Silverware A large slock to choose from. Our prices are stand-anl according fu quality as sobl all over Canada. Rogers' Community Plate all at SPECIAL DISCOUNTS this week. Save Your Eyes Our Optician lias had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and filling glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner Tho Diamond Merchant of tho North Now obtainable In Prince Rupert. 'Suprema Canada's Fav- lorite Furniture Polish. At all good stores in small or largo bottles. Also "SUPREMA" and the "famous Bleach." Mop Oil "Eureka Look for the lloosler Label. DRY BIRCHWOOD and Cedar $0.50 Per Load Cut to any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Ofrice llours-9 to' 0. X-Ray Service , Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday anil Saturday Evenings Auditorium Dancing Every Evening, 8 to 11 1 Dance 10o 3 for 25c Wednesday Evening, songs by E. Sabourin and G. Coulee. Thursday Evening, song by II. Astoria. Freo Admission j In the Letter Box J NEW PIPE LINE ROAD. Editor Daily News. It is a. sad "sight to ce the vandalism that is being carried out on the new road afler all tho expense the cily Jias gone to lo : i . . i ilt.- i J .i ii. in u nit; a ui-uumui ruau, want and drive for lourisls and citi zens. -1, The lovely awe tnsniruig spruce and other trees 200 feel high arc cut down .and the road smashed up for the sake of a few dollars in firewood. The late cily engineer left everything tidy, cleaned out creeks and everything that added lo the scenic beauty, now. the road is gelling smashed up, the creeks filled with rubbish. Wha! was a fine walk will soon be a disgrace. Talk, about spendim: money to beautify u city with parks, etc., why; Mr. Edjlor. money could not buy the beauty nature placed there for Jiolhiiig. Are we lo bow lo the. inevitable? Thanking you for the valuable assistance you eould give and lei us know if the Provincial government ami cily are spending money lo make a "Scenic Hoiid" or a wood yard. Yours, etc.. CITIZEN. Waterfront Whiffs (continued from page five; Lancing, Peggy, Alki, Wabash, Polaris, Humbler, Uuimak, Yel lowstone, Venus, Wave, Kanalak, Hash'. Anna J., Sims II., and E. Ncil'son. Canadian Lysekil, Tiernan, Hrandt, Hose Spit,' Hippo, Koy- ousu, .Margaliee, lootlic, Aiken. Dorreen, Dolphin, Dingo, Kobe. Cape Spear, Pair of Jacks and Mayflower. The Bushby the floating tug P.ll.T. towed cannery Laurel m NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOTICE IS llLIU'BV CIVE.N that tlx' reserve coverlnr certain land iier UitJ junction or .ocstau alio siu'eua itiveit designated Lol H, Hange i, Coasl'Uls-irlcl, U cancelled. ' GEO. .'It. XADE.N. 'Depiiiy .Minuter, .or Lands. Department or l-and,' - i Victoria, B.C., ' Slav 4ih. ms LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttntlon to Apply- to L Land Id Skevna Land District, neenrdlnir DIs trlrt or Prince rtiipert and situate ai I'ort Edward. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that the gkeena Illver racking Company. Limited, or I'ort Ed ward. HX iM-rupallon Klsh Parkers. In I lends to apply ror rxM-mlsslon to .leae me imjumnif ut'criueu iauus 'Giiiiiniencliir at a southwest curlier or Lot 417$ H.V. coksi riistrlct; thwe stiutherly alonir low water mark, JflO ft.; thence southwesterly parallel to tlie southerly konndary or Lo. 417. 150 ft.; thenre nortlierly parallel 10 waier mar, uu reex; inenre norm-easterly alonir trie southerly boundary tl U1 UT produced, ISO reel to the point or commencement, contalnlnt bait an acre, more or less. tkth.V HIV Ml HALkl.HU COMI'AMV, LTD. Appiican. Paled Vav Int. 1914 - WATER NOTICE. (DIVERSION AND USE) TAkE NOTICE- tlial William MorKan nhoke addrena 1 Lkjx'irl, D.i:., will apply iur a ureiice 10 rake anu um- x.uuu. Kal ion oiny or water out or sprln? on west side or Uiekeport, O.CJ.. BX which riows southerly and drains Into unst arm. "LonaTellow' Mineral Cljlin duly crown Granted No. till O.CJ. The water win lie diverted rrom tli slreain l M Iw.inl flirh, at u.n,M al.n. (lift ful or so rrom Lix-keport larhor.' and will be uned ror domestic Tannery purpo" 'upon the lioniestic Cannery at Lorkeport. Q.C.I. This notice was posted on the -1 2 til day ot May, !V5. -A ropy nt this notice and an application . piimiant thereto' and in the "Water Act, ton." will be riled In the nrrice or the 'Water Itecnrder at Prince ltiiert. B.C. Objection to the application may be riled with the said Water liecortlcr or with the Comptroller or Water ItlKhls. Par anient Biillillnss. Vic torla, B.C., within thirty days arir the first appearance or this notice In a local iiewtpaix-r. me Date or Uie rirst piibll ration or this notice l May Jftlli. 1 u tr nii.uji -Tii'iiii, vi, applicant Dollar : Sale TODAY, SATURDAY, Is the last day of our Dollar Sale Tuke udviinluge 0r the iiarguiifr. The following are hut ait example of what we olfer. 36" WIDE SCRIM, 5 ynnls for ; . . $1.00 GINGHAM, regular 2,cj sale, 0 yards lor , .' . $1.00 WHITE FLANNELETTE, reg. 25e; sale, 5 yards -for $1.00 LADIES' KID GLOVES, rcg. (jiS.oO; sale, per pair .. $1.00 Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone 645. Cor. 3rd and 7th t AGK SIX tor 1 dailt irawa Paturdav, Jne 20. 8fJ NO TRACE OF STOMACH TROUBLE FOR SEVEN YEARS Health restored by "Froil-a-tives". Sam Wood, the tailor has fire department. LAND ACT. CA8EIAR LAND DISTRICT District or Casslar. Stlklne Division. TAKE NOTIf'E khat I. Waller Jullin IteturiH-tl Soldier), -jt Teleirraoh Creik. 11. C ik-i npalli,n Miner. Intends lo apply ror erniif -Kin to purchase the rollovtini icseriuru lanus: Commenclnz at a post planted 'about one mile easf r Methods Sloufth near the Sllktw Illver and about 3i miles southwest or Telegraph Creek; Ihenve north so chains: thence east 40 chain inenre south tin ;nains; thence west 40 twins to Kitnt or commencement and ontalnlnr 3S0 acres, more or less. WALTKIl 4LLIA7I, a Applicant April 10th. m LAND ACT. Notlca of Inttntlon to Apply to Laatt Lands. lr. Hie Ijind Itecordina; District or i'rliwe Kutx-rt. and situate on the norlh west coast or I'ewse IMjnJ. H.C.. atnroi' Imately three miles north from the mouth r winter iianxir. Take notice that J. rieldinir Stranar or iiiiuii iJe. B.C.. occupation ranneryman. :iuenu 10 appiy ror a tease or me roi owlnir described lands: Coiiiineiicliiir t a post planted appro nnaieiy three miles norlh rrom rrom the the moull mouth ess. f i 11 r LAURA ALFORD "For years I was a martyr to Chronic Constipation and Dyspepsia. I tried various Cathartics, salts, and so-called vegetable laxatives but without relief. Finally I decided to try "Fruit-a-lives", and in a short time found they were all that is claimed of them. They always act naturally, never causing griping, or nausea, nor having that weakening effect which so many other laxatives have. I have been using "Fruit-a-tlves" now for seven years and have never had a trace of constipation or stomach trouble since." Mrs. Laura Alford, 28 Florence St. Ottawa, Ont. "Fruit-a-tives" contain the health giving properties of fruits combined with valuable tonics. 2.1c and 50c at all dealers, i Whalen tp the I)ry Hock on Wednesday where she is now undergoing Her annual overhaul. L. IHchlcrJias jusl comoleled 'he installation of a 0 h.p. new Kaslhope engine in his boat at I he IMl, lioalhouse shops and ill leave for the lunulas Island I rolling grounds over the week ud. been jwarded film tkmlract by the Jnmirtioii governmunt or the upplying of uniforms for the crew or the ligllioUee tendet Newington, and by the cily .for the supplying of uniforms lo the f Winter Harbor, j'earse Island; thence northwest two chains, more or less, 10 low water 111 irk: thence northeast alonir low water mack, one hundred a 'id sUly (160) ciialnv! thence southeast iwn y ma ns: 1 leni-e souiuwesi one hundred and sixty (ISUi rhalns, more or 'ess, 10 Kiini-Di coiiuiH-iiceineni ami con1 .aininit tinriy-lwo (3lf) acrts, more or JAMES HKI.IHMJ STHAMl. Namn or Applicant LAND ACT. Notlct of Inlantlon to Appl to Leas Land a. In the Land Ilecordlnir District of rrince itupert, and situate on the nor III west coast or I'earss Inland. B.C.. artiioi l r ' l three miles norlh from the muutli if Wlnier llarUir. Take .otiio that KrlizeU's Limited or fiiiice iiuriert 11.'... ix-cupatlon packers liilcniH tu apply ror a lease of the fol Jowlmr ilescrl(ed .lands: Cmiuiif iielnir at a post planted approx liiialKly three miles north from the mouth r winter Harbor, rearse island: them to low water mark; thence southuesi along; low water mark one hundred and sixty tU) chains; thence southeast iwo (i chains; thence northeast one hundred and slxly (I Gin chains, -more or re-, 10 iMiini or comMiencement ana con. t.ilnlnif thirty-two tit acres, more or toss. FHIZZEI.IS LIMITED. Mama of Applicant. Pan-it Mav lath. tt5. , . LAND ACT. Notlca-of Intention to Apply to List Lands. In the Land Recording; liistrlct of rrinre uiiiert, and situate on the north west roast 'of I'earse Inland. II C . annros mately six miles north from tho mouth of winter Harbor. Take Notice that Gosse-Mlllerd Limited of A'ancuuver, H.(;., orciipatlon takers, imeiias 19 aipiy rpr a lease or me roi lowlnir described lands: Coiiiineiirina' at a rmst tilalited annroi Imalclv alt miles north frroin the inoiiih of ,Wlnier Harhnr, I'earse Island; Hieing northwest two () chains, more nr less, to low water mark: thence northeast alonir low water mailt ne hundred and slity OoO) chains; .thence southeast two Hi rlialna. ihcocp snnlliwpiit on hundred and sixty (160) chains, more or , ro iMiini or coininencemeni, ana con taming hiriy-twu (3) acres, more or less. nnssE.Mit.i.Enn i imited. uatva juaj uiu, ivtis. jvame of Applicant. Local News' Notes J r The train from the East, dut here at 3.30 this afternoon, is reported on time. Miss Vera Younginiiii is sailing lomorrow night on the Prince J corse for Seattle. C.P.H. sleamer 1'rinces.s Alice., Capl. C. C. Saintey. arrived at I o'clock Ibis afternoon from Alaska ports and will sail at 1 o'clock for Vancouver. The Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co.'s halibut schooner Chief Zibassa is due in the dry dock tomorrow morning for cleaning and painting. Mrs. A. H. Mallory and child. or Port Clements, who have been on a vacation trip south, return- it on the .Prince (Jeorgo this mornjng from Vancouver. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Millichamp returned on Hie Prince John yes terday afternoon from a trip tg the Oueen Charlotte Island. They went east on this morning's train eu route to Vancouver. II. II. Mouahan of Port Arthur irrived from Hie south on the Prince (ieorge this morning lo make preliminary arrangements lor electrical work on the grain levator here.. Mr. Monahan i by his assistant, L. V. Porter. Mr. and Mrs. L. Portelance and family, who formerly resided in the Ark on Mcllride Street and who have beep looaled for the past year or so in Hie interior, reached Ue cily rrom me ivist ami sailed Ihls morning on the Venture for lleaver Cove, , Vau- ouver Island. Thomas H. Aniisfoug and two sons, who arrival yesterday from Surf-Inlet where Mr. Armstrong has been in the employ of Hie llelmont Surf Inlet Mining Co. left on this morning's train for lasgow, Scotland. They will fail from.Moulal on the steam er henna, Juiy. j. GOLD PAN NOT LIKELY RICH (continued from page jno) Hudson Hay store have beeit es tablished there. There' are at the present lime about fifly peo ple there besides a, Dominion government geological survey party which is outfitting prepar atory to exploring tin.' district. 11 is the disembarking and transfer point for llto- country beyond. Airplane, at .Base The Vickers Viking airplane. which was flown front Prince Itupert to the Stikine by A. Lit-! He. Detroit mining engineer, and his associates, is still at ils base six miles south of Telegraph Creek, Mr, Hrindle reports. Mr: Little, .having made a reconnai-sanee trip to Dense Lake, the Hardline will hop off very shortly il Is expected, (iasoline and supplies for Ibis parly have already been taken In. Mr. Hrindle is enthusiastic about the results that may be obtained through aerial exploration ami expresses.' confidence? that Mr. Little kno.w$ what he is about. YOTE FOR WHARVES IN NORTHERN B.C. - ' a, Among the amounts voted for Northern Hritish Columbia poinls in eommitliHi of supply al Ottawa recently were the-rollow Ik: Kincolilh wharf Port Clements' wharf repairs, $0,lilKI. tjtieen iCharlotJe Jily repairs to float, 1,'J00. ' Skidegate, wharf repairs, UK). Mail subsidy Prince Itupert ,lo Jucen Charlotte Islands. $ai,0(i(i. Vaneomer lo Northern H.O, ports, 2i,H(i0. TRAP SHOOTING Scores were made as rollows al the Prince: Itupert (lun tllub's Irapshool on Hit) 'Park Avenue range lust evcrjng; l-'red llichie, 'Jr 20 Pete : Horvik, ,20 .1. V. Scott 18 J. O. ,Mlllich!tnip -18 I'. C. pibbons' 15 Jack Keefe , 15 T. A. Suudison 13 !Slf.r( Kuiiry Decoroled Lamp ... $7.00 JMI.oO- Fancy Lamp $3.00 1 8.00 Mit-Jongg Set 511.20 $2.00 Alarm i'.locks"1. . $1.29 ."5 10.01) Dellalj Peutl $7.00 A 1.50 Kar-riiigs 80c S25.00 Hk Pearl Set Sunlnirsl .. $14.50 IMI.00 Hk Peuii aiitlMliainont Set .Sunburst ... ... $15.50 Sl:i.50 Ilk Pearl Set Sunburst ... $8.00 .1550.00 Diumuml 'Ho, Pih $34.50 !f'22M) While Gold .-Diamond Har 1 1 rood i . $14.50 v Il.V Silver Polish . : . ... ... 25c JJ'i.OO, Pierced Suit Shakers, blue glas lined ' $1.40 !!5.00 SKIver Urnad Tiviy $3.65 i.00 Men's .Vew-iSlyle Wiildeinar Wulrli tlhains . ftiijlitil.' fk. . . . $2.00 $7.50 Wnleh(Cluiilis T '. $4.90 .115.50 Silver SandwicJliTray. ....... $3.80 ' 2.5o uti rr Link . , ; . . . . . . . $1 .70 $27.50 Sol'id . Mk 15-jewelled Ludies' Wrist Wulth ..... ...... $10.50 $22.00 fine pialily Ot lagon Shape 15-jewel Writ Walch $15.5p . 1 1 1 a 1 deer were lirt'tittiiiig very plenliful on the, west runs! 01 (Jueen Cltarlolle Islands. A four year old buck was caught swim ming iaOlt'f Hay. lie nvu roied. taken aboded, the fishing boat, p)iolographe.d .tsud then allowed to go. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. Take notice Hint Oraliam Ave. from Allln Ave, lt Iteet .vvillbe closed for six weeks, comuieuriiig Mopday, Juno Resident aro reiiuesled lo get in. their supply of coal, etc., before thai date. 1 1 i T CITY llNOIXKKlt, SUMMER SERVICE C.N.S.8. The last luiaj on the Spring schedule will leave Prince itupert for Vancouver on tftluduv, June 21, at 10.00 i'l.m. l'he next sailing soylJiiiiHiiul will be Hi" S.S. Oringe (ieorge, litauguratiuv: the Hummer service, - leaving Prince Itupert Saturday, June 27, al COO p.m. AHer that, dale, bonis will leave Prince 1 "Rupert each Monday al. 4.00 p.m. and Wednesday -alid Saturday at U..O0 p.m.. Arrivals from lte uulli will be Wednesday,. Jipie 2f. ami Friday, June' 20 at "OJO tt.m. After these dales, boats will, arrive from I lie south each Monday, Wednesday iind Friday al 10.30 a.m. KuYcllve June 215, boats for Anyox ami fcilewai j will sail each Monday ' and Friday at LOO p,m., and ror' Skagway each AVednesday at '1,00 p.m. Full Infoi'iiiatiou from, City Ticket otllve, 028 Third Avenue. Prone 200. 117 . , TOO LATE TO, CLASSIFY '.'" FOR RKN'i;.--Large: roomy aitart-nient down town. Apdy Slorks' llurdware. 150' mm Saturday and Monday SPECIALS- in the BIG SALE Special jirices'prcvuil for Huhirtltty ami Monday on lil lino which w- i, , earthed , in the i;st lluee days. (Just hus len entirely forgotten in order In m.r anil positive disusul. Det oraled China Uk. Plate i 93,. llNtliolie HoMtry lads, i.tiii t,,. $it Lailies real Lealher llandbig- 1 enl eolors in (he new hi -. $7.50, for j42Q Mahogany WetJjiiinsler i;h,n. ( $05.00 fp 548.00 Haroineler or Weather Jla- s., $4.85 Pair Sterling SJIrtf TMUilnn t, $18.00 for . .. ... .... 511.50 Camp (iraiiwjphoiie, py full .,.. r conU $tl.B0 fur . . v . . . . $3.90 Gut. (ilasM -Sngtr altd uritni s; . , .. . . . . . $4 80 Gomiiiiiiiily Silver Deniert linn. for .v. $3.20 Illue Mtlin Iiuetllpfi6iit rxtwtiiiH! ',v: silver uaplvin Hugs $2.(ip 1.. $1.40 Deroraled (lliiua Teattot SiuiHl 45c Golored Fans, Ostrich OtiTjn 1 i t L00 for . $2.70 Silver Pyrex lined Gassierolc i 111 $6.S0 05.00 Ih'uvy solid Hold , 11,111 1. ) ateil Wrisl Wulrh $43.00 SPECIAL VALUE PURE SILK UMBRELLAS. All rolors, some vvdh Sterling Sther lops wdh fuin li.nxii' - $11.00 lo $20.00. Friday BULGER & CAME During the rH'l'iit flalieiie' cruise made by Uapl. Pete IturVik on the M'alaiutile it vwas noiiced $8.70 RON WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9.15 Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. 'The Sea Haw An fidaplnlion or ItaHiel Sahatitn's lantoi ceded li) he Hie most ilrumalie and arlisli-' sin" venf. uitli mi irrt'sislltlde to Imlh tdd inn l ite sperinciiiiir iiiim-iiuiiusm " tin. must iliisliing.Pei'soiKilily k million dollar production with every, cunt or t'M"' dent on the screen. A .iiMuiin nr fiei ..vivid color and fcmazitir ' through which stalks one or the Iruly great and i:i figures of romance. , " . . . , i . ..r CLnjul-lliilr (1 "ii 111' IlK .or Hclioii,. tho. iKildysl, bntv lie Ihrotigh the pages . )U! daring daring genlleniaii genlleniaii pirale pirnlu Hud lhal ever ever roved roved ui the m; us Sir Oliver Tresslliau, aflftrwunls tjuRr-'Hea CodoU Hosumiiud Hawk." Enid Bennett h TOPICS OF THE DAY. i"iliir" tern; 'Sr . ;.'l mi lhal -tver roitghl-for n ''" romantic lover .if , The wickedesl, merriest n.rsair thai cw ' galley ditch, roved the seas for l.ooly. kulimi I ' 'J sels ami lolled in Moorish hltretjis. I In" nni. , limn aI m tiiv cci.i iiiu luiirii in ..i, - , ,. llt'll1 I II. Ill Iti-IIK ul'lltlllMl II shin or slolo t""1"' " .Hex v .. v,v, ....... - . S L iMHiiiU.lllK. Halites by Iiiiitl mm " f "- ,.,,,-uir" ships and slaves, Moorish cnslle.s, harems, n a i.., i....iL...,.i.iw kIiivm markets. .Most11" lllll l ItllHUI S, JHIII" 'l IV. , ...... ,.fl,.v Algeria, cannonading, and IiuiiH-to-liuml i Four pirate nhips al Hi" nwl of 'r,-,,m ,.,,,. ,,000 nml nisi""' S5,000 worth or gorgeous gowns t si it a.-it o I Tiiii'fi .Wallace, Lloyd Hughes, Wm. Co Me currier, maro mcuermou, n""""" : ... ithr w ' B0cand25c