flat' year ls2. Estimated e, peinhluro. on Itrancli lines in, WiT 'is H,7((S,5K5. The whole program of Hip Canadian Xa lional Railways .involves poi. alrujjjinn of 5IH miles at an an,-llioruted ' expendllurn of $15,111(1,. nun, A report of Ihe ileparlmenl of railways lalded in Hie- House of Commons gives full details of all work done, on all liranrh line, A total of 1)1.5 niilos of (rack were.: la ill: .18.5 mil.es were lial-laled; ii proportionate amount of grading work was parried out, and 72. (i miles of telegraph lines added, (o Hie system. The greatest progress was made on, the I'eeldes. Sask.; Prince. AUiert Xorllieasl Saskatchewan, (Travel nonrg, nisk.; m. nose l)u Lae, .Man.,' and Ihe rirande Kresniere, Jue... rtraurlii's. Some further work, which will practically com-plele llic.se branches, is provided for in 1025, Provision js made for furlher construction work in 1925. An expenditure, of $2,108,-5QH Ihis year on Hie Kamlnops. Kelowua hranch Is expected. PATTULLO ADDRESSED WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUONSATURDAY Minister of Lands Gave Interest-Inn Discourse on '.'Forest Policy or British Columbia" A larje nuuiher of ladies willi inleresl in (he Hoslon Hall on Saturday afternoon, to an address given by Hon. T. H. l'al- lullo, member for l'rincn llupert and minister of lands, before Hie W omen's Canadian. Club cm (be. suhjeel of "forest Policy in llril ish Columbia." .Mr. PaHtillo ex piauu'ii sucii li'clinicaf lewis as crown gj-anls and. licensed (iirt her, referred lo Hie recent canses 'n royalties and dealt eiiiplialically willi the matter of fire, prevention and natural re-tri'iii'r.vlion wliich he- dcclareil were necessary for the preservation of Ihe limber industry of the province. .Mrs. C. A. F.KKerl, president of the Women's Canadian Club, was in Hie chair anil a vole of thanks was moved by .Mrs. S. P. Mo-.Mordie and seconded by .Mfs. 11. SI. (!. I.ec. The Man in the Noon PVYS:- Aitoi r children c lo be Kden lifp. gamblers married. MANY looks a ile n I I lie. lime when, Ihe line, Hie garden ceased ind changed to real SOMl' people will be, taking advantage of the new movement in-Prince Hulierl and olliers will work cross word puzzles, IF men were, not natural born they would not got permanent, worse than a wave. ; The gods are to bo thank ed lhal both are disappearing. I WISH money would loud enough to drown Hie clamor of my'crcditors. A lrr. was asked by her husband if she know a four letter word beginning willi "s" am ending with "e" and if so how about gelling dinner. A divorce ensued. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert February 16, 1915, Definite action has been post poned by Ihe cily council until Ihe return of Mayor .Newton on Ihe proposal to reduce- llo. salaries of all Ihosc employed in Ihe Cily Hall who are being raid more than $100 per monlh.' flenrge Clayton urges fishery board be formed lhal a anions for Ihe handling of Hie great iiuoiinl of halihut Ilia! will come through Ihis port for shipment Kasl now lhal Ihe railway is in ojicraljon. J. K. Hay of llirminprham, Kng- 1 a 1 1 1 , trade commissioner for Canada, declares llial halibut roiu Hie Pacific Coast sliipped (ri,m Prince llupert reaches the old country in perfect condjtion ind is. proi,u? most popular. COMMUNITY BENEFIT DANCE AT TERRACE TpJlHACtf, l'eb, Ifi. The '(immunity grave a most enjoy- ilde dance and stiower in honor of .Mr. and .Mrs. Allwnnd and amily who recenlly sustained uch a -severe loss when their home and all it contained were burned. The adiiiillance In Ihe dance was for the ladies, two parcels, one containing refresh nienlis for Ihe. evcnijig, Hie other a donation in Ihe form of household Vuieu and, for Ihe gentlemen a parrel containing some kitchen utensil or other useful article. The. ilance was most, enjoyable ami musical numbers byT. Hall- well and .Mrs. )e. Kergouimeaux were much appreciated. PRESENTATION MADE BY SKIDEGATE NATIVES TO REV. ARTHUR BARNER liev. Arlliur llarner, superm- lemlenl of Indian Missions of Torrtul(i.i.ccoiiipa,nied by Mrs. llar ner, arrived here yesterday, following a visit to the Indian vil lages on Queen Charlotte Islands. They also, visited Mead Tree Pointy Queen. Charlotte. City and SandspiL At Skidegale Indian village, a hamiuel was giyen in honor of Ihe visitors ami alter Hie supper I hey vwere presented with two beautifully carved silver llabla noons. Advertise in. tUe Ially News. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 Monday, February 16 High a.m. 1 8.3 ft 11): 1(5 p.m. 15.2 " Low 0-.18 a.m. 7.3 " .... I3:2H p.m. (, " 'if Tuesday, February 17 High 7:52 a.m. I ft. I " !;' 2 1 :0'. p.m. 1 5.2 " I'.ovv 1:21 a.m. 8.2 " I V : i p.m. 5.1) " Wednesday, February 18 Higli 9:nc. a.m. 1 8.8 " 22:21 p.m. 1(5.2 ft. wave l.nw 2:38 ajn. 8.7 ' prime I' l(i:(ll o.in i m WHITES OF EYES TINGED WITH YELLOW? MUDDY COMPLEXION? YOUR LIVER IS OUT OF ORDER! Mm. Wm. Ilinirniip. fox Ciwk, N.ll., wrlli'it: "I Imvfl Im-imj tnuihlpil Willi my liver Tir a loiifr tunc, ami w.n m liad riium imi on any urnK. I hml npri-r p.llim In my stniimch that went liail, it iimih, i riiiilj luinlly rtaml them. My toniryo brmniOL niatnl; I hml a liml tiislf (n my nwiiilh, eii-rlnlly In Hie innrnlnir; Ui wiilles or my were lliiKcd vHU yrllow, and I had a muddy an', yidlow rmiiplpxlun. I ilimt ifnd a rrcat deal ntiout MILBURN'S LAXA-UVER PILLS, n nfidci! I wfniid try a vlil, and artrr lalUnjf t(irpc of (lii'm. I w4 icrratly lin prrjvrd and fell more like livlnr, and t ran now nn my own voik wmmiit any IroliMR." For Mite at all dninftlM and dcalcrsi put lip only liy Tlin T. Mlllnirn Co. Ltmlied, Toronto, Ont. Hy I. (IT1' c local cili.ens lo foriuulale a plan REVENUE PATROL IS TO BE CANNERY TENDER SKATtJ.K, l'eb. Ii'.. The steamship Hush, formerly a re venue patrol boat, has been purchased by Craig Millar of Ketchikan and she will be used as a cannery lender at the llecela Island Cci.'s plant on the west of l'rince of Wales Island. .1. Field Strang, manager of Sunnyside. cannery, and Mrs. Strang arrived at Sunrtyside a' the end of the week after havinc spent the winter in Vancouver. Mr. Slr.ang is back making pre parations for the comiti? canning (season. BATTALION ORDERS . Lieut.-Col. J. W. Xicliolls. Officer Commanding 1st Hal-talion Norlfi H.C. Ilegimeni (102nd Un. C.K.F.1 Parades. Hallalion parade. Wednesday, February 18, at 8 p.m. Musketry. Minialuro range. Friday, February 21). at 8 p.m. Match- -Oll'iccrs vs .Sergeants. S. 1). JOHNSTON, Major and Adjutant. At Id. 1st. I In. North H.C. Hegl. BILLIARD AVERAGES First Division flames. Col. .AIcMordie (V. Sgt. Jelison ' V. W. Stewarrl (O.) . A. Donald fll.P. . I Stephens H.P.I W.-J. Nelson (C.i T. Mcllmoyle (H.l A. A. F.asson (H.I .J. Hillmaii (O.) . Alex. Volume (V.) It. Jelich Ml.P.) . U. O. O. I. West (V.) .. pearce (O.'i .. Halagno (fl.P.) Pyle (V.I .... P. Tinker fV.) J. Walsh (V.) ... l Morgan (CI.) . Hrown ((!.)' . . Hlythe (O.) .. Waugh (C.) . Fleming 'V.1 Second Division llillman' (C.i ... 5 5 lien Seir ' P.ll.) j. Wolr (0,),. F. .iemiui ,(H.P.t , i u.Mioy;iii.i;vV' W. Stewart (O.) .. W. ). Nelson (i.) . .1. Ilecslpy ((1.) .... J. ilrown (S.A.) ... F. Ablridge (Il.P.1 . .1. .ndrevs (S.A.) . . Dr. West. (V.) .... M. Andrews (S.A.) . . Donald (It. P. .. S. Suaa ((i.) O. Hlyllie (O.) .... Habe Fort in i(ii:j.) . Macdonald (S.A.) I. Macjean (C ... W. Mitchell (H.P.) . W. Murray (C.i .. M. MarI,aclilan(S.A,) O. Mallei (H.P.) .. II. Wearmoulli . (V.) J. May (C.S.) .... 0. P. Tinker (V.) .. .1. Fleming (V.) ... M. Lamb (C.) F.. Feneton (V.) ... I. Allan (S.A O. Kelsey (C.S,) .. C. I,. YounKinan'V. D. McAuley (C.) .. S. Darton (C.S.l ... S. I,. Warrior r) . .1. Ilulger (C.S.) ... II. Parr (C.S.) .... W. Willlserofl, (C.) D. McLean (C.) ... A. Hales (C.S. M.. Stephens (O.) .. J. MoDougall (CI.).. W. Anderson (0.) . . W. II. Jarman (G.) Til. Av. 1511(1 1 500 250 250 750 15(1 I 150 5 712, rv.'7.irt 51)0 87:i 115(5 td IS tu:i 1112 11:12 !iJ5 850 1 1 Hi 558 1248 8.10 001 1223 810 801 207 000 1017 3!) I 200 it 57 1021 702 037 7 i! 1110 077 050 812 705 032 H2I 017 210 89 82 GO 250 250 250 250 MC7 215 485 2V.I K.77 210 1071 171 02 Kill'.) 227 1582 1570 1318 1125 055 1 5(10 I'i88 Mi I3'il 157 231) 230 231 230 220 225 225 ii', 218 215 213 200 102 157 150' 150 150 1(8 .118. 118 110 1 15 U5 113, 113 112 112 1 12 110 110 t:io 138' 138 130 130 131 131 132 131 130 130 120 128 127 127 125 123 MISS PRIME PRIZEWINNER Leads In Badminton Tournament Played Saturday Afternoon; Miss Scott Second At the Prince Hupcrl lladmin-liui Club courts Saturday the single ladies played a tournament for Hie purpose of deciding on six players to lake part in the lig match ' against six players Yom the married ladies. Miss lay Priiigle was Hie winner of Hie first prize, pelting a full score in each game, Miss 11. U. Scott came a close secimil. Ihe only game, she lost being the one against .Miss Urinate and Hie score of lhal game being 15 to II. The folloviii are the total scores of those who look par!, Hip possible being 1(15: Miss .May Prinfle, 105. Miss II. It. Scott, toi. Miss No ra.li Hivd, t0. Miss Marguerite Young, 77.' Miss May Hurgess, 71. Miss A. DuVernel, 72. Miss Florence Aitchcson Miss Violet Cameron, 50. ICE HOCKEY MATCH I i 07 PLAYED AT SMITHERS ,.. Hard Fou?ht Gam Between Round House and Car Shops Yesterday SMITIIF.HS. Feb. 10.-The re unv match between Hie Hound-iou.se, and Car-sboj) teams was 'ilayed on Sunday afternoon and won by Ihe former with a score if two lo one.. liulii teams had some new material on the ice Tor Ihis match and il was certainly a hard fought game in which Hie hockey slicks were greally as sisled by elbows and feel. Several of I lie players finished Ihe tame willi nice souveoiers lo re mind them nf Hie energetic lue tics of llieir opponents, hut after I Iip fray goon humor again pre vailed and all voted il worth the fun. BASKETBALL TEAM FROM KETCHIKAN MAY TOUR IN THE STATES KFTCIIIKAN. l'eb. 10. A ef fori Is lieing made in arrnngf for Hie sending of the Ippiikau baskplball' team lo Hie Stales lo ;ilay against leading learns in Ihe Pacific northwest. Following Hieir last game with Mellakalla i hamiuel was tendered Ihe ic torious team and the uueslion of sending them snulh discussed. Work willi dial end in view has already commenced,. Sport Chat j Willi Hie Colls' forfeiting their scheduled' games in I In Senior League, the llegimenlal team ji) Hie Intermediate League practically disbanded and Hie Maple Leafs already assured of Ihe Ladies' League championship over filll's, litem now but remains to decide between Ihe Sons of Canada and F.Iks who are lo possess the fiilhuly Cup and be tween the firollo and Colts as to )9?lwho are to hanc up the Orollo 120 cup for Hie season. To-night. 120 118 117 89 82 09 will see these majlers settled an,d Ihe games should prove a fitting climax lo i season lhal, H7generally speaking, lias been a 08niosl inleresilng one, Wilh 105 baskelba over, he mougnis ni playprs and fans will once, again be, directed ? Inwards nulable sports vvhlch.of course, will not Wanted For Sale ' For Rent OR HKNT. Machines. TO RENT Singer Sewing P'-.one Hlue 381). tf FOUND 'OIJND. Hunch nf keys on sleel ring oi Fourth Ave. West. Owner can have same by iden- RADIOl RADIOl Mil! you inleresleil in Radio sctn or parts? I can save you money. 2 lube sets complete wilh aerial,- phones and batteries, installed, 455. Phone Red 707. ACCOUNTANCY HOOKS written up Balance sheets, financial slatehients and income tux returns pre pared by expert accountants, Hales reasonable.. Write P.O. Bo.t 835. tf be definitely o,rgani.eil for sw eat weeks yet. Ihe third gaun louighl between Hie Tiny Tims Hid Colls will decide Hie .tumor League championship. As a result of llieir victories last week over Ihe Cold Stiwage and Callies teams, the Billiard Parlor players now have a safer grasp on second division luiitaro eague honors. The fact lhal Ihe St. Andrew's leam pulled Ihe 'uuniug-up (irollo down ami failed to. improve its own posi lion very materially in that tournament worked still furlhe to Ihe advantage of Ihe Billiard Parlor. However, I lie race is no! over yet ami me (ii'oiio ami m Andrew's still have a chance al though I bey will both have lo exleiul Iheinselves pretty far' if they are Jo oust. Ihe Billiard Paj.or .Ji.oys'., The P.ll. It.)',, also has a pn-lly ' firni-gmsii on the first division race. Tournaments scheduled Ihis week are as fol lo,ws : Tuesday (secoml division)--SI. Andrew's vs.. Cold Storage. Wednesday Billiard Parlor vs. Oreat War Veterans. Thursday firollo vs. Urea! War Veterans. 10- LEAGUE FIXTURES BILLIARDS First Division February I8--Prince Rupert. Billiard Parlor vs. Oreat War Veterans. Second Division February 17 SI. Andrew's vs. Canailian Fish & Cold Storage Co. 10 Orollo vs. Oreat War Veterans' Association. 2 SI. Andrew's vs. Callies. 20 Canadian Fish Cold Slor-ago Co. vs. Orollo. March 3, Oreat War Veterans rial inn vs. Prince Billiard Parlor. BASKETBALL February -Ladies game. Colls vs. Iteglment. Rons of Canada vs. Colts, -.lunlnr game. Orollo vs. Regiment. Elks vs.' Sons of Canada. KI.ICKODD" Coaling. The. best coaling for shingle, iron or paper roofs. II preserves Hie roof and slops the leaks. Also cement waterproofing. Cheapest and best. FslimaV's given. P.O. Box 1 1 1. Phone 10. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call Oeorge, Paul or Oust) Prompt Service and Uo.nion Day or Nk' t Stand: HOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker tlork, Aer"s from .'imor '? llolel FURNITURE. Mew and Secondhand Fumi-ure Store. We Buy, Sell, and F.x. change New and Secondhand Hoods. Q fcO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Av. Phone 1 AUCTIONEERS IK will pay you lo consult us when you desire to sell or purchase furniture, or any article. PIUNCR RLTPF.RT EX-CIIANOE, Auctioneers. COAST REGARDING LAND DISTRICT. DISTRICT OF COAST. Tki: NOTICI' that I'uririr MiU Mm. lied, ur Vaiii'iinviT, HrltWi r.oliimljla, fulp and l'aifr Maniirariuri'in. Iiiti-nd.4 lo apply ror a lea or llic rnllnwlnir ilnKcrllifd l.ilicN, In Const in.otrlrt, II.IIIKP 3, In tlic ITovlnrR or lllltlKli Odtuiilila. and lietiifr a water tut nil Hie wi t ilile nf : u-lllH Inlet, morn paiilrnlarly deMerllHil a tol-lown: .t:oinmem-inir al a t-wt plained on lilnh Ijile line nn the west lu.re or i:oii.ln Inlet duuiil Kiuitlierly alona; same Sun rt. riiilii Hie ontli,'Ul innier nr l.n( IJSS. coat nisiriri, iMmre :t; ihenep imrth IJdeir.K., a dlslanee or r,.:nn ft., mure nr lew. to the soiillieaol enriier or Water I.Wt MCII; Itienee 11.. rill 47lleK.SA'VV, alnlilr the h.iiiii Imiindary or ".lid water In I lien, a ilManee tit r,r. rt. In I lie hoiiUiwfkI i-iiriier ir said Int lieu: Ihiine rollnwhili III" lilirh tide line sinitlierly a cll'l.llne nf 7.IMHI rt., innre nr leu. In the mint ut eiiiiimenremeiit, rnntalnliia 7 acre mure or leM. UATKIi January 9th. mjn. I'Vi.int: Mll.l.s LIMITED, liy JAMES II, LAVV'SO.N. Allnl Serrelarv, ISIS si.indirrt Hank limliiinr, Mil U.min Mnit, Wrti; Vuiirniiver. H.C. MINERAL ACT. HAWK MINErTl CLAIM SIluatH n Urn Skerna Mlnlnir nivimnii f llie lianie 5, i:at Plilrlrt. Where orated, Sonlli nr Falls Crrek, ttltsiim-kahiin lake, and adjnlnlnir the WIUMler J i.'"" .Kn" "' " iKWf'il holder. V. TreMnn and I). Wilson: No. or llnlders' wl:onM'r7rnolr;''r,'lr',' Tn,Mon 97n,0C' v T.k;nJ."'" ,h"t Wr" W. Treston. F.M.C. 22' V-,Vnn.r .n'1v,rt Wilson, F.M.C. Nn. n7nfl4C. nlenil al ihn ,.n.i r '"VJ trn 'he "ale herenr In apply to the r inr 11 i.eriirirain nr Improvements for the purpose nr. obtaining a Cinwn Crant of the ,Ve. elalm .SS rurtriermore tske not!.-e that Artlon under in" Mineral r must lie rum- inenred lieMre the Issn.inrn of aurh rertl- riente or Imprnvemenu. Oaleil this Snih d:iv of Nov.. f 094 WF. TriESTON. and DAVID Wll.sox. owners P. T KennV. ItPM NOTICE. ,J-.T"? mttH"of1n application ni inn ini. 111 n rrexii Cerlirirate nr ,,,.!' r,;r, 'i": ""rus.noi n! City' 'or rrlnro WuXWt. ' 5 1 .-.iiiiiiii-iiiry proor or the nss and lie-strurtlnn or the Periiripni r n.i .". 'i.,",1"1" '?n,u ,mvln '""en prodnred ti ill- It la my Intention M Issue, after the I'M. ration or one mnnlh rr.,n 'n, rfiViV puiillcallnn title In Ihe fnr the said lllle Is dated nmniiered hereof, a fresh Certiorate nf wnirli Ceilltlealr of ii. .111111 jimn nil ...,. 1. 101 I linn 11 IL F. MACLEOD. OmrHnt "' "- I.an,l nettl.try I'flnee liiiiert. H c. 'niuarv anth. iojb. LAND ACT Nolle of Intention to Apply to Laat Land liv Mnssett iju.'en inlet, T u.arinii. lathis Land MslrleV. nirnr lin rMstr M or I'rlniii imiiert. Il.t:., and su late almnt r ,,!dnni!!'!'!M."H,.,n1 y " on imiuer limit orTu,s!e?L,,',,nr", E,,lr',' Simpson, or masseti. 11. c.. oceupal nn raiineri Manairer, Intends tn apply rViB peim"ssUm 0 lease the follnwin ,.rril.e I m iT sldi of Vestallnn Ilay; thenee ioVith a Kl'OKNF. II, SIMPSON, Dated Drcrmher loth, "m.of APP'IC8nl Mantlajr. iv SsVfi BRANCH LINES BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus rr- - 7TTT ' 7 ' ' i I r I p3E r-, ON NATIONAL OM' WOO liM AH! tHE tjpC'b I WOO -WOO- Cri fhi-f hm1" AN' DUCHTeW FER eEN AJSC.CSV ACT ME I'LL LEWE Little Over Million and Half Expended l 1 THe.vaote WITHOUT EIN' ' ' Last Year But. Eight ' r- and Half This Year hrst-i" II I I I it OTTAWA, W'h'. 1C. Thft Can ndinn Nalion.il Railway expend fil $1,(150,751 liranr.h linos construct ion work in the calen -- J jffi nJ-' W-1 2'C I J Crt Britain rinhu mwTil. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED WANTF.D. -Sleigh dags wanted. Apply J. K. McCoy, Itoyal llolel. 13 FOll PLAIN Hlack 237. SKWINCi, phono Prices reasonable,. FOR SALE FOll SALK. Cash register and baliy buggy. Snap for cash Phone lied 720. 12 BOARD HOAIll). The Second Avenue. ROOFInfO Inlander, 830 Phone 137. Lbs) Jnrl Found, 4c NOTICE TO CONTRACTORL SEA WALL AT PORT ISSIhOTOl Temlerit will I,. J IkUed U In 11 plylhlt anil iIiimi.- llUtlnn. S eil at the I'ulji ' IIUHrL (net ni an areepled. Ill PRINCE RUPERT ASSCSStEKT DISTRICT NOTIO: I hei ' mire Willi the -i r taxes levied 11111I1 1 1 Ihe P11I1II1 Si I11. and payable r.n n ! 1-uiieri.iine l"i i i IMslrlrl are ilin n 1 lllUle lit the I . J Ore, lit tlw l l 1 , . This imtlie. in 1 i N lint lu a n'i-i'ii.il ill Hriun 11. il'1' Haled at I'i day ir tlirnnr . ' nil. TIMBER sealed Temli-i - fiKlrlet lori--.t" the 1:1 Hi iU. nr UHtHk-ilU' III I.I' el k)l.fe ni" M11 Ivlle Idautls I'l l to.'i I'd feel nr .- 1 llM'k SHWlnK-. 1 uie ( I ) year innval nr limliei l yrllwr parti' ntai lr. Vleioru. "i I'rlnee hiiperl. II '. SALE X 6103. LAND ACT Notkt of Inttntlon to Apply to i Land. In Skeena Land in ' HerordiliK IMstl t lland In skeeiu i smith nf s.nm 1 TAk'K .NOTICE tli 'I of Iturnaky, !.' Inleudi to aiplv f t Cha.n Ihe fiilliiwinir CniMiieiirlnic at a eatetly nd ut thi dlaiely south nf .-.il. Iielnsi I'lauleil al Hi' said bland, and ' :.. Uland. TIlH itaku dlreelly sniith nf .- h talna the. name nr (1 " staked hy aai nl 11. .. talnlnir 300 am-, n' Pol uI.a: ,. .. 4f, TIIOMA Pated January 1 fill ' LAND ACT Nolle of Intantlon to Applf """"I Lana In Skeena l and H 1,1 flnpert liei'nrdlnir Ii' approximately one and of Salvus station, nn : lllver. , Take Nntlre that It: ' 1 III! Carletnn St., Loiurrr. Intends 10 ir to tnirrhase Ihe fnlh u r.oinnienrluR at a 1 southwest rorner or ' Uland; theui-n -null' mutely Hon vunl- II. prn.xliu.ltely SOU vard' erly apprinlmiiiei.v -southerly Sou yard.-. " eoniprl.iluir all that 1 west or l.nt 4Si !' artes, more or le-- TIIOM At 11 ' HI'IIOI. LAND ACT I - . . . i.m"l Nolle of Inuntlon lo APP'T - . 111' rnnen llupert I. iWl' " ? ,, ! eordlna- plstrlrt or I'rln: " uate at (laniard e n "1" isiann, 11. 1:. , ,n Take Nntlre that Si 'HI" company I.tniltrd, or v lends to apply Tor pi followlm deserllied 'ai at the head or ll.irn: llnval l.lnnil: thenr' thence north roriy H west ten (101 rhnln M trlet nr I'rlnee lluneri proslmalely two nun of the Skeena and il I wnn-r iimrs; iiii-imit - p., ' mark in point or cmuwy1 ,, rontainlnir fifteen 'I 1 ' '"' soMEnviirr w j v r Mated peeenile t " 1 LAND ACT. Nolle of lnlntlon to tpf .f''" Z In Skeena l and IUH . . 1'' f. 01 itiini Skeena lllver. Tnko. Nntlre that "f rrlni n. llupert, H.C " , . hili'iuU tn annlv fnr I1 .,.1 r the fnllmvlnr deserllirrt I' , , 1 i;ninmeiicinir i .:. IW ' m Sotilll sldo. ol Skeena IIW' wettl l elm ns Illfilll-H ,. r thenre tmrtheast f rltaiu- K ....... m i.m. aintir the u. 9kni.ni. Illvne In the V M' TILilf tnent, and rontainlnir lf' " , Dated January 8 Hi. I1' if fli,