FiveRoses I I Flour Fop Breads, Cakes, Puddings, Pastries Ynur puddings are palatini-, why use Five s.inply becuuse you want . .-. ... t tn , i ti t i i . ... . . - III Wil- iltimiiij IHTUU. m iff digestible. Five Hoses .Idings digest un-ton-iimly every spoonful is a as'y source of vitality. John L Christie ?ales Agent Prince Rupert Now for a SoortSkirt ind Sweater "Demers" House of Quality Phone 27 P.O .Box 327 Week End Specials FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Si av.derrte. per hskt, 15c t !ir ics, per II) 35c Pe: no, per dm. . 50o I' nv per bskt 1 .10 Api . per liskt. . . $1.00 a: :1np. each 20o A 25c rail Ln lure. 3 for ... 25c umbers, enrh 15c 20c li.ilhone Tomatoes. Its. 35c 3 li-v for $1.00 Phone Your Order Early Mussallem's 417-423 Fifth Ave. East. 18 and $4 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone it. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or MQtor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Movlnej. Phe continued wet weal tier ha was too much for Claude, who been somewhat of a diawhaci thereupon stopped the eager in certain branches or waterfront craft and scrambling ashore, business this week, more especi- armed with a hastily made net ally in the boat painting end of' and iiole. made iWncriifn ,.fru-t it, while there has been a dearth r activity among the smaller boats in carrying oul minor outdoor repair work. Many native boats have been in port this week, and prior to brought in. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. Notice of Application for Beer License Notice is hereby given that on the 1 1 Hi day or June next, the undersigned intends to .apply to the Liquor Control Hoard for i licenee in respect ' lo premises being part of the building known as Hudson Hay Hold, Telegraph (Creek, JI.C. upon the lands described as Lots 3 and t, block 2, I map 975, Prince Huperl Land 'llecislralion District, in .the Pro vince of Urilish Columbia, for the sale or beer by the glass or by open bottle for consumption on Hie premise. Dated this 25lh day of May. 1P25. r.IUC McOKFJl, Lessee ROOFINGS to capture the peculiar freaks of nature, According to- reports from authoritative sources Claude succeeding iu capturing what he termed several flying shrimps, but the slmck 'proved too much and the next thing be leaving on seining exploits, haveU-emejiibered was being on board had seinging turn tables install- (he boat with the engine slonned ed on the stern. The halibut situation remains satisfactory, in that a good vol- at a broken piece of .shrimp hauling machinery in his hand. II is surmied by the f)ret secret service -that Claude got hit With lime of fish has been landed. Ih;lhe broCen piece- of machinery feature of which has been theiwhich would account for the..,un-exeellence of the quality .of fishlcanny sight of 'shrimp perched The - scnogner" ilsunii, owned by (he -Tokf?- Dye -WorK' is 10 be taken up" onUhe -McLean -ways slalIeTl.5 - vQJP, .ir.' r' ! 'There's a Harrett Roofing that's definitely right f 'for anv tvne of huildinc-your home, your garage, i IF t your ham or your implement shed. J .. ' Let us show you these artistic, rugged roofings, v L- , 8. E. PARKER, LTD., Jobbers. V V PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. For Sale by all Hardware and Paint Dealers. I 1 OttW&J omgs of the Moquito Fleet which is the . WH Ww?j Chief ource of Prince Rupert's prosperity WMfi report that Willi the exception ofjinediaiiir'al repairs done on hei (fighting one or two blustery days I lie weather on the high spots ha beep very fair and rejnunerativ fishing has been carried on. There has been a strong demand for Canadian raughl fish and prices offered on the Fish F.t- now and will leave shrimp, jungles over end." Two Mishaps There have been two mishaps lo schooner, reported this week change on Monday and Tuesday jwhiej, fortunately were. unatl end- gave Hie home boats a lead overi the Americans. On Wednesday, while Hie Canadians received less for. firt class fish, they trained several points in price for second class fares. ' Flying Shrimps II has taken skipper Claude Leigh of the good shrimping ship IlesquK to discover the latest monstrosity still unknown to science in the form of flying shrimps. t'nforlunalely Claude was so overcome by the discovery that he failed to hritg in any specimens .but this Ife. ha promised to rectify mi his nex.t trip In the shrimp jungles.' The llesqtiil was fishing for shrimp ed with any . serious consequences. The Canadian schooner Tiernan. Cant. I'ederson. a usual in local waters. arid,as a half interest while dragging Hie net Irehiml ( ,hoori'Pr Lvsekil, will Cy ArneU'V-Hea.dowbronk. ranch siJualed in tht Kraer' valley. On E.C.'s recent trip jont Ii Cy invited liini to "spend, a few days at (lie ranch ami become acquainted' jWitii Hie livestock. The morning i after Hie visitor' arrival the jraneh owner look oat ti lilie nuMlurn 'to view the herd On that particular morning the prize bull of the place, happened io he at large and there wa KltineUiing in K.tir broadcasting apparatus which did not gibe- ' IV 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 rill inntii 'i n rr jnt r less time than it take to tell the bull had lowered its fighting apparatus and'made for the toreador in an effort to run him off Che farm. However, the toreador had not been' using packets of Hull Durham all hi life for molding: and determined lo take the bull around the field and show it some new scenery. Like a tin lizzie primed with hair oil, Mr. Oibons set out at the dead run with the bull following, a ehfe second and all went well until a small footbridge was reached. Here the toreador decided to gel a breathing spell thinking that such a great mass of. meat for such Hie hull .wa could not cross the bridge. Scrambling under the bridge, the toreador sat down' to think -.up Intoining skipper 'in trees. The Hesquit is havingjnew forms of slralegy ; in bull hut lh bull, evidently for ( tie sensing the idea, was having Uie week .none of it. Charging over Ihe. ..Skipper John FyMd ha.Mind the nowcr boat Hatlelt W on (he (Ward way for engine overhaul Ibis week prior lo engaging in salmon packing aclivilies. , A Local' Toreador Of courf we all k'nqw-what a wonderful broncho Jmser K. C. Gibbons, proved hiiuVeV to 1P at the Smilh'ers fair last year, and with what pride Dave Thomson presented him with a medal for hi 'heroic riding, but lo learn thai fc,- C. i a toreador of renown and'lhaL. he is never hap-ipier Jhan when locking' horns willi h ferocious bull" is a new angle on his bravery. Ye A, -sir, Applicant, its a fact and it all happened on Lay Handsome, Weathertight Roofs Today, at Surprisingly moderate cost, you can have a . colorful artistic roof. For Barrett Multi-Shingles are not only attractive but durable. They're made and laid four shingles to a strip. This effects a big saving in laying costs. And they're artistic ' surfaced 'with slate in unfading colors -soft red, moss green or blue,-black. Moreover they're fire-safe-won't rot or rust and never need painting or staining. bridge Mr. Itovril arrived safely the other side with Ihe toreador iln the lead. Eventually our hero gained the shelter of a barn and "there gave the bull a good lesson in dodging around corner.. The dodging game, kept up until the hull eventually lay down with exhaustion when II he conquering rauslit fire in Hecate traits hmfhrro sal on it head and waveiJ arrived safPK- in nort on Tlmr-: fiis hat. Cy. Arnelt said-lie never blay and aflPr having undergone ""C" a moving sigiu m nia mechanical jepairs at the- dry me "euire. -dock has since Je ft for the fish- ing grounds. Hie Canadian TV Canadian schooner Koy-schooner Tiilie S.. Capf. Tippin. broke. her clutch while on hit a rock while relurning from:11"' fing grounds.-and had lo the hishsnots and did - some "e i,,vv'" "' "enuiis n uu daiuage Jo the hull. Repairs twero,"fadt' al ,1,p drydock carried o,ut al the ,MC4,ean yarls and tlia sfhooner left poet oi Thursday. in Hie proceed in the blue depth near the rocky to halibut: banks as soon a shore he chanced lo look into thpho work '1s cTwriplelccL bush. His optics roeused on what he thought looki'd lik shrimps with fluttering wings pcivlieil m the trees. The sight The- Canudian.scfiofinpr Jlrandt Capt.'Jim Morrison has con-pleled 1 lie engine overhaul on the tugboat Tide Hip of the George Hushliy fleet. Tboi Tide Hip is nl Kdwards 'is 'nn the Mcl.enn uw engaged on fflwlng work in !onnedion With H.Q.building of way for re-caulkhig. Cap, who the elevajor. The .Canadian schooner D.C.F. Jwis been up on the Ward ways for painting -und rudder rejiairs. The eleclrlcal work on Ihe new John Wicks' halibut schooner .is Hearing completion at Ihe hands of Ihe Ward Klectric Company. 'The new boat is expected lo lie equipped with gear and on Ihe fishing banks by the end ol the' month. The Vickt-rs-Pc Iters diesel engine, with which the boat Js powered, has been filled wilh three different starling devices: elect rieiil, torch and George Cadwallader and Ed Vnlpy left for the Port Edward cannery 'yesterday Ton (he former1. power boat Silver Slar on a gill-nelliilg expedition. The Silver Star i-s a 30 foot lat and i powered wilh a 0 h.p. Ailams engine. CapUi'X. ,Svans(nV Prince Hu- pefl Doathouse, has pinvhanpd Ihe circular saw and planer from Ihe defunct -'Seal Cove Marine Way.. Thoy are being installed al the boalhouse for use' in con nection wilh boat building Gravel Contract Tlio Vancouver Salvage and Dredging Comjyiny have secured Ihe contract from Carter-Halls- Mdinger Co. who are responsible for the erection of the elevator superstructure, to furnish be tween 30,000 and 35,000 cubio yards of. gravel for concrete In be used in Ihe .work, Ihe gravel will be obtained at Stewart and the tug H.K.M., Vancouver, wil' tow the Vancouver Salvage Go.'s dredgo scow up to Stewart an.d will bring down the gravel to lite elevator as Ihe work proceeds. The lupboat W'ifrwam, Gap! Claude Kelvlim i occupied at Digby mam! in launcmnp: i no lnruo scow which lias been inoor- M there for some monlbn pus I. The seow will be temporarily repaired here and t)wcd lo Vancouver for final overhaul, Pile Pulling The, Currie pile driver Is em ployed on lifting piles, fiini old quarantine, wharf at DiRby Island for Ibo Norlhern Con struction Company, in connection with their elevator fill contract. Somethind New! SMOKERS always prefer their tobacco in perfect condition; this is assured, when they demand it packed in the famous Vacuum (air-tight) tins. . The following well known brands ars now packed in the famous Vacuum (air-tight) tins. OLD CHUM Virginia Flake CUT SMOKING Tobacco REf EATER FINE CUT (Pipe or Ggarette Tobacco) R EX Smoking MIXTU R E (for Pipe or Ggarette) DIXIE Bright PLUG SMOKING Tobacco OLD VIRGINIA Bright PLUG SMOKING Tobacco ODGEN'S CUT PLUG Smoking Tobacco OUBtN'b FINE CUT (Pipe or Ggarette Tobacco) Always ask for the Famous Vacuum (Air-Ti mi i a Barrie's Home Furnishings Third Avenue The piles have hcen towed over lo Ibo elevator site liy the launch .Ipy Hi ril, Capl. Jack Cook. A seow load of lumber In tow of the lupUoal M.T.3., Cap I.. H. flreen, arrived from (iPorKetowit on Tliurwlay for the Hig Jlay Lumber Co.'s liH'al yard. Skipper "OolT Lambly is speiid- in a well earned vacation on Ihe launch Myfawny ilowii Iho coasl (leolv, who.n company is eagerly souRht in local society, has found the .slrain upon his nervous system So Kreal lhal ho has been forced lo seek seclusioit In reinole,pars, i will dotibl- less return to jwut when' the early 'sprfngr sociely" seusun is on the wane. The power boat .Moresby, fliipl Philip Douglas, is in portHmMii the Sunnysidc cannery having a seine winch installed at the Akerbcrg-Thomson shops. The ' power boat , Heal rice?! I I Capt. Hans, cleared for the l.owe .... f.fn-.l,... n Velning exploit. The boal Laurel Leaf, owned by the B.A. cannery, Port E9- in SATURDAY EVENING SPECIALS Axminster Rug one only, 9x 10 1-2 $29.70 1 Brussels Rug one only, 9x9 $19.60 BARRYMORE GUARANTEED RUGS This it gtmuM BARRYMORE RUG, wo t carefully ftcWcted material, dyt4 with last coUrt, and ewry prvcauuon taken to tnsurt tatialaction. Wt, th Toronta Carpet Mfj Co Limited. uar-antct tlii ruf amt any delect in manufactur. af fHtacrrd f Toronto Carfit Mro. Co, umtrt TORONTO CHOa Stair ; Carpet per yard . 75c & $1.50 Wool-jute Rugs fringed; 9 only, each $3.05 Phone 123 LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to Krizzell Hiitcher Shop, awoss - from the Empress llolel We carry a full line of ' CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor singlon. is haviiifr engine reuairs executed on her al Ihe Akcrberg- Thoiiisoti' shop's, including vaU-'u grinding. . Tim Fredelia HI. owned by Ihe Wallace Fisheries, is in port gelling a cylinder head yelded. I.ouls 'I,wker, the logger of Porclier Hand fame, arrived in port this week on his power boat Lewis Isl'anM vlo obtain mechanical ' xupplie In. connection with 1.1. t : Arrivals iiierienn Cedric, Conslilu Ijytn, Pipneer,1 Atlanlie, Portlock, Gladstone, Happy, Augustus, (continued on page six) SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS EASTERN CANADA, UNITED STATES,' And to JASPER NATIONAL PARK. One. way Via Vancouver or direct rail both directions. For fuU information apply: R. F. McNAUOHTON, District Passenger Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C.