FIVE DROWNED YACHT THELMAlr lost Capsized at Breakwater Newport Beach, California TWELVE ARE SAVED CHINESE GET at M WIPOliT HEACU. Cal.. June j l ive men out . oT a fishing early or sevenlcen weronlrown-H when the yacht Thclu'ra cap- sized in it heavy .-ea at the end nf i lie breakwater here Sunday. The dead are W. W. Squires, I.. A Farusworth, Jack Morris. Ed-gar Morris and E. H. .McClain, ull of Riverside. The sttrviv''ors were brought ashore by. a rescue parly on surf board, lite pally being headed ly Duke Kabauauioku. the well known Hawaiian swimmer. On- bodies were recovered. All BEATEN BADLY Two In Hospital and Third Before Magistrate This VANCOUVER. June 15. Miss Ouen Suey and Ng Wong, Chinese, are in the hospital here suffering from, fraclureil skulls. Juiiff Hlng was before llie Magis trate's court and remanded until June rj charged with inflieling injuries. The woman may die. Aecordlhir lo llie police, Hing attacked the euupje at fivt o'clock this Tnorninig with i hammer. The motive Is not definitely known but it is believed to have been caused by rivalry for llie woman. GEORGE MERRILL ' DIES SUDDENLY Restaurant Man, who Passed Away Recently at Stewart, Was Known In Prince HJport and Alice Arm Oeorge Merrill, well known all over the north as a cook and restaurant man, was found dead bi his bud 'al Stewart a few days ugo. Heart failure was given as Hie cause'of death. He had just left the hospital a week previous. Deceased; who was born In' In- 'iii of English parents and who early in life resided in the United Stales bcforV going to Stewart. was located n Prince Itupert am '- al Alice Ann. ating the mine under a 55 per cent iulcrrL arrangement at the JUueif Ihe Ifloe dovviijit August, T!t?Oiave jeuclied r are aboul'to reach eoiistiinmalion with Mr. Dulliir again lakius control. Mr. Turner would make no statement, whatever n (his situation. The Duthie mines are already well equipped for operation and have shipped extensively iu the past. No doubt shipments will be resumed in the near future n the situation warrants it. Speaking or 'the property or Mr. Duthie --it Do'rreen, Mr. Tur ner said iUwas still a little early ill .the season to resume operations there. Mr. Turner, was accompanied by Mrs- Turner ami daughter. Mrs. Turner's lu-other, Andy Moe. and Mrs. Moe and son are merely making to Smithers the. trip witli hem, KELLY LOGGING CO. GETS NEW VESSEL Raw Roberts Arr V no ai ISlno? this Week to Replace Dorotn-kalon Which was Wrecked new camp tender will be ad- ledjo the Heel or the Kelly Log- shin Co. on the yueen t,nai-uii.i uii.tuls w it h he arrival mis -ww ..r ii... Ilnv Huberts. The vessel. HI I li- - - - which is 02 feel long, n ieei in im-iim Ileum and 7 reel until will retilace the noroi iikuioh mi ii " . . i .. i.i..i. win wrecked near juiii- -hewn some Hem ago. 1 he ves ...i w iM'"eil bv Cant. A. Free- man a veteran coast navigator. EARL HAIG MAY COME TO COAST m-TAWA. June 15. Word .1 1 II. ul lias been receiveu m-m " j.-jeld Marshal Earl Haig, coin- niaiuler in cliier or llie Jiruis.i I....:...- II... .., itlill ite armies uiiiiuk " " coining lo Canada to allend a convention of the ilritish Empire Servire League at Ottawa June "V, may journey to ancouver nui that part iu the lour is not uo-flnllely phtnned, BIRTHS. A it !i tier hler was born at the Prince Rupert (ieueral Hospital on June II lo Mr, and Mrs. A. F?. Paul, Atlln Avenue. A daughter was born al the prince Rupert General Hospital un June 13 In Mr. and Mrs. S. l'eiieliry, Eleventh Avenue East. Dawson Lawyer, Who was Taken off Steamer Here Friday, Was Brother of Capt, , George Black, M.P. j Charles li. Itlack, aged 41, and native of Fredericton, NcvVj Hrunswick, youngest son of V I A. Itlack, now living iu Vaueou i ver, .and brother of (Japl. George Hlack, .M.l'. for Yukon Territory died. in the l'rinee Kupcrl Oeu erul Hospital at 2 o'clock lhi morning. The late- Mr. llla.-k was laken oil llie steamer I'lin- cess Louise here on Saluruav while he was on his way to Vancouver from Dawson fo medical treatment. His condition, while milking the trip south, became worse and this made it necessary to remove him from the vessel here. A blood lrans fusion was given yesterday but all elTorls proved fruitless i't suviag his life. He was accompanied here by Miss Patterson, nurse of the Wood Samaritan Hospital, Dawson, who proceed ed through to Vancouver. Mrs. It ack, arrived in the clLv . . ... - . . J -....J. . oirlhe Aenltlrr on Friday urine her husband. It will be her sad duty to proceed Willi Hie remains this afternoon on the Prince Huperl to Vancouver where in lenuejit will lake place. Ilesides wilh "his brother, Capl. Heorge Hlaek. and uncle. Johiig, Itlack. He was well known to many peo ple iu Prince Itupert. EX-MAYOR GALE TO PAY $40,000 VANCOUVER, June 15. Dai Thomas was given judgment against Kx-mayor Harry Oale today in his suij for a commission of the sale of the elevator here to Spillers of London. The amount may reach $40,000. 4- NEW SUPERINTENDENT C.P.R. STEAMERS MAKES TRIP NORTH Capt. R. M. McMurray. recenlly nf the. CP. It. Atlanlic coast steamship service whose ai niiiiitine nt to Hie nosiliou of marine superintendent of the H.C, Coast Steamship Service surcredintr Cliid: C. D. Neroulsos who becami; assistant managiV is just alinounceir, was a passen cer making the round trip lo Al iisku on the Princess Alice this liiurniug. Cant. McMurray brought out from the Old Coun try the two new coast steamers. Princess Kathleen and Princess Margaret. ' BASEBALL SUNDAY'S GAMES National League Philadelphia 7. St. Louis 11 ltrooklyu 12, Cincinnati 3. lUHtun 0, Chicago 7. American League SI. Louis 8, Washington 9, Detroit 3, New York 8. Philadelphia 0, Cleveland 3. have been present in the house at the time or the murder oT the Scottish maid, will be a witness at the Assizes when Oowper s ease is called. The paper com ments al some length on the case and altitude oT people toward It. OUTBREAKS IN CHINA TODAY Attack Made on British and Jap anese Consulates In British Concession SHANGHAI, June 15. Out breaks occurred at. Ktiekiaug where Hie Hritish concession wasi invaded, tin Hritisliand Japan-j ese consulate was auacweu uuui oilier buildings, including the. bank, looted and burned by sink ing mobs. i A message receved here today ays iHHi persons, niosiiy women and children, residing in Um anions nMssioliary compound at Mount Killing, overlooking Kuek-lang are menaced. The Hrilish runlioat Gnat is at Kuekiang. The iluation lit Shanghai is un changed. Advprt.ih .n Hie Oaitv TAX BOSTON GRILL j . Large Upstair Dining Hull, and V, with nrwly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for Serv.. dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime. A;,'- parties. land Royal HoUl, 3rd Ave. ft y, For rats, apply In Boston and 6th 8t. PRINCE RUPERT Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia' Newspaper Phone 457. VOI, XV., NO. 130. PHINCE Hl'PEHT, B.C., MONDAY, Jl'XE 15, 1025. Saturdir' Circulation 1,708 Btrt Salt MS. PRICE FIVE CENTS. DUTHIE MINES AT SMITHERS Pioneers in Canadian dentistry. Dr. J. N elands, Lindsay, began Mi prarti-e in IROI: Dr. Solon Loudon. 1871: Dr. H. E. Sparks, Kingston, 1Mb; and Dr. Ar'linr YV. .Smith. Sinnoe. 18?2. Cowpet Will Offer No Defence in Libel Case connected with Janet Smith Murder, Vancouver YANCOUYEH. June to. The Cowper libel suit has been postponed inilil Friday. G. L. 1-raer, counsel for A. L. Baker, Hsked Magistral? Findluy for an adjournment and al?p lo wiij-n paper. The magislrute refused lo warn Uowper, slitting that if. he1 wished to further aggravate llie offense he eonld go ahead, (lor gou Wismer, counsel for Cowper, slated that his client did iiot intend to offer any defence at llie preliminary hearing. The Won? Foon Sing writ of llie widow, there .are three j halieas corpus iroceedlngs conies daughters left in Vancouver to u., tomorrow. niourii the loss of their father. The Saturday Tribune, Mr. A brother, William Hlack, also kjowper's weekly paper. backs up resides in Vancouver. ii slorv lold which led to the The lale .Mr. Hlack practised sujt ai declares Miss Or law for Jen years in Davvsor. r(..i t iA ladv who claims to FELL FROM BRIDGE ANDWAS KILLED Andrew Still ie, Well Known In This City, to be Buried Here Andrew Stillie, bridge carpen ter or tins city, fell rrom a bridge' al Hagensborg at the week end ami v;as killed and his body wits brought to town yesterday. The H.C. Undertakers are in charge. stillie is well known here. He lias worked tor sthe Provincial and Dominion (iovernments at various times and helped recently witli Jhe suspension bridge at Alice Arm. , The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon. Rev. O. O. Hacker officiating. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LEFT FOR NORTH AND DUE HERE ON FRIDAY SAN FRANCISCO. June 15. - Hound for Prince Rupert and farther north 150 members and fi-ii.inU if Die Inenl Klllllhts l.f Columbus left here by special train yesterday on a sixteen days excursion. They will hoard the Princess Louise at Seattle tomorrow and after calling at) Van couver will proceed north by the liiwiiln n'idtti, Mi'rivillir nt Pt'ltIC Rupert Friday and calling on th way south again on June t. Los Angeles Dentist Confesses to Killing His Wife and Sealing Body in Cistern Under House LOS ANGELES, June 15. Dr. Thomas Young,. Heiilist, eiiiiTesseil lo killinc his wife. Mrs. Grace Young, n wealthy su- cielv matron mid-udminislralrix of the million dollar Ota to of the lale Patrick (Irogau al one lime known as Hie "Ulive.Uviug. Mrs. Yoiiiik was (Irogau s widow. . Yoiinir said ho killed his wife with liuuitl gas al Heverley Glen cabin in February and threw the body in a cistern be neath the enliiii, which lie sealed willi roiicrele a few hoilrs later with llie ussistuitce of Patrick (Irogan Jr., llie eighteen yeur old heir to the Grogiui fortniie, who not knowing the reason for its use, mixed the. concrete. TO against Owen H. Haker and Harry Sowash iu connection witli the killing of W. J. Gillis following the hijacking or the launch lieryl G. last September opened this morning. FISH ARRIVALS REOPEN RIOTING IN NOVA SCOTIA STRIKE AREA CONTINUES AND STORES BURNED Duthie Mines to Open j Again; Engineer is on way to Smithers Today After Shutdown of nearly a year J. R. Turner is Arranging for work to Recommence on Hudson Bay Mountain The fumous Diilhie Mines on Hudson Hay Mountain near Hinillirrs ure U be reopened ul oue by J. F. Duthie of Seattle. J. II. Turner, engineer for Mr. Duthie, arrived iu the city from! SealHe on the Prince (ieorge yesterday morning and proceeded b tliij. morning' train b Smithers. He would make no statement us to the future plan for the Dulhie mines outside of the general one that Mr. iMithie was reopening Hum and that he vvus on hi way to make arrangements with that end in view. Mr Duthie. himself, is expected to visit Jhe property within the ncx I few week. . II may be taken, however, from the announcement that Mr. I Duthie i to operate the properly I i.. mini. Il'illiilla liplwpell ! himself and the Federal Mining Smelt ing Co-, which was oper CHARLES BLACK DIES SUDDENLY More Rioting in Nova Scotia Mine Area and Stores Are Destroyed , , , SYDNEY, N.H., June 15. Hioting broke out Sunday nighf soon after. dark on both sides oT Sydney Harbor, Hie Hntisli hui'-pirc Steel Company's warehouse ut (llace Hay town being looted shortly after midnight and the private citizen's slore raided and eieaned out ul Sydney Mines earlier iti fhe evening, It is staled that mobs or nearly a inousanri miners were, present at each. The police and military were iM involved iu last night's rioting. OTTAWA, June 13. Minister of Labor Miirdock. leu ior the strike area Sunday where lie will endeavor to mediate in the dispute. SYDNEY, N.S., June 15 lliree stores operated by the Steel Corporation at (llace Ha.v and Sydney Mines were looted by striking miners Saturday night and two of the stores at (ilace Hay oc troyed by fire. i MURDER CASE IS TRIED VANCOUVER - VICTOUIA, June 15. The" iiiurflei' c li ajrtf e Canadian Prices Again Averaged Better Than American This Morning Prices for Canadian halibut i -i ii..:.. r..- again averageu mgucr umii ii American at the Fish Exchange this morning. The total for the da was 177,300 pounds, live U.S. boats selling 115,000 pounds and four Canadians, 32,300 pounds. Arrivals and sales were as follows: American Cedric. 21,000 lbs., at tt.7c and 5c, and Constitution,' 25,-000 Hs., at J.5c and 4c, to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. 1'ioneer.i 50.00irilisM at 0.0c Hint 4e. to lie Hootli fisheries Canadian Co. Allnnlic. 10.000 lbs., at .Ue ami 1c, lo the Allin fisheries Portloek. 33.0011 lbs., at .'JC and 4c, lo the Pacific fisheries. Canadian Lysekil. 5,(100 lbs., at 10.2c and , i i. i i : i. P i.;C, lo i ne uoyai nsii lernan. 0,500 lbs., at and 5.5c. and Hrandl. 5.H00 lbs., at 10.1c and Cc. to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Rose Suit. 12.000 lbs., al 10.3c and Oc. lo the Atlin Fisheries AUTO JUMPED WALL DRIVER IS KILLED SAN JOSE, Cal.. June 15. Henry Heal of Pasadena, anVttu-toniohjle racing driver, was killed Sunday in a qualifying (rial when his car jumped llie retain ing wall on the Speedway. MORE LOGS ARRIVE Tho Hecale Rlrails Towin; Co.'s tug Cape Scott. Capl Drown, arrived in porl lo-daj from Alice Arm with a flal raft containing 47 seclions of logs. Pari of these loss will be deliv ered at the Prince Rupert Spruce Mill and ''the balance will go 0. N Ocean Falls. INVESTIGATION BEING STARTED Prof. Will F. Thompson and Hit Assistant Left Saturday Night For Halibut Banks Aboard the schooner "Sea Maid, " which has been " chartered for" the purpose, PruL ' AVill "i". Thumpsoivvvhois JiucJiatSC jot invesligaiions" df4alircwr halibut fisheries tmdei Hie international treaty, sailed Saturday night for the Hecate Straits banks to start his work. He was accompanied by Roger Chute, a student al the University of Washington, who will act as his assistant. The Sea Maid was in command of Capt. Dave Candovv. Tie party expect lo be back here about June, 24 Iti pick up , J. P. Rabcnck. assistant conimis- e siouer of fisheries for H.C., also a member of the .Investigation a board. Mr.. Habcdck Is to leave Victoria today for Alaska, aftor which lie will return to Prince Rupert. TWO BIG FIRES SAN FRANCISCO SAX FRANCISCO, Juno 15. One fireman was killed and three". injured and property loss esli-J mated al three mUlTon dollars resulted from two fires here latej Sunday. The dead fireman was' Lieut. James Hler, who was ovcr-J come by smokj? and drowned in? rive reel of water in .llie base- ment. '! The first fire destroyed two; buildings iu Clay Slreel down town section. The second ainfe largest destroyed three oT tin1 principal packing plants -oil the Islands Creek sections and IhoU-" sands of cattle ready for tha slaughter were sent i rooming through the sheet's when freed front the pens. Numerous trucks owned by the I M..I.....I nil li m i. I'., nli iln- stroyed but the firemen 'prevented Hie spread of the flames to gasoline tanks. FORMER RECTOR HERE DIED IN OTTAWA LAST WEEK; LONG ILLNESS Word has been received in the city of the death at Ollawa of Rev. Ernest C. Rurch who wa rector of Ft. Andrew's Anglican Church here some thirteen yearn ago before the arrival of Archdeacon Rix. Mr. Hurch, who was 4 4 years of age. was compelled to resign his charge here in IU 12 pn account of ill-he'ulth and he never recovered, lie Is. surviven by his widow and' oii'Von.