"Best Thing in the World For Delicate Girls' Mr. John Bennett, Boggy Creek, Man., writes: "My little girl had organic nervous trouble, could not sleep, had severe headaches and fainting spells. This went on or three years, ROYAL CAKES and three doctors helped her very little. After reading of what Dr. Chase's Nerve Food had done for others, I got some for her. She is now so well that she is like a different child. She is fourteen years old and looks the picture of health. STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 50 YEARS "We have used Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for different members of the family, when recovering from "flu" and scarlet fever, arid it has always helped them." Dr. Chase's JVerve Food 0 ets. a '1h)X of AO -pills. Kdtnanson, Uaten & Co., Iitd., Toronto The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. PULLFJS, Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Tuesday. April 21, 1925. Save The Forest Week Is Here. This i -'Save Hie Forest Week." Prince Rupert is the centre of a lig -district, parts of which ;thnt seldom if ever is wor ried over fire hazards; The cliniale here is not conducive loresi nres, .-usually, nut in ine interior nineti destruction is carelessness but sometimes Ihey have, been deliberately started by firebugs. ' . , The wealth of this district comes very largely from limber and timber products so the people all have, tin interest in seoing thai there is a- little loss as possible from his soiii'ee. Weird Tale Of Kidnapping. The story told yesterday of the kklnxtpping of "the-lfliiitee-boy from the Raker home at Shaugluiessy Heights and of his being kepi in captivity in-order to force hini to confess who killed .lanci mith, the Scottish girl, in the Raker employ, is a weird one. Whether it is true or not is another matter. We know nothing of that All we know is that the edilor of the Saturday Tribune tit Vancouver says he believes it. It is'a dangerous precedent to have people entering houses at night and carrying off the inhabitant and taking them to a foreign country -without their will or consent and without beiur slopped by the police, Jt .hows what may be dnn$h!jftilHjr cases. A hen young girls disappear, as has often begirt he .i'ase iu all the big cities of the -world,' who is to know if soine such method is not employed. It might even-be belter for the mur derer of Janet Smith to remain unknown than for such a cuslom to .become common. Keep Friendly With Japan. Jt was suggested iu the House of Commons last week that there was no reason why Canada' should .be anything than friendly with Japan but at the same time .shq should insist on restricting Japanese immigration into this province. The discussion followed information recently .given out Unit the gentleman's agreement with Japan ihnri not been carried out strictly liy thai country. In fhe -discussion it was nteiilioned that the United States had put up the barriers hard and fast with the result that considerable ill-feeling was generated. Canada would not need to do that but should keep the mailer well in hand all the time and insist on inspection of passports by the Canadian as well-as -the Japanese consul and that the Canadian consul should ee that the understanding with that country wa not broken. In Prince Rupert we have every reason to look for commercial relief from .Japan. If the Japanese .run one or more of their big liners to this port it will lie worth a great deal lo us. Having that iu view we are bound to be interested, in any steps taken in connection with fhe Japanese situation. Business nnd sentiment are very doselv allied." The Man Who Plays A Lone Hand. f "Solo" is the name of a hook by Pierre Coalfleet in which ,lhe.f hero Splays ta' lone hand. As'-k boy he wa different from others mfns. he grew up he still .maintained an .aloofness from the. common ruck whicli" set hini. apart. He wns different. ' It's ''an' inlc.restfiijir vohnnfit 'tioLUoiig.tht?.- usual. JineV of modern novels. Jt docs not jeach iiylhiitgxcepl'perhhpV'lh' driihUity of conforming lo onie extent 'with the -common iiisiigo,s of men. Paul Miuas refused to conform. 'Phere was .much thai wusMioblc about him and his opinions.' or nis, sav ings: '. "Life is so boundlessly potential. We c mild be gods and goddesses if we knew what lo do with our. energies. Instead of whirl) we uarl and haggle and lie,, nnd cheat and .show-.off. AVe go round iu circles .instead of going straight forward, nnd then have, the ignorance and cheek to claim intelligence. As an old carpchler on hiy first ship .used lo say, '.Men nre more stoopid its animals.' " - .: , Speaking id women he says: "AUher best a woman is a vacuum lube reflecting in rays of dazzling violet .the spiritual current passed through her; at her worst she's a chameleon.", And.agiiin "good women (here are the world abounds in them' but, they smother you." . ' I Talking -of the soul, Paul said: "Any sort of relighm, eveni ' that of -I 1m maniacal evangelists, twas an essential part oT lire.,' necessary as a sort .of lulling fork that gave human beings the rigid flitch' according to which hvx might live without .flailing.": Solo -will not be a popular book, but anyone who can borrow i I will find.il somewhat refreshing afler the ordinary modern .novels. It is published in Cirenl Rrilaiu. 1 J i MONEY APPEAL 11 In Effort to Secure -of Janet Smith Slayer Cash Is Necessary Pari of the story published. In 4 he Saturday Tribune, as told in Ibis paper yesterday, had to do I with an appeal for money. This is what I be vl'rilmne hasMo say in regard to II;: "l'n make gifts of money to Hie kidnappers id nn Sing doubtless against the Criminal (lode, o in doualing -oiir own money we made itwle-ar Hint wt' wished tl to.go In ttlie maintenance if ing Sing. ".'o tlouht there arc .thousands of 'rrUiiine Readers who .under these eireumsliuiees -would . like to semi some money to help maintain Wong ssing. "Under the circuni.slniires which lie has to be kept, iptile a little money is needed. Any persons who prefer uol to have their names mentioned as .supporters of Wong Sing may rest assured that their wishes will tie respected by The Tribune. Required Proofs "How do we know that any monies so donated will reach the proper Hurler, and that we are not being made the victims of u pair of enterprising gentry such I,, fas visited the Chinese Consul the I i .i i.. ..I..: ti... -I oilier nay iu ri.iiiu mi- rrwiiro caused by big conflagrations. .Mostly fires are the result of I offered for the tracing of Wong Sing? Tlefore we would lake these parties seriously enough to hand over our own good money or lo .open the pages of The Tribune to a fund for the support of Wong Sing we required proofs that these parties really are in possession of the Chinaman.: Proof came in the production of a photograph of the Chinaman showing him in Ids present condition of deteiiliioi. Oilier steps to endure -that any fund donated by Tribune readers will reach I he proper parties have been taken. Tribune renders are assured that they will be given full informa tion nMlie progress made.. Admission- already secured indicate that the canse of jusdino is being helped '-under extraordinary con-' di lions where Hie everyday ma rhinery'rif justice scents to have broken down. Money Only God II may be that nobody outside odrselvcs cares a dollar whether justice obtains in British Colum bia or not. It may l.ie Hint no body cares whether Hie murderer f Janet Smith is unmasked or not. It ninybe that money is the only real god whom peciple worship iu sincerity .anil Irulh. It .maybe thai sofong as it is not our own child who is foully struck down in a rich man's lioine. and interred as a 'suicide with all the mockery of'official-ilom attached lo that last .s Int nl. on nn innocent life, that none of us cares a cent what happens. If io, it ts time that flamboyant coat of arms of British Columbia with its .legend 'Splendor Sine (iceasu is wiped out and in its Iduce is .substituted a dagger rnmpiinl upon a bite of gobb (piarlered witli the picture of a murdered housemaid's grave. "We hope jind believe that; there are, utfiHciit people, Ariifing the- 1',uiio subscriber in' The Tribune who treasure .Justice and Iriil li and Honor lo a Here is one degree where they will spo that Hie Wring Sing Sustenance Fund iloe uol fail for lack of IliPir ART AND CRAFT WORK TO BE SOLD VICTORIA Society Formed to Handle Products on a Twenty Per Cent Basis For Contributors VICTOIUA, April 21. Arts and crafts workers of Hip city and Island decided at a public ineelJ in if al the Cily Hall to open a' slore .here for the co-oppraf Ivel uiPrchaiidisiuK of hoinp-tuaile1 arliclcs. The slore will be slocked with; such things as paintings, pot-Icry. wood carvings, needlework, woollen doth and painted china-ware Kvery article must :be fasliioned in the home of the contributor. From Hip selling" ward, M.P.P., was at'ended ti.infts Soi(ietypiirtl,ioiirist group) or I he "Chamber utt Commerce, and the local W,oineif Inst i-j .lutes. In addilbin there were about thirty delegates from up. Island ai ls ami- era'fls societies. j Hr. Irene UaslOw-tlinlon was Conviction convener of the committee. Choose Name It was decided to organize under I he name of the Craft Workers of Yancouwr Island. Much contributor;-!!! the slock of 'the store will be $ assessed nn eirtrauce. fee of 2. Associate members wilt hy5iss'essi't1 an an-! una! niPiiilbership' fee of' 1. Final detail;,; in connection with the scheme were left in the 'hands of a committee to work out. II is .es peeled Hud. the slore will be opened fr business in the course of the next., few weeks. - Objects of Enterprise The objects of the enterprise,' Ir. Hudson named as follows: 1. 'To encourage local home. industries. 2. To give employment many partly employed people and to (hose who cannot compete tin the normal labor market because of their crippled condition. 3. 'To advertise Victorin and the Island by means of souvenirs carried U different purls of thi' world. i. "To gel money from tourists and travellers which would not otherwise lie -spent in 'Victoria. The Man in the Moon f YSs- f XKW York is a wicked city bill tin- people win freuueut the wicked .places ale the OPtmle from other parts nf the country including Canada. AXI) we Hv'ivonce more. There is an election on in the province so wp shall hear about Hie si:is of Hie !overnmenl and also p.s silily something about 'lis virtues CIIUCi, chiiig, chug, .chug, 'There goes a motor hug! F.very Sunday morning he Triis .to fi his boat for sea: II it. ''; i iy ine nine sue ,s running iiee JleV due back for a cup of lea. lll.JI.(l is mil very good around Jiere. Pi-oplp are too ex perl at passing tip- buck. S.N'OW, snow, beautiful snow- Away down east they love you so r.ven iu spring when Hie sun should shine Down comes the snow and they all feel fine,. IX Port smoiilh I here' a penitentiary which reporter are forbidden to enter Newspapermen are claiming ?lhaMherp are loo many class .regulal ions Ibese lays. I lii'y spp no reason Hipv should mil gp a rel ' sometimes us -well as the other bums. WF.KiHT does not iilwavs count. Ideas nn. mil heavy but Ihey are often worth a greabdea!. F.ASY payments are HipmiiosI dillicull, ; ... li.i'lIrtlAVJl ; eyni$:;-.iijivp ' never heard dr.' 1 be 'lady ,wiio nearly tpiiktf ii fie She - Vviifij alibut' lo snpaKv.tiir.wvVilli a airpair impair uf. uf. silk sloeKiiigs.'j ) i mi THF. 'inventor who will make his fortune is Hip, one who will provide things fA, people lo do on dull days. I SHOULD like ,tn ;pive a little private advice to the iiierehanls of Prince Itupert. "Jinn't mlver- tise in this paper. If you do yKni will likply lr ))nv you wnn'l know what to do wilh Ihc.cus- loniprs." ; April 21, 1915. . l.'l Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert I '. I auii, fonner ri'iil estale man of Ihis cily, and a woman named llegina 'Fiiikelslein figure in a case In the Vancouver police court. The. Pacific fisherman, In a lengthy article, oxiuTsses (. fear I hat Prince Itupcrl will be- ..nn- no- leaning tin 1 1 nn I landing price, of eiicti arjicle sold will be,pori on the Pacific t'.oasl deducted twenty per cent lo de.; fray operating Costs of the store. Tlie meeting, held under the chatriniitis'hip of lteigiiinhl llay- i At .a special meeting of the city -'council hist night, Aid. Monlgomery subiuilted his resig- byiiiallon 'from n delegales from the Local fioun-,ln liich he had been appointed cil of W omen, tho Arts and the 'night iiroreetin SHERIFF'S SALE OF MINERAL CLAIMS. i nt turnwit cuurt OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. William K. Mali.iwv vrrsia. Anthon- . -Mi-0nli-p. 1H vlrtnp or a ainunt nr r....,fi..n IwiipiI In Hip ahuvp anion, and (lirprird to ll', I 1.11 VP KPllPlt lllP follnu-liir nili.npiil ciainia, -.liiiato upar Allen Arm. artjarpiu to tlw kltnnlt nivpr and Uip Norih fork or tlw KIHni.lt lllvpr: "Wavprlv llrntip " pon-lln(r nr "Wnvprly" nnd Kitty-' ; I,wp o.n,'t: 'OmiiP, Pi'nMlln- nr "War M1IH.I-. "iiphpj-.- "oroiiup -?ih ' WhlHllpr," "linrtRpr" and "Hull. All or wlilrh I will orri.r r..r ani i. I'lil.llp AiiPlloii, fnr rh, on Tupidav ' thi-nrih Hay or May. tor.. at s.ao In thp uriPrinKiii, al my orrirp, novprnmont lliilldlnir. l-flnpp llniiort. TUP "War linnfp" will nrrproil tor alp iilijcrt lo two iiiortimtre, aiinrox " linatinir 7,son.nn. , JOHN SlIllll.KY Shppr or Hip cniintv ... . r 1'i-lni-p lliiii'nrt. I'rlnpp tinpppt. n.C. April 3. 1025, J aivr e wheat f i April to give stomach relief from the heavy foods of Winter but be sure the whole a wheat grains are thoroughly cooked ! In making Shredded Wheat Biscuit the perfect whole grains of wheat are cooked in steam, drawn into filmy shreds and baked in ovens. Contains all the body-building elements in the whole 'wheat including the bran, which is Nature's best laxative. Delicious for torca to I In- reirli-r or Jural Stork Com- lfllO.H. AMI TAKK NOTICK that In mi..orl nt al(l npiillrntlon will ho .cart Hip l-.-mkin or tl.o ComiiilllV ISBiK-f- hiiri.ln nml ttia nrriibvll or Lewi W. Patmorp voni mi tup anin nay nr Mai-.n. A.li. lr.. anil riled Iipr-Pln. hvtkii nt T'rincp nnpp.-i, n.c . thu anth lay ol Marrh. A.ti. tus. I w. o ri i,To. : SfillPllnr rof Hip .ptlllnni-r any meal with milk or cream, and fruits of any kind. The Canadian Khrtddtd Wht-at Cumptny, Lti Nlr IU, Outatw Shredde Wheat FIRST AID CERTIFICATES 'Tlli'l-e wiM'P ni'l-e Inst aid certificates issued according in population in ItrilUh Cohimi'ia last year than in inly ther pi..-viiici of Canada, aceonlin h. a bllllelin jjixl issued by III'' si. John Ambulance -Society. While tl.C. hail IB. 3 for every leu thousand population, Xew Hriuis. wick, which came seeoml on I he list, has n.a and (Jueliec. Hie .lowest, had 2.5. IN THE 8UPRCME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill ttw Jlntlpf or tlin --Coinpanlen' Ar.t. 10l": arid III the VMIr-l- or an Appli'Mlon liy llif lltH-licr ill- IIiiiiIk Copiwr i ninpiinv to lie ret..rel u Dm- lii-ai-iipr niitlnt-Sirllon lfH or (111(1 An, TAKK MITICK Ih.ll nn a.rtln Will lin made tu tlie I'rpltliiff Juiliit- In ClinmlH-ra ni Ibr Coiirl lloicp. l-rliiw niiiwrl. -II.C., on TliPflay llw VS III tny or April. A.n. Hi:,, a i .tlw hour or 111.30 oVIork In the toreniioii or -mi lon tlwrr-nrnr the motion may tw tn-ura on u-liair or tin iilovftrn..iUoirl Comiinuy Oir an orilir lli.1t lln Mlfl i.'niiiiuiiiv hp r. "Trfostjboi jbr least money Whaje Bone Brushes A Whale Ibiiic Hruh used m bn.-h a imparl tone and ior nnd stimulate thi- -r hair. A splendid head of strong vi,nrMi- i (s consistent use. We hnve n shipnieitl tif Wlile Hone Hi i direct from Ihe manufacturers in KuKbo.-' pnrliciilaHy pood quality and low iu pro -e . ' From $1.25 Up. They have nice hioks and the VI. I' up well under use. Come in and tmikc ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store 3rd Avenue and Sixth Street Phone 200 and 82 " Building Materials LUMBER iJimeiiMoii. Sluplap nnd Km l.alli. MonldinL's. Oak. I'ir and O' '.I" Veneers, Sash nnd Moors. , Cement, Lime, Plaster, Brick, Firebrick, Fireciay, K"es Cement, Plaster of Parle, Sand and Gravel, AsbS ducts, Wood Pipe, Vitrified Pipe, Agricultural Tile, buhu ing Papers, Asphalt. and Rubber and Asbestos Roofings, Jturii the Famous NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL ALBERT & McGAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and S64 LINOLEUM RUGS Easy Kept Clean All Patterns in stock Cut Down Housework ti V Jit ."i'Vr. .. M ". .' ' ' ' ' . Jl f.M m m m m m m m" m mXr For Every Rom in the House BARRIE'S HOME FURNISHINGS Third Avenue and 1st Street phone 123