1 -tir , 10, 1925 THE DAHA KEWS land Chest Colds ted In a New Way .hich Rli Medicated ri when Applied Orer Throat nd Cheat. I as a v.pnr anu, tu mc munc (I re- h the skin like a EYic J WpoKub reaches imme-iw.-l. cc. led air nassaw-i. Itiie mod' fn dir;.it t: atment for :";. tot is provinji mj popu-ada and tl 2 States where over ia.- are new uafl ye:ny. for sore throat, tonsihtia. . emtio, h d a: "1 ch: st colds. f tr-aorh.. fi or. lb ' jo -r tlruar. and chevt. tl.; r icjted vapors, u po: jupac a. VapoRub muioitJAta Used Ylamx 1 1 (VloiiOlTf 9 I iers . Mil K f y.1".;''; Mi a Miciu ,;nn of 'lie I' niser.i, i ft Mifir cn-y malum eofdi i i Irxing lo If'i r qu.il-. da.'T inspec- i-ikhI Bum.' inriil. Mi in product Of ific Milk Go. Limited id Ofrice, Vancouver Is at Ladner and Abbots- ford IUY YOUR ;sh Meats at the ICONOMy STORE. leajonable Prices. il'i i akes 25c ' I Hi tier 11.. . 10c . .''.f per Ui. 15c l. It., 20o Si 25c 11 -. ic Ui. 25c ' T ."i: ic S'eak. . . 30c pel Hi. 20c K. 11., . . 30c pi'r Ih. 25c pel' 111. 35c momy Store I" Fifth Ave. East. Ifnones 18 and 84 DRY rch Wood " SMALL HEATERS, 50c Per Sack Transfer 3J Swnd Avenuo. M B8Q Hii.i.1 yiit or uay. f BUY DATII r-o A Modern enta 1 Service At L. Alexanrlpr lh B, Phone 575 SSAY'S" r'age and Storage Phont CI "'"tor rrvlce. Fu"ltur. B ' 7 -no ---IB, WEEK AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday "The Arizona Express, .lark lijiii.toy in "The Title Holder" International New. Wednesday and Thursday "Tin- Silcitl Watcher." I'VIiX CoilH'dy Cartoon, 'Idine of the hay. Friday and Saturday "Those wIim Dance.'' .Mack Senuell Comedy "Little Hohinsou Corkscrew." 1 A Fox Ncw.s-Oa.el(e. Htt t ttftt STIRRING MELODRAMA SEEN HERE TONIGHT Arizona Express is Picture of I Wild Adventure Including Big Train Wreck I I'rulialily there am few situa-lions known In drama more thrilling tlian t lint in wliich an iiinoccnl person allows himself lo lie rnnvicled of muri'ii In save auollicr. David 1 1 u 1 1 r in "The ! V fi -lilt ! l-'viil-n" I I I. n M'nal " V . " . .limine loiiigm nncs i even niori' .ilrainalirally Mian usual prnh- M'-.u.juMy because Lincoln .1. Curler famous Liny of ninln.li-M mo wrote I lii play. ' David is deeply in ,iVe Willi a 'lancer who is using him n gel inrornialion ahoul his iineli' hank in wllicli he wirlks. The ,.) M1M. ,,. Bi,.)( follows j,,M. .r a pa rl men I and find I..,.. .1,... vvllllt Ilie idali nf (lie li.ink for .lolinson, her lover, who i al I In- head of a trails nf thugs. llle Iries lo gel Hie, drawings jiiway from Hie 1 tl and John- son shunts him.' Jusl then a knock is heard al the door and I Hie xlrJ pulls her hair over her tface, rips open her waist and jlells D.ivid. who etilers, that his uncle had assaulted her and she sliol him. When Hie house do-jlrctiws inter h minute later. David lells them that he did the Imolin? to pmlect Ihn jflrl. ill is a IhrillinR iiionienl, and it is only a h'-sinnin?. The whole I picture is redolent wllh such lense siluations. There are the many adenliire. Kallierine Keith, David's sister has when she sets mil lo relriee jan inciiiiiiiialintr lellct wrilleu thy Hie dancer which would prove pier hrolher's iMiiocence. There is a hi culli-lakliur moment when ishe crawls aloim a narrow ledpre jhih up on a htiildiuc and enters 1 1 he window of Johnson's holel Irooin. Then, after RPllinx lh 'leiter, there is the wild chase in u laxi through crowded slii'els, ! A lien Johnson discovers its loss aud pursues her. Later there is strain wreck in Iwhicli a. limp line of cars and a locomolive dunce over a Ireslle land inlo a river, and a fi?hl in !n... ,.,.i.. ,. ,.,n ,.i.,,.v i Ml , II 1 1 I .1 ll' l l limn keeps he iirei'iotis letter safe. The chase ends only after the clerk and Knlherilie have commandeered n locomotive, narrowly escaped crashing inlo a train eomins- him (In4 opposite IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the MilliT r Ilie Ailniliillralliiii Aril anil In lti Mlt r nf tlii Kut.ilti f lli-iiry A le.tnilir IH'J'imiIiK Imt'.TU'rt. IiiIck-inle. TAkK MITICK llml liy onliT or His II ' I', Mill. Viiiinir. Iiiaili 1 tir- Hull (l;iy if I'l'linmry. a.Ii. Ir, I ii pKilnti'il Artli'lhl'llMlor uT lln isI.iIp ir Henry Al"t-Mitili-r lli'yiiulils, ilm-riMMl. ami all luirllr h.nlnif rl,iliu iiiiaiiiM tin' mild I't.ilP ari-IwrH.y iH'ilHhi'il In fiiriilih tuuuv, . Iii'ilv vorltli'il In mi' mi nr lipfiiiv U"' lllli ilav nf Mai-ill, A O. Wii, ami all lurtlos Inili'tili'il In lhi rsl.ilr hip it-(iiilli'it In niy the DNinillit iT lliolr III-ililili'ilili'ss In inn rnl'lliw Mil. MillMW A. WATT, orriihil Ailiiiliilslnltnr, I'flni'i' liupi'rt, H.r. tinli'il llii 1 1 III iliiv nf l i'lininry, in?:.. IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In lli Valli-r or Hie AiliulnlMrnlUin Arl; ml In Pie Mnller fif tlii F.MHIc of Mnrrls Anlnii I'l'lrrm-n, lici'i-nscil. Inlci'liili'. TAkH XOTICI: thai liy nrili-r f HI Itniinr I1. Mrn. Yihiiif. iiwiie Uio inth uy nf lYIiruarv, A.Ii. I0, I Mil ai(mlntisl VilnilnMrnliir of llif hIiiip of Mnrrl I... ........... .1 .....I lit. ..I, I'll.,. I liilllnit llalin intalnxl tle snlil rt:lli niot iHTPiiy fiinri in rnrnisn unnir, iy-i ' n iissiieliillun mi, I nf IIUIIIII, ami Of lii'lly VlTlfli'il lu nil nr liiTiire Itli'l1'1 ll.SSOt inn nay iit .warm, a.o, iipt., aim nn, pni'ties liulitili'rt lo the mluli1 av nulri'il In pay the niimiinl jit Ihclr Oililc(liM'. in in fnrihllh. MlllV A. WAIT, Orrirlnl Artntltilslrii1.-r. I'rlnre rmpert, P f.. nmoit ihi- mil tiny nf rinmrv, m?, LAND ACT In Ski'ciin Lam) iiMrirt t rrince ntipert 1 TM.K MriH.K ilmi' n-ttrre l.itilo. Tmnr. i. r., omipniliin liiintiii'iuan, and c. i.. v. ninitoy, f,r Ti-rrnif, ii.c. pallnn luinliiMiiinn. Intenrl tn apply rnr (rrmls-lnn in rnrrhiiM ihn rtlniiir h arrllinil lnnls. Tor liiililtilnl file: TX'ZWZXi nrminn iinni in pnnit nr rmniwriritnnin, i'iiiitiiliilll ft anp. ninrn nr li nt'Otini: i.itti r ami WOOLENS lose their ivartnth the minute they shrink or mat 'Y'HATii why they mult be washed carefully. Always use Lux fof any thing containing wciol. Liu won't hrinlc or mac woollens won-t fade coloun. Luxinafcfor ny fabric or garment that it tafe in pure water alone. Lever Broihen Linu'tcJ, Toronto. ! I,20 direct ion and finally reach Ihe (iovernor's house wilh the leller jusl in time .to secjirc David' pardon. SPECTACULAR RAID ON BOOTLEG JOINT Leading Lights of Hollywood Include Personnel of "Those Who Dance" I'olice slaired a spectacular raid on a - hoolleiiif; joint" which has ,een njieralin in the cellar of a deserted lenenienl under Hie name of " The Cellar-ell e." Aside from the hope iianli-ties of liipior stored there, Ihe raid nelleil the mnsl spectacular haul in mouths for Ihe prisoners laken Included leading lights nf Hollywood's screen colony. lllanclie Sweet, llessie Lo Warner Maxler, Hubert Ajrnew, .Mm I hew Itets, Lydia Knoll and Lucille Iticksen! ilie fact that these noLil.lcs appear in a reel raid instead of a real raid is all that aes them from notoriHy. Tliey are featured players in Thonvis II. luce's drama "Those Who Dance." a First National release which lells the dramnlic story of liipior and is shown here at the week end. Without dealiutr wilh the moral of Ihe prohibition que, lion, luce has staged a drama as; effective as it is unusual in Ibis slory. The iiioepcer, the hi jacker, who plays unmolested nn Ihe boollev'Ker, and Ihe prohibition forces till hae their share of the liniolislil wilh a human interest story of a younjf girl who oes into New York and seemingly becomes part of the under, world lo sae Iter brother from t puny of criminals holdinir plenty1 of heart llirobs, THE SILENT WATCHER IS RH1NEHART STORY Plcturlzed Version Here at Midweek Has Human Appeal llessie Loe and (llenn lllliiler are Ihe featured players in "Tlic Silent Walclicr," an adaptation of Mary Huberts Hiiiehart's slory. Ihe Altar on. the Hill," which appeared in Ihe Salui'day Kvcn-inz I'osl, "The Silent Wtilclier" ticlorl-ally retail's Ihe. slory of Joe lloberls, secretary lo John Sleele, famous lawyer and senalori'il candidate and their respective family add business affairs. Tim slory ts said lo possess much of intense human appeal and con sideralile wholesome humor and .......i... ,u elli'..,.v u-lmn II... on velary is called lo police bead-quarters and given Ihn third degree in tin elVorl to allach the blame for the murder of a girl, Willi whom his eiljilnycr li.nl been w llcll Hie. Hoy knew no Mi nir. Ma'ny surprising developmenls are said Jo occur when Ihe youlh finds lbe girl .Uf have been sliol by a gui regislered In hi name .... . ... I I.. I I IIIIU III on II Oil II HUM I lie had r(nlril for his eninlover in his own name. n,mi,,- tinnier, i in intei i,,l,,,.,,i.l prcling i,,., n... the role i . .-,f ' ,l( Hoberls. ' 1 Is renoi'lei'l In , , . V, . have given OIIO (if Ilie finest perfonnnnces 1 I, e h "",.'". n.J Miss i,nvr. as .-Mary nnnrris, liKrwise reaches dramatic heights, re- cuiiu: l m. ..Jvitiwcrs stale. PRESENTATION MADE MISS JUDITH LAMBLY Friends Spring Surprise In Anticipation of Forthcoming Marriage to Will Stephens of Prince Rupert The Lanihly ranch, Lewis Is. land, was the scene on Saturday evening lasl of a very enjoyable social function when a number of friends and neighbors on the island sprang a surprise parly, lbe occasion being., the. forlbZ coming marriage of Miss Judith Lanihly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H .F. Lanihly lo Will Stephen, son of Mrs. I'. Stephen of this city. During Ihe evening Ihe pros pective bride was presenled wilh! eeral beauliful gifls, The gifts included an oak dining, room table ami MoirLs i hair by Fred Keith, J. (Hand ,ind 11, Sfrerl-horse. Hand made dollied and Iray cloths by MrV. !oodcipe and a hand wnrkd doilie by lilll" Miss ioodcojie. Mrs. Hosaug presenled a ea.n of cutlery, Mrs. Ivor Wicks bandwoiked pillow slips, ami Frank Armsirnng i dresser. A most enjoyable lime was spent in dancing, mime and gamp, and delectable refrcsh- iiiciiIk were served al midlliKhl.; The wedding will take place in I'rioee Huperl on February .'i. SKIDEGATE J. Mi-Cullou-th, manager of the Sitka Spruce Mills Ltd. of Queen Charlotte Cily is making good progress gelling'' Hie mill in bai for operation. Twenty men are employed there. Mr.i ami Mrs. J, MrKeiuie. who have taken over the Premier Hotel. are hoarding the men. dpt. Heorge Mcltae and Caol. Nels Larsen are busy repairing Jheir boat lo go 'to Koolenav Harbor where Capl. Mellae owns the Blue Mule group of mineral claims. The ore there i-'onlalns free milling gold and . I lie assays have averaged 2fi to Hie Ion and naturally everyone on Jllfi Islands Is inleresied in Ihe developinen Of Hie properly, which is sjluafeii on the wesl coast of Moresby l land. Lemon soles are very, plentiful jusi now otr Ski.legalc. village. The natives go out and catch all they want in a few minutes wilh hook and line. The fishing boat. Wanderer wilh skipper Nels Neilson arrived from Prince Huperl on Ihe wav Ihe banks. Freeman' Tinglcy of, Port Clements came here on Ihe last Irip of Ihe Prince John lo lake over I tie logging fiiv Hie Queen Charlolle mill. He will use oxen in the woods. The new school was opened on Iday last. The Thirleenlh.was chosen as being a lucky day. J. Jones Co. have' brought in a new motor truck which they will opera I ! between Skblesale illage and Skideg.ile Mission. Capl. Archie Fleming of lbe Diirolbkolou arrived in port re- cnlly from Cumshewa when- he has been lowing logs for. 'Hie T. A. Kelly Co. H. .McDouiral has finished his logging conlracl at Lagoon Bay and has closed down die ramp. Al Daden has finished Up al Lagan Inlet where he has been logging for Ihe T. A. Kelly Co. U mtA 1 IS, IS l ISs.' Keeps The Home Clean GILLETT'S PURE FLAKE LYE is the flrat-ald lo homt aanltatlon. No-Ihlnc fijuU It tor tinning out rinks and drilx, tlRn( f ror cooklnr atonnllii, Irfplm floora clron, tic. fil a (an from your trotrr. II will aat you much hard labor. GILLETT'S ' IOO PURE FLAKE LYE ' . BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1923. Has produced Minerals as follows: Placer Gold, .$7fl,0fi2,20.T; Lode Hold, $113,-r..r(,fl",; Silver, ?0:J,r:J2,rtr5; Lead, 32,00 1 ; Copper, $ 17!,OI0,r.0S; 'Ane, $27,-01,7.rn; Miscellnneoiis Minerals, $l!08,2.7; Roal and Coke, $250,008,1 J 3; Building Stone, Brick, Cemeiil, vie, $IW,A in.li; making its Mineral Production to the end o( 102.1 slioxv an Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 The Mining Laws of this Province, are more liberal and the fees lower than those of any oilier Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Hrnpire. 'Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Title are obtained by developing sucli properties, the security of which js guaranteed by Crown R rants. Full information together wilh Mining BeporLs ard Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. SMITHERS Major H. Lowe of Prinp" (ieoive was a business visitor in Sniilhers the hitler part of lasl week. A revision is beiuir mad" in Ihe boundaries of ihe I'uldi.-Works lislrics and Mr. Low has received (he appointment of Assistant district engineer for III Omineca district and will establish his headquarters at Bums Lake or one of the oilier lowns up. the line. Mr. Low was formerly stationed al 4 Bin I on with a similiar position. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. (i. Oullon on Thursday night when a number of rriemls of Ihe town and district gave I hem a surprise parly. Hefresli- inents weii; ht-nughl along and iiauciug ami gayics mane up a priigrain that lasted until the early hours of. Iln:. pioruiiig, Word has been received from I'Miiionlou, that Ihe doctors I ben have every hope of being able lo save Ernie. Ilium's eye thai was hadly injured liy n flyuu' splinter of wood a collide of weeks ago. , Mrs. D. D. Holslon entertained number of ladies at n bridge parly iiiven in her home, Main SI reel on Tluirsilay night. There were five tables Jind lbe guests njnyed a most deliulilful even ing followed by a dainty supper. Mrs. 11. (i. .Wind! was winner of Ihe firsl prize, Mrs, S. 1. Ilen-ne winning Ihe second. Mr. and Mrs. T. Brewer gave !i jolly dance at their home nil Friday night, when several hours of dancing was interrupted only by mi occasional soutr. Hefresb- iiipiiIs were served al midnight. TERRACE NOTES Constable l'.ggleshaw reluriled from I'rihee llllpell Wednesday , evening. .Mrs. .1. Hussel and rbildren have gone lo (Isk lo join Mr. Itussel who has a position there. Mrs. Thoniasson returned from J I arc tint when the trains from the Fast pot through. Mrs. Harrigan returned from Prince Huperl on Wednesday. Messrs. Allan, Ooodenough and Dalquisl, who are connected will' Ihe Hanson Lumber Co, went up Hie line Wislnesday evening. Win. Burnett made a Irip lo t'sk Monday i-elurning Wednes day morning. Dick Howe of Prince Huperl, was a business visitor lo Terrace Wednesday. JHiial Dean Marsh peul a few days al Fsk Ibis, week. The many friepds of Mrs. I I Wllillow Will lie sorry lo hear of: her serious lll.,n Illness r.,.... rinin pneu- ........ lunula. Frank Hicks of Port Clemcnls Is spending Ihe day in J he city hnviior naxnirf ni'i'Ked ailixttl iroin from Ilie nn isianus; Islnmls I on ine rrinee .loun nisi nigni.; , , , , ... i He expects to reltirn this even- SAVAGE GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE CF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE. .NOTICE Is Hereby nlven that nn thnl th day of March next the uidirltrni'(1 1 Intetul tn apply to the l.lqtmr CimtmH imara tor a iirenr- in respeei m premises tieiiiK part nr the liullitlnir known a Savny IP, tel. niiHated al liu Prair Street,! n ii r. iv or rr nee Htiimri. rmvinn ur HrllUli Ciilnn.ljil, iipnn the land le i serlheil l.nts llilrlii-n 1 1 a anil fmir-( teen (14 1, In lllnek Ihlrly-three 33.. Sertinn one III, City nf Prince Itnpert, aceiirilliifr In a rerltered map nr plan rte(Kilieil in Ihe Land Repl-try Orrire at Ihe City nf I'llm'e Unpen and ntiintiered SiJ. rr lis- mIm nr Ixir by Ihn Klaus nr by Ihe. npen linllle fur rniiMiniptinii nil Ihe prenilK1. lTi:n l Prince niipert, n.C, hl lh day nf ('rlirnary, loss. A, J. rili nilOMViK and A. FISIIEn, iManaers and Prnprlcur or savoy iioiei. Awillcant. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE. NOTlCn l hereby riven that on tbe T tli day of March next the uiiileritTwil Intend tn nimlr In Ihn I. Inner Omiml Hoard fnr a license In respect In premises! In I in; n:irt nr Ilie niiiiiiinir kimiwii n- impress lintel, situated at 11 Third Aviliue. In Ihe lllly nr Prince lliipert. I'mvlnce nr llllllh Cnli.iiibia, iipnn Ihe lamH ileserllMsl as l.nls nini'-Icen ( 1 0 j and twenty (ifn). In lllnek ItteiiU'-lhrce (S3), Seelinn nw (t), C.liy nf Prince HiihtI, acrnrilinir lo a i-eals- lered map r plan deM.uei in ine i.ann lleirlslry ofrice at the City nf Prince llu-beer bv Ihe a-lass r liy lbe npen bnltle i.i rl nml niiii.bered li:i. fnr Ihe P.lle nr Mr cnnsnnipiliin nn the premises. l! nTKIi at Prince lliipert, H.C.. till t today nr lebruary, ton. i.i. .n.n . . n.i.-s-s, Manaacress and l.e-ee nf .A'ew Kmpres lintel. VlH.II'-.lIlt GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPIICATION FOR BEER LICENSE. NOTICE Is hereby irlven ll.lt nn the 7th day nr Alarrh next the tinilcrslmcd liiicnils tn nniilv In Ihe l.lminr Cnntrnl Isnard fnr a House In n-speel in premise lielnr nart nr the bn lilinir kilnwil knnx Unlet, sitiiiiled nn l lrsl A 'emie. In tlm CJty nt Prince Ituierl. "rnvlnee id Prlllsli CnliMiiliia. niMSk ine lamii lie isrillsd a l.ot thlrlis n (im amirnnrleeu lip, 111 nine Iwn ), sornnn line il litv nr Pclnce lumen, accnrdlna- tn reirlstered man nr nlan depuslled In the l imit llea-istry nrrice at Ihe r.lly nr Prince llii rt and iniiiibered 0:t. Tnr lbe Kale nr lieer by the plass nr by the npen bnllle fnr eniisiimpUnn nil Ihe premises. lUTl li al Prince lliipert, B.C., thl tli day nf leliriiary, I0JS. KNOX IIOTKI. COMPNY. 1.IMITF.I). Per: T. E. William, Man.iRer. Xpplleani GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENCE. NOTICE Is herehv eIvni Unit nil Ilie 7th ilav nf .March next, the inulersliriieil Intends In apply hi Ihe Ucpmr Ctnilmi rtnard fnr a licence h rens i nf primisi's beaia- part nf the bull. Unit known n The llavsirt lintel, Itnnted In the tnnn nr llay.iH, lla:.. iipnn Uh land described as .is ririv lhree (US) nml rifly-fuir (Si), In lllnek eleven (It), accirrdinir In a rea-IOereil limp dcisislli'd In Ilie l and Kejilslry Hlflce, al Ihe :ily ir Prince HnH'ii. im- lbe sale or beer by the U ur hr Ihn linen IhiUIa for efuisuiuiilton on the premise. t Ti-:i al llavsiioM. B.C.. ihl Ui day nf 1'ebriiary, IMS. OIKS.) M. A. lil'ITlS, 0Nif and MananT or llayeporl Unlet, Minlicnt GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE. NOTICE la liereby riven Hint nn the till ikiy or March next the umlersl arne.l Intends tn ni'Kv In the Liquor CiHitrol Bniinl for it license In respect In preiniaea im-iiip , I I ! mi, Miiitinifi nit,,.:i .1-. ll.l....Mt II..IA. !, ...1 . tlb M. per f s ml Avenm and Sixth Street. l,,H V.II.V HI I'rnice llliperi, mmwr t rm,h c:nltimbla, upon the land. lie kci'IImiI a l.ot thirteen nn ami murieen (H III lllnek Heen (tl). Section I Hie I), III the filly if Prllirn lliipert. anva-il. iut Pi a ivclstered iniip nr plan depiislted tn the I and tlerWry tifflce at the t:lty nr Prince liupi rt and iiiiinl red viS. fnr the faM f lierc ty 111" rt r by the npen linllle rnr cnnsiinipllim nn the preinlse. i.TFn al f'rlwe ftufM't-t, to.C, thl Dtb n.iy nr rinrnary, PIIINCE lU'l'I'IIT IIOTEt. company, limited. Per H. U. Itnrhester. Maoaiter Applicant, J Washer and Dryer lias no Wringer, needs none. Won fiold Medal at last Quebec Kxhibitioii over all American ami Canadian Machines. Rash Price $185.00; also sold on terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Bargains ! 5 i ! Silk, Wool and Evening Dresses "Demers" Phonl27 P.O. Bor 327 " 1 1 " 1 Panadaon vuuauiau Laundrv y and Dry Cleaners Operating Hie only power cleaning and pressing equipment in the city. Ser-vicu and workmanship unsurpassed. A phone .call vill bring our car. 51S 6th Ave. W. Phone 8 St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpaii(J Third Avenue. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson BtoeV, FRKCE RUPERT, . O. Offlort Hours, tut. Phone 8. Open Kvenlnflt Only ft pedal Appointment.