in good condition.- They will operate mostly on tho coast of (Jucen Charlotte Islands at llenuej Sound, Marble Island and Hippo Island and the fish will he taken with drift nets. Capl. Hurvik has been investigating the possibilities or the business for some lime, fie recently visited Alaska and oaw how the work was done there. Since that he has taken a qunu- Accordirig to word brughl by lily of herring in Ihe nejghbnr-Ihf sleanU-r Prince John yesler- hood of Hippo- Island, cured day afternoon, preparations are them and sent forward-samples being umde lo operate thec'iii.vto Kjislern firnis handling Lhal neries at Loekeporl and Lagoon' kind of fish, itephes liave c6nWT"' Day this seasdij. The rlajil can-'by wire showing (hat the experi-nery of the Langara FHUng & nient lias bent completely suiy Packing Co. at Masselt wilt also cessful and that the firm is jus be used to can salmon. cured according lo ibt' Scotch method .and olhers following the j Norwegian plan. Various methods of packing and marketing I ,,, , , . i ... .i:.. ........ teen members of the mechanical; " lrlt'" ! staff of the Dulletin are on strike, t,r 1"' Vcl .l" au"lu'- following notice from llu' man- Tbe herring taken at Oueen sim- inlend to?e.,ie.it that wages would be cut 'Ibarlolte Islands are very elm-.. resull.l lo those caught in Alaska five per cent and as a publication or the lie interrupted. Hulletiti will Tl,t'' a,t' vpr' Pluin all( urc.,u STOCK MARKET Hid. Asked .01 .02 .05 Vj .0(5 .10 U0 1.75 2.20 ..30 .30 f,,.55: .2G .27 .20 .20 10.00 ' .03 Vi .00 .35 .00 ' .11 1 .50 great demand in tlie eastern stales. The fish are tliere in abundance but this' firm is the first lo undertake the .work of curing them for lue market. Since the whales lfave been killed orr llie herring do not run into llie harbors like Ibey did when Ihe maiiunals were pleitti fill around the islands. The whales, il is supposed, drove thenu in. Mrs. Slait. Taylor of Prince Huperl wasv one or Ihe invited guests al a personal shower given by Mrs. Dvvighl Oslrosser in Kilsilano for Miss Tliyra. Mm- nels who i lo be married soon. Agreement with Australia for Preferential Rates Discussed in House of Commons Today OTTAWA, June 20.-- Canada's concessions to Australia under llie trade treatv us submitted to the Mouse of Commons tliis aUeiiioou do uul involve any increase in the Canadian general tariff. When the Australian hill to approve the treaty went through the OonimonvveuUh Parliament it was indicated that the Canadian iuleiition was lo Increase llie general duty un such products us tuwtl, eggs, nnd cheese in order to give u greater preference to Australia. Such intention, which aroused criti- .. cis in at Hie lime, was never offi WESTHOLME THEATRE, MONDAY AND TUESDAY 8.15 P.M. Famous University of California GLEE CLUB 20 Talented Artists Tickets at Urine's Drug' Store. cially confirmed at Ottawa. I he present proposals give Australia special rales on certain import)), meats, for instance, coming in al half a cent a pound while Un; Drilisli preferential rale ts Ivvo cents and the general tariff three cents. Egigs come in free. The lends of the agreement are being "considered by the House of Commons today. AdvertWe tn the Dully News WEST INDIES CONFERENCE Delegates Welcomed by Premier Mackenzie Klnn; Robb Is Chairman OTTAWA, June 2(1. The Can- adiali West Indltis- onerence, organized for I lie purpose of pro- lined in going right ahead and moling a. new trade 'agreement developing the business. Inc. ween (he two countries, open. Some of the herrinv will be jesieruay, i-reiu.er mug wei- coming the delegates front Hril- ish (iuiuea, Harbadoes, Trinidad, Windward Islands, Haliamass, Hritish Honduras, Jamaica, Ber muda and Leeward Islands. The Premier said he hoped the visit lu Canada would be fraught with greatest advantage to both parts of Ihe Empire which we represent." ' Hon. J. A. Hobb, .minister of trade and coniinence, was chosen chairman. BOOTLEGGERS FROM ISLANDS ARE FINED John Benson and Ruby Dolan Each Assessed $300 For Unlawfully Selling Liquor John lleusou and Huby Dolau of Lockeport appeared in the provincial police court yesterday aflernoon before Stipendiary Magistrate II. F. McLeod charg ed with unlawfully selling liquor al Lockeport. They pleaded, guilty und were each fined $300. The couple were brought from Ihe Islands yesterday afternoon by a provincial, police officer on the Prince John. GRE rTER VANCOUVER Vote Being Taken Today on Proposal to Join with VANCOUVER, June 20. Vancouver ratepayers went to the polls today lo decide whether tho adjoining municipality of South Vancouver with a population of :H,()00 and an area of 11 square miles shall he titklui into the city. ' l Ihe salne time the voters of South Vancouver me balloting on the same proposal with lite pros pects of Ihe largest'. vote ever given being recorded. $ The present agreement is des cribed as a business HKe contract for -merging the assets and operating expenses of tfiolwo dis tricts, ir u Archdeacon O. A, His. left on llils morning's train WjVurl