'AGE SIX Fancy CHINA Special Discount for This Week Only on all Fancy China. Tho Very Latest LUNCHEON SANDWICH CUPS (combined cup, 'saucer and plate) In beautiful Lustre 'China and" delightful colorings We cordiallyinvile ynu to view our China slock which contains the largest variety in northern 1J.C. Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and filling glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North It Does Not Pay lo walk when you and your friend can ride in our Sedans for 50c. He sure and ask for a ticket. When you have i(J of these tickets present them lo one of our drivers, and he will allow vou one transportation free Holh phone numbers will bring you a car promptly 12. Open day and niighl. Did you order a load of kindling. yet? You had better give us (hut order at once as our Kiln Dried Kindling is the best there is. Large load delivered, 0.00. Coal ,and Ice delivered promptly. The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Opposite Old P.O. Open Day and Night. Phones 112-189 WEEK END SPECIAL Tea .and Coffee For Friday and Saturday .Only Hlue ltibbou Tea, 5 lb. pkg. $3.25 Hlue llibbon Tea. is.. 70o F.inpress Teji, i's ., 70c Supreme Coffee, per lb. 60c Hraid's Hest Coffee, lb. 60c Wedding Hrcakfast Coffee, per lb. 50c Economy Tea, per lb. , . 60c Mussallem's 417-423 Fifth Ave. East. Phones 18 and 84. DRY BIRCHWOOD and Cedar S6.50 Per Load Cut to any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phono 530 Night or Day ' WE BUY BOTTLES. Auditorium Dancing Every Evening, 8 to 11 1 Dance 10o 3 for 25o .Saturday evening, a clog dance by K. Baliouriu with his maple clogs on that jnaplo floor. Oh! Hoy. Freo Admission TENMS GAMES 0-0. BEINGPLAYED ; Results So Far In Tournament of Prince Rupert Tennis Club (mod progress is beinig .made with the tournament being, held on Acropolis Hill. Some very interesting and close games were played during the week end. The following are the scores so far and it is hoped lo be able lq have the finals played on Sun day next. Ladies' Singles Miss Mitchell beat' liss Marsli 0-2, (5-0 Mrs. Helming beat. Miss DuVeriiel (S-2, (5-0. Mrs. McMordie beat Miss Illicit 0-2, 0-2. Miss Curtin beat Mrs. Tail 2-0, 7-5, 0-3. Mixed Doubles , Miss FJIetl and Fisher Heal Mrs. and Dr. Tail 0-I, 7-5. Men's Singles Cannichael beat Hrady 8-0, (5-1, McMordie heat Zetlerinuu 7-J.I 0-3. Hlack beat Cruickshaiik (5-1, 0-2. Marentelle beat -Campbell 0-3 loslin heal I'almer 0-i, 0-1. I'almore beat Hurgess 0-2, 0-1. 4 Hlack beat McKenzic 0-2, 0-1. Men's Doubles aesignaieu vol x, itauge it, Coast bis-trlct, is cancelled. Delia rln lent Victoria. B.C.. May4th. im GEO. II. NAOE.N. .Oepiily N nutter of Lauds. in or i.hikis, LAND ACT, Nolle of InUntlon to Appl to Laas Lands. Ill the. ljud Iterurdlnir Iilirlil nt I'rluce Itutiert. and tliuaLe on Uie irUi- west roast of Fearce Maud, B.C., approximately three miles north from the mouth of VVInler Harbor. Take Aotlre that Frltiell'l LUiiited of I'rluce llupert B.C., occupation packers, Intend to apply for a leae ot th following descrilied lands: Conuiienclng at a post planted appro!-imately three miles mirth from the mouth of Winter Harbor, l'eanx Islaud; Ihenre iivikiinirBh ivku z viiauis, more or ies, to low water mark: llietire Miuthuesi along low water mark one hundred and my uooj timiH; thence nonttieaM two Hi chains: thence n.irthet one hundred .and slity (ISO) chains, more or ie, to iKiini or comiinnceiiieDt ana containing tlilrty.two (3i) acres, mute or less. FBIZZEM.'S LIMITED. .Name ot IppllcanL luted Mav Hlh. 9ti. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Lust. Lands. ' - In the Land Ilecordlnr nintrlrt nt i iinie itupen, ami situate on the liorlh- U.l fllB.I l.r l1u,.,l u.. ........ imately three miles north from the mouth of Winter Harbor. Take INolIre thai 1. Fleldlnir Itranir of Sunnyslde, B.C.. occupation caniieryuian, iiueii!i u, aiiiy Kir a lease or me roi IowIiik described lanils: Commenclnir at n,,t nlntiifr,! nitni.,, Imately three miles north from Hie mouth or wmier iiarnor, I'earhe Inland; thence northwest Iwo (Si rhalns, more tr less, lo low , water mark: thence 'northeast along- low water mark one hundred and rlity (160) chain; ihenre southeast two ti chains; thence southwest one hundred and slity (100. chains, more or les, to miui or commencement and con-talnluif thirty-two 3S acre, more or less. JAMES FJKI.DI.Mo STnAMfl. hated May 19th. im. .Name Alplliaul. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS EASTERN CANADA, UNITED STATES, And to JASPER NATIONAL PARK, One way via Vancouver or direct rail both directions. For full Information, apply: R. F. McNAUQHTON, District Passenger Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. DONT LET YOUR BOWELS GET CONSTIPATED A Tree motion of the bowfli every day should be tho rule of every one who aspires to perfect health, for once the bowels become constipated and clocrfred up, all the other organs of the body be come deranged. Ktp Your Bowala Ragular by Ualng MILBURN'S i LAXA-LIVER PILLS .They -will clear away all the effete and .poisonous matter which lias collected lifllie .ayiU-m, rive you a free, easy and natural motion of the bowels every day. Mart the 'tlug-giMi liver working, and give tone and vitality to the whole Intestinal tract. v ' Mllburn1! Lasa-Ltver Pills are, for sale aj( all druggists and dealers; put up only by,'. The': T. Mflburn Co. Limited, Toronto, "in. fold on the smaller public school boys. (eorge Cochrane was referes and the. -linesmen' were Cecil Hackd'and (ieorge Waugh. FOOTBALL GAME WITH John Flevvin of l'orl Hssingtou arrived in town on the Venture Saturday aflernoo'n. He is lierc on business' and is. registered at 'Ihe Central Hotel. dvrli in the Dallv News. IN PROBATE In the Supreme Court of British Columbia In the Mailer of the "Adminis- tion Ad" and In the Mailer of Ihe lvHafe of Geprge Dennett, Deceased, Intestate. TAKF. NOTICE that by an )r-i(er of His Honor Judge Young dalcil, the 5th day of June, 1U23, I, the timler.sigued, was appoint-eil Adminislralor or the estate ot Geprge Hcnnetl, intestate. All parlies having claims against the said estate are hereby required lo forward -same, properly verified lo me, within thirty days from the dale oftliis notice and all parlies indebletf lo he said estale arc required lo pay Ihe amount of their indebted-ness ft6 me forthwith. . Dateil at, Prince Hupert, H.C., (his 13lh day or June, 125. ' ' N. A. UVIT, Official Adminislralor. IN PROBATE In-the Supreme Court of British Columbia In the Matter of the "Adminis tration Act" and In the Matler of the Kslale of W. II. McGi'ofjtcA Deceased. TAKF. NOTiyi: that by an Order or His Honor Judge Young luted the 5th day or June, 1925, I, Hip undersigned, was appointed Administrator wilh the Will annex, of I lie create, or W. ft. McGeorge, deceased. All parlies .Jiaving claims against Ihe , said estate are here- 1... ...l- .r. A n reiiuireu lo forward same. properly verifred n me, within thirty' days rrom the dale or this nol.ice Jind all parlies indebted lo Llhe .said eslale are reipiired to bay the amount or their indebtedness o me ibrlhwilh. . Dated at Htlnce llupert. H.C.. Ibis 131b day nr June. 1925. N. A. WATT, nrfiehil Administrator. LAND ACT. CIR LAND DISTRICT ,',,.":!i" "f cnr, S'lklnr. hiviiimi ,"KK SliTirii that J. Waller Julian (HMurnod Soldlcrl. of TrleKrapli Cwk, B, .. iH-i iiiiatloii Miner. IntrmH In apnlv fur lu-nnif iinn trt purrliae tho follow Inn dP'i'Pllwd lnnila: Miiimiencinr a imihi r.lnntprf iu.i,i THE DAIL1 Sport Chat J , -b Outdoor spoil fans are beginning to Wonder if the sun will ever shine again. They are hoping that weather conditions wilt be more auspicious this week (ban Ihey wore last when it w.jV not possible luilay either of th baseball games on their scheduled dates. The program of out door sport this weak, ait inter esting one, is as follows: Monday (tonight Dominion Day Cup roolliall (Ircat'Wa1' Veterans vs. Cold Storage. Tuesday Senior baseball: (to vs. Sawmill. 1 hursday Uallics vs. Sons of Kifgland, Dominion Day Cup football. Friday Gyro Club vs. Sons of Canada. ?' TrapfcliuuUn.fr. ' Saturday jJuior Football. The opening game of Iho Doin inion Day soccer cup ties will lake place this evening between the Great War Veterans and Dim Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. The second of the nrcliiii- inaries will lake place on Thurs day evening with Hie meeting of r AX RNTlN N RAW "l Sons of England'. wa..w,. mwu i hvii Tllt. wiefS 4Jf the two games " I Ibis week will meet in the big W lilt llhc local team leading rjMa 0ll Dominion Day. SI. . ml I - to I, the occer game on Sa'-! or f.(tti. nf iin itjim.iw ilii unlay .evening between Claxlou! t result . .i-.w n...v iu Cannichael and W'yles.- ,eatjannery and I'rjnce Htiperr end-,e replayed nexl week'. In cine uinipiicll ami .viarentelle (5-1. ."! m row. I lie loam-,, there are no draws, the city lea- '- t-i.ii(i Kuo(i luoinau in nits lirsiiauc gue .soccer soccer will will proceed mm I Hrady and Joslin beat (Jruick- "Hi tx jocals scoring oiie goal, shank and MeKeiuic 0-0, i-0, h Ihe second they' got anodic'.' 0-3. and Claxlon scored from a pen EXCITING JUNIOR ally Twenty minutes before lime, Johnson, the local goal keeper; cleared a lung shol ami. IUV1DHLL HIHlLn ... ... ... ... ; ore wilh the ball. The atle.' The Junior game on Saturday afternoon between the Hoolh.and High Schoo' resulted in a two all draw. It was" an exciting coolest with a climactic finish. Hoolh School, playiu.? down hill, scored two goals in the firsf hair and Ibis was Hie way things stood unlit rifleen minutes at lime when the High School put through their first. A penally shot five minutes before tjjnv gave the Highl School its equalizer. The size of Ihe High School boys, toward Ihe end of (he game t . .. .,!"u'n charged guaj and knock-i League football iliwn ,,nv ., , m NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE .OTICE IS lltllEIlY filVK.V llul Hi.. reK-re covering rerialn lamu nnr n. Junction of ocstall and skceua III vera disallowed Ihe goal ami called l t foul. An argument followed around" Ihe goal ami the spec tators crowded Ihe Held. The nexl week as per schedule. The Dominion Day Cup ties always prove popular and there is good reason lo believe fhey will be as much so this year as ever. Teams cjiosen for Ihe foolbali game tonight are: War Veterans Gawlhorn, Krskiiie, Alenzies, Findlay, Murray, Hoy, Gurvich Lung. Norwood, llusscll and Middlelon. Cold Slorage: Mur ray, Whatman, Darton, Carlson. .Siliims Matliliwutv. l M l.:itiili referee, (ieorge Cochrane, then Corbell. HveH. -XI.' D. Lamb. called the game olT. and Hardy with Hills, Long and Turney spares. RIFLE SHOOTIHG Scores at the range.-, yesterday wore: M. M. Lamb W. Hrown . . W. Hrass . . Col. 'Nicholls 11. Wilson . . i'lld 500 (500 Til 22 VJ 20 80 25 2'J 23 20 27 22 21 18 22 20 21! 15 CITY AUDITOR OF 'FRISCO VISITOR I.O.D.E. TEA RAISED NICE LITTLE SUM AT 7t 75 01 01 IN CITY TODAY Among Ihe passengers going through on the Princess Alice Ibis morning were Thomas F. Hoyle, auditor for the city ami county of fsin Francisco, ami his daughter who ale going to At- liu Lake on a holiday trip. Mr. Hoyle called on City Treasurer D. J. Matheson while here mid look an interest in how local municipal financial affairs arc conducted here; He has been cily atdi- lor in 'Frisco for eighteen years and at Ihe last election was re turned to offjee with 97,00(1 votes lo his opponent's 15,000. He fore entering the uuinicipal service, he was 27 years in Ihe newspaper business and was manager of the Call ami Bulletin papers. The responsibility irt his present orfice Is indicated by llie lac! thai last year he signed his. name to checks totalling 57,O0iUM)(l. onn liinnniinn r r r n m n The tea wiven under the auspices or the Municipal Chapter or the I.O.D.F,. Hi the SI. Andrews' Society rooms Saturday afternoon proved most success- rul. The amount raised was $3L50. , Harries were won as follows: Curling Iron, Mrs. Landry. Tray. Mrs. J. tflcen. Huffel set, Mrs..O!assy. LATE TELEGRAMS All varlhmjaku was roll May S!3. '.'' JV.'ir t'":.'. Ml1-""' war age, ilied al Alvou. Out H- runHf nivcr ana aimni mlliia ,, ,, , . '.. Mintliweai nf Telcrrapli Creek : tlii-nco Klirt liquilko at loflliosa At Kingston, Jamaica. Fnille Martin wis round near Dawson after being lost since lid ii.imii rn.ni.; inenre ran 40 rhln: ,,,,,), ,,.,.. llMMirr M.utli 0 chain; thenrc well 40 ,"."C" OallingP. r!im.rnin;onrre..T:r:TO ",d 'Mll';l' "f "", "?dluil WAi.tJiit Julian. or Hagersville, Out. was des-AprU lom. tints. Ai-Piicam. i,.oyet Uy uamago 200,000. TIMBER SALE X7147. There will be ffetetl for ale at Public Auction, al noon on (he -.')lh tlay of June, i'JJb, in Ihe office of the Foresl Hanger, llaz-elloiiH.C. the Llcenci' Xiitl, to cut 151,103 lineal reel or edar Poles and 1'iUjig ou an area sil-naleil on the east ImiiiIv or Skeeua llier, approximalely . 'o miles north of lliuelloiii'ltauge rj. Coast District. Two years will 'Hu alltiwed toi' removal or liinber. ' "Provided Thai any one unable lo allcnd 'the miction in person may siibffiil a ' ,.eilU'd lender lo be opened Hi the'hour or auction ami treated a. one " ' bid." Furlber ' parlicillai's ot (he Chler Forester, fjctnriu, -H.C., or District Forester, Prince Hiipcrt, H.C. a - '" 11 I IN PROBATE. the County Court of Prince Rupert In the Mailer or the Administra (ion Acl; anil In the!:MfUter or the llale or .loseph House, Deceased, Inleslale. ". ' l AKi; .NO TICK that by order .of His Honour F. Mull. Yming, made the DHIi day. or Majch, A,D. he undersigned is apioinleil Adminislralor .or Ufft. Kslale "'of Joseph lloiisel, deccaseu," and ;ill persons having",. claims against Ihe said estate lire hereby .ro ipiired lo fuinlsl) same, properly vei'lfieil, lo me on or before t li 30h jay or June, A.D. lUi'5, and ill parlies Imlolilcil to the eslale are teiiniiril to pay the nuiouiil i.aureuce .loiuison iuu years or or .men imieiileiluess to me rorlhwlth. ' Dafed lhisl5ltilayur May, ('! lVmomioi;, Official Administrator, vVtliu, H.C, Great Jewellery $ Opens Monday . Doors Open at 10 a.m. Conic early as we have only a few or ojue or Ihe article-. HoLtiw -stxfi a fw siiiiiplt's of our values, ami ninny of those iii i-, low their ,eliinl wliolesale vuhie. Kverylliing in mir aiook is rdm ed now have luts uf things you ullcn wan led. 4 Girls' Gold .Filled Wrist Watches, ir Jewels, in pluin tr fancy casus wijh liracelet or ribbon. Jleg. irice ?Ui.(U lo 810.00. ' Sale Price, $0.75. Richelieu Pearls in fine velvet, case, lleuiilifiil luslrc, "2 coals nf pearl, giiaranleed iiiilestructiljliv Iteg. a.00. Sale Price $14.50 Japanese Made Pearls, 2) inches, imleslruclible, Willi fancy cnttAli. ,Jt'K. -SIl.oO. Sale Pflce, $1.85. $1.00 .Gillette , Safety Razors, with Maile nml case. Sale price, 45c Men's 15 Jewelled Gold Filled Watches in. Hie tieal small tliin iiiodels wilh bean liful gold,. or silver engraveij dials . Hep. price $17.50. Sale-price $11.50 " Nice Pattern Cut Gla " Tumblers, hv. nice i uior. (. . half iliizni. Sale Price, $1.20 Men's 17 Jewelled Wat. tham Watch ,- h screw . H. - , . Sale Price, $21.50 07 Piece English China Dinner Set. !! . s Sale Price, $33.00 Half Doz. Rogers' BeauU-fill Pattern Teajpooni. t ... 1.75. Sale Price, $1.35 8 Inches Diameter, Nicely Cut Gcnuino Cut Glass Bol. h'u. v.ilin-. i. " Sale Price, $3.85 .Dig Ben Alarm Clocks, lleg. price t.."i' Sale Price, $2.90 AH goods in this sale ore left with the original tiefcet on so yon will ihe saving op each urticlc. Bulger & Cameron s Great Dissolution of Partnership Sale WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 8 p.m. "The Turmoil" An adaplatioil uf Hoolh Tarkington - or everyday life. A Irutliles- woman a run n whirling, swirling culiistropho of lite - d' ' Mini ixllt irfii. v.. ii A Irinililn.niuLiM' Ir.i ill - i 1 1 lllllfc Illl. i IHM.iri" ...u..- - son, a deceived girl, a ileliiileil father a -"H" Jiienls that make "Tlie Turmoil" one of Hi- " ,, I'-hnl'I III. ''I'' .1 I'M1'"! taiuiiig piclures or the ileeade. A', lug, creamy -" '' to-tlwi-liiiiiute society and Imsiiiess life wilh ' ' ,' o sninsh in il. A twin sister lo "The Flirt' : ' ' clothes, l iirivalletl rasl ut Hlar. , George Hackathornc, Eleanor Boardman, Ed Hearn, Winter Hall, Theodore von EIU, Eileen Percy, r Ine Qaron, Victory Bateman and others. THE "TELEPHONE GIRL" SERIES No. 11 ALBEIti VAUGHN IN "FASTER FOSTER." INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 35c and Silk Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Juno 11th, 12th, ism Silk Poplin, (ireen mill Nile. Meg. 1.7S. Striped Taffetas, reg. $:).:ir- bpecial Dlaok & White Striped TaffeUs, reg. Striped Satin, reg. 3.r0. Special . . 1( II w.,l V.lllU'- I 05c $1.95 a nil ' These specials are exrepiiouanj . ,oW w lie sold up lill Saturday night. They are redm ' at Ihe special pen -' n nml vvc caunol give llicm Jabour Bros. J Tlh St Phone 045. Cor. 3rd ana